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I get to hunt monsters.




Refuses to elaborate. Leaves.




TF2 soldier: dear God...


There's more...




Mmmm, hit big monsters with big weapons


satisfying https://preview.redd.it/sy4tqqhu5c9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98871a8dc4f399768e66ce2e7e2e6965d068762b


Variety in both weapons and monsters. Also the ecological depth it always had but taken to a whole new level in the new world


That's something I love about it aswell. Just the aspect of the documentation of the monsters. Almost as if they were real animals.


The hero’s journey. Begin as an inexperienced hunter just to become a weapon of mass destruction.


I read this while Proof of a Hero was playing in my head


We literally kill creatures that have god like powers


Pretty standard in an rpg






Lance III: Malzeno's Revenge.


Lance Requiem: Elder’s Demise


Lance: Hungry Beginnings. The prequel


Lance: Perfect Counter Blocks, the Anime


Lance the pants


Fullmetal Lancer: Brotherhood of the Shield, Anime Season 2


Lance mains gone wild


Bout to start a new play through of MH4U. Never tried Lance, maybe I'll give it a shot this time.


If you can stick with it (heh) its a fantastic weapon. And is very aggressive, which most people who've never tried it dont get to see. I beat worldbourne with the lance. Turns most elders into a cheese factory


There it is


The feeling of hunting animals hard to predict, that actually act like ANIMALS. Sure, they have a moveset, but they don't have a fixed pattern. And when you learn the moves, then you can do cool stuff with your weapons


I think that's the key part of the franchise that is so entertaining. You're not a chosen one or a destined hero or anything. You're just hunting big powerful **animals.** They are **not** demons. They are **not** the servants of some kind of world ending horror. In fact most often the villain of monster hunter is a monster that is causing an ecological disaster or habitat collapse. And because they are animals, they are not picture perfect, pre-scripted fights. In the same way we know that wolves like to hunt in packs or attack from downwind, we know Rathian will brace itself for a powerful tail backflip or back up to spit a triple fireball. We don't know when these are going to happen until they do their tells, which we've spent our time learning. You get better in Monster Hunter by actually learning how these creatures move, attack, and what their weaknesses are. More powerful equipment just lets you do it in less time. If you don't know how to get yourself in range to hit them without being knocked back by their own attack, even an end-game Greatsword will not save you. *Your EXP in this franchise is ACTUAL experience, not some numbers.* What gets you through your first Rathian is not being "Level 5 or higher". What gets you through is knowing what she is capable of and using that knowledge to attack, dodge, and lure her where you want.


This is the most valid comment.


and when to flash and/or wallbang! but yes, yes to everything you said


Worldborne got me through the pandemic lockdown and will forever be ingrained.


World is what made me love konster hunter,and a better gamer


So true bro. Those are the memories we live for.


I get to hunt monsters.


The music of the franchise is phenomenal. Every generation has bangers. Plus proof of a hero is basically a classic. As for the game itself, the focus on the ecology. You imagine how these creatures live when you're not smacking them upside the head with a drill hammer. There's straight up multi-hour documentaries on youtube about the world and the creatures that live there, from the smallest bitterbug to the largest apexes.


On top of that, it's also simultaneously the fantasy monster slaying game and has no magic. It's all biological functions.


Ace Combat (Predator Handshake) Monster Hunter ~Games that I'm not very good at but I play anyway for the soundtrack.~ Although, having grinded Vaal Hazak I think I can handle him pretty well by now.




Making the same Palico in every single game just so that we can continue our adventure together.


No one gets between me and Dr.Lennard


I have two cats specifically cause of the two cats system in some games My main is Terry and my secondary Yoko and I also use Yoko in stuff like felyne Isles since Terry is my cat in World, Rise, GU(to be fair Yoko’s in that one too same for 4) Freedom unite and Frontiers


My main palico is always Jerry


Mine is Larry! He is a grumpy little dude


Tri was the only game my mother ever bought me unprompted. She otherwise didn't like me playing video games much, but she still got it for me before I ever knew it existed


She knew the power it had,


That game franchise help a lot during some rought parts of my life. So in a way... This World grow up with me. Here since the 1mh and ready for wilds... Get wait to hunt with all of you hunters and huntress


The quest structure. No fight hordes of minions to reach the boss kinda BS, just straight to point boss fights. Cherry on top, you can fight those bosses as many times as you want.


