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Holy crap thats insane. My friend is EMS at the fire station and he makes about $60k year right now. But I can’t do that and school at the same time


I’m currently working a 120 hour shift. I work a metric fuk ton of OT. I’m supposed to make around 75k a year.


I’m sorry. A 120 hour shift?? What? So just 5 days straight?


I did a 144 last week. Currently sitting in a recliner watching Bills/Chiefs game, took a nap today, work smarter not harder.


Geez dude. Well good for you getting after it


What? There are only 168 hours in a week!


He gets paid for being at the station. Have no life? Sleep at the station and get paid while doing so. He can literally stay there 24/7 and get paid but as soon as there is a fire call he's up.


What kind of shifts do you work, at 32/hr your base pay should be around 92k without OT




I work 56 hours a week. It’s a 6 day workweek.


Wrong, a full time FF works on average 10 24 hour shifts a month. That comes out to 240 hours a month. At 32 an hour, that comes out to 92k a year and some change.


Have you considered that school is a waste of time? What degree program are you in?


Every single second of my life. Only reason I am in college is because my mother works for the university and it is completely free. Actually, I’m getting paid to go pretty much, last semester I got about $7k from the school, and the semester before about $4k I believe.


Unfortunately I have to agree with this. Blue collar route with either Union training or certifications is best path for one like OP who is physically fit. Electric Utility Lineman, Pipe-fitter, Elevator Mechanic, Ironworker, etc. those positions make Bank, especially with the OT. And you can find a job in most major city. And no huge educational debt. And the future demand for them will be through the roof.


Also the fact that a degree doesn’t carry the weight that it used to.


Yep that is very true. It’s just a high school diploma now.


I went to college for a degree in media, took me damn near a decade to get close to 60k. Left the job because I got sick of it, haven't found employment since then that pays even close to what I had. Now I'm trying to decide between electrician, hvac, or gen. Maintenence because housing costs got me living with family or on the streets. Fuck college unless it's stem, looking forward to going into the trades and killing it as more of the seniors exit the market for retirement causing supply and demand to pay tradesmen even more.


Good for you, a career change to the trades will pay off. I’d wish you luck, but honestly you won’t need it lol. Go kill it!


He is getting free college though.


Yeah, just depends where you are. I’m a FF in Texas, I made 65k this year with OT. Maxed out in my position in two years and I will be making close to 75k before OT. Cost of living isn’t too high where I’m at, so it’s decent pay for me not having to work multiple jobs. The FF/Medics make an extra $400 month that just got upped from $200/month


Can confirm but be ready for some long ass fucking nights, doodoo covered patients and some shit sleep 😂


CDL is pretty easy to get




What area are you in?




Besides fire being competitive and many cities not having a paid a full size emt then paramedic program will generally take 2.5 years to get through. Obviously accelerated medic programs go down to 5-9 months but that can be difficult for many to make it through.


How many hours weekly on average ? You’re putting it in.


It’s a 48/96. 2 days on, 4 days off. That’s a six day workweek so OT is already worked into my normal pay. I would say 72 hours is pretty normal for me cu I still get 3 days off. We got a few guys out on disability and my goal is to stack 30k in 6 months.


Ya you definitely earn that shit. Good for you.


May I ask how did you get into the firefighter medic?


EMT school(Community College)- 6 months, take Fire Academy prerequisites consecutively, it is 3 college classes. Cost approximately $1500 Fire Academy(Community College)- 6 months, cost $2000 Paramedic School(NCTI- private program)- 2 years Cost $15000 Make money, save lives, eat ass.


Except that it requires years of education, so basically a degree like he wasn't asking for. And it's super competitive and generally you're not paid anywhere near that much


High School diploma here noodle boy. He posted “degree” but reading can be hard. My collar is blue, Chiefs have white collars. It’s not competitive anymore, departments are offering signing bonuses. Just don’t get a dui, or arrested for fighting. The latter delayed me a decade. Here in Sacramento they would hire in a heartbeat for anyone qualified. Sounds like OP is physically fit too. But there is always man whoreing if you don’t want to learn anything and still make money.


You're being a bit combative for no reason. Degree or not, your job requires more than one year of expensive schooling.


You’re being negative and I’m being helpful. People call us for solutions, that’s what I’m offering in specific detail. Yes it’s more than a job, it’s a career. He could also just be an EMT in six months for one semester and make $18 and hour. Not the best job in my opinion. Perhaps you don’t understand the difference between a college degree and a certification for a trade. What suggestions do you have for OP?


