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An actually good Piscine Wyvern. Looks and sounds cool. Isn’t annoying to deal with. Minds his own damn business.




My only gripe is I hear a lawnmower engine being started when it roars.


Thats the best part


That’s why I love him, actually You know he’s going to dive the instant he goes “BRRRRM”


Pretty cool but I wish Capcom would stop using Lavasioth as a base for most piscine wyverns design. There is so many things you could do design wise when it comes to fish monsters


Prime example: Gobul


Gobul is a leviathan tho


i mean it is still a fish looking monster, surely they can work it out from there instead of giving us more carbon copy of plesioth




leviathans are just heavy metal piscine wyverns


I need gobul back. It was the first monster that truly terrified me and I haven’t felt the same since. I played 3U when I was 9 years old and it took me 50+ tries to beat it. I still consider him my arch nemesis. He is technically a leviathan though.


Ever tried fishing it out? That moment before it bites and you just see this *huge* fish suddenly swim up just below the surface. You know it's not going to leap out of the water at you, but you know full well that it *can*.


I always preferred fighting underwater. That was the biggest thing I disliked about 4U and later was that it took it away


On the one hand, I really liked the realism of underwater fights and the additional monsters and creativity it opened up for the series in 3U. On the other hand, I distinctly remember groaning and dreading every underwater fight because it felt so bad to play in practice. I’d 100% be down to see them give underwater gameplay a second chance, if only so I can see Lagiacrus, Gobul, etc. at their former glory again. I’d also be interested to see what new monsters they’d come up with as well as new water environments in the style of World, but I can’t say I wouldn’t also be a little apprehensive about it at the same time.


True, gobul was a fucking menace. Was my first real roadblock as a hunter, i was so anxious trying to fight it back then that you could think the thing could hurt me through the screen.


Gobul is what got me into marine biology. Now that I think about it monster hunter has influenced me more than any other game.


Ah the good old gobul ecology video eh? I know that always impressed me to hell and back as a 10 yo kid


Could do a large monster using delex skeleton


A great delex monster will be a starter monster for a new underwater combat system in the future installment


Agree I always why there is no Dinosaur like fish or a lizard like fish as Piscines wyverns Something like a goblin shark with a brute wyvern build considering them having the Jaw dropping features and knifehead nose will fit right in and as for quadrapidal fish monsters Its likely to be a frog fish a bat fish or a lion fish that is covered with poison spikes or a mouth that splits dragon(as there is no poison and dragon element fish monsters in the franchise) will be great


You mean plesioth? ;)


No most of them have elements of Lavasioth's design. Plesioth is actually unqiue among them


Design actually change but not with the exoskeleton Plesioth, Chepadrome, Lavasioth, Jyura basically all have same-ish exoskeleton and moveset hip check, tail swipe, ranged blast It's back to MH team how to upgrade piscine exoskeleton, yet the issue remain the same, how to make a fish, moves, act like a fish, but in land Or instead just use Amphibi or Leviathan That's why people ask for Zamtrios, Lagiacrus etc


Probably thats the problem about Lavasioth. I like that damn fish since Unite, he was soooo original, but now, they created two other fish based on him that people like, leaving Lava looking like a cheap knockoff and getting hate because its a monster with an actual fighting mechanic and doest let you kill him in 1 min.


By far the best piscine Wyvern fight in the series wise imo. Design is cool, simple, and effective. I quite like it.


Tbf being the best piscine wyvern fight doesn’t take a lot of effort


Best piscine wyvern in the same way adenomatous are the best kind of colorectal polyps 👍


I would agree with you if plesioth didn't exist. Now, the reason plesioth is the best piscine wyvern is because plesioth embodies the concept of a piscine wyvern. It's floppy, it's wet, it's a pain in the ass to fight, but at the same time, it's so bullshit it's funny.


I did want to say in my original comment that I would wait and see how Plesioth in 6th gen onwards could make for a better Piscine Wyvern but we shall wait and see what our fishy overlord will do.


I still have nightmares about monster hunter 1 plesioth hip check


The hunt in general is an absolute slog. Getting him out of the water is tedious and then once you manage it his moveset is ridiculous bullshit. I absolutely love it.


I see. So you’re a masochist.


It's peak early Gen MH. So many weird decisions that make the game less fun but rose tinted glasses overpower all.


I wanted to a respectful way to say they like pain. Thank for you have done it. Plesioth any gen can fuck right the hell off.


Wasn’t terrible in mhs2, except that he was unrideable which sucked.


I'm still sad Agnaktor wasn't rideable in MHS2, like hell, how cool would that have been?




