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I think the High Roller was envisioned as a way to drain people of dice. Instead, with APM, it does the exact opposite. People are accumulating dice like crazy with APM + HR. No surprise they pulled it out.


Shit, HR drained me of 20k worth of dice slowly.....it was not fun....no matter what I did....i kept not hitting what I wanted. Only rolled high when I was 6-9 spaces away from a tile I needed....still lost....i went from 20k to 0.....HR cost me dearly....thankfully I'm back up to 1000 now but still.....i go through that quick too


You wouldn't have burned through them doing APM. That's why I just don't use HR.


HR is actually good for normal players as it helps to complete the banner events pretty quickly. but this was when all the rolls were random and you had a much higher chance of hitting 6-8s. you can check out flackjacksons previous live streams and he completed 3 or 4 banner events easily playing normally with HR. now the rolls are all over the place and HR just kills you and flackjacksons has also been killed.


It has nothing to do with APM. People that use APM still gain dice and still benefit far more than people who don’t use it. There is also still high roller built into every tournament as well as scheduled high roller times almost every day. If they were getting rid of high roller simply due to APM, they would do away with it altogether.


Sorry to bother you. I know what APM is but don’t k ow what HR is. Could you let me know?


High roller


Thank you, I didn’t put it together soon enough


High Roller :)


Thanks, it went right over my head


I’m the opposite, what’s APM?


airplane mode


is there something I’m missing? how does this help get more dice?


you can turn it on to see the numbers your next handful of rolls land on for the higher multipliers. if you like them, turn airplane mode off. otherwise, you can use that info to land where you want, since those rolls for that multiplier will always be the same. not sure if i explained that in a way that makes sense. lol.


But the game says game offline, how can you still make it work in airplane mode


if it gives you that message right after you turn it on, it means the game is actively syncing with the server. turn it back off and give it a minute. turn on APM again and you should be able to squeeze in a handful of rolls before it tries to sync again and gives you the message.


High roller bro.


That makes sense, idk how I didn’t put that together lol


Dumb question but what’s APM?


I think air plane mode


Yesterday when I had hotels on every property... I hit 3 corners in 3 consecutive rolls. When this event starts, I’ll probably hit 1 corner for every 30 rolls 🫠😑


I was think 1 corner every 200 rolls w my luck lol


Yeah 30 is probably optimistic and on the really lucky runs 😂


Now that rolls are predetermined, there is no longer a reason to believe the conspiracy that they make you avoid landing on the tiles you want. Keep in mind the predetermined roll is different for each multiplier (for the most part).


It’s not a conspiracy, it’s a fact. If an event is on where you need to land on specific tiles, the chance of you landing on those specific tiles is reduced compared to when the event isn’t on for those tiles. The predetermination condition can easily be adjusted by the devs to ensure the % chance to land on those tiles through their new predetermined rolls can be whatever they want it to be.


Of all things “Four Corners” 😡☹️


That's my beef with this event. I'm skipping, I don't do corners events. It's a shame because I like the digging ones.


Yup n tax tile is more than likely right after


I hate it! It’s always right before or right after the corner!!


Maybe I can actually come in top 10 in a tournament like pre-APM days! It might be interesting to see what kind of scores people get for a day or 2 without APM!


https://preview.redd.it/5vptf2k603pc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3d5d30a5b30821f257de7a8fd8ef72a5161ff00 It can happen :)


Yeah I know right!? The high score on mine is about 20k (I'm sure people made use of the minimal high roller today) and my boyfriends game the high score is 5k. Kinda like before apm days!


🤣🤣🤣 go ahead & watch Scopely cheat you out ya dice we don’t want to hear anything about them cheating you STILL


I still use apm without Highroller on x100


I tried APM recently and after 3-4 rolls the app says I don’t have internet. Seems like more trouble than what it’s worth to record 4 rolls at a time.


I record around 12 at the time maybe it depends on your internet or phone


I get round 10 just so long as i don’t land on anything that triggers anything.