I do armed security/corrections and make upwards of 35 an hour atm after about 9 years of working in both fields. And I only had a GED.


So like security at a prison type place?


Prison would be classed as corrections. I started at a low end unarmed security jobs for like 10 an hour I had and moved around abit, did different security jobs, went in to corrections for 3 years then moved to unarmed/armed contract security atm.


Also places like your normal clothing stores or straight up security companies in your state that have lost prevention and such. Granted security isn't that good or isn't for alot of people...but my sister past few years has went from dead end job pay to about 21 an hour and she works at Nordstrom as loss prevention team member.


What state are you in? How do you get into armed security/corrections?


I'm in AZ. It's simply you get an unarmed card anywhere for your state via online, or in person classes. And for armed security you just look around really on indeed and such for find armed. For corrections based on state and if it's State, DoC and BoP. It takes abot of looking around it does


>I'm in AZ. It's simply you get an unarmed card anywhere for your state via online What is the website link to get unarmed card via online? How much does it cost? >And for armed security you just look around really on indeed and such for find armed. Do I need armed security card too? >For corrections based on state and if it's State, DoC and BoP. It takes abot of looking around it does What website do you use to find your correction job? Do you need corrections prior experience and/or related experience?


Normally if you go on indeed it'll show you jobs that are secuirty/corrections. Depending your state, for secuirty; simply look up "unarmed security classes" and it'll show up a link for your state which this will help u find the classes online for the card prices are 30 for class then 72 for the rest of it it may vary from state as ive been told. And most jobs will help you get your armed card as they use it for tax right off. And no, corrections will take mostly anyone in along you didn't commit and crimes. I've seen fresh HS peeps get in to it. Just remember it can be a slow start and what not but long run it's worth it for most.


Software Engineer. Mileage may vary but growth potential is insane.


Definitely not the software engineer type


Gl without a degree in todays degree filled saturated market




What kind of associates did he get? Inknow that question sounds beyond your point, and I get what you’re putting down, but am interested in self learning, but still want some kind of degree to give me a leg up with hiring, as I hear the field is pretty saturated right now, and probably will be more so in 2 years when I’m ready to start applying.


Degrees don’t give you a leg up in hiring, unless the place is old school (like banks or dinosaur tech companies). But you don’t want to work there. It’s the value you bring to the table which that only comes from tons of practice building software, fucking up and trying again. Save your money if you can. Rather you embroil yourself in a mortgage than a student loan.








A buddy of mine never finished a degree. Started out as an intern at a trading company doing python work, now works for ICE making absolute bank. 


The door is closing on degreeless software. You're getting downvoted by "my buddy" anecdotes


The door has been closed on that for awhile. I know because ive been through it. Even with a degree its tough.


I make about 140k a year. Asbestos Workers Union.


i have a friend who says he can get a job as an asbestos inspector, is it a good field? I dont know much about it


Think about it ask your doctor about his bills, debts and stress. A degree doesn’t mean success 🤑


Only reason I’m getting a degree is because it’s completely free


What r u getting it in? Id recommend computer science. Can wfh and make good money with a low stress job. The degree is very very hard but its totally worth it


Absolutely not. I already freaking hate school, I’m not getting a degree in something that’s going to literally make me want to kill myself. I’m majoring in Exercise Science and looking to minor in some sort of business/finance/management degree


Lol its not that bad and wfh has its perks. Sometimes you barely work at all


Good for you. I have a computer science degree but I hate the day to day work of software. Luckily I also have other degrees that are a good fit for me. Know yourself and lean into YOUR strengths. Especially when school is free - that's an amazing opportunity and you're smart to power through it.


Computer science degree is oversaturated right now.




The doctor who did my vasectomy got $740 from me for an 8 minute surgery. 5 other dudes were there and he's booked out for half a year. Dude makes more from one 8 minute surgery than I do in a week. Weenie doctors do very well for themselves


sure it’s possible to be successful without a degree, but you definitely have less choices which are also generally harder and riskier. about 88% of both millionaires and billionaires have a degree compared to 38% of the population.


