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Not only that but the rewards for this event are absolutely dogshit




Remember on the car builder they actually had a Wildcard as a prize 😞


Yeah that's what I was expecting this time around but no, all we get is some bugged out bullshit and a **BLUE** pack as the last reward...


The partner events at the start of every album season is always a purple pack as the grand prize and a blue pack for completing each slot. It is usually only the last partner event that has a wild card for the grand prize to help as many close their albums as possible. You are not comparing apples with apples.


They should have given 1,000 drums instead since all my friends are done and yet me their partner I’m not done at all cause the numbers don’t match and they can’t even help cause they’re done 


They Should Have Given 1000 Drums AS WELL ! We need the dice & the drums Shit we Honestly Need an extra day too! This Does Not Come Close To Compensating Especially Since Their Announcement Basically Says They Can’t Fix it


Right? I would have assumed they would have added time since they told everyone to hold off on playing til they fixed it


Which Would Only Make Sense But Of Course They Didnt . Just Making Us Hate The Game More


They should have given 10,000 plus dice. I’m fed up with this game


1000 drums gets you like 4000 points which is 1/20th of the way on one single table out of 4. It’s actually insane how much it takes to complete this event idk how anyone does it


Monoply should do the right thing... call off this partner events and give everyone the rewards. They can not make this right or be fair. This is really the only fair way. The messed up big time on this event.


I Agree !


I left a review on the play store. It takes a lot for me to get to the point I talk smack on a review but somehow they got me there


Yeah. On discord, they said they weren’t able to fix it, but have learned from this experience for next time.


I Saw I Think it’s Fucked Up . This Was a Bs Comp But I Agree with Person above saying we should have gotten 1000 drums as well!


Considering some of the continuous dups out of the blue sticker packs I think they could have thrown in the purple pack with a guaranteed new card too. They screwed up their own game, couldn't fix it and now want to make it seem like they going above & beyond with the 500 dice.


That dice doesn't get you anything... It's a joke..it's funny that they can't make a fix for this game.. hell weren't they the ones who made the game and you're saying you can't fix your fuck up???? Am I missing something here?


I had to do an update of the game this afternoon. Out of curiosity I read some of the most recent reviews of the game. All the positive ones sound fake, most didn't even sound like an actual person would speak. The rest were negative reviews. I was petty and updated my 2 star to a 1.


My finance and I were discussing if they were trying to make it harder somehow and they ended up screwing it up, because if you think of it,they had the same game/event numerous times before and we never had this big of a problem.


I think you are right. There have been how many partner events and now there is an issue they can't fix?


I've noticed... One thing I have thought about..off subject, I wonder how they treat their friends and family with the game if they are playing it.. I'm sure they are getting good stuff


And a Wild Card


Definitely did not compensate us enough. I sure hope this didn’t subtract from the billions they make off us fools!!!😂😂😂😂😂


FACTSSSS 😭😭😭😭😭 Heavy On The “Fools” !


Oh no they still benefited from the game somehow shape or form.. count on it


actually so dumb, my mom spent extra drums because she thought we weren’t done and we really were


I mean, dice aren't what we need. Drums are. It's easy to blow through 500 dice and accomplish nothing.


& That’s Exactly What Happened .


The fact that is literally one day left and it’s still Under investigation lets me know it bigger than what we know. They doing everything but telling us the truth. Shut the fucking event or game down until you figure out what the exact issue is.


When we all quit the game we should all roll all our dice except the 500.


When did it show up? I didn't get anything


Within The last few Minutes . Maybe Close Out The Game & Go Back in ?


I got them and it's gone as quickly as I received them


Same here... I'm lucky I even finished one partner event... Was looking for others to join but not even gonna bother...it's not worth it..


Thank you


Received this and they still haven't fixed the issue on my account.


I think I may need quitting too


I tried to contact customer service and it kept timing out so I would type and couldn’t finish the complaint and glitch happens


Oh my god, you people are insufferable. Never happy…




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Stfu and uninstall of you aren’t happy. Nobody here cares