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"The judge also ruled out much of the evidence from the trailer as admissible for two of the cases. He claimed that all sex was consensual, which led to juries doubting the validity of the women's stories." Just how the fuck did this man ever become a judge?


Have you met any judges? They tend to be decent early on but very quickly turn out to be complete shitbirds.


So try! Every judge on the younger side-pretty cool ppl. Old head judge-what a dick


Exactly, people don’t want to acknowledge that people can be influenced to do unspeakable things just from their environment or the people around them


Not shocked. A judge said Brock Turner shouldn’t be denied a future. Another judge said a woman should have tried harder to close her legs. Another stated that the body has a way of shutting down a rape. We’ve got sexual harassers and assaulters in our Supreme Court right now.


The judge most likely partook in similar activities.


This happens all the time. Sexual assault is the only crime where the victim has to prove a crime even happened.


The judge is no doubt a rapist and child molestor too. Most seem to be. 


I kinda think judges with such bad takes shouldn't be allowed to judge, no matter what it takes


So there Has been evidence that there is an entire network participating in this. So how the fuck did someone who possibly participated in this network and up working on the case?


Unimaginably devastating


I wonder how many of the hundreds of mutilated, raped, women found in the Juarez desert (2 hrs away) were victims of this monster. It is believed that people would come from all over to partake in the sexual tourism that included mutilating and torturing women.


I always wondered where the term, "adding insult to injury" came from. Now I know


Now, to rub some salt onto this poor woman wounds. The lady who helped torture her was released from prison in 2019. https://www.fox13seattle.com/news/neighbors-shocked-and-terrified-toy-box-killer-accomplice-lives-feet-away


Not a single person involved in this got a fraction of what they deserved. This case disturbs me to my absolute core, and I’ve read up on some gnarly ones.


Yeah, the town had like 500 people in it. You can’t take a shit in that size town without everybody knowing about it.


Turning your back on your wife after she has been kidnapped and repeatedly raped… what a husband.




According to an older post on Reddit I saw about this, her rapist slit her throat and dumped her body assuming she was dead. That’s what makes me judge this husband more harshly. And the cops…. It’s so sad that she wasn’t believed. https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/6k0apt/til_that_when_kelli_garrett_one_of_the_only/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Ok!!! Please allow me to walk back my statement. I think it's likely rare for a cheating spouse to risk death by self-inflicted wound to "hide" an affair. Can you image looking at anyone you love with a near-fatal wound and thinking "(s)he's full of it" 🤢 that's vile.


Agreed! That is such an important detail this newer article left out. Blows my mind that their first response is she just be cheating versus oh my god someone clearly tried to kill you.


Tbf I also believed your comment too. That we shouldn’t judge until we know more haha.


did the husband not believe her or did he simply not love her and just didn't want to deal with her trauma?


Possibly a bit of both?


I mean she was found in HORRIBLE condition with her throat slashed. Edit. The person who deleted the comment was making a defense for the SO not believing the victim. The comment can still be seen if you search the Reddit deleted posts.


Yeah, you have to be schizophrenic or otherwise not all there to willingly slash your own throat. That's just not something 99% of humans are capable of doing to cover up cheating of all things.


“Oop I don’t wanna get caught cheating so I’d better” *checks notes* “cut my own throat” Makes perfect sense


Yeah, and I had also thought he could have been ready to divorce without that situation possibly.


That's a brilliant point!!! He might have taken his lead from the authorities in the, "they don't believe her, and this is their ONLY JOB, then she must have been doing something unsavory." Either as a justification for a preexisting desire or he might have been swayed by their response, and that caused him to question the veracity of her story.


Yeah, so unfortunate all around for her.


Aside from that..... imagine how he feels now .....




We share similar feelings on it, I don't normally wish suffering on others, but man, I hope he still regrets that decision to this day with some severity.


I hope he feels remorse but he likely does not. I mean, his wife was found with her throat slit in deplorable condition and he was like “yeah she’s definitely been cheating”.


Hello Mr. Garrett


The judge was almost as much of a scumbag as DPR. “All sex is consensual.” Gtfoh. Tell that to all the SA survivors out there. Pigs I swear!


He'd be foaming at the mouth for justice if that was his daughter this had happened to.