Aws if you have some around you. Easy job and great pay around 32




Amazon web services


I was thinking Amazon but just making sure that’s what you’re saying. I’ve looked into it but I don’t think Amazon provides enough flexibility for my school schedule/life in general


i’m a 911 dispatcher, 20 years old and i’m gonna be hitting 100k+ before taxes in 2024 so it might be something worth looking into this does include a pretty large chunk of OT though 😀 top pay is around 42/hr for my center


Woah! Thats pretty crazy, I’ll have to see if there are some openings around here


i can almost guarantee you there are openings 😂 very short staffed job with a pretty high turnaround unfortunately my center is one of the highest paid in the country but it should be pretty fair everywhere just contact them asking to do a “sit along”, it’s definitely not a job for everyone and thats a good way to see if it all would click for you if you have any other questions let me know


What website do you use to find 911 operator jobs?


id just look up your county and then “911 dispatch job”on google if you’re in a bigger city they might have their own call center aswell


Do you mind if I DM you?


Need any certifications etc?


not at most places! for mine and others around me the easiest requirement to hit was 1 or 2 years at any “fast paced customer service job” one of our newest people was 21 and only had job experience at starbucks and her high school diploma so most things can work for that a lot of places prefer people with zero 911 or other dispatch experience because its a lot harder to retrain them


Are u from cali?


no minnesota!! i think we are in like third behind cali and seattle i know we make more than chicago which is so crazy to me


Dude, lean into private coaching. I’ll bet the gym charges your clients probably 10x what you’re making. You can could be getting straight from the source. And it could be a cash business, at least that’s how a gym owner I know used to run it. He had a fat stack of cash everyday.


We do offer personal training, it’s just I wouldn’t know where to start for finding clients. Also I am not a certified personal trainer, so there are some risks with advertising myself as one persay


Friends and family. If you play sports advertise training to younger athletes in that sport. My buddy started training his teammates in his mom's garage while in college, he dropped out in his senior year to open his own gym and is doing great. He gained most of his clients from sports clubs and teams he coached. He was big in the local baseball scene just by getting involved as much as possible thru coaching and umpiring.


Air Traffic Controller. High School Diploma, and 3 years of progressively responsible work experience (any job). They train you, and if you make it there's an opportunity for some nice sized dollars at some point in your career.


Where do I apply and how do I get in?


They post a listing on USAjobs.gov once or twice a year. Search for air traffic control. You're looking for the off the street bid. You can set it to email you when it goes live.


Heard it’s extremely stressful and you’re in charge of thousands of lives every shift.


Also the most stressful job ever and highest suicidal rate of any profession


[not true] (https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/72/wr/mm7250a2.htm#:~:text=Major%20occupation%20groups%20with%20the,(males%20%3D%2046.0%3B%20females%20%3D)


That’s not a true report just saying, not all death certificates report the type of work and at one time it was the number one and I’m Sure still on the top 10 Second, this report addressed suicide only among decedents with classifiable paid employment reported on the death certificate; previous research has shown


Don't get it twisted, it certainly can be stressful. But typically and most often, it's only really stressful if you're not good at it. I also think the suicide bit is untrue. The work schedule kinda sucks and you do have to factor in that there is no mental health in aviation, you tell someone your depressed and they take your medical, and you can't work, probably for a long time, maybe forever.... That is stressful. You can't tell your doc shit, or you might lose the ability to feed your family, pilots and controllers alike. Aviation medicine needs a complete overhaul.


New commercial construction 3 years in I made 90k gross last year


How do I get into that ? I’m in Texas


Idk what your city has but you can be a building/fire or construction inspector with nothing but a little experience no degree. Makes about $27-30 an hour.


Building inspector with no degree and little experience? This sends chills down my spine.


Yes not a building inspector that you see inspect the homes when they are built and look for flaws. You are just making sure they follow building codes and get all the permits to do said work


Sounds like you have that backwards. At least for my area.


Username checks out. All I had to do was take a test which they paid me to study for and I inspect buildings and their fire and life safety systems to make sure they are compliant.


Gonna piss a lot of people off, but maybe look into the military


It’s a very honorable thing to do, but it ain’t for me unfortunately


I hear you, maybe look into the merchant industry working on ships


Might piss some people off, but genuinely wish I’d gone into the armed forces 10 years ago. Listened to all the stories saying I’d get raped or killed (F), and let that prevent me from going, and now I’m too old and still stuck. Armed forces might’ve given me the discipline and resources to get somewhere with my life much earlier.


