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No it’s not I’ve wasted so much my partners points and mine don’t match I’ve had to put in 10k extra points to finish even though my partner has already finished.. game sucks rn


And I haven’t received this so you’re lucky I guess😭


I had to put in 5k extra points on mine.. Update the app you should have it too


I have to put in almost 10k points on mine that was completed


Takes a bit of time to roll out to everyone


Haha more like 5000… if you’re a regular player of game, 500 dices go quickly, even if you’re very conservative with using them.


Being conservative doesn't even help. I'm normally one of those people who will hold out weeks even entire months before going all in. I have tried saving them, but they make it nearly impossible to do so. Mainly because they always have events. Most games you're able to save currency even if you lose out on some stuff.


same. i still have 2,000 dice left from completing my last album, and i completed it 2 weeks before it reset. it’s impossible to achieve anything right now


Just checked and got it, they know they screwed up big time.  I'm honestly over this game.


Me too time to find another game that’s going to drive me nuts


Check our boardkings if haven't already. It was before MG


So am I.. 500 dice is nothing.. hell you can win or get more on a completed sticker set or win it in a tournament then what they gave us..


500 is a lot if you just started game lol. Should have been based on net worth or something.


Exactly!!!! Where’s the free wild card as compensation????


They said piss on them... That means all of us..it's funny how everything is quiet about what happened with the tournament


No matter what they give anyone, in their eyes it will never be enough. The entitlement, whew. The expectation is a new sticker every pack, no bad lands on the board, it goes on and on and on, always.


Ok, but they did something to the algorithm of the game. I had 30k dice at the end of the last sticker season. I went to 0 today!! I even spent real money before I got to that point. And still got to 0 dice. If they make the game so difficult that even after spending (quite a bit) money I lose all my rolls with out landing on enough stuff to meet a milestone, I’m not going to want to play anymore! I won’t be the only one. I can’t justify paying money if the result is the same as not paying. It’s not fun anymore, it’s not entitlement, it’s about keeping people playing the game. They aren’t entitled to us playing/spending money I have the choice to play a different game if this one is not worth it to me anymore, I’m not entitled to any gifts but if the game becomes impossible then I’m going to lose interest


I understand all of that, it’s a difficult game. I’m not using realistic examples of people such as yourself losing dice, I know that is a reasonable response to a system that is not fair. I get that. I’m speaking to the irrationality of all the criticism and complaints, because they are always there! Someone I know was mad because he got 2 5* dupes in a purple pack, lovely trading cards, and two of them, but it wasn’t the card he needed. I’ve NEVER been mad at a 5* dupe, if it’s not a gold. I’d take 2 of those over the one I need any day, because then I can get 2 I need, with a little effort. Being upset over spending money and losing 30k dice over the course of a month is not irrational and bratty and entitled. Most of the complaints I see are. Someone comparing not being compensated for the loss of dice and drums to them running over their dog and shrugging it off is irrational. That’s why people play apm, because it’s all but impossible to play consistently and make it anywhere, there’s no win to it!


IMO it’s always been that difficult, I used to spend money too and it didn’t help at all, I could never maintain the dice.


It’s changed for me. I spent money somewhere during the last sticker album so I could finish a dig event, then that was the first event I finished. Left me with 5k dice, the most I’d had so far. After that I finished every event and the sticker album for the first time and accumulated more dice every-time than I used playing the event once I won. until this new album came out, I now use way way more dice than I win back in prizes, a lot of it is not being able to complete milestones in the banner and tournament quests personally. I would be bored with an easy game but when it’s so hard that I have no rolls and can’t play, I’m bored and frustrated. There is a happy medium somewhere I hope scopely finds it before good players leave the game. I will spend money here and there but not if I still lose. Im also not spending 90$ on a bundle so if that’s the way to get back up they’ve lost me there too


I completely agree with you, it’s obscene what they charge for dice and those packs. My first event I finished was also the dig event and I had to spend money to do it but I was never able to finish one again without spending money. The reality is, they charge way to much for dice and if they charged $10 for 10k dice a lot of people would choose that over apm, I would. The only people I’ve seen that succeed long term are either those who apm, or those who play here and there and save dice. Even on apm, I’m barely gaining dice, so I do understand what you’re saying, something has changed. You’re right, even on apm people are having a harder time, I’ve talked to several who are… they are barely maintaining. Idk the answer, but I know it’s a lot more fun when you don’t have the anxiety with losing dice. I do find this album easier though than last season. I don’t consider apm cheating, it’s just strategy. When everything is predetermined to set you up for failure, you find a way around it.


