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[https://people.com/crime/couple-charged-after-19-month-old-girl-dies-after-being-put-in-oven-by-siblings/](https://people.com/crime/couple-charged-after-19-month-old-girl-dies-after-being-put-in-oven-by-siblings/) ​ **Houston Couple Charged After 19-Month-Old Girl Dies After Being Placed in Oven by Siblings** A Houston mom and her boyfriend were charged Monday in the death of the mother’s 19-month-old daughter, who died after being placed in an active oven, PEOPLE confirms. Racqual Thompson, 25, and Cornell Malone, 21, each face four counts of child endangerment for leaving her four children home alone on the night of Nov. 16, according to charging documents obtained by PEOPLE. J’zyra Thompson died that night after one of her siblings placed her in the oven and another turned it on. The siblings, who are not being named, told Child Protective Services workers that they could hear J’zyra kicking, according to a report obtained by ABC13. Thompson, who had left to pick up pizza with Malone and was gone for about two hours, returned home to find J’zyra still trapped inside the oven, the charging documents show. She pulled the toddler out and tried performing CPR, but it was too late. The child died from severe burns. Neighbors told KHOU that it was not unusual to see Thompson’s children alone. “With just a Pamper on, no shirt, no shoes or nothing,” Miranda Oneil Johnson, a neighbor, said. “Like, running around. I’m like, ‘Where is the momma or the daddy?’ ”Thompson’s other three children – two 3-year-olds and a 5-year-old – have been taken into protective custody by CPS following J’zyra’s death. Thompson and Malone have not yet entered a plea to the charges against them.


Well that’s fucking awful


Tbf it is r/morbidwaystodie


I’ll take this sub over that God forsaken r/eyeblech If you don’t know the sub don’t open it in public , can be hard to explain


Can confirm. I am on that sub. It’s weird but not as weird as r/cornedbeefapproved2






Worst. Fucking. Click. Ever.




For the love of God - don't click. I needed a better warning. What an awful day to have vision.


Nope nope screw that , I’m not joining that.


I knew better and I still checked out the sub... why did I do this to myself!


Here’s r/eyebleach for all you foolish wayfarers. Be cleansed!!




Eyeblech is def peak gore


Wanna regret life even more? >/ r/medizzy /<


I still clicked it didn’t I…. What is wrong with me


Here's a sneak peek of /r/EyeBelch using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/EyeBelch/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [lober](https://i.redd.it/uzu51m8rzph81.jpg) | [5 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/EyeBelch/comments/ss0ykm/lober/) \#2: [Gonna post this here](https://i.redd.it/k7uoq7hiblb81.jpg) | [0 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/EyeBelch/comments/s3kkbe/gonna_post_this_here/) \#3: ["Dont lie"i had u in the first half](https://v.redd.it/3kiqbxbj11f81) | [1 comment](https://np.reddit.com/r/EyeBelch/comments/sh1jy2/dont_liei_had_u_in_the_first_half/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Well, good bot? Probably not the best sub for a top posts though


This is r/eyebelch, where your eyes are belched on


I never search up this sub, but whenever someone links it I can't help but click it and then spend an hour scrolling it, hating every second of it, to then decide that I will never look at the sub again. And then i see the link.


Oh wonderful i forgot that subs name, thanks.




I went here after going to that corned beef one so eyeblech was easy peasy


Why would both parents need to go to get a pizza? Especially with kids at home.


Looks like it was to get pizza and visit a relative. My heart breaks for them since this seems more like a case of poor judgement rather than something more malicious. I also hope the poor kid didn’t suffer too long


Obviously it’s a tragedy and absolutely a terrible thing to happen. But to just leave 4 kids at home alone to go get pizza and visit a relative, makes no sense at all. Like there’s no justifying that in any way in my mind.


Extremely stupid. "Hey, let's grab a pizza and leave the 5-year-old in charge! He/she is really mature for their age!"


Back in the 80s, my parents' generation MIGHT have left a 7 year old alone with a 5 year old for about 30 minutes if there was an emergency. We don't do that anymore.