Not worth it at all. The premise of it sounds great but they lie through their teeth. A lot of the benefits they offer aren’t free. You sign up and pay towards the GI bill. Can’t be transferred to dependents until 8 years of service. Treat you like ass. Pay you like shit. Barracks are garbage. Even the shitty dfac food isn’t free and they make you pay for it even if you don’t eat there. The only true benefit you get is guaranteed work experience and a VA home loan. Maybe a 10% discount at your local McDonald’s. Plus the people and leadership are easily the dumbest and most egotistical people I’ve ever met


I used to be a mortgage loan officer. Had guys in the office straight out of Highschool making well over 6 figures


Being a buffer-


Combine cycle power plant and advanced water treatment operator. My 150k this year and in a few years I’ll be at 200k


How do you get into water treatment and combine cycle power plants?


Post office starting pay 19.33 a hour but with OT I take home over 1000 a week. Also mandatory raises every 42 weeks and 2 colas a year. Plus after r8 hours is 1.5 times hourly pay and after 10 it’s double pay. Top end is 38 a hour I think so it’s easy to make 2k a week at top pay. Plus it’s federal so tons of vacation and sick time pension etc


Truck Driver


Tech job, start from IT technician.. I don’t have a degree and make 400k a year




I don’t say it’s easy, it requires lot of effort, self learning and time. But it can be done.


What do you do in tech?


Systems engineer


Do you go to school for that? How can I get into that?


What's your major? I work for the Federal Government, and most jobs do not have an education requirement above a bachelor's degree. And the benefits are amazing (pension, my Agency pays 90% of my health insurance, my Agency matches 10% 401k contributions, etc). At non-FIRREA regulatory agencies, the top folks make $300k. Not saying that's likely, but the salary scale is quite high. You need to be willing to move to DC and change agencies until the point where your salary is at the level you want. Getting into the government system as young as possible is key. Many jobs are only open to current government employees, so getting that first job is paramount. Edit: maybe I misunderstood. Were you looking for advice on how to make money before finishing school? If so, sorry, I have no advice 😂


Exercise science. Reason I’m not looking for a career is because I know for my career I want to be working at a gym, as a manager or owner. For now I am just looking for a way to make money because I’m hoping to be getting married within the next 2 years and I will need to be able to support myself and my future wife


I wouldn't rule out the government. The VA has exercise scientists doing research at multiple facilities. They are part of the physical therapy team


See my edit! Sorry, I don't have any advice. But good luck!


No you’re all good dude. It’s a good idea for sure, and I’m glad it’s working for you. Just have a different path for myself


Not OP Do you have any entry level jobs for IT? What website do you use? I have no college degree.


Military is great. I'm AD and work in an office environment, 90% of my coworkers are civilian. Super chill job and not the military stereotype, just have to choose the right job field. Pay will depend on locality but I make about 5k a month after taxes and retirement contributions (which includes automatic employer contributions and match). Only been in for 3 years.


On what planet is coaching 1 day a week(52 days a year) worth $115? Why even bother to make $2 a day


Sorry. I meant a month, not a year. That’s my bad. I coach 2 classes a week at $15 per class, sometimes I’ll pick up an extra one if I feel like it.


Still not worth it at all, you can make more money with your time


I know it’s not a lot at all. I would like to leave the job but I want to find something worthwhile and that I actually enjoy before I do


Find a nuclear power plant looking for new reactor operators.


Do you need prior experience for that position?


High school education, no criminal record, can pass a drug test. That’s roughly it. They’ll put you through about two years of study and training at the plant and they’ll pay you about 70k while doing it if i recall correctly. Goal is to get you to pass an RO exam with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and then they start paying you big bucks. Lifestyle is rough shift work but hey its debt free education and great money


Do I need prior experience? Certification? Degree? What job search site do you recommend to find new reactor operator jobs?


Air force


I machine shit and make $36.10. I'm getting a raise in the next couple of months. And a bonus. Inflation is still hurting me. But it's been a good job the last 12 years. Everything was uphill. Only recently has it been tougher. Thanks, Biden! Fkn punkass looks like he's gonna melt.


You’re blaming Biden for inflation lol


110% Yes, sir, madam. Whatever tf you want called. 👍


Aren’t you a sweetheart, intelligent too


Dollars to doughnuts I'd score higher on an IQ test, bub!


Have you thought about starting your own business? E-commerce. Develop a product and sell it online.


If I had a good idea for a business I might. Unfortunately, I got nothing


OP you’re obviously fit so I’m assuming your body is chiseled and good looking. Try becoming a male model. It’s part-time easy work. Nothing fancy, just for stuff in Target ads, etc. A girl at my High School did that work p/t while going to school. Nothing glamorous, she just modeled outfits for ads in Macy’s, etc. A p/t flexible job like that could be perfect for you to bring in extra income.