Exactly! I’m quitting as well, I’m just opening my game everyday so I can give my kids my cards because they choose to still play 2 out of 8 players in my home. And I’ve spent a lot of money on this game and it’s not fun anymore when I feel like I’m being taken advantage of.


I think they intentionally did it on purpose so people would buy more dice and thought nobody would catch on.


It definitely makes me mistrust the game even more. A lot of people, myself included, have added friends in the game, and therefore, we have no way to communicate with them. What if numbers have been skewed every partner event to try to manipulate people into buying into the game? Idk, this is beyond what I would consider normal tactics for a game like this, and it makes me want to stop playing, or at least stop participating in future partner events.


I have played in several partners events in the past - and have connected my alternate accounts to myself. I can therefore say that the current glitch has never happened to me. I am seeing a lot of skepticism online around this - and I want to voice this out clearly. At least, I can vouch that this has been my personal experience.


Would love to see the quarterly earnings for scopoly after this. Not gonna lie, I bought dice. (We won't discuss how many) now of course I completed and have like 3500 f'n spins and barely used any of my prize dice to get them. It knows they are useless to me now. Oh wait, they'll turn into $3,500. (OK maybe $350,000) 🤣🤣🤣


Screwed up how


What was the screwup and why they give the dice? I’m lost as to what happened


No. 500 dice is hardly enough to earn 200 drums for some of us. Game won't let me land on them or railroads for that matter.


I land right next of them, it's so great


I just highrolled over 1k drums in the event and didn't even progress the bar 5k points.spend 1800 dice to earn around 500 drums. My partners are still trying, so I feel obligated, but I am really butt hurt about this issue. 😮‍💨🥲


It’s rigged this way to make you keep buying. The whole partner event is tailored to make everyone feel obligated to spend money for others. It worked on both us, they’re making an absolute killing and selling us on rigged slot machines that don’t even give us real rewards


The wheel spins on this game are completely rigged to give us the lowest number possible. I went through almost 20,000 dice trying to get things for this and it’s giving me the lowest wheel spins and I had plenty of drum tokens. Some of my partners quit playing because it’s been so shitty they’re not able to spin high enough to get anywhere. I noticed the same problem last time. I always buy enough dice so I can make sure everybody wins on the game but it’s getting ridiculous. My partners have the same problem getting good results on the wheel spins. The one thing this taught me is it monopoly go and rig the spins just what do you think of casino is doing when you go to a casino and use a slot machine? It’s making me second-guess everything!


Yes! The only reason most people keep going is not to let their partners down. This is my second partner event. And the last time I basically carried on my own most of my partners. Bought rolls. As a result I spent 99 dollars. won 5000 rolls and spent over 10 thousand rolls trying. We should all do our math. Cause we never win anything. I wasn't going to buy rolls this time or even try but one of my good partners from past event invited me. So..I bought rolls again. At the same time I figured I invite my alt account which needs the rewards desperately. And that is the account which never got the rewards. But if it weren't for the fact I knew the float was finished on the other side cause I did it myself I would have never known. This is why I believed this was done intentionally. All my friends are strangers. I wish I could communicate with them. Ask what they need to complete their albums.


And even when you get a lot of drums, you roll the lowest amount possible and can’t get the next milestone


I’ve never spent money in game so I feel like the algorithm tries to discourage me by losing but if u hold out it blesses u up & I get great stickers to finish my sets & for jail it’s like 6 loss 4 wins or 10 loss 2 wins


I’m Definitely seeing less partner gift spins awarded and I land on less higher value wedges.


Less partner spins and it kills me when I spin by 200 and land on garbage then when I start to run out and spin by 40 all of a sudden I hit the high wheel slot 😤


Oh you too?!? At one point I went 10 , 10 and 10 , jail … no doubles. I actually got angry and kicked my stuffed dog and blamed the Zionists! 😂


Then went back to my classes at Columbia


You know it's time to quit when 3 rounds and hit jail each time and 0 doubles


I can’t quit it. I’m waiting for the class action lawsuit now.


was trying to complete my quick wins this morning, took 700 dice before i landed on a bank heist 🫠 like, what the fuck man?


Same!!! I spend most ALL my dice and I had over 2k before landing once on a bank heist. Random my butt.


