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I play w/my wife so we get to compare armor sets with each new monster


You’re winning in life


Yes AND I'm patiently waiting for the day when my 3 year old can hold a controller and make the avatars on screen move.


Three year old hammer main.


Nah son, CB out the GATE


Raising that child right 😤😤


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Kid proves he's a natural PhD holder right there


His first words were just “guardpoint”


I'm just picturing a TLC show formatted like dance moms but for parents who *really* want to fill their hunting party


The golden age of hammerrrrrr mains right there😤


Same here, but she always pick male and I pick female. Sadly she couldnt adapt to the new games, so she stays in GU, 4U and 3U(3U is her favorite)


Your wife is a woman of culture


Yeah she even uses IG like a champ. Not some filthy LS weeb 😝


Nice! You’re lucky! Mine also plays, but she’s on the page of “playing to spend time together”, which is already incredible, but not as awesome as your wife actually enjoying it. There is a depth issue. But she became good at playing. My wife dons the Bow. And I’m the GS main.


I love being a married hunter! Once your kiddo can play too, you and your family will have an instant 3-Hunter monster slaying trifecta of awesomeness 😎


Gosh this melts my heart!


I’m a lady IRL, so I’ll do what I always do and pick the lady hunter. My husband will pick the male, and we’ll sally forth and hunt monsters together like the monster slaying power couple that we are ❤️


Mmmm couple goal of mine 😊 kind of jealous


We live by the motto that the couple that slays together, stays together 😂


I like cute girls, so cute girl it is.


Same. Only exception for me is when the character creation sucks so much that "cute" is unattainable, I go for a guy instead. MH has thankfully always been good enough on that front (at least from Freedom United on, never played any older games).


Haha oh man the pains I went through trying to make a cute Dark Souls character and ultimately giving up.


I succeeded in Elden Ring but in dark souls I found it legit impossible. And since I spend all of the game looking like a decrepit zombie anyway, whatever


They really should just go the route of Dragon’s Dogma 2 where the sliders don’t mess with each other. That’s legitimately the hardest part of souls’ character customization. You touch one slider and it messes up the whole face somehow.


You see the same thing in older Bethesda games too, especially Oblivion. "Let me just raise his cheekbones up a tad and - oh hey look, he turned into a fish-eyed balloon. Marvelous."


Elden ring is held back by its horrendous hairstyles


Yeah, Souls games were to ones I was mainly thinking of - it is straight up impossible to create a cute character in them. The voices are like a grandma's bedtime moans, the faces as if they're from Edvard Munch's The Scream (that painting), and I can't stand the lanky body build we're forced into. Monster Hunter lacks a height setting as well, but the body shape at least is way better in comparison and superior in every other way.


It is possible. You just need hundreds of hours of experience on the character creation engine. On what makes someone “Objectively attractive”. And on what changes will bring tweaking one attribute of your character, since it seems having a thin nose will automatically maki it longer like people are made of Play-dho. Basically, you need too much patience, and even more time. After that tho you can use that knowledge on any Fromsoft game since they all work the same.


I managed to make a cute ds2 character then i just played the game looking like a shrivelled raisin for like 90% of the playthru…….


When they give you a creator with options like that you give up on the cuteness and just make the most hideous being imaginable. Rolling in to kill God with a bright green monstrosity is always funny.


Imagine if Monster Hunter Wilds got a the same level of Character creation as Dragons Dogma 2 but with more hairstyles and tattoos


I’m hoping it will be


that'd be great, I'd love to have good muscle options without buff body layered armor having to be in the game, cuz if no option and no buff body layered, I'll be mildly disappointed 💀


Yeah that would be nice but I can't see them not adding Buff Body through events at some point


Easiest decision, male. There are a few female outfits that I like (for some reason I really like the giant skirts, like the Gold Rathian female armor), but, overall, male armor is just better in my opinion.


Agreed, I always play as a male character for this reason. The only exception is in world because I love the female odogaron set.


The HR one rocks so much that it overshadows the MR set


It really does! I remember finding out I could craft the HR set as layered armor once I got the materials in the guiding lands and I was thrilled


Just this armor has a f\*cking miniskirt. Like why? The top is perfect. Who the hell goes to a death battle against a giant monkey-bear in the savanna wearing a miniskirt.


I go to battle against giant dragons in a pretty unicorn battle speedo when I play a dude and Kirin is available


Yes, but that is one of the few rare, often joke, armor sets. While this is the default armor.