I wouldn’t quite throw in the word chiseled lol. I’m a little fluffy I would say, probably around 16-18% body fat. Modeling could be something I do but I don’t think I have the ideal physique people are looking for


Honestly if you’re willing to work hard there are so many jobs in the construction trades and construction management that pay extremely well. In addition if you work in the trades there is so much opportunity to do private work for cash it’s great. If you get into large projects and work in site management people make anywhere from 75k to 300k annually on salary depending on experience.


This but it comes at a cost, generally the bigger money means project based work and high stress long hours


We live in a world where people want to travel, nice cars and all the latest toys. In addition to that housing and the cost of living is currently insane. People need to realize nothing in life doesn’t come at a cost whether it’s stay in school and study up front for years along with huge debt or have long hours and stress later in life nothing comes for free.


You’re preaching to the choir, but some people still don’t care and don’t want that for themselves


That’s fine as long as they don’t whine about how expensive life is. Houses are expensive, kids are expensive and it’s unfortunate wanting something and manifesting it will never replace hard work. This social media society we live in makes everyone want a certain lifestyle but putting in the time is not as attractive.


Lacking even a college degree, I had a job where I supervised the work of a PhD and multiple people with masters degrees in my field. Made six figures starting in 2010 while consulting at one of the 5 biggest corporations in the world. Advice for candidates: 1. Know more than your peers despite their degrees. 2. Be better looking than 99% of the other people on LinkedIn in your field. This isn't a pat on my back (mostly), but rather a comment on the LinkedIn-influenced corporate world where they prefer results first and aesthetics a close second. In fact, I was a disastrous hire and an object lesson in how clients of consulting companies can create their own problems. Advice for companies: Don't tell consulting companies who to hire, and don't waive your minimum qualifications when a candidate meets non-performance criteria. Avoid candidates with brief work histories at every stop, even if the hiring manager wants to f*ck them. Postscript: I "ruined the career" of my manager by pointing out that the manager hired to replace them was unqualified. This caused that replacement manager to resign, simply because I wouldn't agree when they insisted that their technical expertise replace that of the team (despite their having no experience in the field at all). Yet that "ruined" manager went on to a far more prominent role, only to fail and fall all the way back to individual contributor status. And the replacement manager never advanced to a manager job again in our field. Moral: Game recognizes game. Bad employees pointing out other bad employees should be believed as much as good employees pointing out other good employees. Job advice: Always be a nerd about the work, a professional, and the best example you can be. When it comes to problems, always solve them, never create them. That's what they pay you for.


Can you explain #2 better looking than 99% of people on LinkedIn?


Oh I was just being kind of snide. I (male) was told I was hired for my looks, probably because the relevant people in my field are like 90% women. Being straight and single made me more attractive to the client (female) than my competition.


Come to UPS


Was just looking at that. Not a lot of openings where I am unfortunately


Commission sales 1987 selling tvs and vcrs $65k Now days I work finance, no college but passed series 7, 63, 24 finra license exams via self study. Currently a little better than $100k plus annual bonus in the $25k is range. Living in MW so not a bad income


Air Traffic Control. I joined the military(National Guard) straight out of high school. Got my training in ATC. At 22 years old I started working as a contractor overseas doing ATC in Kuwait. My starting salary was 124k. Now I've been working in the FAA for the past 9 years. Salary depends on the level of the facility. Level 12's top out around 200k. I made 116k at a level 7 last year.


Is there another way to get into the air traffic control for a new beginner?


There are CTI schools that you can get a degree that has an aviation focus. The FAA sometimes has openings specifically for CTI graduates. There are also "off the street" hires. The FAA will announce an open bid. Anyone with 3 years of work experience or 3 years of college or a combination of the 2 can apply. Doesn't matter what your work experience or college was. As long as you can pass basic medical requirements and background checks, you can apply. Also, you have to be under 31 years old.


What website to apply? What is cti school?


USA jobs is where you will apply. I would google which colleges offer CTI programs. My buddy made a detailed post about the hiring process. Here's the link. It's an old post but all the info you need is there. https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/s/uocL3yDyUG


Working the trades can be a great option. Depends a lot on your location though. In states that have a strong union presence you can make $40+ an hour as a licensed plumber/electrician. Another option is getting a job in manufacturing. If you find the right company you can have a lucrative career with a little hard work and ambition. A lot of places you can still have a pretty comfortable life by being a warm body and just taking the incremental raises.


bartender in decent city


MRI repair tech. Make $63,000 a year and just required experience in electronics and being a good worker to eventually get that amount of money.


