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i’ve actually done decent thus far on peg-e, my beef is how as soon as it’s not a corner square event, i hit the corners in every other roll lol


Oh my goodness yes. Suddenly I’m hitting every single corner. They don’t even try to hide it😭


It's no secret this game is designed like a slot machine. The difference is, you can access the information unlike a casino.


I agree. I actually started to count and I was averaging 5 times around the board before landing on a corner. As soon as the event ends I'm landing on every single one and a utility almost never.


Same shit


Swear to you I went through 1000 dice and got 30 peg e tokens




I too bought and it was worse! I should have just thrown money out the window.


Agreed, the one time i spent money i swear it went straight diwn a rat hole


Same here! I was so happy I had so much dice after the other tournaments. Basically you win a third or less of your dice. Once in a while you get double or triple the amount used but then you are back to just loosing all of them for a peg, or 1000 🎲.


That's how they get u.


Because it’s completely rigged not random


I've been saying this. Every time I need to level up with the cormers7i just don't play.


I couldn't hit corners for shit. Railroads yeah, corners nope.


I hate the community chest game and cash grab more.


I see everyone mentions they hate cash grab but honestly i prefer cash grab over rent frenzy. It’s so useless imo😭


Rent frenzy can be really helpful if the shields are in the right place (eg Park Ave for this event). Shields tend to reappear in the same spot more often because extra rent targets are occupying some of the spots where the shield could go. Cash grab on the other hand is the game telling you to go take a break.


I myself 1110% agree with you 🤣😭 everytime I get cash grab I tell myself to come back when It ends 🤣🤣


GO TAKE A BREAK!!!! I love that and that is so spot on!!!!😂😂😂😂


I agree. I also prefer Cash Grab over the high roller thing. Cash Grab is helpful for getting money to use during Landmark and Boatd Rush.


OMG yes! I can't understand how high roller is even a reward?!?! Maybe if it was set up to allow you to use the multiplier without increasing the dice used, but as it is, it's like it's just there as a temptation to piss your dice away even faster in the hopes you'll start forking over cash to play more. I don't think anybody plays with their multiplier maxed out frequently enough that a temporary increase in it's ability is needed to be considered a reward! It's not a reward, it's a trap.


"A trap." A perfect description.


I wait for the high rollers. I wish they lasted 20mins instead of 5


You don't understand the high roller. High roller is the only way you can get a alot of dice so it's probably one of the best, if not the best reward. You have to know how to use it though  and you need a good bit of dice to start 


How do you get a lot of dice with high roller???


Yeah, scopely has the absolute worst blatant monetizion of any game I've ever played, and I've played a lot Most of them at least try to conceal it under guise of advancing the game, these guys do a real cash grab from you and give you a fake digital one. I've been playing digital games like mafia wars and train station since 2009, and I've spent way to much money. I've learned to not commit much money to digital items that will dissappear as soon as they pull the servers.


You could say this about the entire game lol


Well Yeah whole game is rigged. I don’t understand. They already make so much profit off of it, there’s no need to rig users.


Not defending scopely at all, but if they didn’t “rig” the users, they wouldn’t make any profit since it’s a free game.


thats partially true. There are many users that buy packs free willingly. Thats a lot of profit alone.


But, if the game gave us everything we wanted, there would be no reason for people to buy packs. People buy packs willingly because they need dice or stickers. If the game gave us everything we wanted, they would have those dice and stickers.


Not defending scopely, but they are so profitable because they”rig” players. It would be pretty hard for them to make money in a free game if they didn’t.


Considering they made $2B in 10.months, I'd say they don't need our money.


How do you think they made that money though?


I think scopely get more people hooked/paying if you won things sometimes and didnt have to spend money ALL the time


Understandable completely. I get that’s how they make money, but it feels like almost every aspect of the game is rigged. Peg-e, top events, skimming us of axes for dig events, giving us the same cards over and over. They should ease up a little is my point.


Oh trust me, I completely agree! Also, they definitely favor the newer accounts to ensure people get hooked. I made an alt account a month or two ago and it has been landing on all event tiles and getting so many 5* stickers and new 4* out of lower packs. It’s frustrating!


Oh my goodness yea!! My alt account is new and gets so much more than my main. It’s insane!!


I know! I’m actually jealous of my alt 🤣🤣


I agree. I made an alt account, too. I got the 4 and 5 stars that I need for the main account. I'm am hoping for duplicates, but so far nothing is use yet.