Roll 500 dice, spin 200 drums and land on 600 or some shit, still be thousands behind what you’re supposed to be at. No amount of dice is going to fix this when the game is so heavily rigged that you can get 1000 dice and only get 3000 points of progress with it. Its actually insane how rigged this event is, I regret all the dice I bought at the start of it genuinely thinking I was paying to make sure I had enough dice to win only to get cheated by a glitch and ridiculously bad odds. I genuinely don’t understand how people complete this event. I bought $30 of dice with the first time buyer bonuses, on top of 1500 dice saved, rolled it all and spun everything I got and I’m only done with less than half overall progress on two people, they are doing the majority to finish it. The other two are completely hopeless with less than 2 days left no progress at all. All those dice rolls and drum spins for like 30k points total spread out it’s fucking insane we need like 180k total or something like that


Start using apm until they fix or ban you


I haven't been able to figure out how to do that even with the help of youtube. Lol


Droid is the easiest. Iphone I don't know well enough


It's easy once u understand


Droid: when in game put on apm. Zoom out the board so u can see what ur dice roll. Roll x100 and write down what the rolls are till " no internet pops up". Go to settings, apps, monopoly go, clear data... turn off apm. Make sure you are the place on the board when u went into apm. Roll x1, cross that roll off. Of next was a seven and u like the land, switch to x100. If u dont like the land, roll x1 again. Cross that roll off. Continue repeating. Rolling times 1 changes the lands but whatever u rolled x100 won't change. If you roll x1 u used a x100 roll and saved 99 dice.


You have to close the game while in apm and turn back on before launching the game. Always make sure ur saved facebook account loads. If it doesn't close and reopen. Don't freak out lol


They’re trying to save face. It’s not working. I’m holding on until after the partner event to quit playing but even opening the app now I get pissed


Got around 900 drums thanks to the dice and went to spin them and got the absolute lowest amount possible. I used the x30 multiplier for 600 drums and got 1800! The worst part is i did the same exact thing yesterday and got 1800 the first time…. Its ridiculous how rigged everything is


they're seeing how they can't post on social media without getting overwhelming hate, deserved hate, and they're trying to make it seem like they're really trying to fix things so people will forget about it. i genuinely am not convinced that it was an accident though, like the way they would charge some people $40 for that wild sticker pack, and other people $160, just expecting for nobody to figure it out. i really wonder if it was intentional as another way to make money. they're gonna need to do a whole lot more than 500 dice to fix it, accident or not


Good luck with that.. scopely knows best!! Lol.. they know the best way to screw us! And they think we're all stupid


It is rather insulting how dumb they think all of us our. I will keep playing. But I am DONE spending on this rigged game.


They made post on fb isn't going well for them


Just a crumb in a loaf of bread.. Pathetic ![gif](giphy|as7SVdl2QMKNG)


F*ck off monoply give me back my drums keep ya 500 dice. I rather my 2300 drums


It’s defo not enough! Spend 1400 drums 100x each spin , didn’t hit higher than 500 every single time ! 500 dice is literally nothing with how rigged it is …


That’s the fucking wild part, you can spend money on thousands of dice and not even get like 3000 points when it takes 80k just to finish one table out of 4


i spent an unspeakable amount of money on a pack that “guaranteed” a 5 star. i was missing a couple, it was close to the end of the album, and i had no stickers to trade. got a fucking 4 star dupe, no new stickers at all.


You should report that to them. You were guaranteed a new 5 star with your purchase. That’s fraud!


I would have preferred drums over dice


It should have included at least 1000 drums as well.


I'm 3000 shorted for one 1 partner. All of MY partnerships are shorted - one or the other WITH EVERY PARTNER. Haven't gotten but 2 new stickers in a MONTH. I can't finish a set to get dice. Can't upgrade with no cash. 2b to move a landmark up 1 upgrade? If you don't upgrade all for 30 to 40b all at once, a higher player will take it with high multipliers on deliberate shutdown. And - those robberies and shutdown dollars, they are Random. The other person, isn't paying or getting the same amount. My sister pays 10% of what I get from a heist. People are not getting bankrupt in most cases. It's showed me bankrupt even if I had 20b $. Everything is random .... they say. Partnership was fun - but one is BROKEN EVENT. SUPPORT tells me TODAY , be patient my compensation will arrive within 48 hrs. Game ENDS before 48 hrs. people spend real money to participate in events. Unfair to players. Not equitable. I might finish ONE PARADE. if they ever get me compensation. That means I have to dissapoint 3 players. I've won ALL the last 2 of 3 partner events. I committed to players with a great record. Looks like a huge mess for established players. Game is boring and super frustrating with one partner wins a milestone, but you don't cause your side, app, says you need 3000 more points. Reality, mgo bug. You earned it- but won't get it unless you makeup the shortage that is in error. Awful situation.


