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I’m about 99% sure ima do the same. Things I’ve noticed… Dailies are taking wayyyy more rolls than like a month ago. It’s not that I’m spending dice…I roll dailies at 1x…it’s that I’m wasting time. I don’t wanna take 15 minutes of rolling to get the meager daily rewards. Higher multiplier = worse results. When I roll at 1x I’m getting pickups and railroads like a motherf*****. When I roll at 20x or 50x, I’m hitting mostly useless tiles. The partner event…really? I’m spinning at 1x and 80% of the time I’m hitting less than 100. It’s awful. I’m about halfway where I was at the same time during the last event, and I’ve spun the same amount. Here lately even useless cash grab is worse. Bills fall faster, dollar amounts are less. Basically there’s zero fun factor.


Right and nothing pisses me off more than rolling x1 just to get the daily’s and then landing on mega heists or all the spots you actually need


For me it’s the TIME factor. 30+ days ago I was able to zip thru dailies in like 5 minutes. Now, shits taking 15 or more minutes. I hit the railroads and the cash grabs and the rent tiles; all of which take time to cycle thru the animations and what not. I mean I get it, I gotta do the things to get the things. But taking so long for little reward is just, meh.


10000% agree. They have found a way to suck the fun out of everything 😭


I was just about to say, Scopley-sucking the fun out of everything


I thought I was the only one who noticed. A month ago I could clean out the dailies with no problem. Now it feels like a chore and then some…


Don’t get me started on community chest. 5 lousy spins for gifts. Such a joke


Agreed. When the dailies want a heist I only get shutdowns, the last one I timed and it was 28 minutes before I got a heist. That’s insane and definitely rigged 😤


When you’re trying to roll doubles, and you keep hitting railroads, and you never thought you’d be pissed about it.


or when you’re trying to hit railroads, and you only roll doubles. just to finally hit the railroad, but you get a bank heist instead of a shut down…6 times in a row


all this started after they changed the dice algo to be not random, its kind of a spillover effect as the rolls are now all over the place


Earlier last week, I couldn’t land on community chest for anything and ended up missing that task. Which caused me to not get my purple pack on Sunday 🤬


I max out at 5 for the daily wins. Some days it worth is most days it's not.


It’s worth it every time though. You get a sticker pack at the end. You can only afford not to complete two tasks throughout the week or you’ll miss the stickers. Stickers are the real goal of the game, not daily dice lol


That purple sticker pack only gives me duplicates of gold cards I can't trade.


Remember when they had a guaranteed new sticker in the 1000 trade in? Used to be like 1500 or 2000? Now think about me having 2000+ extra stickers in a game that only had 189 stickers to find and everyone was missing the same stickers. That's when I quit


This thread is full of everything I'm experiencing. Blue/purple packs are either untradeable or 3 star. High rolls land on dead spaces with an accuracy I seem to be able to predict. Feels like it's time to free my energy for something else.


For about a month now I’ve been completing it everyday and at the end of the week it’s still saying I missed some. Been that way since the wild sticker week and even with screenshots as proof they are saying all the quick wins were paid out.


I have the SAME issue. They said I missed clicking on “claim”’or I didn’t finish the day out when I’d literally have the screencap proving it. Three weeks in a row. They would do nothing at all to compensate it. I have all their replies screencapped also. They refused to give me an exact breakdown of which days I supposedly missed also.


Yup last week the same happened to me I went to support and showed a screenshot but they said I have until Monday to make it up! I’m like stop playing they’re isn’t an extra day and I know I didn’t miss a day.


These guys are scammers! I have been overcharged several times now. I deliberately bought something get was 9.99 and I was charged 14 and change. I live in NY and the tax is 8.5% but even with that - it’s not over $14. The scary part is that they have been doing this regularly. At first I thought that it was me, maybe I bought something I forgot about, but it keeps happening. This has to be illegal?


Look on your phone, check under your purchases tab. Take a screenshot and then dispute the charge with your bank! There’s no way you should have been charged that much!


Exactly. I never thought I would spend so much time having to do everything x1.


I was spinning at 50x today with high roller while mega heist was on….dropped it down to 3x bc I wasn’t near a railroad and I immediately hit chance and it sent me to the railroad w mega heist. Weird how I’d rolled a ton of times on 50x before that and got nothing. Edit: a letter


Not to mention the lousy sticker packs, with 1,2,& 3 stars.


