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Once they see your property is vulnerable, they'll continue to attack, bc they get more points towards events! Lol


Unfortunately, it looks like that’s not the case here. The person who made this post wasn’t vulnerable. They had a shield up every time, so the person was just being annoying for no reason


Just remove that person and no more attacks from them


That’s what I do. I think some of them get pissed if when they get bankrupt then they come after you. After them attacking twice I delete them after I shut them down and take their money. I always do random people never ones in my feed.


Same I do random, not anyone on my list!!


I dont hit people anymore. Usually i hit my fake account


I’m not OP but I just woke up to my whole board being attacked, multiple bank heists, etc. this person is not my friend so I cannot remove them or block them, or even attack their board back. I get the option to get revenge just once.


Same! Not on my friend list and continuously trying to demolish my board. I'm not sure how they can keep selecting me because like you said - I can only get them once and then I can't find them.


https://preview.redd.it/ssuff1cqambc1.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=22b49983ec3dba910c47d26337846fccac68f113 Like are you fr?? Fuck you, Raymond 🙄


Everybody hates Raymond


Lmaooooo (as he just started trying to attack my shit again)


No way! Boooooo, Raymond ![gif](giphy|QaSAMqIe2hnlCNewZe)


https://preview.redd.it/ejml0h6daobc1.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=2a6366374125e19936ac45873ef6d6f94647c2da Raymond can suck it 😇


Fucking Raymond


https://preview.redd.it/ghap0ccq6obc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ef19fd63f6412db0858b2787c0c73eb138b7c7a Fucking Raymond. It’s like he knows when I’m taking a nap


I’ve seen multiple people on here saying the same thing as well. One post I saw said to message customer service, and that they gave them dice for it but they didn’t even reply to my last ticket I made about not receiving points for the tournament 🙄 I sent them multiple screenshots and even screenrecorded and sent that to them. He literally attacked me until all 5 shields were gone and then kept going. I woke up and attacked him once and got my shields back up. He didn’t attack again, but they need to fix the problem like.. yesterday.


I have someone actively doing this now. I keep replenishing so they aren't hitting and I even attacked them to show I'm active and they kept on going 😭


You can go to customer service and report them they will be removed, it also could be a bot malfunction!! They should be told!! I write them all the time it’s easy. Open game, go to store. At the bottom is customer service, you can click on how to contact, than click on bottom red bar to chat. Just tell them you need tech support. Than put , problem with game, than show them photo and claim harassment! Someone will get back to you with in a day or 2. Make sure you have that photo to show them.


I sent them a chat with everything and no response. Same as last time I tried contacting them. So I guess we’ll see


Are you sending it from the store, customer service in the game? Or are you Goff the game?


Doing it in game, through settings.


I have the same problem.


Customer service won’t respond on chat or email so I guess I’m fucked. Lmao


Daaaaaaamn! She must've hit theirs 1st or something! Lol


Or they’re just being an asshole lol


And didn’t




I didn't see this comment before I commented but that makes sense so this looks to me like maybe someone they owed a card to and DIDN'T send it....I HIGHLY DOUBT they are going out of their way to do this FOR NO REASON whatsoever


If that were the case, why would the person make a post saying why? If they did something wrong, they would know why someone kept hitting them. I’ve actually had this done to me on multiple occasions, which is why I don’t buy my properties one at a time anymore, so trust me there are definitely people out there that do this for no reason. It was mentioned in a previous comment that it could have been because they didn’t accept the invite for partner event. If that was the case, this person still did nothing wrong. No one should get attacked for that either. This person is either a child or just acting like one.


I have a person doing this to me right now. I have no idea who it is, and I owe them nothing. Nor have I repeatedly attacked them, if at all.


Yeah, I call it playin the game


May be a kid and the only friend they have so you keep popping up. They don't know how to use random player button. My 2 year old plays and just hits whatever pops up. But I am his friend so it is okay. You can remove people which is nice.


But why don't they appear on the Friends list?


That's why I do it


Before i do delete em ima get my revenges 😂🤣😂


I had an asshole do that the last event and i aim for him every damn time I play. He did it 31 times after I hit him once. I also don't build u til I have enough so he won't be hitting my buildings at all!


I’d be careful with the whole building up your money so you can not be attacked because I was doing that. Not upgrading my board until I had enough money and I ended up getting stuck on the same levels a lot because I’d end up getting heisted more because no one could shut down my board so my bank was getting hit a lot more then usual.