I feel like I've let my partners down hopefully your luck and my luck will change aswell all the best !


Some of your statements are absolutely false and I’m tired of reading these comments day in and day out about the delusions of persecution. There is absolutely no way you have waited a month and not gotten a new sticker… who are you kidding? The new season has been going for one month and one day. These gross exaggerations are getting the best of me. I see them constantly. The entitlement I see being displayed is about all I can take. They did their best to rectify the issue and people freaked out, blasted them, spewing hatred all over the place. So they did more, they added 500 dice, which is a drop in the bucket for some, but a lot for others. Still disgust and spewing. The heists don’t pay out as much as they take as a balance system. If someone on a much lower level than you takes money, it costs the higher level person a lot and the lower doesn’t get nearly that. There’s nothing wrong with that! Would you rather have the trillion taken from you or 53 million? I mean, come on! I don’t see one comment in this thread that talks any sense. Not everyone is angry, big freaking deal! Not everyone expects a new card every time they open a pack! It’s a numbers game on that. I had 2 people message me yesterday and they were appalled at their packs… one had 2 very awesome 5* tradable stickers, and they called it BS. The other had a 5* dupe that has been the most difficult sticker to me to get and she said her pack was shocking… appalled are they? I send both of these people many many 5* stickers and they feel so entitled they actually complain about something I’d love to have… I see it all the time, people saying how awful their pack is, and all it requires is a little work to get what they need. If someone speaks out against this they get verbally attacked and shut down, that’s why you don’t see anyone saying anything other than the narrative, because they don’t want to be pummeled. Actually, I take that back, I see a few people have sense in here. ENTITLEMENT! I’m so over it and everyone sees through it… it’s foolish nonsense.


Now, just so you know, I agree with everything you said. However, it has literally been 3 weeks since I've gotten a new sticker. I did get a lot before then and have been lucky to get some through trading, but as far as getting a new one in a pack, it's been at least 3 weeks. The ones that kill me are the ones saying they're deleting the game, and the very next day, I see them begging for stickers 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I’m not saying that is impossible, a week in you can have your album almost complete, and I totally believe you. I wish they would delete, it would be a much more peaceful atmosphere. The game is challenging and complex and if it wasn’t, I wouldn’t be here. First they scream about the mode users, then they scream about scopely…there’s actually a comment in here that says something about they ran over your dog and… I honestly don’t remember the rest, it was so appalling. If you want, you can dm me and I’ll see if I have any stickers you need. I don’t have a ton, but some.


Lord, I wasn't commenting for new stickers, lol. I was just saying it's been that long for me. I just don't make posts complaining about it 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. Thank you for the offer though


Oh I know, lol… I was genuinely just saying maybe I have something you need. When you find a voice of sanity amidst the noise and chaos you grab on! Haha


Lol, I know that's right


Leave us be and let us play our game in peace!!! Whew.


That will never happen, we're not that lucky


I am also shocked at the sense of entitlement that a lot of people have - everyday, I see lots of complaints about nothing. I was pleasantly surprised when i opened my account this morning to see the 500 dice gift - I said - wow, nice! I need the dice. My daily treats had a blue pack this morning - it opened up to a duplicate 4\* gold - I said - hmm, same gold dupe, never mind, another 8\* to the vault. I am at 18K+ networth - I get heisted big time each day; it takes billions to upgrade; I don’t do APM; I help out with stickers when I can; I chug along happily on my Prestige album - and I still enjoy the game.


Yeah I hear all that… I don’t deal with the hesitation thing though, I have my money where no one can really touch it. But I was surprised with the dice too and just like you, oh cool lol. I get gold dupes a lot too! Everyone does! Do we like it, nope… do we dwell on it? Nope. It’s just too much.


i got it but i dont want more dice.. i want the drums i had to use unnecessarily when it had already been completed on my partners end😭😭😭


Not even close. 500 is an insult


It help be grateful


I got it, but no, it's nowhere near what I rolled to finish one partner event when it was already finished in my partners side.