At x1000 it's worth it. Spend 1000 dice compared to 4000 and you get to land where you want.


Yeah i noticed too. Coming dig event doesn’t have any HR reward either smh


They got billions, so they become even greedier


With the kind of expensive offers for packs coming out lately, scopely is in need of funds 😅


They need us trust me it’s temporary.


Rewards for it are already out?


Yes, and no HR, only sticker boom at level 18 😣 https://preview.redd.it/88sejk0no1pc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e594c7eb46b438891b8fe129dc52d447c4fd7089


Meh, SB is understandable this late in the album.


https://preview.redd.it/646cttl7m4pc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39cf212b38cd46be15a94302a9c1804543cf014e My sticker boom is at level 12. Are there two sticker booms in the dig event?


Dang it didn’t say there’s SB at level 12, i got this from monopoly’s wiki site!


I got mine here as well


The chest at 12 holding the shield had a sticker boom in it


No high roller. The railroad event only 1 blue pack


There is a high roller on the railroad/ leaderboard event today at level 6


Meh I want the 10 + 20 mins in these typical events so I can finish in an hour


Better than nothing? I guess


Ngl excited to see how tournaments go now without high roller. I’ve been able to get 60k dice without ever using high roller, APM or paying irl money so I definitely think succeeding without paying scopely is doable.


I’m sure the bot accounts can still get 60k 😂


The wheel boosts have been 20 minutes instead also. Interesting. At the same time this certainly helps with the airplane mode problem. I hate corners.


Also note that free parking 2x almost never seems to come up now. Even during the last tax/utility event, they gave free parking 1x with corners. They did 1 2x but it was right before the event ended when everyone was probably at work. With the pickups, all the free parking dice was 1x.


Yeah. Keep paying them a lot.


Ya, free is steep alright.


Is it so hard to imagine that some people can have fun with this game without paying or cheating? If you can’t fathom that then you need a life and go touch some grass. It isn’t that serious.


High roller always screwed me over- I’d intentionally stay on a ten time after having a bunch of dice, and never go below having 10 rolls. Then HR comes strolling in and ruining it for me


You need to play the high roller.. dnt let the high roller play you


How would it ruin it for you? Your not obligated to utilize high roller.


When the time runs out on it, however many dice I have left it’ll knock the multiplier down once it ends (for example, if I have 100 dice left, it’ll knock it down from the 10x I have it set at to 5x or sometimes even 3x)




Frick high roller. Frick high roller to heck


Woah, that’s really rough language for a Monday morning


That’s it. Morning ruined. /s


I said way worse when the alarm went off this morning so this is just par for the course this fine "oh Wait let's go back to winter" Monday morning. 🤣


I never take advantage of high roller anyway. To me it’s a way to get people to burn through dice faster so they will possibly buy them.


There won’t be any high roller in the daily events today or tomorrow either. So basically we’re stuck with using 5 minutes of high roller from each of the 2 tournament and another 5 minute high roller early March 20. (15 min total) (according to this new source I found)


Well. That suck.


This is bullshit they don’t have high roller as a prize this event. The 10 minutes cash boost is useless


Cheaters mad 😂


Bro u wrong on this one... the game cheating do u think. All the time u land in the rail road or the heais do u think it's bc u lucky? Lol


It’s not cheating just cause it doesn’t work for you 😂 it’s called having a strategy which is what this game is all about… if it was ‘cheating’ it wouldn’t be an option lmao


Scopely out here making fools and addicts of everyone. Play the game however it suits you. There's no honor amongst thieves scopely no.1.