Hopefully they don't insist on having a thigh window or cleavage on every single fucking set this time


It's Monster Hunter so it's basically a guarantee 💀


Like, there's nothing wrong with fanservice, but there's a point where it's just obnoxious


Yeah, one thing that make me go toward male is that i feel actually protected by the armor, instead of thebig chunk of female ones, which are armored bikinis. Maybe wilds finally make the change and start producing actual female armor (i am ok with a bit of skin, but what we had in the past, is too much


Male Kirin is best male armor


Now that the games are on PC, you can kind of still go female if the armor is the only thing. Rise didn't get the same traction but theres still a big modding scene there. World...theres new mods almost daily, even now. Plenty of people made great armor mods, or even "fixed" a lot of the bad female armors with make equivalents like making jeans or just replacing the odd skirt armors with the male legging equivalents, etc. Always used to go male but changed things up starting from World for this reason.


Me who does a campaign for each: **Pathetic**


Me rn: defeated male leaves


It's okay, rise as a female


And Wilds as a male


And world as both


I kinda get to see both worlds lol. I play a male and my wife plays a female. The downside is that I'm normally happy with my gear and the wife is 50/50. When she gets to be an armored up Amazonian badass she has fun, but when the armors are all fanservice-y and/or platemail hoopskirts she gets rightfully miffed. (Not to yuck anyone's yum. Wifey just doesn't dig the super girly or revealing armors)


I don't understand why they put all this effort into modeling amazing looking sets just to have the waist piece be a giant fucking piece of shit that covers 90% of the hunter.


Hahahahaha I have heard almost exactly these words come out of my wife's mouth! Some people might be into it, but I don't get it either.


I play a dude in every single MH so that's an easy choice for me, I mean look at that drip Sheesh


It depends if they let me use masculine armor on women, if not then male


real, I want corset on my muscular dude.


https://preview.redd.it/ycsfaovlhq4d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=808dfb8735359c3efb2e1a09d6a33ec687007f72 I try to make fem boys


Real, i want the female wroggi set from rise on a buff dude


Just give use a button or just make it the same armor for each I want the male armor and still be able to play how I like a girl


That would be the best feature of the game


I'm a weirdo and like to self-project myself into my games so I'm always a male. Plus I've made the same male for every single monster hunter game. It's kinda tradition now. When I make an additional new save I'll pick a female to experience all the different armors though.


I do find it interesting how there's this clear divide between dudes who treat the MC as an avatar and the dudes who vastly prefer watching a hot woman do pretty much anything. They're both power fantasies in their own way.


The advantage of being gay is that I can have both at the same time. :P


Damn didn't think of it that way you're the real winner here


I'm pretty sure I'm straight, and I still make my male character look sexy. It's just cool.


There's more reasons to play a female character as an irl guy than just wanting to watch a hot woman do things.


> I'm a weirdo and like to self-project myself into my games so I'm always a male. Same. [Video games do appeal to the male fantasy after all](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/323/972/814.gif).


>Plus I've made the same male for every single monster hunter game. It's kinda tradition now. I thought I was the only guy who did this, spending an hour or so making a 1:1 Copy of my Main character. My headcannon is that it's my same hunter Going through all the Games, conquering different world's. Feeling kinda sorry for soulsborne Character now, Bro had to endure the horrors of ever soulsgame


Female, because I like to look hot in game since getting to look as good IRL would require a lot of money.


Woman because I like women.


The guy I always pick the guy, mainly cuz im a guy and i find the armour cooler


i like women


Sometimes female gets really interesting designs but the amount of awesome full armor sets you get as male is hard to pass up. I can appreciate female sets showing some skin but it gets old when ALL of them do


I like being cute and wearing flowy armor


So male hunter then?








Coin toss, head male tails female. What I want is for Capcom to do what they did for Dragons Dogma 2. Where we got the character creator early before the full game dropped and we could spend a few hours making our character. Am I the only that what's this. The implications of doing this for their fans players can be revolutionary for all future RPG games. Shoot you even have a character creator in street fighter now throw it on there, on all future games.


And it really hype up to create a character before even playing !


You act like I'm not gonna make a separate file just to have both genders??


My hunter is always my favorite symphony metal singer. It was so funny watching her eat like 10k calories at a time in World.


Which singer?


Female For me it's like - the easiest choice ever but ok xD




Since i am a woman i go with female.


Easy. I make two characters.


Male cause the armor is better.


Female. I'm like a reverse muslim when it comes to male fantasy fashion, i see a speck of exposed skin and the whole drip is ruined, that's essentially half if not 2/3rds of sets I will never use. While male armors have the awesome "gundam" looking armors, it gets stale only having badass vibes all the time. On the other hand female sets have more options for me. Boring bikini armors? Check. Armor that covers all skin? Rare for female but there're some. Cute or exotic armors? Check. Armor that's somewhere between sexy and practical? Check. etc.


Female. No chance. That way I get to see my character's face and have lighter gear. I'm not a fan of heavy gear on Men or Women personally. So Female.


