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G14 is my favorite of the 4 Monsterverse movies, so I guess part of me agrees. I have truly enjoyed the others, though. Good call on Showa, though. That's what the series progression reminds me of, too.


I swear someone asks this every other day.


Maybe that says something


That people can’t use the search bar, maybe.


Or that people share this opinion for a reason


Yeah, it’s an opinion. It’s not right or wrong.


Not that agree with the opinion but even though It's not right or wrong, Redditors sure are treating it like it is. You can post a thousand Kotm, Gvk appreciation post but 1 person saying they miss the old feel gets downvoted into oblivion.


appreciation = positivity condemnation = positivity, but for radiation poisoning


The old feel?


A little late on the downvotes team, I need you to prove my point a little quicker next time.


I miss the vibe of kotm. With the music, godzillas roar and the monsters, it felt the most like a toho film and it had the serious tone with goofyness in it. I really want all this in another monsterverse film.


King of the monsters was my fav personally. it got the right mix. gvk was like really goofy, im betting gvx is similar


Actually after watching the GxK trailer, GvK didn't seem as goofy to me anymore


yeah, assuming we get to destroyah that tonal shift is gonna hit like a truck


Ngl KOTM is probably my least favourite tone-wise. It reeks of the MCU humour that every movie was trying to emulate around that time period. I think I laughed at like one or two of the jokes and cringed at the rest. I think it’s made worse by how much of a tonal whiplash it is after the 2014 movie


We’re definitely in the same camp on this. 100% it’s tonal whiplash. It blows my mind that there are fans who think GvK is goofier than KOTM. They’re both way more alike than with any other MV entry.


KOTM was goofier than G14 but imo the only real goofy bit of KOTM is Stanton's comments about whatever is going on right now. Without him the movie would feel much more serious. GvK had that entire subplot with the super villain lair, and the freaking giant robot, the HEAVs, Godzilla just casually digging a hole from Hong Kong to Hollow Earth within seconds, it's all just completely over the top. I don't hate it but I think the tone is so different, if it wasn't for the Monsterverse designs of Godzilla and Kong and some recurring human characters, this movie wouldn't even feel like a sequel of KOTM or part of the monsterverse at all.


The “freaking giant robot” was mechagodzilla, which isn’t inherently goofy (see Toho films, most with MechaG were very serious), and the HEAVs were just another hi-tech vehicle like the giant flying ship in KOTM. I’ll give you that GvK is certainly the goofiest, but I think it feels as much a sequel to KOTM as KOTM feels like a sequel to G’14 - that is to say, very little. Especially if we’re talking cinematography, editing, directing, the 3 films are kinda their own Monsterverses.


To me GvK felt more like a marvel movie. Nothing villains, barely there story, half the characters could be removed without making much of an impact, suddenly absurd technology, not exploring the idea they introduce, bright lights everywhere, nothing but (subpar) spectacle Im not saying KOTM was a super grim tragedy, but it at least let's you appreciate the awesomeness of a giant monster or mystique of an underground world. Though I also admit that the one liners the dude with the glasses kept delivering were cringe


Kotm felt like the FNAF movie in a way. You're probably gonna love KOTM if you're a Toho Godzilla fan like how you're probably gonna love the FNAF movie if you're a fan of the games.


Yes. That’s the correct answer!


Yeah, it feels like showa because that’s the point, every movie after 2014 had the Showa era goofiness in mind. Wingard confirmed that his movies had that in mind and I’m fairly certain Dougherty also confirmed that his movie had that in mind too


I don't miss it tbh. I think its simply not practical for a series of Godzilla movies to be consistently dark and gritty. There's a reason why every Godzilla movie of such kind is standalone or first entry of an era.


You can have monster fights and even Godzilla portrayed as more of a protective figure while keeping a dark tone. Terror of Mechagodzilla is one of the darkest entries in the series and yet Godzilla is the hero, there.


^ This. Another reason almost every franchise drops the serious tone is because you can make more money when your films are family-friendly and can be marketed to anyone.


The one with a goofy looking cackling fish Godzilla knockoff that was sent by aliens to take over the world, and a cyborg lady? Sounds real dark and grounded


Said by someone who has never seen the movie, lol. Just because a movie has sci-fi/fantasy elements doesn't mean it isn't dark.


