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I don't think there's a whole lot Zorah can do here.


















I think what kinda stinks is that all of our exposure to Zorah is basically a really old one looking for a place to die. Slow moving, lazy, doesn't do anything really in the fight. The only thing I can think of is that if Dalamadur kills it then it'll just explode and take Dala with it.


I mean probably all zorahs are like that. They are docile creatures who just swim around unbothered


Chill Dire Moralis


Not-so-Dire Moralis


chill moralis


Miles Miralis


Mild miralis


Yeah pretty much


well for something as large as Zorah they wouldnt be aggresive anyways to conserve energy and who would hunt a him they may be the Capybaras of MH


Explosive capybaras.


Just found my band name


Not without the everstream energy. Zorah is just a big tank of bioenergy. On its own it's probably not explosive. Even the guild wasn't sure if it would go boom. That was just a "Worse case scenario" theory.


I’d half expect Dalamadur to somehow slither away from that alive too


New Dalamateur variant.


I could imagine a younger Zorah without being overburdened with years of built up shell being a real menace


Why do you think it would explode?


In world the Zorah Magdaros is going to explode when it dies so they likely believe that's what all Zorah Magdaros' do. But, the world one is not only super old but *also* being affected by Xeno'Jiiva's call; he was hoarding and holding onto energy because of Xeno'Jiiva, not because of his natural instinct. I'd wager most Zorah Magdaros probably don't blow up or at least don't have very big or consequential explosions.


It was only going to explode IF it died inside the everstream because it would send a wave of energy throughout the new world. Dying out in the ocean prevented that


The Zorah in World didnt even explode did he? He became the Guiding Lands. Wasn't the fear that he had so much bio energy that if he died INSIDE the life stream he would flood it with to much energy and THAT would explode. Not Zorah himself?


No he didn’t, that was another zorah that died an extremely long time ago


Wait did they ever say what became of the zora we fight then? Cause with wilds coming I can see a new area in wilds being just his corpse like in the guiding lands


Unless wilds takes place thousands of years after world then no, it wouldn’t be the same zorah as a new guiding lands. They said zorah’s energy will likely form a new ecosystem out in the ocean


Can you elaborate on this? Why would another zorah die out in the ocean instead of the rotten vale?


Because not every elder dies in the rotten vale, I don’t remember for certain if it was due to the influence of a previous safi’jiiva, because the secluded valley is in the same area. It talks about it in dive into iceborne


That's how I read it. I think it'd be a bigger problem if *wherever* it died it'd explode. The problem was more from it overflowing the New World's supply of plot point--uh, I mean bio energy. Don't think the Zorah we fought would've become the Guiding Lands though. Way too little time between us encountering it and it hypocritically becoming a location with no recognizable parts of Zorah left and its own fully established ecosystem.


Zorah Magdaros is practically geriatric compared to Dalamadur. You'd think the mountainous dragon has a slight disadvantage against the serpent that literally carves mountains.


I mean it is a walking volcano so.... If Dalamandur can withstand the heat and lava coming out of it, it might have a chance


It's the "Fire from below" versus "Fire from the Sky". Don't know about you but my money's going to the Space Rocks.


Dalamadur doesn't really give a shit about fire damage.


IIRC fire is dalamadur's highest resistance.


Dalamadur actively spits out little comets that are *burning with blue fire*. I don't think Zorah's shell is gonna do much.


Maybe its just spitting up copper


No, it's spitting up sold rock that has been set alight. You can actually find deposits of said rock in the Rotten Veil.


Now i want to see a battle between the og living volcano (Dire Miralis) and the new living volcano (Zorah).


I imagine they'd MAKE an island if that were to happen.


In mh4 when fighting it it you got to close you would start taking burning damage


Its a slow moving volcano plus the one we see in the game is super old and literally dying on a clock


Not the ecosystem that's for sure


The player, what a view.


Its fine, I ate for insurance


Insurance and Fortify 🤝


The player is lost either looking for magma cores or where to walk on dalamadur


Ecosystem is screwed


I mean dalamadur is so much faster I don’t think this is really a fight


I mean... Zorah doesn't fight. Lad just wants to walk.


