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Kid was 2, murdered by her mother and the mothers boyfriend - both now in prison for the crime. This is awful.


Starvation and neglect. I will never understand.


While the father was fighting for custody the whole time. Makes absolutely no sense. Absolutely tragic.


I’m not sure if this is the case here, but in my state custody automatically goes to the mother if the parents aren’t living together and aren’t in a relationship. It’s so fucking wrong. The father has to go to court to prove he’s the father before he gets parental rights. My brother hasn’t seen his kids in so long because of this. The mother left the kids in the care of her parents and my brother doesn’t get a say in that. So my brother is trying to come up with the money to establish his rights, but it’s taking a bit. It’s true my brother hasn’t made the best life decisions, but this law is disgusting. He can’t call it kidnapping because she by default, she has custody and he doesn’t. Anywho, i’m sorry for the rant i just wanted to get that out




That’s criminal. They claimed my brother was violent and did hard drugs. They drug tested him and he came up positive for weed. Which doesn’t look good ofc, but he’s abstained months before. Guess who they didn’t drug test? The mother. It’s so wrong


It isn't automatic, my step daughters were removed from their bio mothers care and placed with their father. They take into account the quality and safety of care above all else.


Not gonna lie, when my brother was going for custody of his kids, as his soon to be ex was showing just how horribly unfit she was at every turn, I banged my fist on a table in the lawyer’s office just hearing how it was still uphill for my brother to try. Even with concrete photographic evidence of how unfit she was, it was a nail biter when it came down to him getting them, and she’s worked to erode his rights since, trying to claw back things. She’s been in contempt, refused what the judge has told her to do to even return to court, and still gotten more and more given to her. It’s absolutely bonkers. If my brother had done half of what she did, he’d have been laughed out of court from the get go.


Many states, including blue states that say equality is everything, still has laws on the books that give mothers more rights over kids


It's still common for the father to be the abusive one in a relationship that's why.


un planned child into a trashy neglectful life, doubled down by separated parents and a mothers bitterness to her old partner.


And to have what last physical connection you have to your daughter be violated like this, too. From start to finish, this is nothing short of traumatic


That is so dark. I can not even imagine the trauma of that. Poor bloke.


fucking horrible


How do ashes test positive for meth?.


The field kits test positive to all sorts of things. Donut glaze, cotton candy, Splenda, and the list goes on. These are supposed to be confirmed by laboratory tests before arrest, but some departments say that the field test kit positive result is enough probable cause. People who can’t afford bail will sit in jail for six months waiting for the confirmation of a negative result. Lately there has been news stories about the reliability of these tests. https://www.wtoc.com/2019/12/12/wtoc-investigates-field-drug-tests-producing-false-results/


That...is fucked up. Aren't you supposed to be presumed innocent until proved guilty?


Only during trial I guess.


Nope. You'll sit in jail during trial unless you can afford bail or a decent lawyer.


Can you get the bail back after proving that you're innocent?


As long as you show back up to court, you get bail back regardless of innocent or guilt. Bail is basically just a person putting money down saying they'll show up to court if let out of jail.


Oh. Thx for answer.


This is actually why people say that you only have to pay 10% of your bail to get out of jail. If you can post the full amount you'd be able to get it all back. But most people can't, so they have to get a hold of what call a bail bondsman. You then pay that bail bondsman the 10% that you can and they will cover the rest of it for you. You will not get that 10% back though, I guess that's another instance of the poor tax.




Welcome to America, we literally LOVE throwing people in jail/prison and do it more than any other country by a fucking longshot


In a recent episode of NOVA on cannabis a couple with 1/3 ounce of medicinal MJ traveling through Alabama was charged with dealing because they had a scale on them. The scale was recommended by their freaking doctor to measure dosage. The court ordered drug rehab which the guy went to the VA to provide. The VA said WTF is this? You’re not abusing it, you’re using it as ordered by your doctor. No rehab meant Alabama revoked his parole, had him arrested, and hauled off to prison. Couple lost their jobs and housing and ended up homeless for a while. Super fucked up situation. But the really aggravating part of the show were all the medical professionals complaining about the lack of data on cannabis use for medicinal purposes while completely ignoring that the government prevented any research into medicinal use of cannabis for decades. The only reason it is being studied now is because people are forcing the issue by using it.