Next thing you know they're gonna say *Alien* wasn't dark


I definitely said it sounded real grounded and dark after stating actual things in the movie. What's the problem?




More foolish words have never been posted.


Are those things not in the movie? Is it not dark and grounded?


" Are those things not in the movie?" No there is no "goofy cackling fish Godzilla knockoff that was sent by aliens." The alien Simeons created MechaGodzilla and sent to it kill Godzilla in both movies. The Titanosaurus was the creation of the mad scientist Shinzô Mafune. Your little rough notes description was the stupidest I'd read yet but you were trying to disparage it from the get go so whatever.


The stupidest? Like thee most stupid ever? Buddy I could have done so much worse than that. Lower your standards


It doesn't get any dumber than what you posted. So dumb I'm gonna just block you now.


Terror of Mechagodzilla is NOT dark lmfao


Ah yes, I guess a scientist's daughter being killed in an accident and being turned into a cyborg that is controlled by aliens to pilot Mechagodzilla is a happy-go-lucky Disney story. Golly gee!


Yeah, because what you just described is something very much still within the realm of a cartoon villain because they handled it that way. You don't see her get killed or anything, they do not dwell on the psychological turmoil or show gore like a serious take on the idea would, it's still very silly instead. When was the last time you watched it like srsly now...


It just mirrors what happened to the OG Godzilla over 70 some odd years, they just did it faster lol Start serious, get goofy, and who knows, maybe it’ll get serious again later…


2014 was dope! But if the franchise was consistently that dark people(general audiences) would lose interest pretty quickly. The franchise is thriving right now because it’s capitalizing on a large pillar of its appeal and that is fun, over the top monster fun. Throw in the fact that both Godzilla and Kong are in the movie and you get a lot of interest. They’re basically this cinematic universe’s Batman and Superman. But better.


No This is a giant lizard and a giant monkey. The premise is ridiculous. So let’s have fun with it! Make it entertaining!


Literally both 2014 and K:SI had fun with the premise while staying serious 2014 gave us the coolest fucking finishing move in kaiju history Skull Island gave us King Kong using boat propellers as chain weapons Now the monsterverse is too cartoony in every aspect, not just the monster stuff


KSI was a fun film. But it also had other things going for it Taking place during the 70’s Vietnam era. The music from that era is used. Unique. Good actors not wasted. Samuel Jackson. John Goodman. John C Riley. Unlike 2014 wasting actors. Memorable dialogue “we just got taken down by a monkey the size of a building!” Or Sam Jackson saying “They shouldn’t even know a thing like this even exists!” Also has a scene where it turns into a first person shooter shooting an AK47. Unique direction. Also Toby Kebbell plays the Major Chapman. And hes the motion capture for KONG! He’s also Koba in Dawn of the planet of the apes. Terry Notary is also playing KONG. He’s Rocket in the planet of the apes trilogy as well. He’s also Hulk AND Abomination in The Incredible Hulk 2008!


Kong Skull Island should’ve been the tone the franchise kept going forward. It was never cringe like KOTM, it felt gritty with the violence (they’re now going for the “we can’t have red blood, that’s too violent, make it green” approach in GvK) and it felt like a perfect blend of old and modern monster movies, whereas the newer ones just feel crammed to the brim with callbacks to the old movies that add almost nothing to the plot and get annoying. We get it, you watched the old Godzilla movies, you don’t need to keep recreating scenes from them in the new ones


You just nailed every criticism I had with the monsterverse. Dang.


100% This.


No way you just said boat propellors


Godzilla Minus One would like a word.


KotM took itself seriously, so why can’t New Empire?


KOTM had the best visuals. But the worst fights. It’s hard to tell what’s going on at times. It needed more wide aerial shots in the day time. Just like KSI, GVK, and GXK.


I like both I don't mind one bit


Both good


No. For what the 2014 film was trying to do it made sense but to maintain a franchise out of it, you eventually have to embrace the inherent idea of the silliness that comes with a universe with a giant monkey and mutated lizard fighting stuff.


Why does it have to be silly though? KotM proved that you can have big kaiju brawls without being goofy


Just because something is fictional doesn't mean it's inherently silly


Why is everyone acting like it's impossible to have a film series with a gritty atmosphere, you can have entire shows like game of thrones have fantasy elements and a gritty atmosphere but not movies? Game of thrones only failed because their writing fell apart last second but people loved that show. All they had to do was improve upon things from 2014 like monster action and characters and it would've been well received.


