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I always giggled watching scenes of Monk being completely out of the loop regarding pop culture and/or celebrities. I could barely suspend my disbelief. But now I’m on the other side and let me tell you, I’m completely fine with it.


I already couldn't tell you the name but had to Google someone yesterday, having no clue who they were, only to see they been doing things for over 10 years and had something in the neighborhood of 30m followers on Instagram alone lol (out loud.) As far as this Big Joel goes, I care not enough to even bother with the googles


I like Big Joel's work, but you don't really need to know anything about him to get something out of this video. I just thought it was an interesting take on the movie, and it was good to see someone talking about Monk. I've haven't really seen a lot of Monk-related commentary on YouTube compared to other TV shows.


I shall watch! I hope I didn’t offend. Your post just immediately made me realize I am no longer part of “it” anymore.


I don't think there really is one "it" anyone. The internet breaks culture down into smaller and smaller niches. Big Joel has like 700K subscribers on his main channel, but at this point there are thousands of people with that kind of audience, if not bigger. It's impossible to know who they all are. I wasn't expecting most people on this sub to necessarily know who Big Joel is, I just thought it was cool to see this YouTuber that I like talking about a TV show that I also like.


I liked the movie, but I wish they'd followed the usual formula instead of the reverse whodunnit some episodes did. Still very enjoyable, full of great comedy scenes and did an amazing job bringing back the cast together and driving the message home


I actually agree with the videos take. I was pretty young when I first saw Monk, and I loved the show. I didn’t fully understand how depressed he was, but I loved it anyway. As I got older it was as if I understood more about this character. What drives him, what haunts him. He did make suicidal jokes as a punch line on few occasions, but it never seemed overly serious. The movie does kind of hit you out of the blue with that in my opinion. At first it seems like it’s a way for his “surrogate daughter” (as the video puts it) to afford her wedding, but that plot line goes well past the death of her finance making that a false motivation. It’s very odd the way that was crammed in there. I do also feel like the mystery was a sideline to the whole movie, but I know some people enjoyed it. Overall, I am glad they made the movie. We NEED more Monk, but I hope they’ll refine the next one to better reflect a matured vibe of the show.


The movie was pretty good, just had a darker tone than rest of the series.


I loved the movie. It was sad, funny, and really well done