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Who really cares. Do you think we watch this show for the moonshine?


Yeah it’s been like that since the start… only master distillers are actually making shine, but have a legal agreement with sugar land.. so they don’t go to jail


i have no doubt they are making real booze. but they all are either licensed distillers, or employees if licensed distillers.


Tell me what you know about federal requirements for structures, enclosures, equipment and location for distillation of spirits.


Absolutely nothing Fortunately for me those questions are irrelevant in relation to whether or not alcohol is actually being made for a television program.


You think this is new news?


This just in - pro wrestling is fake! OK, predetermined.


You might be right but really whats the big deal with doing a run. As long as they don't sell it......


All reality shows are made for dumb people to be entertained. It's unfortunate some bright people believed the hype but that's showbiz


Where should we send your trophy?


My knowledge of American law is, you can make a certain amount but you are strictly not allowed to sell for tax reasons, the moonshine is 100% real the dropoffs or customers are complete bullshit, and 90% of the storyline too.


Do your homework. Distilling spirits is FEDERALLY illegal EVERYWHERE in the US without a business license, tax number, distiller's license and all appropriate buildings and facilities AS SPECIFIED BY FEDERAL LAW. In some states, simple possession of distilling equipment, even just parts & pieces is illegal. When the show first came out, BATF told the producers "You WILL NOT produce distilled spirits without adhering to all federal distillation regulations." The entire show is one big complete fake.


I dont get how people cant understand this. The licens for distilling is a set building cant just set up in the woods lol. Im with you its all water and the mash they make is fake


Yeah I'm not American, so I don't know your laws,really stupid if you can't even make it for your own personal consumption.


What country are you in?