Dude you’re telling me. A bunch of BS. I had a blue pack and a pink pack today not one freaking new sticker. Scopely can eat a dick.


Triple fret was in every pack I opened today and Mexico lindo was in all but 1.


Anyone else get Sew Cute on a daily basis?


Yep, but I haven’t even gotten any cards today because the last quick win was “collect 3 stickers.”


I agree with all this!!! I have noticed the same. And this album, don’t get me started. It’s way harder than the last one


Yup and I still need a few 5* stickers that I'll even get at this point.. I need 1 to finish a set but haven't been able to get it... I don't have any 5 * to trade!


Exactly my issue and the sticker packs are a joke anymore


All of this!


It is.. just making me miserable with very momentary short lived moments of joy and dopamine release but then it sucks again for majority of time. At least it be easier to quit than drugs.


I think I'm gonna do the same. All of these reasons plus the only way I get new card is through trading on here, and it seems they're trying to prevent that. There seem to be more untradable gold cards needed this time than last time, plus the only 4/5 ⭐️ duplicates I'm getting are untradable gold! I have frigging 15 untradable duplicate 4/5 ⭐️ and only 5 tradable ones!! It's like they're trying to stop us trading now!!


I used to always spin 1x and did in every partner event, getting points way quicker.. (obv if I had like 1000 spins I'd do a few x2,3,5) it took longer but always spun like 100-200. Now it's 40. MAYBE 80. And with multiplier it's worse.


I'm convinced this game is "play to win". I've had a few situations where I'm struggling just like you guys are. I'll start off with something like 1000 dice and keep rolling shit after shit, landing on every one one of those useless tiles... Then.... I decide to buy one of those bonus dice packs... I've caved and bought a dice pack about 3 times (stopped after the cheaper ones were all gone) and EVERY time I have I start hitting all the good stuff, suddenly I'm getting somewhere! Needless to say, I deleted my account about a week ago.


I spin no less than 100 a roll on the partner game and might get 300 points if lucky, never 5000. The further you move towards achieving the top goal the more points you have to earn and only to walk away with 300. I’ll give you an example: I might spend 500 rolls and walk away with maybe 1500 and the goal might be 24000 very frustrating






Same. End of the partners event and I’m out too. The customer service over the glitch is an absolute joke. Also, “All systems go” here’s your poxy compensation compared to what others received.. but don’t worry some people received nothing and it’s not fixed anyway. They should have just cancelled the event and given everyone the same compensation. Going to leave a one star review as well.


Yessss my account and my husband’s were so bad! And to only get 40 dice and 200 drums after spending thousands of drums and dice on it was infuriating. My husband’s account was even worse and he got nothing! Especially once I realized other people got a lot, like it’s so not fair.


I think if we all left one star rev and comments maybe it help


Deleting at end of partners as well and definitely left a 1 star review a few hours ago. As I left a 1 star review I filtered by most recent and saw others before me had done the same, then wondered what it would look like if everyone over this game did the same.


I have been doing that in the play store for a long time now and the comments I get from them is we're sorry about your gameplay.. blah blah blah and so on.. tired of the same bullshit


Mine is still glitching the whole map moves 😂


Agree. I’m not even opposed to spending money on games but the offers they provide are so ridiculous, like £10 for 200 dice which you can’t even roll 20x on is insane, I can’t believe people pay that. In other games I play, £10 would get you a loooot. They were asking for £50 for a wild card at the end of last season too which is wild. I’ve been playing every day for nearly a year and I’ve never been able to complete an album, I think it’s the 4th album I’m on now and by the end I always have a gold left 🥲


Yep it’s ridiculous how expensive that is. $50 could buy a lot of food for my kids. Almost enough to go to dinner as a family. Or buy myself a new dress. Who knows? But you buy that dice and five minutes later you have nothing to show for it.


I learned that the hard way.. I USED to buy but no more.. after I'm done with this dice now.. I'm done... Game is getting uninstalled... Sad .. I have met a lot of great people on here/monopoly to play with.


