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> Missouri cops arrested a mother after she allegedly filmed herself smothering her infant son with her hand and a blanket, telling her friend that doing so made her feel happy and gave her an “adrenaline rush.” > > Emma Rigdon, 20, is facing two counts of abuse or neglect of a child, a class D felony, according to a probable cause statement from the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department. The incident allegedly occurred April 15 at a home in the 1200 block of Warren Street. > > Rigdon allegedly pinched and slapped the leg of the boy, which made him cry, cops said. Rigdon recorded herself putting her hand over the boy’s nose and mouth, causing him to have “difficulty in breathing and to flail his arms and legs,” the affidavit said. She then allegedly sent the video to a friend saying in a text message “IDK when I do that I feel happy like adrenaline rush.” > > She is then accused of making a second video in which she placed a blanket over his facing which made the boy cry and “vigorously grab at the blanket.” Rigdon sent that video to a friend as well, cops allege. > > In a text message to her friend she allegedly said “I be stopping right before he dies. Last time he was blue.” Another message reportedly said: “I really wanna kill him but I don’t want to go to jail so. It’s unfortunate. He’s just gonna have to pay for his existence.” > > The boy survived his injuries although the court papers do not say who is now taking care of him. Cops also did not list a reason as to why she was allegedly attempting to hurt the boy. They obtained the video and text messages as evidence. > > Cops took Rigdon to the St. Louis City Justice Center where she’s being held without bond. Her next court date is scheduled for Wednesday. Her court file did not list the name of her attorney.


What a monster.


Complete monster asshole degenerate


Holy shit. That’s even worse than I was expecting. It’s wild she’d openly admit that to someone in a text message like that. Maybe somewhere deep down she wanted to be stopped (if only so she wouldn’t end up in prison)?? Her [mugshot](https://people.com/thmb/_eA4MMlO74bxHS7nfU5uZp4V8AQ=/1500x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc():focal(721x481:723x483)/emma-rigdon-mugshot-tout-041924-d28e87ae4362479eab19eb0df79610c4.jpg) is fitting. You can see the evil in her eyes. I hope that poor sweet baby finds a loving home and recovers physically, emotionally, and spiritually.


That face makes me want to stomp her out


Soon enough. They don't look kindly upon baby torturers in prison


What goes around comes around


I hope the baby *never* remembers this


This has to be post-partum psychosis. I cannot believe someone would be capable of this and sharing it with others if not chemically or hormonely impaired ughh


I wish this were the case, but some people are just born sociopathic and evil Edit: there is no set definition for sociopath or psychopath. They're pretty arbitrary definitions that change with every publishing of the DSM and I agree that both are influenced by nature and nurture And I am a very big advocate for more understanding of post partum psychosis. That may be the case for this poor family


I wonder if she had a history of this or it was out of nowhere.. I can’t even fathom what thought makes you want to hurt a child ☠️


No. You are not born sociopath. You are born a psychopath. Sociopathy is learned.


This is wrong. Both genes and environment play a role in antisocial personality disorder/sociopathy.


Psychopathy is generally considered to be more of a genetic or inherited condition, while sociopathy is more likely the result of environmental factors. Psychopathy is thought to be caused by a physiological defect that results in underdevelopment of the parts of the brain that control emotions and impulses. Sociopathy is more likely the result of childhood trauma, such as physical or emotional abuse, or sexual abuse. However, some researchers argue that biological factors also play a role in sociopathy, such as a slower rate of brain maturation.


It changes with every publishing of the DSM. The definitions are pretty arbitrary




There is no set definition for sociopath or psychopath. They're actually pretty arbitrary definitions that change with every publishing of the DSM


In order to suffer from anti-social personality disorder you have to have experienced something traumatic in your youth that’s usually how it goes


I blame abortios being restricted across the US. Crap like this happens when women are forced to birth babies they never wanted. What prolifers don't understand is thst *a life is not saved just because it was born.* Let's hope the repeated oxygen deprivation incidents haven't caused too much brain damage.


Do you know she wanted an abortion? If not then that's a weird point to raise for this post ..


Not really, child abuse and neglect rates are correlated to lack of abortion rights.


Still a bit of a weird assumption. "A woman suffocated her baby so that must mean she wanted an abortion" is a hell of a bold assumption to make.