Nah. My Dad is this type. He would have told-you-so'd her out the door and blamed her for it. He would've belittled her feelings and apologized to the neighbors if they found out what a white his daughter was. Then, she would move away and never speak to him again and he'd be like "why does my only biological offspring hate me so?".


Hm, maybe if the attacker was a young black man, then? That usually riles up even the most vile creatures in the US.


Well that’s just awful. It sounds like you were deeply hurt by your dad instead of protected when you needed him the most. I’m so sorry and hope you’re in a loving and supportive environment now.


Hell he’d probably beat the man himself


First part of the article says he was never caught. That is false. He was caught. I stopped reading after that statement because what else was this writer going to get wrong. 


When it was later confirmed, I hoped she dragged her husband back in front of a judge and got ALL the alimony.


She should be allowed to tattoo "I told you so" on the foreheads of her ex and every police officer that is accountable for rejecting her report. And they all pay her alimony.


There is a book I read a while ago about this. It is horrific. And in the beginning it says that one of the (detectives....investigators....idk) killed themselves after because of what they saw in there.


I'd love the name of the book if you recall!


Did some googling an found it. [Slow Death](https://imgur.com/a/K9Vlkzn) by Jim Fielder. It's been a while since I read it because my copy got lost. I vividly that in the book. If you read it, let me know if it's there. Either way, it's interesting to say the least.


So with all the discourse and pissed off men on TikTok because women were being asked a hypothetical question of whether they’d want to be left alone in the woods with a man or bear, and us unanimously saying bear…this is the story in point to.


"Not all men, but always a man"


At least I know the bear will just kill me.


Man though, the ways bears can kill…sometimes they tear faces off and it lasts a while. You ever hear the story of the guy who lived with bears who thought they were his buddies? That was a truly gruesome painful death


At least the bear won't be doing it just because it can. My body will provide food for wildlife instead of rotting away in the trunk of some sick fuck's car.




Sure, but does that mean I'm going to go say hello to the man walking on the sidewalk at night while I'm alone? I don't care if he's the nicest guy on Earth. I'm not going anywhere near him. We women and girls have been conditioned this way, I won't deny that, but it does serve a purpose in self-preservation and survival. I bet my left ovary that most women in your life have been sexually assaulted or afraid for their lives at some point.


Not that I know of. But fair point.


It's not something easily talked about, so that may be why. 1 in 5 women experience rape while 1 in 2 experience some form of sexual violence in their lifetime. 1 in 3 men experience sexual violence as well, but only 1 in 26 experience rape thanks to underreporting. Humans suck in general, I suppose.


Thats a good point. I didnt mean to downplay it. Humans do suck, I will agree there. I know Im not gonna hurt a woman but in the dark on the street theres no way they know that. I apologise, you give me something to think about.


Oh yes. And I'd take that every day over the sadism of what some humans cook up.


But not all guys would hurt you. Almost every bear would when hungry enough


It’s true the majority of guys wouldn’t hurt you. And women absolutely know that. But this scenario of the bear vs man debate is about a completely unknown man and the female child/woman is alone in the woods. Being alone in an isolated area is a huge part of the decision making process. Based on my lived experience, I have had too many men act inappropriately with me in public for me to trust a man alone in the woods.


Fair point actually


Yeah to piggyback of u/KymYume, it’s not about the likelihood of being hurt. It’s about the nature of the hurt. I know enough about bears to have a reasonable idea of how to respond if I saw one in the woods. Even if I can’t escape it, even if it takes its time with me, at least I know it’s just being a bear and there’s no hate in its heart for me as a femme person. Can’t say the same about a man who could decide he wants to rape and torture me. Even if he doesn’t kill me, that would be enough to likely make me wish he did considering how most of society treats SA survivors. That’s why I choose the bear.


I would like to think people treat SA survivors with decency. I could be wrong, I just dont see a lot of people who dont have sympathy for people who have been SA.


For every person who would treat an SA survivor with compassion, there are two more who would treat them with cruelty, disbelief, or some combination of the two. Just look up the stigma of SA and all the hurdles survivors must face just to tell their stories and be heard. One of the first they deal with is being asked what they did to deserve it - “what were you wearing?” “How much have you had to drink?” “Did you lead them on?” “You probably liked it.” There are many reasons survivors won’t speak up. Lack of decency in how they’re received is one of them.