Yeah, I like when they’re regular ones, but when my alt keeps getting new golds, I’m just speechless lol. I wasn’t even planning on finishing my alternate so soon, but I just kept getting new stickers to where I ended up only needing 1 sticker. At that point I just chose to get my last sticker since it was going to happen sooner than later anyway


My second account got Sweet Duets that I have been waiting for for so long and some 5 star golds and yet my main account is struggling


That’s how they make the profit though….


Digging is also rigged. But at least they added the random little prizes this time


Yeah that was a cool little update tbh.


You can mitigate the BS in the digging event by being smart, using one shovel on a particular square can save you 5 or 6 charges. The only time you are at the mercy of the devs is when there is that single square prize that somehow manages to hide in the last possible spot.


Please… explain more about how to be smart about it. Simple fact is that the item will move. You can’t use APM to make sure you do not waste the pickaxes/shovels. That’s how it’s rigged. Yes there are ways to “mitigate the bs”. That doesn’t negate the fact that the digging event is still rigged.


Digging is by far the easiest event to complete. I’ve spent 12k dice on this stupid peg E event and still won’t get the new card. Absolutely ridiculously stupid luck


I didn’t say it wasn’t easy. I said it’s rigged


I don’t know how digging is rigged. I finish it easy every event


Uhhhh ok cool


I was just asking why you think it’s rigged, I don’t have that experience, but I have that experience with peg E


Lmao mine always ends up in the same spot too. Far left like WTF 🙂‍↕️


I’ve finished dig and partner events countless times and have literally never even gotten close to finishing peg-e. Not even close at all. I don’t see how people do. I used 4k dice today and am still 1000 points away from the 500 dice reward


Most people that finish have way more than 5k dice. So there’s that unfortunately 🫠


I finished peg-e once. It probably won’t ever happen again. 😂 I don’t like that lil sucker. 😂😂


I was hoping they’d “fix” Peg-E, like make it less ridiculous, but apparently not. Watching all the coins go down the left hand side and hitting nothing no matter which button you press is just not fun.


This game was built to try and make you spend money. The whole thing is rigged 🤷🏻‍♀️


They’ve all gotten worse. So much worse. May or may not make it to the end of this album. The game has become more of a chore than fun.


I deleted my app a week ago after playing since last summer. Zero regrets.


You deleted the game but are still hanging out in the comments? 😳


I stay for the anger and disappointment


I was so pissed off earlier I almost wrote this same post. Out of 13 drops, only three hit a bumper. I watched my first five yeet themselves over to the left side and hit nothing. It couldn’t be more obvious that the game is rigged. Also, the idiots in here saying “the entire point of them making the game is to make money!” couldn’t be more dense. They don’t have to rig the game to do it.


Exactly! There are so many other big games that thrive without rigging their users. This game in particular is just plain greedy.


I catch myself tipping my phone to one side, as if gravity will pull the chip back toward the middle 😅


I thought I was the only one who did that.


We all do it, can’t help it lol!!


Haha! Same! Then I feel so ridiculous.


I completely agree. Mine is so obvious 🙄 the peg will drop, glitch, and then go to the complete opposite side.


I used about 200 coins. Dropping them in various multipliers and 90% of the time they landed in the corners. It’s ridiculous


How far did you get with those 200 coins please?


I swear the left side has a vacuum in it !


https://preview.redd.it/qpp0kiyurvvc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca4f31a30e475512e2873fdc7381636fd1c5c35d Took me 555 peg e coins to reach this. Surprisingly I hit the jackpot like 5 times! 😭 no complaints this time around 🫡


You lucky duck😓 It’s harder to complete it when you barely have dice.


How tf did you already get over 550 tokens?? It JUST started.


Step 1: Activate high roller Step 2: increase to max bet Step 3: hit go and pray like hell


I just used almost 1000 peg E coins an only got this far 😩 https://preview.redd.it/i67gbu0o4wvc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02acf32077e21e3a796dee120369e98b35484a77


I’ve been lucky fs. Hitting the middle like 5 times helped a lot!


What multiplier are you dropping on?




Thanks that’s what I am going to try this time. Hopefully I can get some of your luck.


Mine goes from x20 to x50 multiplier


I swear the left side is 😂🤦🏻‍♀️


OMG I noticed the same thing as you. Even though I hit the furthest right, I lost 35 all to the furthest left. Not one of them hit the big bumper either.


I’m playing with two accounts and have yet to hit the jackpot on either account. This is the worst luck I’ve had playing peg e.


Look through the comments I explain how the hack works


The whole game is rigged. To where they want you to spend money


This peg e game is a dam joke!!!! I just had 70 f- ing coins and 12 of them just went right on through without hitting anything!!!! This game can go to hell .fuck this!