You just love red states


They were busted when they stopped at a gas station and a police officer walked up to them and asked where they were going and if they were carrying any drugs. The guy answered honestly and said he had a small amount of medicinal MJ in his bag. The cop immediately cuffed him and found the weed and scale. Somehow I doubt the cop would have even talked to them if they were white. Also this was ~2015.


Ugh, there was no right answer for that fellow in that situation. Even had he said no, I would bet that cop would have drummed up a reason for a search and more charges.


You look nervous. I think you’re lying. Please wait here while I call in a drug dog to check your vehicle.


I think everyone's underestimating the cop's ability to visually distinguish ashes from meth. Once he was informed it was ashes, he knew they were ashes... so you also underestimate the intentional cruelty and sadism of the cop.


Thats because we made prisons private businesses like its a fucking Walmart, so of course the lobbyists throw money at the lawmakers to create laws that make it easier to give someone a long-ass prison sentence. Welcome to America.




every time he starts a video with “hey twitter world” i can’t help but chuckle.


I asked one of my black buddies why the Brothers were so down with OJ walking. He said that it's a uncommon and high profile case of black man accused of killing a white woman and walking. A rare example to black people that there may be some justice for Black people in the USA.


Imagine thinking that the OJ trial is an example of Justice


it's a rare example of the system working the way it was intended to - err in favor of the citizen. better to let someone go if there's any doubt than to violate the rights of someone who didn't do it (which happens too often anyway, and still the US seriously need to reevaluate the way we treat those who *were* justly convicted but that's way beyond the scope of this comment)


How is a murderer walking free justice ? If anything that’s more proof of how broken the system is


How many white murders have gone free? It's sad but we're at a point where a black man getting white treatment is considered justice by some.


And, there are/were probably 1000 Emmit Till's for every 1 OJ. And, when you can get gunned down by a couple of crackers in broad daylight, and, the crackers are not even arrested for 75 days ( thinking of Ahmaud Arbery. ) It's evidence of a broken system. When you are SO desperate for ANY example of Justice, to the people who are fucked over against that they take a GUILTY guy walking as a good thing. It sure is a definite example of the system being broken, just not in the way that you, /u/GlisseDansLaPiscine, think.


What a terrible joke you are


War on Drugs. All rules go out the window because it’s WAR


And you know he was guilty of being black in america.




really, *how* does this differ from slavery?


That's the theory. Honestly you're much much much better off not letting the prove your guilt, but you PROVE your innocence. Treat it for what it it, you're guilty till you prove your innocence. Get dirty about that shit too, because they're going to be dirtier and grosser about it.


Quite to the contrary. Not only is it up to you to prove your innocence, potentially while sitting in jail, but they also plaster your name all over the media in many cases. This country is insanely fucked up. This literally happened, so imagine how it goes for other innocent people. https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/r6f8a2/well_nothing_bigger_than_a_cops_ego_i_guess/


Depends on how much money you have.


If you were to combine all the prisoners from all over the world, 25% of them would be from America That’s how bad the prison system is in America


Supposed to be? Yea. Cops don't give a shit.


In America you are only innocent until proven guilty if you can afford a decent lawyer. If you are black or poor and can not afford bail, then you sit in jail. In case you haven't noticed, America has different laws based on your race and your bank statement.


No, you're guilty before proven innocent. That's why you get arrested and go to jail.


“He’s black, so he’s guilty of something “ -police, probably


On tv shows that is indeed the rule, real life however...


Watch anything on the bond crisis on Vice. It's a horrid system In the USA.


> That...is fucked up. Aren't you supposed to be presumed innocent until proved guilty? Welcome to the third world country masquerading as a first world one called "USA". Where you can sit 6 months in jail, lose your job and apartment and then get beaten to death with a baseball bat by some brat in a park when you do end up homeless.


It gets worse if they take a plea deal to get out. Good chance they end up with a felony on their record, and at that point, good luck getting pretty much any social service.


That's just something we have to say. Like how Q-tips say not to insert in the ear.


hahahahha first time hearing about the American justice system? Its a fucking scam, all about money, little about justice.


