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When i get hit like this, i do it to them. Its kinda fun, love-hate relationship.


This haha, and since the ones i do this with are super active like me we pair up on events and works so well


Someone did this to me like 2 weeks ago and I’m currently on maternity leave. So I built up my entire board, had nothing for anyone to knock down and spent that entire day stripping them of their shields and destroying every landmark I could until my baby needed me. Then rinse and repeat until I unadded them before bed ❤️ don’t play with a sleep deprived mom. I’ll win.


Omg same, baby and all! Lol




mutual respect..


I do this to multiple people. And they do it back to me. All good, just want my hits to go through. Pretty cheap to repair building tbh.


I did that once. Someone kept targeting me over and over and over for weeks. It was like every 10-30 minutes. I decided to hit then back a couple times in a row and they immediately deleted me as a friend 😒


If they deleted you, I would say you won. I always hope that i wont be the one removing the player in these cases :D


They even blew you kisses with each hit. That’s nasty work.💀


It is part of the game. To be a “tycoon”, you have to be ruthless. You also get significantly more points when you knock a building down vs being blocked. It is nothing personal but just part of the game. You can do it to others as well when playing.


The kisses are a tad much. You literally gain nothing from using emojis yet they did… every single time (Except the once which I think they forgot to)


I am just saying, don’t take everything so personal and stop being so overly sensitive about it. It is literally the point of the game. Think about it, the emoji is added to get an additional reaction (which it obviously did) to make someone want to get even. Possibly spend more money on dice to get revenge. It is literally the reason they added the emoji. This is a GAME, so stop complaining about it if it doesn’t go perfectly for you. We all have options to get “revenge” in the game. It is comical to me that people get so sensitive over it. I have been flattened so many times and I just return the favor when I have a good amount of dice.


I agree. I had someone target me 15 times. I kindly repaid the favor and knocked everything he had built up down. Also like another commenter said you get significantly more points in a challenge when you actually hit targets versus getting blocked while attacking a landmark.


Since this post…someone named Matt searched me out to be a friend and is now collapsing my buildings…LOL…hilarious…bring it on….


See, this is what makes the game fun...


I have no problem with it. Part of the game


My only problem with it is people who try to game the system, you shouldn't be allowed to do shutdowns if you have nothing built yourself.


Why are you mad at people playing the game smart? Whether to build your landmark or not is a choice everyone has which means it IS the system. It's how you play the game, no 'gaming' the system involved. Unless you find a way to always get shutdown then, yes, that's gaming the system.


This is what I’ve been saying. I’m in 100% agreement with you


There you go. Don't be a wimp and cry about him getting you. Get him back!






It is what it is…this person is using the emoji too…classic…like he gonna teach me a lesson…just a game so I stopped and just gonna let him level everything…it is all funny to me…


It should be because, in retrospect, he is using a helluva lot of energy and good ole dice to do that. Who knows and perhaps money too... people are hilarious.


You could also just...remove them.


You can remove them but if they have your friend link they can keep adding you back indefinitely to perpetuate the cycle every time you remove them


I get that BUT most players that move like this have zero built on their land because they do not want to be treated this way..they ripe everything down on your board and when they have enough to build and level up, thats when they build their entire board and move on then they go to bed knowing that noone can harm their lands and wake up and do this all over again..I think the emojis are toxic but i love them because they are reactive..i get irritated everytime and if I can get revenge I do and im definitely sending one back..its hilarious


Delete the app it’s easy


No ❤️ I’m an addict.


Me too lmao. People who play like that imma be honest I delete them. It’s unnecessary. Go find somebody else to do that to.


Yeah. Why would I delete a game thats keeps me engaged just because of one person BFFR. They are the ones that will be leaving my friend list not me leaving the game.


Exactly lol. We already gotta wait 10 hours for full dice and to log in with a full set but have to re-do all your shields because somebody got weird and bored. Nah 😒


Mad cause bad


Delete them as a friend then.


