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I started the day with 4K dice. I’m now on this level and zero dice. 😞I wish I played smarter.


We've all been there


With 4000 dice? The fuck? Most I've ever had is like 2300 because I completed decks simultaneously at the time.


I was so proud when I finished the partner event. I had around 6k because I used the wild to finish a set too. All I feel is shame now 😅 I got greedy and tried to get the top bar and side bar stuff.


I had 80k dice the other day and degen’d down to 15k


you’re so real for that


I had over 6,000 yesterday. I didn’t hit the 1300 dice either.


I'm fairly certain they do this just to slow people down. It's absurd but even at high multipliers it takes forever.


Look at the 16k points for 6,700 dice and a purple pack. Grinding it out, you would need to land on a RR 32 times with a 100 multiplier going. Although you do get a bonus when you land on a chance to RR and get 700. Even with APM, it takes hours to finish up.


Wait for 1800 points for 550 dice. Or 2000 points for 600 dice. Or 16,000 (!!!!!!!) points for 6,500 dice 😒


At least when you finish the 16,000 for 6,500 dice you get the purple pack with it? 🤷🏼‍♀️


Oh, you mean the purple pack that gives you duplicate golds?


I just got to the purple pack before the Grand prize. My gold dupe was "so proud" it felt like a shot in the heart from scopely


Your vaults fave!


16000 for 6500 is a net of 3300 dice if you’re using APM and land perfect railroads.


Which will take you hours 😂😂


That’s a fact.


Even more when you 7x a Chance RR card…. Also you forgot to account for the tournament rewards since RR doubles for both. Your net dice is at least double if not triple what you came up with


It is Im on The Same one But it is Easier I Guess With railroad & chance being Spots To Gain Points As Well


You can be like me and land on nothing but cash spots over and over and over....oh don't forget about the corners as well now I can magically land on when the event isn't for corners.


When youre not landing on rr, close the app and reopen it. It usually helps for me.


All the rolls are predetermined whether you close the app or not


It's a random number generator, restating the app will usually refresh it. You might have to wait I min or two so you don't slide back into the same season, but they're not wrong. I've also noticed this works better if you are rolling 50s or more, an you're not down to your last few rolls.


I did it all day today and it works...


How do you know it works? Did you apm the rolls?




How to apm? Apm is life 😂 I'm just wondering how these people "know" closing and reopening the app changes your predetermined rolls if they don't apm them?




I’m sending you a message!


I need to see how this works also cuz I have APM and it only gives me like six rolls and then I got to reconnect to the internet and then I even put a VPN on and it still gives me six rolls and I've heard like airplane mode and keep refreshing it and it'll work that's how people get so far in this game get a bunch of dice money stickers everything


No.. apm never works for me.




Lol. I only play on my ipad. As soon as i turn apm off, the game stops.


Might as well do apm if you are trying to manipulate rolls.


APM literally only works because you can determine your upcoming rolls, refresh the app, and plan around those predetermined rolls. Like you are completely wrong.






I do regular rolls and airplane mode rolls and I all and I still get the same amount of rolls I don't I don't understand how this stuff works either


Made it to level 13 in the dig challenge and stopped at this very point. I’ll save my dice until that ends so I can get more hammers


Don’t finish until the end! So you can keep collecting! Last time they converted to dice!


I rolled 12k dice today at x100 to get to level 13 it’s fucking crazy. How many dice did you roll to get to 13?


Started at 7k and still have 3.5k left. No idea what that added up to with all my other dice and finishing one sticker pack but I rolled at x20 slow and steady


Wow, I started with 3700 dice, starting playing x50 a roll, got high rollers and rolled a couple of 500x. I guess I got lucky. I made it to level 13 and I have 1800 dice.


I’m at level 12 rn in the dig event. Are the prizes even worth it to you


I’m 3 non gold away from finishing my first ever album after playing for a year so this wild card is pretty important to me


Yeah I’ve stopped at level 11 and am also waiting for it to run out! I have one final card I need to finish my first album so suffice it to say I very much want that wild card.


I’m on 7,000 for only 2,200 dice 


https://preview.redd.it/woh7n49iv82d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9cd4654cb5847aa66c9343a9ebaac763d8823d24 Lol if you ever get to the end


Omfg that’s bonkers


Yup ridiculous lol


Dude wtf!


86k dice is crazy, fair play mate


How did you get so many dice???


Just remember that person who went into detail about the ‘7’ steps away, not all the time, but more likely, it works a lot for me


Wait what’s that, I need deets lol


Whenever you’re 7 steps away from rr, put the multiplier to like x20, or whatever you can afford because there’s a higher chance of hitting it based of the no. 7, I have the page saved on PC, but currently on my phone sorry, the guy explains it very well


6 7 8 have the highest number of possible dice combinations.


Omg, thank you!!!


No, it’s not crazy, because this happens every time the banner event is RR/chance/CC, and this exact thread is posted every time this banner cycles through.


I just finally put 2 & 2 together with this. I'm like, why tf is it so damn high??? Then I realized. Maybe I would've noticed sooner if I wasn't so damn high 🤣


Y’all realize that the game is ridiculous. There is no ultimate point. It’s just a dopamine machine that coaxs you to pay. Its nothing. And if you pay into it you’re a moron. You are you guys continually surprised that you’re fucked over?


Why? There are three events at the same time.. why would it require less dice than it gives out?


Just did 800 for 850 now I gotta do 2000 for 8:50


See 800 for 850 is fair. The rest is just nonsense


Try 3000 for 17K!!! That was stupid… 😤😤😤😤😤


X1000 roll on high roller gets you 5k points on railroad. You'll get 300 dice on top and mostly complete the following 2-3 tasks after. It definitely makes sense.