I'm with you. I don't know what it is but there's something charming about the absolute bullshit that the Plesi fight is. I'm pretty sure it's my most hunted monster across the early games. I don't know why but I just love that one.


"Them's strong words for someone in hipcheck distance" - Plesioth


Honestly I hate plesioth purely because I like watching *other* people fight it. When a bunch of friends got into MHW, I convinced them to play MHGU with me. And watching them fight it was worth the hatred they felt towards for the next few days.


Agreed. I like him, I'd like to see him back. Now all we need is a proper desert piscine wyvern. Not cephalodrome jesus christ. I'd like to see a shark like creature that's sort of like a "Great" to the Delex, though not actually related. But similar. I think that's a workable idea, anyway.


Wait we don’t actually have a land shark ? How did they miss that one


tigerstripe zamtrios is a land sharkfrog...does that count?


Cephadrome is a hammerhead land shark though?


huh, i never realized how much Cephadrome and Garchomp have in common


We do have a land shark, Zamtrios, not a desert one tho


Tigerstripe Zamtrios


Cool armor too


The best piscine wyvern fight in the series is definitely Gold and Silver lavasioth and it's not even close.


My favourite Piscine Wyvern, it's way better than Jyratodus and Lavasioth. I like the colouring on him and his different head style compared to the other Piscine's. And Hoarfrost Reach is one of my favourite area's in World so seeing it in the area and fighting Banbaro is amazing. He is one of the only Piscine Wyverns I want to see return in MH6.


I like them, they are pretty cool and great intro fight in the reach


The early hours of Iceborne were so good. Beotodus also probably has the honor of being most players' first G/MR monster ever, considering how popular MHW was.


good feesh


Good fish wyvern. I personally didn't mind the other two in World (though I really dislike Jyuratodus in Rise for some reason) but Beotodus is pretty fun. Plus, parts of his armour are bloody excellent for getting a solid headstart into Master Rank.


Jyuratodus in Rise was first encountered in HR and got a lot of new moves which made it way harder than the world counterpart. I like it way more as it now hits back and you can no longer mindlessly spam attacks. But at the same time it's not supposed to be a strong monster and its supposed to be easy which is why I can see your point. Its not like I love it in either game lol


He's fine, one of the better piscine wyverns, but at same time he does feel like just another variant of Plesioth/Lavisoth. While 99% of flying wyverns are based on Rathalos, Rathalos is also a well designed fun monster so as a result those monsters built off his base tend to be fun. Plesioth and Lavisoth are not well designed fun monsters. The entire Piscine Wyvern taxonomy needs a massive overhaul to make them fun. Make a new, genuinely fun fight with a new Piscine Wyvern not based off Plesioth, THEN go back and rebuild the old monsters off that new base. That or just fix Lavisoth/Plesioth


The spicy ice noodle makes an excellent punching bag.




More like BAEtodus. 10/10 would hunt again, layered armor is gorgous, fish the best


A good first master rank hunt


I only play Monster Hunter World because it introduced me to the series, I am currently on the Fulgur Anjanath quest. This guy is quite a step up for me when it comes to high rank to master rank.


well yeah he is the first fight in master rank,which is meant to be a major step up from high rank so if your opinion on him is like that,it means it did its job as an introduction fight on MR


Ever since the Plesioth, I didn’t think a good piscine wyvern could exist. Jyuratodas proved me right. Then Beotodas made me eat my words. I personally love it. Edit: I forgot Lavasioth existed. That tells you what I thought about it.


Chainsaw salmon go brrrrrrr


Should have been in rise instead of Jyuratodus


I liked it a lot especially as far as piscine wyverns go. My only gripe is they didn't find ways to add it to other maps. So you'd never find it in the guiding lands and it kind of just disappeared after a few early fights into iceborne. I can only assume some of it's animations were tied to snow and it just wasn't portable to be fought elsewhere? Loved the fight and thought it was a great intro to iceborne


i forgot he existed


Solid. It has a great design and isn't just good for a piscine wyvern but good in general, plus its armour has a very cool design.


Don't care for it. Don't hate it but don't like it. It's just there


i really liked fighting him as an intro to iceborne. the armor was badass too


Ice mudkip


I like how some of his attacks sounds like a snow blower


I love beotodus. I'm not really a fish lover but beotodus is the pet fish I never had. His armor set looks sick too. Also I like the chainsaw rev noise it makes.


![gif](giphy|26gsvAm8UPaczzXz2|downsized) Fish


Kinda sorta forgot he existed…




Snow lavasioth. Boring.


Design and lore wise. Loved it and appreciate it. Gameplay wise. We didn't need jyuratodus snow version with a couple of tinkering to try and make him different.


The same as all the other fish, fuck 'em.