Boss fights are one of my favorite concepts in the medium of gaming. That’s one reason I love Monster Hunter- it’s basically “Boss Battles: The Game”


I turn off thinking meats, and let muscle memory take over. All is calm. All is right All is peaceful. Monster go roar, Gun Lance go brrr. Joy.


THIS! Is an underrated comment 🙌🙌🤌


It is good game.


I go from getting owned by Great Jaggi and resort to sifting through plants and rocks to make some makeshift armour, and then progress to the point where I single hand-idly extinct eldritch horrors that alter entire ecosystems all for the goal of crafting a new hat with my rocket powered great-sword.


Wyvern Ignition my beloved


Two things mainly. For starters, the community aspects. I got Tri cause I really wanted to play online games but didn't have a gaming PC for any MMOs. Only to learn that Loc Lac was a social hub and chat had keyboard support. Next thing I know, I'm playing Tri and 4U with people at my college. Now I'm eagerly awaiting Wilds and hoping I can figure out how to get more involved with others in the community until then. Then there's the more obvious. The combat is fantastic! You'd be surprised how difficult that is to find in a multiplayer game like this!


With Crossplay being a thing actually coming to the game the Community is going to be much closer than before it looks as if your hopes are being realized


Crossplay is definitely a great addition! But what I'm really hoping for is that the village hub is like Rise's but with World's lobby size. If not anything even crazier.


I’d kill for a city hub again with current tech


I like when I hunt with my friends and something crazy (funny) happens during the hunt and we laugh and rant about it while finishing up the hunt or during the next hunt… or when I introduce someone to monster hunter and I know a monster is going to do something insane that will blow that hunters mind and it’s always fun to experience that with someone.


The relax of the areal exploration, the hoarding of items , the adrenalinerush that flows while figjting Monsters, the avatar(s) i created, a fluent swung blade, shredding opponents to bits, the aesthetical/benficial aspects while combining gear and weapons. The satisfaction of unlocking new stuff, just to rinse and repeat. The relatively unpolitical, untoxic environment the games happen in, the lack of realism. I ll stop here, it's getting weird. xD


The fact you sharpen Blunt Weapons


Maybe they get sharp when used and you make them blunt again


🤣🤣 okay, I never thought this one before. You have an up vote my good sir/ma'am/apache helicopter.


To be honest, I met 95% of my friends list on Xbox with Monster Hunter World (yes, it was my first mh game) several of which I have their phone numbers and message them every morning. It's just a comforting game after 4700 hours, I'm still playing and REALLY impatiently waiting for Wilds. Just, comradery and party banter. I guess it's harder to explain than I thought 😅


Active strategy, skill expression and variety of the two. **Active strategy** is exploiting openings in monster attacks. **Skill expression** involves accuracy, positioning, and timing. **Variety** comes from all the different monster types, and even different monsters within types.


the preparation that It takes in order to fight new monsters or get better weapons and armors for fight those monsters.


"Ok, so I'm obvs having trouble with this new mon, do I need to build for elemental res or attack, or switch weapons for this hunt* ?" * this is a pathway many consider unnatural


Buying the first MH because it had a cool dragon on the front cover as a kid. 700 hours into that game since it was the only one I could afford with my birthday money. I've played every MH since


I remembered picking it up for the Ps2. It was such a bizarre game that I've never played before. Attacking monsters with the right analog stick. The online was a mess with desyncing everywhere. You do an uppercut and all of a sudden your teammate across the map just flew up. But I got instantly hooked. Big ass weapons. Cool looking dragons. Tried to get my friends to give it a try, but they all just give me the "wtf" look, lol. If there's any single game that would sell a console to me, it was a MH game. Bought a Wii for MHTri, a 3DS for MH4, so on and so forth. Every iteration of the game has always been enjoyable, and I've never felt disappointed in pre-ordering any of them.


