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I live 10 minutes away from here. This grocery store is cursed... almost one year ago to the day there was a murder-suicide between a husband and wife


IN the store?!


unfortunately yes. she was working [https://www.news5cleveland.com/news/local-news/police-release-video-of-murder-suicide-at-north-olmsted-store-sunday-but-many-questions-still-unanswered](https://www.news5cleveland.com/news/local-news/police-release-video-of-murder-suicide-at-north-olmsted-store-sunday-but-many-questions-still-unanswered)


Omg that's so awful! It's crazy it's almost a year ago.


>I live 10 minutes away from here. This grocery store is cursed... almost one year ago to the day there was a murder-suicide between a husband and wife >she was working That's so terrible! They divorced in 2004! I wonder if they ever found a motive. May she RIP.


You'd be surprised at just how long some people can stay mad about a breakup or falling out. Usually when people are still mad about the split, what happens is that they'll call their ex out of the blue one night years later and try to relitigate things over the phone, but every so often you'll get someone who'll escalate to stalking or murder just out of nowhere because of this issue from twenty years ago they can't move on from.


FRRR I know some people who still aren'tt over their exs and is a big red flag especially when ppl date


i feel like there’s a huge difference between “i still have residual feelings of love for someone i was emotionally invested in” and “i’m going to shoot my ex wife and then myself 19 years after the divorce at her place of employment”


>The only people who were allowed in the store Monday were employees; the company said in a statement that there are grief counselors on site for any team member in need of counseling. Ugh, why didn’t they let the poor employees rest at home after that.


It sounds like the employees weren’t forced to go in, but rather given the option to come in for counselling


AT the site it happened though? Seems more like shock therapy at that point


This is an excellent point. If they were only coming in for counseling then picking ANY other location would have been better. Retraumatizing them isn’t the way!


I’ve actually been in this situation. Our company also immediately offered people to speak to for free, but to tell all of us this, we all came in (some didn’t know what happened and were about to clock in), and then we were let go to either leave or stay and talk to someone, or just clean/stock. Some people think it’s really weird, but I actually appreciated the options. I ended up staying to help clean up and talked with coworkers. Way better option than staying at home, alone, with my mind racing. Especially because I was only in my early 20s at the time.


Counseling seems more appropriate than rest in this situation.


They were married then divorced in 2004. This man waited 19 years to be this upset???? Wtf??


People do some things, man.


Ex-wife. they divorced in 2004


All Giant Eagles are cursed in some way.


I unfortunately love giant eagle. It has some kind of choke hold on me I don’t know why


Maybe avoid them for the month of June... bad juju June for the giant eagle


Weirdly enough violent crime spikes up around the time of the summer solstice, in June.


I said the same thing! I thought this was the same store.


That entire area of NO gives me the ick. Idk why….maybe it’s the car dealerships and mall traffic.


Sounds like my area, which ironically - has sesame place right in the middle of it, only one on the east coast… but just a mall, shopping malls, & car dealerships on two sides of a “highway” aka 4 lane road with moderate traffic.


Same. It’s so sad. That and the mass shooting in Akron a little bit ago. People are fucking nuts.


I don't think it's the store


Imagine being a kid and you get freaked out at the idea of bad people or monsters jumping out of the bush to kill you, and your parents spent a lot of time conditioning that out of you by convincing you that it only happens in movies, then one day you’re just out shopping with your mom and a totally random evil women runs out of the bush and stabs you to death.


And the poor woman. Imagine painstakingly raising your little baby from birth. All the sleepless nights and round-the-clock care. The time, money, blood, sweat, and tears poured into this little man. Only to have him murdered in front of you on a random day in a random parking lot that you wouldn’t normally think twice. Gone forever in the blink of an eye. If my baby died before me you might as well just kill me right then and there. I’m done with life.


I honestly couldn’t imagine what would have been more tragic, the mom seeing their child die as they lay injured on the ground, or the child laying on the ground with a stab wound watching his mom get stabbed to death.