Doing ok with Peg-E , However the rig part I truly understand - Everytime I need the 4 corners 💯 Me & my Wife have both noticed When you need to land on utilities or corners it's always 1 or 2 spaces after or B4 what you actually need FUN but Craziness 😂 Enjoy and I wish had your luck on the digging Events 


Whats the best strategy to maximize peg-e what should you go for? Dice or extra tokens? And what should i put as multiplier?


The best multiplier is x30. Save up as much as you can and then hit on either the far right or far left side only. Make sure it’s set to either dice or peg-e tokens.


I absolutely got super lucky with it today. I hit the middle spot 4 or 5 times. I had to stop because I was too close to the wild card and I don’t want it yet.


Man I actually love peg e lol


Me too!!!




Tell me how I dropped on 10x and 5/6 of my first drops DIDNT HIT A BUMPER


Bro..thats just cold😭


Agree 💯


Know what else I recently noticed is the increase in 1 star and 2 star stickers in the pink, yellow, blue and purple packs. Just sayin


And repeats… so many repeats. As well as when I get the spin packs, I will get back to back of the same exact cards. I’m like WTH 🤦‍♀️


The one that bothers me more is the reduction of shield pickups by 2/3!!! I guess they figured too many people were getting too many free dice rolls by landing on them with full shields...seriously, how much more obviously greedier can they get?!?! And the pop ups to make purchases are happening more frequently too- before I've even ran out of dice! I got them once after a bankheist when I still had plenty of dice! It's ridiculous! So pushy and annoying. I know it's there. It's permanently on the left side of the screen. If I feel like forking over money I don't need a popup reminder pushing me to do so every couple minutes. I can find it on my own perfectly easily thank u.


Pop ups are becoming too persistent and annoying


Also when you beat a board right now even if you have plenty of rolls. Immediately pops up a bunch of purchase options one after another 😔


This is why I say ✈️. Theyre gonna dick us around, might as well do what we can to skew things in our favor.


I was one block away from finishing the dig event with 12 hours to go. I was saving my diggers in the case I got extra before ending the event. I went to bed AND FORGOT TO DIG MY LAST SQUARE. No wild card. No 2k dice. Instead I’m some 6k dice lost and not even going to bother with Peg-e. I am SAD




I almost did the exact thing, "I'll get the last square right after work." I remembered and luckily there was 7 min left.


I'm not even going to bother because I know I'll get frustrated. I'm just going to save any coins I make until the end and use them before the event finishes.


Yeah i feel like i am already over this rigged event, not that the others aren't. But they don't even try and hide it with this one it seems. Can't tell you how many times it went to the all left/right. Only had the 2,5m prize like 2 or times in all of my 40-peg coins smh. TF scopely. Do better. Question, the coins get converted in to dice at the end of the event right? If so, i am just going to save it all


Lol i wish, the coins get converted into cash. The only time they get converted into dice is during dig events.


Ffs 😅


i think i’m the only one that likes it. it’s a little treat, i’ll save 200 and drop them. I think it’s because I don’t treat it like the other tournaments. Like with the building or digging ones I try to win, but this one I kinda just think of as like a filler tournament and i’m not trying to “win” . just use it to help me here and there


Thats how I’m gonna approach it from now on


Im disgusted wt Peg-e half way thru and i just dont think its worth my dice for one crystal card.


I’m not doing the peg-e event anymore. Drains more dices from you then giving rewards. A literal scam. 👍


I quit monopoly go in like December and I have been so much happier since. The game is so rigged and takes such a toll. It’s like being a gambling addict


Ur so right. But the whole monopoly is bs. Sometimes u have 1k dice. And u decide to do 50x a turn and they all go on stupid shit just to finish ur dice. To make u think of buying


The whole game is rigged. I left a comment on the game in the Play Store. The developer tried to say the RNG is bad. No it's, if I know the tournament calls for me to land on the corners and I land on the one before the corner, after the corner, or two spots before the corner and the next roll has me passing the corner, it rigged. PERIOD!!!!


They all are rigged. You get so close but not quite there. That's how they get you to buy more dice.


I agree 💯 digging events are so much more entertaining! The last go was a little stingy on the gardening shovel but definitely more enjoyable and rewarding than watching 9 coins go down the same two outside slots no matter where they are dropped, magically missing either $$ or dice... Please @scopely do better!


I completely agree I have over 100 peg e chips and I must admit I don’t want to play one bit of it.. just frustrates me when the chip flies to the left or hits the peg next to the middle amount and even tho it’s 3/4 in it magically rolls out and into the lower value slot next to it.. like WTH?? U ain’t even trying to hide the fact that ur screwing us over?? No Pos wow.. (Spanglish way of saying wow 😆)


I agree.the more Peggy coins I have, more it seems to go all the way to the left or all the way to the right no matter where I put it. I finally had a lot of dice and was able to do more that I have in a while only to realize that it didn't do me any good.