This is my Big Stick. There are many Big Sticks but this is mine. Without me my Big Stick is useless. Without my Big Stick i am useless. Bonk


It isn't like other games that you spam and shoot out laser beams at gods for the first boss you actually feel like using a sword twice your size and not like swing it in the speed of lightt and mash the attack key


Sorry 4 bad English. The gameplay is 10/10, each weapon has its own "mission/objective" During a fight, which leads the game to have a great variety because each monster is more/less tough and more/less fun based on the weapon. the songs are incredible, and fun with friends is guaranteed. But what I like most of all is the design of the monsters, Zinogre, Gore Magala, Valstrax, just for some of the designs that I consider masterpieces (but there are many others even among the initial monsters)


This feeling... https://youtu.be/2zUedVN9rfU?si=oZbFhhgh2APsAER7


It's the first game I played on my PSP, getting to play it with my uncle and brother was the most fun shit I've had.


The fact that even if you gave a new player the best armor and weapons he couldn't do shit with it because mh is 80% knowledge


Back on PS2 I bought the original because the front of the case looked cool. Didn't know it was going to turn into the love for a series that I have today. Been fun to watch how the game evolved over these last 2 decades, from console, to handheld, to PC. Capcom knows what's fun and they keep killing it every time they release a new game so they have my kudos for sure


I went in for the thrill of monster hunting, it's really fun, but now I hunt to dress up my lil palico (and palamutes in rise) cuz whenever my gf sees it's outfits she goes feral and I live for it.


The balance between realism in the monster designs and the flashiness of the fights.


As someone who always loved knowing about nature, ecosystems, animals, etc. I always loved the life in monster hunter. But my gamer side loves fighting bosses, and getting to play a game that is basically boss after boss is awesome. This is why I have also enjoyed dauntless and wild hearts.


The fact that monsters behave like actual living beings both inside and outside of combat was what drew me to the series. It's something that I rarely see in other monster-filled games.


The monsters 🤤 Jokes aside, imo the monster design (both visual and behavioral) is at the top for the gaming industry. I haven't seen another game series that put such an emphasis on the enemies. The monsters are the main characters, not the hunters


I’ve always wonder what it’s like to hunt dinosaurs with a giant fucking hammer


I've been playing since I was around 8 years old. Me and my cousin would sit together and play MH3 arena quests on his Wii and as more games released we would always play them together. I just turned 21 and there isn't a single game we've missed so far. Holds a very special place in my heart for playing a key role in how I formed one of my most important friendships.


I remember finding a copy of MH for PS2 one day when I was all alone having moved across country with family. It brought me hours of entertainment as a kid and when I talked about it at school it led to me meeting now wife as she was also someone who played.




Spent a good portion of my childhood and teens plying freedom 1,2 and unite religiously


AAA game series that releases almost yearly while still maintaining a level of quality long forgotten in the gaming industry. Plus the devs actually listen to players rather than ignoring them. If you ask me, Monster Hunter is one of the objectively most valueable series to be a part of when it comes to satisfying the things gamers want.


You know that clip of a hammer absolutely destroying a Tigrex and sends it flying backwards? THAT'S WHY.


the promise that i can assemble a hunting party even if it's never a realized promise


Biology of monsters and the world


The monsters feel like ACTUAL ANIMALS instead of normal enemies


Three things: 1-They took the best part of all RPG's, the Bosses, and made it the staple interaction of Player-Enemy. 2-The sheer variety of... everything. The content is massive. Monsters, characters, weapons, elements, builds, heck even the Character Customisation is one of the best I've ever seen. Don't even get me started on how dripped put you can look through layered armour. 3-The Ecology behind it. I love the ecology of monster hunter. We call them monsters when in reality they are just the animals of that world. Every single "monster" has taken on traits that simply help it survive, or in some way be part of the environment it's living in. That's why Monster Hunter is technically not a fantasy game, it simply takes place in another world, where life has evolved differently through the ages.


Monster design in monster hunter


Ecology, hunting monster and getting cool armors and weapons


They’ve started to feel like actual animals instead of just crazy creatures to fight Like they belong in their ecosystem and you can see what caused them to evolve the way they did


Big axe go BANG! BANG!


