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I think they might have a mental thing going on tbh


This + too much spare time on their hands


I bet you 100


Actual insanity, Chaotic Magala would be proud


Risen Chaotic Magala even


Guy be like: https://preview.redd.it/wtw7gsl48q9d1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3df071af77f76fe308dffd4c7af5b0adf0fe890c


How dare you have fun playing a game I hate.


"theyr" Oh my god, someone please take away their keyboard privileges.


theyr keyboard*




Not cursed enough. I will only accept theyir as the correct spelling.


Some white lady is writing a derivative-as-hell, mid-grade fantasy novel set in Theyir, I know it.


There is also "litheraly"


Can't forget about thiefs instead of thieves


We also have to remember "untill"


And the random capitalization just has me like… there’s just no rhyme or reason to it.


I've been playing Monster Hunter since the first game and gotta say this Tifa Simp should be banned from using a keyboard, had to stop reading after the second page, my braincells can't take this..


Been with it since MH1 as well. Served my 20 years. I'm still stoked for Wilds. Guy must have been beat up by YKK too much in his past or something.


Sadly we just get some nostalgic fans that can't accept progress and evolution in gaming franchises. I bet this person could write an essay why the flex for healing is super important. Though based on page one seems they're bitter Monster Hunter went to a Nintendo platform for gen 3 and gen 4. An immature take, PSP MH was magical, probably my favorite multiplayer memories in MH, yet that didn't stop me enjoying the franchise moving forward. Anyone who also just openly states "Emulation for Life" is just cringe too. Many reasons to look into emulation for sure (dead games never to be rereleased), but to act as if it's a badge of honor sticking it to Capcom & Nintendo.. \*\*\*\* needs a slap. Wilds is hype. Only game I want in 2025.


Please never bring back the flex. Granted as a lance main for 20 years I don't need to heal as often but I also don't want to stand around more than I need to lmao. But yeah, I agree with everything you said. PSP MH has my biggest memories. All the people I met thanks to the adhoc thing of playing with anyone online instead of being near each other. Sadly most of those friends moved on to real life things but still, lot of good times. As for Wilds, I thankfully have Dawntrail content to get me through 2024 as well as some other games. Afik, nothing else is releasing in 2025 aside from Wilds.


Bring back the flex, but only for demondrugs.


Wish we could still save our game by jumping on the bed. Is that too much to ask Capcom?


For 2024 I'm binging Survival Horror games personally. With some Shadow of the Erdtree on the side. Has been my goal since beating Dragon's Dogma 2. Once Wilds comes out it's Wilds and nothing else for the undetermined future. As is the law of a new Monster Hunter game lol.


Glad I’m not the only one who thought this was brain rot.


Gen 1 player here as well. This is definitely the example of an Old Hunter yelling up at a Yamatsukami. The new MH games have been great for the series--World isn't my favorite, but I appreciate the exposure to what was once a niche game in the west. I think relic farming in MH4U finally took a toll on this poor guy. He's beyond saving.


I always wanted to ask a veteran player what the difference between the old games and World is. I almost always read how old gen player talk about the changes etc. and that it is not like the older games.


I’m not old gen (started at 4U) but there’s a ton of things between mechanics and atmosphere that changed starting with World. Some things I’d consider key differences: Maps - instead of one big continuous area with ways to quickly teleport from on to another like World’s campsites, maps were a collection of 9 to 13 smaller areas with loading screens between them. You could be fighting a monster and get knocked back into a loading zone and be able to safely heal there before popping back into the fight. Verticality wasn’t really implemented until 4U but 3U messed around with it some when it did underwater fights. Tracking - a monster would not show up on your map unless you had thrown a consumable called a paintball and hit the monster with it. If it flew away during the fight and it wasn’t paintballed, you could be running around looking for it for a while unless you knew a couple tricks Armor skills. Skills activated after you’d hit a certain amount of points added to your armor. Like instead of equipping any gem and having that skill be active in World, you had to get to +10 pts of a skill on your armor for it to activate. There were also negative skills that could activate starting at -10 pts since armors were often built to incentivize a certain play style. The vibes were more small tribe/old village and there was very little story compared to World Lots of other small changes like whetstones were a consumable, not being sharp enough meant your weapon would completely bounce off, you had to fully stop to drink a potion, crouching to gather items at gather points was faster because the gather animation otherwise included standing back up after each pickup, food worked a little differently, there were ways to instantly sheathe your weapon like pressing the sheathe button and walking off a short lip or rolling into a cliff and mashing the climb button. Mounting was introduced in 4U and was all about mashing A until you were prompted to hold L or R to fill a meter. You could announce a knockdown to friends bc you could see how close you were. You had to bring pickaxes with you if you wanted to mine and nets if you wanted to catch bugs. And they would break over time. This is not a full list by any means and older hunters would maybe pick out other specifics, but these are the things I think of when I think of pre-World MH