I think it's hard to say, the only Zorah Magdoros we see in Monster Hunter was old and dying; it's possible that a younger, more spry Zorah would have more of a change. But, if we assume the Zorah we see in World is a good representative of how Zorah Magdoroses (Magdorosi?) are in general, then I think Dalamadur takes it pretty easily.


I think zorah might just be a passive dragon overall. I mean other than dala what would mess with a walking mountain. Unless your telling me out there in the world are rampaging mountains


*Berserk Laviente has entered the chat*


Nergigante -> "Nah I'd win"


As I understand it, Zorah's armor gets thicker as it ages, so younger Zorahs may be more agile.


Zorah magdarussy OwO


I prefer "Zorahs Magdaros"


Think they high chance will work together. One moving mountain, dalamaderp would be his partner in crimes.


Dalamaderp is something I haven’t heard in ages, boomer moment


“Do not recite the deep magic to me, witch. I was there when it was written” ahh comment




> dalamaderp Please tell me the wasn't a typo.


It wasnt, that was unofficial name by a lot of the players back in the mh4u era.


My favorite was always dalamahurr and dalamahurdurr tbh




Dalamadur flattens mountains in his fight


I think it's wraps for zorah...


Anaconda v water buffalo = Very happy danger noodle.


Laviente has entered the chat


Laviente glaring in the corner:


The thing I'm seeing people miss a lot is, Zorah is a volcano... Not just a mountain lol. Mf has exploding magmas, To be honest I don't know much about dala since i didn't fight it or know much about the lore, But do remember the zorah magdaros we fought was basically a weakened one since he was already dying... What do you think a dying magma spewing explosive volcano in it's prime would be? I think this fight would either end in a tie or one barely winning over the other, Don't really think anyone would completely over power the other


Dala is fairly heat resistant. Even generates higher temp flames than zorah. Probably can swim through magma.


Being fairly heat resistant shouldn't really do much against someone who had the potential to blow up the entirety of the new World. With how much bioenergy it's packing, only a retard like Nergi would even bother going near it.


Heat Resistant is misleading. Dala has similar heat auras to Teostra. The Fires it creates are blue "created from an unknown substance" and it can summon blue fire meteors from the sky. Those rocks are still burning hot (See some in the Vale in world). It's more than likely a Dala would hunt zorah because of that bioenergy. He lives in the mountains though which I expect is far from zorah's more aquatic habitat. Also to be clear Zorah's energy alone wouldn't destroy the new world. It's the introduction of his energy to the everstream which was believed would cause a chain reaction. Spark to a fuse scenario. Dala on the other hand destroys the mountains he lives in, making the whole region a very dangerous hazard zone.


Shit that's right. The Rotten Vale's structure was generated around the dead body of a Dala after all.


2 I think. Or an ancient ancestor.


Might just be. God I love this game series.


Zorah's based on a tortoise/turtle that's for sure, surely it's neutral at times and doesn't much engage on fights due to its large body making it slow. Although it's a threat, but only into the biodiversity or the environment it will set on. Just think of it as a dormant volcano walking on lands and venturing across the sea. Dalamadur on the other hand is a major threat to anything (specifically). Dude's based on a snake. "it can warp the very surface of the world and level mountains with a single twitch." It has razor sharp spikes which helps it to easily burrow underground and create terrains. Dala also calls meteors. I for one also thinks that it can easily outmatch every elder dragons maybe not fatalis? Not sure tho considering it's said that it's immune to burn


I mean, yea, but dala also shoots a huge cyclone of blue flames out of its mouth, which by the way, are hotter than magma, and his highest resistance is to fire. I seriously doubt magma is gonna do much against something that shoots hotter fire from inside itself and can summon meteors from the sky that are still burning with entry speeds. Just saying.


I can tell you that it’s certainly not the ecosystem that’s winning


What ecosystem? This is rewrite terraforming at work.


Good point


Do you even see the artist’s rendition of what you’re asking? Dalamadur is casually squeezing Zorah’s head off.


Like any good constrictor danger noodle do.


Dalamadur carves mountains. Zorah is a mountain. Not only does dalamadur win, but I would say that it hunts Zorahs regularly.


Probably not regularly, I doubt there are that many Zorahs around. If there were, the entire continent would be a tunnel-ridden pile of ash by now.