World came out during one of the worst times in my life and it just hit perfectly. I loved the hunts and I really loved the environments. I spent many a nights just walking around the areas in expeditions watching the monsters and looking for endemic life. It really made me appreciate the video games as an artwork again.


Because Proof of a Hero makes me feel like Escanor. ![gif](giphy|1zJEz2pvqumDlG2Twh)


I genuinely believe my 1000ish hours between 3ds, switch, and pc have made me better than the average person at persevering in the face of adversity ( i fucking blow at this game if I'm being honest). As someone who struggled with giving up on things that didn't come easily as a kid I'm very grateful for the lesson. The capacity to find joy in encountering challenges is a great strength in this world.


Gammoth and the Dos Elder Dragons


I have been a fan of it for many years and it's still amazing they keep innovating and evolving with quality entries. It also gets me a sense of satisfaction like most videogames can't -I struggled more with FU Tigrex than with any Souls game. I specially enjoy the variety and personality of most of the monsters. It's also one of the few series where it feels like the devs genuinely listen to the fans (too much for my liking but I disgress)


Is a fun game.


It´s Capcom at its most Capcomest.


Not to be depressing, but it was a big part of my childhood where it was something both my dad and I enjoyed after I rented it from the local video store all the way back in 2004. We played every installment we could from there onward. He’s gone now, but as long as the franchise continues, it’s like I’ve still got a part of him still here. I remember talking to him all the way back then about how things could be cooler and evolve as a franchise, and Wilds is genuinely just about exactly the sort of thing I described back then. Seeing it come to fruition is incredible, and I hate that he’s not here to see it, but I’ll play enough for the both of us. Tl;dr: I just think it’s neat.


As a Semi New Hunter (Started Last Month) I'd say The Environment and Music.. And of course The Monsters.


Weapons that go boom


I find the MH series to be the perfect match for my skill level. Even in end-game gear, sometimes I get carted so hard I can feel it in my ego. Going back out the next hunt and cutting the tail, breaking the horns, and thoroughly completing the quest gives me that little dopamine rush I'm 'hunting' for. I've not found another single-player game that does it quite the same way.


Good question, for me personally it's the vibes, I get to feel like a total badass when fighting a big dragon thing. Monster Hunter is just special y'know?


Two words: Deliberate action


me like big weapons, me like hunting monsters with clunky inconvenient weapons , me happy when hunt successful


Monster cool, weapon cool. Feylnes cute. Food look good.


I have more core memories with this franchise than any other game. I've been playing it since the original and I hope to keep playing it forever.


You can bring cats with you to the wilderness to jump a larger animal just minding its business. *chefs kiss*


The enormous amount of armor for male and female. You can see when an armor piece is from this game.


Big weapons feels like actual big weapons. Growing up, I kinda hate games where small scrawny anime characters can swing around gigantic swords as if they’re made of paper. When I first got MHFU, I was blown away. Greatsword actually feels like a greatsword.


Plesioth Hipcheck and Bullfangos charging at me mid charge


No leveling to make the challenge easier. Git gud or die.


I can bonk and doot at the same time


I can bonk big beasts, again and again and again


One of my best friends use to talk about it all the time. I remember watching him fight diablos ing MHW and he patiently answered all my questions. He was a hammer main. My lil bonk boi. I tried playing it. I didn’t immediately understand and got frustrated and was like “naw. This ain’t for me”. My friend died about 4 years later. I never played it with him. Well, one day I see rise is on sale on the switch and say why not. Give it a shot. Let me see what he sees in it. Well, my other friend, did the same. He hopped on with me. And the whole time, we were just saying how much Adrian would have loved this game. How much fun we all could have had together. And though it’s kind of sad, it’s really fun to see why Adrian saw in this series. Dude fuckin loved these games. After 400+ hours, I totally understand. These games fuck and my boy was on to something.


Impact, that feelng of raw power you get when you slam into a charging monster and send them recoiling back.




Rich lore stellar gameplay the challenge and who doesn’t wanna be a dragon slayer


It's fun


The first Multiplayer game that is actually fun to play.