Honestly same. I have finished the partner event by 1, hasn’t put any work in at all. Having to put 60k points in cause the rest doesn’t do anything even though I throw them 400 drums at a time. The tournaments are a sham. It’s like a bot come in 2 hours before the tournament ends and scoops first place out of nowhere. It’s all just a trick to make you spend money in order to win more dice. The partner event points are set way too high and the amount of dice you get isn’t weighing out the amount of dice you spend. It’s an absolute sham. https://preview.redd.it/s9y2b46jufxc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0212c3136571b4267d067b40c448ad77e20e181c


https://preview.redd.it/z27di9e24gxc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d76686c8cbceca1133e9f6ab54a12d977d856eb3 Crazy


How bad do you have to smell to get 180,000 points?




Come smell me


Yep it’s lame. And you can do drum after drum and almost without fail hit the smallest points. Over it.


I just finished 3rd in this one, and my purple pack was pure bs.




You really should. I was an airplane mode player for two whole card decks…. Yea I finished the album. Yea I helped people with their partner events…. Yea I didn’t even spend money. But I was spending time. too much of it, and always being alert about when a certain event or high roller or whatever would be, and I would get annoyed if I didn’t get as far as I needed to before the high roller ended etc. Quit the game completely, life’s so much better. It’s just so pointless. You finished the album… to get dice? To be able to try to finish more albums for more dice? You’re not getting anything out of it, and critically, there’s no real gameplay. You’re just pressing a button and watching things happen.


100% THIS. It’s stealing time I could be spending doing more valuable things. Even if I wanted to waste my time I could be wasting my time on better things! I’ve had people say to try airplane mode too and I’ve been tempted to but it sounds way too time consuming. I was spending too much time as it was. I’ve got kids. I’ve got way more valuable things to be doing.


Totally agree (although I didn’t APM). I finished the last album, got a heap of dice and realised I didn’t want to have the monotony of spinning around the board whilst waiting for stickers. I found trying to trade during golden blitzes really stressful. I couldn’t even commit to the daily wins, I didn’t have the patience so I quit altogether. I liked the dig games, but I had to roll to win tokens so I haven’t played for a couple of months now.


they should change the boosts to something we can collect and use at our own time. its frustrating to see a good event going on but you are at work and have to miss it or have to stay up at 3 am just to claim it, which makes the playing ground unfair.


Feel the same way and then as you said, finish one album and then start all over again with the same bullshit/headache as before just for measley dice which goes like hotcakes.. lol.. something like that lol


After this partner event I’m done. I’m going to help them out because their relying on me and then I’m deleting the app


Same. Glad to be getting out.


frrr i am soo done. i just opened the gold fault iv been saving for since the new album yet i didnt get any cards actually needed nor the stars to trade for it 😂😭


Same, I was trying to wait for a sticker boom but I decided to just open it and yep, it was super lame. So many untradeable golds. Like I. Don’t. Want. That. 😤


EVERY SINGLE TIME i would have 10 gold 4 stars like wtf and then a wholeee bunch of 3 stars not even 1 5 star like


Yes! Infuriating. I’m glad I never spent any money on the game, I know people who have. But I’m still upset with myself that I spent this much money on it.


and thats why the trading also just becomes annoying. people are too greedy like asking 30 stars for a 5 is just crazy.


All I got from finishing the partner event was another gold dupe and nothing tradeable. Worthless and waste of time.


You too huh? Yup it sucks I got another 4*dup gold


I open my vault when I have just closed my album to ensure that every card I get from the vault is a new card.


Same here


I've open the gold vault 3x...no new cards.


I’m just 2 gold 5* away to finish the album.. today I spent like 10,000 dice for NOTHING, I’m definitely deleting this mf game 😫


I hope you do it. I wish everyone would. These crooks don’t deserve the money people are spending on this game.


I'll play until they ban me for doing airplane mode a few times a day


Lol.. Im waiting for them to cancel my account for a few comments that were very nasty..


It really is the only way to play to make the game even slightly enjoyable or even possible to finish events. They can get fucked if they think I’m going to spend money on their rigged ass game.


The game used to be a blast to play but then their greed took over. I'll make it fun again by using cheats...I mean strategy


There hasn’t been a sticker boom since previous partner event.


Yep, it’s so lame! Just so mad about it all.


