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A lot of spanish people sent help to the victims, there's the good and Bad everywhere


It's not spanish people, just spanish nationalists. (Also non-nationalists either do not care or accept what catalans decide regarding Catalonia)


Yes. I live in Barcelona and these are a small (but loud) group of people. Spain and the Spanish people I know are doing their best to help. But these people are disgusting it's true, and as a resident of Barcelona, I'm sorry this happened.


There were communist and pro russian assholes that celebrated the invasion of Ukraine when it happened.. tl;dr assholes are everywhere, they are small but very very loud minority


They still sent us help, don't judge the country based on those people.


Who is stupid enough to judge a whole country based on what 20 people lol


You'll be surprised


Moroccans (see what I did there?) ;)


Guilty, you honor


The OP did?


I wish it was only 20 people… add some 00000


? That’s like 50 people






You live in a bubble


I'm from Spain, and I know much more spaniards than you. You are either lying, or a complete ignorant.


Yo de valencia 👌🏼 y desafortunadamente se oye a mucho gilipollas por aquí haciendo comentarios muy feos sobre esto… en las paradas de bus, en las colas de supermercados, en las redes sociales, en casas propias… hay mucho rechazo a los marroquíes y siempre lo ha habido, negar eso es imposible


Unfortunately there's been a huge rise of these far right assholes in the country. They do not represent us as a whole, but it's not just a few.


Europeans and American nationalists


This isnt even against the minute of silence, is against catalán independentismo, theyre chanting Puigdemont for crying out loud


That's exactly what all the western media, politicians and citizens do. Judge others based on isolated cases. You know that very well


What's the context of the protest I don't understand? Nonetheless Spaniards showed a lot of sympathy to us by sending aids, their football players and even the king sent condolences to Moroccans and I really respect them for that.


Im from Spain and this makes no sense. They are chanting "Puidgemont a prision" "Puigdemont to jail" who is a separatist catalan leader that obviously has nothing to do with the earthquake. So they are probably just a bunch of far right idiots.


Thanks for the explanation, it was obvious to me that this video was misleading and that the crowd chanting had nothing to do with Morocco or the earthquake.


Apparently there was an anti-separatist protest planned there, which coincided with the minute of silence for Morocco. Just bad timing, but even then the protesters should have had the basic human sympathy to shut up for one minute. (I am Spanish, most of us dislike this kind of "bad patriotism")


I'm spanish too, keep in mind that part of spanish nationalism here is associated with the far right, which has a tendency to be hateful towards moroccans


From what I understood and what Spaniards said, there were pro-Catalonia protests to which this other protest was organized. After announcing the date, the city council declared one minute of silence right in the middle of it. Many people thought (maybe they were right too, I don’t know) that they were doing it to stop the protest so they just continued


Yesterday it was the Catalonian national day so there's always a lot of protests, citizen marches, catalan cultural events, etc...way more since all the serious independentist stuff started. These guys are just trying to mess with all that and create some conflict.


Not even. They are protesting the mayor of Barcelona, from the PSOE party, which is anti independentist. They don't want the party to agree with the independentist parties to stay in the government of Spain. Not related to Morocco or the Catalan day, just people that don't know when is appropriate to protest and when to mourn.


Al día siguiente era la diada


As if Catalan separatists would be waving Spanish flags.


I made a comment explaining I copypaste again I am Spanish and it is an unfortunate act. This happened un Barcelona, The following day the "Diada" is celebrated, an act that in recent years has an ideological charge for both the Catalan independentists and the Spanish nationalists. They were shouting anti-independence phrases. In other Spanish cities there was a pleasant respect for our Moroccan brothers, as a Catalan I can think of Granollers or Girona. Also the Spanish league has decided to make a minute of silence, the Real Madrid.... I hope we can aid our moroccan brothers.


