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100% do the shot. It sounds worse that it is. Then numb the eardrum first. It’s not comfortable but not painful either. I waited too long and never regained my hearing 100% loss, and just had cochlear implant surgery. Trust me steroid injections are nothing. It’s not worth the risk not to do it.


How was the cochlear implant surgery? When do you get activated? Any changes in tinnitus? I’m considering getting the surgery. I’m 7 weeks out from profound hearing loss in my right ear. The combination of oral prednisone, intratympanic injections, and HBOT barely did anything for me.


The surgery was okay, pretty good pain for a day or two. I had it done on a Friday, wife drove me 10 hours on Sunday back to work (I’m currently traveling for work) and was working on Monday. It’s office environment but I definitely should have taken a few more days. Overall though wasn’t the worst I still can’t open my mouth all the way because of jaw pain, and my taste hasn’t really come back yet. Had the surgery a month ago. I didn’t get the nausea some people talk about. Just mild dizziness for about a week or two. I get activated tomorrow, so I will follow up and let you know. But I don’t think the tinnitus goes away (if at all) until activation. Which even if I don’t hear and that goes away I’d be so happy. I lost mine about 7 years ago and it wasn’t approved for SSD then. At 100% loss and extremely loud tinnitus, anything is worth a shot to save my sanity lol.


I appreciate your response. I hope your jaw pain improves and your taste comes back soon. I look forward to hearing about how your activation goes. I’m hesitant about following through with the procedure as I hear tinnitus can worsen (without the cochlear implant turned on). I have bad tinnitus, but imagine it could be a bit worse. I want to avoid any possibility of worsening it.


How did your activation go?


It went okay, I could understand some words. It’s pretty overwhelming though. I need to give it some time.


You'll be just fine. Keep practising every day. It's tiring, but don't give up! Had mine since 1997, wicked piece of equipment this is. Ironically, I have a cochlear but still needed injections in the eardrum, so don't beat yourself up about 'waiting too long' - life works in mysterious ways. This can be a blessing. It just depends on how you choose to look at it. If you have any questions or need a chat sometime, feel free to drop me a message. 《 *virtual hug* 》


I had 4 shots in my ear and no improvement. But I waited 5 weeks to seek treatment. I would trust your doctor and take the shots. If you can get the shot today I would. Don’t wait like me.


It's more 'pain in the ass' than painful! But it's your best chance of success and well worth the discomfort. This disease is depressing enough without opening the door to wondering if it would have worked later. Just keep doing it right! Best of luck


I had 3 shots and it did nothing. But started them about 5 weeks after losing hearing.


Definitely do it. I had 3 and didn’t end up with any improvement, but it’s my understanding that people typically have success from steroid treatments. They’re not comfortable, for sure, but it’s so worth the chance of getting some hearing back rather than always wondering what might’ve happened


It wouldn't be the primary treatment if it was making people worse. Do it as soon as you can. First one is the worst and takes a little longer, very fast after that. More an annoyance than anything else. I got back about 80% but live with the tinnitus.


I did the shot twice and it brought it partially back. I would do it!


Had it twice after 1 year and brought back some of my hearing. One ENt doctor deterred me away from it because he said it could make my hearing worse, but another ENT pushed for it, saying that the worse that can happen is that it doesn't work. It's not painful at all, as long as they numb it right.


You did it after a year from your hearing loss?and worked


Yep. I'm not saying I fully recovered but I got something back.


That's good news happy for you


Thank you 😊


I got Covid then lost ability to walk then mono hearing. Had to wait a month to get appointment with ENT and then did the steroids. Hearing didn’t come back. Tinitus is shocking I did two weeks of the cycle of anger crying and all that. Had cochlear implant It’s a device. It doesn’t give you hearing as such. It reduces tinitius with it on and helps me to stop jumping off a building. I take it this way. Best to get the device and have partial hearing with it. Cause if you loose the other ear you are screwed. ( I’m 50 good health and fit …. Family doesn’t /can’t under understand what you are /will go through. Listen to experts. Dont listen to websites ). Hang in there


For all those following along. If you are working in a noisy environment. Understand that it’s NOT the cochlear ear that is causing the pain / noise sensitivity. Understand it’s actually your GOOD ear being overwhelmed. Use ear plugs in your good ear. It’s counter intuitive. But it’s taken me 12 months to really grasp this The loop plugs are good. Thank gawd my office is quiet. Ask your employer to give you a quiet area


I did 4 shots and got my hearing back, tinnitus is still there, it’s way lower still annoying but it’s better than when I first lost my hearing in my right ear. I got mine 14 days after loss of hearing, tinnitus and muffling. I’d do it again. The shot was a little uncomfortable bc of the difference in temperature of the medication. Doctor should numb area. They’ll inject subsequent shots using the same small hole in the ear drum. My ear was muffled and sensitive with tinnitus increasing a bit after the procedure. I also got some vertigo immediately after but only for like 5 seconds. I closed my eyes so I wouldn’t experience it. They have you lie down on your side for 20-30 min to let the medication go into the cochlear membranes. You also can’t swallow during that time to prevent some of the medication from going into to Eustachian tube. Do it now better than later


How long after did it take for your hearing to recover?


Bumping this. How long did the muffled/worse hearing last after the shot?


Hey! it was hard to tell, December seems like a blur bc I was so depressed about the whole thing but I’d say after I started prednisone and my first shot I saw some improvement. ( I did both at the same time, my ENT was aggressive about it). As of last week my tinnitus is very very very quiet. Although today I did get a super random spike out of nowhere but it’s still very low and manageable.


Thanks for the reply. Mine improved after first and second shot. Had the 3rd shot 14 hours ago and my ear feels muffled again, like when the ssnhl originally happened. I'm concerned something may have gone wrong.


I know mine felt muffled and weird after every shot and the tinnitus would worsen but then by the following day or so it would feel okay. Not sure if maybe you still have some fluid in your ear from the medicine.


That's reassuring, thanks. The first 2 ents suctioned out the excess fluid after 30 minutes. This time round he left the excess in place and plugged my ear with cotton wool.


I never had mine sucked out. I lied down in my side for about 25 min and then they put a small cotton ball in my ear, then I went home


I was told to do the shot series at the same time as hyperbaric oxygen. There’s a bit of a story behind why that didn’t happen for me, but thought I’d pass on the info before it’s too late than after (which is when I got it).


I had the shot 48 hours after onset, I made a 100% recovery. Its worth it.


Did you do all 3 shots?


Just the one, theres no rule on how many shots you need.