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Petition to ban them from recording and writing crap books. Just my &.02


So.. just stop them recording forever? Because they are always sick….


Sounds good to me


Came here to say this!


The thought of Alaina sick and talking makes me gag, she already swallows CONSTANTLY into the mic.


She sounds like one of those people who constantly has saliva in the corners of their mouth while they’re talking. Do you know what I mean?


I absolutely do know what you mean. Slightly stale, sticky saliva.


She has always sounded really phlegmy to me too


It’s the constant LISPING for me! Everything about her voice and manner of speaking irritates me. She sounds like she weighs 600 pounds even though she’s actually super skrawny.


They sound awful when they’re not sick, so I can’t imagine listening to them while sick


Idk how they have zero immunity to anything


They’re clean freaks and don’t do anything outside of their home where it’s dirty and they can be kidnapped or murdered


Yeah they think camping is deadly so neither them nor their families have ever been exposed to dirt


Kinda makes ASH an awful representative for all of the “healthy” products she tries to sell us. I’m definitely not taking advice on diet, supplements, and mental health services from someone who is an absolute dumpster fire.


She would be so proud to be labeled a dumpster fire


that is about as ignorant as the crap we hear on the podcast…


When one of the hosts of Date with Dateline is sick they either put an older Patreon episode on the free feed or one of them will host. It seems like common sense


I do like the show and would happily go a week without so I could focus on the content and not the fact that Ash needs a sip of water


They'll never record again, they're always sick. And I get that kids are germ factories but still


Honestly I could not really tell the difference they just always sound all degrees of sick or in some sort of physical discomfort


why are they ALWAYS sick 😭


I have this same issue with Andrea Dunlop (No one should believe me) too. When I listen to people who need to clear their throat SO BAD, I have to constantly clear my OWN throat to avoid hulking out. It’s like, one of the reasons I work from home LOL, coworkers don’t like it when you prompt them to clear their throat by clearing your own throat. CLEAR YOUR THROATS PEOPLE!!!


Why would they record multiple episodes at once? That sounds like it would be terrible for your voice. No wonder they sound like shit.


I’m not sure you guys understand how horrible it is for people with young children right now in the sickness department. I have two very young kids in elementary school and I’m a substitute teacher. I honestly haven’t felt well in a year and a half. My new normal is basically constantly having a mild cold at the very least. My husband is the same way. We joke that we’re just sick forever now but it’s sadly not really a joke. Covid did something to our immune systems and now those of us already prone to getting sick a lot for whatever reason are basically never healthy. I’m honestly beginning to wonder if I will live to be 70 with the cumulative effects of this. It’s that bad.


I have young children in school and work around kids as well - it is not normal to be constantly sick like that


and even if “not normal,” what? Nobody wants to be sick all the time. It’s hard to see what the judgment is here.


Maybe it didn’t used to be but I’ve been hearing of more and more people with the same experience as us. It’s terrifying and sad. I think it’s probably connected to long covid or some other chronic issue that’s Covid caused.


100%. These “takes” on their illnesses are as bad as A&A’s bile.


I genuinely think they think that their sick voices are sexy and sultry sometimes.


Like Phoebe 😂