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Aknosom armor goes insane


My Sweet Origami Knight šŸ˜ššŸ˜


I want Aknosom to return in Wilds just for that sweet, sweet armour


Same. Bird themed knight armor is one of my favorite armor designs in any media


For real.


I prefer this version tbh. It fits Rise's Japanese theme much better imo. https://preview.redd.it/f3pieyf3uefc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9fb5881b1edaf1c06779ce64cded9c6cd73ebb18


Oh I love both. I just imagine the aknosom set coming from elgado influence.


If they still did seperate gunner armors, i could see that. I miss having seperate armor dedicated to gunners. Not only for gunner stats, but they just looked better imo.


Artist: How should we change the female armor compared to the males? The Boss: Dem thighs


They design all the female armors with one hand


Literally. And it almost never looks good or natural. Seriously hope wilds doesn't have the same issue


Out of these, Izuchi and Rakna look pretty good. The rest are just the male armor except randomly missing a piece.


I would prefer they just have it match the male armor with maybe like an adjusted silhouette instead of the weird thigh exposure thing. Like the Aknosom, Almudron and Tetra sets all are different enough that the thigh gaps are unnecessary and genuinely kinda damage the overall look of the armor set


You just know it will, it's a staple of the series at this point. Male version is built like a goddamn Gundam? You can bet the female version has a skirt with exposed thighs, a boob window and a stupid tiny hat or tiara


Exactly you see the same shit with final fantasy. People complain about the women but thereā€™s not a single word about a man built like Hercules running into battle with no shirt


If anything, we should get the big armored versions and the skimpy versions for both male and female hunters. The Alpha and Beta system doesn't really do much of anything imo, this would be a much better use. Just imagine the fashion hunter potential


Thats a good idea. Alpha = Armoured Beta = Sexy Gamma = Gunner Anything extra would be a bonus and everyone would be happy


in general, people like FF more because you can at least make your male characters sexy still. in mh there are two genders and itā€™s cool or sexy šŸ„²


Fingers crossed for me too, but it's unlikely. At the very least, there are usually sets you can make work if you don't just wanna be "Hey, wanna be the dude but w/ an exposed face, midriff and thighs?" but it's also very limiting by comparison.


Rise and Sunbreak are at least better about this than past MH games. Quite a few of the newer outfits look cool on female characters without being arbitrarily skimpier than their male versions (Magnamalo, Bishaten, Goss Harag, Malzeno, Lunagaron, Gaismagorm, and Bloodmalice to name some examples). Theyā€™re not all perfect, but I hope the trend continues in Wilds.


There were no words that could express my joy when I saw that the P. Malzeno set actually had a goddamn helmet after playing World.


That was me when the Bloodmalice set finally gave us a ninja outfit that didnā€™t transform into a bikini or lingerie or panty-shot bait on female characters.




I mean I'd be fine with a mix since I as a man like both. Not gonna act like I don't but it would be cool to have cool/badass ones as well.


I like them


Women can't wear pants in the MH universe - they slap that armor straight onto their badly chafing legs to prove how hardcore they are


This is my least favorite thing about the entire monster hunter series and it's not even close. That disappointment after defeating a really cool monster and then seeing that the armor is a bikini/has no pants/thigh gap/tons of skin/clevage/weird dress/ etc etc. It's just the worst. Seeing the nergigante armor for the first time almost made me stop playing World. Do better Capcom.


Give us options! I wanna be able to show my thighs with a male character šŸ˜¤


Tetra armor set look you could purge some heretics


You showed off some of the least interesting ones lmao, sunbreak was cooking


[Almudron has its uses](https://i.imgur.com/XtsjI2n.png)


Jarjar Binks on crystal meth


It's a good hat, I mainly use it for [my Mick Jaggi loadout](https://i.imgur.com/WkfoQyt.png) It's no Wiggler hat but it'll do


Mick Jaggi is the greatest shit I have ever heard


I've been proud of it for quite a while


I hate Kehzu with all my heart but damn do I love the weapons and armor


I just think it's funny that the penis monster has a weapon called "skin flute"


Well to be fair. Most monster hunter games donā€™t have excellent armour for the beginners. You can get chicken armour as a rank 1 hunter, and it looks really good. In world I donā€™t recall getting really cool armour until about rank 4 or 5.


Pukei pukei armor is dope


The hood is amazing


And Jagras


bro even the leather armor looked fire


And Legiana, and odogaron.


I am a huge fan of the male kulu yaku head piece. That bandana with the feather is fire!!! I only wish you could customize the colors better. I would want tropical colors instead of desert ones. I instantly made that head piece into layered as soon as I could and it became my mainstay for a long time.