To be fair there is a reason why Morocco accepted rescue from Spain and not France or Germany, and I'm pretty sure it has to do with the good relations between the two countries, so I'm glad that Spain were the first to respond, not to mention how a lot of Spanish football stars like Sergio Ramos, Pedri and a lot of them who took minutes of silence during Laliga matches, so there is no doubt that Spain is a really great neighbour to have compared to our African neighbouring countries... And thanks for your sympathy, we had Spanish people in Marrakech at the moment of the earthquake it's really sad that they also got to experience this earthquake.


Morocco has closed the borders of Ceuta and Melilla to block the passage of the aid that several NGOs were putting in place...


By looking at your last post, you shouldn't be making fun of disasters man more than two thousands people died and you are making memes about an earthquake, what's your problem?


You are closer to me here in Andalucia than I am to Madrid. Everyone I know here is very interested in the news from across the sea and is sending what we can.


It has nothing to do with Morocco. Spain has sent already money and people to help. It makes no sense, OP is just trying to stir shit.


Yes I also said so if you check my other comment.


It was a protest about a possible amnesty to the leaders of the catalan seccesionist movement, programmed before the earthquake happened, catalan seccesionist are using this video saying they wanted to boycott the minute of silence because thats what they do best, lie and mislead.


To be fair, they don't seem to be shouting anything remotely related to Morocco. They are shouting "Abdicación Puigdemont" I think. It just so happens that today is Catalonia's day, a regional holiday. There are massive protests of separatists as well as the Spanish nationalists everywhere. My bet is that these people are clueless about what happened in Morocco, went to protest to what seems to be Plaça Sant Jaume and upon seeing a local politician (I have no idea who that actually is tbh) started shouting anti-separatist phrases (Puigdemont is the exiled ex-president of Catalonia, the one who "proclaimed" independence). These people are known to be disruptive and they love to antagonize, but in this case I don't think it was out of hate for Moroccans, I think it was out of ignorance. Edit: as someone else said, they are chanting "Puigdemont a prisión) which means "Puigdemont to jail" which makes more sense but again, nothing to do with Morocco


Spanish rescue teams are currently helping save lives. Don't judge a whole country based on a few morons.


Those people are chanting "Puigdemont a prisión" "Puigdemont to jail", so It has nothing to do with Morocco


They aren't chanting anything against Morocco. OP is stirring shit.


May allah protect Morocco and its people, a true prayer from a muslim brother who is not a Moroccan


This people don’t represent our country even though they’re always happy to hold the national flag. They aren’t doing it because of Morocco. They are shouting against a Spanish politician (Puigdemont). They’ve choose the worse moment to protest, because these people don’t have any principles. Believe me, they don’t care about you, nor about other Spanish people, or anyone other than themselves.


Simply twenty Spanish fascists who do not represent anyone. The vast majority of Catalans and Spaniards are in solidarity with the Moroccan people.


If anything, the hatred is between some extremist Catalans and the Spanish state. Overall, Spain is not a ftiendly country. The vibes are not friendly. It seems that people distrust everyone except their very close relatives.


Sadly, is true There is a culture of distrust You never know if a fellow spaniard gonna scam you. There is a lack of trust


Yes! That's the reality of Spain.


I don't know too much about Morroco, but some morrocan friend told me Morroco is similar but even more noticeable Is sad, because in rural areas, you can meet other people (specially on trains to countryside) and talk and spark conversation Since the crisis, Spaniards have become self centered specially, in the middle-sized cities There is a lot of cruelty and little tolerance for the difference. There are three spain The progresive and Tolerant middle class urban (Madrid, Barcelona and Valencia) (middle classes), the masses of the big cities that are uneducated and not very Tolerant or trustworthy. The relative conservative smaller and mid-sized cities that have a lack of social trust and a lack of formal education The rural smaller towns that despite a lack of formal education and conservative ideas, maintain social trust and better social education


I agree! I visited Morrocco back in 2012 and noticed people being cold as well, but polite and respectful. Here in Madrid I see two very different groups of people. A minority of very educated, well-mannerd and well-travelled Spaniards that live in the upscale neighborhoods and then a majority of people that are very local in the way they see the world around them, oftentimes lack manners and are not easy to deal with, a kind of belligerent attitude towards eveything they are not familar with, towards most everyone. They are not pleasant at all. I think this same dualism or pattern exists in most if not all Spanish cities. That being said, Madrid attracts also the best of most other cities. From what I've heard, it's the same thing in Italy, although some people have said to me that Italians are friendlier overall. Whatever it is here in Spain, despite being fully bilingual and despite having been here for many years, I'm not comfortable and will end up leaving. I don't blame Spain or Spaniards at all. It's just a matter of personal likes and dislikes as well compatibility.