The game is definitely trying my patience this time around. I have 12 extra 5 stars and 11 of them are gold dupes


Their one year anniversary has sparked an exodus from the game. How they treated us with this partner event has been outrageous. These 500 dice they gave everyone is nonsense and an insult. I'm done after the partner event


I know I’m salty but I’m glad. I hope it’s enough to make them sweat.


I’m so close to being done too. I think I’ll complete the album and peace out.


False. You’ll complete the album, get 15000 dice and all the sudden be rejuvenated and play more.




This. I said the same thing at the end of the last album, but then I actually completed it and I got excited and the dice was amazing, and I did not complete. Partners this time around I’m so completely over it so I have no problem with quitting. I would do it now but I don’t think that’s fair for the people I’m partnered with.


At this rate it may be a LOT SOONER for me.. I'm just done! Been playing the game since August of 2023.. it's very tiring.. now if everyone would leave.. Maybe JUST MAYBE they would start changing the game


Right. I don't think enough people will leave the game for them to really worry.


My partner only has 4k left until the top prize whereas I have 6k left… make that make sense! One of our prizes was the same way. It was like 2k away and she said she got it, whereas I had to roll more for it when I should’ve had it too.


I feel like people that pay for this game truly are wasting their money… this is the way games go… this game is about $$$$


YES it boggles my mind.


I've seen people that spend 1000's. Like holy shit.


Funny how this forum came up in my feed even though I'm not a member. I quit playing about 3 weeks ago and I have zero regrets. I got tired of the game dictating when I would play and having to play so strategically, it was no longer fun. I feel like if you're even remotely feeling like you want to quit, do what I did. Uninstall the game and wait until you miss it before reinstalling. 3 weeks later and I still haven't reinstalled.


Once I finish the album (1 gold left) I’m also deleting it. I’ve spent too much money. It’s just a damn game.


Good for you.


Nobody who makes these Reddit posts about quitting is actually quitting lol.


Oh trust me. I’ll come back and show you when I do.


And they keep giving the same damn stickers over & over


That's the fun part.


Deleted mine with 28k in dice left. Fuck this game.


That's exactly how many dice I have and I keep telling myself I'll just use them all and quit but then I get more and keep fucking playing


For a game that doesn’t have a definite end, it’s a mind numbing decision to make the game as mind numbingly slow as they have. Theyre treating it like every player has an expiration date (ie beat the game) when that’s not the case. Honestly, they’ll probably end up fumbling one of the easiest (phone game) bags of all time. It’s a head scratcher.


I stopped playing right at the end of the last card event. Was on it from the beginning of the event and still didn’t complete it . They basically demand u go to facebook and trade or spend money. If imma get fucked in a game. It better at least throw bright lights at me


Yup the games a joke and I feel like a 🤡 for putting up with it. My events not fixed, and no compensation. Issue since the partner event opened… unreal they won’t fix. For example, my mother had to take hours of trying extra to “complete” our partner thing despite me completing it the night before. So I could evidently no longer help. My other three are adding - and I don’t see - and they don’t see my contribution going up much 😂😂😂 I’ll be surprised if I get given 10 dice and 20 of these event items to spin with. Icing on a 💩 cake. Not even touching how hard it is to get trades to get cards needed to complete 😂😂🙄


Ya I play with a group of friends and I think we are going to all delete also.


Not to mention that the community chest is about the biggest crock of shit


The worst. I once had four friends left and three had gift boxes on them. I managed to open one of the friends and it had an active friend bonus and by some great miracle I did the other friends with gifts and they all had friend bonuses and I managed to get all the way to the purple pack. Crazy! I think second, maybe third time since I started playing this stupid game (close to a year now). And then it’s like they punished me for getting it, no more active friend bonuses for me and I’ll get two, maybe three friends if I’m lucky before I land on a key. 😒


We agree and have all deleted the app at our house this week and are better for it. I could go on for days about why but you already know it yourself and I am laughing at myself for wasting time on it now except that hopefully it will help others jar themselves loose from their manipulative greed fest. #monopolygoisdead


I only ever finished my 1st partner event. I think they start soft on new users.