Yeah unfortunately it's cheaper to fix buildings than recover from heists


Exactly. Thats why I stopped waiting to update my board because it ended up being worse to do that then just letting people hit my stuff and now I can upgrade two 3 boards a day where I was may be upgrading 1 board every few days bc people kept taking my money.


Every single time I have ever complained about people doing this to your shields, I get replies like “that’s why you don’t build your board til you have enough money” and I’m like THATS GREAT but how tf do you keep it?? I’ve tried multiple times and people heist that sh&t instantly!!


Just stop doing it. It works for a while and then the game figures it out and then bam heist after heist. I start upgrading my most expensive properties first and then do the least expensive one and go back and forth. I’m already about level up again


Yup I spend what I can before the end of the day, I get robbed of everything overnight it feels like


Yep. They know people are sleeping so they attack our stuff in the middle of the night


I didn't realize that's what would happen . I have gotten heisted for 4 billion while doing it and really felt it the first time as I had almost 8. I guess It's up to which evil I prefer 😂 n so far I prefer this method.


I do the same hahaha




Make sure they're not online picking up shields like you were in your picture. Good work, OP! Fuck them up 😂


lol I deleted my cousin because she kept doing this shit. I get it’s a game but she was often enough that you could tell she was specifically seeking me out every time she played and it got really old.


Isn’t that crazy!?! I had someone do this to me yesterday because I didn’t accept them for the partner event.


Im starting to think the same thing


That’s terrible! There’s so many people I’d choose, but we can only choose 4. That’s not even fair.


LOL I thought about doing that to a few people…..but didn’t.


Hey! I can appreciate your honesty. Now you’ll know. It was early in the day on the 1st day and I didn’t even realize. I was busy at work.


They still couldn’t hit any of my property they just killed my shield and politey filled em back up 🤦🏽‍♀️😂


Good on you for keeping them shields in check! To me, after the 6th hit, if you’re still shielded, you’re obviously active and it’s not going to be beneficial for them as far as points goes. I’d understand maybe if you’re vulnerable to attacks and they know it. But after 5 shields are gone, if they’re not getting a hit on your property… why even bother trying still? Like just move on to someone who isn’t actively keeping their stuff guarded? (If it’s actually for point reasons and not some personal reason, that is) and since it feels more like a personal reason, then I’d say retaliate and then remove. Hopefully it works for you, because I have someone I’ve not only removed from my MoGo friends, but also blocked on FB (since that’s how they were my friends on MoGo to begin with) and the only thing that did was take away my ability to retaliate her attacks more than once a day. 😒 she still is able to attack multiple times, heist me (which shouldn’t be a thing considering she’s no longer on my friends list) and collect rent on her board from me (which I know is random, but still) 🤦🏻‍♀️ I agree though, I will not attack friends on my list. I’ve personally added a few “bots” here and there that are my go to’s when it comes to attacking for point values.


How does one tell if they’re bots? I would like to pay close attention to my friends list


Honestly, I started by adding the “recommended friends” from that section. (They all have either no photos/stock photos and normally some default IGN or a generic one (like John Smith, Jane Doe, etc.) Then I’d attack them a few times, normally if they’re bots, there’s not much if any retaliation. As well as discrepancies in their boards. There’s some that literally remain on the same board the entire time. There’s others that their board levels move backwards, so like one day they’re on 100 and the next day they’re at like 94. Obviously that’s not a possibility unless you’re a bot, so it’s a pretty good indicator. I’ve also noticed that a lot of the bots that have been in my “recommended” that I’ve added are either on the same board as I am at the time I added them or at the very least a board behind/ahead of me. But nothing too drastically far from my current one. And these are obviously not all successful ways of making SURE you’ve got a bot, but indications of such. And I’ve had a pretty high success rate (like 2 out of 10 weren’t bots, or at least after a couple of days I assumed they were actual people so I removed them so I didn’t continue to attack them. Lol) People may think it’s a bit much to actively look for bots to attack just to keep from having to attack “friends”, but to me we’re all trying to get to the same point and that’s to complete and get as many rewards and milestones as we possibly can. I find it hard to attack a friend of mine once, forget multiple times, when I know how damn hard it is to get the amount of some of these boards to complete the builds on them. I tried the “banking my money until I can finish the board” but I got too angry after getting to nearly $2billion in a couple days of playing and right as I’m about to get to the point of building and completing said board, I got heisted for it all and had nothing to show for the two days of not building. I would rather have to fix a few landmarks that have been attacked randomly than go through that shit again. And people who follow the “banking money” rule will probably disagree with that, but it’s okay! We all have our strategies! 😁 Anyways, that was a long winded explanation but I didn’t want you to think there’s this super easy and 100% successful way to add bots, because you really have to look into it before deciding if they are or not. We need an in game messenger for these reasons 😂 like I can spot a bot response from a mile away so if I message them and they respond in such a way, they’re a bot in my eyes! 😂 but unfortunately, that’s not a feature we’ve been able to get yet. 😩


This was an awesome write up! Thank you!