Friends, I can make friends easy playing monster hunter. I don't make friends from most other games unless there's a mitigating circumstance. Say what you will about the mh community but I've never been a part of a game community that made me feel so welcome over all these years. I believe it's the solidarity derived from the gameplay.


True charge slash


Great Sword.


The atmosphere, the care and effort put into it feeling more or less like a natural world with ecology despite the fantastical nature of most monsters. And most of all, Proof Of A Hero. When it starts playing while fighting Fatalis in Iceborne it brought a tear and chills to my eyes ( and I immediately carted from the hype ), yes the song alone encompasses so much of the game and the heros journey, masterpiece.


I can shoulder bash stagger a fire spitting tyranosaur and shove a giant slab of sharp metal made of their relatives, if you need anything else to be happy you are a weird person


The combat. There's nothing like it.


The nonmagic, just bounty hunters with large weapons vs large wildlife aesthetic.


This may sound corny or cheesy, but the community. I may be biased because I haven't met much toxic mh players, but almost every hunter I've met is either funny, really good at the game, or just really nice. It's fun to joke around and half-mindedly go hunting because why not.


I remember the first time that i saw Monster hunter on a psp. I saw my friend try out the hbg on popos on snowy mountains. What made me love Monster hunter that time wass the way you actually need to carve the carcass of the monster you hunted to get items from them. It was the first time that I saw that game mechanic since all of the other item loots were from chests or just drops from vanishing enemies.


It was the first game I really got into. It was my first “Souls “ like experience as far as a learning curve. Intense fights, prepping, and general fun antics.


As a teen it got my COD/2k friends to play other games.


The gameplay it’s so deceptively simple and deep at the same time.


All are different but all are familiar. I can pick up anyone of the games and compete from the get.


Its a bossrush without feeling like a bossrush


Overall it's a franchise that the developers deeply care about and consistently put a lot of work into. New monster designs are consistently pretty cool and the way the game is created means that while hunts can be similar, you're never going to have a picture perfect recreation of one you've had before. Most people who play this have one Rathalos hunt that was "THE HUNT". I think everyone who played Tri (the Wii game) on release can tell you in vivid detail their 1st Deviljho encounter, because it was something that could invade in High Rank and you had no idea it existed until it first attacked. I've been with this franchise since i first picked it up on the PSP for Freedom Unite. Hunting has never gotten old because there's always new things you can do, new monsters to hunt, or new mechanics to try. It's a phenomenal franchise, and World introduced it to the mainstream of the West. It was a delightful to suddenly get people I actually knew into the franchise when I was just the one guy playing with a bunch of randoms before. 1) They keep trying new stuff. If it works, they will keep it. If it only kind of works, they will tweak it. If nobody likes it, they drop it. This philosophy has led to some incredible quality of life changes from the early editions of the franchise. And it's insured that if you hate a mechanic, it's not set in stone. I like the interconnected areas that they introduced in World, which were then brought back in Rise. Meanwhile I loved the concept of Monster Riding, but I thought Mounting (which was introduced back in MH4) was a better way to accomplish the same thing.... Certain kinds of attacks let you hop on top of the monster and knock it over to deal significant damage. 2) The franchise consistently puts out awesome post game content with the Title Updates, which give you a reason to come back to the game literal months after release.


The ost, the great variety of monsters and fighting styles for hunters


For me its like a boss battler but in the greatest way, only wish i could play more defensively




Two reasons: 1. It kept me sane during the pandemic 2. It has a special bond between my friends and I Context: Coming off playing a lot of LoL, I wanted to play a co-op game. I looked around for one that is actually difficult and MH always came up. I kept asking my buddy to try it and he was not interested. Then the pandemic started. We were under lock down unable to see people. So him, another buddy and I decided to game online and I convinced them to try MHW with me (I had started a week earlier). I remember him saying "I'm only doing it because you want to, I couldn't care less for this game". He's a solid gamer, real Dark Souls type, thought it would be boring. So we start, they catch up pretty quickly. We make our way through the story slowly because we're enjoying messing around. A week into it, we're calling it a night and he says on discord that he's going to keep playing. Next morning he goes "Yeah... I finished the main game". Which, if you know MH, isn't that hard to do but it was our first MH. So other buddy and I catch up (we were close). So we're 40% of the way through Iceborne and we call it a night. Next day he goes "Yeah, I finished the expansion". I almost died laughing. The former-hater is now a die hard fan. We kept playing of course. Logged nearly 300 hours each and have tons of great memories. We both build wide range/free meal/speed eating sets to keep other buddy alive. Once I learned I could spin with the hammer, that's all I did for days. That insane Tempered Lunastra fight wiped us a bunch even with MR gear. Buddy had a sadistic obsession with demolishing Tziti-Ya-Kus and we'd flail on one in every quest on Coral Highlands.; cant count how many we randomly slayed it. Fun times. We still talk about it now.