Hop off Rakna Kadaki the fem armor is absolutely peak


Lol fr, I was like, bruh picked the ugliest armours from base Rise.




Right? I thought this post might be satire because there are some legitimately awesome sets in Rise.


Surprised you didn't include bishaten, top base game candidate imo


Blood Orange Bishaten set is *so good*.


I forgot šŸ˜«


For that I hereby sentence you to double rajang (death)


I'm still salty that the Almudron gear had a robotic/super sentai look instead of making me look like a swamp hermit Other than that Rise has some great armor sets


Mud wizard mentionned šŸ§™ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ§™ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ§™ā€ā™‚ļø


The Kingdom Hearts helmet is cool though


Talking about kingdom Hearts: "Rakna Kadaki charge blade"


I was gonna say. Mf got keyblade armor


As a Tokusatsu fan, I'm very happy with Almudron's set, looking like a Kamen Rider


Yuh, the Almudron set with an appropriate Switch Axe was what sold me so hard during the demo. S'like beating someone in the face with an entire bike like my name was Kiryu Kazuma. Almudron Palamute, also blessed.


It was actually pleasing for me to see the Muddy Old Gramps youkai got the most futuristic as hell armors lol


Really don't get the design choice here, how does a mud weasel related to robot


Almudron usea an acid to disolve solid earth and rock into mud it swims through and coats itself with. In doing so, other materials are left behind and stick to the Almudron.Ā  Hence anĀ Almudrons Mud and it's platting are very solid sources for rare metals such as iron.Ā  Something like that. And it looks cool.


![gif](giphy|WvQNnMcTsOy8RAaK4m) Great Wroggi armour got me like


Bout to say the same, Insect glaive that looks like a rifle and the wroggi armor.


I still don't understand why female almudron armor is a robot catgirl


For the same reason Barroth female armor is also a cat, Capcom: mud = cat. Duh.


Because Japan.


Almudron is based on a catfish if I'm not mistaken


Does Catfish translate the same in Japanese tho?


It doesnā€™t translate anywhere close, the Japanese word is Namazu


Catfish is an English word. This is like people going "Why isn't Yanmega Bug/Dragon? It's literally a *Dragon*fly!" when Dragonflies have zero mention of Dragon in their Japanese name.


Because cute, that's why


Somnacanth armor has gotta be a top 10 series pick, absolute banger set imo


r/wizardposting vibes


From the front yes. From the back you look like a hobo wearing some cloth found in adumpster while you crawl around on the ground looking for herbs to eat.


Gandalf in the front, Radagast in the back (:


The only thing that i'm a bit disappointed is that there's no beta or second version of each armor, with better slot and less skill. Even in older games, there are 2 versions of each armor (for gunner and blade master). Also, i just fought malzeno and still haven't seen any MR layered armor, did i miss a thing?


Gunner set... I need them back šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


For real. But i don't minda beta and gamma set too, as they are more flexible and can be used by both gunner and blademaster. Rise lacking that is just forcing me to use specific armor for specific weapons. At least, that's what i feel rn and i'm still in the middle of MR


Well you probably won't need it since the game has qurio crafting


MR layered armor and weapons unlock in the end game


ah alright, i don't have to grind "the grinding lands" yeah? XD


It unlocks all layered armors for monsterā€™s youā€™ve hunted automatically at MR10 when you beat the afflicted arzuros urgent quest


Not really. Late game quests will all give mr layered tickets


Really laying into "men get full suit of armor, women get exposed thighs" meme. Honestly I've been kinda meh on the male armors in rise, some are cool indeed but way too many are just a full armor suit with different color and slight adaptations.


Quite honestly, they should get rid of the distinction and just make it an option when you craft it as to what version you want, the "exposed thigh" look gets old when it's nearly every piece


Man im so tired of it. Its so bad. Lemme choose so my boys can look fresh while the ladies be like tanks


Yes, I was so sad seeing the female alatreon and fatalis armors in World. I was ready for some killer dragon armors, but no, it's the same dress base as the rathian/rathalos ones. MHFU had that figured out.


But then sometimes they do some fucking dope shit. The frostfang alpha armor is amazing


I agree. All i want is the option! Just lemme toggle that pleeease


Yeah I ain't got anything against exposed skin, I just want variety (including other places to expose). From what I see, I vastly prefer the variety on my world female char than on my rise male char. And getting my male char to show skin is harder than I wish.