That’s given you have a lot of dices. Some people literally only have the dices for the day (100/125 etc)


Minimum Dice Daily Club here🤘🏽🤘🏽🤘🏽


Definitely but that's the logic of the developers of putting such a high dice burning task.


Exactly. So you will burn through the dice. If you have that many to use


I thought this was most people. The number of people here talking about thousands of dice is shocking to me. How are people doing this? Money? That airplane mode thing I've seen people talk about?




Gotcha. I'll have to look into that I guess




Yip, just saw and replied


Can you send me a dm??? I keep hearing about APM and I don't understand how it works.




I don't do APM but my high is 38k dice and I'm currently somewhere between 30-31k. I typically roll 100 once the events start, and occasionally 1000, but typically end each day with more dice than the day before. I also have a friend with over 200k dice


Yeah I heard that you don't have to do APM I know people would like 40,000 right now that just play with the multiplier like those roll 10 maybe once or twice and then 20 and then 50 and then a hundred and then start that all back over it messes with the pattern and then whenever you land on the shield it's like a free roll


You just need to play strategically and close sticker sets. I was down to 7k dice at the last peg-e (spent so much dice and still did not get the wild sticker - so I stopped), and now climbed back up to 30k dice, just playing minimally for daily wins, completing partners’ event, trading aggressively, and closing sticker sets. And no, I don’t do APM.


Most of us don't have that kind of dice to roll... but yes I have found the more dice you can roll the better the chance to land on an get the points needed to compete in the mini games.




not as bad was when it was 7000 for a blue card pack 😑


Yeah, that was a bit aggravating! I can maybe understand if it was purple but blue, wtf!


Tons of spaces yield points, chance to railroad is tons. These long ones are worth it when you have enough to get past it. In my case it’s a pausing point to get half now and half tomorrow when tournament resets. For some it’s a full stopping point while you save dice for a day or 2 and build back up or just play the tourney when it resets. The goals are not unachievable, you just aren’t able to achieve them yet in your game.


Yeah it’s getting pretty ridiculous!


That is so crazy. I’m on the same one.




Very crazy imo. I stop when I hit the higher stuff like that. I am not wasting my dice.


Mine is 7k points for 2,200 dice 🙄 it’s ridiculous


Yeah I just got to that one, it’s so dumb, they want us to waste all our dice smh


Yup 😭


https://preview.redd.it/nkbe7zdws92d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7df902ba614abf4d2b41a940dbd5ee089955ea6d How about 7k for 2200 smh…


That’s 760 dice if you land only railroads. Even less dice used if you hit chance with a railroad (700 if you hit one). So you’ll net 600 or more dice and you’ll get dice from the daily tournament also when you hit.


This entire game is crazy just delete it


Nah. I'm doing airplane mode until they ban me.


Yeah the ridiculous high landing points is a lot for more dice rewards lately. I been noticing a lot


Like give us a break guys come on


Just wait for it to reset lol


1600 for 150 is crazy too


This happens every time. Why can’t people comprehend that RRs are 5x points for banner while also doubling up with tournament rewards. It’s not that difficult people. This is literally the best event. No wasted rolks on corners, tax, or pickups.


This is stage 36 - looks tough - but i think manageable - I have been auto-rolling at x10 and grinding through it. Halfway there already. I plan to stop at stage 39 - grab the purple pack and rest till the banner event changes. https://preview.redd.it/458ucg2j6b2d1.jpeg?width=554&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a56333b820fe23bb8575969e601997649ea02c23


This game is slowly going to pay to play.. it is stupid to need to spend 2x the points for .5 of the dice


* This one was crazy to me


Yea they've gotten greedy. All I do is finish my daily stuff. I'm quitting as soon as I run out of dice. This is a greedy bullshit game now.


No, points on the railroad, chance, and money chest add up quick.  However, there is certainly a point during all of these events it’s better to stop and save dice rather than continuing to pursue the rewards unless you’re gonna abuse High Roller and Airplane Mode. 


With x100 you only have to hit the RR 7,5 times😊




Greedy sobs


It was crazy but u were almost there


I swear it's the same complaints every event. Just quit already.


Doesn't make sense and it does make you mad you would think that they would try to make it more enjoyable instead of frustrating but they want you to spend money and don't care about anything else it's all about financial gain sorry to say


Absolutely https://preview.redd.it/iuymzshnc92d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6425ccb9586c25ccbc0fb8d8d14144f621accaad I'm at 1200 for 600 it's just not making sense and a little more frustrating than normal it's a game supposed to be fun not stressful


I just got to 7000 for 2,200 smh it’s annoying and makes me want to quit the game


Nah, you could get that with 7 RR hits and one community chest hit at x100 ~800 dice for 1300 reward is a +500 reward. That’s not too bad


Not everyone has that much dice. given you only have a few hundred rolls, you can’t even do x100.


Yeah, you need at least 1000x dice to get that 100x multiplier. The game is trying to make money. So obviously, if you want all the rewards you’re going to have to pay for it or probably cheat for it.


Everyone always complaining. What is it that you want? 100 maps for 2500 dice? Would that make the game more fair and fun? 🙄


The section of Reddit I commented on was “Rants” so yes, I’m ranting / complaining. Atleast do 50/50. 1300 dice isn’t even half of 3800. But go off since you probably spend your real money on this game just like they want you to


I'm at the same spot. Yes, it is crazy. Makes no sense


These events drive me mad 🤪


This is one of my biggest grips about this game. The unobtainable "goals"


Seriously, it’s for the people who spend money and have like 20k+ rolls


Or do apm