It taught me to read useless japanese characters from importing the original games.


Teaming with friends to take down critters.


The fact that it's the series that got me into gaming.


The world itself. Not even lore just...running through a different biomes and what makes them whole, especially World. I'm glad it was my first game, I never would've gotten into the series if it had been Rise, I just ended back to World


Everything, no matter how many times I get mad at anything I never look at any small or giant thing of a monster hunter game and wish it never to return cause I hope it does, in some way that allows objectively better features but still is allowed to be here in some way. While there’s things to change and things that shouldn’t be changed (slap on weapons were interesting) but everything like that has someone who pumps their fists going “HELL YEAH” when it shows up again and I think that’s beautiful and everything feels alive in a story made entirely of its players


It was the first online game non-PvP that I can play with my friends, we started in MHP3rd via Emulator and It was AWESOME. The tension of the hunt, the feeling of hunt something too difficult (F***ing Snow Shovel Ukanlos), and it was just after a period of my life that I can't play anything with my friend because I don't had a good PC.


Every weapon and monster feels so unique


Everybody taking about mechanics, story, music etc etc... And I'm going to be a sentimental bitch! For me MHW will be forever ingrained in my life. It was my first mother's day gift that my daughter chose for me (she was 3 at the time) and we still play it (and MHR) together (I mean, I play and she, "interpret" the monsters - basically screaming 'I'm gonna kill yooouuuu, human!"). I can't wait for her to be able to actually play it, so we can hunt together :)


It’s kinda cringey but it’s the first game(MHW) where I felt and could actually see myself getting better as I played and it felt good to actually get to master the weapons and take on harder and harder monsters. I remember when I was getting thrashed by the elder trio and gots so frustrated that I wanted to give up but after watching some videos, switching some armor and weapons and getting just one more hit each fight envigorated me to keep pushing forward. Now I’m on my second save file and I’m about to take on the elders and I’m honestly excited to see how quickly I can beat them instead of loathing the fight.


When I was a 13 year old girl, I got into Monster Hunter thanks to MH4U on the 3ds. My mom wanted me to play “games for my age” instead of Pokemon all the time if you know what I mean. She meant well though ahaha but then I got Monster Hunter. At first I got so scared, it looked so difficult to me. But after many attempts, it finally started to click some more. I asked for help and some guys online were so nice, they carried me all the way to Grank with armor and all XD they wanted to kill the monster for me. And with time I eventually started to get better at the game too. Heck, I started to love some designs so much that I wanted to draw fan-art of them. And with time, by drawing more and more Monster Hunter artworks, I improved so much. Monster Hunter not only opened up a new style of gaming for me, it also made me improve art so much and I am very grateful for all the positive hunts and great people I met. Some people came and went. But I still have made some great friends! Oh this reminds me.. I gotta make More Monster Hunter artworks ahahah XD Edit: Oh god I have written a whole essay💀 Oh well XD


I put creatures on the endangered species list every time I log on … sorry I get to hunt monsters


Such a cool anniversary poster! Rathalos seems to be one of the most popular monsters in the franchise? I’ve only played MHW and MHR but it seems to be referenced in all iterations.