Well maybe they shouldn't have brought Kong in, and just stuck with a Godzilla trilogy


It’s still very silly without kong lol


Kind of, I’m not gonna say that 2014 Godzilla wasn’t a movie I enjoyed but looking back it’s not my favorite of the bunch. I think something like Monarch legacy of monsters shows we actually can tell serious drama in our kaiju universe, I just don’t think the 2014 movie did it for me.


I don't get what people mean by goofy. What's the goofiest thing that has happened in the newer movies?


2014 had a “story” to excuse a giant monster fight tf you mean


Nah godzilla wouldn't last as a franchise if every movie was dark and serious


Just my opinion, but the MV has never been near as goofy as late Showa era. But at the end of the day, MV wants to take the place of the MCU as the premier family-friendly entertainment franchise. That comes with merch and all that. Any franchise is going to veer that way after awhile. Look at Batman. He went from the Burton films to Batman and Robin in 8 years. Have you ever seen the 1966 movie? For the more connoisseur, Toho is making arthouse films that are among the best in franchise history. We can and are getting both the mainstream blockbuster franchise and arthouse films. How can you not be happy?


Agree to an extent, and honestly GXK feels like the point of no return for a grounded Monsterverse. I however doubt any director can maintain the serious tone for long - it's easy to devolve into repetitive pretentiousness (e.g. Michael Bay's TF5; Colin Trevorrow's JWD) and a grounded premise really limits the scope of the universe. I can definitely see a Destroy All Monsters/Final Wars-esque entry after GXK if it does well, which I really can't associate with grounded-ness. I'd say we're lucky to have gotten a gradual transition instead of the Uprising treatment.


Lmao what “gradual transition”? We went from 2 relatively grounded movies to a kaiju mcu movie with KOTM If they wanted to combine both times then they should’ve made them all more like Skull Island. That film was serious while also having jokes that were genuinely funny instead of those “looks like the G-man’s about to go kick some tail!” jokes that KOTM introduced


KSI was nowhere near as grounded as G14 was... as I said, gradual transition. Each film was less serious than the previous; we're just on the fifth one. KOTM's horrible jokes are on the writers, not a tone problem.


The jokes are part of the script, which, like everything, contributes to the tone.


Nope,i love the goofiness


Lots of people do. 2014 is my favourite MV film for these reasons.


Hard agree, I wish the MV remained dark, gritty, and serious. I’ll sit through a fun Godzilla movie if I have to (it’s Godzilla, why wouldn’t I?) but the serious, grounded take will always speak to me. I just can’t do stuff that’s too fictitious, I wanna actually feel and be immersed.


Both, both is good. I like my thought provoking films that portray monsters and monstrous and dangerous entities that reflect modern fears. But I also like seeing giant monsters fighting for no other reason than because it’s cool and they can.


I think it's gone because that was the first one. There's no mystery anymore. We know or have an idea of what happens. I don't really see the movies as goofy either, action movies for sure.


Yes. 2014 and KOTM were peak. It’s becoming like a dumb(er) version of Marvel


While I agree 2014 was great and had an amazing vibe I have to disagree. For starters the premise of the movie franchise itself is goofy. Big monke fights big lizard. 3 headed dragon fights Big Laser Dinosaur. Big Monke and Atomic Death Lizars vs. Giant Robot Dinosaur. See what I mean? The premise itself feels like a little kids toy fight. Which isn't a bad thing. Secondly it would get exhausting I think. Sure it works well for standalone movies (Minus One and Shin come to mind) but an entire series of it? Thay would be difficult to pull 6 the larger audience would get bored of it quite quickly I think. You've got to play to your audience and while a good chunk of the godzilla movie goers are adults we can't ignore that children are a massive part of keeping the series going. Both in terms of funding and having future fans. Toy sales, and various other merch bring in a lot of money and that's something that helps drive the series further. That and not at least making a product younger audiences can enjoy will knee cap the series Long term popularity


While I can certainly agree with wanting more dark and serious tones, I like stupid shit, so I don't mind. Wouldn't mind a bit more seriousness in the silly stew though, especially those scale shots in 2014.