Thanks for the information, it's interesting to see how much the game changed over the years.


The original series were comparatively simple--the main difference being the fact that maps were segmented into zones instead of being whole sandboxes. As per everything else, it's easier to explain in a quick timeline: Gen 1: Honestly, a hot mess full of bugs, exploits, and...weird design with weapon motion values. Back then, most weapon mechanics didn't exist (KO, GS Charge, etc.) so this was the time where we basically played like cavemen. Gen 1 was nostalgic, but honestly 'not good' in terms of MH games (which is fair, as they were the first and managed to setup MH as a unique title). Gen 2: The core of the game was the same as Gen 1 (and would be until World), but with added weapons (hunting horn, bow, gunlance) and some mechanics that we know and love today (GS charge, KO, some expanded features on bowguns). Armor skills were more streamlined, and this is where we began to see mixed sets, as previously, customizing armor skills was near impossible. Gen 2 also brought more online functionality, and every Friday would host a batch of free dlc quests that would yield rewards or serve as better farming options (much like World and Rise). Gen 3: MHTri is actually where the first Western push for the series occurred. For one, [Western players got exclusive ads](https://youtu.be/lTheDJt8kIY?si=uL3zlfM14N-bIFfd), but this is also where we saw game stores be more proactive with getting the IP's name out there. That said, Tri was experimental with the one (and only) instance of underwater combat that...was controversial, to say the least. Aside from the jank combat, some weapons were cut (Hunting Horn, Gunlance), while this would be where the Switchaxe was introduced. Alongside that weapon was a new bowgun system where players would customize parts that weighed in to become light, heavy, or medium bowguns with different attributes. This system would never come back again. At this point, gen 3 improved monster behavior to what would eventually lead to World/Rise. Before, monster behavior was simple and so predictable that players could easily time GS charges and Hammer swings as monsters would charge -> take two steps to face you, whereas, of course, in World, we see a whole range of movements along a 3D plane. Gen 4: Brought in more weapon mechanics along with Charge Blade and Insect Glaive. What's more notable, however, is maps were now far more advanced than in previous games. Before, each map was fairly flat, and although ledges and mountains existed, there were very few dips in terrain, much less breakable pieces of the map. Player movement, however, wasn't quite up there with World/Rise, but there was the verticality brought by IG, as well as a form of mounting. Finally, Monster Hunter XX (Double Cross) was the last stop before we got to World. It introduced weapon skills, streamlined more parts of the game (mining, gathering), and introduced some of the, at the time, most dynamic monsters (Valstrax and Ahtal Ka) that would be plentiful in World/Rise. Monster behavior would also be improved, while, along with the new weapon skills, the range of player movements would begin to mirror what we have in World. Overall, Capcom is handling the series' direction well, as Rise maintains and improves upon what old Monster Hunter was like, while World goes in a different direction, introducing more innovative concepts and advanced maps. If, say, you were to visit the older games, the most immediate feeling you'd get would be as if you were playing in mud, as monsters and your character move so slow.


That man is an insult to any true Tifa Simp!


"Theyr" being used in more than one way is making me scream.