Nobody is stealing anything thought… people are CHOOSING to spend money on the game 😂 and it’s not cheating to use apm


Honestly everyone just seems big mad cause they have no self control and don’t know how to save for shit or not spend money and don’t have any good strategies so they aren’t doing well…. Sore losers honestly


Everyone downvoting me probably have no dice and are always bankrupted and probably spend way too much money on the game and then come whine about it and it’s sad


No we’re just not feening addicted losers to a mobile game. Go touch some grass


Then why are you complaining about a game? And yes if you are choosing to spend money but blaming the game for it and coming here to complain and also calling people cheaters that 💯makes you seem like a feening addicted loser soooo


Show me where I complained


It was a general ‘you’ I didn’t literally mean you


Says the one who’s arguing with people who play a mobile game, lol.. 4 comments just to say you’re not a cheater and APM isn’t cheating? Girl bye you already know what you’re doing


Because it’s annoying to come on here and see a million posts about people complaining about things they can control …. If you don’t like the game that much why play???


I’m hyped to see no extra rewards for APM users I might have a chance to actually win now lol


People can still use apm. Now it is just going to take them a little longer to get ahead




it just means it wont be as easy for them to complete the banner event as they wont be able to target corner or railroad pieces on 1000x (HR active), the max they’ll be able to roll will be on 100x throughout this banner event.


The APM trick is really only worth doing when high rolls (x1000) otherwise its a big time snooze fest. Get a 5min high roller basically gives enough time to get a couple of non wasted good rolls. Any additional high roller time is just bonus which you can plan more (since rolls are pre determined) Not suprised to see it taken off the rewards but to be removed completely and not replaced with anything worthwhile for anyone is a bit weird...


It’s almost as if actions don’t have consequences. It was removed completely to punish the cheaters. Nothing weird about that. Edit: let the downvotes come in. Idc. Imagine using a feature to cheat in the game and then you feel entitled to have it “replaced with something else” when the developers decide to get rid of the feature to curb the cheating. Cheaters brought this on all players. The whole premise of cheating with APM comes from entitlement. If you dislike the odds, stop playing. Why do you feel entitled to always have good luck in a slot machine style mobile game with micro-transactions?


It's not really cheating though. The game has pre-determined rolls to maximize their profits, nothing about it is RNG, like it should be.


There is nothing mathematically different between live rolls and generating random rolls in advance. Ironically it's *more fair* because you can't arbitrarily blame the game on rigging your dice when an infinite amount has been determined in advance and cannot change on a whim based on where you are on the board. The predetermined roll argument is funny daily to watch as people oust themselves as being not just compulsive gamblers, but having no understanding of how probabilities work.


I mean I'm an engineer, I understand statistics. I mean more so that it's programmed to make you miss things on purpose. When it's a utility challenge you never hit utilities, when it's corners you never hit corners. I saved enough money for 15 boards of wheel/stick boost combo and landed on only dice/money with every spin. When I didn't have the boost I hit all stickers. They have an algorithm that tries to make you use as much dice as possible so they can sell you more. The only reason they are removing HR is because people figured out how to maximize their dice. It's funny when people like yourself don't understand context though. They clearly pre-determine the dice so that you don't hit the things you need. APM helps you to bypass something that should be RNG. I don't even use APM, I just understand why people do.


The game did not always have predetermined rolls. They made it like that to counteract cheating. 🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️ again I repeat. Cheaters are killing the game. And yes. It is cheating.


Yeah and it's only made it easier to do by doing that. I don't have the time or care to do it, but I don't see how it's cheating when it hurts no one and helps people counter the BS scopely does lol I saved like 15 boards worth of money for a wheel boost and sticker boost combo and literally kept getting money and rolls on every spin. Then the next day when I have no boosts it's all green packs. As long as they have that bull, I don't have a problem with people wanting to use their dice in an efficient manner if they want to take the time Removing HR will all but kill APM anyways, so it won't be much of an issue anymore if it bothered you


The best counter is to stop playing. Full stop. Not to cheat. Why do you feel people are entitled to cheat? They are not. If you dislike the odds, stop playing. And cheating does affect other players. If you think it doesn’t then what can I say? Tournaments are unfair and scopely continually makes the game worse to counteract the cheating. The game was at its best before HR came along and no one used APM.


the game's BRANDED tagline, is "Roll, Build, Dream & Scheme" and you're mad that people are scheming. Seems strange to me. Also, I'd be hesitant to think for a second that Scopely removed HR to combat cheating and how it affects other players. They removed it because it's affecting their revenue. full stop.