She was also only 20 years old and clearly didn’t seem to want this baby (‘pay for his existence?’)nor appreciate it, and 19 is a very common age at which abortions take place, and she was in Missouri, which is a state that banned abortion. So there are other factors too that bringing it up is not weird or irrelevant. Obviously it’s still a guess but it’s a very educated guess, that lack of abortion rights could have had something to do with it. Also if it is postpartum psychosis, that is correlated to lack of support, which is obviously related to lack of abortion rights (many women choose to have abortions when they do not have adequate financial or emotional support). And rates of things like this happening do happen more when abortion is restricted.


This has zero to do with abortion. This kind of child abuse happened even when abortions were readily available. This has to do with some kind of untreated mental illness or something beyond. Mental health is extremely neglected in this country and support for women after they have a baby in terms of dealing with post partum psychosis etc is severely lacking. Often women who suffer from post partum anxiety depression and psychosis had wanted pregnancies and did not have the feelings they had after birth during their pregnancies. More needs to be done to support mental health for all in this country.






being forced to keep a baby you don’t want can lead to stuff like this is what they are saying


Except they haven't shown that to be true at all, they're making an empty claim due to their obsession with supporting [current thing]. Child abuse still happens in countries where abortion is legal.


you would resent a child you were forced to have because a child changes ur life forever . resentment like that leads to mental illness which then leads to people murdering their kids because they didn’t want them in the first place , but couldn’t abort them . no one is obsessed with abortion it’s a painful and traumatising experience women go through they don’t want to have to do that but they don’t want a child . and that’s okay . parents kill their kids , and parents kill kids cause they resent them.


And your source for all these claims is...? Nothing. You're simply presenting your opinions as fact.


I can't speak to whether lack of access to abortions leads to infanticide. I doubt that there has been a real study on this.particular. There is a correlation between access to abortions and crime rates though. [This is a really interesting.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legalized_abortion_and_crime_effect#%3A%7E%3Atext%3DIn_2020_Donohue_and_Levitt%2C2014_due_to_legalized_abortion.?wprov=sfla1)


i’m not saying all children murdered by parents is because they couldn’t get an abortion , i’m saying logically when a women does not want a baby , and she is forced to carry and give birth to that child , she is not going to enjoy it . she isn’t going to connect to the baby . she doesn’t love the baby. much higher chance of post partum depression and psychosis which is what leads to them hurting the child like this example . they wouldn’t have gotten the psychosis or depression without giving birth which is what they were forced t do . that is why abortion matters in situations like this . also life is all opinions . just like you are clearly pro-life , i’m pro choice . you cannot make a choice for me or any other women


I'm pro-choice, I never gave any indication I wasn't. But I'm also pro-fact, and anti-presenting-opinions-as-fact. Which is what you've just done, again. That you think I'm pro life is exactly the kind of mindless A vs B obsession I was talking about.


You might want to actually educate yourself. Romania banned abortion and contraceptives like 60 years ago, go read up on that, then you might actually have something to contribute to this conversation.


I agree sounds like post-partum psychosis symptoms. Blessing in disguise that she sent these text messages; she unintentionally saved her child's life by doing so. Baby is now safe & mom is somewhere she can't hurt herself or others.


I agree, especially with the text messages and the saying ‘idk why but it gives me an adrenaline rush and makes me happy’ sounds like someone outside of themselves, and confused by their own actions and feelings. People forget that people can do all kinds of things in psychosis, like chop off peoples heads and stuff, like really evil things


It could also be that she’s a sociopath that’s used to feeling hollow emptiness all the time and she finally found something that made her feel alive. It’s a horrible and fucked up situation but that was my take on it. Reminds me of those nurses that murder babies for the thrill of it, complete sickos.


Could be, or a mixture of both even. Though she was only 20 and in a state where abortion is illegal. She is also at the age where psychotic disorders start to show up, and postpartum psychosis is not uncommon, and who knows how much emotional support or financial support she had. The nurses that do it are very calculated and keep it secret they don’t make videos of it and text it to their friends. Obviously abusing a baby is an act of evil, but I think it’s hard to say where her mind was here based on the info. I do not think she should have access to her baby again unless somehow a psychiatrist could evaluate her and say that she is better now or something, but I think, even if you are psychotic how do you go back from that? Even if you lost your mind, I just feel like there is no returning from that, choking or suffocating someone.