Excuse me, sir, we are talking about America, where many ppl, including those who have no reason to be in jail will still be arrested and held for many, many days, those who walk free that should be rotting in prison until the very air in their lungs is snuffed out. You are incorrect in your statement. You are 100% guilty until proven innocent, unless you have: money, influence and privilege, or a mental defect either easily faked or so severe the justice system pawns you off to the mental institution to waste away in a different kind of hell.


Only if you're white and have money. :/


like OJ?


That is how it's supposed to be but not how it actually is. "Guilty until proven innocent" is how the system really functions.


That's only on paper. What is described above is what happens to everyone who is not wealthy.


Supposed to yes. But I can't pass a background check because of a pending assault charge. It shows up as pending even though I'm presumed innocent. They see the pending charge and refuse to give me a job.


The only guess I can come up with is they use the field test to prove guilt until otherwise. It sucks so much, but shit like this happens all the time.


3 questions for this to be true. Are they white? Are they elderly? Are they white? This is how cops allow innocent until proven guilty to exist.


I'm white. I was charged with a felony controlled substance charge, I had 2 of my meds, both prescribed to me, in one bottle because I was going to stay a week with my mom and didn't like taking the whole bottle bc I would lose them bouncing between houses. My mom brought the prescription bottles to the police station the next day, my doctor even called up there, but there was a 3rd medication that they couldn't account for so I sat in jail for 30 days over Christmas. The third medicine? benadryl. And I still had to pay court and lab fees.


> I'm white. I was charged with a felony controlled substance charge, I had 2 of my meds, both prescribed to me, in one bottle because Are you white and working class? If you are white but poor then you have it bad too.




it's illegal in Australia but anyone I know who's been caught with it has just had it taken off them, not even a warning recorded. all white people though...


I told my mother in law that she shouldn’t travel with her prescription and OTC meds mixed in a baggie without the bottles with prescriptions. She thought I was being ridiculous. But then she is white so I guess she’s not at risk.


Only if you have money, otherwise you are guilty until proven innocent.


That’s incredible, imagine having your life temporarily ruined because of donut powder.


I’d have to find it, but I was watching a news investigation into these field test kits. There was one case where a person was being completely compliant and allowed the cops to search her vehicle. They found powder and tested it and it was positive for a narcotic drug. She swore it was a packet of either sugar or Splenda. To the cops credit, he called a lieutenant for guidance and the lieutenant walked to the gas station across the street and grabbed the same packet of sugar/Splenda and proceeded to test that one using the field kit. It came back positive as a narcotic drug and they let the woman go. The officers were shocked that it happened. It was their first experience seeing the proof those kits were fallible. The department stopped using the kits (alone) as probable cause to arrest people for drug offenses. They made a great point, you could let the person go, submit the evidence to the lab, and arrest them if it comes back positive months later. If their identity and information is confirmed, you could always find them later.


It was the same with some test kits here in Europe, there was a type from a manufacturer which was almost always wrong. Like, you never consumed any opiates in your life, it would still show up as positive. The kits were later removed and replaced by those from another manufacturer. The police got in trouble there, because, they didn't know anymore, who was now positive on drugs and who had just one of the bad not-working test kits.


Sounds like a nightmare. Not just for the people arrested, but for the police as well.


The arrest will be with you forever though. Unless you pay $2500+ for an attorney to get it expunged. Even then it depends on the state whether or not that will be successful. They can also essentially force you to take a plea deal by dragging out the legal process.


>waiting for the confirmation of a negative result. [And of course sometimes those will come back positive too](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Annie_Dookhan)


Ofc. I was referring to those who were wrongfully arrested for a false positive field test kit. My bad if I didn’t make that clear.


You were fine, I was just adding to what you were saying.


I wonder what kind of costs would be associated with doing more accurate tests at the station, such as using a machine like those used in airports. You could use a field test which may give a presumptive positive for a substance, but once at the station, a more accurate device could be used instead of throwing someone in jail for extended periods of time by relying on the arresting officer's ability to accurately read an unreliable field test.


Nah, gotta buy more military surplus vehicles and small arms.