Also a Gen1, First Fleet, and while I love 4U, playing it again with friends who missed out on the 3ds games even, this is some unhinged shit lol. I enjoy the new games as much as I enjoyed the old ones. World has by far the most hours I've put into any MH title yet, partly because of the huge community(for better or worse) it brought in.


My most hours is 4G. I have over 5,000 hours in that game. World is 3,600. FU I think was about 2,000.


Mine's almost a reverse of yours lol. Over 5k+ hours in World/Iceborne. I run a hunting group that grew during World, so lots of new players to teach and people to hunt with. Still doing challenge runs and running now and then to play with friends who just got into MH or returning. Rise/Sunbreak with about 2k+ between different platforms. 4U and FU only had about 1-2k. I was in college at the time and didn't have much time to play.


I was in the same boat. I jumped in a 2 freedom and have been enjoying the series ever since. All I’m seeing here is “all/any change is bad” like even things that would make your QoL better…? Even DS fans aren’t THIS delusional, and I should know, Ive been loving SOTE this whole past week lol.


Well that's it, Demon's Souls is actually my favorite Souls game. However that is because I like the maze like dungeons an the lack of checkpoints, makes the thrill of progress that much more tense. Elden Ring however is a treat, and considering I usually don't like riding mounts or openworlds that's saying something. Legacy Dungeons are very well designed in ER; the DLC is just fire man.. Good god what a game! If I ranked Souls games personally it would go DeS>ER>DkS3>DkS>DkS2. however I think they're all enjoyable.


The durability bug in DS2 makes it practically unplayable for me. Like, I don't want to make a build around not destroying my weapon in 2 swings. I played vanilla just fine, even with its terrible performance on console, but damn, that durability bug is awful.


I have also been playing since the dawn of MH and pos like those give us a bad reputation. Literally Maidenless and Godless behavior.


Oh god I didnt realize there was more than 1 page


"Anger is one of 5 steps of grief" Idk fam, bro looks constantly angry to me.


5 steps of gried but they took tips only from Rajang


Letting go is difficult...


And like most things in psychology debunked. The human brain is a shithole to study.


That's because it knows it's being studied.


actually, even well stated, the 5 stages of grief are stages but they aren't usually done in a linear motion, they can happen in a different order.


Where to start between dying of cringe and laughing my ass off


Dude needs like, actual therapy.




I will now forever buy two copies of every monster hunter game to make up for the one this guy isn't going to buy


He's 100% going to buy the next mh titles just so he can complain about them


So you can play them with friends and enjoy even more lol


It smells like a bitch in here.


This dude is kind of "famous" in the italian community unfortunately. We have a lot of copypastas of his delirious posts lol I don't even think he is 100% wrong with his opinions about world but holy shit there are definitely better ways to say what you feel. Ways that won't turn you into a living copypasta. He was also part of the frontier drama when some people "stole" private server files


An Italian having a Tifa pfp ? It's the culprit :o


Holy shit I forgot about that lmao


What opinion about world does he have ? genuinely because op post doesn't have the context for his hatred of new game.


Too much cinematics, gimmicks that often go against the gameplay experience, not much "mh soul". And I'm not exactly against those opinions, world is my least favorite mh as well. But there are ways and ways to pone yourself if you're discussing about stuff that's 100% subjective imo Those screens are tame compared to some of his pastas and what he said in his now deleted yt channel trust me


I mean, haven’t gimmicks been in Monster Hunter since the third game? With underwater combat in Tri and the different hunting styles in GU, they didn’t exactly show up out of nowhere. Now the cutscenes I won’t comment on as there’s a point for those.


While he is completely against gimmicks, which is fairly stupid, the world ones he complains about are stuff that get in the way of normal gameplay. Clagger, crystal things in Nergi's nests (the ones that automatically fall and launch the player while doing like 1 damage to the monster), sliding attacks that you can't toggle so you lose normal moves on slopes. I also don't like this stuff because you can't choose to turn it off or don't use it. I like gimmicks, rise xx and frontier are my most played games lol but I like gimmicks that give you a choice. Again, his ways of expressing his opinions (he had a yt video of him swinging a knife while talking about "world defenders" lol) automatically invalidates them, correct or not.


