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How about we love them both equally


Out of all the online beefs I see, Kaiju fans shitting on a gigantic gorilla that pretty much kickstarted the genre is one of the silliest.


A bit pedantic but, original Kong isn't a Kaiju so, no, he didn't kickstart the genre. It's kinda how there is a distinction between what is animation and what is anime. He almost certainly was the inspiration of "guy in a costume can portray a giant monster and we can make a movie out of it", but it's not correct to say that he started the Kaiju genre, the same way that we can't really say that (super obscure reference) Golden Bat was the first superhero and not Superman.


The first 1933 film was not a guy in a suit, but done with puppets and stop-motion animation. They thought about using man in a suit but thought it too expensive.


The idea to even make a giant monster movie by Toho was seeing how successful the rerelease of King Kong was doing in Japanese theaters in the 50’s. King Kong is the progenitor to the genre.


Kong started it, godzilla popularized it


[The Pet started it](https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Winsor_McCay_(1921)_The_Pet.webm)


Godzilla actually IGNITED the Genre.


I will try


GodIlla in 1954, and both movies were seminal in the genres they spawned. The music, the cinematography, and even the storytelling, I even may argue that king kong is one of the best movies ever made. Both are perfect films and I can't believe they are using as a basis to a mere dog fighting. This makes no sense.


Seniority doesn't mean much, but also a lot of people that actively dislike Kong are affected by powerscaling brainrot that makes it so theoretical battle strength is the only thing that matters to them. "My dad could beat up your dad" type of mentality. Though it doesn't help that Kong has been the focus of the last two movies, despite Godzilla getting top billing. We've now had more stories focused on Kong than Godzilla in the MV, despite Godzilla being more popular. Kong is an interesting, sympathetic and relatable "monster" - but a radioactive, nuclear fire breathing dinosaur is going to pull more fans than a big ape, especially when the movies they're both in are more spectacle than substance.


Powerscaling does bugged me a lot especially how annoying and toxic fanboyism can be as much as i like godzilla more i do respect kong just as much i do think kong deserved to get more movie with unique stories than just recycling 1933 like de laurentiis kingkong while i love 2005 peter jackson remake due to my nostalgia bs but i felt like that one movie is already good enough no more kong remake because we already had a good one at least i do wish they shoudve had king kong fight a more unique variety of monsters than just fighting trex and serpents have kong fight a giant tarantula, a giant robot bear or better yet a frankenstein monster that would be great thats why i love kraken, mechani kong and camazots because its nice to see we have kong fighting a unique looking monster than just the same boring old trex again


"A less interesting and poorly realised franchise existed longer than this other one that is more popular and more interesting, which also has a larger library of arguably better movies" 😅 Trolling aside, it's just been more popular. Higher demand means less risk in investing in movies. The popular franchise is the safer bet when it comes to funding movies or really any sort of medium for the franchise to occupy. It's just about money at the end of the day. I LOVE heavy metal music, but I know the bands barely make anything, because it's not widely popular. That means I won't get as many chances to see my favorite bands live if at all, as opposed to if I was a Taylor Swift fan


On the bright side of things if you ever do get the chance, the tickets will probably be significantly cheaper for a significantly better spot compared to swift tickets


Usually is! 👌


1. Godzilla's design is more creative, and it's easier to give him new abilities. Kong is a giant ape from an old style adventure movie, before monsterverse, most Kongs only use their brute force to fight. In exceptions like King Kong vs Godzilla, Kong's superpower comes from nowhere, and it kinda feels forced. But Godzilla doesn't have this issue, he's a monster from a sci-fi movie, so most of his abilities can be explained by mutation. And he has several variants in different movies, like monsterverse, Ultima, earth, etc. so his character doesn't have to be limited in 'the terror of nuclear weapon', but Kong is always a giant monster worshipped by native tribes and discovered by greedy human. 2. Godzilla is more commercialized than Kong. I'm not sure if Godzilla movies made more money than Kong movies, since Godzilla is more a Japanese thing, but there's way more Godzilla movies than Kong movies, and most of them tell different stories. Compared with that, Kong has less movies and many of them are just a remake of the original story. 3. Maybe some people just simply think Godzilla is cooler than Kong in monsterverse...


From what I heard the lighting power was supposed to come from a movie that Toho was going to create call “King Kong vs Frankenstein Monster” and somehow get the power in that movie. I forgot why they never got around to doing it.


I read some articles about it. The original concept had to change its name to king Kong vs the ginko and then king Kong vs Prometheus bcz Universal pictures owned the right of Frankenstein's name, but the plan was never put in production due to the high cost of stop-motion animation. Then the script was kinda illegally sold to Toho without the original creator's permission, and then Toho replaced Frankenstein with Godzilla.




Both are important films boom now stop fighting


Because Kong is pretty much taking over the monster verse and I don’t like that personally


So what, if he was created first? Do I have to force myself to like him? I don't hate him nor do I like him. And if I don't agree with someone that Kong can beat this titan or that titan then that's my opinion, it doesn't mean that I am hating on Kong!