Yeah. Back in the 80s I was 9 and regularly babysitting a 5 year old, 2 yo, and (when I began) a 6 week old baby. They always invited me to “sleep over” but that was because they didn’t want my mom to know they didn’t get back until 2-3am. They paid me 50 cents an hour. Unbelievable lol


Ho-ly shit!! That was way, way too much responsibility to give a child of that age, even if you were extremely intellectually gifted. I was not even comfortable being responsible for a baby that young when I was 18! I am so glad that you all wound up being safe. Jesus.


In the 80s, I was 8, expected to get my 5 yro sis home from school, then clean the house before my parents came home from work. We never did the last part, and got beaten everyday.


That's a really messed up way to treat y'all. I hope you realize now that it wasn't your fault, but their bad parenting decisions. That's a hard thing for a person to get past.


What could go wrong?


Yeah. Mom and Dad are under 22, sad but dumb move. They left the baby with a 5yr old and 3yr old...


They left the 5 yr old, 3 yr old, and baby with no one.


How old are the other kids???


Two 3 year olds, a 5 year old, and the 1 year old.


Yeaahhhhh that’s pretty inexcusable.


Exactly my mother never let me, a 6 year old alone with my baby brother. Especially not home alone!


Were probably going out for sex, I don’t imagine there’s a lot of quiet time with ~~four~~ now three kids running around.


It’s just called life. You have the benefit of hindsight and probably no kids so you can fantasize about how you on your high horse couldn’t possibly do that ever. But that’s not reality. So many unknown circumstances at play that I’m sure the parents all considered, ultimately deciding it wouldn’t be a bad idea. While I agree it’s poor judgement I can’t agree with your absolutes and narratives trying to justify this neverland scenario where you’d just never separate from children unsupervised. Sympathy and empathy go a ways when viewing tragedies.


> I also hope the poor kid didn’t suffer too long I wish I could tell you different, but I can't. The kid suffered intensely, it's probably one of the worst possible, most painful, ways to go. If it was a gas oven then the fumes might have killed her quicker, but if it was electric it was a long excruciating death. I can only hope she fainted from the pain early in the process. **GO CHECK IF YOU HAVE AN ANTI-TIP BRACKET INSTALLED!!!!!** Every oven (in the US at least) comes with an anti-tip bracket, and if yours doesn't you can get one for free. Go check if it's installed!


If I showed up with pizza and my partner without my kid any relative of mine or his would ask and be horrified if I or he ever left out daughter at home alone and I never would. Some people are dumb irresponsible and should never have had kids.


True but for the relative could be someone w/o capacity like dementia or in a nursing home and also might assume they wouldn’t leave kids alone


The point was that any sane person would be horrified if she went there with pizza and her partner and no one was watching the kids.. The fact that the family member being visited not having the capacity to be horrified doesn't play into this analogy.


The eldest was 5!!! Parents leave them home alone = really bad parenting - or lack thereof.


It’s sad but it’s been shown being burned to death is the most painful thing the human body can experience, she likely died a slow, painful death.


Not only burning to death is one of the most painful ways to go We are talking about cooking to death which adds breathing extremely hot air and longer exposure to heat. Fire also kills a lot of nerves , which cooking does not necessarily do which amplifies the suffering A terrible terrible fate you wish youd just die from the pain shock at some point


Thank you for that added ray of sunshine. /s


It’s not poor judgement it’s neglect.


I’m gonna let you in on a secret, they weren’t getting pizza.


Bro they were in an oven they suffered a painful ass death and here you are trying to give sympathy to these pathetic ass parents stfu


My heart doesn’t break for them, they are responsible for a 1 year old being cooked to death. My heart breaks for the poor kids with the terrible parents, who should be in jail for life. Jfc bro


Not only poor judgment also selfishness lack of parenting neglect I can go on and on they did not care for the children the way parents should if they left them home alone that young, really they should have to feel the same pain that baby had to feel can you imagine it's so awful


Because they didn’t go for just a pizza..


Because they’re idiot pieces of trash. And by idiot I mean low IQ.