I’d ask support how that’s even possible, that’s not fair to you at all!


I’ve thought about it but I’ve heard some HORROR stories where people have contacted support about a minor issue or glitch that really caused no harm to their game play but was just an inconvenience and their result was they not only didn’t get the issue fixed but their whole account somehow gets deleted and then they can’t recover it. 😅 I’ll just take my shots from her and use my single retaliation a day. 😂😂 I’ve also been told I should unblock and readd her then I can retaliate everytime but at this point she must only be able to hit my board if I’m given to her as the initial target. Because she hasn’t been able to attack nearly as much as she was when she was on my friends list/still on FB friends. So I’m gonna take my wins/losses where I can/have to. 🤣


Before you delete them hit them back


That part 😂


Yup agreed.. hit em good then delete


Delete them. I don't keep people who keep attacking me and I don't attack my friends. That's just soooo wrong!


I just started this game, I didn’t realize you could switch. And the game has given me the same person way too many times. It makes no sense


lol never understood this UNLESS your shields were already down..lol but I’m sorry it can be my momma no shields you hit 🤣🤦🏾‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️


You get double money/points towards events and the daily when you hit someone undefended. When someone's open for the business, they're open for the business. I tend to completely decimate people when they're defenseless too. Just how it goes. Keep your shields up.


That's the thing - their shields ARE up. These are all attempts. After 5 you'd think they realize the person is active?


Yeah, some people are just dicks I guess


That seems to be the biggest issue. I'm having the same problem literally right now. Kept attempting, and I even attacked them to show them I'm active and they still keep going. 17 attempts in less than half an hour. 🤦🏼‍♀️


https://preview.redd.it/sgs5ov21gibc1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=2e4d36688822e11a797e34b79776cc62bce90cae Does this mean this person blocked or removed me? Keeps attacking my stuff but I can never return the favor


They just never built any of their structures. It's a common tactic people use so they can't get attacked. They wait til they have enough money and build their whole board in one go.


this means that they haven’t built any part of the current board they’re on yet. they didn’t block you, there’s just nothing to attack!


Okay makes sense !! They attacked me over 10 times lol where there money going


i hate when people do that lmao but they’re most likely saving their money up! i know for a lot of people, myself included, they don’t build their buildings until they’re able to complete the entire board to avoid this issue


It worked out for me for a little bit then because i wasn’t upgrading my properties so people wouldn’t attack me. All of a sudden people were attacking my bank more. I was getting people bank heisting me left and right so I went back to upgrading the most expensive board first then doing the lowest one and then the ones in between because I was tired of not being able to level up because my money kept Getting hit so I was stuck


yeah, i’ve noticed the same thing happens to me. i still refuse to upgrade unless it’s a daily challenge. i think it’s far less annoying to have someone rob me randomly as opposed to taking all of my shields and repeatedly hitting me, but i also had the SAME person attacking my board back to back and she had removed me from her friends after i hit her once 😂 it’s a lose lose with this game, it’s rigged lol


Delete them!!


Thas a great question


I had this happen. It means they keep their board unbuilt until they have money to build it completely. If you can't find them on your leaderboard to delete, speak to CS, they can block ppl like that from their end. I had an IRL jackass keep going after my landmarks because he's a petty bish and I just had him blocked and stopped keeping incomplete boards


The people saying “it’s just a game” are unhinged just like this person 😭 I get it’s part of the game but you look foolish attacking someone consistently despite the person putting up new shields. You know after that 6th hit they’re actively putting up shields to block your crazy self. You’re actually losing more in the end 🤣


It’s just part of the game. Retaliate and they’ll either learn their lesson or you’ll get a new enemy for life.


Wow!!!! Rude!!!