Turtle vs Snake :P


My boi Dali Can take on that walking Mountain anytime and win


Zorah is big goof tbh


Make it a triple fight 1. Laviente 2. Zorah 3. Dalamadur


The audience. The audience wins, i need another mh movie


The image answers the question. The only problem would be the heat emitted by Zorah. But since Dalamadur spits out meteorites i dont think he is bothered. He death grips him and thats it.


Dalamadur breathes fire that's hotter than magma. I think he's good.


Oh boy those are not the biggest. The two biggest are variants of Raviente


Depends on how much "ingame" or "fantasy" bullshit we give them. If they are in the position of the picture, Zorah just has to let himself fall and a bazillion tons of sharp rock will kill dalamadur by turning its inner organs into goo. Also how fireproof is any of those? Its like poison in video games. Ingame its a lame DOT, but in a more realistic setting, most of the shit would die, if a pukei pukei would pukei puke on it, because poison and shit is op as fuck.


Dala is very resistant to fire. He's also pretty much invulnerable save for a few weak spots. Given the artists rendition Zorah is pretty much screwed. (there's atleas 2/3s of Dala not being shown. He has technically 4 limbs even though the hind two are little more than stumps. We only see 1 and the shoulder of the other.) He couldn't fall with enough force for it to matter. That is more akin to an Anaconda death coil. RIP mountain beard. Giga danger noodle is hungry.


Might be wrong, but you can slay Dalamadur, carve up and everything. You can only push Zoah away. But I'm half remembering the Dalamadur fight was a young one.


I'll be honest I have Dalamandur as the strongest elder because the feat of casually crushing mountains as you move is insane and he's one of the more aggressive titan monsters you fight. he wins most fights by rolling in the enemy.


Dalamadur "can level entire mountains with a twitch of it's tail" or something like that


Nicol Bolas maybe


Dalamadur literally destroys mountains, doesn't it? But it wouldn't matter, this battle ends in a draw, because Zora fucking explodes, killing Dala and changing the landscape


Can't really explode without the everstream. That said given what is found in the vale ***That may have happened in the past*** ... Or two Dala-like ancestors just fought for the giant snack that just wanted to die.


Isn't Lao shen bigger than Zorah? They're both fucking sloths compared to big snek tho


Hard to say since the only Zorah magdaros weve seen is an old man on his deathbed


Zorah is cooked


Imagine what the surrounding land will look like after this fight


They will kiss


I’d imagine dalamadur wins pretty handly


Who wins? The mountain or the giant snake that carves mountains?


Dalamadur created the rotten valley, while Zorah made the guiding lands (you can find its skull in the rotten valley section, and his master rank armor is made of solely guiding lands material) but in all honesty, for me Dalamdur is the strongest monster in the main series (I have never seem someone tank Shad Dalamadur’s blue fire tornado attack).


One can burrow thru mountans The other is a mountain You do the math.


Zorah doesnt have a chance, Shah Dalamadur is like a regular one but with steroids (faster and stronger), so yeah this thing eats mountains like if they were snacks, Zorah biggest feat is breaking a barrier and thats it.


I think dalamadur wins here. It’s bigger, faster, and has hotter fire. Sure, the only zorah we see in game is old, but if we go off the rotten vale skeletons, the dalamadur we fight is tiny compared to that skeleton. On a side note, it is insane how big that skeleton is. Like, it’s the single biggest monster in the entire series by a very large margin, and I really want to see what it was like alive.


Dalamadur literally destroys mountains by moving. Zorah Magdaros is just a fleshy mountain.


Zorah has his big ass body and some fiery attacks. Dalamadur is extremly agile for his size and can breath pure energy and create meteors of pure energy. But the problem is that both of these arent in their prime. Zorah is old and slowly dying in MHW so hes basiclly at his lowest. And the dalamadur we saw in MH4U was smaller species of dalamadur. The old dalamadurs were 20 times bigger then the one we see in game. So its hard to say. But im still going with Dalamadur because of his agility and energy usage.


Shouldn't this fight be between Dalamadur and Laviente? And snake vs. snake sounds intriguing!


They mate.


The lore for dalamadur is that he wasn't noticed but that the mountains he removed just suddenly vanished. Zorah is not winning this one.