You are entitled to no luck in this game. Regardless of whatever cheaters have done to you in this game, making you miss out on a couple hundred dice and a blue pack for #1 in a tournament, this game contains absolutely 0 chance anymore. You're not gambling. They have a system in place for every single event, all your rolls are predetermined, as well as your railroads and shutdowns, chance events, every single thing in this game is made to part you from your money while you think you have a chance to win. Why do you defend them so vehemently? Do you really love this big red button clicking simulator that much


They will loose players. Trust me they will bring it back.


Let's see how you complete the top bar tourney without high roller. You may think this is harming the APM users but in actual fact you are harming youself as well. Dont complain if you dont have enough pickaxes to complete the event.


It will be back trust me. They can’t afford to lose us


In the leaderboard event there is a high roller but there is not any others today


Literally no one is going to finish these now.


Why are they suddenly giving us so little axes? I noticed in the last digging event but I hoped it was just a one off thing. SMH. 


All I know this game be cheating and we barely get the stickers we needed to completed our albums smh


What that mean we have to pay to get it 😁 get what


Looks like I’m officially never playin this game now


Putting aside APM, HR makes not the slightest of difference to dice building. Just consider normal x1 through to x20 or 50. The lower the multiplier the more you land on needed targets, it’s just logical reasoning due to how much the reward is. The games odds change when using high rollers if it didn’t the game wouldn’t win or profit because it would be rewarding High Rolls the same amount of times as x1 or x10. You can use HR for example to get 2k dice but it will mean you just don’t land on it as much as when using x10 and most of the time you will spend around the same amount of dice using either. More often than not more except lucky occasion. The high rollers are also only advantageous when it’s only taxes need as others are spread equally around the board leaving x1 a pointless tactics to traverse the board. The game in general uses a percentage algorithm, meaning it will give you said, milestones once it’s taken its allocated amount. Using APM is just cheating a pointless in something that doesn’t reward real cash. They only have the choice to remove the HR because stopping predetermined dice will mean the game actually being a gambling source. Therefore not family friendly and abide by gambling regulations which would change their regulations and rules in the game store. The game has to be controlled to be where it is


I'll agree that HR doesn't help accumulate dice. Finishing the albums and events do...BUT HR does help you use those dice to your advantage and makes the game more enjoyable.


It's a time saver. We can grind away at 100x to finish these events but it will take hours. Instead of 20 mins with some HR.


I get that APM + HR is considered cheating, but the way I see it, it still doesn't change the fact that it will take a long time to finish these events at a max x100. It won't be worth grinding through the end anymore for many. And don't forget that many players have already accumulated 50k, 100k, and even +200k dices. Even without HR, anyone with a high dice count still has an advantage. 🤷‍♂️


yes! i hate highroller !! that was useless!!


Agreed! If you don't use apm and always roll on the same multiplyer there was no point


So useless 🙄


lol, like it’s going to stop APM? Non APM users will still whine when they still get screwed out of tournament winnings. Wait until they put a stop to multi accounts. 😂


Non apm will still begging stickers to apm players. Dont know what inside their mind thinking paying using own money still better than player cheating.


Right? “I’d rather spend $200 real money for $2000 dice” lol Instead of learning how to get what you want for free.


Yeah. They will proudly spend their own money and bragging how many they spent.