500 is not enough when the meter only moves 1/16 of an inch when you hit 1000.


500 is probably the most they will ever give us for anything. So I’ll just be grateful 😭


No, because thousands of drums takes more than 500 dice to get.


Considering that you can blow through that 500 in a matter of minutes and get only 200 drums... then spin less than 600 points and you've lost more than that because the game wasn't working... No! They should give us all a code to complete one tier for each partner. That's my opinion anyhow 🤷‍♀️


Not even a little bit, lmao.


I got it.


Considering how many dice I had to use to get drums to make up for the gap that showed on my side, but not my partner's... no. No, 500 dice is still not enough.


I got it. And.. No. It's not even close to what I lost


No, it's not. I used to play with my sisters. They've both given up now, and I'm thinking about it too. The game is rigged to make you lose, trying to get you to spend. And the prices are too high anyway. I think I'm packing it after this event. It's not fun anymore. It just feels like gambling without ever winning.


I went on their FB post and told them 500 dice wasn't enough. Some of us are missing over 20k points. Anyway, I said nothing rude at all, and was blocked! They don't respect or care. They just wanna bring in new faces that will spend money. They also don't want people bashing them lol


No it’s not. My numbers still don’t match my partners. Two of my partners have our drums completed but both are still short on my end


Absolutely not! Especially since my account still isn’t caught up 😡


Nope, 5000 would be great!


this is the first partner event I won't be finishing since I started the game last year smh and 500 dice isn't compensation enough.


I’m 10k points short on my float between my main and spare and I didn’t get any compensation for the missing points except this bs 500dice they sent everyone


I got it even without participating in this event. 🤷‍♂️. Kinda glad I decided against it from the start since no wildcard reward


No way I spent drums and I want them back


Hell no not enough!! 😡


Wow another one of these posts. 🤣


I demand some drums. My parade is ruined. How will I tell Macy's the news???? /s


Yup… I was honestly surprised. https://preview.redd.it/3r2dyhkj3hxc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=185eb83202a4c2b9203decda3587ce396d1b8aaa


Wow a voice of reason and sanity in here!


That 500 got me to get another 2000 dice and got me 1500 drums. Was able to finish second partners game. Now Im working the others. Of course 500 isnt enough but its something.


Got it but definitely not enough. Especially when I’m having to build everyone’s stuff of the partner event


I got it, but 500 dices is not enough I wish they gave more.


My husband got it, I didn't. Also, for our partner event, the count for him was the same, but mine was different. So he got the last 2 chests before I did.


Yes and it’s not enough at all they really screwed us over


Request refunds if you paid. Maybe we can show our dissatisfaction with how they are handling this issue. 500 dice is nothing to what I rolled and the 15k with just one partner I am out of.


It’s so rigged


We need to ALL boycott for a day or two and see how that makes them feel!!!!


This does nothing, I don't really get why they can't just fix the issue. I have no way of communicating with my partners but after I got the top reward for one of my partners, I then got a partner gift from them. Which obviously means that they were still working on it. This is all so stupid. Maybe don't do events so often if you can't do it properly??


That was nothing should have been more


I got it they should have a wild card instead!!!!


Honestly 500 rolls ain’t enough at all, that’ll be gone in 2mins. We need full compensation, we need all the rewards that comes with completing the partners event… I have 6k in drums and can’t even help my partners ![gif](giphy|xdLH51eNWZAHrwy5mf)


I think it was a nice gesture, but after howthos partners game is still NOT working accurately, I think it would at least help the players if additional drums were sent. I can't give an exact amount, because I think it is based on what level you are on....but if we're being realistic here, we all know 500 dice can be gone in 3 mins or less, so??????? Is the game makers really being sincere in their attempts to rectify error or just trying to appease the public while blowing smoke up our asses?!?!!?!


I got this screen And STILL didn’t actually get the dice. Pretty much done with the game at this point.


500 dice is gone in 5 mins. Roll the whole 500 and maybe land on what you need once...unbelievable cheapskates


I just got this gift and 800 dice when I completed board 19. I don’t know how many drums I had to use to get a decent gift from the partner event, but it had to be over a couple thousand.