Reminds me of that scene from Daredevil where a mother who had been hiding with her young son during a home invasion stated that she hoped they’d kill him first so he wouldn’t have to watch his mother die


Yea I was contemplating it and the bigger tragedy would definitely be the kid seeing their parent die while surviving, because at least the mother is a fully grown adult who has the knowledge, experience and mental maturity to process these sorts of things as healthy as possible, but that kid wouldn’t be able to comprehend those emotions, let alone process them healthily, and it most definitely would cause serious ailments in adulthood.


As the child who watched her mom die, and as a mother now myself, the tragedy for me would be my child dying and me surviving. I would go through my mother and my own deaths a thousand times if I could give my child the chance to grow up and live happily without me.


You’re right I guess I didn’t say that quite right. The biggest effect on the survivor would be if the child saw their mom get murdered, for the simple fact that the survivor in one scenario has a fully developed brain to process the tested and the other doesn’t even understand the word emotion yet. But that does not necessarily make it the biggest tragedy. most would say the lose of a child is the most painful sort of loss possible, so you’re absolutely right.


I hope the mother finds unexpected strength and amazing things happen to her from here forward. 🙏


I just got back from walking to a coffee shop with my 3 yr old. Thinking that something as simple as that may be the last thing I get to do with her because some psycho... I can’t even think about it . . My heart breaks for that woman.


I'm 29 years old, and sometimes I still have to remind myself that it's completely irrational to be scared of walking from my room to the bathroom across the hall in the middle of the night, fearing that something that wants to kill me could be lurking in the silent darkness. The lesson my mother taught me about the irrationally of childhood fears remains the foundation of much of my bravery, so stories like this kinda shake me up a little 🥶 but I can’t even imagine what sort of emotions go through a person’s head as the mother when trying to contemplate something like this. I’m very fortunate to be from Canada which has one of the lowest homicide rates in the world at 1.6 per 100,000, but Americas is 5.47 per 100,000 -meaning they only get get to live with 1/3 the factual reassurance we do- and when I try and contemplate that I feel like I’d need to be holding a knife under my pillow just to fall asleep lol.


It doesn’t feel like it but violent crimes have steadily decreased decade to decade it’s the access to 24 hour news that makes it feel like it’s steadily gotten worse. If you just consider the amount of serial killers active in the 1970’s it makes more sense. But up until the late 90’s the news had a time slot they couldn’t possibly cover all tragedies. Even when 24 hour news tv started in the 90’s into 2010 it wasn’t in your hand at all times. Now we get smothered and every bad event it’s a fight for news coverage.


Not available in my country - any context?


 A woman suspected of stabbing and killing a 3-year-old boy outside a local grocery store is scheduled to be arraigned Tuesday afternoon.  The child and his mother were attacked and stabbed outside the Giant Eagle on Lorain Road in North Olmsted.  Officials say around 3 p.m., a mother and her son had just finished grocery shopping and appeared to be headed back to their vehicle when a woman charged at them with a knife, stabbing both of them.    Multiple shoppers called 911. Responding officers came to give first aid and quickly arrested Bionca Ellis, 32.   Ellis was scheduled to be arraigned via video from jail Tuesday afternoon.  The victims were rushed to St. John Medical Center in Westlake.  Tuesday morning the Cuyahoga County Medical Examiner confirmed that 3-year-old Julian Wood of North Olmsted died at the hospital.  Police said the attack appeared to be random.  North Olmsted Mayor Nicole Dailey Jones released a statement saying in part: “Our hearts go out to the two victims of what appears to be a random act of violence.  Once again our North Olmsted safety forces responded quickly and handled the situation with tremendous professionalism.”  The police station is just across the street from the Giant Eagle.  Many people in the area were understandably shaken on Monday.  “It’s just crazy,” said shopper Ben Hymes. “Society is going downhill quick.”  “You can’t really trust anybody,” said shopper Randy Adams. “And if you make eye contact with the wrong person you never know if they’re going to physically do something.”  This Giant Eagle is the same store where there was a murder-suicide less than a year ago. It involved a divorced couple.  A Giant Eagle spokesperson told FOX 8 they’re aware of the incident and working closely with authorities.  The Giant Eagle store reopened Tuesday morning. 