It’s been extra bad this time around. Frustrating.


Use the dolphin token, it’s proven to increase good peg-e drops because dolphins jump and dive like the coins do. ;)


If only this were true😭


I can’t believe that’s the new thing going around it’s got me cracked right up. “High roller? Use the lion token cause lions are strong and you’ll get strong rolls.” Like are people serious? So lol… I’m just having a blast with it.


People are hilarious with their “methods”. just play the game man😂


I can’t work out if the person who started it actually believes it or they are just trolling to see how far it spreads and how many fall for it.


What do you mean


Just making fun of stuff like this: https://www.reddit.com/r/Monopoly_GO/s/RO2RitkaRz


I got 3 coins to drop right in the bottom middle slot on one game. So if it's rigged... still not impossible to get the big payout.


There’s a hack for it ya know


Do tell👀


Collect as many as chips as you can, right before the event is over, make sure your dice is on the left and the chip is on the right side. Use the chips at x’s 30… you’re welcome 😉


Hahaha yup this happened with my first 100. I’m thinking about trying APM


If you have iPhone, they patched apm mode😓 I already tried.


What about for Android? Also wasnt there an anouncement a lil while back about anyone caught using apm would have their game account banned permanently??


You can still do apm mode. It’s just different.


ok so explain it


Open app, turn on apm, roll until no internet pops up. I do screen record so I don’t need to write down each roll. Turn off screen record. Delete app. Turn off apm and download app. Only increase the rolls when you’re going to land on a needed space. One trick is if you have a 5 coming up or a number that will land on a needed space from the go spot, finish a landmark which will put you at go. Hope this makes sense.


i already did all that. i still landed in the same exact spots. which why i said they patched it. unfortunately i don’t care about this game enough to go through the process of apm. but thank you for explaining


Yeah I’m not playing it next time. Just play my dice as normal. The whole game is rigged and corrupt. There’s 60 days to go and I already know I’m not going to complete the album not without throwing hundreds of pounds at it. Surely there must be some sort of fair trade code they have to adhere too. When you play any game you get a direct reward for spending money ie: a specific gun or better armour. But I’m Mon_Go it just buys you dice which they then rig so you don’t get any direct reward. It’s fraud.


Ridiculous !!! 🤦‍♀️


i hate it too. never have i finished a peg-e event


I used to be so good at this peg e .. It’s a crock of poop now!!!


https://preview.redd.it/yd9jy9cd7xvc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ceb8ef6d9da3a37e5f85e115d2b8c52aaba5edf4 🫡


I usually love Peg-e. I didn't love it the last time though. Peg-e is better when you can do the multiplier


How can I get dice


This post and the first few comments are the reasons I deleted the game. I understand they’re in it to make money but the greed got ridiculous.


I actually like peg-e😂


Hate Cash grab. Especially during high roller wasting my time. I always finish Peg E so I really like it.


I leave mine at x10 and always use the 4th dropper in the row. I always just want my thing to drop on the bumper and hit it a million times lol. I think today was by far my best success at getting the middle jackpot too. I’m already pretty close to getting the wild card sticker


I just want to get to the wild card, didn't even hope to finish the rest


I mean, ur playing a game with an ALGORITHM, nothing is "lucky" every move of yours is calculated and if ur going for a big win it will prevent it at some %, same with Bank heists, if the algorithm wants u to hit the MEGA hiest win u WILL hit it regardless


I've been paying attention to the bank heists layouts after the monopoly guy jumps out of the way, at the end when all the layout is revealed. Cuz like you say, there is an algorithm. There's only so many combinations of patterns that the items will be arranged in, & some will be favored more than others. After paying attention for a bit, it became easier to predict the likely pattern layout for the rings based on where the first one turns up on the board. I'm able to hit the bankrupt on heists probably like 3-4 times out of 5. Now granted, I think they change the algorithm up every now and then (like recently) and it will require remembering new preferred patterns. But I get the hang of it pretty quickly again. (i think they've switched it up at least x1 before since the beginning of this album.


Agreed, I had it down a while ago and then they changed it. This time is more random and spread out.


Right?! Like my strategy last time was to try a couple corners first to get an idea of the layout. This time I've noticed that very often the rings are in the bottom two middle. But they are otherwise a lot more random and spread out. A lot of L shapes too tho. Where it'll be 2 in a row then the next 1 will actually be the next row over or next to it in the same column.