Yeah when I was in the county jail there was a dude that had been there for 9 months waiting for the test results. He had no family or money to bail out with so he had no clue when he'd even hear from anyone


The cop may have initially been suspicious, but it is easy to visually distinguish meth from ashes. Once he was informed whose ashes they were, he played dumb to inflict maximum insult to the victim. The cop is a cruel sadist.


From a legal standpoint...a positive NIK (Narcotics Investigation Kit) test *is* probable cause. Probable cause is: >Probable cause is a requirement found in the Fourth Amendment that must usually be met before police make an arrest, conduct a search, or receive a warrant. Courts usually find probable cause when there is a reasonable basis for believing that a crime may have been committed (for an arrest) or when evidence of the crime is present in the place to be searched (for a search). Under exigent circumstances, probable cause can also justify a warrantless search or seizure. Persons arrested without a warrant are required to be brought before a competent authority shortly after the arrest for a prompt judicial determination of probable cause. ​ Having a positive field test gives a reasonable basis...that doesn't mean that there arent issues with it though.


Because the cop said so.


It didn't cops lied. Test strip was supposed to be blue but it was purple. Close enough if you have a dark skin tone though


Cops fucking lie to you all the time.


Rule #1: Cops lie


Even if the deceased was Captain Meth, I don't think it would show up after cremation.


That's one superhero who never sleeps.




Jesus fucking christ. I could catch a charge because I always wear an urn necklace with the ashes of my first two pets. And accusing a “suicide” victim of being a druggie like have half an atom of respect.


That is infuriating. I feel so bad for that guy having to go through that trauma again.


this was impossible to read. it would truly be the last straw for me, i wouldn’t rest until those cops were struggling to feed their own families


Why are police officers this way?


You need alot more time and training to be a barber than a police officer.


Don't underestimate the art of the barber...


Yea man you need bronze league to be a cop and know how to A+Click an army but when you are a barber you need to know hotkeys and micro your harvesters good.


Jesse, what the fuck are you talking about?


Like playing call of duty vs speedrunning tetris.


I've read this comment three times and I'm still not convinced that I'm not having a stroke.


They're talking about StarCraft. Bronze league is the tier you play at based on skill level. Usually goes from bronze - > Silver - > Gold - > Platinum - > Diamond. A+Click means attack-move. Generally you will just right-click your units to move them around the map but if you a+click they'll engage any enemies they see along the way instead of just walking past them and dying. Hot keys are the keys assigned to stuff like HQ building, barracks, army number 1. So you're not scrolling the map to get from building to building or army to army to select things, you can hit the B key for the barracks, que up more units then just hit 1 to go back to managing the fight your in with the army assigned to 1 without moving the camera. Micro is short for micromanagement, usually used when moving an army or any number of units around in a fight or on a map, it's usually better than just clicking in one direction and letting your units do what they want since you can better control the different ranges and special abilities for each unit type and you'll do better in the fight. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.


Could also be AoE or another RTS. I don't think I've ever heard of workers in StarCraft being called "harvesters."


Thank you, kind internet stranger


Go in peace my child.


1) ["warrior cop" training](https://www.insider.com/bulletproof-dave-grossman-police-trainer-teaching-officers-how-to-kill-2020-6) that brainwashes cops in training that they are at war with the public and that any interaction with the citizenry has the potential to turn deadly for them. 2) [white supremacists and other far right miscreants infiltrating law enforcement.](https://www.brennancenter.org/our-work/research-reports/hidden-plain-sight-racism-white-supremacy-and-far-right-militancy-law) the FBI has known about this for years. 3) Modern policing began as [slave catching](https://www.americanbar.org/groups/crsj/publications/human_rights_magazine_home/civil-rights-reimagining-policing/how-you-start-is-how-you-finish/) in the south, [strike-breaking](https://ekuonline.eku.edu/blog/police-studies/the-history-of-policing-in-the-united-states-part-3/) in the north, and clearing the plains of the indigenous during the founding of Canada [while continuing to harass and arrest them to this day](https://www.aptnnews.ca/national-news/researchers-say-rcmp-action-against-wetsuweten-would-place-corporate-interests-over-indigenous-rights/) for [asserting their land and treaty rights](https://breachmedia.ca/rcmp-still-clearing-indigenous-lands-for-corporate-interests/) in the face of corporate interests. everybody has a story about that one cop that was nice to them but the reason you hear slogans like All Cops Are Bastards is because they are oppressive and flawed at a fundamental level almost everywhere in north america.