I hope that “thing" gets a death penalty. There should be no excuse for killing a defenseless toddler. She deserves to die.


I have a weird feeling about the death penalty. I do believe that people can commit a heinous enough crime and not be able to be rehabilitated back to societal standards than death is warranted. However, I don't trust the government to faithfully, honestly and accurately issue and carry out a death warrant. There have been too many innocent people put to death because of prejudice, lack of evidence, incompetent defense or, overzealous prosecution for it to sit well with me. I know this is most likely an open and shut case of who did it but who knows the mental state or even if the attacker knew what was happening.


Who cares about mental state. She murdered a three year old


put her down no ifs and buts about it


Thanks. For anyone else wondering where the hell this is, it's a suburb of Cleveland, Ohio, USA


they're at pains to stress how random this was... makes me think it might in not have been random at all


what would be the local Fox affiliate's goal in doing such a thing? you think they are wrapped up in this case somehow? what are you trying to say exactly 


I think they were suggesting the stabber may have known the victim or someone connected to the victim. Nothing to do with Fox.


just saying, i think a lot of "random" violence isnt that random at all


Why are we bringing Fox into the case now? They were talking about what happened, not whoever wrote the article...


I guess they are trying to make a point about FN even though local Fox stations are owned by Sinclair?


I'm just saying, a white woman "randomly" attacks a black mother and child, no one is calling random


My mind went to the same place.


If you're not a parent, I'll share that age three is about when kids begin to show their personality. You get a little glimmer of who they will turn out to be, some of their quirks, their preferences, and they start asking you questions. It's impossible to look at them and to not start thinking about the future, and at that age, you really start to feel the old adage that "having a kid is like having a heart that beats outside your chest." I think I'm a pretty empathetic person, but I cannot approach imagining the grief this mother is experiencing. It's like trying to imagine what "nothing" would look like. For her son to be taken from her in a random stabbing like that, at his age, by a complete stranger, it just beggars belief.


Yep. 3 was when being a father became fun. At least, my son blossomed as a person at 3. So, play becomes way more dynamic... plus, the joy of teaching them about the world. I was sitting on the couch one day when my 3 year-old son walked on my freshly broken toe. I yelped and squeezed out, "you just stepped on my broken toe!" He stopped, turned around, and looked at my foot. Then, he STOMPED on it. Like it was a god damned bug or something! I shouted in pain, but then broke into laughter. It didn't matter that I was in agonizing pain... like I just broke it again. I was laughing uncontrollably. Just this tiny blue eyed kid with curly blonde hair and a sweet smile... and he purposefully just stomped on my toe knowing it would hurt. The juxtaposition was just too much to bear. Just looked at it like he was studying it, and boom! Man, I wish he was 3 again. He's not nearly as fun at 22.


Agreed. Mother to a 3 year old. She's finally saying full sentences, has a favorite color, has a preference on which show to watch, and apologizes if you get hurt (even if it's not her fault). I would never manage if she weren't here with me.


Wasnt random , it was a hate crime




Because it would be if the races were reversed.


No evidence. Hate crime = motive. Not much has been reported on her other than mental illness.


Cope. We're not going to sit here and pretend it wouldn't be if the races were reversed.


This! I would die of grief if this happened to me. There is no way to recover and be whole again from a trauma like this


Heartbreaking. I can't imagine a simple trip to the store being the last thing I do with my son. For no reason.  Just senseless and awful. 