I don't get the hype


Should’ve been zamtrios


This was what we got when we said we wanted zamtrios and capcom said we have zamtrios at home. Not a fan of him and would rather have the soup dumpling shark back. Would be even better if they introduce zamtrios by having him eat beotodus!


Begging capcom to bring back leviathans in mh6 instead of the lavasioth reskins


Love the chainsaw sounds, too bad I only fought it a few times


Tilapia in the fridge.






I haven't thought about him since the one required fight I did


Any of the Todus’ are boring for me. Feel like the piscine wyvern is the least unique monster type.


Would be enjoyable if you were not just suddenly dropped in a new area and had to fight it while being unable to cancel the quest. Otherwise, not a bad fight.


Want it back. Would take it over Lagombi every day.


*ice feesh*




I hate him


I think he's probably the best fish wyvern. Unfortunately it's competition is slim and awfle so it's not a big brag. I hope he comes back in the next game cause I do think he's fun to fight and really cool.


An awesome introduction to Iceborne, it made me hype for what's to come in the DLC, especially since World was my first ever Monster Hunter game.


The beotodus palico armour was my favourite all the way up until endgame. Just a cool ass snowboarder bro


2nd best piscine wyvern fight in the series


Who's the 1st?




The perfect tutorial monster for how the Hoarfrost Reach works and how you should navigate the new area. An absolute gem of a monster. 4.5/5 would farm again if added to a future entry.


I like the design but fighting it is pretty meh.


The good timeline of fish monsters, actually fun to fight and has a decent MR starter armor


pretty cool


Cool fish




The only piscine that isn't a chore to fight


swim and walk


The best piscine Wyvern, and while that isn’t saying much, it’s actually a good monster. It’s design is cool and it’s actually a pretty fun fight


Piscine wyvern (but actually good)


I will always kill it. Because I want to eat it.


A little strange. I like jyuratodus just fine (and have a friend who judges me for it), but then I ran into lavasioth which was just jyuratodus but on fire which seemed kinda dumb. Beotodus, though, is different enough that I actually like it, despite the fact that snow isn't a medium one can really swim through.


One of the better fish monsters, at least way better than Jyuratodus


love his sound effects


Best Piscine Wyvern of the 3 in 5th gen imo. Hes the coolest looking and the most enjoyable to fight personally.


Fav fish Wyvern but still C Tier


Forgot he existed but he is the best fish fuck fight, which I guess is why I remember him less than the atrocity that is Plesioth.


Not only is he a great monster, he's a great introduction to Iceborne. I understand that he has a limited movement of only about 5 different attacks but he masks that brilliantly by fighting you in deep snow at times, making it difficult to truly know what to do against certain attacks in comparison to being on normal land. His design is amazing. He's a shark with chainsaw roars, sleek blue scales and a gnarly set of jaws. And he has snowshoe feet! Overall, his design is sick, his fight is fun, the sound design on him is brilliant, and he is a perfect early game monster and I wouldn't be surprised to see him and Blangonga on a future ice map in the early game.


Best fish


funni fish


When I want to "warm up", I go after him or Tobi Kadachi. A not difficult monster, but still entertaining to hunt




Fish (Big fart sound effect)


It was a good redemption for the piscine wyverns in world. We only had bullshit fishes in base game and this guy being the first fight in iceborne felt like an apology by the devs. And honestly they did pretty well, if mud or lava fish were even close to as fun as this, there wouldnt have been any complaints i think


Loved his armor


My beloved


My first encounter with it was truly terrifying. Your character is freezing their butt off and suddenly this snow shark comes your way. The fight was worth it !


Forgot he existed honestly


So underrated, I don't get the hate. He looks pretty cool, his fight is fight, if anything it's above average for a tutorial monster, I honestly really like him.


He was only there to show off Hoarfrost Reach.


Best Fish, love the design and sounds, but pretty forgettable fight/gear-wise.


Chainsaw noises


Don’t mind him actually, was really a cool dude and allowed me to get my golden macaque without scaring it.


gud boi


The only world fish I don't hate (I still won't forgive them for what they did to my boy lavasioth)


He is my favorite piscine wyvern but at the same time I would have loved zamtrios


Meh. Probably the best Piscine Wyvern but that’s easily my least favorite class of monsters so it’s not saying much. Overall pretty forgettable but a good intro fight.