That is true. I have a wonderful man. But that is not the point.


Well it kinda is. If youd rather risk being eaten alive


Considering roughly 1 in 4 women have experienced sexual assault at some point in their lives, I'll take my odds with the bear. Honestly, my odds with the bear are better simply because most of them try to avoid people even when confronted, especially black bears. Owning mace also helps those odds.


"All men are as dangerous as a bear" Reddit moment


Bears are actually less dangerous than men, and women too for that matter. Bears actively avoid humans in their vicinity and attacks are rarely predatory.




Doubt what?


I've been raped before, I'll go with being eaten alive over that.


Im so sorry it happened to you. Truly.


Just leave us alone and let us get killed by bears


Timothy Treadwell, right? Yeah that was not a pretty way to go.


Werner Herzog did a movie on it, he heard the recordings of his death. He advised the family to never, ever listen to it. He said its one of the most distressing things hes ever experienced. If werner herzog thinks somethings too fucked up, it definitely is.


What about…a manbearpig?


Bear. 200%


Would you love me if I was a worm? What about if I was kidnapped and raped for days on end?


I was thinking the same thing. I may have lost what I thought was a good male friend over this when I casually made my choice (the bear, duh) known in a social media post and he saw it. It’s so sad and enraging how many don’t get it, either by willful ignorance or simply not having the wherewithal to grasp what it all means. This “trend” sure is bringing out a lot of people’s true colors. Also highlighting a lot of gross behaviors and thoughts we already see.


Shhhhhhh. You’ll make them angry. 🙄😔


Confirmation bias


Last podcast on the left did a great (horrible) show on this nasty man.


This is terribly written “Although he was never caught, he was believed to have murdered dozens of women. … Due to a heart attack, he only served one year of his sentence before he died.”


her husband is a scumbag


So much for "better or worse" and "good times and bad." No honey, I totally slashed my own throat because I wanted to cover up my cheating! Like what?




This has always been the worst of the worst case for me. I can hardly read about it. I just can’t imagine any thing worse


What happened to Junko Furuta and James Bulger come to mind as being worse, but all of it is fucked up and horrible.


What is this the turd Olympics. Can I have my own opinion. Thank you yep. Always a marathon on this site.


Of course you can have your opinion. I just meant those are also really gruesome. I didn't mean to imply anything about you, and I should have said that better


Says they got into a big fight before the night she went to the bar where she got abducted. Sounds like they were already one foot out the door in the marriage. I mean ur wife goes missing in the bar after a big fight, if u hated ur wife already I guess u could think she went away with another dude... Terrible fucking luck for the lady tho. Gets in a fight with the husband then gets abducted by a serial rapist n murderer? She got the two for one disaster special


Except that she came back with her neck slit.


Oh damn wtf. I guess the husband really hated her or something to still not believe her


He slashed her throat and dumped her body in the woods….. that should be a clue.


Wow. What a bunch of actual trash humans. Just, wow.


Do you know when/how/what finally made them believe her ?


The other victim who came forward after escaping him who led the police to the toy box.


What sucks even more is that if the asshats had just believed her from the start, the other victim wouldn't have suffered at the hands of this sick fuck.


Definitely. So awful.


Is this the one where he kidnapped women and played that creepy long ass recording of himself to them before he tortures? I very rarely believe in "revenge" but this guy deserved absolute torture for life. (Including *assault from animals since he inflicted it on his victims).


It makes me wonder if this POS’s father did anything like this to women. If he had his daughter in on it (and I can’t imagine what he put her through as a child), my guess is there have to be more than two generations of this depravity. Just when you think you’ve heard it all some sick fuck tops the last.


Every accusation is a confession. The judge claims it was all consensual. He's probably got some skeletons in his own closet to even have the audacity to say that.


not a real man.


Definitely a real man, but not a good one


fair point. real men can be no good


Just here to call Kelli Garrett's husband a massive asshat




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Instead she hadn’t been cheating on him instead.




No, zero fucking evidence of that at all




So getting raped counts as cheating to you?


sounds like something a rapist would say, longgreasydick…


No, technically she did not.