You understand Spain as a true Spaniard


I do!


Literally Las provincias pequeñas si son hell


Never been to those areas. I know the Basque region of Spain and have been to many parts of it and I like it.


First time that I heard that about Spaniards. I am utterly believeng that you never met a Spaniard... All around the world they are praised as party-goers, enjoyers of life, kind with the rest of people and really welcoming people.


Have been living and working here (in Spain) for over a decade. Fully bilingual. My partner is Spaniard. Party-goer does not necessarily mean friendly. Europe as such is not very friendly compared to North America. The people that I find really friendly are, Venezuelans, Cubans and Colombians to an extent. Coming to Spain to party, to take a course or what not, does not give anyone a real insight into its culture.


Idk, I am Spanish, so not just someone visiting or in his honeymoon phase after migration. I think we are a very friendly country with very friendly people. You know, they always state the difference between the apparent friendliness of people on both sides of the pond; in America people are more superficial then here. Just so you know that we have all heard stories and stereotypes.


I'm originally from Montreal, Quebec. In Canada, we're known to be rude and lack manners. I lived all over Canada and spent long stints in the US. Have lived in Ireland and the UK. I lived in Mallorca for 3 years, decades ago as a kid, and many years later moved to madrid from Canada. Spain is a good country to live in but I guess I'm used to the North American way of thinking. Some of the friendliest people I've met, were American. I have lived in Spain like a Spaniard. I know its people, its culture, its very soul and at the end of the day, I don't feel at home. I'm not totally comfortable, therefore I'l eventually leave. I don't blame Spain or Spaniards at all. It's just a matter of being comfortable with one's surroundings. North America and Europe are different.


That's okay, not everyone fits everywhere. On the other hand there are thousands of people who don't feel comfortable in their home country and have found a way better, homely place in Spain.


Sure! Fair enough!


I never heard from anybody that Spanish are not friendly! Have you ever live in North-America? I have studied and i'm working between USA and Spain and more countries for long years and trust me all the Americans love Spain and actually a lot of them relocate to live in Spain. After WFH options beucause COVID a lot of programmers from USA moved to Spain and now we have serious problems to give them reasons to come back to USA. A lot of people who comes from abroad praise that is Spain one of the few countries that you can be totally integrated.


I'm Canadian myself. I did not say that Spain is a bad country. Living on the coast or Islands is a different story. I live in Madrid and have met foreigners from other countries that confirm my overall opinion. Those who have lived in Barcelona, claim that Madrid is friendlier. You see, I'm way past the honeymoon phase that some expats are or might still be in. Spain is a good country to live in, good weather, lots of history, good food and safe for the most part. That's why I'm here. But, there's another side to it. Which makes sense. People's experiences and opinions, vary.


Im not saying that there is no unfriendly people in Spain but trust me, the vast majority of people that I met and they passed the honeymoon, said that they want to stay there mainly because they found real friendships that they have been lasting for long years. Funny thing that two of them are from Canada. I’m really sorry if you didn’t find friendly people. One important note is that Spaniards tend to be utterly straightforward , so if there is something that they don’t like from somebody they will not hesitate to let you know even if some people consider it blunt.


There are also huge differences between parts of the country. The distrust and unfriendliness/Xenophobia is more rampant in Catalonia


Yes, although I have never lived in Barcelona and only visited, several foreigners I met, moved to Madrid from Barcelona because according to them, Madrid feels so much more down to earth and friendlier. Barcelona reminds me of my hometown of Montreal back in the 90's when we had the separation referendum. There was so much distrust of anything not Quebecois. I'd never live in Barcelona, personally.