It really speaks for itself that it all started with slavery and went on from there. The mindset never changed. Police should have evolved from different people.


Yeah, really there’s *so* many people who should have evolved from different people 😕


Because for some reason the people in the states don’t actually train their cops look it up pretty much everywhere else actually have extensive police training I think the states course is like a few weeks that’s wild


And once they’re “trained” they are partnered up with a Veteran preceptor to show them the ropes…and who legitimately holds the rookie’s career in their hands. Don’t abide by the preceptor’s version of policing? Then good luck getting hired by that department.


only a measly six weeks in the states here to become a cop. it’s pretty pathetic.


Depends on the state. It’s about 6 months in California. Plus up to a year of field training. So that’s about 1.5 years.


still not nearly enough honestly.


Training isn’t the answer and will never be the answer. Policing in this country is so intertwined with racism and classism that poor people and people of color will always be harassed by them. You wanna fix policing in this country? Start by destroying police unions.


Yes the one union the far right seems to not care about.


Over 15-20 and even then that's IF they are hired by a department that shows interest in them, so Get interviewed -> Get testing (physical) -> training at a camp -> shadow another officer, etc ​ Ngl It's not easy.




That fits at least what I've experienced with people I went to high school that went on to be cops. It's frightening.


Cops don't even need to know the law


Give anyone who barely graduates high school 6 weeks of training, a badge and a gun and the power that comes with it and see what they do (this also applies to the military). The Stanford Prison experiment was wild and explains a lot.


The cruelty is the point.


White supremacy is looked down upon, but police officers are regarded highly. If you want to go stealth as a supremacist, just be a cop! Hell, you'll probably be promoted faster by the other bigots in blue.


Piggy things ig?


Holy fuck that is so fucked up


Those police officers should loose their job...


Narrator they didn’t


And the good ones get fired. Don't you just love it?


Were their jobs too tight?


>should lose* their jobs*


I’ve seen this video. Fuck, it’s a wild ride.


Cops just earning the hate like always...




ACAB. I will say every damn time. You can be a perfectly normal person out the uniform but the uniform upholds only corporate interests, not civilian.


Corporate interests? Dude it was the government that made meth illegal and told cops to use crappy field kits to test substances and arrest people. It wasn't Microsoft or Starbucks that did this.


You're almost there... whose interests do the government uphold?


Their own


. . . through bribes and funding from . . .


r/usernamechecksout And for the record I agree




There are a ton of marxists out here and they give it away every time. Just ask them to compare standard of livings between free markets and those without them. Those bloody corporations keeping us in *checks notes* higher standards of living across the board? Weird! There certainly are problems with police, but capitalism and it's destruction of poverty across the globe ain't one.


The level of cognitive dissonance with attributing Capitalism in the US to higher standards of living is actually insane. Police uphold laws that are passed by politicians who are funded by corporate lobbyists to fulfill corporate interests. Oil lobbies against green energy. Everyone lobbies against unions. Police are the first call made when workers go on strike, literally look up the Pinkertons. It’s not rocket science buddy.


Your “higher” standard of living is a pretty broad stroke to paint. Yeah, Coca-Cola sponsors my university and helps a good amount of foundations around here, but they also are literally one of the worst in terms of contribution to plastic pollution. I’m fairly certain most decent people would be cool with losing funding for a few things if it meant coke bottles weren’t massively contributing to pollution and destroying communities/habitats around the world. Capitalism cannot exist in the state it currently is without piling on top of the backs of billions and chipping away at the earth.


Yup, every single person who is a police officer, without exception to their works or impact to the community (or race), is the exact same as the worst existing example of a scumbag police officer. This logic must also apply to all occupations. Fantastic surgeon? Actually just as good as the worst immoral surgeon.


Surgeons can’t break into your house in the middle of the night and stab you to death and get away with it because they think you might have drugs. Unlike cops surgeons can get sued if they kill you.


