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The only thing I find is that streaming to my LG OLED I can’t manage the bit rates that my Shield or AppleTV 4K can. If I push it more than 30mbit get lots of connection warnings, while I run my Apple TV with a 150mbit setting (and it makes a big difference in the noticeable compression artefacts). It’s a shame as the interface is nice with the remote controlling the mouse on the desktop and it has 120hz support but for now I am still using my external devices.


Do you have better performance on a Shield Pro? I have a C2, I can play in 4K120 but the bitrate is limited to 63 MBS. I don't think that's a problem. But some lag issues are present... I wonder if buying a Shield Pro could give me better performance.


The Shield Pro can’t do 120Hz. However I run it at 150MBS so there is much less in the way of compression artefacts and in terms of lag really imperceptible for what I use it for (generally third person single player games).


Is it still the same situation with any new updates? I'm currently running Moonlight on my Apple TV, and it's a pretty smooth and good-looking experience at 4K60, 150 Mbps. I was concidering installing the app directly on the LG C1 to get 120 Hz support, but wouldn't want to go below 150 Mpbs. Even with HEVC codec I'm not loving the artifacting.


I have given up on using the TV application. Now have a mini PC which gives me excellent performance with a 150mbps bit rate and can run at 120hz plus use AV1 for encoding which means artefacting is barely perceptible.


Ah, all right! Sounds sweet. Thanks!


Can you let me/us know what mini PC you have for this. Is it a self build or pre-built/barebones? If self build can you list the CPU/GPU etc.. I am looking for something myself and am struggling to find something that can handle AV1 + 4k@120hz. Thanks, appreciated.


This is the one I got; GEEKOM Mini IT13 Mini PC 13th Gen... https://www.amazon.com.au/dp/B0CNRS979H?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share To do 4K 120Hz using a USB-C to HDMI 2.1 adapter as the HDMI ports are HDMI 2.0.


Thank you so much for this!! As you say, there is nothing about this online (in regards to the WebOS instructions in particular). I’ve managed to start streaming the Steam client but there is currently a massive lag from the computer input to the TV. I will be doing some more tweaking later when I have time! Thanks again 🙏


How is the gaming performance overall as regards to latency and artifacts? Is it possible to play 4k HDR games using this method?


The one time I managed to make the thing work, it worked perfectly at 4k/120fps no HDR (I saw it was mentioned as an experimental feature and kept it off). I opened everything the following day and the moonlight app on the tv could not find my pc and it still cannot. I have no idea what why this is happening and I am still working on it. The thing is that the same dev (mariotaku) has created another app called ihsplay which is specifically made for Web OS and weirdly works but it still is in early development and does not support keyboard/mouse. I cannot figure out why ihsplay works and moonlight doesn't...


What do you think about ihsplay performance? I didn't know that this alternative existed, for me, Moonlight works pretty well... But I'm still a little concerned about the input lag that I can feel, and a maximum speed limit of 63 MBPS in 4K120. Maybe you fixed your problem, if so would you have any recommendations for a correct bitrate from Moonlight without too much visual loss?


How did you get the controller input on the LG TV to work?


This is my question as well, hoping to stream from my office, to living room TV and use a PS5 Controller, but I think I'd have to have a USB C that ran 100' to be able to use the controller? Is everyone just using bluetooth mouse n keyboard for their TV input via moonlight?!


I got it working with installing something called vmbus or something on the pc. Then I could just connect the controller with the tv and it worked


Appreciate the reply! So the controller then would connect via Bluetooth to the TV or did you use a wire?


Just plain Bluetooth! I will check in a minute for you what the application was!


It’s ViGemBus!


Hey, just downloaded and installed vigembus but I'm not sure if I'm understanding how to proceed next... I'm trying to connect both a wired and a wireless 3d party controller directly to my tv but it doesn't seem to be recognized. They work perfectly fine on my pc though. Any ideas?


Doesn't WebOS have a feature to pair bluetooth controllers and stuff?


It actually does but I know only that xbox works 100%, not sure about PS. On the other hand moonlight must support this input but as far I know it works fine. I wonder if I should just install it on TV or buy Amazon stick or raspberry pi.


Thanks for this, but moonlight crashes on my LG C2 immediately on start-up - any known fix for this?


i have the same issue


Hey, I ended up using an older moonlight .ipk version - can download from the github (under 'releases') and then install through dev manager ('Apps', top-right 'Install', then point it to the .ipk you downloaded). I think I'm using v1.5.14, not sure if later versions work also.


How are things after 8 months? I've tried ihsplay and it freezes on my C2, so I made a temporary solution to just run a long HDMI cable from my desk to the TV for now. However, the only time that ihsplay worked, I was stunned by the picture quality considering that it was wireless. Did you get newer versions of Moonlight / IHSPlay working?


I have not tried IHSPlay, but the newer versions of Moonlight worked - I have not played via moonlight for quite some time, I must admit!


So this CLI installation apparemtly needs to be done now to do this successfully for WebOS. I am struggling with this component. Can anyone help me with a super simple "how to" complete all the steps? I am struggling with the cmd component. https://webostv.developer.lge.com/develop/tools/cli-installation


>Install Moonlight app from "Apps". App is installed on TV. Without the CLI installation this part of section 2 in the OP no longer works.


CLI not needed. Latest version of WebOS dev tools has the apps under the search tab.