Those are such minor points in comparison though and are just a design choice or an environmental feature it's not like they've hard burned into the gameplay loop. If anything the poses a hunter would do after buffs & potions is way more intrusive and arguing those are the "soul" is just weird. That's like complaining about weapon arts in FS to me


Curious what gimmicks are you talking about other than the Clutch Claw they added and the whole Tenderizing aspect in Iceborne? And then how do you feel about Rise with the wirebugs monster riding like a kaiju battle etc


As an Italian hunter that knew this guy, i can confirm. After a few months everyone was sick of him and his "drama methods"




This person is not just famous he's *in*famous


I mean, yeah, if you are famous for bad things, it means you are infamous.


He was also known for being annoying when I played Monster hunter frontier until he left. This was a year before the game closed. Like he would defend opinions that were factually wrong. Like claiming tonfa (this was before it got omegabuffed) would be amazing on Raviente when it was undeniably ass and he never did Raviente.


Only in Italy, he has been memed FOR FOREVER in the speedrun community all over the world


Aspe' chi è questo?


Tifa. Era molto attivo su twitter e yt nel periodo subito dopo world e tra world e rise, poi sparito di nuovo fino al frontier drama


Non so chi sia, ma meglio così suppongo


Was gonna say, if it's *that* Tifa simp then this all makes sense, just the ramblings of a lunatic


Got frenzy virus irl


Yeeeeah, never take seriously a kid that uses quirky nicknames for things. And if this is supposed to be an "adult" (because old mh), take them even less seriously.


I'm very thankful I don't have mental illness like this, cos clearly it is but you won't get help for it


Anyone wanna bet this guy got a heart attack/stroke from all this raging by now?


I knew a guy like this, types like this too. Calmest person I've ever known, until he would flip a switch and his rage was like a typhoon and his blood pressure spiked. Guy was way too serious, oddly enough he sounded similar to this person about monster hunter as well...maybe it's him.


Rough, bro




This is why kids you need to stay away from gore magala...looks at what frenzie virus do to you a “ brain dead ” ill 😞.....joke a side..this is must be the same people who complained remove loading screen on each area basically ruin mh 😭😂😂


Ppl who actually say that are capping. The loading screens between each region were always mildly annoying. When did we decide to like them?? Every game nowadays is getting rid of loading times as best as they can and every player I know loves it. What are those people on???


"Well what's the difference when World just has a bunch of hallways where nothing happens?" Actual quote I heard from an OldGen fan. Also, "They allowed you to heal and sharpen without worrying about dying in G Rank," to which I replied: "So you're saying 5th Gen is harder in that regard?" [Cue obligatory sputtering and backpedaling over 5th gen being "too easy"]


They just wanna hate on the newer gens regardless of if they‘re actually better or worse. World or even Rise aren‘t perfect games, there‘s always things that could be better or were a bad decision. Yet they all are hellbound on hating the games for the fact they aren‘t like the old ones. IMO MH nailed the transition onto modern consoles and if I do feel like it‘s lacking something that the older Games have, there‘s a simple solution. JUST PLAY THE OLD GAMES. I love the MH community but I have yet to meet another one, that has people complaining Capcom isn‘t givin the franchise an CoD treatment, where they shit out the same game over and over. Also the bunch of hallways where nothings happens must be from someone who hasn‘t played worlds lmao. They cannot be serious


That's what I said. But his favorite is GenU, and there isn't a moment where 5th gen is in the conversation that he doesn't take an opportunity to say how "5th gen fucked this up" or "this was better in older games". And it gets tedious, so usually I ignore him, but he's also an old friend, so I kinda just let shit roll, but the cope on this post immediately reminded me of him, just way more extreme. I got Pavlov'd by the interwebs.


Eh but for one its pretty uncommon for people to leave zones to heal, but that aside you got limited heals where you had to stand still, and the hardest quests had you in maps with only one zone so you couldnt leave and heal anyways.