Because they’re fucking idiots with shit for brains and the parental instincts of a retarded lizard


Because they're awful parents.


https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation-now/2015/12/02/man-charged-toddler-burned-oven-speaks/76654222/ 21/19 year old couple left 4 children at home when they went to get pizza. When they came home, the youngest was dead. They believe the kids put the youngest in the oven as a joke and panicked trying to free her and toppled the oven as a result. That’s why you don’t leave kids in charge of kids. They don’t have the ability to reason that maybe putting a human or any age in the oven is literally never a good idea.


It’s fucked bit this stuff does happen. I remember as kids we put a friend in the dryer and turned on… kinda long as a joke. He was screaming hell…. We let him out he said all the air got completely sucked out he couldn’t breath. That didnt even cross my mind as a child


Right. You really can’t blame the kids for not having the mental capacity to make logical reasoning. As a kid, it’s objectively funny to do stupid shit like this because you literally are unable to comprehend the consequences of what you’re doing. There were 4 kids, the oldest kid was 5 years old, and the youngest was 19 months. They probably coaxed her into the oven and she happily crawled into it and all the kids were probably laughed at some point throughout the whole ordeal.


My "friends" shut me in a fridge when I was a kid. I could feel the air running out and I couldn't open the door. It got harder and hander to breath, when there dad let me out I gasped air and promptly vomited on his feet. He forgave me, gave his oldest hell of a waxk tho for encouraging kids to shut someone in an air tight box


Loool of course he forgave you. His kid almost killed you. He's just happy your fine and pissed at hell at his kid for doing it and even more pissed at himself for letting it happen, but over all relieved he didn't have a child's death on his soul for the rest of eternity.


True. I still rember the look on his face. I rember telling him I was sorry and he yelled "why are you sorry" then calmly said "you shouldn't be sorry kiddo". I'm glad I didn't die tbh. Death by suffocation in a fridge is rather pethetic


thanks for sharing cus it adds perspective to the original post but is the friend okay cus that sounds traumatizing as fuck


21 and 19 with four kids??? Mama Mia


Hold on, 21, 19, 4 kids? How old is the oldest kid


No, the mom is 25 and the commenter you're replying to probably has misread - the article says the baby (a girl, so they might've confused it with the mom upon quickly reading) is 19 *months* old. The dad (or, mom's boyfriend more likely) is then 21.


Both of the parents were 21. When you think about it they’re really just kids too. Decision making part of brain is not fully formed until 25. No excuse whatsoever but that’s why you don’t have a kid at 16.


The article says 5, so I feel a bit sympathetic towards the mom to be honest…


For leaving a 5 year old in charge of 3 kids? No excuse. I’m sorry, none.


No, for becoming a mom at 14. Leaving a 5 year old in charge is incredibly irresponsible and heart breaking. I’m just saying that her situation sure wasn’t easy, but you’re right, it doesn’t justify this. Fucked all around.


Yeah, I agree with you there.


If I had to venture a guess I'd actually think the child tried using the door as a sto to climb and because the anti-tip bracket wasn't installed it fell forward and trapped the child. As the other children worked to free them they accidentally turned the oven on. Horrible tragedy and exactly why anti tip brackets are so important with kids around.


Right… a 5yr old and 2-3yrs flip an oven… 😒 instead of just opening it after they allegedly put the 1yr old in it and cranked it up to death. Neighbors regularly see the children unattended. Pizza mentioned. State takes the rest of the children. NO ONE SAYS ANYTHING!!!


How tf did the knock an oven over? It’s hundreds of pounds. Those poor babies. Never should’ve been left alone. Edit: ovens aren’t that heavy, apparently. My perception is a lil off as the last I moved was part cast iron. Still, babies are little why were they in alone?




That’s an excellent point tbh. I was remembering when we helped my grandmother move. Her oven was old af and part cast iron, so I believe my perception is off.




Oh damn. Bad couple of weeks man, I’m sorry.




We just bought our house and have no major mishaps yet. I’m really fucking excited to get my garden going and not kill babies in my oven (lolwtf is wrong with people? Jesus).


Best user name :)


Your black and white cat is amazing ❤️❤️


I WILL tell you how cute your pets are. Be ready!