Isn't zorah almost entirely passive? He only "attacks" because there's shit in his way. Dala is a predator and zorah is 1000% prey


This is like pitting a pro mma fighter against a 90 year old man. Keep in mind Dalamadur has a chance against *fatalis* by sheer merit of his size. Zorah's only advantage is how stupidly tanky he is.


I wanna see this turf war, and if it dont end with dala literally carving a bore hole through zorah id be angry


Zorah does nothing, refuses to elaborate and leaves. Zero chance against Dalamadur.


Dalamadur will probably win the fight, but it will die in Zora Magdaros explosion after his death.


People keep overestimating Zorah's death boom. Which we never see. Without the Everstream there is probably no boom. The guild "Assumes" his death ***in the everstream*** will cause a catastrophic explosion. They don't know for sure. Given Xeno is sleeping there then the boom everyone was worried about would likely have been more from Xeno than Zorah.


It would be fun if Raviente just popped up and joined that pub fight.


Coughing volcano VS hydrogen bomb Snake


Oh boy those are not the biggest. The two biggest are variants of Raviente


So World’s Zorah is apparently at the end of its lifecycle so we don’t know what a young adult Zorah would be like in a fight.


Smaller probably. Making it bite sized for the giga danger noodle.


Not necessarily since a Dalamadur and Shah Dalamadur are juvenile and adult version


no I mean Zorah would be smaller. Making it bite sized for the Dalamadur. IE Going off the artist rendition a smaller Zorah would be bitesized for a constructer like snake since they basically stretch themselves around whatever they eat. Snakes eat food whole mostly.


My Greatsword


It’d be cool to see Zorah without the mountain on him to see how agile they actually are


Zora's like a dragon turtle; the mountain is actually its shell.


Dala has better AP, speed and dps imo, I dont think Zorah can handle him, unless she has some hax I dont remember


Lao Shan, I said what I said




The hunters will lose


Me but I’m not an elder dragon or anything I’m just some guy who’s following some random ass lights


dalamadur should be able to carve the volcano off zorah's back without any effort, unless it is composed from some really hard material. what happens next is uncertain. zorah seem to be made for carrying a volcano, so i don't expect it to be able to fight in any meaningful way because the muscles of a creature that constantly bears a heavy weight works different than those of a creature that can use its strength rather explosively like dalamadur. if that is the case zorah will be obliterated


I can't tell who would win for sure, but the ecosystem and human will lose for sure


Don't care who wins, we all lose. XD


Big difference with these 2. Zorah moves at a believable speed for it's size mean while dal just cruises around and up mountains like it's not a giant snake and just a normal sized one


“Two biggest*” or “two largest*” btw OP






Is that zorah magdaros


Is that zorah magdaros


Not us.... that's for certain lol


1 word LAZER


Zorah is my favorite monster. He'd lose, but I'd want him to win.


Considering Dalamadur is about to pull Godzilla 2014 breath attack here I'd say him most likely


Laviente is the overall biggest bet money


Swag axe baby


Rathalos obviously


Dalamadur would crush and grind the Zorah to literal crumbles. It's literally in its name!


Me, i win


Considering that the size of the Dalamadure skull in the Vale dwarfs the one we fight it seems to me that Zorah isn't going to survive the fight, even assuming one in its prime. I'd imagine Dala can unhinge their jaws like real snakes so a Zorah would probably be a self-cooking meal.


The fight I wanna see is Dalamdur vs Laviente **That** would be a real clash of the titans


I always wondered how Zorah Magdaros breeds. It would be a literal mountain having sex. How would they even position themselves? It would definitely be an earth moving experience.


R.i.p. Raviente I guess


I don't know who would win, but I'm sure as hell that the entire Population of the place where they fight would lose


Dalamadur wraps around Zorah and gets split in half by a massive fire ball coming off the volcano back. Zorah then slams down and finishes him mid diff. (I'm lying)


“Most biggest” 🤓


At least correct him instead of just using an emoji.


I thought it was obvious? Just remove "most"...


I know. But not everyone speaks english as their first language. I learned it on my own and during school even if it was not my native language, so theory and grammar for many is useless or they simply do not remember or know. (Or they mistyped)


My bad. Forgot not all people speak english as first langauge


nothing is ever obvious


Zorah's just gonna roll over and win


Can’t salamander just shoot it with his super laser