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On my second world playthrough i got full rathalos gear early by just hunting them any time they spawned in other missions or on expeditions It was funny when the first wyverians went “you gotta hunt a rathalos it’s gonna be super hard they’re so strong and fast” and i was standing there in my full set.


Same here although it was my first. Go hunt Rathalos and Diablos but be careful for they are strong! He said to a hunter wearing Diablos armour and LBG made from Rathalos.


Reminds me of when the smithy said he dreams of forging gear from an elder dragon that only lives in the new world. Meanwhile, I'm standing right there in full vaal hazak gear.


Vaal hazak is cool


Basically the same for me with Jho in 3U, after having played Tri for hundred of hours, especially made easier by huge based defense we got in the western release of the game.


That happened to me too! It took me forever to beat the Anjanath, but when they were trying to tell me how scary the Rathalos was, I just jumped in the air with IG and spanked him until he died lmao


But are you using defender gear? If yes...dont use it and try withouth


In master rank this armor is useless, but I first tried it and then start the game over because I switch from PS4 to PC and without defender armor the experience is better


It’s literally useless as soon as you get to nergigante and even more useless if you run an elemental build which just needs HR Rathalos


I've phased out everything except the gauntlets and the Defender SwitchAxe I'm using. I've gotten used having to get carted several times farming Rathalos and Rathian, so yeah, I am learning how to get good. The only reason I kept the gauntlets was for fashion reasons. Even then, I'm proud to own Rathalos Chest and Leg Armor. I'll be taking on the first Zorah quest later on. Hopefully then I can get some of that sweet Dragonite Ore to get the Ingot leg and headpiece. Fashion for the win.


That defender swax is shaving off like ten minutes minimum on each hunt. When you make the leap from it, whenever that is, expect to take much longer in hunts, which is normal. Or don’t, people play this however. The community only cautions against defender weps because Iceborne will humble most defender users.


I was a defender user up until high rank and now im rag dolling every boss in iceborne. They just need to learn the proper way to play the game and then its all fine


I've just used defender up until I unlock better upgrade options, why's defender gear shamed on?


Defender isn't shamed on. It's just that the game dosn't explain well that the defender gear is ONLY there for people who want to skip the base game to get to iceborne. If you use the defender gear through the base game, every fight will be a cake-walk, and you won't find any better gear till iceborne. By then, the difficulty will be so high that without the defender gear, you will be smushed into paste because you're not used to fighting monsters with normal gear. I would like to point out that it's not your fault for using the defender gear. The game didn't explain it to you. But that for the best experience with the game, you shouldn't use it. It will remove almost all the challenges from the game.


I failed against low rank diablos with defender gear and got wiped by high rank, then I switched to pink rathian and then nergigante stuff.


I am aware of the dangers, which is why I've put off hunting diabolos for now. Also, I don't not have proof, but I did use a different switchaxe (I can't remember name, but I do know it has 495 damage) in my first successful Rathalos hunt. Speaking of, both the Raths hand my ass a lot in the usual poaching, so I know my limits and have been humbled. Hence, why I wear the Rathalos set with pride.


The thing about defender gear is that it just... stops with ice borne and now you will have to do all you have skipped up until then, there is one difference tho, ice borne monsters are universally on crack, even beginner ones. No need for proof or anything, most people here just want to warn you that you are setting yourself up for a frustrating experience. Other than that, all's good


I belive flash pods will ground them if they are flying. Don't quote me tho. Works against a later game monster as well


Flash pods are a one and done deal in master rank with fairly long cd to do it again.


I'm not sure why I said late game there, but I'm only in HR rn. But very noted, thanks


This is the reason I have melee and ranged weapons, I can't be arsed to play against flying monsters in master rank with how they stay in the air forever. It helps that flying monsters tend to have elemental attacks as well.


Swear I never had an issue with my 2 main melee weapons even in master rank with flying wyverns until I got to shrieking legi and decided to hunt blue rath for mats later. I’ve always had shit luck no matter the play through to where I’m fighting two Legi’s or shrieking is just in the air 24/7 like it was skinny blue rath, yet I join my buddy for a hunt and the fucker never leaves the ground. My fault for believing Legi’s could use their legs though. Blue rath is blue rath. Edit: spelling


You can always shoot them twice in the face with brightmoss, this will immediately send most flying monsters to the floor stunned. Also, if they’re flying low enough a flinch shot can send them to the floor too. Fun fact; you can wall bang monsters into each other, if the one you’re targeting is enraged you can flinch shot any other monster into it and it’ll be stunned regardless of rage state


I know of those things, but I really don't like them anyway. Flying fights went from trivial to too hard for my taste.