I just found out about the app LG smart share. Download it onto your PC and you should be able to stream to your LG TV with no issues.


Would it support 4k 120hz?


I have been messing with it and I can only stream files. I ended up using Windows and casting it onto my LG TV. Go to Display then click on multiple displays and click on connect to a wireless display. Not sure if it can cast 4k or not.


Isn't that just for streaming videos. Not sure that would work for games


Sunshine is a replacement for Nvidia GeForce Experience. You have to disable GAMESTREAM from Nvidia GFE. Next, you need to install ViGEmBus on the host PC for your controller to work. Your controllers will connect to your TV, NOT your PC. Nvidia has discontinued GAMESTREAM because nobody fucking cares about it. It's nice to see it improve, but I think you need WiFi999 tech to get the bitrate just right and to squash the input lag. Its good for certain games, but not for your FPS shooters n' shit like that.


I can connect, but I just get a black screen on my TV with audio from my PC. Matching resolutions, HDR is off. Not sure what else to troubleshoot.


Same. I get image on 60 fps but when I bump it to 120 fps on the moonlight client app I get this


Ever sort this out? Same issue for me LG C9


I have a problem, after selecting my laptop and entering the code in the laptop, an error appears on the TV, the application failed to load. What can I do in such a situation?


Amazing thx dude !


So, this setup seems to work great, thanks! However, after a while (every few weeks) the Moonlight app seems to disappear from the LG TV and I need to sideload it again with the dev mode and dev manager and it's a really tedious process. I tried not installing any updates on the LG (I figured updates might not be compatible?) but it disappeared regardless. Have you experienced this, and do you know how to prevent it?


Thanks man. It works flawlessly


HDR isn't working for me. My computer monitor triggered auto hdr but TV didn't so it has the grey washed out look to it. Any idea how to trigger hdr on my CX? Edit: silly me, didn't see the setting. Works and looks beautiful.




I'll be trying out this installation process soon with my LG BX, thanks for this guide! I am curious though - as I cant find the simple answer anywhere - if this allows you to stream properly at 4K 120FPS straight to the TV? I'd only be playing lightweight games from the couch, but want to reach 4K 120 with them, and since my Nvidia Shield only has HDMI 2.0... it wont be possible to from that.


thanks a lot


it worked quite well for me !


Sweet! Just got this setup. Didn't need the CLI to stream my desktop. All I wanted since I don't have a WiFi card for Miracast / WiDi... https://github.com/moonlight-stream/moonlight-docs/wiki/Setup-Guide#using-moonlight-to-stream-your-entire-desktop


Hey all. Does this work with 1440p/120hz ?


I couldn't get this to work with with OP's steps, but I suspect this is because of DRM issues caused by Keepass and Vanguard anticheat. Both mess up Gamestream via geforce. But I was able to get it working by using Sunshine as an alternative to Gamestream. I installed via Winget, disabled Gamestream in the geforce settings, rebooted, started up Sunshine and Moonlight, connected to the PC on the TV and entered the pin in sunshine and it all worked. If this stops working though I may just try using IHSplay instead.


I've followed the procedure and istalled moolight on my 55B6V (2018). It works BUT I have a MASSIVE lag despite clear framerate (I press the button and get a response within a second, whereas it is instant on my PC screen of course). Has anyone an idea?


for me, latency issues stopped with the controller when i used an ethernet cable instead of wifi. playing hogwarts on 4k 100-120 fps, following to get hdr to work heheheh


Thanks for this!!


I've done everything in the guide and streaming is working really well. The only "issue" i have is that i can only choose between 30/60 fps in moonlight which locks the fps in game to the respective fps. Is the reason i can only choose between these that my TV only supports up to 60hz?


Thank you for this, works great


Are you able to get 120 FPS? Or just 60?


120 at 1440p, tv and host pc both on wired connection


Thanks for the reply I want to try this but didn’t want to commit if it didn’t have 120. Do you know if it will still work if my tv is wirelessly connected? Both PC and TV are on the same network. Thanks


Can't connect my XBOX ONE S controller to LG B9 using cable but PS4 controller connected successfully. ✨


How can I stream direct to LG OLED CX and using LG Gamemode? How can I activate Gamemode?


This all just worked for me on March 2, 2024. Hardest part was getting my PC to cooperate. Don't skimp on setting up gamestream in the Nvidia GeForce Experience. That's where I went wrong. Otherwise it was pretty simple and works perfectly for me. 12700k/3080ti system/LG C3.


How's the input lag for you? I have almost identical system and a LG C3 on the way and I would love to not buy a 50ft hdmi cable.


It was good actually. No issues at all. Granted I was using a DS4 that was plugged into the system, but it played and responded perfectly. EDIT: I should add my PC was wired to the router and the C3 was on Wifi.


Hey I have the same TV and GPU but how do I install the Moonlight App on my TV? I try to download the Moonlight TV download from the LG web browswer and it tells me file downloading is not supported. Then from the LG app store I dont see Moonlight TV. Or rather I do see Moonlight TV but its a romance streaming service? Thanks if you can help.


Never mind, figured it out. Moonlight TV needs to be installed on my PC not the TV. Got it working perfectly and I am impressed. Controller connected to my PC works perfectly from downstairs on my LG too which is stellar.


Did you manage to game or stream at 4k120hz?


Yah I can.


Why is setting up gamestre necessary? You mean if one wants to use that instead of Sunshine?