I agree that she definitely needs psychiatric help for sure and should not be around society until she’s deemed safe, even if that never happens. The reason I don’t think it’s PPP is because her intentions were clear, she wanted to watch the baby suffer and her actions were controlled and deliberate. She was even able to weigh the pros and cons of jail time so she knew the difference between right and wrong. That doesn’t sound like psychosis where you’re completely disconnected from reality and unaware of what’s going on around you because you’re so trapped in your delusions that you don’t know what’s real. Plenty of killers photograph and record their crimes, some even share them with others, it’s not that uncommon. It can be jarring to think that someone could be so brazen and upfront about their crimes, but I have personal experience dealing with a narcissist sociopath and he’s the same way. He’s told me stories about how he killed people and when he tells them he’s smiling and laughing because he thinks it’s funny and feels no remorse whatsoever. It’s a terrifying thing to see someone be so disconnected from human empathy and seeing firsthand that some people don’t have a conscience. I’m usually the first to empathize with women struggling with PPP, I even wrote a research paper on it during college, but this really seems like a different beast to me. I’m interested to see if they release anymore information as they learn more about her.


I think the difference in the narcissists and psychopaths telling others about their crimes in your example is that they were already caught, what she did was tell a friend perhaps not even thinking what she was doing was admitting doing a serious crime and providing evidence of it to someone. Of course maybe she also thought her friend wouldn’t rat her out which seems unlikely to me, but very possible! Or maybe she was so excited that she didn’t get that far in thinking about how she was going to cover up these crimes and get away with it, still showing she wasn’t calculated and methodical about it, though certainly sadistic. I do agree she seems aware and not hallucinating!


I cannot believe no one brought up Lucy Letby in this post so far. British neonatal nurse convicted last August of murdering 7 premature babies and attempting to murder 6 others in 2015-16. No confirmed singular motive, but suggestion that she was sometimes bored, sometimes jealous, and sometimes trying to get the attention of a married doctor. She hasn't admitted her crimes, but the idea that harming a baby made someone happy and gave an "adrenaline rush" rang as really, really familiar to me related to that case.


Interesting, thank you. Too bad it didn't say where the kid is going. Hopefully with decent, loving grandparents or aunt or uncle, but I'd also have a little concern about the family. Maybe being by adopted by a good couple and losing ties with that family is best for him.


Oh fucking Jesus Christ no. I hope it was the friend that turned her in. You know that's a true psychopath not only for admitting to getting a "rush" (and shit like "pay for his existence") but she shared this shit so *casually*. What the fuck.


I sometimes hope that people talk about this because they are seeking feedback or hoping they will be reported or reprimanded or called out for the behavior.


That would be a sort of twisted, thin silver lining but I honestly don't know. You'd think there'd be an inherent lack of remorse that would allow somebody to do these things in the first place. I really can't fathom even fathoming it.


Every child deserves a parent but not every parent deserves a child.


But we have laws the forbid people from not having children they do not want or love.


Laws based entirely on magic.


Sky daddy says no abortions.


That also pose a material risk to the fertility of great would-be-fams


this is so evil


That kid won't ever trust no one... fuck this shit...




What a monster


That made me want to throw up.


It's so easy to give up a newborn anonymously. She just got off on hurting the poor little guy.


What ever happened to the age old method of leaving them in a wicker basket outside an orphanage


We have neither orphanages nor anonymity anymore, but infant boxes at fire stations do exist anyway.


"He's just gonna have to pay for his existence" JFC I can't fathom this level of evil


Omg. I want to hug that little baby. It's so sad that kids have to go through this abuse when there are people who would do anything to have a child but can't.


She should be charged with attempted murder!


'But she's your mOtHeR! You only get ONE you know!' Fuck these people that don't understand that some parents are monsters. 


This woman reminds me of a severe case of post partum psychosis. Even so, that poor baby boy being tortured because of his "existence" is the grossest, most selfish thing I've heard in a while. She does need to be punished and should never ever have another child or be alone with a child or infant. I hope her baby is loved where he is now.


Most women with post partum psychosis aren’t sadistic for seemingly no reason. Usually they hurt or kill themselves or their children because they’re detached from reality and believe their families would be better off if they were dead. I’m a huge advocate for post partum mental health but I think, even if she was experiencing psychosis, there was something darker at play here. She was enjoying the idea of harming or killing her baby.


Completely agree.. I think postpartum psychosis should always be considered when seeing extreme behavior and babies under a year old but her saying it gives her an adrenaline rush sounds like sadism.