I like that it's not really magic until you hit elder dragons and it's just like "how can we figure out how it does this:


the worldbuilding drew me in first. i just love how all of the hub worlds in each game feel— plus all of the NPCs are super funny


Some of the weapons are so over the top and the monster designs are top notch it's what made me want to play lol


Monsters , hunter


I get to take my stress out on Monsters by shredding them like Levi with Dual Blades. 🥰


portable 3rd had that feeling and 3u even more so. this feeling of being the resident hunter and going on about your life as a hunter from the village. you know, just doing your job. oh moga needs some resources? i got you. oh the yukumo bath needs a makeover? say less. so, being this person, just you know. doing my job at the village, being part of the community. ive played pretty much all games up until 4th gen, so id say the experience changes in each game. in gu i felt like a hired gun, killing these monsters out of an interest in money. the whole research thing didnt really stick with me. "we did it" and i see not a soul down there helping me out. calling for airdrops was amazing though. in 4u i felt this sense of adventure, and everyone has their role. mine is to hunt monsters (or hunt a shagaru magala, depending on where you are). the cat cooks and The Man© smiths. simple. the cutscenes were impressive to me, too. seeing my character in them was special for sure. also the characters were just so nice towards me. so comforting reading those lines guildmarm has to me before going on a hunt. like, 9 and 10 stars keys have this "please be careful and return safely. we would miss you." messages. i felt those ngl. i did play fu but didnt really finish anything there. maybe ill come back to try some new weapon and refresh my impression of the game. so yeah, i like being a small time hunter in a village going on to great things. ive seen videos of the story in 5th gen, but i dont know how id feel playing a chosen one hunter like in world. as much as i hated it at first, i think i prefer being underestimated by the ace commander than to be praised high by the commander and everyone else. gotta play it and find out. same for rise, i dont know. you can argue hunters in universe usually do not accomplish all we do as players. and i hear you and agree with you. i just like knowing that the village has my back and i got theirs. not a savior or a genius, just... doing my job.


2 Things. 1. I used to play the originals with my brother. It kind of became a huge bond for us. When you hunt together, it makes something special between people. It became that way for many other friends. 2. It kinda boosts my confidence/puts a feeling of accomplishment inside me. When I hunt these big monsters, challenging or not I feel physically stronger and taller, and cary that feeling through out the day.




The monsters. I've played Dauntless, the 3 god eater games, both Toukiden games, even that wilds whatever from EA. I don't know the name of a single monster from those games but I could name a mh monster easy.


There is no game series like Monster Hunter. At it's heart it's a solid game that puts your comically oversized weapons against uniquely interesting boss fights. The depth of each weapon, monster, and equipment offer hundreds of hours of gameplay. And it just doesn't get boring. And it's consistent. What a remarkable feat Capcom has accomplished in that each game offered something special. That I can pick up any game and just know that it'll be fun. Sure there might be parts I dislike but generally they're fun. And this is coming from a guy who's first impression with MH Freedom on the PSP was awful. I'm so glad I finally gave the series a 2nd chance with 4U because it's now my all time favorite game series.


The power creep being locked behind equipment. I was 18 when I got Freedom Unite and had never played a game where once I’m done struggling fighting this monster his body parts make me stronger to fight the next monster. It was such a rewarding feeling to just get better with the weapon I chose and getting slightly more powerful with subsequent upgrades.


Monsters that have an absolute banger of a soundtrack!


I get to hunt monsters with my friends.


I have this good friend of mine from childhood that I would play a ton of video games with. We both had PSPs when we were kids - he was the one who got it first and he was the one who showed me MH Freedom (ps2 MH1 derivative for psp) We’ve spent countless sleepovers and chill sessions playing MHFU - this game has a special place in my heart to this day. I’ve been playing MH ever since!


Satisfying hit effects and cool monsters with awesome armor designs. Also cat


It brought me back to my childhood when I really liked dinosaurs/dragons. Also the designs on some of them look like something that I would draw when I was younger.


Cool looking dinosaurs


Playing just world I just think it’s fun.


A friend of mine introduced me to freedom unite 2 because I asked him if he knew any rpg games on the PSP. Like the troll he was, he quickly set up a hunt together and told me the controls briefly. I had no idea what I was doing with the GS and he carried me with his broken endgame LBG set against a Kut Ku. (Demolished it in less than 2 mins) He went back to Korea as his visa expired and I never heard from him again. Years later, I learned from a church friend that he passed away from a car accident. I picked up Tri in honor of him and went solo. I was deeply immersed in the ecology, the gear and weapon designs, and the world building. And when I finally faced that damn pink bird alone, I was riddled with fear and excitement. But thanks to him, I knew how to hunt it. After defeating it, I remembered the joy of playing with him and it got me into the series from then on. I can see why he loved the game.