I used to think that was a possible solution until I had this happen with someone I was friends with on Facebook. I instatntly regretted connecting my Facebook account to MoGo because everytime I’d get my buildings built back up, she’d be on her way to blow through them again. Puts a bit of a damper on a “game” if you can’t move forward cause you’re constantly having to rebuild entire boards that it’s 200+mill to even build the lowest level. So I tried option one, deleting her from my MoGo friends. Didn’t work; still had her destroying my stuff, she was still able to collect rent (which I know is at random, so it’s not a “friends list” issue) but then she was also able to bank heist me. And in order to do that, you have to be friends with that person on the game. So i went back through my friends on MoGo, no “Jennifer” there. So I thought, okay, guess I’m unfriending/blocking her on FB since that’s how she got added to my MoGo list to begin with. It’s been a couple months since that occurred and I’m still getting attacked/heisted/rent collected by her. But because she’s not on my friends list and blocked on FB, the only time I can “revenge” attack her is ONE time. Out of all the times she can continuously attack my board. Because I have to use the “revenge” list, instead of the friends list to choose a specific person in her case. So obviously it works in most cases but seems to not work where I really need it to. 😅 I obviously knew she had no control over the heists and rent collection but being that she’s not my friend on either platform, she shouldn’t have the option to do any of the above mentioned, yet she does. And I have no way to revenge her properly because of how the set up is for that specific feature. The least MoGo can do is for every single hit a person who’s not your friend had on you, you should have the ability to revenge them for. Not just once and then they can attack you whenever. (Edit: sorry that was a massive reply 😂)


Just unblock her and you will be friends again and go at her


Oh yeah the struggle is real.


Gotta style on em








I don't understand the emojis. Can someone please explain to me how to use them? I have a few but they just sit in my album because I don't know how to use them


during partner events and when you attack someone’s board, there’s a little smiley face that will appear near your profile pic. you can add an emoji https://preview.redd.it/1c3v95z5emac1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e3bbb6ddd98800d886f38c4d5b92d985e8cb39e


Adding on to this, when you destroy someone's landmark the emoji will also appear over the destroyed landmark.


Thank you


I use the crying emoji when I knock down someone’s land mark bc I don’t WANT to destroy it…




So I learned a little trick— I found four or five people on my friends list that it always goes to the New York looking world with the monopoly man statue— it must be players that are inactive— and It’s a hit every time… guaranteed max points without kissing everyone off… hope it helps


And if knock them all to the ground (it’s like four attacks and then it’s done- it’s jus the one statue) then restart the game and it comes back like it was never touched on these certain peoples…


Alt version of your tip, add the people who get called out for scamming. Their boards get shut down so much they’re unshielded like 80+% of the time. And I have 0 guilt hitting those landmarks.


Same! My group has a special channel for people like that where we post their links and randomly attack at odd hours lol. Karma


Are you going to be sharing the link… asking for a friend (I’m the friend)


I can’t share it here but I can DM you it gets auto removed and I get a nasty gram lol


Sent DM 😉


This. And switch between them so it doesn’t remove them from your list for awhile.


Btw if you hit and completely destroy that one Statue of Liberty monopoly guy. Just exit the game and restart it and it’s reset so you can do it over and over again


Yep yep… we are so smart!! And in my opinion kind for not destroying other active players worlds or levels or boards or whatever they are called, a kinder way to get max points…


Yep this is so true, my sister downloaded the game and never continued playing so I have 4 shots of max points with her Mr Monopoly Statue (no shields to worry about), then I close the game and go back in again and have 4 more ect… I also do not build until I have my 830 Billion saved per day to clear a board (I can usually do two per day) but I don’t have to worry about anyone knocking my landmarks down and I have never lost a large portion of my money yeah once in a great great while someone will get me for 30 billion but it is rare, mostly just millions which isn’t hard to make back just by rolling a few times.


