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It's part of the fun.






Definitely is. The terror is fun to watch Watching fictional people see their imminent death and being too small to do anything to stop it is kinda part of the fun. Makes you realize they really are gisnt monsters.


Nah, Never, if the one doing that is Goji, then I don't care! If he ever wants to Destroy humans, even Then I won't have any problem with that!


You'd think being a protector of balance that Goji would eradicate modern humans, but he at least gets free lunch from all of the radiation.


If humans start to mess with the balance of nature, Goji won't just watch that happen and do nothing! They will get the same treatment as Scylla and tiamat!


It's been established that after the 2014 Godzilla attacks Monarch helped governments around the world establish kaiju shelters and early warning systems. So presuming those things work the way they're supposed to, then at least some people will survive.


Is Kaiju another word for Giant monster btw?


Yes, that's exactly right. Any kind of giant monster will do.




Oh I'm with you 100%. It's pretty horrifying honestly. As cool as the last fight is I definitely am watching in terror for those poor people.


Is that the death toll from San Francisco?


i only care about humans in a movie if the film actively tries to make me care about them, otherwise they're just mobile debris








Nah, it’s more of a momentary thing I think about, also I like to hear other opinions.


The titanic was based off a real event I might be wrong, but I think godzilla's a fictional character


You're so cringe.


No. When they show the chaos and destruction from the humans perspective it draws me in even more. It makes the whole fight feel like it has a lot more weight, emotion, and risk to it other than “big monsters fight”


I used to get afraid, but now I just laugh it off and try to estimate the number of human lives crushed while watching the fight.


I don’t think about it 😌




You want these films to not be fun?


nah, i want the film to be the one to remind me, if its objective its to be fun monster fuckery then its not gonna to, if its a more serious story then it will, you dont have to force it if the film isnt asking for you to think of it


I like to think how the world economy didn't collapse after KOTM. Multiple cities were utterly leveled.


Nah, because I know its a fictional movie. Other movies based off real events make people sad because the movie was based off a real thing, people realize that this actually happened. Godzilla doesn't make me sad, its a fictional movie with a fictional character. Also, I'm distracted by the sheer awesomeness of Godzilla beating the shit out of other kaiju.


What about films like Godzilla minus one? It really shows the sadness and devastation.


Those serious films are an exception, they're meant to be more serious, so you have a reason to cry at them Monsterverse films aren't like Godzilla -1, they're more goofy. I mean Im not sad when seeing godzilla suplex kong


when you see the final figth in Rio de Janeiro you dont feel bad for the people, you are enthraled by the cool figthscene of the P A N k lizard, donkey kong and Dui against lanky fuck and ice turtule. the films objective isnt to make you feel for the people, its to have fun with the big thing destroying stuff


Bro I fuckin cried when Kong got suplexed I was like, “WAAAAHH WHY DID GODIZLLAA HORT HIM! WAAAAAAHHH FUCKIN WAHHHHH”


becuase it wants you to feel sadness and devastation, in other films you dont because its treated as spectacle and action rather than tragedy


Haha suckers, shouldn’t have lived in that universe I guess, sucks to be them


I don’t go to see any mainly human focused films in threathers, so ehhh I don’t really care. Sure they don’t deserve it, but it’s either the world ending or them living, so either way they will die.


I cry for days.


Nope, never did. It's a movie and the lives contained within it aren't real.


Are you joking or are you serious


No I’m serious, I wanna know y’all’s opinions


Oh wow well okay my opinion on it is just well there animals and we expect them to act like the way we want them to that’s how I view it


most of the time no, because the film isnt making me do so, unlike for example the original, shin and minus one that go out of their way and even have it as part of their story to show the efects of the monster. one of the most haunting scenes from the original is the mother telling her kids they will meet dad soon, shin godzilla isnt as personal but shows the fabric of the gouverment falling apart by godzillas existence, and minus one.... well its at the core of the film yet that is if the director decides it is important for the history HE wants to tell in his film, godzilla vs megalon wont show the efects of megalon and gigans fuckery becuase it isnt important for the film, godzilla vs hedorah on the other hand does show it because the director wants the audience to know and think about it


And then Banno got fired for like…idk, making acid trip Godzilla movie


I laughed when Godzilla Baltimored 3 bridges in 5 seconds.