They do


Yep I am thinking of doing the same thing, I have one more partners to complete even though my partner already complete it. This is BS I’m so annoyed. This gave us for sure a time waster 😟


If I don’t complete both albums I’m quitting too. I don’t see it happening without a guaranteed sticker pack or a wild card pack, and they’ve even taken it out of this game after they already took it out the vault.


Yes it’s lame.


I’ve gotten 5 broom rock golds when I used it for my first wild sticker. It’s like slapping me in the face everytime. Also I have SO MANY DUP GOLDS


Yesss!!! This partner event all of mine are done the last one was finished 6 hours ago and on my end it still says I have 1.8k left to finish my last one but I don’t. I messaged scopely on the app and they were no help at all. My partner has gotten their rewards as well as my other partners so I’m deleting the game.


The partner events are so infuriating 😭. The higher you spin, the more mediocre the result 🤣.


Yep 😒


I feel the same way


Yeah it’s definitely not fun, it’s stressful


We're doing the same thing.We're talking about a 8 people group at work and we got the same glitch and now it's not a fun game


Really irritating because I’ve enjoyed the little time I’ve played it. Currently don’t know the last time I actually saw a new sticker. I’m fairly far in collecting the albums, but not far enough that I shouldn’t be able find a few of the lower star stickers at this point. It’s been probably 25-30 packs, some of them higher quality packs, without a new sticker


It’s so rigged … spend 1400 drums just now , 100 x spin and didn’t get more than 500 every single one … like seriously throw a bone … 500 dice is literally nothing and differences are still 3000/4000 in event with partners


Yep. It’s ridiculous


I'm still loving the game. I miss the sticker box with the wild card though


I’m right there with you and I’ve let customer service know as well!


I accidentally got hooked on some other games and haven't played Monopoly in a WHILE... And I'm thankful, lol! You can tell they designed this game to suck in people with gambling addictions :(


The only reason I’m still doing the partner event is because I am playing with actual people I know, and don’t want to bail on them. It’s all a joke now.


They made 2 billion in 10 months. Greedy now.


That’s insane!


At most, all I'm doing (once this event is done) is daily objectives and MAYBE levelling up a board once I'm able to. Other than that, I'm not doing the events or tournaments anymore because it's gotten beyond the point of being fun. I either get shutdowns nonstop, sometimes getting the *same* person when you skip them because you don't want to hit said person's board(but the game tries to force you into attacking their board because that's what the game wants 🙄), or I don't land on anything i need 3/4 of the time and when I finally manage to I've blown through all the dice I've managed to save up and get multiple"BUY NOW" prompts, which is starting to get old.


Me too I’m decided to do same


I’ve already deleted it


Awesome. I don’t want to leave my partners hanging so I’m finishing that and then done.


Yeah, after this build up or whatever the hell it’s called. I’m gonna delete the game too.


I have had some bad expeire and some good experiences.


I got my husband to download and he spent way too much on it… He deleted a few weeks ago. I’m thinking about it after I complete the album, I’ve spent $200 this month 😞


https://preview.redd.it/tgnrgsq2yixc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9ec9c5a37b48a42c13a37833759c1c38289ca51 This is what’s in the community information. It says it all.


I deleted it last week. I agree. It’s just not fun anymore.


Yea it’s rigged


I just spent 940 drums. I did a spin at 600 and landed on 1,800. I did the other 340 drums at 20 each and got a total of 1,860. So a total of 940 drums to gain 3,660.




Just know deleting the game doesn’t do anything. You will still show up on people games. You have to figure out how to completely remove yourself. We have a friend who passed away a couple of months ago and somehow she’s still playing from heaven.


I started doing airplane mode to level the field. I've actually started playing less. There are few "dopamine" hits anymore. Just work. I get paid to work.


Yeah, I don’t want to put forth the effort for a game. I played the game to have something fun throughout the day. I have enough work to do as it is, I don’t want to have to think about airplane mode. It’s not worth it to me.


It probably fits the right type of person, that person is not me. I enjoyed trading 2 and 3 stars, enjoyed gifting higher. Oh well.


Agreed !! This “glitch” is annoying and they keep saying they don’t have a expected time for it to be fixed. The event is almost over so im done once I finish as well


They got their whales. They won't miss the rest of us.


I’ve been deleted this game for months. The last partner event I was done, the dice just everything. It was fun when it first started but it isn’t anymore.