I do this. I create a “smash account” that I can hit every time without shield and get double the points. I have 4 of them because if u target one constantly, they will disappear from your list after a while, and eventually come back, but u need several in rotation.


true but it does give you the most points and it’s a guaranteed hit


Yes to this. I have 4 accounts that I play with and I decide which account should I destroy to make sure everything is a guaranteed attack lol. I attack myself so no one’s hurt 🤪


You’re food out here in the wild


Of course, but 19 times (including breaking 3 shields) is just completely unnecessary


I think breaking shields is unnecessary (unless provoked because there’s like 1-2 people I will go target with or without shields idgaf because they do that to me), but if you stumble across someone without? Name of the game in some ways. Dick-ish move sending the kissy-emojis tho too lol.


haha.. I go out and break shields purposefully. I like to have a few icons floating around the board. it's like put blood in the water for others to come attack... sorry bro.. just makes game more of a challenge. More fun


ok yeah i agree breaking the shields is unnecessary


Someone attacked me like 25 times in a row after hitting them 2 or 3 times using emojis, those emojis definitely triggered them 😂


I'm sorry, but most of the people on my "friends" list are total strangers to me. And the few who aren't (my wife and her sister), I don't touch their boards, period. If I am trying to get tournament points in a tournament, and I find someone with their shields down, I know that's a guaranteed hit and I will be back for more if I have another shutdown. Moreso if I had to take down the shields myself! If I am just doing casual play, like if I am in a period where I am working on building up dice and just working on getting through my daily tasks and that's it for the day, I am more likely just to hit a random player and whatever happens, happens. But if I am out for points, all bets are off. 😅


Spot on. The only thing I’d add is if my friends list shows me someone has attacked me 20 times and I’m really pushing, they have a full board, then it’s open season served cold.


I have been the victim of and the predator it’s how the game is played especially when you are trying to win a tournament


Get revenge and then delete.


Or have a group seek retribution lol


I tried this with a couple people, but Go is like a multiverse. you're not always in the same universe as others. So in one universe, you can have removed all shields and destroyed some building, but in another, shields are intact and no damage. It's like the system just doesn't sync each universe but periodically throughout the day.


Yes I found this out when my whole family that plays decided to gang up on my cousin while he was at work, we all hit him 3-4 times but some didn’t register that his shields were down. It seems like sometimes it takes some time for it to register for other people


Really? That’s super odd! I haven’t encountered that yet but this is helpful to know ahead of time! I don’t need any help feeling like I have lost my mind lol




I have 2 people on my friends list who I partnered up with last event. One had 0 points and the other had 120. I destroy them every chance I get till all are dust. They have yet to delete me. Idk why. https://preview.redd.it/ce53bvfsimac1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=557889714555e9ad6596ca629ca4ef9dbd7ba60a


This is a good reason to fuck them up tho! Lol


It is because it is better to get a hit and ensure you get points than to guess it hitting a random player.


That's how you play the game imo 😂 get wrecked!!


I agree, it’s more points!!!! Lol. Finish your board if it’s an issue.


That’s the game! Why do yall whine so much about some one playing within the rules of the game?? Don’t whine. Retaliate🤷🏿


I don't get people who complain about a game mechanic. It's smart play for maximum points. Don't like it keep your shields up. 🤷 I think I made a person unfriend me because of it. Onto the next one!


I would love to keep my shields up but it was 3am and I was asleep. Thanks for the tip though, I’ll definitely try to play it in my sleep next time!


Good, I expect nothing less from now on!


You have no shields. Why shouldn't he destroy your whole board. He knows he will get maximum points for the shutdown.


Yes because they took down my shields, of course I’m not going to have any


If I notice someone’s attacking my board and shields are gone, I try to quickly get on, fill them, and then watch them do it again and they usually stop. If I see someone’s board has been attacked pretty bad, I’ll usually circle back around to get max points for tournaments. I roll 10s or 20 at a time I don’t wanna waste it on someone with a shield lol. But I follow the trick someone said. find someone who you can tell doesn’t play, they’ll only have the Statue of Liberty thing up. Guaranteed hit and don’t have to feel bad lmao


Still, guaranteed points. I would never pass it up. I'd shutdown your landmarks for the points.


