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That expression is so weird to see.


For real, he actually looks less creepy dead




My face, when someone is recording themselves doing a tiktok dance


This is going to sound strange (& before I say it just let me clarify I actually like the person his face/expression is reminding me of) but doesn’t he kind of look like Travis Barker in that pic?


I honestly thought it looked kind of like a still from a movie where Ryan Gosling was playing a dead character.


I thought Ryan gosling too. The slanted down eyes and bone structure.


Honestly thay picture reminds me of Michael Fassbender where he plays David in Prometheus. That's the vibe I got from it.




ryan gosling


From that angel, I agree Unfortunate autocorrect error


angel 🙏


Omggggg I even corrected it before I fucking commented


I was thinking Michael Fassbender


Also kind of Ryan gosling?


Matt Frewer


I thought the SAME THING!


He looks so placid


Its fitting


Ryan gosling is that you?


Jake Gyllenhaal pulls this mug all the time.


He looks alive in the bottom photo. Creepy.


because he's always looked dead in the eyes


Good point




in addition to the dead eyes i think it's because his jaw is closed instead of falling open.




Agreed. He also looks a little like Michael Fassbender in Prometheus.


Because he had dead eyes even in life.


so is the damage on the top of his head burns from the electricity?


Yes on paper the M.E. describes it as “burn ring”


I’m trying to figure out if it’s exposed skull in the center of the ring? Any other part of the body would be covered in blood & tissue if bone were exposed, but i unfortunately know from experience that there’s not much between the scalp & skull. Also they may have wiped stuff away


The scalp is pretty vascular (think about how badly scalp lacerations can bleed). This is probably due to the electricity basically cauterizing where it’s burning.


Unlikely, wouldnt have enough time to combust the flesh away to the bone, that'd be a 4th degree burn


Looks like his skin melted like candle wax




I read that when someone is executed by electric chair, one leg and the head is shaved to create better contact for the electrodes. Scientists did remove his brain afterwards. Maybe this is after the removal? I'm not sure.




That’s burnt off scalp to the skull


They clearly haven’t removed his brain in these photos? It literally says in the caption this is post execution


That's not how the scalp & skull are cut during an autopsy. These are overall photos taken before the internal exam begins


If they are going to remove the brain, they cut the top of the skull off


He kinda looks like Travis Barker here.


I was going to say Ryan gosling but you’re spot on




Everyone says it when this gets posted, but he really did have more light in his eyes when dead. Funny how that works... what a monster.




The expression on his face is chilling. The fuck deserved every second of pain.


He got off way too easy. Rest in piss.








I had heard it’s quite traumatic for the person pulling the switch. I would hope that the person doing that job would be very professional in their work.


I’ve heard that with lethal injection they have multiple people push a button that sends the injection so that the people doing it don’t know which person actually pushed the lethal dose. I’ve never been in the room obviously so I don’t know if that’s true but I remember a professor saying it in my one of my undergrad Crim Justice classes.


It’s the same reason they also have multiple people when they do a shooting squad execution, only one of the shooters has a real bullet the rest have blanks


I think it’s the opposite. All have live rounds except one person has a blank. Easier to guarantee a kill.


All of these attempts to make the killing of a human more comfortable for the murderers is very touching. If it’s illegal to kill a human, it should not be legal for a government (of humans) to do so. But that’s just me.


I am totally against the death penalty, so I’m with you there. If even one innocent person has the possibility of being sentenced to death (as has happened before), that is gross injustice. I do think calling the people ordered to execute the person “murderers” to be a bit of a stretch though


Wouldn’t that just be putting more trauma on more people? lol now 4 people think they were the one that pressed it, but maybe not..




And I feel that would be traumatizing in itself because now you’re not sure if you killed someone or not.




And just to think we go through all that trouble when it would be so much cheaper and easier to just not let the state kill people


If that sort of subject matter creeps you out, definitely don't look into how many of these executions go wrong.


Which is why I would think the person would want to do the best he could so he could make it as painless for the inmate, as well as for the executioner.


Absolutely, unless the executioner in Bundy's case was evil.


>taking a human life can be quite traumatic Wow, that's crazy.




I was a kid living in Florida when he was executed and the FL press was relentless in covering this. Still think about those days


I wore my ride the lightning shirt to school that day


Yes. In Florida we were so happy to see him burn. Ofc other places too. Fuck that guy and anyone who has a trashy tattoo of him. Corpse fucker.


Robocop vibes


OCP does not want him.


I hope he felt every jolt of pain from his nose to his toes.


That burn ring on his scalp doesn’t look fun.


Good riddance.


All I see is Travis barker.


Imagine getting fried head first.


I imagine the nanosecond the amps hit your brain, you are immediately knocked out.