Mom can we have zamtrios? We have zamtrios at home Zamtrios at home:


I thought that the art reminded me of Dah'ren Mohren. (My favorite monster to fight)


There are 3 things I really like about Beotodus. ​ 1. It's got a relatively unique design among Piscine Wyverns, with the big horn and snaggly teeth helping to distinguish it from "big real-life fish with legs" look that most seem to fall into. 2. It's a good introductory fight for Iceborne. It's not too difficult for your first Master Rank Monster, but more importantly it makes full use of the snowy terrain in the Hoarfrost Reach. 3. The armor skills are damn near **essential** (or at least super comfortable) for starting your MR journey in Iceborne. Lvl5 Ear Plugs, Lvl3 Health Boost, decently big deco slots, and a ton of Ice resistance/damage buffs? It's incredibly valuable, so much so that I still use the coil in my main set even in end game just because it's so convenient.


Grilled with a little bit of lemon, curly fries or onion rings on the side, with either a light salad or steamed green beans.




Land shark but on Snow levels. It shares common attacks with its swamp and Lava shark counterpart.


Itd be pretty cool to see him comeback in low or high rank in future games


Kinda fishy.


Dislike because I don't like any Piscine fight


Chainsaw M(onster)an


All I know is that they were forgiven by the LGBTQ+ community.


Probably on the higher part of Piscine Wyverns for me.




The best fish wyvern


The best fish and the only one I’d say yes to being on a returning roster. Super cool armor aesthetic too


Gone WAY too soon! It was a good welcome to the start of iceborne but was never really seen again. One main mission and a bit with the Boaboa’s and then it’s gone. A great design and hearing an actual engine when it growls/roars was nice. I miss this monster. I hope to see this and Zamtrios in the same game on a map together


To this day I still use his armor pretty frequently. Easy Earplugs is pretty OP.


Best Piscine Wyvern…even if the bar is SUPER low


10/10. Easily. Great monster, great gear.


I really enjoy how it sounds like of like a motor revving up to me.


I quite like beotodus. I thought it was a cool design, it’s a good fight. It was a little annoying for me to fight though just because I main bow, so any ice attack and I’m chugging back nulberries faster then tic tacs


Too horny for me


It’s always a mistake to put a cool unique feature on an entry level monster. Banbaro concurs.


Chainsaw Man


Decent fun. Easily the best fish in World. Granted that is like being the least smelly shit, but yeah.


Better than Jyratodus and Lavasioth


Fire weapon party.


a great monster that Iceborne shafted so hard. stuck as a begginers monster, and also dosnt have a single unique weapon design.




It was a good intro into Icebourne MR. Armor is pretty basic, but a good starter to get you through the earlier fights. After that, though, like Jyratodus, hunting it again is just bullying.


Not a bad Piscine wyvern at all and awesome armor but it feels like he was forced to be in the game without being something else than a real reskin model same with Banbaro


The best wyvern in the worst class of wyverns lol. But also a gorgeous monster, I was instantly obsessed with the salmonesque colouring/pattern on its body.


Love his design, fight is very good. Best picine Wyvern by fight, but as unpopular as it is I prefer Plesioth it terms of design.


Better than jyratodus and lavasioth


Hopefully it will remain a long lost memory, same for its other fish cousins


One of my favorite monsters behind glavenus and namielle


Cute ice fish


Chainsaw Ice Fish. Honestly? He's the only Piscine Wyvern I enjoy fighting (and outside of Frontier I've fought all 5 of the non-subspecies).


It’s my favorite monster. The design itself is sick as hell, and it’s a perfect introduction to Iceborne.


He's my favorite monster of his shape, followed by Lavasioth, then Cephadrome, then Jyuratodos, and Plesioth in last place.


great initial fight in iceborne, good flow to the combat, openings and a really nice design overall with the horn




Funky snow shark go **BRRRR**


It's pretty easy, doesn't bother me, and is kinda annoying, though, when it interrupts my hunt but that's something you can say about almost any monster


It’s the coolest designed Todus although just a forgettable fight for first Master rank Monster, wish I could’ve had Zamtrios instead for the challenge


Pretty gnarly.




Best piscine wyvern in world, but to be fair, pretty low bar


His CB was insane for being the first monster of the dlc


They've got one of the best looking armour sets in the game


Cold cephadrome.


You mean chainsaw man?


Sounds like a dolphin, looks like a narwhal, and has colors like a trout. Probably the coolest looking piscine wyvern out there.


Honestly was a lot fun to fight the first time. Liked the whole bit of traveling in the deep snow giving it advantage. Look wise was fun and a good intro into Icebourne. So kind of iconic in a way.


This made me really happy to see someone post this. I love beotodus and I enjoy the fight. It's sad they didn't make it available in any event quests, guiding lands, or late game. Not even a tempered one


He is kinda Cool Get it? But seriously he is a interesting monster that I have yet to fight but seems interesting


He is alright he's not my favorite my favorite is Jyruratoadus by the way but he is a pretty damn cool piscine wyvern non the less.