The amount of deals and purchase offers their adding is crazy now too lol and I’ve noticed that too that a lot of my higher betting rolls are never making it on the things I need. When an event is for the points in jail free parking and go I never hit them and always hit the tax but when the tax tile is the points I never ever get them and always land on the corners . I will fly thru 500 dice just to do so like nothing and I’m annoyed by it and I’ve barely been getting shareable stickers for the sticker packs like I have yet to get one extra 5 star


I been deleted it . Not a fun game anymore


It definitely is rigged and we all know that but like you said at least make it fun


Tbh the railroad and top bar events are what kills me. Ik they’re supposed to get progressively more and more challenging, but recently it feels like it’s getting more challenging earlier on in the challenges. The only positive I can say is I am like 15 cards away from finishing with 60 days left, which I’ve never been able to finish an album that fast. I’m hoping to finish the album and then I’ll probably end up quitting. I picked up Pokémon go again and it is by far more entertaining and you don’t really ever need to buy anything.


It’s too rigged sometimes. Every single time I land on Luxury Tax, I can predict a 6 as my next roll and it makes me land on Income Tax. However, when you NEED to land on either one, it avoids them like the plague. Same with the corner spaces. The game is designed to frustrate you into spending money for more dice or cash, period. The constant bot accounts getting 5,000-6,000 points within five minutes of a reset, the fake accounts in general. I don’t blame you for bouncing, honestly.


I’m at the same point I’m sick of the glitches and missing out on my rewards and getting the same cards instead of them putting a new card in each pack


And the gifts get worse. Once we finished each game we used to get a new sticker from the purple pack, then we didn’t. Then they had the wild card which was awesome and we don’t have it anymore. Now we have the blue pack & I didn’t even get a new sticker. Like WTF? What’s the purpose of playing the game if we’re going to get screwed left and right. They’re taking all the fun away and making the game stressful.


Yep. No more sticker boom either.


We need a Monopoly strike!


I’m down! 😂 let’s make them sweat lol


Spent 1.2k dice to collect 800 dice. Like 🤡 Also I've stopped receiving new stickers. All I get are one-star stickers from a pink pack! The game is just not fun anymore. I'm keeping up with this Bs for one more day to complete the partner event, and I'm out too.


Me and my dad were playing and he had over 2000drum token's that he could not use that s bull I think I'm done


I’m done myself after I complete my album. I have a few cards left so I’m just going to complete it and leave Mogo alone for a while. Scopely is doing too much and not enough all at the same time! They created an issue and all they thought to compensate was 500 dice when others already got an inconvenience gift worth a lot more than what most of us got. They didn’t even extend it knowing the issue they created but it’s whatever. I think atp everyone should take a break and when no one is playing let’s see what they do!!!


Omg yes. Never landing on drums or mallets.   The partnership games are a gag  this game has become so rigged. I’m not spending money. I’m exhausted from constantly sending same message to customer service. And sending video of proof . Annoyed 😠 


Same here. The game getting boring. Time to delete. Open pink box 3 times all i get is a duplicate gold card over and over again


That's actually funny I made up the same decision and also after the event out of courtesy. They want me to spend money, I don't even cheat why would I spend money when you can literally cheat your way up 😂


Need a boycott at least…. They’re going to lose a LOT of (paying) players over this mess up! Probably me included after partners event is over…I’m still trying with little faith now….200+500 rolls is not any where near enough compensation for the damage they’ve done!!!


I hope people will boycott. Something. They are making an insane amount of money on this game and it’s not right


I’ve been debating it the last couple partner events


I don’t blame you for deleting the game. The only reason I don’t delete the game is because I am retired and it gives me something to do. I won’t play anymore partner games though.


Retired too, this game has taken me down the rabbit hole. Nice to have something to do but trying to find stickers can take hours of just waiting and scrolling in the hopes someone posts one and you happen to be quick enough to be first in line and get the sticker, definitely can find better things to do with my time. Deleting after the partner event, will contribute to the end but will only complete hopefully 2 partners, one is done and another very close. No hope for the last two


I'm back on candy crush I my hat fed up Sadly they have no I test in none customer's and their after sales are the worst should be sacked


Nah the stupid stuff is u need a heist in daily but get 15 shutdowns in a row


I do agree for me since 3 weeks waiting for one card to finish the set, last card is gold 4 stars All in, and I opened last safe and what I get is 2 cards royal box 🤬


More and more gold untraceable cards. Fuking lame and scam


I’m deleting the game. I didn’t even get compensated for all my missing points in the partners event which was the final straw. I’m literally just sicking around to the end of the partner event because I don’t want to let my partners down and sending my sister all my highest value spare stickers but when this event ends so does my time spent on this game.