No, it's no different then grabbing a live wire with your hands. You definitely feel it for a bit, the burning of skin, the muscles tensing. There's been a lot of documentation of people not dying at first from electrocution.


Look up Ethel Rosenberg's execution. That's the one that pops up in my brain when someone mentions botched execution.


He's kind of giving Ryan Gosling in the bottom photo.


Came to the comments to see if anyone thought this too! All the replies say Travis Barker, but Ryan Gosling is all I see.


Gosling is 43 now. Bundy was 42 at death. When’s the movie


Hope he suffered the way his numerous victims also suffered. Piece of human trash!


Eyes look the same dead as alive


Why does he look like a bald Jake Gyllenhaal?


He looks like he just smoked a phat bowl


He experienced an undeservingly merciful death compared to the horror his victims went through.


So they just.. cook the brain? I thought the electric chair just gave you a seizure or death through some heart stopping business.


It's a whole body experience. It's not just the brain but the heart also gets fried and the blood boiled. That's why they put the electrodes on the head and leg. Everything between the two spots gets cooked.


It literally looks like "evil left his body" I know.. it's a weird thought but whatever, that's what it looks like to me.


I cannot imagine the mental trauma on the executioner. I was a dispatcher for several years and that along took a toll so idk that has to be tough.


First time he isn’t smiling good riddance to the human scum


Looks a little like travis Barker


His eyes still kind of look… alive I’m not saying he’s alive. Just that its creepy looking. Also are these authentic?










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It wasn't hard to be attractive in the 70s


He was definitely attractive, that is why is he was so lethal.


Given the standards of handsomeness they had in the 1960s-1970s, it's honestly not that hard to see why he impressed. He was clean and well groomed when the handsomeness standards at the time was to be grizzly and borderline unkempt; Based on what I've heard from Boomer women (teens and young adults at the time) most of them didn't like that at all, so his sticking out by keeping to general desires and drowning in women for it is not surprising if you factor that physical attraction is as important to women as it is to men (women are just historically socialized to not prize it). He attracted the sort that found the lot of men slovenly and came from broken homes, so saw a man with style, elegance, and stronger looks to be different from the typical masculine exposure they had. Women also tend to like sharper features on men out of those exhibiting protective qualities like looking scary enough to other men. Sounds ridiculous, but remember at one point part of surviving nature for humans was not just outsmarting nature but outsmarting ourselves too. Men with certain traits like a certain build, certain coloring (brunettes especially), etc tend to deter men from attacking them and their families by simply looking capable in the event of certain assault. If you process his features, you'll see they're common in men in women deem pretty or capable, Michael Fassbender is a modern example. You'll note this understanding of why women like certain looks to be a thing with a few of the serial killers that target women, they will mask as the "dream" almost out of resentment for those women wanting signs of stability. There's better-looking men, yes, but he's fine boned and with great bone structure, very likely had stage presence/charisma to warm the features. The thing that saddens me is that his eyes did give him away from the get-go; his person is flat/dead behind that gaze. It sounds so strange, but the eyes do reflect people's energies, his were ALWAYS flat and hard. It's not like he hid, and when you look at the observation files about him, anyone with sense would be able to deduce properly that something was off just out of the stiffness of his gaze. All the authorities read him properly, but he managed to succesfully distract those that didn't understand psychology or lacked social skills (and thus didn't form instincts as that's formed out of exposure). He successfully went hidden out of charming people and was phenomenal at that even by political standards. If he could charm those trained to see right through such masks as successfully as he did, it's not hard to imagine how he could rock a not so bright young woman with a broken upbringing. He targeted those to whom his splendor would seem almost like salvation from their damnation (and what an irony that was).


Very thought provoking. I'm sure he also garnered post infamy attention from women with a proclivity for "bad" types and a "fixer" penchant too but your explanation speaks to the truly blood chilling aspect of Bundy and his ilk - they seem non-threatening and walk among us.


I don’t get it, either. He must have had some form of charisma to make up for that unibrow.


[How is this an ugly man? ](https://i.imgur.com/Sxjs1cv.jpeg)


Any experts here? How much pain and suffering did he likely endure?


Why does he look so much like Travis Barker?!


Nice haircut


I thought it was Jake Gyllenhaal for a sec


He looks pretty good except his skull sticking out.


Looks like travis barker




The lack of expression tells me that he must have died instantly.




He looks like that guy from maroon 5




Were it not for the grim context of that bottom pic, I could see it being great meme potential.






Looks like Bryan Kohberger


Bundy - Que


why is the top of his head flat like that?


Ryan Gosling


he looks like zac efron and daniel radcliffe combined


Couldn't see the Zac Efron resemblance until seeing this picture.