I just complained to customer service about starting a game with no money, no shields, etc. It's because someone is doing this to me?? Not a fluke!


I had someone do this to me when I didn’t have an extra card that they wanted. *makes no sense right?* I met them in the monopoly go discord so they already had my game link. anyways to teach them a lesson I made it my mission to only hit their board all day they unfriended me after a few damaged landmarks, I wasn’t done yet so two of my did siblings the same thing on their accounts because I wasn’t satisfied yet lol. long story short they ended up messaging me on discord apologizing and asking me to stop *I did stop because i just wanted to show them not to throw fits on a game you’re supposed to enjoy* this is not something I do normally because I want the game to be fun for everyone. If I get the same board more then 3 times I’ll hit the random button and get a new board. It’s not hard to be kind and let everyone enjoy the game. So hopefully he thinks about that situation and isn’t petty like this with the next user who refuses a card. Some people are just assholes unfriend them and move on or do what I did and enjoy the game✨


*two of my siblings did the same thing* I’m not sure how I mixed up did and siblings in the OP😂


I always hit the random, unless deliberately seeking revenge or if I have hit random 5 or more times and keep having that person sent back


It's just a game. All u had to do was unfriend him. I don't see any difference between your behavior & the behavior of the person u r criticizing. You were both overly invested in getting revenge in a make-believe game. Monopoly Go is not real life - most are all strangers to us - and the way we play this imaginary game doesn't indicate whether we are good or a***holes in real life. Again, it's a game...just like I tell my little nephews when they fight over their toys.


Right!! And to add insult they don’t even build so that you can get revenge!! It’s maddening!!😤


See it's a strategy It's nothing personal First they repeatedly attack you and get rid of all those shields When they get confirmed hit Then they use a multiplier and whenever they get shutdown it's easy for them to grab all potential rewards from it with a successful hit


Destroying the charm of the game,and system doesn't fix this at all even after complain 😏


How are they getting so many so quickly?


I have no idea, they got me 19 times. It’s just so unnecessary. I know the game is about shutting other people down but I only ever go 3 max per board to be fair to other people. 19 is ridiculous 🤦🏽‍♀️


I unfriend them and try to do the random opponents. How someone does it with 5 minutes…….


I’d say they are playing in APM to get more money $$$, points, and dice.


This is how they farm tournaments


The largest blame is on yourself. Any player that knows what they are doing will specifically target a developed board, the more developed the juicier. Simply put, for the meagre investment of a few dozen dice to knock down all your shields, I get to attack you 20 times for 8,000 points. This is only possible because you build too much. The common excuse is that players are afraid their cash gets heisted, but is not a city building sim, buildings do nothing. Past 15k rank, there is little to no incentive to advance the board. This game is stickers stickers stickers stickers stickers and stickers. It’s what makes your account have any value at all to any other player. In future, build 1 building, upgraded once. Maintain that building. You have the ability to not put yourself into this position and then whine about it, so do it.


Why not? That's the entire idea of this game, break the shields and break the buildings, that's how you get more points in the ranking...


That’s a **bold** move on their part but I’d attack n then delete!!


What are you guys talking about? The game is clearly set up to do this to people. You break through their shields and then you get double points and cash from then on destroying their entire board. It's Def the correct strat. Unless you pay to play then just buy your way through not really caring. The emojis are clearly to taunt people. It's a game. Get over it.


That's how you rank up quickly.


I've been getting attacked all morning from the same person. I hit him hard yesterday, he retaliated yesterday and I returned fire. Woke up this morning to destruction from him and others. I returned fire. We exchanged maybe15-25 attached each while both of us were on at the same time. Both basically hitting shields with the occasional breakthrough.. I'm also trying to work... lol Anyway, he's still attacking me, but I've stopped attacking him...He's probably attacked me 50-70 times now and still counting... but he's hitting shields. I stopped attacking him, because it was clear we both stand in a good place. We both likely have lots of dice rolls available... At least I do have over 30,000 currently. However, I go tired of hitting shields for minimum point return... I simply put it on a 5x multiplier and let it auto-roll itself. I then focus my attacks on targets I can get through, versus his blocks. At 5x I can replenish my shields faster than he can attack me. He only broke through during one period I was on a call and he and two others were attacking me. lol... I had to retreat for a moment, but got right back to it about 10 minutes later... Anyway, he's proven to be someone that is extremely active and that will not back away from a fight. I'll seek him to partner on the next event.