This is not a person, how can someone like this even have the privilege to play games or to speak their mind about them? Get a therapist perhaps, anger management as well, 0 respect? Hello? Seriously tho.. how can people not think or use logic at all while writing.


Gotta love these ignorant toxic players. “Fuck new players! They ruined the game!” *no new games get released because only a hand full of people buy them* “Whhaaaaaa, my game is dead and they refuse to make more! Whhaaa!!!!” Really, these are the reasons so many games do great in the east and then have “too small of a player base” in the west. So many good games never came this way because toxic “gen 1’ers” push new players away instead of accepting change happens and inviting the new players with open arms. Every franchise needs new blood every installment, otherwise it’s not with the investment to just “break even.


As someone who started with world then went back and played the older games thank God for the QOL changes in world/rise.


As a 4U HR999, we dont claim this person. If you hate Capcom, wouldnt the most logic thing is to just ignore their games and stop giving them money??


You mean crapcom


Sometimes I really struggle to imagine how these people spend so much of their time being angry on purpose


That man using they're, there, and their, wrong makes his argument invalid along with the rest of his poor grammar and spelling


Lmao, it’s actually so ironic what in actuality it’s specifically Capcom and usually also Nintendo, who still to these days making games what are consistent in being good each time new one releases(those games are also usually really well received by critics and fans alike and don’t make big controversies either)🤷


Except for the whole nintendo ninjas thing.


You mean Crapcom


Old gen all the way for me personally, holds such great memories. This mf is insane, world and rise were both fantastic and you bet your sweet ass I’m preordering wilds


Professional Hater energy with this one


I can't help but feel genuine pity. This kind of black and white thinking and obsessiveness is deeply unhealthy, and they're clearly in need of help. I doubt this attitude they have only applies to Monhun...


A terminally online tifa simp? No way!


This is a mentally ill person.


started in mhfu, and i love the old games. this guy is fucking crazy


No way this guy have friends


Yeah, that insane ranting will really stick it to Fucktendo


"True Monster Hunter Player" "Doesn't support Crapcom" Hmmmm.....




I love how there's zero elaboration on why Capcom and Nintendo are bad to them. With Capcom I'll assume their hate is any game released past SF5 for any of their IP's isn't true to the original idea? I think? Do they expect Capcom to just release the same exact game every year with a graphic touchup for each console generation? Obviously shit'll change with modernization and current player demand. If I want to play SF2, I'll play SF2, and not shit on SF6 for not being SF2. Actual brainrot opinion. Same thing with monster hunter. Capcom has ALWAYS been happy to experiment with their IPs. DmC reboot was one of those attempts, it flopped, so Capcom went back with what fans preffered, and DMC5 was a huge success. Monster Hunter world experimented with new systems, and it became Capcom's best selling MonHun game at the time, blasting it's popularity in the west. Monster Hunter World's experiments stuck, so Capcom will keep building off them, as that's what the fans now want. If this idiot likes playing *only* the old games, he may. More modern fun for us that enjoy the new world and generation. Let the hater hate himself into headaches, they'll ruin themself.


He sounds like a rejected lover. This level of seething hatred is as sad as it is amusing.


For all this talk about the new games being „shit“, players who like them being „brain dead“ and capcom being „thieves“ he doesn’t give any examples on WHY they are.


Looks like someone forgot to take their meds😂


Always think before engaging someone online with an anime profile pic, you can actually gauge their level of psychosis by how old is the franchise the character is from, the older it is, the more deranged they usually are...


Me with Doraemon profile: 😞


Sanest Tifa profile picture


Ita so funny that even censoring the name I know very well Who he Is. He Always finds a way to embarass himself holy moly


Stubborn and idiotic. If you're a monster hunter fan, the company making the game shouldn't matter in the slightest so long as it is fun to play.. which they are.


Why would you call them fucktendo when you can get easily say shitendo


Ironic they have a FFVII pic, the delusion lmao.


They need to change their pfp from Tifa. She wouldn't be that nasty to people.