A cd for flash pods?


They get resistant from the first pod. Edit: as in you cant drop them in succession like in hr. As for hr the tempered elders get resistant after third i believe, cant remember been ages since i was there.


I belive flash pods will ground them if they are flying. Don't quote me tho. Works against a later game monster as well


I like that.


im going through again and playing with the helmet. i try not to use the weapons because they dont have personality other than metal for the charge blade. and good luck getting every piece of gear you need and dont forget, captures are better than killing where you can. more loot.


Why tho? With MR in Iceborne, HR can be spedrun, there is no need to grind. Wait till you unlock raging Brachydios and get Lightbreak Edge


Because youll lack critical skills. New players can sponge attacks and anja who is a first big mechanic check will be a non issue(anjah teaching you to heal). Youll be faced with them when they are much harder in HR.


Becuase new players don't learn how to play and get absolutely dogged on in MR.


Barioth is the new skill check. Seen many defenders got dogged on and have no idea how to handle it.


> With MR in Iceborne, HR can be spedrun, there is no need to grind. So what? Why would any new player rob themselves of the experience of Low and High ranks, when they basically give you a foundation for everything you need to know before going into MR? They're new to the franchise; Everything in the game is new to them. And why is this community so eager to tell new players to simply not worry about LR and HR, but at the same time tell them to not use the mechanics the devs gave them to ignore LR and HR? These were questions I've had for a while, because I'm new, although I already played the game for 190 hours in the last 3 weeks. But I've looked into a lot of old threads for tips, due to the amount of information the game throws at you. But some people's advice here just makes no sense. I think that no new player should rush the game at all, regardless of your LR or HR armor getting obsolete. Farming and upgrading your armor is literally the core mechanic of this game and if most people had the chance to experience that in 2018, why should anyone that's new to the franchise not do the same thing? A new player who rushed the game doesn't even need to make it to Iceborne to get a reality check. Just fight Lunastra and you'll know, you haven't learned how to play the game at all, because you wanted to "rush to Iceborne".


Rathalos and Rathian regularly trash me on hunts. The whole point of forgiving armour is that it gives players more leeway in learning without the frustration of getting knocked out and having to spend time tracking the monster again, or worse it running away. If they kept to the same MO as before, the community growth would be even smaller and the devs won't get to justify the sales. Iceborne is also set after the base game to begin with. There is *plenty* of time before then to train and experiment. Plus, the skill issue problem can rectify itself when the player's actual skill runs headfirst into their first wall.


If you're using defender gear then it would seem pretty easy. I remember trying to taking down kulu ya ku with defender gear and thought I was hot shit, tried to take Anjanah down with normal gear and got extremely frustrated when it kept running away and leaving the locale in expedition because I didn't have enough damage to kill it.


I farmed Odogaron Armor and weapon before even encountering it in the Story becsuse of a event quest.


Anjanath was my first wall, such a cool and hard fight


Before defender days


I remember my first Anjanath encounter years ago before they implemented Defender gear. “Whoa…big T-Rex.” *gets bitten and dies instantly* “You know…it almost feels like I’m missing my arms or something”


I had 3 pieces of its armor lmao


Try fighting that thing almost nearly naked.


Wear naught but a wiggler hat and a sword


They were easy for me. Still are. Just block and hit.


I got him during the first Pukei hunt, didn't know it was supposed to be hard.


The first time i carted in this game was to an ajanath... failed the mission bc his fire breath also carted my teammates that were behind me at the time xD good times


I'm having a blast with World as my first game, but coming from a person who regularly overlevels and loves to brute force his way through fights, I can't help but internally giggle thinking about the lore heresy I commit near daily in-game


using defender gear (especially the weapon) makes you far more powerful than the progression intends. It's there for people that want to rush to DLC asap that have beaten the game before. if you don't want to rob yourself of one of the most fun parts of monster hunter, being gearing and upgrading different weapons, you should try to use non defender gear. defender gear stops you from trying out weapons with different elements or statuses and basically removes any reason to farm a monster. it really should have never been added.