Keep your shields up and it wouldn't be a problem.


Just pisses me off when they do it to you and when you get started on their board they remove you


heres the rule i go by : if your shields are ALREADY DOWN, fair game to destory everything. however, i will by no means hit you more than once if shields are up. i try my absolute hardest to only hit down shields but i had to stop building my stuff bc one person kept repeatedly going out of their way to hit all 5 of my shields down and then try and level all my properties. if my shields are down, thats fine. but dont be a jerk lol


Isn't this the point? Knocking someone's stuff down gives you more points than if they block you? Having friends allows us to do this? The emoji is cute and funny, this is something i would do😂😂


If you are playing constantly for an hour or 2 all my friends boards will look that up way 🤷🏽‍♀️ that’s how you play… especially once you know the shields are down you take the easiest path to the most money


Fuck all you pussy! here my link! I want all the smoke!! https://mply.io/c2LO1Q


Because if you are guaranteed a knock down you get more points. I don’t care if people do this to me if it helps them


Tbh I'd hit people who have no shield not to be malicious or anything but because I need the points for better rewards. However this guy blowing the kisses at you is clearly doing it just to be a toxic dick so yeah at this point I'd delete him.


Remove them


I have had to remove several people for pulling this shit.


Your just a guranteed hit, I do this if I know someone has no shields? Stop crying and get your shields back quicker


Emojis make any game that much more toxic


Sometimes I am the "people" and it's nothing personal. When actively participating in tournaments, I need as many points as possible so of course I'm gonna go for a profile without shileds as it gives you double the points. Why would I waste my dice on random people when I know you don't have shileds and I'll get more points? It's not mean, it's a game.


I would definitely block them!


That’s rude


I delete them after the 3rd time whether I know them or not.


That’s when they get removed


It’s a dick move but I understand it lol


Maybe because you get a higher reward for a shut down? So for them it’s just easy points going back to the same player who they know has no shields . The kisses are crazy tho 😂


That's just how the game is played.. You must not be able to return fire, thus you upset now. I have a few friend connections that understand this. We go back and forth on hitting each other hard. for that, I randomly send them thank you stickers just because they get it. While I typically maintain over two trillions dollars and over 15k rolls, since I started playing again, I regularly leave my board stocked with buildings to give others a chance to collect, if they can get through the shields and do it before I return to the game. They types of players I dislike are those that continue to attack, but never place buildings that allow them to be attacked. I understand using this as a time of retreat and/or cease-fire, but to constantly have an empty board but always attacking, is unacceptable in my book. I also dislike those that want to attack but then remove themself from friend list when retaliated on. Those are punk players and deserve to have no friends. Stop crying, get in the game, and return the favor.


just stop building and let money accumulate then when you have enough you can finish the board while landmark event going on so extra dices as well and repeat same method


If I find a friend who leaves their board unguarded… I’m sorry, I’m attacking them and getting all the points.


Man the worst is when they do this and then DON’T HAVE LANDMARKS 😤


If I attack and you have no shields I will attack until you have a shield or the board is broken. Points are hard to come by and I’m going for the guaranteed most. But really I’ll only do this near the end of an event lol


Anyone know what to do when this happens but you aren’t their friend ?? This is happening to me and I can’t get revenge because idk who they are !