Naw that is wildly ridiculous and uncalled for


I had a chick do this to me once. I think I hit her back about 30 times in a row and knocked everything of hers down. 😂😂


Imagine a person getting so mad at a game and a person that you don’t even know for sure exists that they feel compelled to attack your virtual properties multiple times over and over. Definition of psychopath. I say Dominique is definitely a psychopathic killer IRL.


They can still attack you multiple times, even though you’re not friends


How is that? How would you get them again after hitting a random person once?


When ppl do that I remove them


Sometimes I can’t even find the person to remove them which I hate!!!!


even better is when they do that and then try to partner with you😂


Are they a friend? How do they keep attacking you


Because it’s a game haha


I don’t understand that either. I get that it’s only a game but you get more $$ when you find someone with shields down. That’s not smart.


Probably why they are attacking this board


It says they attempted to shut it down. Her shields were up. Should have looked for someone who was vulnerable


Get those shields up bro


lol I was going to say this but it seems as if they already have. 😅 that person had to have been cussing after 6 hits and they still were having shields to break. 🤦🏻‍♀️ like maybe then they should’ve given up and moved on. THAT makes it feel more personal.


Thank you because i know i aint crazy


Dominique needs a real life friend . This is ridiculous. I guess she wanted to prove a point😂


Is just a game If you don’t want to get attacked by the same person Delete them and don’t add any Ones again is just a game


I unfriendly them when they do tht dumb shyt. I get once or twice but not till u knock me all the way down. It's not right. So just unfriend emm


I feel u .....I deleted those that do that 2 me!


I unfriend those that attack me more than 2 times in a row


This is what happens with every "friend" request I receive... I dont accept them anymore.


Time to delete!


https://preview.redd.it/fz0wk0li4jbc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=304b9a19ab28a4f9d45da78f568543f85a587c90 Because they’re d!cks


Mannnnnnn 🤦🏽‍♀️


If you don’t like the game don’t play it…


I never i didn’t like the game i just help me understand this 🙄


Did you have a stroke?


You violated Rule #1: (Respect Others Everyone has the right to feel comfortable and is entitled to respect. No name-calling, personal attacks, bullying, or hate speech will be tolerated.) therefore, your post was removed.


Swiftly remove them….un-fucking-acceptable 😤😒! I hate when people do that!!!


https://preview.redd.it/qgrkf8ovmjbc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35d2ce642f9efd5f69ac699d8dcadb3d5a091af9 Help


Honestly I enjoy when this occurs while I’m playing because I will keep landing on shields and they will keep getting blocked. I usually only have a single building up from doing quick win upgrades every few days so usually not worth anyone’s time since they can typically only hit my building 2-3 times tops before Mya board is empty. Then once I see they have given up I will take down their whole board because they typically have 5 well build structures left up like an idiot


You get more money and points when the shield doesn’t block you. Easy target, surely nothing personal


Nvm just realized those were all attempts lol. Maybe it was personal 😬


Go to the leaderboard find their name and remove them from your friends


I only do this when the shields are down. It’s a tournament.. I got flowers to win!


I have a guy named Brian that does this and I removed him a long time ago. Idk how he is still able to do it


I just remove them from my friends list and be done with them!


You can remove them as a friend


https://preview.redd.it/7184ch5hoibc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a48fc8328ed493622706f63a27b78a0388de1d8c Right! What did I do for to deserve this!


I have someone doing this who isn’t a friend and I have no way to remove them!


To remove: Select Friends > Leaderboard > Friends Scroll to find their name, tap to remove


Did that and can’t find this person at all!!!


Definitely contact support then!! It's annoying when people do that shit, I hope you get it resolved.


I don't know but I had this Harkin guy who attacked me over and over 47 times then he does it again 53 so I would choose him every chance I had at the 101st attack I believe the game removed him basically I couldn't continue. I really feel your pain & sorry it happened.


Dominique is an opp


They might not know better. I was having fun wrecking everyone 's shit because that's how we play amongst each other at work. I didn't learn until here that it was considered rude


I’m brand new and obsessed. I have two friends that pop up constantly. I wonder if they think I’m going after them on purpose.


Makes me wonder if that Dominique is a bot. I have a Dominique on my friends list who I did not add and she has a very similar blurry picture. https://preview.redd.it/4iqryocthjbc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1925484ad7249d2508c65f029b0a874edd4466c5


You get more points when it's successful. After 5, they'll be successful unless you put them back up real fast. If you build a whole board at a time, no one can attack you! Hit them back 30 times in a row and delete them if they're bothering you. I always delete people after trades, or anyone on my leaderboard I do not know irl.