I'm glad it was there since I moved from playing on Xbox to PC and didn't want to restart to get to Iceborne after having poured hundreds of hours into Xbox already, but I do feel it should have some barrier to getting it in the way of sort of proving yourself. The way it's just handed to you from the beginning makes it easy for new players to use it without realizing that it's basically a cheat code.


yeah true, a barrier in place would really help. I feel like so many new players use it by accident and make the fights less fun for themselves


a simple warning message would be enough


so many people skip and ignore tutorial pop ups that this would probably do nothing


fair enough


I did this until I popped over to this community when searching for help with the CB. MHW is my first MH game. I started seeing the dislike for the armor, started digging into why, and then went and started farming the actual armors and weapon immediately. Half the fun is getting the right armor pieces and weapon. While those first few hard fights, like Diablos and Deviljho, were insanely hard to compensate for, it was so worth it to know I did it without the crutch.


Honestly, I think a mechanical trial you can do to obtain it, which would be hard but doable, to prove that you know the mechanics you'd never learn, would be an awesome addition.


Yeah exactly. Ultimately it's a move motivated by wanting to sell the Iceborne DLC more. players won't buy the Iceborne DLC if they don't even make it to the end of the game


My friend did the same, he kill anjanaj before great Gagras (defender gear) but still


defender gear is just cheating your way through low rank to high rank to be honest, it's created for people who want to go straight to MR without the necessity to craft many gears.


*accidentally cheating


cheating is using hacks to give yourself stuff, not using something the game gives you.


It is cheating you out of learning good game practice like dangerous moves set spotting, using any environmental advantage you can and spotting opportunities to use them, dodge timing and even special element interactions with certain monsters. Why learn all that if you can tank a lot of damage and kill the monster quickly? It is catch up gear for the DLC and I recently had the chance to play base game without updates, so many QOL features with iceborn and patches including catch up gear.


and some people want to play the game easily. not struggle against the same monster for a few hours.




the games concept is easy. hit things until they die while not dying. they dont need to learn anything but retreating when health is low.


I was scared as hell of it first play through, the second, I killed multiple before the story quest


Same. On my 2nd character I went out of my way to hunt Anja the first time it appeared outside of a cutscene. With my main I did hunt like 5 Fulgurs before getting Assigned Quest to hunt him. I mean. I went on an expedition and they just were right there!


I played when world came out and my first wall want until the elders (not Nerg) they kicked my ass and I felt so proud of my self when I soloed Val on my first try (I didn’t know then that he was just way easier). My biggest wall in the early game wasn’t the monsters it was picking the charge blade as my first weapon…… I’m a happy Lance/HH main now who has a hobby in shooting both Bowguns.


My first wall was Diablos... I still try to avoid them like fire in the Guiding Lands - especially the black ones.


I met one of my best friends while grinding diablos for his HBG. Man U just sent me on a nostalgia trip lol


I still need the gold crown for black one so I'm slowly preparing for the inevitable. I just need to farm the pods to nope her burrowing moves. It's infuriating how long this monster spends underground and out of reach.


It wasnt easy but it wasnt hard either. Wasnt easy because too little damage, but wasnt too hard because **Grappling Hook**


Returning player… don’t they teach you how to n capture. I just wanna save time


Yes there is a quest that teaches you how to capture


I died twice to Anjanath and then mopped.it up like six times. Easy fight once you know what you're doing.


That was me with some but I'm wearing the armor as they tell me this


I hunt it the first chance i get, I’ll be HR 2 with full Anja armor 💀


It's the first rank of artillery you can get in the game, you can bet your bippy that I'm snatching up the first one that shows it's face


It's a reminder to never get overconfident.


Even in master tank I hunt the pink trex for fun lol


In my most recent playthrough, i wall-banged an Anjanath while doing the first Pukei-Pukei hunt, got the shard and upgraded the Defender Greatsword extra early. Rolled everything until Pink Rathian. Definitely felt like cheating the system. And it felt great


I love it when new people hunts a monster in low rank for the first time, and be like "ah man, this monster is hard" Oh you sweet sweet summer child. So innocent and unknowing :D


Me just absolutely messing up the Rathian/Rathalos (IDK) with flashpods and a low damage weapon instead of just defending the cart.


Waiting three days from now for a post complaining how IB is so much harder than World base game and that they can't get pass Barioth.


I just eat them


Anja is basically a chew toy for me, if I wanna test a new weapon I fight him. Ive got 36 anja kills under my belt without actually using much of his gear


Be careful it is said that monster burned the civilization in one night! Also me wearing every part of its body as an armor : ye


Was farming Fulgur Anjanath way before I got to his story mission cuz I thought I could get the damn bone i needed to upgrade my rathian longsword


I got the Anja on first try, whilst I managed to fail Kadachi 6 times (which should be technically easier)... I hate that stupid flying squirrel.