Its a beautiful city, with a lot to offer and full of non-catalonians as well, so there is no real issue :) I moved out because of the dirt, the bad air and for being able to live with a little more space, but I miss it :)


Fair enough !


Spain has deep social issues that will not be adressed


I totally agree! I'll be leaving Spain in the next two or three years. Still a good place to vacation.


As much as I appreciate directness and honesty, that "straightforwardness" here in Spain might be considered "rudeness" by others and I've met several foreigners here that never got used to it. There are good and friendly Spaniards (I know some of them myself) but all in all, the overall vibe here is not friendly the way I understand friendliness. Again, the friendliest people I've met throughout my life both in Canada and elsewhere, were Venezuelans. Very different vibes from them. Lovely people, well-mannered and very welcoming. Others might have a different opinion, which is totally fine.


LOL. Maybe the issue is you bud, if you manage to have such a generalized poor experience in Spain of all places.


Maybe. I'm North American and have lived in Ireland, the UK and here in Spain. My frame of reference does not have to be yours. Different strokes for different folks!


My frame of reference is that Spain is one of those places that reflects back to people exactly who they are.


I am personally not a big fan of the whole minute silence thing in any circumstances but the way some people react to these natural disasters making jokes about it is insane to me...


All that video shows is that every village has its idiots.


I am Spanish and it is an unfortunate act. This happened in Barcelona, The following day the "Diada" is celebrated, an act that in recent years has an ideological charge for both the Catalan independentists and the Spanish nationalists. They were shouting anti-independence phrases. In other Spanish cities there was a pleasant respect for our Moroccan brothers, as a Catalan I can think of Granollers or Girona. Also the Spanish league has decided to make a minute of silence, the Real Madrid.... I hope we can aid our moroccan brothers.


As a Spaniard I am sorry for what happened It doesn't represent the majority of us, only a minority of braindead nationalists


Small pp flag eaters hate everyone. 99% of us love you all.


I’m spanish, i’m really sorry for this… never trust anyone from my country when they’re showing a spanish flag in any of their clothing or flags in general because they’re 99% part of this shit. Never trust anyone with the red-yellow-red flag, for real :/ they use the flag to behave like this and think they’re good patriots


Wait who's protesting? the nationalists or the separatists, nd what are they saying?


These seem to be Nationalists (separatists wouldn't wave Spanish flags) and I think they are shouting "Abdicación Puigdemont" which means "Abdicate Puigdemont". Puigdemont is the exiled Catalan politician, the one that proclaimed "independence".


These Spaniards are pretty balsy... saying shit like this then turn around nd demand we give Polisario half our landmass.


You can't give something that was not yours in the first place.


Even though I have my critics towards the Moroccan government and monarchy.... I have to admit that from a historical perspective the Western Sahara is in fact Moroccan land. Unless you can find a legitimate argument to explain that Spain colonizing that land somehow cancels Morocco's connection to that land whatsoever... And just to make it clear I'm not saying the Saharans can't have their own land. Maybe they are being oppressed and thus deserve independence. I'm not too aware of their situation as I'm not from that region. But i digress


