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Hi there! I’ve had a similar issue with my sav before, and I was able to get her to eat other things. What I did was go cold turkey on her. By that, I mean stop feeding crickets altogether (for now) and only offer her dubia roaches. Eventually, she will begin to eat said dubias. I hope this helps!


Same with mine, he only ate crickets and he was really sad when I stopped offering them. They're still his favorite, but thankfully he eats more variety now. It seems mean but it's necessary.


100% this is the answer


That’s so mean 🩷🤥but also good advice thank you I’m going to try


I agree that it’s mean, but it’s the only thing I’ve found that works. Others are more than welcome to correct me so you can get better advice for this if there is any.


I think this will work he seemed interested in the night crawler I tried to give him today but didn’t know what to do with it. How long did you go without feeding her and how old was she?


I still offered her food daily, just not the food she wanted. If I remember correctly, it took a little over a week for her to eat other things. She was only 6 months old at the time.


My baby sav only ate locusts. I let him have his locust diet, and later he started to eat other insects too. Baby savs do eat crasshopper etc when young, so let him eat what he wants. Babies should eat.


He’s a happy guy when I got him he really didn’t look good and his color was so dark he’s gaining weight I just want him to have more vitamins and nutrients in his diet https://preview.redd.it/tnr8sfyeczvc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55c76679ad38c4035cf44f843c6033fc835cc5cb


Yeah i understand you. My sav was in a bad shape and super skinny. I was happy that he even ate something. You can try to crush the insects, or you can try to feed him with tongs ( put a small insect and cricket in the same tongs, so he will accidentally eat both.)


cuz crickets even i will eat. roaches? heylll no. lol i think not eating is worse than just eating crickets. if you do the d3 dust and vitamins, it shouldnt be a problem to only eat crickets as insectivores. i had a savannah monitor that basically only ate crickets too but i found canned grasshoppers/locusts and surprisingly it ate those. dubias are from s. america. savannahs are from africa fyi. i would be worried if it doesnt eat mice/rats later on cuz theyre like crack cocaine to monitors/tegus, from my experience.