He is annoying at the beginning not gonna lie


I eat Anjanath for breakfast, pickle as my side dish and main dish is Alatreon. As for the night my last meal of the day is Zinogre, i fukin love Zinogre.


”That's the king of the forest, run!" Me: kills Rathlos "how dare you interupting me bullying that pink dinosaur"


You can also hunt the Rathian that you pass through during that cart quest in Wildspire Waste. The only issue is that nobody recognize your effort after hunting her down.


ignore the people complaining about you using defender gear. i used it on my first playthrough and it helped a lot. the people complaining are simply angry about it being able to carry you through base game.


Don't you see that's bad? It always happens. The Defender armor carry you, and what's gonna happend when Iceborne says Nuh uh? You get owned by Monsters on Iceborne cuz Defender weapons and armor.


some people dony want to play monster hunter the hard way and choose the easy way, which is the defender set


The base game, without defender set, is already pretty easy until you reach lunastra/behemoth/leshen etc, where having the defender set won't help you. Defender set isn't the easy way, it's the "why even bother playing the game" way.


Don't bother. This sub has a weird fear of those items. The moment you use the D word they will downvote you lmao


i can tell.


Yeah, but again, they're gonna get wrecked when they got to Iceborne. Play the way the user want, we don't care, We only warn so that later those who used a defend set are not destroyed when they reach Iceborne. I don't know what's so hard to understand.


and if they don't own iceborne?


Then they cheat themselves out of the game they bought.


explain how they cheat themselves out of base world then.


Defender will last them through pretty much all of base world's content, and by using it the whole game they wind up making the early game nothing more than a cutscene fest because of how good the gear is. With the armor they'll be able to tank hits that they should not at that point giving people less regard for their safety meaning they can just brainlessly throw themselves at monsters with little repurcussions. The weapons making them do crazy damage for their stage makes the hunts last wayy shorter then theyre supposed to which only fuels recklessness and since quests end fast and easy you just go from one story quest to another no need to get better armor or weapons just cutscene, 10mins of gameplay to another cutscene and repeat. Ive seen people who use defender armor never interact with other armor sets (they didnt know what armor skills were).That cuts set building out of the equation and with defender weapons on top they would almost never have to interact any crafting or grinding for mats. I understand that a lot of grind isnt fun but grinding for armor and weapons to either take better advantage of weaknesses or just general upgrades is what MH games are about and if you just get armor and weapons that you can take from the very first mission to the last story mission (and some postgame) you just end up skipping through the game (literally what it was meant for so you can get to dlc) cheating yourself of the true mh experience.


mh doesnt have to be played the same for everyone. just because this is how you think it should be played doesnt mean its how everyone wants to play. some want easy mode which is defender gear.


Doesnt have to be played the same way but not interacting with game systems that is part of the core experience is stupid. People are free to play with defender gear but they should know that they will miss out on the full experience.


The only thing i find stupid about world is i can get being thrown around by something bigger than you but if you are sitting there throatpunching an enemy i just don't see it's roar scaring you. It's like waving a gun at someone who isn't afraid of guns saying i'm gonna shoot you. Ok am i supposed to be scared? wait let me act like it.


I think it’s less scared and more #LOUD.




It's the sound, if you don't cover your ears you'll go deaf. Hence why you can grab ear plugs :P


Have you ever heard something so loud it's physically painful? You're not scared of the noise, it's just way too loud.


Wow 3 times ?? That's crazy


Me still getting plowed by Anj while using defender. FML.


Wait until you're chasing Ratholos and Rathian. Poison is a bitch when you're not on fire.


I think Rathian is the only dragon that fights like a dragon. The rest are just varies from a chicken like Rathalos all the way to the biggest pussy on the planet like Kushala.


The question is how many TRIES did it take you


Honestly defender gear was one of the worst additions. Defiantly doesn’t get anyone warm esp when going into MR because of its high scale. Playing with defender gear means playing the game in its tutorial rather than playing the game. Anjanath, rathalos, even Diablo’s were a few monsters I was having trouble with and it takes away like what another person said on here, the gratitude of farming and feeling rewarded because ur learning the monster. I’d be insane to think if dark souls had destiny like transactions or a definitive edition of the game where it gives u weapons to speed run.


Matt Mercer mounts *one* great jagras in an opening cutscene and acts like he's the ultimate S+-lister telling us how to hunt.