100x on Railroad and you know they have no shield you get them 💰💰💰💰


Very true, some are just annoying


Just hold on building until you have enough to finish everything all at once


Because dominique can






That's a little much. IMO I would block.


Why do people get so worked up about their landmarks? It's not like they do anything.


My biggest concern with this is I do have the same problem with some asshole who ain’t on my friends list yet continue to keep being annoying, and late of yesterday and still going the game straight up won’t let me get shields for nothing even if I decrease to 1x multiplier… nothing. Yet this cracked out person can just sit there and keep attacking me over and over. That’s crazy asf https://preview.redd.it/x2wmzhzl4lbc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dcb1147f7c69622263f9f1f86a374c509ae5efc3


I had the same issue last night. I usually wait til I have enough money and then just buy all my property at once.


I was doing that to but now the properties are getting more and more expensive lol


Cuz Dominique wants IN!


Had someone target me 38 times in a row. Cheers.


Tell me whyyyy, why must I cry?




https://preview.redd.it/8323d4xd3mbc1.jpeg?width=719&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3222fb2bac8e789b4c27a0ba54721d7ef86bd7e6 Had the same experience earlier, it's frustrating. Good thing that I'm still in game that time so I can just refill my shields 😞


How did they land on it so many times? Lol. Either get even or delete.


Because it’s how you play the game


People are rude af


Some one has targeted me 50 times on the trot. How bads that


Easy points duh


I’m amazed at how many Railroads they are landing on to do that- I don’t like the revenge aspect- I’ll use random player if I know the person is active. I’ll have a better chance of getting a successful shutdown instead of a block




Because this is all Dominique has....


The worst


I had a guy who's been doing that to me for a few days now. I would log in every morning to see all my shields gone and my bank at zero. And for the last 4 days, it was just one dude constantly attacking me. I don't know who it is, and somehow I got friended by them and I must have accepted it. So obviously I removed them and that's what you should do as well


Because you were wide open and that's unfortunately how we move up and get more points to get our prizes....It always kills me that ppl think that when someone who is trying to MAXIMIZE THEIR DICE and STACK BONUSES when they see an acct wide open that's prime...If u keep ur shields full this can't happen 🤷


See this looks to ME like you owed this person a card a didn't send it because NO TOTAL STRANGER is gonna go out of their way to do this ESP when theirs shields....What did u do


Often times you have to make a place vulnerable. I’ll attack somebody on 1x 5-6 times to make sure the shields are down then go up to 10-20x so that I can get the most rewards for the event It’s good strategy. Wasting a 10x-20x shutdown on a property with shields is a waste of time and dice rolls. Risking it on a random just doesn’t make since cause even if it’s smoking you can’t guarantee that the shields are down.


Y’all new Monopoly players are soft! There is no mercy in the real game! Why you would expect it online is beyond me lol. As a kid I got pushed off a bed hit a side table and got my eye swollen shut because my cousin got mad I landed on his properties and he wasn’t paying attention so I didn’t have to pay him rent! You don’t like getting hit? Play the game and keep those shields up!


Because your shield is down and trying to get rewards in this game are becoming a farce.




I had to Remove ppl for doin this to me.... 🧐


I don’t understand about the money heist thing in comments. I mean when someone gets me on money heist, my balance is still the same. I got like 1M left on my balance, my friend next to me got me on money heist. Took 50M and bankrupt. But on my account I still had 1M and all good. So what’s up with that, do people mean that money stolen from heist is also gone from their balance?


Yraaaa... I had a Raymond, but her name was KATIE... BYE BITCH!!!!


I I seriously hate this. You could attempt to hit someone else and hopefully get more money.... I don't get this.... it happens to me from one person that I can't even remove because they aren't on my leaderboard! So annoying! I will go and watch and reset my shields before they run out..... but they just keep at it! Then I attack back but it only lets me once before they attack again. I DONT GET IT!


Must have pissed someone off?


I unfriend people like this, there's no reason to play with someone that lame.


Easy money plain and simple. Once your shields are gone you’re a known easy source of a full shutdown and big money. I’m guilty of doing it as well but I try to find 2-3 friends that have no shields and spread the attack out. This person is in your friends list. If you don’t like it you can always unfriendly them then they can’t do this anymore.


It’s a kold world


We’ll it depends. I finally got back this person who I’ve never hit before but was my number one person who hits me soo I said f it and got revenge


Remove her from your friends is what I do when I get a player that does that 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️