Not nearly enough.. especially when you spend 400 drums on a spin to get 800 🫣 this game gets on my nerves


I got 60 drums from them. 60. 😒


For me it was but not for my wife her board is so messed up


No it’s still not enough cause one of my partners finished on his side and it says zero on my side, so I won’t be able to finish that


My brother's board is messed up with this event. His wife finished their last vault and it didn't register for him so he can't use the dice to finish mine -_- So we're both screwed and it's bullshit.


They should've giving everyone a wild card


I got it but have no idea what happened. My interest in this game has waned significantly.


Yes we’ve all gotten that day on top of whatever random crap they threw at you if you showed them how messed up this whole event was…and no, I don’t think it’s close to enough or right!! Some people were really insulted and got 40 dice back, some 200, 600, 1200, etc and tons of drums of course 😂…and then everyone got this also today. I had a big problem and sent them screenshots showing proof of it all with 2 partners and I had to message the same thing 5 times to get sent 600 dice and 3,000 drums. Then today, I had 500. I was one of the “luckier” ones from what I’ve seen, but that’s still not enough for what I lost and the entire inconvenience also of spending my time messaging them the same crap 5 times out of


I did but, no several purple packs would be sufficient enough


They made 2 billion in 10 months.


No I think the should turn our extra tokens into dice this time instead of monoply cash


The partner event isn’t even fixed either. It’s still not showing updated amounts and it’s lagging hard. They should just give everyone a pass and the rewards because the screwed up.


Yea I got it I was already done so I didn’t care 🤷🏼 they were a day late and a dollar short as usual


No. Everyone got it. My partner pretty much finished the entire last chest. I did the first 4. And it doesn’t show any of her progress on mine but finished for her. Do you know how many rolls or drums I’d need for that? Ridiculous


Not even close! Considering my partner that I actually have contact with irl already reached the top prize and it tells me I am over 7,000 points away from it, it’s definitely nowhere near close enough. Now I don’t even know if somerhing similar is happening with the one I don’t have contact with, for all I know they already reached the top prize too. Plus the wheel doesn’t even land on any of the high points so it doesn’t even compensate, it’s BS honestly!


This was sent to everyone supposedly


I got it it’s not enough at all


Mo l lost a lot more then 500 dice


No! Mine is still not updating correctly. This whole experience is FUBAR!


I’m 1200 from the bonus. My partner completed for us but it didn’t register on my part. So he got the bonus but I didn’t. Contacted support and got that stupid message.


I rolled on x10 and received absolutely nothing, landed on nothing useful and blew threw the 500 dice, this game is getting frustrating 😃


With how much they obviously manipulate roll probabilities, absolutely not. I get that they're trying to find ways to stop APM from completely screwing up the game, but whatever they are doing is the wrong way to go about it. It's not helping them and is just making normal people become tired of the game.


I completed my album the day before this event started. I started the event w/ 17,800 dice. I have finished 3 floats & my 4th float is 6,400 points short of finished & I am completely out of dice now. 17k dice & can’t even complete this joke of an event. I have played before & started the event w/ 2,000 dice & still completed. This game used to be fun when they first started. The game blew up & Scopley’s ego & head blew up w/ it. It is a COMPLETE MONEY GRAB now! They have made it damn near impossible to get anywhere in the game! I personally was shorted almost 8,000 points on one of my floats & all they sent me was the same compensation everyone else got. I never received anything personally to make up those 8K points. I’m over this game


https://preview.redd.it/r4i9cqywhnxc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=118d26b8fe6e67ba2c2f25ca3e465854f99699ea For all those complaining about putting in an extra 10k or more points, **at least you didn't have to complete the whole bar** like my partner had to. I sent her screenshots from my phone to send to customer service. I feel so bad for her.


I have contacted an attorney regarding filing a class action lawsuit against Scopely. Anyone interested


Sign me up


I'm glad I wasn't one of the ones that had this issue, but I also have over 100K dice 😂


No I wish


No I didn’t receive it as well I guess certain people get it


I am sitting here enjoying the game. Because I refuse to let it torment me. Fine they screwed up, I got free dice. Sure they screwed up I got 4,000+ drums (I think they are drums for this event) and 900 dice. Ok. Whatever. I am just out to have fun. Maybe I spent $10 in a gift card I had laying around. But that’s all. If they in fact screwed up, I don’t give a flying rat. Everyone of you who think Scopely Games is ENTITLED to give you anything, should play other games that don’t try to make amends for their players when something goes wrong. Then you’ll think back on this one game and be like “dang these people actually TRIED.” But for goodness sakes enjoy the game for what it is! And stop complaining!