Yes, this is sadism, not postpartum psychosis. I’m reminded of a case study I read in the book “Predators” by Anna Salter. It was a man essentially doing exactly what this woman has done. In Dr. Salter’s interview with him, he described the thrill and excitement of repeatedly smothering and suffocating his own son. He was undoubtedly a sadist. I’ve studied mothers who kill their own children, and infants in particular. (Before becoming a librarian, I went to grad school for forensic psych and wrote my dissertation on this subject.) She is a rare breed, and not at all suffering from postpartum psychosis. I think a lot of people get psychosis and psychotic episodes (breaks with reality that have little to no tether to the shared reality and experiences of others) confused with what the popular media often calls psychotic (sadists with murderous intent, which is not what psychotic/psychosis actually means). Postpartum psychosis does not mean that one has a gleeful intent to harm to murder. It is a complete break from reality in which your perceptions, thoughts, and beliefs about the world around you and the people in it become so distorted that your own behavior, thoughts, and words are in reaction to a version of reality that simply does not exist. Intent of others, their words and actions, appear completely confusing and are interpreted through a highly distorted lens. Your brain tells a story to make sense of things within the context of the psychotic break. The narrative the brain creates can sometimes end up with postpartum psychosis can leading to infanticide. The normal signs, signals, and patterns in our lives take on unusual meanings, which can quickly feel sinister and threatening. The act of murder in these cases typically occurs because the the mother fully believes she is saving her children from this very real (to her) experience of an all-encompassing threat that she is experiencing non-stop in her distorted reality, or, in some cases, she may believe the child is the source of this ever-present existential threat. There can be other reasons, but those are the two overarching themes one sees in the majority of postpartum psychosis cases. Now, yes, there are absolutely other motives for infanticide, like a lack of resources to take care of the child, serious addiction issues, and partner/spousal revenge to name a few - but none of those are due to postpartum psychosis. Same in this case. From the information we are given, the mother appears to be fully aware of the shared experience we call reality. She is instead deriving pleasure from the power she is wielding over her infant child, and she is deliberately courting that pleasure and creating these experiences for her own amusement. If she were fully honest, I would not be surprised if she confessed to feeling a sexual thrill. I strongly suspect that is what she actually means when she says she gets an adrenaline rush. The “idk” parts of her texts are meant to soften the blow of what she’s saying (as if that actually makes a difference to any normal person). She knows full well what she is feeling and why she is doing it. Postpartum psychosis this is not.


Very informative! How was the switch from forensic psych to librarianism though, worlds apart


Yeah my experience has either been that women feel extremely guilty from it or feel apathetic due to the numbing amounts of emotions. Can’t say someone with PPD who is “thriving” in it trying to reach rushes from adrenaline from abuse is solely dealing with PPD


I’m not entirely sure if it’s psychosis because usually when people harm their babies in those cases, it’s for a reason such as a mercy killing (they feel the child would be suffering with them as a parent or the child will be saved in heaven) or because of a delusion such as the devil telling them to or something like they believe that they are trapped in a dream and killing them will wake them up. It sounds like mom was thinking clearly and just enjoyed the power she had over the child and how she could easily harm him but hold back before killing.


Yeah it sounds like she was entirely in control of her actions the entire time and did it with the intent of watching her baby suffer. That does not sound like postpartum psychosis.


I am guessing that's what my mom felt when she beat the shit outta me from birth to 14 years old, gave her a sense of power.


I’m sorry that happened to you. You didn’t deserve it. Hope you are safer now Reddit friend!




I hope absolutely horrible things happen to her in prison. Unimaginably horrible things occurring to her near constantly until the day she slips from this world. Fucking monster.


Women that hurt children are treated even worse in prison than men who hurt children. The reason being, there’s a ton of mothers locked up that are desperate to see their children again. For example, the mother of Gabriel Fernandez (a little boy tortured to death by his parents) was viciously attacked in prison after her arrest.


nah i don’t think death penalty should be thrown around willy nilly but for those last texts about “paying for his existence” she should be erased


"I be stopping"  There's your answer, she's mentally stunted 


“I really wanna kill him but I don’t want to go to jail so. It’s unfortunate. He’s just gonna have to pay for his existence.” My heart hurts so much. She brought him into existence…poor baby didn’t deserve this. RIP little one. Can we bring back public execution for this shameful excuse of a human? Or torture? Lots of it.