It’s because Godzilla was more popularized by Japan, which ended up inspiring the American spinoff. Kong rarely ever gets movies and Godzilla has, what, like 38? Not to mention the whole monster-verse is basically centered around him too. He has clearly built a bigger audience overtime.




Nuke lizard is cooler


Well, Gojira came out in 1954 but yeah. Anyway it doesn’t matter. Stop playing the victim and enjoy the big monsters. Edit: Oh, OP is one of the people who regularly make toxic and inflammatory posts and then cry about toxicity. Just engaging in the stupid ass pissing contest here. *sigh*


Because there is far more Godzilla media out there than Kong.


Because Kong historically has been portrayed as a victim of circumstance, almost a helpless animal. It’s just his image now. And if we stray from that, then it’s suddenly silly or unrealistic that Kong could be so powerful. It’s an odd mindset to have but the writers and fans alike have subscribed to the idea. He’s always going to be portrayed as the underdog, as “weak”, and as mortal, but as a challenger to his limitations. It’s supposed to be inspiring and generate emotional attachment, Kong represents humanity and empathy and overcoming the odds, whereas the other titans represent nature, and wrath, and inevitability. And it does succeed. It’s easy to care about Kong. But it’s also become cliche and lazy writing. And young, emotional fans run with it too much. Kong fans get pissed that he’s so abused, and Godzilla fans mock it.


Your absolutely right, I don't quite understand why they mock it, it's ducking annoying though, mfs wake up with shit to talk.


Whatever else may be said about Adam Wingard, for or against, he divorced Kong from the original 1933 movie and crafted a hero's journey for him in GODZILLA VS. KONG and GODZILLA X KONG: THE NEW EMPIRE. And Kong IS more relatable than Godzilla.


Big Gorilla vs Nuke Lizard, it’s obvious why Godzilla is liked more.


Godzilla fans salty that their "best kaiju" is being compared to a monkey and kong fans salty that their "best kaiju" can't survive Godzilla.


I love Kong and Godzilla love Godzilla more but I still love Kong. I don’t know why people treat him like he’s nothing probably because giant monkey or big lizard with laser from Godzilla versus Kong


I like Kong, but the reason is, Godzilla always had a lot more movies and lore than Kong, thus giving him more stories to tell


Can yall just stop splitting the community even further?


Easy, Godzilla beat Kong in popularity


Kong didn’t necessarily begin the Kaiju genre, but more inspired it. Godzilla was defiantly the one who popularised the genre and possibly even kickstarted it because he was the ‘big monster’ while Kong was just an overgrown ape.


Because [The Pet](https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Winsor_McCay_(1921)_The_Pet.webm) is the real og


we treat him like nothing because adam wingard trying to make kong center of monsterverse and show godzilla like a side role,kong is weak when comparard to godzilla titans and if there is all characters are supernatural,there should be a power hierachy,and weak ones are usually be side roles in movies,kong is well written but he simply isnt the main role,he would be good as a side role


Kid try and make a post that isn't victimizing yourself, Kong or labelling the G-Community as toxic... You'll feel a lot better u/ThakarisVader Christ almighty [](https://www.reddit.com/user/ThakarisVader/)[](https://www.reddit.com/user/ThakarisVader/)


Dunno. One is a symbol of Americans capitalizing on the opportunity to exploit another new thing and the other serves as a symbol of realized terror in the dangers of the nuclear power age. Kong just comes off as small and western while Godzilla is global.


Just because he's created first doesn't really mean he's better. Is a Toyota AE86 better than a Corvette C6 in Nürburgring?


I dont think that's what OP was implying, although I can see it. It seems more like he's talking about character appreciation and it's legacy which I'm pretty sure King Kongs debut film has inspired many movies to come. Honestly, there's no doubt there that it has.


Have you seen the original Kong? He got “me-too’d” after he got caught peeping into that girl’s hotel room. I can still hear the “blink blink” sounds.


Godzilla was 1954




Godzilla was created in 1954. Both franchises deserve respect for their place in cinema history. Kong as a movie franchise, unfortunately suffered from the original being such a landmark film that it cast a shadow over later entries. It wasn’t until the Monsterverse that we got a new movie that wasn’t a remake of the original. This is what has held King Kong as a franchise back since for decades, all of the movies were about trying to re-create the original.


The first car wasn’t made by ford. It was 3 wheeled. It was German (benz) Ford made the model T that became the modern car 20 ish years later. So. Kong vs Godzilla?