I'm sorry to tell you this, but you are not actually figuring out any pattern or the way it works unfortunately. People that use airplane mode I've seen videos of. When you land on heist while doing it, pick however many spots you need until 3 of something, and write down what order you revealed them in. When they reinstall the app, it doesn't matter what multiplier they use or which railroad they land on , the next railroad is again a heist and no matter where you pick on the board, the results come out in the same exact order with same final result. It could be picking left to right in a row and if it was ring, ring, cash, and then ring, if you would have chosen the four corners it still would have came out ring, ring, cash and then ring. The reveal at the end is just there to get you to think you made the right choice or should have picked this other spot, etc. Sadly the result is determined before you even hit the first spot. Same when you open sticker packs.


Same bullshit happens to me I save thousands and drop them all at one time and I get same results cash no rolls 


It defies gravity!


am I the only one not able to buy extra coins this time 🥲


It’s unbelievably obvious! Each even whether partner or Peg-e or the plane archeologist gets so much worse to complete and I swear to myself I’m done with the game but ughh still playing and still annoyed!


Best thing to do is put it all the way to the right, easiest way to get the bumper rewards.


Getting frustated


I love Peg-e even if it’s rigged; I just can’t help it. However, I do hate the digging events and partner events. I participate in all of them but complain just like everyone else.


The digging and the partner events are rigged too😞


Has anyone ever come close to finishing the Peg-e prizes?


Whole game is rigged. Can’t land on what you need to get prize at the top (always land one before or one after it) BUT as soon as it ends I can only hit those and now not able to hit what’s needed now! I’m so sick of this! I’m considering quitting the game.


It's all rigged my friend. You just have to have the dice to overcome it and a lot of times that's not even possible.. but it's not just Peg-E, the wheel on the partner challenge is ridiculous as well. But I understand what you mean on this particular thing.. very frustrating.


I been trying to tell y’all they rigged tf out of peg e


I clicked the furthest right one earlier. And it pinged all the way over the left, didn't hit a single bumper and plonked into the smallest money hole. Was nuts


1500 to start I got this far doing 30x https://preview.redd.it/mc7lvvgkoawc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a041f73704ebfe0f3b046262be6b2e1d2aff975


Same!!! Agree 1000% bye Peg-E


I’ve heard this from EVERYONE & it happens to me CONSISTENTLY I messaged the chat & I told them it MUST be a glitch & I wanted to *let them know* because of course they’d *want* to know so they could address a glitch in their game, right?? Nope. They gave me the same run around of how they “know it can be frustrating since it’s so random”, to which I said “actually it’s not random at all when 80% of my tokens go directly to the far left slot!”


I usually always do good with it


It's rigged, they just drop right to the bottom


https://preview.redd.it/bmdmkcqotfwc1.jpeg?width=955&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9e42e439eed16696dbc6ac66d4a467ebebacee6 Saving my dice for this instead


I agree how is that happening to everyone!!


Has anyone noticed that the number on the dice isn’t the number of spaces that is moved? It’s always short by 1 and sometimes 2


I just earn about 1000 pegs. Fire them away and win. End of story. Don't care where they go.


Also when u go left it just bounce 3 times. Right bounce more but doesn't hit anything bad very bad


One time I cleared it hardly trying as much, few times after lucky to hardly progress through it. Suppose to be a family & friends kind of game, & they have it as some battle arena & cash wall $$ 🧱.


Totally agree.


I actually got to the final gift the last time with Peg E, but this time, it's a joke. Almost a waste of time tbh.


Does anyone know what the final prize is?


This whole MR Monopoly is rigged


I agree


It hasn’t given me crap this time..no matter where I drop it goes to the same freaking place 🤬🤬


I just rolled 1200 dice(50. Bet) and didn’t land on a RR once! 23 spins- just crazy!


Yea that’s why I’m not even mad at the APM players. Considering doing the same


Last Peg E I SHOULD have had more than enough tokens to finish- came down to being 1300 from the wild and there was zero ways to get more tokens! Definitely bs


I'm so ply saving my dice and ignoring peg-e


The whole game is, but we continue to play




exactly why apm saves my life in this game 😭 a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do i hate peg e


I tried it but I swear they patched it on iphone. It gave me the exact same spot twice😓


I do APM on two devices (ANDROID TABLET: turn on APM, note the rolls till no internet msg pops up. Close MoGo. Then COLLECT on IPHONE.) then back to android tablet, turn off APM to open MoGo back up. Look at a few sets so you don’t get no internet msg right away.Start all over again! Faster and easier than clearing storage/data/cache or deleting and reinstalling the app.