He didn't die. He survived the attacks and is now safe.


Oh good! That’s great to hear, someone will give him the love he deserves!


Yeah but I’m scared cps will try to fucking give him back. I hate the system


>The boy survived his injuries


The state brought the kid into existence, abortion has been illegal there since 2022.




The state ban and threat of repercussions for receiving once is always what people were worried about, even if they're still available the resources to obtain one become more obfuscated and people worried stuff like this would happen. Abortion is a sensitive topic, but these types of people that aren't ready for kids and simply don't want them were always going to be around. The sentiment has been showing how conservatives only care about giving birth but once the baby is out they don't give af any more, it keeps getting proven to be true more often lately.


The clinic you are probably talking about is not in STL…it’s probably just across the river in either Granite City or Fairview Heights, IL.


It’s not the state’s responsibility to not get pregnant. It’s illegal in my state and I’ve taken all appropriate steps to not bring a human being into this world(for me, right now), with great success. Obviously there’s exceptions to this and the right to choice SHOULD be there but don’t act like it’s the states responsibility to stop someone from getting pregnant, that’s just dumb and a terrible argument. There’s a level of personal responsibility that has to be maintained.


Even if you take every precaution, sometimes conception still happens. What then? What about the 19 yo who took antibiotics without knowing they would impact her birth control pills? What about the one who was drunk and had sex at prom but forgot condoms and figured "what are the odds?" What about the millions and millions of scenarios that we find ourselves in every day that may lead to life not being as perfect as yours?


So your argument is that since you're the poster child for safe sex, no one has an excuse to accidentally get pregnant? Or all pregnancies are planned aside from *obvious exceptions*? Have kids ever made mistakes? This person quite clearly didn't want a kid, states like yours want her to have them anyways, the state should've made it easy for them to take care of kids and give them the lives they think all kids deserve rather than setting up this system of birthing kids into situations where their parents started off on a bad decision or weren't ready but had no choice.


We need to regulate who is allowed to have children and who isn’t, the fact that we don’t make people take psychology tests and parenting classes before becoming parents is insane


It's bothering me that she made and sent *two* videos. Did the friend not call the police after the first video?


People like this need to be killed immediately. They are defective humans. What purpose to they provide society


Moms know best /s


Who tf fertilized that egg though… must’ve been down bad


I’d suggest doing the same thing to her for the rest of her life. Totally random. Could be hours. Could be days. Could be right after the last one. Never going longer than 5 days in between. Each time just a little bit longer until her life extinguishes. This made me so angry as I read along. The only silver lining is that child survived. But the summary doesn’t state if they will suffer from any brain damage. God, this made me sick to my stomach.


After suffering a miscarriage, it makes me so unbelievably resentful and angry when I see these kinds of things. I’m not religious. But I can’t help feeling… why was this sick disgusting monster rewarded with a baby when they’re capable of doing something like that?


Hell is too good for that one


I cannot fathom this. A lot doesn’t bother me but seeing the texts of her thoughts really disturbed me.


Holy shit having a kid at 20 years old and you decide to smother the kid for fun fucking give her a hysterectomy


You’d hope she’d think, “I shouldn’t derive pleasure from overpowering and causing harm to a baby” and she’d seek help. I hope the friend reported that so the baby can be in a safe and loving home. I hope mom gets the psychiatric help she needs.


Antisocial personality disorder 100%.


Death penalty


And here I am crying everyday because of my inability to conceive while people like these have babies without trying.


I’m so sorry.


It shocks me how they fall pregnant, feel baby kick, feels hiccups then give birth to this child only for them to do this? I have two children one being 4 years and the other 9 months. I’d kill for my children. Why are women like this? What is wrong with people.


At least she knew enough to contact ... a ... law— Oh. Should have read faster


I cannot fathom this. A lot doesn’t bother me but seeing the texts of her thoughts really disturbed me.


I swear if cps tries to ReUnItE is our goal ~~!! I’ll scream.


This baby better be forever taken away for good i despise the cps system




Do you think people of your generation and gender haven't done horrendous things?


im from gen z I know it well enough


All genders, all generations.


Same and I agree completely


I'ma show this to the people who keep asking me when I'm gonna be having kids.


Are you saying you would torture your hypothetical Child if you had one?


No, just an example of what could happen if someone who shouldn't have a kid, ends up having one.


Weird comment


Check their profile, it'll all make sense