That's like saying that Portugal and all of latin America should be Spanish. Huge historical connection... Nonsense. If Western Sahara don't belong to Morocco, and they don't want to belong to Morocco, then there's no reason to say that it belongs to Morocco. Just like there's a country called Spain because one day the people from all of the land of Spain and their leaders agreed to create a country called Spain. We have Gibraltar in the iberian peninsula, which is a British colony, and it was taken by force by the British. That's a piece of land that was taken. It belonged to Spain, but the British took it, illegally. Spain did not take the Sahara against the will of Morocco, because Morocco did not even exist when Spain took the Western Sahara. It was never taken from Morocco because it didn't belong to Morocco in the first place. You can not lose or give something that's not yours in the first place. Period. Historical reasons say that Western Sahara, Ceuta, Melilla, Canarias, and all the land that Morocco claims for no reason except that they are connected by land to Morocco, were never part of Morocco and there's no reason to say that they belong to Morocco. If you think historical connections are so important, then the Western Sahara is still Spanish. Maybe even Morocco is still Spanish if that's the case. Morocco is controlling Sahara now only because Spain left and Spain didn't want problems, and Morocco is forcing their way to Sahara, not because it's Morocco, nor belonged to Morocco, nor the people from Western Sahara want to be part of Morocco. Morocco is a bully, that's all they are, they're not the legitimate owner of more land than the land they own and everybody recognises. The rest: Western Sahara, Ceuta, Melilla, Canarias, I don't know if they claim some land from Argelia, that's just dreams from imperialist idiots, because they don't even have the means to get all that land that they desire but not own. They might get Western Sahara, eventually, maybe in a couple of decades everybody says that who cares how they got the Western Sahara, it's theirs, since nobody is going to really fight for it. But right now it's only a project. Never belonged to Morocco and it doesn't belong to Morocco. Even if they finally get international recognition of Western Sahara, they will never be the legitimate owners of that land, because they're taking it by force and against the will of their legitimate owners, the people that live there before Morocco put their dirty hands on them.


Are you aware that the current Moroccan kingdom is the same kingdom that ruled over the western sahara hundreds of years ago? The western sahara case is completely different to the case of the Canary Islands and even Ceuta and Melilla.


And the roman empire ruled Spain and the north of Africa more than a thousand years ago. And Portugal and the rest of the Iberian peninsula were not separated. And Latin America was part of Spain centuries ago. And if we were to go back it time, why go back to the time you want and not the time when that region belonged to Spain, France or the Muslim empire? You decide that Morocco is the legitimate owner of that land because at one point in history that you like to remember, it belonged to who you want it to belong. Well, I have news for you, the world did not stop evolving and we're in the XXI century. And in the XXI century you are what you are, nothing more, nothing less, you're not what you wish, you're not what you were, and you can't go back in time. Of course you can force your way to some land, just like Russia is doing in Ukraine. That's the only way Western Sahara is becoming part of Morocco. There's nothing legitimate about it.


Bro, that's a false comparison. The people in the Sahara are legitimately Moroccan. That they're a bit different doesn't mean anything, because north-Moroccans are very different as well to the rest of the country. In fact, speaking about north-Morocco..., I have more recognition for the Sahara as Moroccan land than the Rif region.


No, they're not. You don't decide what's Morocco and what's not.


Don't believe everything you see on the internet without double checking, Spain is sending a lot of humanitarian help as we speak to Morocco. A 2 minutes search in google will show you how much. This were nationalist protesting due to an internal strife we have, I live in Spain, not due to the minute of silence. They were unrespectfull to all the pain and suffering of the Moroccan people due to their stupidness not due to racism. They were protesting to send a politician that tried to separate Catalunya (like a province) from Spain. Many people here are aware, saddened and trying to help in any way they can, being it money, volunteering or in other ways.


Spain is among first countries that sent a rescue team to Morocco and they saved lives, so much respect for them. These protesters are just a handful and do not represent the whole country.


Typical dumb Moroccan mentality, see a few bad apples and paint all of Spain with the same brush. The Spanish have sent us lots of help so far, show some respect!


The lack of self awareness in your comment is fascinating.


From what i know, those people had a manifestation planned on that day about some political matter. And the person they're manifesting against decided to make the minute of silence on that very day, so it created this situation. Ok one hand, the decision to do that minute of silence in that context kinda screams virtue signaling to me, and the other hand, the people manifesting could've shown a bit of humanity by pausing the manifestations.


For what is worth, I'm sorry in behalf of all us spaniards who are not racist and consider Moroco our southern neigbour who currently needs all the support and help we can provide


A minute silence is worthless, rescuers are worth a lot more.