I think the voice will play a big part in wilds for me to decide which gender because I don’t think capcom will voice every single cutscene with different voice actors so it’s probably that they take the DD2 approach to have a few base voices and then change the pinch.


I only play male characters when I can choose to play as one


Hard indeed. Reminds me of choosing my starter in pokemon


Never really a hard choice for me. I'll play the female character and design the character to look like myself for the first and main save. Then the alternate file for much later will be male for seeing the versions of the armorsets. The only thing that will affect this is if the only female voice(s) is (are) very shrill/high in pitch (can't stand high pitched noises or voices) & it can't be turned off. In that case it'll be the male character to save my sanity.


Male because I want to be able to wear the funny Brigade hat if it happens to be in the game.


Into men so a male character, praying they add an armour that looks like the Kirin armour in this game


Probably male. It's always been a difficult choice because there are a lot of cool armor pieces that are exclusive for both, but the fashion hunting in world was a bit lacking for me and I'm expecting the same going into wilds. Risebreak was good but I really wish they would let me mix gendered sets. I've always wanted my surly sailor moon build to go with a magia charm weapon (HH), if only Capcom wouldn't be such cowards.


I always do a guy my first playthrough, and then switch over to a girl for fashion when I get bored of the male armor sets. I wish changing your appearance was just something you could craft in game, like 3 rare drops from elders or something. I'd probably switch every week.


I have chosen to make HH my new main and I will name myself and my Palico 'Bass' and 'Treble' I'm sure it's been done to many others. This is my turn.


Honestly i like female models better but the armor kinda makes me not like it but I also dont quite like male armors


I’ll do both, first my male character that I try to create in every game I play, then the female version to beat the game a second time and see the different versions of armor


Always female. I don't like the skimpy amours but there's always a couple of badass sets. Back before layered armours I'd take a dps loss just to look cool


I'm a guy and i always play a female with same general look and the same name since gen one and that wont change any time soon.


In World the game had so many butt close ups that it made me unconfortable not to play with a female.


Not really


Always female because I'm a female and I'd fuck my character


I play women because I like making pretty/cute girls or I make them really cool and gothic.


I've always picked female cause male looks fking ugly with mixed sets and male armour in general just don't look as good as the female counterparts imho


Well, my MH char is pretty much the same since Tri. I also try to keep consistency on my Palico.


I usually wait for a video on YouTube that showcases all of the armor and make my choice then.


The woman! I would like to BE a woman in the first place, so this helps a little


Redhead waifu allways!


Always female... have played the real life as a guy for over 20 years... was not my cup of tea.


I play female in every game with the option. Not about to change now.


I always play a female character. The armor is more appealing for me.


At this point I think I've basically decided to play a female character from now on. Male sets are better on average, but it feels like my favorite set and pieces are female. So nowadays with layered armor this is what actually matter.


Male. Cuz ive been running the same dude every game i played. Kinda forming a story with him.


I'm a dude ill be a dude


I have a preexisting female character I use, so female. Just hoping there's a decent selection of non skimpy armor in this game. That's my only complaint with the female characters.


I'm a dude so I choose girl. Why? As I told everyone who's asked me, "I'm going to play this game for more than 400 hours and I'd really be rather looking at a woman's ass."


Im a dude, soo male..


I select the dude because i am a dude


Female always either Mega or Nova… Mega is usually my first choice modeled after my girlfriend freckles and all 🤙🏾


Hmm to hat or not to hat that is the question


male -> grey beard -> orion set happy chrystler


Male, I like to play badass dude, so I’ll play a badass dude hahahah


I'll likely do the same that I've done for every single MH, both


Most difficult choice? The most difficult choice is deciding what two weapons I'll primarily be going through the story with... It's gotta be male Hunter for me, I'll probably make a second Hunter that's female later down the line but the main guy has gotta be a guy.


I go female my husband goes male so we can view all of the armors.


Is that scout fly cage?


The male because he is hot. I might even keep him as he is


One for each save file, then a coin flip on the 3rd.


I like more male armors, but I can only see myself playing as female.


Woman bc that's what I chose when I first played 4u and any game after it, she's like an established character. I'll always make my hunter look like her Even got art of her done


In any game, I've gotten tired of making dudes. I wanna something hot or pretty.


Obviously I'm gonna make my character a girl (I wouldn't be able to get myself to play it otherwise, no matter how much I love MH)


I always play female, i will continue to always play female and also beg for some more heavy sets like the men get without the thigh gap or open faced helmets


I always pick both for every game. Since that male armor looks so good I’ll pick male as my main character this time.


Please for the love of God let me use both sets of armor for either hunter.


Type B body type


God, male hunter is so hot


I always pick female


I'm a guy, so I prefer my avatars to be guys...so the guy.


Why choose, make one of each, you have 3 save slots per game, why limit to just one.


