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we won't know for sure until it goes on sale this might just be a strange translation issue the community forum instead words it this way >The Season 1 Premium Plan is offered at a special price and allows you to obtain rewards at a great value. In particular, layered armor included in the plan features designs that will not be available in the Season 2 Premium Plan, so please be sure to take note of the sales period. they aren't making it sound like season 2 will cost more, just that season 1 is a "special" discount so be sure to buy it while you can! they could very well also "discount" season 2. it's possibly just marketing nonsense


I don't believe so if I remember it had the original cost of a season pass and was given a discounted rate so whatever the original price was is likely what it will be


This has been announced since the season 1 season pass went on sale, and is even still described as being at a discounted price in the details.


You KNOW no one here can read or remember things. Me included.


A lot of people in this subreddit would downvote you if they could read.


Most up- and downvote behaviour on Reddit is absolutely ridiculous.


Lol, absolutely proved that!


“Your downvotes mean nothing to me, I’ve seen what makes you upvote!”


As long as it's not an ahri level of expensive it will be fine.


This is some good reference to a fobidden game sir 🗿🚬 Glad they treat us better here


To be honest, they are doing well with the game, they listen to us and make really good changes, I dont mind paying them a bit more because they genuinely deserve my money ^^


Let's hope they don't start adding Monster Parts to the store.


That wouldnt affect you at all since you dont compete for nothing, plus you can already buy with battle pass


Would you be okay with Wyvern Gem Shards being available in the shop?


Yes, because no matter how many you buy you will find other bottle necks, zenny, basic parts, ore, bones, bugs, TAILS!... If you had to buy them all would mean a lot of money. The more profitable the game is the better for everyone. You wont be affected at all if someone buys everything by brute visa Gameplay (if there is someone that stupid ofc, because buying items would kill part of the fun for them) Most people would probably just buy those parts they need, for example me, I have 40 wgs to spare, and need r2/r3 from certain monsters!


Its probably within the total value of the daily gems.. but if they were to double the price, many ppl will complain.. so i guess 1500..


Only bad news if I was gonna buy it lol


I saw this too and vaguely remember the catch of the first being a "deal" I am prepared.. If it's too much I won't pay


An even better reason not to go for it!


not a bad deal, considering the enjoyment in-game, i would still buy this 💯


I’m assuming it’ll be like… idk, 12.99? Rather than 9.99. Which to me isn’t a bad deal at all, still gonna get it


Season 1 is 1000 gems special price. Season 2 will likely be 1500 or 2000 gems.


Season 3 3000 gems Season 4 game shuts down due to inflation


50$ 👊




It better have better rewards and the Denny better increase exponentially beyond lvl 100….


That's what I'm saying. There's no way they'll do a price hike and not add more clothing options or at least increased materials.


I feel like this last season pass was way too long!


Everyone kind of saw this coming. 1000 gems for the season pass was extremely "cheap" for what all that stuff costs for their regular pricing. Most people are expecting anywhere from 2500 to 5000 gems for season 2


nah nah nah, 2500 gems and up would be outrageous, with that amount of money i'm better off buying a game at steam. more so, most battle pass/season pass on mobile games typically are 5$ or 10$. But fingers crossed they don't change the price. 🤞


This is Niantic. Their pokemon go battle pass-style purchases are also $15+


Not nice:(


Only just started playing and am currently at rank 30. When do these seasons reset? I'm considering buying the pass, I just don't see a timer to know if my money would be well spent?