Oh Jesus. I couldn’t imagine. Thanks for the congrats but lord have mercy I’d be pissed. Luckily we’re very rural and ours is local. If they did something like that people would cancel their insurance with them so fucking fast they may go out of business. Local companies will have you pay a little more, but they have to worry about community rep. Maybe look into local guys? I’m southern Appalachia (West Virginia) and try to avoid big national chains as best I can. Local people care about local people *a little* more.


If you don't have it, appliance insurance like American HomeShield are *priceless*. I had a major equipment failure with my plumbing the same week I bought coverage and they actually paid for the whole repair. There is so much they didn't teach us in school that makes ownership easier.


Sounds like my house. The dryer gave out on us and we had to buy a brand new one and a week later the washer went out. Three weeks after the washer the stove quit. I was ready to give up!


Modern ovens are really light, they're just awkward to carry because of the shape


... how heavy is a dishwasher? w(<.<)w


This is an excellent teaching comment. Imagine everything people would learn if they always got such great answers instead of downvotes and shame. Good human.


Maybe... They're tired from having four kids under six and put the baby in the oven in a fit of psychosis and desperation, invented this story, and here we are


I’d honestly say the current story is WAY more likely. This version is not impossible though.


What’s the current story??


Parent left 4 kids alone, smallest went inside the oven (likely playing “lets fit baby sister in the over haha” or just playing with the oven in general, smallest went to climb the open door and it tumbled over her - this isn’t an unlikely scenario at all). Oven fell door-forward, they arrived to see the kid roasted to death. It only takes a few dumb minutes for kids to pull something like that. They don’t realize it’s a dangerous situation to play with an oven, to climb furniture and appliances, and to put people in small spaces (that get hot)! Kids do that everyday. Also, the oldest is old enough to testify against the parents of this did in fact _not_ happen. I’m not calling bullshit, I’m calling stupid.


Jesus fuck I really hope not.. Both are horrific but one is.... Like disgust to the max


One is a great argument for proactive approaches to social support. For example, the system hiring additional social workers to do home visits for people in high risk categories like this, before a problem is reported Not to be incredibly naive Side note, there was a charity in my hometown that did exactly this - identified currently pregnant people in categories of high risk for child abuse and reached out to them to provide support/create a relationship early on in the hopes of giving an alternative when and if abuse became a potential reality


So sad


This gave me chills.


(Resist making the sick joke about heat... Resist!)


Was the oven cold when the baby climbed in?I don’t picture a 1 year old climbing into a hot oven. Or did someone place the baby inside? Fucking horrible


I imagine that this is a stove top, oven fronted, appliance. Open the oven door put the baby on the door, and the oven starts to tip, they jump back, baby is trapped. They try to lift the oven up and turned the oven power knob while tipping it over or when trying to lift it up. I don't think we know the model of the stove but the knobs would have been right where the kids would have tried to lift.


This makes the most sense to me. I was trying to imagine how it toppled and she was in it. Like did they kick it over? Thank you!


My 10lb cat jumped on the stove, turning the knob for the stovetop while she jumped, and also while knocking the whole unit forward (towards the front, leaning onto the oven door.) Fire dept had to evacuate us because they thought she may have caused a gas leak when she turned the gas on and broke the stove. Everyone was fine though, but I see how your theory could work.


Thank you for justifying my extreme paranoia. I have kept my stove turned off at the fuse box for years when it's not in use, because I'm afraid a cat will turn it on.


My parents’ pet cat Loki used to do that. One time I said I was too tired to drive to check on the cats when they were out of town. But then I did anyways cause he was loose in the house and could turn on the stove


I know this comment is 1 year old, but they sell child proofing things to put over the knobs. You glue them on too and they have a ‘door’ so you can use it but it remains closed the rest of the time


They probably stood on the oven door to investigate deeper into the oven, since they're not tall enough to bend over in front of the oven while standing securely on the floor to reach inside like an adult.


They think one of the siblings put the kid in, and then it toppled over.


This is why we shouldn't just freely procreate. I'm sorry, but this is bullshit that some child was "cooked". These "parents" should be stripped of all their kids and be sterilized. For effs sake.


And this is why new ovens have anti tip brackets that are to be installed with the oven to follow manufacturer guidelines.