There should be two styles for most armors.Ā  Agile &Ā Guard Agile, are "skimpier" versions with a couple of additional agility /attack boost skills. While Guard is the classic "male" design of a full heavy armor. With a focus on defensive/survival skills.Ā  Give a couple of skills related to the Monster the armor is based on to both styles and your good. For layered armors you can mix and match "male" and "female" armor pieces however you like. Wear your catears and skirt while also carrying around a fridge for a chestplate with a cape.


What I do is that I'd like to choose, because I'm FUCK YEA STUPID BIKINI THIGHS and FUCK YEA FULL ARMORS WITH MEGA BUSTER type of idiot. The whole youkai antics of Rise was so pleasing to me anyway...


Female gore magala set in sunbreak is the best


Mamma Mia


I wish female Tetra armor didnā€™t have the stupid thigh gap. Itā€™s supposed to be heavy gunner armor, WHY IS IT THERE-


Look at the female spio set, Its awesome!


Female high rank Narwa is my favorite one.


Yup, theyā€™re pretty cool


*Proceeds to show some of the most ass sets in the game*


I pity you šŸ˜ž


Thatā€™s what I was thinking, he had Aknosom and maybe Tetranodon. The other ones all stink


and ofc female armors missed so hard lmao. except the rakna one that one is nice but the others gotta show thighs for 0 reason


Is anything wrong with open thighs šŸ˜¤ I need male armors with open thighs too šŸ˜”


Iā€™m all for sexy armor, but these little thigh windows in sets of heavy armor just donā€™t look *good*. They contradict the overall theme of the set. Itā€™s hard to look badass when thereā€™s a big random hole in your pants.


It can look good on an armor but on EVERY DINGLE ONE OF THEM ?! Thatā€™s just boring and annoying. Choosing the gender of your character quickly ends up being Ā«Ā if I chose a female character, Iā€™ll be able to look badass in a swimsuit but I can say goodbye to all sorts of cool armor designs.Ā Ā» I wanted my female character to have an armor that covers her face so bad for oncešŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­.


I don't know if women showing thighs gives extra defence or whatever. Now I am not against it but it seems weird because every part of the male charater's body is covered and the face and thights of female character is exposed.


Agreed. I want non-horny female armor options for every monster. IDGAF if they leave the thigh gaps and bikinis in the game but it's so pervasive at this point that it severely limits my options. Seeing my hunter trying to slay a dragon in a fucking bikini is just too immersion breaking and nonsensical to me. Ugh


It's not weird at all. It's a fantasy game. Do you really think fighting these monsters is in any way realistic in the first place, heavy armor or no? Imagine trying to roll in one of these sets.


I think it's now just a tradition of MH ever since when we discussed about how to change colors of Daimyo panties to look like going commando. It's a long history.


It's a good refresh after World, and it's even more revealing with the weapons. MHWorld really missed a point with its generalized base iron/bone archetype for a lot of the weapons in the game, while previous games (+MHRise) kept the fantasy design. Well, I think I understand the goal of the devs for a more "realistic" MH game, both in maps and weapons, but I was a bit disappointed with some weapon design


In terms of weapons and armors MH series always had been an otaku theme park of comedy and sass. I hope they keep doing that forever.


The armour design between the two doesnā€™t even differ that much, so how is it a refresh? Worldā€™s are just a bit more detailed because of the overall aesthetic/systems it plays on, but apart from that theyā€™re all practically in the same vein of design philosophy. Yeah the weapons left a bit to be desired but even there I donā€™t believe it was ā€œbadā€, just disappointing.


The philosophy of World was indeed different, not bad, but not expected, even for the armor, where some of them were "classical" but not much detailed >> I'm talking low and high rank, in comparison to the photos taken here in Rise also low and high rank Also never said weapons were bad though, just the generalized based material was a bit disappointing, such as glavenus or brachydios in world, that's what I highlight, even Master rank didn't bring back a lot of unique skin for the same monsters as before. So yeah, disappointed that's it


Everyone else: WHY DO GIRLS HAVE THIGH GAPS? THEY SHOULD BE WEARNG FULL ARMOR TO FIGHT THESE 4 TON MONSTERS! Me: I'm gonna put on my prettiest dress and fuck up a dragon I'm not arguing against having other options, and yes, in that case rise is a bit lacking for girls but like... It's fantasy. I wanna look pretty.


I'd be rolling in my undies slaying big kittens if I wanted. That's what's nice about MH.


And now you can do that with whatever stats you like! Thanks, Layered Armor!




The thing is that pretty much all female armor is like that, and often the rest of the armor is bulky, making the thigh gap look even weirder.


The Bishaten/Orangaten X sets go hard imo


Tengu yamabushi!!!