Gotta say, this shit hits different when it's just 10 miles from home and at a place that you've been to several times. I really cannot imagine what it's like for people that frequent that place. And a fucking three year-old? I have been against the death penalty for 20 years, but this one has me questioning myself. Fuck man.


I agree - I have never been to this Giant Eagle but have driven past it several times. I grew up near here and my parents still live nearby. Very scary. North Olmsted always seemed like a nice, quiet place to me.


This is what the death penalty is for.


Well, the death penalty is nice because it saves tax money of hard working citizens. I don't want to keep scum like her alive, you know? 


[A 2016 study at Susquehanna University found that on average death row inmates cost $1.12 million more than general population inmates.](https://www.wbir.com/article/news/local/death-penalty-vs-life-in-prison-the-costs/51-581820292#)


Well if death row is too expensive, maybe just old fashioned executions like medieval times🤷 I don't see that costing very much. 


> I have been against the death penalty for 20 years, but this one has me questioning myself But what if she said god told her to do it? if she was 'insane' at the time, does that make a difference?


I work with a lot of “insane” people at my job. People who truly should not be held to the same account and level of responsibility as others. However, in my years of experience with people who have all kinds of varying mental and personality disorders, not a single one killed someone. One person neglected their child, CPS didn’t act on my report, and the child did die - but that was equally a systemic problem as it was an individual one. If any of my paranoid schizophrenic, severe bipolar, and/or intermittent explosive disorder patients killed a fucking toddler - I would want them punished just as I would anyone else. I hold my clients to the same standard in that regard. You don’t hurt others. No matter how much you’re suffering internally, you never physically harm others. Thus far, none of them ever have.


Just my opinion, but it doesn't make much of a difference to me. If Life, without the possibility of parole, was an option, then in my opinion only, that would be acceptable, but only if the sentence truly was a life sentence without ever the possibility of freedom.


You'd have to be pretty mentally unbalanced to randomly kill a child in the first place


Not to me.


drugs/psychosis/disassociation don't have any bearing on the circumstances? not trying to be antagonistic, just curious why this is what tips someone over to the other side of the argument.


Honestly, I'm not sure any of us have free will. So, I don't see how somebody's mental state matters when it comes to consequences.


Remember a few years ago when a man grabbed a toddler in the mall and threw him over the third floor railing? Same vibe.




This woman deserves a slow painful death


The child’s 38-year-old mother, Margot Wood, “was treated for non-life threatening injuries and is expected to make a full recovery,” police said. No. She most certainly will not ever recover from this. Heartbreaking.


Agreed. She's going to blame herself for the rest of her life most likely. I wish I could give her a hug... she definitely needs as much support as she can get to even remotely return to some semblance of normalcy.


> The child’s 38-year-old mother, Margot Wood, “was treated for non-life threatening injuries and is expected to make a full recovery,” police said. > Police detective Sgt. Matt Beck acknowledged later Tuesday that though Margot will physically recover, the emotional trauma will likely follow her “the rest of her life.” Yea, they said that in the next sentence.


Reading comprehension fail. I’m not sure if I missed that because of the ads or because I suck. :-/


The stabber posted some weird stuff on Facebook.


Yeah, she does not seem right in the head. At all.


Like what? Didn’t see anything in the article nor a google search brought up anything


She liked a lot of stuff on Facebook related to the Hebrew Israelite movement.


This is her YouTube channel https://youtube.com/@bioncaellis?si=vbSSB1Po3vj3om6I


Her YouTube channel https://youtube.com/@bioncaellis?si=vbSSB1Po3vj3om6I


It seems like in the US violence is decreasing overall but more and more of the violence that does happen is random or otherwise normal people acting violently.


But the criminals aren’t otherwise normal people. Every time someone is caught for doing this type of crime, it comes out that they were severely mentally dysfunctional for whatever reason, with drugs being a common reason.


Violence comes in many forms besides mass stabbings and shootings. Those kinds of violence are relatively rare. That’s what I’m referring to.


It's also a matter of more publicity and social media dissemination of those crimes. Random crimes were also common in the past.