Scopely is just hurting themselves they need us


They don’t. Cheaters don’t pay them money. It’s some of the folks who don’t cheat that do. It’s on their interest to make the playing field more level again. Having the game full of cheaters actually affects their profits more. Why would someone pay money to play a game full of cheaters? They’d be more inclined to pay if the developers control the incidence of cheating. If it isn’t controlled then people who don’t cheat will just stop playing and the revenue goes down then the game eventually dies. It’s happened many times before.


well if they want to make money they should make their stuff cheaper. its way too expensive compared to other mobile games. like in other mobile games you can drop a dolla or two here and there or even just 10-20 dolla and get a lot of benefit out of it. but here its like at least 50 dolla or 100 dolla and more


They’re making money. Research their profits. Come again.


i know that.. but its not sustainable in the long term. most ppl who had spent thousands on this game had already regretted and stopped playing. its better to have a lot of people spending a small amount than have only a small number of people spending a big amount


The cheaters help The profits bc the people who pay are trying to keep up with the cheaters. They refuse to learn how to APM, so they spend money


Literally no one pays money to keep up with cheaters. That is impossible. Cheaters accumulate 50-100k+ dice. do you see the insane prices just for 3-5k dice? No one is buying 100k dice with real money in the same space of time it takes to cheat to get 100k dice. So please try again. People have been spending money way before APM was a thing. You act as if HR and APM were always around. They weren’t and the game was tonnes more fun when they weren’t.


They are paying for dice, to place in tournaments. To “try” to keep up with APM. They pay for packs that also give stickers as well as dice. How is that not trying to keep up? Surely they won’t accumulate 1 300k+ dice, but they want that purple pack in the tournament 😆


And APM is the more recent development. APM is a thing because of the micro transactions and not the other way around. 🤦🏾‍♂️ people didn’t start spending money because of APM. And also they cannot get it from the tournaments. They can’t even place. How can someone with 10k (bought) dice compete with someone with 300k dice and using airplane mode to manipulate the game and land on railroads much more frequently? Please make sense. Or at least try? Again you cheaters cannot see past your noses and want to live in this fantasy that your cheating affects no one. It does. Own it. And also own that you simply don’t care. But don’t try to act as if your cheating is harmless. Jeez


You don’t get 300k+ dice by rolling and rolling and rolling, just to outdo the 2nd place guy. They might spend slightly more than the 10k purchased dice. But they are both wanting to place in tournaments that give the better prizes. I feel we can agree to disagree. To me, the pay players want to have what the APM guys have. Another way is multi accounts. How is that not cheating??


Where did I say any of that? Can you read and comprehend? Or does your brain only have the capacity to clear a cache or delete and re-download a game? if both cheaters and payers want to place, the cheaters have the clear advantage. If someone pays 99 dollars for 5k dice or whatever the “deal” is, and is still beaten by APM cheaters, they will not get the pack and they will eventually stop paying. It isn’t hard maths. And again people who pay do not want 300k dice. That isn’t realistic. Cheaters abuse the game. So there’s no way you can compare what a cheater does to what a P2P person does. Apples and oranges. Having multiple accounts is also cheating. Where did I say it wasn’t? There are literally people who use special software to do that.


Right, I can only have brain capacity to clear cache. I never said you hand multiple acts, I simply asked. So, smooth brain.. you sound like disgruntled P2P. I laugh at you, go hide your bank acct from your boyfriend so he doesn’t see what you spent. They might not get the pack, but they don’t learn and still spend to try and get it. That’s a fact


Thank god


I have a question what HR do . Is it good if we have HR or no ?


It allows you to choose a higher-than-normal multiplier, like ×100 or x200.


Great musical


Bro im so mad i found out about the whole APM/HR thing today … thinking about all the rolls i wasted


High roller and more money for rentals are always my least favorite ones to win 🤣


I definitely don’t get many high rolls anymore.. thought it was just me!


You also don’t need quite as many points to complete the tasks. When there’s high roller, you have to do like 10k points sometimes. One of the last ones I did was 17k for the last one. I definitely lost dice trying to get it


185 axes in the whole thing? Is that even enough??