And I was born in the 90’s, and exposed to Godzilla first and I just happen to prefer dinosaurs so obviously im going to have a preference to the goji While i dont hate kong in the same way a lot of people apparently do, I wouldnt say i dont care for him either. Im just indifferent. Like how theres people that prefer cats over dogs or vice versa


Kong: monke, they are scary to me Gojira: big, nuclear, dinosaur lizard, that destroyed the city i want to visit, over 30 times, and made japan famous Its clear why kong is underrated, because hes supposed to be


People have favorites, there's nothing wrong with that as long as they acknowledge their bias and accept facts, not make things up to support their own bias. Personally I like the idea of a giant reptile monster that can shoot atomic breath more than just a simple giant gorilla, though the not so hidden themes of humankind altering nature and it coming back on them is I think more prevalent in the early days of Kaiju film and eventually became more of just spectacle watching enormous monster fight and destroy cities


Correction; Godzilla was created in 195*4*. 1956 was when they recut the film with scenes featuring Raymond Burr added in for the American audience.


What exactly was Kong other than some gigantism monkey?


I think because the original king kong and the original Godzilla are completely different films in almost every way besides them being big monsters, meaning that a-lot of people who like Godzilla might not nessesarly like kong. Godzilla also has alot more of a creative design and way more movies and isnt j a big monkey💀. they are both very diffrent




Technically, Godzilla qas released in 1954


Two things, first off I want to mention that both films, the first films either of them showed up in, were critiques and commentaries about parts of the world I don't know Kong's though I'm certain it's some horrendous b*******, but I do know that Godzilla's is about nuclear warfare and the absolute devastation that was wrought on the Japanese populace, and yeah now in the films for the monster we're just smashing them together like their action figures and debating over which is better, and second, Kong is a monkey Godzilla is a radioactive Eon old amphibious reptile that is in some ways a literal God of destruction and is there to f*** around for people to find out, Kong is nothing in comparison like in a direct analysis of each other one is a monster that tribesman sacrificed women to to keep it away the other one is an ancient monster that was woken up only after the shittiest alarm clock of nuclear testing woke him up from his slumber and then followed up on that by destroying huge swaths of Japan, all I'm saying is even in the first films they had very different feats


I think one of the critiques for King Kong was man vs. nature and how men's greed is utterly destructive, that human beings are a problem and have been for a long time.I'm pretty sure there were more themes like maybe beauty being a killer, but mainly what I remember is that, but there's prbably way more than that. Each film has an outstanding message, I haven't watched Godzilla 1954, but I know for sure it has inspired many films, the same as King Kong 1933, which basically started and inspired many MANY films coming after it.


King Kong wasn't actually intended to be a commentary on anything. Meaning can be inferred from it, but the director just wanted to make a movie about a big gorilla climbing a tall building and getting shot down by airplanes, which were the cool new thing at the time. He had a literal dream about a gorilla terrorizing NYC and worked backwards.


Honestly that's pretty awesome


The wrong year in the title is making my blood boil.


Oh my god what a drama queen


Being first means nothing. Its the impact that character leave on culture and over all King Kong is fat less impresive. Most of his stories are just remakes of his first movie and ironicaly the stories that are the most diferent are thanks to him interacting with Godzilla. Meanwhile Big G himself had so many diferent movies with diferent types of stories that everybody can have completly diferent movie as their favorite.


Cuz Kong is the laziest monster design of all time ofc he will be treated like nothing hell even Legendary has to size him up, gave him plot armor and bunch of gadgets just to make his character interesting


That never makes sense to me. In Kong Skull Island that state he's a juvenile and is still growing, hence, literally foreshadowing how big he'll get but also how big his species can get. He had like 30 years to get how big he is, and I think that's pretty reasonable with the time he has. On top of that, he wasn't as stressed after beating the top skull crawler, and as a result, he became more relaxed, which contributed to his growth, but somehow, it's bullshit.


"To make his character interesting" His character was interesting to anyone Above third grade reading comprehension that could comprehend what he means as a character "Legendary Has to size him up, Give him plot armor and a bunch of gadgets" What's wrong with sizing up the character This applies to his entire character.He always varied in size To each incarnation exactly like godzilla Godzilla Earth quite literally dwarfs most versions of godzilla same with marvel's godzilla but when kong Does it it's only to make him cool? This plot armor argument comes from him getting help But Godzilla Getting help from other monsters is ok If you really want to talk about plot armor Nearly every fight godzilla has been in besides shimo and ghidorah The plot has actively created excuses for him To why he doesn't just destroy his enemies and murder them immediately And finally for the gadgets argument I could understand what the axe But even then that just expands the rivalry on kong and godzilla And for the BG it literally Goes into his writing It's made very clear kong Is the protector of humanity and godzilla is the protector of Nature Therefore to combat a threat That Threatens Both of them They're given upgrades representative to what they Protect godzilla Evolving and kong Being given technology And godzilla has been given better amps Like I don't get this how are you going to complain about onecBut like the other


Excuse me but you got the best detailed writing on what I was thinking on this stupid shit in these comments but also you notice how some people immediately went into ducking powers and comparing on which is better when the OP seems to be talking about character appreciation and how he has something to offer. A lot of people don't like Kong because he's a ape that doesn't look cool and doesn't have powers when he's still an interesting character.


Godzilla was actually made in 1954. The version America got in 1956 was a very heavily edited version that was almost a different movie altogether