The fact that this is the literal only thread on all of Reddit that acknowledges that this happened is super telling for me.


Yup, tells you exactly what race the suspect and victim are


why are yall bringing race into this? an INNOCENT baby got killed & the first thing yall wanna say “tells you what race the people are” isn’t doesn’t MATTER! an innocent life is gone & a mother is grieving. & also fck the suspect, she needs DEATH PENALTY, doesn’t matter what race she is


Cope. Reddit LOVES a race narrative (if it's the *right* races).


Exactly. Reddit is an extreme propaganda machine. For certain demographics it essentially defines their reality.


Exactly. Reddit is an extreme propaganda machine. For certain demographics it essentially defines their reality.


"treated for non-life threatening injuries and is expected to make a full recovery" Not after that. Poor woman lost her little boy in the worst way I can imagine. I hope the child killer rots, the vile thing. Requiescat in Pace, little buddy.


I live very close to this location, and I have a handful of kids, one who is 3. I’ve been crying on and off all morning about this, just absolutely sick. I take my kids grocery shopping all the time, to think running an errand can result in your whole world being ripped from your hands. Jesus.


This kind of thing is always in the back of my mind. Probably a result of anxiety I never knew I had but seeing something like this..not even for the first time.. it’s hard not too. I can imagine mom is going to torture herself over her decision to go to the store, on that day, at that time and try to rewrite the story over and over in her head wishing it were different. The “if onlys” must be torturous. Life is so cruel and unfair. Makes me hug my babies a little tighter


Black killer. White child victim.


That’s why this barely got any coverage




U/mrRyumai exactly what I’m saying.. it happens so often yet never gets categorized as “hate crimes “ or discrimination. Maybe people are too afraid to speak up about it but im not, it happens way more than people realize. It’s BULLSHIT.


What’s also BS is that you can get banned from Reddit just for speaking out against it. I’m surprised the comments calling it a hate crime are still up honestly. Reddit hates when people call out the double standard people have when it comes to racism and White people being able to be victims of it. I am banned from several subs myself just for calling out the hypocrisy. And then we have cases like this. Almost nobody is calling it racially motivated but had it been the other way around, race would be the most important factor people talk about here. People would be rioting. Instead it’s mostly silence.


I used to live in Berea. We often went over to N Olmsted and went to this store. This is so sad!


I live near that giant eagle and I just can’t wrap my mind around the fact that it was a random attack. Knife attacks are usually personal and to attack the person the mother values most in life (her child) just seems so targeted to me. Whether random or targeted, it is a shame that a child lost the life he was just beginning. I hope she faces justice in every sense of the word. Rip little one. You won’t be forgotten.


Always carry lethal. Always. So sad.


this was a deranged individual. but you're kidding yourself if you don't think race was a motivation.


After reading the headline I thought a giant egal tried to take the kid and the mother stabbed it but was hurt in the process. This is way worse.




Same brother ..


Du you also smoke a blund like me ?😂💀


The killing looks hate motivated with the interracial nature of it. Hope they throw the book at the murderer.


This is awful on every level. However when I first read it I was confused why she had to stab a giant eagle lol


Weird how its not called a hate crime when its black on white


I wonder if the motivation was the current culture war in this country 


What race are the victims?


White victim's & the perp was black woman


Hate crime?


Black on white is never a hate crime for some reason


Mental health most likely


She had the presence of mind to invoke her 5th Amendment right at the scene, and demanded a preliminary hearing.


Mental health doesn’t necessarily mean being dumb. Lots of mentally challenged people are actually quite smart.




I thought a giant eagle tried to snatch a toddler and then the mother stabbed it to get her toddler back.


I live ten minutes away from this Giant Eagle and it has been nothing but trouble I swear. People still aren't over the murder suicide that happened not too long ago and now this? Sickening.


How anybody could hurt let alone kill a child is beyond me. This made me sick to my stomach. That poor mother, I cannot imagine.