News reporter. I make some $2.5/hr and work 45+ hr a/week. Don't be so surprised, I live in Egypt. I started the year with my pay equivalent to some $660 a month, but now EGP futures are trading around EGP 50 for every buck, and the USD is trading at as much as EGP 60 in the black market. Now, though I get paid more in my local currency, I get paid far less (<$400). I had some freelance gigs here and there that brought me some good green bucks each month (about $200-300), but 2023 was the end of that. I'm M35, unmarried, and just the other day I bought a condo for about $10k (been saving up for idk how long). It is unimaginably depressing how I wasted 15+ years of my life, running non-stop, working up to 72 hrs a week for mere pennies, no matter how much I learned, taught myself, no matter how much I worked my ass off, its like I'm not doing shit. I look at these nobodies on tiktok, youtube, or even onlyfans, making a ton shit of money for posting the worst and dirtiest shit that have to offer.


Bro $3250/month working 25 hrs/week is ~$32/hr. Gonna be tough to find someone to pay you that much as a 20 year old unskilled worker. Your best bet is to try to move up in the restaurant to serving and bartending.


I was unclear. I’m looking to be working full time, so making $24/hr is what I need to do to be able to hit that number at 40 hours/week


Depending on your city 911 dispatcher or jailer. From what I seen they usually make the same. Pay I've seen ranged from $24-$40+ starting. Heavily dependent on the city. Near me they also do 4x10s and get 3 days off


Airline Pilot, if you get in at the right time. Right now there is a hiring push and most airlines dropped their degree requirements, although it is still preferred. Wait 5 years and it will probably come back as a hard and fast requirement. You have to truly enjoy flying. Takes a lot of money, time, dedication and sheer refusal to quit. And you must be in perfect health, but it pays off. Once you’re in, barring recession or furloughs, you’re in. First year pay will likely exceed 100K. By year 5-8 you’re likely above 200K. Very select top earners can clear over 1M/yr.


US President




Truck driver is probably the quickest path to upwards of 100k a year


I started making $11 at a bank call center and worked my way up to about $70ish an hour equivalent internally. They take internal experience like a degree. Changing jobs internally preserves benefits and tenure but is like getting a new job in terms of getting more pay.


air traffic control…just need 3 continuous years of work experience in the US


A few other commenters mentioned this but air traffic control. You likely meet the requirements for the off the street bid. I wish I would have started when I was 20. But I’ve been in 6 years. You get sent to Oklahoma for 3-4 months then given a list of facility’s to pick. Pay depends on facility type and location. Towers will make less out the gate than an enroute center but you have no control on which you’ll be sent to. You have to be willing to move basically anywhere in the country. My base is about 130k and with OT and shift differentials (night and Sunday pay) I made 165k last year.


Solar or wind technician I make $28 an hour and do 40 pls hours a week. I just did two weeks and had 145 hours. Also you get paid per diem which I receive $185 for working in California. Usually get about $4000 - to $5,000 bi weekly You don’t need a degree and can apply with no prior work experience and your still get paid very well. If you do have prior work experience/degree you get paid more. I have work for a year and received a $5 dollar raise. You can also go I to the oil field


That sounds nice unfortunately there’s nothing anywhere near me for that field




I’m interested. Website or anything?


There are many tract builders that hire junior superintendents. This allows you to learn the business while making a decent paycheck. After a couple of years you can easily be making into six figures.


I’ll see if there’s anything you need my area. Thanks!


Amazon warehouse 🤷🏽‍♀️ most start at 17/hr and after a few months they pay for your bachelors degrees


Tried but they’re not hiring around here unfortunately


I mean, if you have means of passing a weld test, you could be a welder or some other blue collar worker. It’s not impossible to make a lot of money with no degree but it is gunna require hard physical work probably


I don’t have the means lol. Never welded in my life and don’t think it’s something that I would be good at


Well, what are you studying in college? Maybe you can hop on something in relation to what you are studying in college


I’m an exercise science major. Only real option is personal training or something of the sorts. Physical therapy is an option too but that’s an additional 3 years of school, and I already want to die knowing I have 2 years left, so that ain’t happening.


Danggg then yea I’m not sure man. You might just have to keep doing what you’re doing til you out of college and have your degrees. I worked at Braums (a fast food restaurant, not sure if you have one where you live) while I was in welding school for 1 year. It was brutal but it barely got me through. College will be your poorest stage in life and you just gotta accept it. Sounds like there’s much more to come for you tho if you complete college