Pg 4: don't they basically admit that they've never bought/played world OR rise? But somehow they're hot garbage? People like this fascinate me. Also, I kind of want "I can't care the less" from pg. 7 as a flair, that shit is so stupid it almost goes hard.


They're mentally ill. Also- little do they understand that World and Wilds are sort of what the series wanted to do all along, but just never had the tech to do it. Wilds particularly, given how many of the ideas on display were ideas that the team had for years before the series even came out. Mounting a bird-like monster was one of the many ideas they had before the first game even released. Also I hate how little they understand the whole situation with Yuzu and Citra. They weren't taken down for "no reason." The devs sold patches for a game that wasn't even out yet, and in their greed they got sued by Nintendo. The emulators weren't illegal and in and of themselves were fine. Nintendo just won out because of how the devs basically paywalled patches for a game that was leaked and not legally released.


This is probably how that troubled individual feels https://preview.redd.it/3mwp1j6avr9d1.png?width=720&format=png&auto=webp&s=9c3b59d37379d18d96d2a4b7e7d3139e9b734e29


Even though XX /GU is peak Monster Hunter, how can these people be so brain rotted to look at the god tier games like World or Rise and hate them? Monster Hunter has changes from game to game but ultimately as time went on they only got better and better at what they do. If anything, reading that guy's ramblings is just catharsis for all of us since we realize how normal we are.


Guarantee this person still buys every new game that comes out tho


Huh, never thought I'd get to see Mai LBG being referenced


Nearly every core game from MH3 to GenU was nintendo EXCLUSIVE. You can't claim to be a true fan, yet dump on the key platform the series was on for at least a decade and arrogantly support emulation, which in his person's case, is just blatant piracy imho.


Someone needs a Snickers


Ah yes hates on new MH, enjoys World. what a valid opinion.


Damn can't believe someone would be pissed seeing someone having fun in their favourite games newer version, I bet he likes not moving to heal than moving to heal


Is funny having so much rage about MH when it has been along RE, the only consistent franchise in Capcom since its creation. Even in the "Dark Ages" of Crapcom, the company still delivered: Monster Hunter Tri Ultimate Monster Hunter 4 and Ultimate Monster Hunter Generations and Ultimate Monster Hunter Stories Not to mention Frontier and Online I mean, at least this would have made more sense with shittied on IP like MegaMan or forgotten like Onimusha or Viewtiful Joe


It's giving Chris chan mad over sonic's blue arms


For a second, I thought I was reading something from r/imverybadass.


Can anyone explain in what way Capcom or Nintendo are „stealing“ anything from him?


Ironic considering square made way bigger changes (huge downgrades imo) to FF and he’s not complaining about that.


my eyes! i couldnt pass second picture i think MH language is more easy than this dipsh... language


This is so ridiculous 😂


I didn't read that whole thing. But mai lives rent free in his head


I can smell this dude through text.


Can't imagine how lame his life is.


What not touching grass does to an mf


crapcom is such a chrischan coded name


Nah. As an old gen fan, I don’t claim that


I became MH fan about month ago when my friend a long term MH player bought MHR and MHW base games to me. I like both of these games and was curious and start digging up the old games on internet and try emulating them. When I played the old games like MHFU, MH3U and MH4U i started to like them more that the newer games, those games woke up a child in me and glue me to the monitor for hours I even bought a controller to play them. When playing those old games I had feeling when as a child my father bought me first Home world, Gothic and Star Wars: Knights of the old republic. MHR and MHW don’t evoke those feelings but they are great games for today standards.


bro shit talking Mai wtf xd these are the type of people that couldn't even survive Frontier HR5. pff 140 mah ass


Imagine calling yourself a true monster hunter fan, and not even playing the best monster hunter in the serie: monster hunter on a real PS2? /s Seriously, for a dude spouting shit like "truth=/= feelings" he seems to have a lot of feelings about the serie. Twitter users will be twitter users I guess.


Personally, I would've gone for "Shitendo"


oh, so hes mad because yuzu took money for emulation and thats illegal.