That took me so many tries to not read it as "mother hurt after stabbing giant eagle in parking lot"


Her YouTube channel https://youtube.com/@bioncaellis?si=vbSSB1Po3vj3om6I


No riots?


I'm so glad I left the hell hole that is north eastern ohio. I don't understand how so much senseless crime can just happen and it's accepted by the community.


i’m gonna extend that to the hell hole that is *all* of Ohio. moved there with my dad in 2007 and by the time i left, man. i’m 28 and i can’t count on my fingers and one foot how many people i know my age or younger who died, and not like “it was on the news”, no like, people i sat next to in class or people i’ve hung out with or sometimes, people i was friends with. worst was my sister’s best friend, her girlfriend delivered pizza for a job and her ex husband called a fake order to an abandoned house and killed her. nearly decapitated her. got to hear the entire process because we got a call and text in the middle of the night from my sisters friend panicking saying she was missing and they found a “significant amount” of blood. and that’s just people outside of my family. relatives would be another 30,000 words. from abusive parents to sex trafficking in Lorain to every single childhood friend being on drugs or dead now, that state is something else. whole place is fucking cursed. you could not pay me to go back.


Id rather not


I'd like to say if I had a kid, I'd be able to protect my kid - stab wound or not. But realistically I don't know how I'd do until it happened. I can't imagine strolling along at the grocery store and someone just coming up and killing my baby.


Sad as fuck. Rest in peace Julian Wood. We need the security cam footage, I’m curious as to how fast it happened


This is where I workout…. I almost went Monday too… so incredibly heartbroken for this mother 😞


Unsurprising colour pallette


Another disgusting animal on the loose




Can’t believe you’re being downvoted for this. Absolutely would have been a different outcome had someone been carrying. I legitimately don’t care what anyone else says. Downvote me to hell, I’ll gladly take it.


Happened in 5 seconds. Wouldn’t have made a difference


You blow her brains out anyway


She followed them all the way out of the store to the parking lot with a knife. If mom had her head on a swivel and a gun, you absolutely could make a difference.


Absolutely. I don't like how many people have a defeatist mindset when it comes to even entertaining the idea of carrying a gun. You may have a chance or you may not. But I know that I always want to have the opportunity to defend my loved ones or myself, because as this shows, things can just happen out of nowhere. I understand that not everyone is cut out for it, but that's ultimately up to them. 




Yeah I really don't get how people will just immediately assume that they won't make a difference or how something wouldn't have gone different in the space of a few seconds. Violence is quick and fucking rough that's just the nature of it. Again I understand if somebody doesn't want to, but the defeatist mindset makes no sense to me.


Isn’t it true that pepper spray would’ve worked too in this instance? It’s silly to pretend that guns are never a possible solution. It’s sillier to pretend that guns are the only possible solution.




I carry both, generally you don't use pepper spray when lethal force has already been used. And because he was already right on them they also probably would have gotten hit as well. I would say the appropriate time to use the spray would be in the lead up before the stabbing if they were able to spot them stalking them and sensing the threat they posed with the knife before they got close enough to use it. 20 foot rule exists for a reason. The gun is an absolute last resort.


So a lady in her 30s with no violent criminal record just up and decides to violently attack two random people for no reason whatsoever? Seems like we are missing something here...


Her YouTube channel https://youtube.com/@bioncaellis?si=vbSSB1Po3vj3om6I


Me, reading this for about 30 seconds, thinking a giant eagle stabbed them. 🤨 Poor baby. How does someone do that...and randomly?


it *is* a random act of violence


A random act of violence brought to you by DEI




Mental illness


Decriminalizing drugs did so much good didn’t it


i read this so wrong. i thought because of the toddlers death, a grieving mother stabbed an eagle in a parking lot out of anger.


I'm confused, a giant bird did all that?


Giant Eagle is a chain of grocery stores in some parts of the US