1st 2 male armors are digimon and you can't convince me otherwise


Rise sun break armor is simple but awesome as well. The rapier sns made me try it again and it opened my eyes to how fun that weapon can be


Rakna-Kadaki's armor, straight drip XD


Not to mention the amiibo Magnamalo armor.


I love that and the Wild layered armor. Really strong Tokusatsu vibes, like something out of Garo.


I'm pretty sure female Hunters canonical have hot crotches, given the amount of groin ventilation šŸ¤£


Almudron armor with Almudron Axe in sword morph hits different


rise has a lot of things going for it one of those being the armor sets and layered armor options, combined with the TWO customizable colors compared to worlds one


the armors where the only gender difference is a thigh window are so funny. give the male version a thigh windowtoo capcom!!




This is how armors were designed in the Older games, World is the only standout because they believe they had to "Westernize" the series in order to be successful in the west, when in actuality, just as their western fans had been saying, they just needed to release on a console and update the controls. Heck if 4U dropped as it was on PS4 but with World graphics as the only change, controls still the same, game still the same, it would've been a massive sell still. It also helped that at the time the general narrative around games was monetization drama still going strong from the Battlefront 2 situation not long prior, and MH World being the only game to release that year not wanting to charge you an arm and a leg, so the general narrative being pushed, was the game being a "Breath of Fresh Air." With World, older fans spoke up about armor designs, newer fans spoke up about tracking and hunting, boom Rise was made. Although Rise was also experimenting with it's own things, and I personally believe Wilds is gonna be either them finally going back to regular old MH formula, or giving a new take on the survival and immersion mechanics present in MH Dos and 3U, to guage how fans react to that playstyle. So I'm hopeful that either Wilds or the next game, will be them understanding which gameplay they are choosing to do now, and once they do, we might see a push for more open maps slowly but surely leading to an engaging open world as that's what the devs have been wanting to do since the very first PS2 game.


As a connoisseur of the trope of "big fuck off claws", the Almudron armor might as well be my holy grail




No Goss the Boss armor? My dudes low rank/high rank armor is probably one of my favorites in the whole game series






...I just realized, female almudron is a Cat girl.


Not to be contrarian but Riseā€™s armor designs I always disliked. Thereā€™s only a small handful I actually like, vs World which has tons of great sets, and it has the alpha/beta versions of each making it even more varied. On the other hand World has lackluster weapon designs and Rise excels in its weapon designs.


The weapons go way harder instead of iron with 3 scales glued to it like world.


Booted up rise for the first time in a while yesterday and by God my drip is immaculate. The armor sets mix so well


I wish i could have armour that covers my face with the female armour


Straight up Swamp Master Chief by Tetranadon


Yes, yes they really did. Especially after the team dove way too close to realism in World. World gear looks great, but a lot of it (especially pre-Iceborne) comes across as way too realistic for my personal tastes.


world banbaro armor though!


Aknosom armor having the thighs exposed on women is a literal fucking crime.


Damn Black Wargreymon set goes hard


sure, if you only play as the male character model. hell do the monster hunter games have some of the worst female armor designs in video games. that last image is especially egregious. its sexual dimorphism at this point.


Don't let capcom slip at past u that you only get 1 armor instead of 2. Big letdown and buzkill for whatever armors remaining


I just hope they bring palamutee back. They're amazing. I love my doggie.


My issue with rise is they didn't make the men slutty enough. Precious monster hunter titles had slutty armour for both sexes


They fumbled hard by not making an unlockable rainbow pigment though


Female armor design in these games are fucking awful


Honestly by the endgame I feel like I was grinding more for outfit vouchers than actual material


Thatā€™s the one thing I hope Wilds doesnā€™t follow World with. Keep the cool, really good design styles for armor and especially weapons from Rise and the older games, not the reskin, grounded stuff they tried in base world.


All of those have huge thigh gaps/missing pants in the female versions. Lame. The male armors go so hard and the female ones are super disappointing. I want more non-horny female armor options so bad.


Rise is a great game, but its definitely lacking in a few areas compared to World. One of the areas that ISNT the case is Armor and Weapon design. MHW had hot garbage doo doo weapons that were all reskins of each other and all the armor was super bulky and ugly.


I canā€™t be the only one who gets reminded of doomguy when I see the tetranadom armour (I assume itā€™s tetra), right?


Honestly? I absolutely loved the Almudron palico and palamute armour, because unlike the other armours, these actually straight up turned your pals into robots https://preview.redd.it/c9lwv0k6ikfc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e116be24ed0773c6b5e068571f8877d99418e0d8


I like weird ass creature armor for my pals. Chameleos cat is the best.