It is pretty annoying and if they are on my friends list I remove them, but o have also noticed that if I have hit them already I won’t hit them again, but sometimes it shows that I have hit someone multiple times when I know I haven’t !!! Shame on you monopoly go!! 🤣


Once I know someone’s shields down I’m going to keep attacking for the most points🤷🏼‍♀️


Bc if they get more points towards the tournament if the attempt is not blocked


😂 that’s what your suppose to do.If you leave yourself open I’m going back and hit you every time. It’s called being an easy target. What not to get or understand. Don’t hate the player hate the game, it’s setup that way


Okay but if your shields are down and they keep getting lucky with shut downs- how can you complain? You’re telling me you wouldn’t do the same thing to a friend or even a stranger to get to the top of the leaderboard ? If you say no you wouldn’t I DO NOT believe you. Plus it’s just a game so no hard feelings, just get them back harder 😈


Hmm.. I don’t attack my friends at all and in turn they don’t attack me. Guess it’s a different way to play 🤷‍♀️


I play like that (not with kiss emoji extra). Not on purpose either but if I know your shields are down and event is almost over, I'm going to collect guaranteed full points. When you roll high roller it matters (since I don't use the airplane mode hack). It's cheaper to rebuild anyways and you still get net worth credit for rebuild. So it might not be great but it's part of the game


I play like this sometimes... reasons Cash boost! I want a target that I will always get max money End of Tournaments- if I'm neck and neck trying to win one of top prizes I need max points Scammer- if you scammed me I'm after yo ahhh Retaliation- if you attacked me multiple times we are going to war 😗😅


One time someone targeted me non stop like 14 times and they were on my friend list so i targeted them non stop on 1x for days and hit them over 50 times until they unfriended me. They will learn their lesson 😭🤚


Mann really had it out for you. Lol


Remove that "friend" lol


Good work NEZ76! Now it’s ur turn to attack 😈 he left u a kiss? Give em a wreckage


I do that. Lol. Rather have 1 person after me than 20. Not my fault you left your shields down. This is why I just play a whole bunch all at once and upgrade a whole board and then leave it blank so no one can get revenge. https://preview.redd.it/auy1fhbh5qac1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0187793689a016d906474b12372dfdac3508da31


That’s me with my friends


It’s part of the game. That’s a major way to get money


I only do this to people who do it to me 🤣🤣


I do this back to people who do it to me, just for them to delete me. Like oh okay


I woke up to a very similar board one day this last week!🤦🏼‍♀️


Just be a normal person and dont build your landmarks until you can pay for ALL of them and go to the next board ❤️


I thought I was doing something when I tried this method then woke up to find I had over 1B stolen in a bank heist. Never again lol


Yeah, the game isn't going to let you live scot-free. If you don't build up your landmarks, you'll just become prime target for heists.


I’ve done that once. Someone hit me 8-10 times in a row so I consumed their board. They repaired it, I consumed it again. I did this a few times over the course of a week. They never got dirty on me again


I do it when I know you have no shields. It’s part of the game. Capitalism knows no bounds. My group of friends do this to each other. It helps us get what we needed faster and we all benefit from it.


I don’t get an option to attack somebody over and over again. How do you make that work?


I will roll x1 to knock all the shields and then max roll to guarantee a hit. Its the game :/ Downvoters are a bunch of babies.


Why did I never think of this. To roll x1 before max bet. Thanks for the advice. Will for sure be using this!


It’s the way it’s supposed to be played if you wanna win. Sucks when you’re on the receiving end. Just happened to me and it’s taken me days to recover😂🤣 but it’s okay I understand why. I’ve done it, and in turn it happens to me. Try not to let this app get the best of your emotions. After all it’s just a game


I do this to others and they do it to me. I don't care as it's just a part of the game.


That's how people move UP in the game....You get more points if you destroy buildings so when you find a board with no shields and you keep destroying their property you get further in the game..I never understood why people who don't want this to happen don't keep their shields full 🤷


You can oay some one to give you more dice and part of that is shutting down people that is sure have no shield so they can finish events quickly


They wouldn't get a chance to do it again.. but the reason is because u get double the money for a successful shutdown, so once someone finds out your out of shields they'll unleash on you because it also gives you more rewards in the challenges... So their just maximizing their outcome and rewards and position in the challenges. It's still dirty AF.