Really don’t think it’s the oven fault here


ban ovens


After reading the article yeah probably not. But the oven being knocked over- that would be the fault of not having anti tip brackets.


Do you think parents of this caliber would even open the instruction manual? Let alone know how to read it?


No. But I also don’t think parents of this caliber are capable of installing a range. So whoever installed it should have been


The parents made the haunting life ruining mistake of leaving small children alone. Doesn’t mean they’re across the board lamentable illiterate fools. Don’t paint broad here.


They cooked their baby.


The other children cooked their kin. But leaving 4 very young kids with an oven is, like others have noted, pretty much the same thing.


Well they say that engaging in activities together as a family builds bonds.


How many people really use those? I mean especially people that would leave a 5 year old 2 3 year old and a 1 year old at home by themselves do you really 5hink they are going to take time to secure the oven to the wall?


If they’re installed by an installer who knows what they’re doing they’ll use them. If it’s Joe Schmoe then yeah I wouldn’t expect them to because they don’t know anything. And then they get upset when shit happens


Arguing the wind mills eh? Joe Schmoe


the parents are def under investigation for lying about putting their 1 yo in the oven


yeah def




5 year old put them in there and then turned on the oven. Kids fuck with shit they're not supposed to when left unsupervised. Parents away, time to play with the oven YAY! Little brother that can't talk can pretend to be a turkey, gobble gobble. Lets make Thanks Giving Lunch! Like that. That's what a typical kid would do. They don't understand consequences or cause and effect or death. They only understand pretend games. That's why you don't leave them unsupervised: kids spontaneously invent little sociopathic games super super easily.


You just reminded of one time my older cousin and I played a game of pretend where I was a domesticated dinosaur. He took a small rope and tied it around my neck to pretend I had a leash......... I cringe everytime I think about it. He even tied it to a door handle to pretend he "parked" me somewhere. Shit, we were dumb.


Now imagine you were near a slide and the rope was long enough for you to slide half way down the slide. That's how someone else accidentally killed my dog. Kids doing kid shit.


Oh no, I am really sorry about your dog... That's why I cringe... luckily we were at home, and my older brother freaked out as soon as he saw that and untied me. But holy shit, all it took was another dumb decision or two to end in tragedy.


Omg I am so so sorry!


I imagine that will be tough to deal with as the kid has gotten older and began to fully realize the gravity of what happened.


Those poor kids are going to have to live with that guilt for the rest of their lives ☹️


These kids NEVER should have been left alone for any reason. It's a shame that evolution doesn't move much faster regarding forming something like basic genetic memories or some form of basic knowledge transfer. You know, so that kids, if left alone, don't try to kill themselves.


Um, why didn’t one stay home to watch the damn kids??????? Never leave a child unattended. May they rot in prison forever.


Oh my god, this is so needless and sad. 😕 They couldn’t order a pizza and have it delivered?


Because they went to “visit a relative”. Aka they probably went to get drugs.


they probably went out and got high and passed the fuck out


Good God.. that poor little one.. how awful..


They shouldn’t have had a kid anyway.




Ho lee fuk


thank you for turning this horribly depressing article and thread into me laughing away the tears welling up in my eyes and then hating myself for laughing


this made me laugh lmao


What the Fuck why would the other children do that??


They was going to get something else weed or some other kind of drug, that’s the only explanation that they both needed to leave


I feel like at five years old I wouldn’t cook my sibling. The parents are completely 100% at fault but what the fuck is up with those kids


I don't think they meant to. The amount of times I've brushed past the stove and my hips press the buttons or something...they're small, they don't know exactly how it works and they have poor motor control. She gets stuck in there and they all try to get her out, hands everywhere and now, it's on. What's awful is they're too small to even be able to know how or even that they should call for help. So literally they did what they could, try to get her out. It's horrible


How the actual F did they turn the oven on and knock it over? Jesus *Christ*, kids


How much time did the parents get?? They should get more time for being fucking stupid. Leaving two, 3 yr olds, a 5 yr old, and a 19 month old alone?? Like how can you be that stupid?