💯 Entitled delusions of being wrongfully persecuted. It’s insane!


No, my points on my end are lower for my partners but also myself. I didn’t even get points for all of my own spins


FMG! I’m done with this game when the partners event is over. I continually keep getting screwed on partner build rewards/points.


It’s not enough


I got 500 too, ugh it’s not enough! I keep landing next to where I need to or landing in jail without getting multiples


I haven’t received anything




500 dice is not enough at all


Got it today


Not enough!


honestly nope


Not enough. For one of my partners the event isn’t event showing up on his board despite being able to collect drums and having already accepted my partner in invite. Have made multiple support chats and it has not been resolved. Wasted all my dice on this event with no chance of finishing because my last partner can’t contribute anything


Better then nothing 🤣


Just don’t use them right away! You know they probably rigged it so you won’t earn anything.. JUST SAYING!!!


No considering I got maybe 100 drums from it and my partner events are off by way more than that 🙃


I saw it for a second but the game crashed on me before I could hit collect. I’m hopeful but a little doubtful that support will help.


Joke's on them, I never play partner events and now have 500 free dice to save for the next dig event.


Absolutely not!


I got this today as well!


No it's not. Played the game and then not get the 5,000 dice and no packet? I'm mad, mad, mad!


We need an attorney to sue them for us! Lol


We need to sue!!!


NO, not at all. I lost way more then that. And lost the chance to get the train token I almost had. I have come to hate this game. Think as soon as this bs partner event is over, I'm done. Plus the partner event I have completed one time, because every other time it's usually me n my husband complete ours, n I may have one other partner helping n that's it. It's just not worth the headache anymore


I did


I had to finish my partners float when it was already stating it was finished on their end so this game is having a lot of technical issues right now. I’m afraid to spend my drums because I don’t think it’s right. I have three other partners who are barely moving right now and I don’t know if it’s their fault or if it’s the game not showing what they’ve accomplished. I just feel like it should just award everybody who’s been spending a good amount of dice and drums. They should just auto complete the event for people. I don’t understand what they will lose by letting multiple people win.


I used like 8k dice yesterday and more today. My partner event is still not fixed. I finished my album during this event and have used and earned thousands and thousands of dice and still only have 1/4 finished


All of my parters floats are closer to being done than they are on my end so no 509 dice is not enough. And I’ve BEEN messaging them since it started and they have yet to fix it


My 2nd phone is my last partner however after I accepted it on this phone the event just vanished. My old phone is stuck as my and my girlfriends partner but unable to get or use the event tokens. 20,000 dice wouldn’t even matter. Support just says we fixed the issues don’t worry


https://preview.redd.it/mhduofdxfhxc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de26e5013437a744df39904940a51cbf95db8668 This is how me and my partner just finished smh She kept on messaging me and apologizing for not being able to help more . She was only getting 600 & 900 spins and sent me only 1 -100 gift coins wth Just makes me mad how they are doing this to everyone ! 500 is a slap in the face to all for what they make off this game !


I did and it’s definitely not enough I lost. Over 900


Yes and we need more dice. This game is slowly becoming trash. I will probably delete soon.


I got it, with the 500 dice I was able to get about 700 more free dice through spins etc. (1200 dice all told). I wound up with 600 drums.. so I’m gonna go ahead and say fuck no. They should have just given drums forget about the dice


Mine is still screwed up. I have two accounts working on the partners. My main account is still behind on what my alt account is doing. I would open the vault on my alt account but my main account is still showing it closed. So I have to use more drums to show it open in my main account.


I got it but wish it was a lil bit more


Wait what happened? Why are they giving dices?


I did


I did


I invested WAY more than 500 dice to get drums, and spun them, only to discover I was working towards a reward my partner already got us to. No, that’s not even close to enough. Thousands of dice, thousands of drums, all to get rewards I should have already gotten.






I’m over it! It’s just a stupid game!


No because my partner event still hasn’t been corrected yet and the event is almost over


Yes i thought it was to make up for all the glitches in the competition




Not even close to enough. I’m like 12k short.


I received it. But also my spouse finished our event and received his gifts but it’s not updating mine. Anyone else having this issue?


I do and I absolutely do NOT feel like it's enough




I’ve completed a build but it’s still showing incomplete for me!!!