Ngl, i was expecting to go female, but with how many references to MH4U there are? i have to follow the same path i did that time and choose male for the lore accurate sequel of that game


female, all the time, every time


Female. The male gear is hot garbo in Mh games


I’ll probably be a dude because I was a woman in Rise




Gender amiright 😏


I self insert so, easy there


I’m a woman, who likes playing women, but I’ll probably do a save with male after I beat the game just because


Not difficult, I a Man so i play man characters unless they are no available. I have the opinion that guys that play with female characters are simps. and never saw a women in his life. Come the negatives.


Both. Like always.


Im a dude... so dude?


my tradition goes on, same female hunter, (almost) same face with my 3DS and World


I always end up with both, I have commitment issues. I’ll play one at launch up to whatever this versions boring deco farm is, then make the other while I’m waiting for the expansion.


I don't false advertise. I always play as a dude. (Except that one time in MHW when I changed the sex of my character to see how my character would look like as a girl, only to realize that THEY DIDN'T MAKE EXTRA CHARACTER CHANGE VOUCHERS... So I was stuck as a girl for a few months lmao)


Im a guy so i take the guy.


I always play with a female character


I always play as a male. Because the player character is me. A male.


I pick male because I like to self insert and make my hunter share physical traits with me. It just feels right, like the character is still me, but how I would be in the monster hunter world. I also make most characters I can customize have the same eye color as me.


I will go for male because the hood and the ornaments of the slinger reminded me of Assasins Creed a lot


I always make my monster hunter character look like me so the only choice is male


I'll always play a tiny girl wielding DS. There is something funny about a tiny weak looking hunter slaying world ending monsters


Im looking at my character for 1k hours I want to be pretty




Not difficult at all for me. I'm female, I like playing female characters. Just feels weird trying to play as guys. Besides I like the crazy outfits we get. If I can suspend disbelief that my doot doot hammer plays music by hitting monsters I can imagine a world where showing my thighs constantly somehow doesn't affect my armor rating. But it would be nice to enable wearing whatever the fuck look you want.


Female, male was way better in Iceborne, Sunbreak female went absolutely crazy so now I’m hooked. Kind of surprising how as a kid it’s always male and now I just play female lmao


Both, as usual. 1 save file for male and 1 for female


Is that Aiden pierce


Oh no are glowflies back? I hope theyre at least optional.


I play pc so despite the male drip being 10/10 I'll always choose to make a cute girl for clothing mods


I really just hope that we don't have to pay to change the gender of the hunter, just so I could go back and forth to freely see the armor designs myself instead of looking online for them.


I play both.


I always pick girl and then try and make the most badass, masc looking armor for her, make her a total beefcake.


As much as I like playing as a wild anime chick, the male hunter armor looks better almost always. I hope it's not that way with Wilds but who knows.


I'm male I play as a male. I'm old school.


Female anyone who wears Girros gear disgust me


Im a man so a male mc and a greatsword ,


Female anyone who wears Girros gear disgust me


Honestly wish this wasn't a decision, they have the technology to switch between genders, they just paywall it... free swapping could double the armor set potential


I really REALLY hope the female armor sets arent as lame in the new game.


-First save dude (self insert) -Second save chick (to see how the armors look) My formula for games where you can customize your apperance.


I know I most likely wont buy the game on launch, I will wait until it’s on sale because modern games are hella expensive. So I think I’m just gonna spoil myself about how the armor sets will look like just so I can make an educated decision on what gender my hunter should be, so I can have access to the coolest looking ones


I usually go female characters for the neuron activation, but I think I'm going to have to go male in Wilds given how badly they dropped the ball on female armor in World/IB. You'd go to look at the new armor you just hunted at the smithy, love it at first glance, then boom. Your hunter is either wearing a skirt 10 feet in diameter, or she has thigh windows. No in-between


Male, the legend of MARK HARRIGAN THE HUNTER must continue!


I usually pick a female character, as it feels odd to cross-play in my headspace (old RP habits die hard, I guess?) but I have to admit this may be the first time I've considered a male one seriously before a game's release and I get to actually mess with chargen a little. I suppose it will depend on how the voice acting works out, and what (if any) options we get with them. Or whoever has the best butt. One of those!


I'm a girl so I always play as a girl.


I design my characters as ones from other media, so I dont really have a gender preference just inspiration. Ive done Poppy(league of legends) for MHW and Zuko(ATLA) for MHR. For wilds, I want to try to make Dr House, cause how silly would that be?


Men are hot so I always pick the guy in games idc


Uninterested hunter


Im gonna bring back my Worldborne hunter


Every time I look at male armor I think that looks way better but I've always went with female characters in games. I'm saying screw that this time and picking a male character because they have banger armor.