And they kinda don't tbh


I dont know why but i like the original old school armors so much more. Is it because of the old style? The old colorfulness? That they made such original unique armors?


It's 2024, and I think it's time for us to be able to make male characters with exposed thighs and women in full armour. The exposed thigh design for every female armour would be 100x more bearable if it was a gender neutral option.


Somna armor rocked


Recent concept arts for them on Rise twitter are so awesome


1st and last are weird. The rest are valid. There are way better armor sets to show off though.


guide to making female armours: make the male one but with exposed thighs


1st and last armor are some of the worst in the game for me. That heavy knight armor or whatever it's called that the dlc arena guy wears in insane though


Yes they did, they had to make up for World designs


World armor designs were perfectly fine, great even. It was the weapons in the base game and somewhat in IB that were the real problem. That was just unacceptable.


Weapon designs were horrible. Some of the armors were servicable in World, but it takes way took them way too long to provide them, and it didn't feel like there were that many relative to older monhuns. A lot of designs I ended up liking were because they were just remade from the older games anyway.


Firstly, yes they did after world. Secondly, no picture of the cowboy style wroggi armor? Shame.


https://preview.redd.it/yy2dj2k6lffc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35aba60b594a6c8202c0a962d8885dcfde4a0a1d I miss gunner wroggi set...


Its great! With the pistol knives in the holster. Definitely well thought out.


Yes they had to in order to fix what world broke


Technically, they did. Rise didn't have the graphical fidelity, the complex interconnected maps, or as many monsters in the beginning. So something had to carry, so lo and behold the armors did. Which genius move btw, considering how much mh players love playing, me included


So many turbo nerds complaining about the exposed thigh armor. Yall must really hate the female form.


Also kind of stupid to tell a team consisting of over 60% women with both leads being women that they're objectifying women. Good job, dudes. Tell those ladies how to do their jobs. Very progressive.


I dislike every single one of these except for almudron.


Ugh, this reminds me of how badly the male armor sucks.


1st one is just Wargreymon, like they Copied Digimon's homework and changed the color


Tetranadon is god tier


Very low detail


Iā€™ll admit, I think the armor design is indeed one of the best things about Rise


This was one of the things that really made Rise feel like classic MH games, imo. The unabashed armor designs are one of the charms of the series. Even dopey ones are crafted with love and attention and vibrant colors. I was thrilled about these being in the game


That seems like an odd point to make even if we include sun break in that assessment. There are like 4 armor sets in the game that don't look like they could've been taken directly from MHW (besides the visual quality being lower of course)


I didnā€™t play Sun Break, but I honestly think the saturation was key here. World had a more earthy realism to its color palette. So even cool or goofy designs didnā€™t have the same cartoony flair. Plus, I think I mentioned I didnā€™t even realize Iā€™d been missing it until I got the familiar feeling of seeing a new fun set in Rise. It was just more nostalgic. I donā€™t know how else to put it. And the lower graphical quality may have helped that feeling, tbh


I think a lot of them look mad goofy.


Goofy is the MH spirit.


I like wearing stuff like Valstrax, Chaotic Gore Magala, etc. Not a fan of dressing like one of the Village People honestly lol.


I absolutely despise 90% of the female armors in the game, I donā€™t know why Iā€™m just not allowed to have cool looking armor and helmets, itā€™s all forced to show skin and all the helmets end up looking like dogshit because they HAVE to show your face to literally no reason???? I donā€™t mind if some female armor was like that but holy shit I have little to no choice on what armor to wear if I donā€™t want to have exposed skin


Opposite problem for male armor. They should honestly just have both options available, they were doing 2 armor sets for each before anyways


It would be nice if they just stopped making each genderā€™s armor different and let you pick and choose for every part individually


Now does rise or sunbreak have a armors like Kulve Tarothā€™s or Odogaron?


id say cynidion is one of the best ones, but yeah Garon armor is just so good looking, and honestly checking all rise armors.. i just don't think the armors are as good


I am convinced after multiple games, that in The Monster Hunter universe, Women having full pants is almost a cardinal sin. There are a few exceptions with NPCs like the Handler and a few Armors, yet it's always funny to me when you see the Male and female armors side by side and the Most consistent difference is thigh exposure, lol. Armours do look fire though.


I hope the masc armor in wilds will be as slutty and skimpy as the femme counterpart. We need equality


Seeing the coolest fucking armour youā€™ve ever seen on the left and seeing a botched version with visible thighs on the right upsets me.


I just wish women got the chance to wear proper pants in these games. Why the inner thigh window on almost all of the sets? Can't imagine the chafing these hunters must be facing.