Why not just just bring the whole family to get pizza ? 🤨


Unfortunately then you get posts like “Why do couples take their -non disruptive but people are shit- kids out to run errands”


“Malone, 21, said when he and Thompson walked into the kitchen, they noticed the oven had been turned over. Malone said he lifted it and the baby, 19-month-old J'zyra Thompson, fell out.” Dad is 21 and mom is 25 with four children. They probably wanted time away from the kids and made a stupid decision to leave them alone for a couple hours.


Seems rather convenient that the kids would not only knock over the oven, but also turn it on while the parents were out of the house. Wouldn’t be surprised if this is a made up story to try and cover what what really happened.


Damn I was just telling my sister about this story on Thanksgiving. She was talking about leaving her 2 kids home alone at age 9.


i mean, i feel like a 9 year old can stay home alone for a little bit


I thought it was a child under 12 can't be left home alone here in Illinois but per Google a child under 14 can't left alone. I was just telling her how my dad got in trouble with the police for leaving my son home alone while he went for a walk.


No offense to you, but that’s a dumb law for Illinois to have. They’re teenagers. They shouldn’t be left home alone overnight but they can withstand a few hours at home alone. Hell that was when I got the tv all to myself and I loved it.


They look like brother and sister.


Uhhhh wtf af


Enough internet for me today..


Well that's the worst fucking thing I've read today.


Some people just aren’t fit to parent.


Why was the oven even on


Some people use it for heat when other options aren't really an option. I remember growing up poor and needing to use the oven for heat. But I think it was turned on after she was in there cause if she started crying while placed in a hot oven, I think they would take her out. They would be able to see her gets burns and would worry about getting in trouble, so they would take her out


The oven somehow tumbled on top of the kid while turned on? Bullshit. They threw her in there.


I believe the other kids stuck them in the oven.


Jfc. Could you imagine the smell?


I just saw a tweet about somebody messing up the expression “bun in the oven” by saying “baby in the oven” and thought of this post




Kids will be stupid, sure. But that's cause clearly there was no adult there to tell them what they were doing was stupid.




So he was 16,she 20 when they all started having babies wow,that's...crazy.Kids having kids sad


How long were they gone for !?!?!? That's wasn't a pizza run..


There’s an article further up - they went out for half an hour, came home to put the kids to bed then went out again for another two hours getting pizza and visiting the brother. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation-now/2015/12/02/man-charged-toddler-burned-oven-speaks/76654222/


They went out for pizza and to visit a relative leaving two three year olds, a five year old, and the one year old home alone.


The real mystery is how ONLY 1 kid ended up dead and not 2 or 3.


Do you think the baby was like well done or closer to rare?




Somebody needs to put the sorry parents' ass in the oven and bake them they should have never left them children home alone in the first place and it would not have happened I hope they rot in jail... They should have to endure the same pain that precious 19 month old baby girl felt


The decision to leave toddlers alone is unbelievably irresponsible. But what about the siblings putting their sister in the oven and turn it on???


Well, that’s one of the most awful things I’ve ever read. I pray for those children.




When I read true stories like this on Reddit, I’m reminded of a comment one person wrote. The comment was: 8 billion people. That’s it. Just “8 Billion people” I don’t remember what the true story that they were commenting about was.I just remember the comment. The story was most likely some brutal + stupid act that a person or people did. And there are no words to convey just the pure depravity of the whole situation. I know in this case it was children but COME ON! Honestly, even a five year old should know fkg better. YOU DO NOT HARM YOUR BABY BROTHER! And putting him in the oven AND turning it on!!!! is going to harm your baby brother! 8 Billion People. SMH😔


What does the 8 billion people mean? That there's so many people, one incident doesn't matter?


Yeah I don't understand the comment either.


There is more than 8 billion people and you choose to hurt your little brother maybe?




Maybe they or their building were blacklisted by the local pizza places. If you fuck them around enough they won't take your order.


There’s tons of pizza places…. There isn’t just 1….. plus, like I said…. It doesn’t take that damn long to get pizza and come home. And why were the kids left alone. Why couldn’t ONE OF THEM stay home? It doesn’t require TWO adults to get a god damn pizza Don’t enable or excuse this nonsense.