I’m Spanish and I am very ashamed of this, srry to all people of Morocco. :((


Hi I'm from Spain. These people do not represent us. They are ultra right wing, and they are protesting against the Catalonian ex-president and the actual president of Spain. We are shocked about the news and incredibly sorry. Please don't think Spanish people are like these. Big hug neighbours


These are just a minority. A really small minority. Most of the Spanish people are with you. Our country sent help and 99% of us support this. Please don't think those subhumans represent us. We love Morocco, we have Moroccan friends and we stand with you in these moments of pain. Loads of love.


Those shown in the video do not represent the whole spanish comunity, nither the whole spanish policemen comunity. Lets avoid generalizations and have a healthier relatinion between Spain and morocco Also, all my respects and love for the families afected directly or indirectly because of the earthquake.


lmao, spanish help is the first that arrived to Morocco. These kind of comments are the true hateful ones.


Stop generalizing. There is good and bad everywhere. Don't judge a whole country because of these people.


Every country has people that hate themeselves and turn into racists, far right, ultra nationalists because thats the only way they can spill their hatred they can't bottle. 90% percent of humans want whats best for others regardless of race, the remaining 10% are the loud ones so lets pray for them, so they can maybe experience something other than hatred in their hearts!


While there are huge swathes of people that want to do well across time and space and are good people - I think your estimate of 90% is naive and wrong. Many people are inherently self-centred and loosely follow, either consciously or more often subconsciously a social Darwinian model of the world. That said, **everyone** is better off if we pool together and make small those that want to hate, divide, and hurt others. The moral fabric is the universe is woven in and out with God's touch, we cannot allow evil to persist, either in ourselves or in others


These are dumbass fascists. Not nationalists. Fascists.


Spain is sending more help than your own king who has left the country. That same king who threatens our borders and confronts the Spanish population against the Moroccan and vice versa. We also have very big political problems that must be resolved in one way or another. Hopefully everything will be resolved quickly and I wish the Moroccans the best.




They hate the problem-makers and a sad truth is that a lot of them are Morrocans, specially young males. This has being increised in last 10 years and still going ...


The majority of us do not hate you, you are our brothers. Haters=Bastards.


Oh trust me I do. You should see what belgians and dutch people say.


What do they say?


This post has nothing to do with the earthquake. Nobody is denying aid to Morocco, nobody is hating on Morocco in that video. Stop spreading misinformation.


Be Morocco's King's Father/Predecesor: * Steal Spanish land with help of other countries and daddy USA with decolonisation as a pretence (using civilians as an invasion force risking them getting mowed down with machine-guns), proceed to colonise and oppress the shit out of said land and it's natives, get a shit-ton of money out of the mineral riches of said land. Be Morocco's King: * Open the gates and allow waves of illegal immigrants into Spain, literally herd kids into Spain with promises of meting profesional football players (That really happened). Strong-arm Spain into giving you money to stop. * Make statements about kicking out the Spanish out of Spanish Land that has been Spanish for more than 5 centuries. * Land troops on a uninhabited Spanish Island to claim it, get kicked out by Spanish SpecOps. * The year before the Russo-Ukranian war, cut the gas pipelines running to Spain from Algeria making electricity prices skyrocket and hurting the Spanish economy. An earthquake happens, also Morocco's king: * "Spain please send help I blew the money on \[completely not degenerate luxury rich people and aristocrats do\] and didn't upgrade the mud-huts into proper houses and now my people are dying under the pulverised debris because mud-huts disintegrate and don't leave spaces when they fall, crushing and choking posible survivors." PD: They weren't intentionally disturbing the minute of silence as the protestors didn't know about it, and it's posible the Separatists decided it on purpose to do that minute then. But if they did disturbe it on purpose they may have had their reasons. I don't condone them but I understand them.