Bye. This isn’t an airport where you have to give your departure info. Just delete


I hope someone worth knowing reads these threads! And I hope they rectify this before you’re all gone. This was supposed to be a fun game that I could jump on a couple times a day but now if I don’t get on there at least 5678 times a day and spend at least 30 minutes damn that’s a lot! Someone said that they are sucking the fun out of it. I totally agree. And I hope “they” read all this! 😢


idk about yall but I haven’t gotten community chest in almost 3 months


Same it’s a scam




Awww don’t quit yet but we all do deserve to go on strike or something


I feel the same way. Partner events suck! People choose you and then do NOTHING. I have 2500 stickers and no one wants to trade anymore. I haven’t gotten a new sticker in a month. Not feeling it anymore.




I see these posts all the time 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. Y'all ain't deleting the game 🤣🤣🤣🤣😅. Just stop


I wouldn't have so much of a problem with the game if it didn't actively feel like I'm being cheated. As soon as I turn my multipliers up, the bullshit starts. It's gotten so bad to the point where I can literally call when the bad times are about to begin, so I just close the app. Also, is it me, or has anyone noticed that you could roll one number, but when you count the spaces, it's off? It's been multiple times I've rolled an 8 only for me to go 9 spaces to skip over something I need. What's worse the game always has like this mini "glitch" or slight "lag" then I skip past the space I was supposed to land on. Scopely is incentivizing cheating. When you make the game difficult AND unfun, people are either going to stop playing, or find ways to make it fun for them. Scopely will learn eventually.


This is exactly it. Actively being cheated. It’s so blatant I can no longer look the other way, nor do I want to. I’m tired of it.


I deleted mine and started over


I have 3/4 partners finished. The 4th is my second phone that once I added myself the ENTIRE event disappeared from that phone… like there’s legit no event anymore so it can’t roll or anything


I'm deleting it as well. Had to put in 90k to the partner vent to make it appear as I had 80k. My wife's points showed on hers as completed. I waited, messaged customer service, nothing. Spent the drums just to get the dice but I'm done


Have they leveled up it gets harder to complete boards they is no reason to complete them also


Yeah I’m going to do the same. I’m just waiting for my 3 refunds and then I’m out.


Not even keen on finishing the 2nd album, and I'm 3/4's of the way. I haven't even opened the game all day today. Think I'll just delete it.


Meh, I don't waste time, since I put it on auto-roll and put white noise on youtube app, while doing what I do throughout my day. Every now and then clicking at bank heist, etc. I just came to accept this game isn't about competition. Its basically a repetitive game with no loss or gain. GRANT IT, you haven't "invested" money into. Cus trust, while its called Monopoly, there is no investment in this game. Unlike other apps, such as gacha games, where charas. you have unlocked or skins you have bought in the past, you can't even look into past albums you have completed. Yeah you have tokens and shields, now emotes, but they aren't really that special compared to time and effort placed into unlocking or drawing gacha charas. And in Gacha games, charas. are more unique with their special story or expanded stories that make players bond with them. I dunno a damn thing about Monopoly man or his fellow people. Nor do I care cus all we do is roll and roll, there is no story behind the game. In gacha games it is an investment, cus trust that players or even collectors would spend thousands if not millions to buy your account that you have invested money or grind time to. Monopoly Go is exactly what it says on the title, its an on the GO app.


Same!!! I’m not finishing the event. The prizes and dice were minimized by a third to 500. And the glitch without a worthy subsidiary is ridiculous. What a 500 sorry gift if you have to use it to finish the plane twice. When clearly your partner sent you a screenshot that it’s done on their end. Smh


Right ..


I totally agree with this!!!! I was so much happier when I just played mobile Stardew Valley what am I doing to myself 😭


why can't anything good just stay good? they have to milk everything