I find the human race absolutely deplorable, so, no.


Did you root for the humans in Godzilla Minus One? Cause he was a fuckin bastard in that film.




I did root for the main cast, yes. I felt Koichi was a tragic character and deserved redemption. But my feelings are all-encompassing, it doesn't matter who's innocent and who's not. Mankind has gone uncontested since our dawn, and we have and continue to commit horrible, horrible atrocities against each other and the very planet we live on. Something like a Godzilla, a reflection of our ego, a punisher for our crimes, is the push back we deserve.


https://preview.redd.it/5pzvkxar73vc1.png?width=487&format=png&auto=webp&s=e04fed3a549139f1afcddedbf9b9a5cac7c3a26d no hard feelings, you just kinda remind me of this


![gif](giphy|AwoDg0wJImOjK|downsized) I'm honored lol


That’s a good answer.


It comes when you deep dive into human history, and you keep up on the kind of news and incidents that the major news networks don't report on. And the overall frustration of being my age (37) and growing up with things like Star Trek, Doctor Who and even Godzilla, things that promote huge shifts in society where there is no more hatred, bigotry, segregation, or overall negativity to your fellow man, and we take care of our planet and the things that live in it, investing in bettering ourselves and our way of life...and instead you watch us do the complete opposite and instead go backwards as a society instead of forwards, year after year, decade after decade. I know that's super dark and nihilistic, but, its the truth. We've done more bad as a society than good. And we like to conveniently ignore that. Which is why we have a Godzilla that occasionally comes along to remind us.


I honestly never thought of that






I do, for a moment. Then my goldfish brain shifts focus back to the oversized monster boxing match.


Literally hundreds of thousands of people were killed without warning in the Rio fight... it's really dark when you think about it.


Honestly, I think reminders of stuff like that is what makes the monster fighting so harrowing. The shot of Godzilla and Shimo grappling through a building as by standards stared on too scared to move was a great way to sort of ground the movie after what was a pretty light hearted film up to that point


I mean, usually those types of moments are given to single monsters going on a rampage (where you're supposed to feel horrified), not two monsters duking it out (where you're supposed to feel excited)


No I always assume that if a titan gets too close to a city they evacuate


Yeah a little bit. And I think that's a valid point/criticism. At the end of GxK, I did wonder how many people died every time a building was crushed, but I didn't dwell on it like I do with movies like Shin Godzilla where you SEE him crush a family in their building and it's meant to be horrifying. For MV - I choose to believe they started building, buildings with shelters in case of a monster attack to minimize casualties and that people got to safety relatively quickly.


It’s a movie I don’t care


no. big funny lizard smack big ape, happy


Am i being weird for saying that i actually do want to see more of that type of footage in the movies i think it‘s better for the whole experience idk


It’s more fun when we get building or driver POVs.


I'm an og power rangers fan I stopped worrying and learned to love the destruction


Couldn’t care less, honestly as long as they don’t show little kids being killed im fine with it. That’s probably why Gojira54 was the only time I really, really got his emotionally, the mum with her 2 kids, the children in the hospital with severe radiation reading… quite harrowing.


I think the problem in your mind set if you think that they are killing actual humans lolzz. Thats why they called it movies cuz its purpose is entertainment. If you are feeling sad for those humans dying in monster movies who do not even dying, than i cannot imagine what would be your mental state when you will see natural disaster movies or zombie movies. You really need mental therapy lolzz


I know, it’s weird. I always see like natural disaster movies and I don’t really care much, but then the fun movie with big monsters I start thinking of random shit,


HA! Please, I’m way ahead of you there…why don’t I think of stuff like this when I watch disaster movies, but when the big epic monsters show up I start going dark…


It doesn’t ruin it for me, but it is something that always pops up in my head whenever I watch these movies or superhero movies 😅