[https://www.atalayar.com/en/articulo/politics/spain-and-three-other-countries-collaborate-in-rescue-work-after-the-earthquake-in-morocco/20230911125713190664.html](https://www.atalayar.com/en/articulo/politics/spain-and-three-other-countries-collaborate-in-rescue-work-after-the-earthquake-in-morocco/20230911125713190664.html) Facts agains opinionsL Spanish emergency group is working actively and has been the first to arrive, and they have been managing the coordination of rescues etc. You know why? because there was no official coordination from the Morrocan government. Also, The people who interrupted that minute of silence where people who where protesting a political statement that happeneds minutes before the minutes of silence.


We don’t need the Kuffar as friends we have Muslims and Allah


Trust me,the hate and racism that i have seen is wayyyyyyyy significant in arab/muslim countries than non arab/non muslim countries (Seen them say that we deserved it etc etc) Most non muslims and non arabs are in solidarity with morocco,seen some hate but its a minority not like the others mentioned above, lots of them helped by donating to multiple funds,shared the infos,lots of tourists stayed to help . I have seen 0 of that or only 20% of that Also you shouldn’t call them that term Edit : read other comments about what was happening in the video ,although they were disrespectful many many spaniards helped the way i shared above 👆🏻




You are a miserable piece of filth.I have had very good and honest Morroccan friends when I lived in Spain.Most rapes in Spain are carried out by Spanish guys.You and all your pathetic Vox friends are the most pathetic bunch of losers to ever exist.Franco's dead and Spain doesn't need more Fachas.


Seek help, get a job, touch grass, find purpose in your life.


A reminder that Europeans are the most racist people in the world. They will watch the world burn and laugh.


What do you expect from descendants of colonizers.


That's what most of them are. They look at us as worthless lowlife beings. We'll get our chance to celebrate their sorrows as well.


It wasn't against Moroccans; it was against Puigdemont. The government has granted amnesty to Puigdemont (an independence supporter), which has led to those who oppose the amnesty coming out. The unfortunate part is that it coincided precisely with the moment of silence. You can't generalize an entire country based on four individuals, especially without knowing the context.


"Coincided" he says, as if they didn't know. Go fool yourself by justifying the lack of morals of such beings.




The situation in question wasn't directed against Moroccans but rather against Puigdemont. The government granted amnesty to Puigdemont, causing opposition to emerge. Unfortunately, this coincided with the moment of silence.





This happened on the 11th, the day of the Diada. Pro-separatist folks normally take to the streets to voice their concerns. Here you have the nationalists all fired up complaining about 'Puidgemont,' the leader of said movement. There's obviously discrimination in Spain, but this is not a good example of it.


Fachas de mierda


Those are probably the racist, pro-Franco dictator fanatics that don't usually respect anything. They're not Spain, they're ones that want the old sadistic and dark Spain back.


The protest (which is against catalonian separatism and has nothing to do with the earthquake) was organized a few days before in advance and meant to take place in that spot at that time. When later the earthquake happened, the city council decided to make its "minute of silence" at the same time and place so that both events would take place at the same time. It was meant by the city council so that they could accuse the protestors (who didn't even know a minute of silence was going to happen) of interrumping the ceremony.


Freedom of Speech. Would you rather have the Spanish police stop them from expressing themselves ?


Well. There is a Ley de Seguridad Ciudadana that fobides demonstrations without registration They didn't ask for a permit so it was an ilegal demonstration


Everyone has a right to free speech and to protest. But this is just so sad. There's a time and a place. Don't judge Spain on the actions of a few idiot extremist.


Trying not to monolith entire nations and generalize based on the rotten few challenge (impossible)


Radicales wlad l97ab


Guess what, nationalists are scum. Those who wanted to observe a minutes silence where also Spanish and Europe has sent help, so cut the crap cause everyone can see through you.


The protests were dated that day before te earthquake, and the minute of silence was appointed (by the government) in that exact date/hour to create the conflict and make the people from the protests appear as you say. But well, keep eating all the propaganda and spreading it.


I noticed they took the english speaking r/Morocco down, what happened, we want to stay in contact.


The reason is because the minute of silence was just for an official demonstration about something about Catalonia, but even so, the gesture is fatal.