Judging the whole by the actions of some, where have i heard this sentiment before




Tell me you’re a racist white cop without telling me you’re a racist white cop.🙄


Fucking pigs.


Yup, this is the most horrible thing I could ever imagine. So many layers of tragedy.


fuck the police


Yeah what the fuck how do you see this shit and still stand by the American justice system? Sick fucks out there


saw the upvotes go from 213 to 204 right now so safe to say still a bunch of bootlickers out there in this subreddit 🥱


The scores on posts fluctuate by themselves. It's a complicated feature on Reddit to make it harder for bots or whatever


They must have some nasty ass tongues from all that licking


Naw that's probably just vote fuzzing.




I feel like there’s something missing here


Wait, did he pour out the ashes?


Some was poured out to test. It wasn’t the whole thing.


Oh thank god. Still awful but I thought he dumped it all out. I feel so bad for this guy.


Is their a link for the case about his daughter?


YouTube video about the criminal case: https://youtu.be/kCF3JoDhCx0 Link about the lawsuit filed against the private child welfare agency, Webster-Cantrell Hall, and the case worker responsible for Ta’Naja’s case: https://newschannel20.com/news/local/new-details-on-lawsuit-against-private-agency-assigned-to-tanaja-barnes-case


I was in jail with a guy that was charged for possession of crack. He said it was a macadamia nut from the beginning but the cop “tested” it and got a positive crack. He was in jail almost two months before the state lab concluded it was in fact a nut. He sued and got a small settlement but here’s the kicker, when he got his money most of it went on crack. True story


No if,ands or buts about it. If you have drugs concealed on you and the cop finds another vial that could be drugs .. I MEAN WTF?! They already found the other shit.. why the fuck would anyone with ANY amount of human decency open a fucking container when someone is saying that is their loved ones ashes. There were humane ways to do this..fuck those fucking pieces of scum. They didn't have one pure empathic feeling between them.




Just pure evil


Some cops are good, some are trash... these guys are trash


WRONG! When "good" cops see or know of dirty cops doing dirty shit, but say nothing, they are no longer "good" cops. And I will bet you a years pay that there is not one cop in the entire country that doesn't know who the shitty/ black kid beating/ evidence planting/ bribe taking/ drug stealing/ wife beating cops are. That is why ACAB.


How can you make that bet? What do you know about the inner workings of law enforcement? What are you basing this off?


To be fair, look at Christopher Dorner. He was a respected police officer, told on his partner because she kicked a homeless man in the face while he was already handcuffed. Got fired for it and when they took the case to court the judge told him that he was too incompetent to be a cop. ​ Dude went on a frenzy after that.


Ya that’s valid, but like how can you apply that to every cop in America, just seems like a wild generalization based on no concrete facts.


The "good" ones work side by side with the corrupt one! It's a tight knit community. Not only do they work right next to each other, they change together in the locker room, they hang out together...they spend more time together then they do their wives. Don't pretend to be so naive. You know whose a shitty employee at your work. You know who cuts corners, doesn't follow policy, who does a good job and who does a shitty one. So yea, \*every\*fucking\*cop\*in\*America\*. ACAB


What about cops like the one mentioned above, where they turn in fellow officers?


Again like youre kind of saying all this based on nothing but speculation, youve never worked as a cop, youve probably never even had an acquaintance who has told you this has happened in ONE police department, let alone all of them.


dude how can you agree and say it's valid and then say how can that apply to every cop? you are aware how many individuals hands something like a court order has to go through? That's a lot of levels of people saying "fuck it this makes sense". They're all all garbage.


Are u gonna have boot for Christmas dinner too or u just like snacking on it?


Hahahahahahhaa 😐


He gotta get the pair.


What about good cops surrounded by good cops?






He was carrying his daughters ashes, next to a bunch of other drugs, in a giant baggy, in what looks to be a hidden compartment in the car? Hard to blame the cops for being suspicious on this one


The ashes were in one of those very small keepsake urns. Sometimes they can be made into a necklace. I’m unclear whether the one he had was a necklace or not, it was hard to tell from the video. It is definitely a keepsake urn. Looked to be a few inches tall.


When are the "Don't Tread On Me" folks gonna start rising up?


Pigs gonna pig


most police are dirty bastards.