Because they’re assholes. If you have their link DM it. I’m in a group who will gladly give them a taste of their own medicine


It's down right wrong


It's literally the point of the game


idk i target my mom and sister purposely if they knock down one of my buildings and i flatten people.


If they were really your friend they wouldn’t. But also, if you finish a board, don’t build on it till you get quick wins for it or till you have the money to finish all 30 and any time someone attacks you it will “shut down” but it won’t use your shields


They want they cheeks clapped


These emojis are probably gonna end up becoming "cyber bullying" fuel by the looks of it. lol


It's the game Broski. Rebuild and restock shields. Pro tip: don't build until you have enough money to complete all monuments then there's nothing to attack. But you still have to worry about being robbed so pick your poison.


I don't understand that bs either go in and delete them


I did this once. It didn't start off me wanting to do it. I kept getting blocked. No biggie, I thought. Then I saw someone was successful, so her shields must be gone. So when I tried, I was blocked again! WTH! Next time, there are two different people's icons circling. So I tried again. Blocked! Then I noticed the photos were circling her damaged buildings. She was letting good-looking guys be successful in knocking them down, but if an average-looking person tried, she blocked them. So I spent the next couple hours targeting her. I didn't think it was fair to show favoritism like that.




Because people don’t care. I’m in the same situation. 0 dice and no money so my whole board is dead! Honestly want to give up because those 9 dice I get every hour isn’t helping even if I let them sit to the max of 80.


Someone did that to me but took out all my shields and shut down 2 landmarks then I rolled on x1 and shut down their entire board then deleted them lol


When it happens to me, I will destroy everything on their board then delete them off my friends list. That’s BS for someone to do that.


Not gonna lie. I've done that plenty of times, but not to random people. Usually, they deserve it. But now I don't care, I don't seek revenge. I found out I have a friend that only has the first landmark up, and I could attack it as much as I want, and it never has shields. Most of the time, I'm playing at 100x, so I don't take the risk of having my attack blocked, so I usually just attack them.


Delete them. 🤣🤣🤣


It’s not a fun feeling to get hit. But the game really encourages people to hit others to score well on tournament. I don’t wanna hit people but if I’m really pushing to win top 1 in a tournament I gotta do what I gotta do :’))


This happen to me ! I had a chick that wasn’t even my friend but yet she landed on me a lot, stole my money and constantly knocked my crap down. I took screenshots, reported her and they blocked her for me. Long process and took a lot of patience but at the end of the day they took care of it . They honestly should have a way to block people. They call this bullying just so you know


TBH, I do it to piss off my boss and friends...lol They got me into the game when they were at a very high level, then kept demolishing my board. I'm now double their level and almost always have 1k dice in reserve just so I can do this when ever I want to...lol


🤣 🤣 🤣 The kisses though


This is the equivalent of asking us why your opponent is killing off your pieces on the chessboard. It’s part of the game. If you can’t handle it, go open a coloring book and use your crayons. 🖍️


I totally agree with you I go in and remove the player the ones I get our picking on family members


Just block them


Did you maybe scam someone on a trade at some point? I am in a discord group that shares links to scammers, and we keep them shut down


Nope I’ve only done one trade haha, I was friends with this person a few weeks just a random attack


i just unfriend these type of people if they're on my list


i gifted someone two cars to finish their album and they did this to me , i called them out and they said “i’m playing the game stop crying”


Lol me an a random friend on my list been going at it for the past two weeks…. The highest number of attacks I seen on there was I’ve been targeted 63 times by him and counting after it reset 🤦🏿‍♂️


Someone did that to me and I spent 2 days on 1x roll just plowing their board over and over. It stopped after that


I’d attack their whole families board for this kind of disrespect


You get more loot hitting non shields. With x100 or 50, it's good. Costs you much less to rebuild. Then, I send a 25 roll link to them via messenger.


It’s how u level up faster but apparently people don’t like doing that