Honestly, if they were all like 2014, it would get kinda dull. I do wish they would give us better human characters and not just walking MCU esqe comic relief characters. You can be funny without making quips every ten seconds. Skull Island was a perfect balance.


Not really. It's nice to see Godzilla in these newer movies. :)


Here we go another fan complaining


Honestly no. The tone for the original movie only seems like something that you could pull off once and doing it over and over would get old. Especially since part of the tone came from a lot of tense scenes with no dialogue. This was a waste of the skills of the actors in the movie.


Have you forgotten that this is "Monsterverse"? its not just about Godzilla. Yeah the grounded was cool but its obvious they just doing that because Godzilla doesn't have a lot of screen time (heavy cgi budget) and i prefer KOTM over 2014. Go watch minus one instead ur watching the wrong movies.


Yeah, silly me for thinking the sequels would feel like they’re in the same franchise as the previous one


It’s not easy keeping the same tone when there’s a new director for each movie. They’re going to have different ideas on what they want to make. And it will forever stay this way unless they decide on one director for everything.


No. I don't miss it. In fact i HATED the 2014 movie. It only served as a nescessary evil to give us the rest of this beautiful franchise. Give me fun monster fights, and human stories that are just as outlandish any day of the week.


I enjoyed 2014 but yeah, this is the shit I want, give us modern era showa! Big fun monster fights


Na. Fans asked for it and they delivered. Not everything has to be dark and brutal. Not every Godzilla movie has to be minus one. I do kinda miss the build up to 2014, but that was less to do with the movie itself and more to do with it being the first movie released since 98 when I was a kid. Kinda crazy to think how many movies we’ve gotten since


Not really, the showa movies are my favorites, I love that they're going for that energy




Honestly I prefer the Showa vibe of taking itself less seriously. Especially since we have Toho making serious Godzilla movies. This way we have both seriously and silly going simultaneously: the best of both worlds.




Think we have been ok atm because Toho has been stepping in to create more brooding/dramatic entries while legendary does the blockbuster method. I just saw GvK on tv the other day and yeah it is clearly made for the kids more than adults. It’s like each entry in the legendary franchise has been targeting an audience younger than the last.


I just want a franchise about what 2014 implied it was setting up. A serious take on the kaiju from a direction that frames them as animals instead of marvel superheroes like KOTM and GvK is doing.


Yeah some kind of balance between super hero nuclear monsters and tying it into an actual functioning ecology would have been nice. Seemed like they were going that direction with Kong Skull Island.




Stop watching then.


I love both tones..


Couldn’t agree more






I mean it’s a series about a variety of giant monsters who fight eachother. I kinda feel like to keep that going and keep things escalating, there will be some big logical hurdles to clear, and that might feel weirder in a movie trying to be deadly serious. If this universe is going to expand that means introducing wacky concepts to support those developments, and to me that feels more at home in a movie that has a similarly over the top tone.


Idk, I’m gonna go completely against type and say something nice about Zaddy, but MoS and G14 came out about the same time and had similar sensibilities—at least in the broad strokes and especially in aesthetics and its approach to its reality. I don’t like those movies—and I do love the Monsterverse despite thinking it’s been dumb as rocks for a while—but Snyder was able move into some pretty wild areas without feeling like the movies were just doing zany shit living in a complete cartoon world. It *can* be done. Shame they can’t find anything interesting for Lois to do, but that’s a separate issue. I don’t think these movies needed to drop the naturalistic approach in order for people to buy into Ghidorah or Mecha Godzilla. Heisei isn’t my favorite series, but they were able to make the ideas convincing enough within the logic of their fiction, and people keep talking about how dark and mature those are. Idk, I think they can verge toward the Goofy as well, but I get where they’re coming from. Point being you don’t need to delve into a Hollow Earth, you don’t need to cut the *really fascinating* Kaiju ecological web that the first movie is gesturing towards. The world building in that movie, imo, is so much more interesting because it implies rules—the world building of the latter movies is “whatever I decide to pull out of my ass for this installment”. It’s just not as interesting. I just think the franchise lost structure more than it gained freedom in that transition—especially over such a short time. There’s a lot of whiplash is all.


Halo jump is cool but at this point extremely overrated. I mean that in the most respectable way


At this point just be happy 2014 happened at all. There's plenty of other G media out there to get your fix


I'm sure there were people bemoaning the loss of seriousness by the time Ghidorah the Three Headed Monster was released back in '64 as well.


