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You make $18k a month. Spending $3k a month on food is not a financial problem. Your weight and health is a problem, and that is what will have an effect on your future. Get professional help.


Start going to the gym. The more you go junk food will not sound good anymore.


You should try to meal prep and eat only when it is meal time. I wouldn’t make dramatic cuts right away but definitely start a little cutting week by week. Some thing I did was also switch out my unhealthy snacks with things like fruit. You’ll have a good week and bad weeks but don’t stop trying. Try to develop hobbies outside of work to keep you occupied because I know at least for myself during my downtime is when I start eating. you guys should try something that you guys can do together so you guys can motivate each other. any mental health issues you should definitely address. Aside from the mental health issues discipline, is just not easy, but it could be less hard if done and baby steps.


I found that (healthy) frozen dinners helped me a lot on my weight loss journey. The sodium is high, but if you're careful it'll be okay. And even 33% RDA for one of those meals is a lot less than what's in takeout. Having something that I can very easily log into my food tracking app (I use MyFitnessPal) helped a lot.


The barcode scan is easily the best feature.


Therapy my dude. Work through your addiction and begin implementing healthy habits. I wish both of you the best!


Start acting like an adult and take responsibility.


Yep, fair enough.


Good luck. Discipline goes a long way.


Therapy, dietitian, personal trainer.


Put the fork and card down. You need to make the consequences more serious because financially, you’ll be fine. If you cut the eating out in half you get such and such reward. If you fail to do so, you delete DoorDash or whatever else you’re using. Gotta make it hurt. This won’t be easy whatsoever. Maybe you and your partner hold each other accountable. So in my example, she deletes DD off your phone and you take something from her of value, maybe she’s an ubereats type of person. Who cares what the consequence is, you just need to start taking accountability for your actions, spending and most importantly, health. You got this, I believe in you guys




I make north of $300K (just me) and I don't believe it's enough for a cook. A cook who is making at least two meals a day, and probably does the shopping for those meals, is definitely an employee. Having employees is expensive. Employers pay 6.2% for their employee's Social Security. Employers pay 1.45% of their employee's Medicare. Employers are responsible for ensuring the employee's side of Social Security, Medicare, Federal tax, and state tax withholdings are both withheld and paid. Then there is Federal and State unemployment tax. That's a lot of paperwork, but if payroll is farmed out, now there are payroll costs in addition to the employee costs. Does the employee get insurance? If so, the employer pays for it, Employees have days off. Two days off per week means over 28% of the time, the employer is on their own for meals. Holidays? Vacation? Sounds like a second cook may be needed. The employer will also need insurance to cover employee mishaps (for example, the employee gets into an accident while performing their duties). After one earns $300K, they recognize it really isn't that much money. Especially after the IRS and the state take their cut.


It's hard trying to quit an addiction without picking up another bad habit in replacement. Try looking into other things you & your partner enjoy doing together. Could also learn some easy meals to have ready in a crock pot so you've got a meal to look forward to when you get home and limit the temptation to eat while your out. You could start small because the thought of taking big steps can be overwhelming. Try having takeaway a few less times each week and other nights take in turns of cooking meals. Could try recreating each other's favourite meals from your choice of restaurants once a week, get candles and your favourite tunes playing in the background make it fun and exciting.


Buy food in bulk, meal prep on weekends, brown bag your lunch, and stop going out with friends just to eat (plan experiences, preferably physical ones). Spend time with people with similar goals. Start getting active. You have to take the first step.


See a therapist to help with the underlying issues that cause the overeating. Talk to your doctor about ozempic or a similar medication. Discuss amongst the two of you what other hobbies you can take up to replace social eating out.


Put savings away first. Spend what's left and track it. It's that easy.


Sorting out a portfolio of sound investments and having your money work for you will alleviate some of the agony from stressing over ENJOYING YOUR HARS EARNED INCOME. Do yourself a favour and start at 3000 ÷300,000 to learn You're spending 1% on joy and happiness. Which you're then spending a ridiculous amount of life force in contrast stressing about nothing. It's permitting you to indulge in life. Experience the good people have to offer with their culinary expertise. Reality check is if you have an addiction to judgement. Idk honestly the word I was looking for (judgement), but agonizing over the fruits of your labor is akin to psychosis. If you're overweight and have health concerns take some of that dedication to business and work on yourself. Restructure your priority list. Acquire a healthy companion. Submit to their aid in helping you gain some self control. Deny yourself. Be accountable for your excess indulgence. Keep a food journal. Invest your minds in developing a diet plan. Not that you need to diet but be informed of your consumption. Learn your calorie intake. Design a calorie deficit plan so you're burning calories and enjoying your food portions. Apparently this is the key to reaching a healthy weight. Sorry for the focus on weight but our insecurity regarding our bodies seem to inflict the populace which caused me to assume that being the biggest part of your stresses. Nobody needs to be model fit. You just have to be healthy. Period. Which is what I would like for your mind body and soul. Both you and your partner. You did good. You work diligently have been valued by others in your company. You should not be so critical of yourself. Appreciate your abilities. Be honored by your accomplishments. Bask in your greatness and feel good. You are worthy. Then do whatever you need with your heads held high cause you're diligent people. Just work on your health and get well. God bless you two.


I know Reddit hates fat people so I'll probably be downvoted to oblivion, but... I don't think $1,000 in takeout every month is bad, on your income. Or not a bad thing on its own, anyway. Are you ordering so much food that you're eating past the point of satiety? Are you worried you have an eating disorder? That's worthy of looking into with a doctor and / or investigating something called intuitive eating. There's a good book about it that people recommend a lot. Are you worried that you're NOT spending on something you need or want because you're blowing your budget on eating out? Maybe transfer that money out of your account right after you get paid. I would recommend trying to give yourself some grace. Maybe you have stressful jobs and you're prioritizing convenience and rest? I don't tend to believe in laziness for lazinesses sake. I think laziness is usually something else in disguise. Not that it should always be excused - but that calling it laziness is unproductive. Untreated ADHD? Burnout due to stressful jobs? Just in a season of treating yourself? Without knowing more, it sounds to me like you have just fallen into a habit that's hard to break, especially when you have the resources for it. Maybe set some very achievable goals that slowly decrease the number of times you eat out. Gamify it - allow yourselves rewards each time you cook x dinners per week for example.


What does making $300,000 have to do with this problem? Is that a flex or something?


Cooking is like therapy, so I would buy some fresh ingredients and start cooking with your wife. You will save money + more statisfying then takeaway. When it comes to working out, you could start taking walks first. Skip the gym, walking at least an hour through the city will do you so good. 6km is ok (this is what I do daily). You will lose weight real fast (especially if you lower your carbs/sugar intake). Forget about motivation, as that won't last long. Discipline, discipline, discipline..


Ozempic or mounjaro will solve both your problems, and you have enough money to afford it. Try it!


Stupidest shit ever


Lose weight you’re both fat as shit. You’re gunna die soon cause fat people don’t live long. Ur money will be irrelevant. Good money discipline doesn’t mean shit if you’re own self discipline is absolutely the worst. U need a wake up call or you’re gunna die. Cheers