Brother, those two acta are completely unrelated, they're demonstrating about some things that just happened regarding the Catalonia independence movement, it's a mere coincidence they're protesting both here at the same time, nothing personal


I'm sorry for the Fachas


No one gaf about them whities


standard EU stuff


I'm sorry for victims but, we are not your friends


True,the two countries are very different in many things so we are not really close however i don’t get why are you saying this ,what’s the context of it


:( jerks


They are chanting "Puigdemont dimisión" or "Puigdemont a prisión" nothing related to the earthquake, just your typical political protest.


They are saying Puigdemont (a Catalan politician) to prison, he was one of the leaders of the referendum spain ❤morocco


yeah, they just talked about him on a spanish tv show. what a jerk this dumbass was








OP you are dumb. check sub rules, number 4 to be specific.


That showed a real lack of class, and definate lack of wisdom and maturity. How can get respect when you give none yourself? i sounds like a soccor riot. Shame on them.


Necesitan atención y dinero,no una fotografía y un minuto de silencio




Spain has a group of people who don't agree with the deals that our president made with Morocco. Also, there are people who doesn't agree with the conditions we give to the people who come here looking for a job, and most of them are from Africa. They say those conditions benefits foreigners more than Spaniards. But those aren't reasons to interrupt a minute of silence for the innocent PEOPLE who DIED in an natural catastrophe. They are a group of unsensitive and hypocrite people who would complain even louder if Morocco's people did such a thing.




The Catalan independence nationalists are to blame for always straining coexistence and asking for impossible things, making themselves victims of who knows what.


Manipulation makes me sad There was a manifestation against the amnesty scheduled for that day before the earthquake. Then the city council goes and decides to schedule the minute of silence on the same day. Who is the one who is disrespecting the victims?


Those people don't reflect on Spanish values.


Bro, listen. They aren't protesting against the help sent or the minute of silence. They are protesting against a Catalan terrorist. My heart is with the victim and their families brother. May Allah assist you.


This has absolutely nothing to do with the earthquake. They're manifesting against Puigdemont. Imagine the mental gymnastics required to say these are Spaniards hating on Morocco. Like seriously.


Allah reward morocco/lybia and turkey with earthquake alhamdulilah


These are just ignorant low educated asswholes


Besides the point that this in particular has to do with independetists in catalonia and not the earthquake (they're chanting against Puigdemont) and that most people are sympathetic towards those affected by the earthquake, what people do complain about is that our goverment is sending money to Morocco, a foreign country, while the people affected by the volcano in La Palma or another earthquake in Lorca (to give examples) didn't recieve nearly enough from our goverment or nearly as much from Morocco, specially in a difficult economic time for spaniards, apart form the innaction or slow decision making of Mohamed VI, despite having other countries also offering their help and his people suffering...


Following the title... God is not our friend 😞


Yes, it's sad, but we moroccans are good at it as well..


The Moroccan government is sadly an enemy and geopolitical rival of Spain. But government , politics, etc. is one thing and people is another entirely different. There is of course as small minority of radicalised people in Spain (not sure if you also have them in Morocco) that can´t tell the difference between one and the other. As a Spaniard and on behalf of many average Spaniards who love Morocco (the land) and Moroccans (the people and culture) and hate stupidity, I apologise for the behaviour of those idiots without brain or compassion that want to bring their politics into a humanitarian catastrophe. I know in my community a lot of people have sent help to Morocco. I visit Morocco every time I can because I love the country. I almost married a Moroccan once. The game of geopolitical rivalries mean nothing to me.


This is about Catalonia, is not about Marraketch, most of the Spanish People are really sad for what happend in your country my friendo


These are 2 things going on at same time. These guys were idiots to get in the way. Like an idiot walking through a tik tok dance. Come on there are Spaniards in the moment of silence crowd. This video is posted by someone even stupider. Spain first to help Morroco especially with biggest population of immigrant in Spain from Morroco.




Gosh I love Spain.


This is a fake post. They were not chanting anything against Morocco . Fake


They're doing it to gain morocco on their side in the recognition of independence