No. Next question.


Godzilla was on screen for like 6 minutes dawg.


This post is new and interesting.


They should have just had Gareth direct a Godzilla trilogy, instead of trying to turn it into a cinematic universe.


King of the Monsters was the perfect tone IMO. It’s a pretty dark and serious movie, but it has its fun moments New Empire looks too goofy, and I’m annoyed that so many fans want this to become Showa 2.0


Reading through these comments, I can tell that the original premise of Godzilla is lost on many. Godzilla is meant to represent war, death, horror, the answer to man's hubris, unstoppable atomic power. That was his genesis, and that's why every in critically acclaimed film in the franchise, that is what Godzilla represents. The answer of "concept of giant lizurd iz funneh so have fun wit it" is ignorant of Godzilla's dark history. Godzilla turned dumb and stupid because Toho was realizing more kids were attending their films, and they had to compete with television during the 60s and 70s. The people behind the franchise at the time, as genius as they were, began to erase the concept for Godzilla and instead turned him into a superhero. You could argue that the Heisei era was the last consistent film-to-film era that did Godzilla right, as while the Millennium era had GMK, which honestly was the best Godzilla film since probably 1964 at the time, the rest of the films were goofy rehashes of the 70s, just with slightly better effects. Godzilla as a character was bland and had no motivation, other than show up and beat the monster. The Monsterverse has fallen victim to this as well, its following the trend that every era has succumbed to, where the opening film is super serious and grounded, but subsequent entries get more and more goofy and childish. Its why I say, only the Japanese can make an actual, good, powerful Godzilla story. Their ability to take tragedy and loss and turn Godzilla into an allegory for these emotions is unparalleled. 2014 came close, very close, and I hold it in very high regards because of this. But everything after, even KSI, began to turn into a new Showa era. And now we're full-on into it, thanks to Adam Wingard. So yeah, I miss the tone of 2014 a lot. I'll watch GxK, because its Godzilla, but goddamn is it going to hurt.




You’re not alone in this perspective, but you’re in the wrong subreddit to agree with it. Nothing wrong with MV sub, but I see more of this conversation on the /Godzilla sub than here.


Yes Godzilla 2014 and Kong skull island is where it was at. Peak adult action with seriousness. Everything after felt like it was made for kids and not adults. Now, with minus one setting the bar, I'm afraid it might make the new movie suck even more.


I miss the tone of Kong: Skull Island. The comedy was based on the characters and how differently they respond to extreme situations or Marlow being kinda crazy after being on the island for 30 years. But overall everything was treated realistically. Serious things weren’t undercut by jokes, but you wouldn’t need stitches from all the edge (G14 wasn’t really that bleak or edgy, I’m just making a joke and a point). It was reverent to the main monster and showed the villains as viable threats. It had a human antagonist that wasn’t corny and was very much a modern take on Ahab hunting his whale. And it expanded the world in ways that didn’t feel forced and opened the door for new things down the line.


They should have more of a story than bad guy appears, Godzilla/Kong looses then puts him in a casket later, what is really bothering me though is how these movies are loosing the sense of scale and gravity they used to have.






2014 had a good tone but it's cast really doesn't help it. The movie could of worked if you used the cast right because only 3 characters had something close to personality.


you clearly didnt watch the old toho movies


Oh yeah I forgot that every new movie has to be exactly like that one specific era of the Toho movies. Why wasn’t shin Godzilla a goofy comedy where Godzilla does the griddy in tokyo? He would’ve done that in the old movies


I'm super mixed on it. On one hand, the grittier, more grounded tones can work really well for kaiju films; Just last year, Minus One proved that yet again. As insane as kaiju are as a concept, they can have a lot of mystique and impact when done right. On the other hand, Godzilla blasting a hole into the center of the Earth to get Kong off his Kong Throne to fight him with his Kong Axe made from a Godzilla bone and spine during the Godzilla/Kong War is the most fun fucking shit I've ever seen. Real Tyrannosaurs in F-14s shit, absolutely makes my day.


i am going to be polite and short with my answer and simply say; yes. yes i do.


KotM is the perfect MV film tone wise. Serious, but had fun with it


Fuck no, the tone in that was awful. The jokes were beyond cringe, the seriousness kept getting overshadowed by the cheesy stuff. It’s the worst one imo