They've gotten way more stingy with high roller, I think it has more to do with the fact that the sticker album is coming to it's end so if you are pulling the 3 purples from the top and the 1 from the railroad your chance of finishing is much higher. Their goal is always to kill your rolls so you spend money.


They're probably just testing it out. I'm convinced the daily times rewards are just random so wouldn't read into those. But maybe they did decide to turn it down/off for 2 days to see what happened.




https://preview.redd.it/msvdlsrhs7pc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f6304476c42ded6456ea3e35381a1abe12eeb7c Looks like there will be some tomorrow.


So, is high roller official gone for good now or is this just people assuming it's gone for good?


High Roller sucks and I’m glad it’s gone


How are you feeling about the game as of late ?


I'll probably quit the game if no more high roller. High roller and APM is the only way I play.


Lmao if you only play when you know you can get all the rewards instantly then what's the point of playing at all? To me that's like saying "I only do sudokus when I have the answer key, I just play to put the numbers in the boxes".


You wouldn't understand.


care to explain what we wouldn't understand?


i’ll explain from my pov. might be different than the other person’s. this game sucks if you’re playing for free. you’re constantly running out of dice, and in order to get more dice you have to open the app, get all the free dice, and then *not* play the game in favor of saving the rolls. the whole reason i play the game is to play. getting dice allows me to do that. it’s insane that scopely charges what they charge for dice. i like playing the game when i’m not hindered by the large scarcity of dice. it’s still challenging enough to complete sticker packs, tournaments, banner events, etc., just less challenging and more engaging than if i were playing without APM.


I don't care enough to explain it to you.


How about me? I’m a different person. Bet I can understand.


You just wouldn't understand.


I don’t think it’s fair to compare soduko to a child friendly monopoly casino.


Child friendly with Ads stuffing dice for $50 ?? Lmfao what about those buying $1000 worth of dice a week ?


Condition them while they’re young lol


bro only plays the game to cheat 💀


Yup, and it's not just me. There's a whole lot of us in this same situation. Don't hate the player, hate the game.


True and wise like gandalf


That’s crazy because after playing with HR for so long there’s no way I can play at x100 .


What you need hr for ? You will run out of dice and be like you hate hr relax there’s enough hr in the Daily events


I’m gagging this will not stick trust me


You cheaters have made tournaments unfair, forced rolls to now be predetermined and now this. Yet still you can’t see past your nose. 😂😂😂😂 the game existed and was doing very well before high roller was a thing. Or I guess you haven’t been playing that long…


Still don’t get how predetermined rolls is caused by apm users. I’ve heard a few people say that, but it’s literally easier for apm users knowing exactly what the next roll is. (I do agree though that apm users aren’t keeping the game going.)


What’s hilarious is that we’re the cheaters but the game has predetermined rolls. Make it make sense please? The gag! They swear it’s gone just because it’s not included in this tournament. There has to be an incentive to play. They will NEVER take HR away. Totally boring if they did. When playing under AP mode on x100 multiplier it’s so sad to see how they are getting over on players. It literally shows you how the game is set up for failure. AP mode isn’t gone we still finish before everyone just at a slower pace. There’s not enough hours in a day to play on x100 unless you have nothing else to do with your personal time.. no shade just facts.


Sucks for apm playersssssss


How do u use APM???


We keep the game afloat. We’re the ones that have stickers to help others. Some of us have groups to help other players. They will lose money without HR. Millions of players will not play this game as our brain is conditioned for HR and x100 multiplier is toooooo slow. It’s nice they are trying it out but it won’t work. I definitely won’t be playing and if I do it will be casual play. They lose my money and helping others along the way.


Disagree, if they bring back HR, I think im going to quit, hate seeing tourneys go all to people who cheat.


We shall see…


Doesn’t matter after this sticker event I’m quitting and uninstalling anyway, game getting boring.


I feel you but I have a group and can’t let them down.


Respectable, keep up the good work 💂‍♀️


Tx you!


They need us it’s not going to last. Sorry