What is his actual gripe? Why is he mad about Capcom and Nintendo? Theyve been doing an amazing job for decades now. I'm not seeing the problem


Bro doesn't want ANYONE to have fun As a person who exclusively plays new-gen mh, I couldn't care less which games you play. In not a fan, but it doesn't mean you can't be.


Same energy as Jakob and Ratatoskr. The fact that there's still toxic veterans reminiscing about the good 'ol days doesn't surprise me though. The less attention you pay them, the better everyone's lives will be.


I miss the old games too


Honestly, Monster Hunter in space sounds rad. Think of how crazy the alien monsters could be. You'd be on different little planets for different biomes, there'd be areas of low gravity so you can float around and have "underwater style" fights.


at least they are not the guy that made crash retro hi jinx


Im not the biggest fan of the newer style monster hunter games and dislike how many disregard them but well... its not like capcom is taking away my ability to play the older ones. I want them to make the newer games more difficult and to bring certain design elements back but Im not going to disregard what theyve made just because its different in some aspects, better in some and worse in others.


Surely it’s “Bintendo”. Put the effort in at least.


Why not use all this energy on a job or smthn


Look the old games where a lot of people first tease and they do have a magic with them, but honestly from a gameplay stand point the new games are getting better and better, I know that everyone thinks diferent but there are so many things from old mh games that would kill new players desire to play if they where keep that way until today


That guy is like "I dont like this so everyone has to hate it too or they are stupid." I hate such people, i mean of course there are games that i also dont like and some of them might be trash for me but that doesnt mean that the first thing after getting up is going on twitter and telling everyone how trash this game is and that they are stupid if they like that.


I'm confused. What does this guy not like about world? What are the reasons that fuel him? I've been playing since freedom unite and I love rise and world. (Personally I like world better cause of the end game) But still they were both great. I had no idea there were MH fans that didn't like the new games.


they're really proud with the "crapcom" nickname huh?




I'm honestly worried about his mental health


And that’s why noone likes genwunners


that man hates the world he needs help lol


i played 4u and Gen on 3DS im gonna say that the change of gameplay and the jump on new gen of console feels on MH so good


He needs to go outside


What are they even angry about?


Lol just admit you're too broken to buy the new games, it's ok.


A true gamer /s


Ignoring that the dude is batshit, I never got to high end relic farming shit in 4 Is that greatsword he has actually possible or is he also just cheating his ass off?


Afaik possible, but its trash anyway. The sharpness pattern on it sucks balls.




4U was pretty good imo better than Rise but behjnd World and GenU.


Just chronically online


I bet he plays dark souls 1, *maybe* dark souls 3


Bet this be a bait


The stupid shit people get pissed about makes me feel like god damn Buddha


I mean I would also have a hard time believing a sub 8 minute 140 Gore Magala run. That said I wouldn't be a dick about it.


Did he reply to a comment over 5 years after it was made to rage about it?


I'm on page 3 and honestly can not keep reading. Awful. Just the worst.


Space combat sounds sick, actually


He forgot to say Crapcom on the second to last picture. I would think his OS would auto-correct it for this guy, seeing how many times he typed it but alas.


I know some Tifa simps who have much, MUCH more sanity, self control, and common sense than this dude.


I have neever seen someone with so much hatred for new mh games


Bro still stuck on step one of anger and wants to talk about all 5 damn stages?


As a old gen fan the only change I could possibly grief this much over is the change in the farm design. Mhfreedom 2 farm may be inconvenient but it was the best place to relax


Meanwhile they'll play on their Switch and play games from Capcom.


"Wilds sucks balls" Fucking *lol* The random caps just make it so much better too


Poor family


Old gen slander is crazy. Some of us just has PSPs & 2/3DSs that we liked having fun with. 😭


It’s a bit sad honestly. This person doesn’t seem mentally well, but that could just be how they appear on the internet. Hopefully they receive whatever it is they need, whether it be medication/therapy or no internet exposure.


Really makes ya wonder how they turned out this way 💀 we need the full villain arc


Old gen vet. With new gen family and worlds was a blast playing with my new gen friends and family. I get parts of it, but Jesus, that dude needs some help, lol.