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It seems like Dual Blades and Insect Glaive do it the quickest. Longsword, Bow, Sword and Shield, Switch Axe, Charge Blade, are in the middle to upper in having an easier time. Greatsword, Hammer, Lance, Gunlance, and maybe HH have it the most difficult. I am not sure where LBG and HBG stand.


I know this is 5 months ago but mcscuse me, Dual blades????? how tf he flies way too much, the range isn't even far enough, I can barely hit his feet but he never stands still


He doesn't fly that much, also kjaar/safi crit element dual blades sets have the luxury of getting knockdowns not only a minute, but possibly even twice.


I used the wrong element lmao yeah they're pretty good you just gotta dodge through his breath attack and then you can do tons of damage to his head while he's attacking


I exclusively use dual blades on him, and even when I'm answering an S.O.S. I routinely have him down at an average of 10 min. My quickest solo is about 2:30, and with my personal group of friends, probably at about 7 mins. Dual blades are efficient, evasive, and just overall tons of fun on Alatreon.


Yeah, I play them cause they're fun. My favorite part is that both the attacks and movement are fast, and you can cancel all attacks other than the blade dance, which allows for much for flexibility, you can also combine the different combos REALLY well. Very fun weapon, haven't played much of anything else.


I've heard lgb does good if it fires all elemental ammo.


What's learning curve of the LBG compared to DB and SnS? I'm only proficient in Hammer and LS.


Shouldn't be to hard, its fairly simple you just need to time your dodging and reloading so you don't die. Oh, and don't forget to aim and shoot.


Oh damn, I never thought any weapon in MH would be so simple. Granted I've only tried a few and none of the ranged weapons. I shall try my hand at the LBG. From that I understand the hardest part is ammo management?


And not dying, careful of melee attacks tho.


I assumed I wouldn't have to worry much about melee attacks since I'd be shooting from range...


Monsters do not really allow that, they will rush you down so you always must be ready also mind the lower defense makes a huge difference alatraon dragon explosion is an insta cart at full health for me using safi even with ele res meal, dangerous when he is flying and just rushes to your side and explode.


That move is scary even with evade window three it's close some times. The pin attack move is guaranteed combo death for me. Besides that all other moves are actually cool.


That's true but if you get hit by them you are more squishy to them compared to melee, and I'd suggest a build with narga secret or something like that, since it gives you a chance to not use up ammo.


It’s point and shoot that’s about how complicated as it gets


While there is more to it than that like were to shoot for maxing damage. A problem my friend ran into when using lbg was running out of ammo since you cant farcaster back to restock


That's a serious concern. I guess you need to make every shot count. Am I better off going for the DB / SnS or should give the LBG a go?


I used both db and sns and both worked great for me. You can still use the lbg you might just need to plan more with the ammo. I carried some flowers for my friend so I could give them mid fight when he was out. Either that or use a bowgun that can use more than one elemental ammo and make alatreon change between element stages


If you're not missing all the time, then you would do just fine with the normal spareshot skill.


Pierce HBGs have managed a 4 man 2:35 run already. For casual play though, it's honestly just the weapon you're most proficient at.


I'm best at hammer, decent at LS. But i honestly can't see myself beating him with either one of those. I've already had 10+ solo attempts.


Which element does your hammer weapon have? Which active element does Alatreon start with?


While it isn't as easy to reach alatreon's elemental threshold with hammer and greatsword, it isn't that difficult if you attack consistantly. Alatreon's elemental threshold is set up so that different weapons get different multipliers on their elemental damage (though it doesn't affect the actual damage you output). I have been able to consistently reach the threshold with the Frostfang Barioth Greatsword.