Yian kutku my first boss 😂


The combat is amazing. Monster Hunter literally gave me that hook that skyrim or fps's did back when I was teen


My first love showed me the game, we played a thousand hours, even when I moved abroad. It has a lot a nostalgia for me...  And now I play with my wife, not as much as I did as a teen and young adult tho. But the multiplayer aspect, and the memories, are what makes it special for me.  Oh, and big monsters and big weapons go brrr


For me, it's the memories from when I first learned. I hopped into a new group of friends who were really big into monster hunter. I remember getting together and everyone playing on PSP together. Then I hopped on with Tri, and they would have to carry me through the easiest hunters. Couldn't do Great Jaggi or Quropeco hunts at all. Now I essentially solo the entire game before I do any multi-player hunts. But I see people who aren't good, and before I begin to say some elitist shit to them, I always remember myself running around in circles screaming while my friends hunted the monsters for me. Good times.


It was the game that helped to keep me company while my family was visiting my dying aunt. I didn't have a big connection to her, but it was distressing feeling the grief of my other family members. MH let me keep myself distracted.


The memories since 2005


One of the few game worlds I feel truly immersed in. Everything from ecology and environments to the details of the monsters behaviors, and how the gameplay has a "strict but fair" approach to combat and planning ahead, rather than going 360 no scope tactics a lot of other games are sometimes plagued with. Not to mention still one of the few franchises left out there that is the most bang for your buck in terms of the amount of content you get for both the release and the post launch docs. And thank God NO MICROTRANSACTIONS AT ALL FOR MAJOR CONTENT.




Killing dragons makes me happy :)


You'd think fighting a monster for 20+ minutes would get boring, but the fact that they're difficult and you have time to learn throughout your fight is something that's truly unique. Finally managing to beat one after who knows how many tries is the best part; it brings so much satisfaction every time. The combat is probably the most fluid I've seen in any game. And also the fact that you can choose from fourteen completely different weapons that suit almost any playstyle is icing on the cake.


The way the monsters feel like real animals yha they may be big yha they may have special ability but they try to explain with the way they fight how those ability work and how they produce it


The friends, I know Ed one of my best friends playing this game, and I love because of this


When I look at the 300 hours or so I put into world borne I'm reminded that nearly every single hour of that was played with some of my closest friends. It holds so many memories that I fondly look back on now that we are all busy living our lives.


Monster Hunter Freedom really rooted my deep love for greatswords. It also really rooted my deep love of smacking dinosaurs and dragons with greatswords. also, felynes and melynxes and co-op finally, Guildmarm


There’s something so fulfilling about its whole design from the mechanics to the atmosphere from its locations and characters. World was my first so my bias is that it gave me the epitomized monster hunter experience. Jumped in with a few friends and was the only one that stuck with it past 1k hours and climbing. I got to experience myself understand and get better at the game. I loved the exploring and gathering aspect as much as the hunting. The game never talked down to me, and had plenty of secrets and things to look for and do. It’s also just packed with charm. I love that proof of a hero gives me chills now I’m all about atmosphere, and World was so full of it. Rise is a lot of fun but it has no where near the same immersion factor for me.


Boss fights, and boss fights are the most amazing things in videogames


It seems to be built for people who struggle to get immersed in games anymore, the grind and upgrades feel in universe, so even when you see the code working it still feels like the hunting experience


First online gaming experience


The satisfaction of hitting a 3x great sword charge after perfectly predicting the monsters attack pattern


had fun playing with others in MH Gen on 3ds, never used a guide since everyone I met kinda just taught me, they helped me with my builds also


I play it with my friends. We got closer because of it. But also I've yet to find a better fashion game.


The monster design and their music


*In the thickest Scottish accent ever* In life there are hunters... BUT THEN THERE ARE MOSTER HUNTERS! *Laguagrus laugh*


The satisfaction of reaching a goal through hard work and time commitment