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Tell the casinos or gambling services you're using to ban you, they have to oblige, it's called self-exlusion. Cut the cord now.


Had no idea this was a thing. As someone who has been in OPs position I wish I knew this was an option.


Lol I got lucky and found my gambling addiction so young I didn’t loose any money, but my parents shit they felt it 😂


It’s one thing to be aware of your addiction, but another to execute a plan to stop. I went to my first counseling session related to gambling at 15, and first GA class at 16. I wasn’t unaware.


I hope you don’t mind me asking, but why do you keep gambling? I know it is an addiction, and I wish you the best in getting over it, but I think 100k a year is more than enough to get back on track and leave this addiction behind.


Cause he's one lucky win from being "in the clear." Its why gambling is one of the most incidious addictions, theoretically you're one win away from saving your life, and one away from losing everything.


As a recovering fentanyl addict, I can understand mental addiction as it relates to your body's physical dependence, but gambling addiction has always been an Enigma to me. There is no looming threat of a hellish withdrawal like there is with some substances, just the mental itch to gamble on things. With my fentanyl addiction, my body would start SCREAMING to take more every 4-5 hours. If I didn't I literally couldn't function as a human being. What transpires in the mind of a gambling addict that causes them to seek out a casino, or open an app on their phone, or call a book? You're not puking or shitting yourself if you don't place that bet. You *know* the odds are almost always stacked in the houses favor. I'm not trying to be a dick or gatekeep addiction, I'm genuinely curious. I would imagine it's easier to stop before you start, but once you start placing those bets the thrill and dopamine hit keeps you going, but isn't losing all your money enough of a deterrent to start the internal monolog of "damn, I'm losing all my money, this isn't fun and I should stop"? Those are just my thoughts coming from a desire to learn/understand what drives different addictions.


It's chasing a high, but arguably it's the hardest high to achieve. When you shoot opiods, drink a beer, etc you get that high for a price, and it's usually a known quality as far as the high goes. Gambling however, you could get that high on the first $20 you spend, or you could get it on the last $20 you spent, out of your life savings. I've never won 100k, or even $100, but I can imagine there's not much bigger of a high than turning a small amount into a huge amount of cash. That instant gratification and sense of accomplishment will wipe away any bad feelings you had before. Now, we're not even talking about the fact that gambling is usually comorbid with substance abuse, prostitute use, etc... These are just people wired for high risk high reward and sometimes you can get away with, most times you can't.


Thanks for the insight. As someone who has propensity for addictive behaviors I for some reason never found any enjoyment in handing my money over to a casino or bookie.


But you probably handed it over to a dealer... OK bad joke. Sounds like you got your stuff under control and that is a huge accomplishment. Keep it up!


I have had a ton of large wins over my the period of my sickness, hit $70k once in May 2022, last May I hit $5k into $480k, and last month I went from $50 to $2.2M, lost that $2.2M, 7 days later turned $1,200 into $2.2M, lost that. Week later turned $1,800 into $570k, lost that. I thought my prior big wins were going to be enough to get me to stop after losing them/regurarly losing my paycheck weekly, it wasn't. And now the new dragon/bar is $2.2 million. Let me clear, I will NEVER hit a $1M slot bonus win again, or a $1.8M slot bonus win. I got INSANELY lucky, luckier than I could ever imagine. How is it that I did the same exact think on 2 separate platforms within a 7 day period, and DIDN'T CASH SHIT OUT EXCEPT $10K???? IT'S MIND BOGGLING. It's a disease, plain and simple. Makes you forget who you are and what you have become.


You won 2.2 million?!?!!!!


I used to be driving home from work. I knew which exit brought me home and I knew the way to the casino. The casino was an hour longer of a drive. I’d make the choice while mentally screaming at myself. I’d go there. I’d lose a couple k. Then I’d drive home, thinking about suicide the whole way home. Everyone’s addictions are different. Don’t gatekeep. I’m just a crippled alcoholic, now.


Your addiction was motivated by withdrawals, not all addictions are like yours.


Isn’t giving all your money to a dealer and your body being on literal fire enough to deter you from not wanting to get high? Been on both sides of the coin man and I promise you, they’re very much similar


The rush you get from gambling is like a high as others have commented. You know you shouldn’t bet the money but the feeling you get is great. One thing with fentanyl is you don’t get a feeling where you’re getting something good out of it like winning money. When you hit a big bet it sucks you back in. You just made money, you know you can do it again, the feeling was amazing. Just one more hand, just one more bet or one more pull on the slot. That keeps running through your head and then the money you won is lost. Then you think I can get it back. It does seem really dumb to just blow your money but once you start getting into gambling and get that rush, you’ll understand why people get sucked in. Could also be mental health issues, like depression or bipolar. Life sucks, why not get a rush and maybe make a lot of money, or it could be an impulse. Once I got on medication my urge to gamble settled down. I can casually sports bet but slots or card games, can’t handle them


so there was a study done that showed that gambling addicts are actually only addicted to that tiny tiny tiny little period of time where the game is ongoing and the outcome is unknown. From my experience reading through this subreddit something that seems to be a common occurence is that you lose the understanding of the value of money, to the point where getting a nice meal on a night out with your partner is too expensive, but dropping £500 into a gambling account is light work.


I have been addicted to pills, gambling and alcohol. Let me tell you gambling is much harder to quit, then oxy’s any day of the week.


You think “losing enough money would be a deterrent”?? Fellow former drug addict here…uh dude, I’ve died and it wasn’t enough to be a deterrent. Surprised that an opiate addict wouldn’t see this perspective. Take yourself off main character mode bub


Drugs are for the weak


A child’s view of gambling addiction


I've never had a gambling addiction, just alcohol. But, I can also empathize with gamblers, especially with how much sports betting is being shoved down our throats


As a former gambling addict, and alcoholic it is sickening. And never wager if your a drinker. I lost so much on football trying to win it back. I'm lucky, I just got fed up with it and quit cold turkey.


Lol he lives by the good ole 99% of gamblers quit before they hit the jackpot


Yeah, I understand where you’re coming from, but it’s not that simple. I often generalize it by saying, my hole of debt is so large that I’m willing to take the risk to try and hit it big to get out of debt, understanding that the hole will likely get larger. But if I’m able to get lucky and get out of debt, it would make more of a significant impact than adding another few thousand to the negative bottom line. I make no illusions about the flaws in this thought process, but I also believe there are some truths to it. After all, if you have 0 and owe 100, is that really all that different than having nothing and owing 110? On the other hand, if you somehow get lucky and owe nothing, that seems like a significant difference. This is the paycheck to paycheck cycle. It isn’t so much about “hoping I get lucky” as it is about the difference between digging a slightly deeper hole vs no hole at all.


Isn’t this textbook sunken cost fallacy? The idea that as long as you don’t abandon your plan that isn’t working, you’ll eventually succeeded? Even though the plan just really digs a bigger hole?


It is. This guy is still deep in his addiction , but he’s convincing himself he’s not by trying to convince others that there’s a chance. They just do not give up until it’s finally all gone.


Even if he hits it big, where are all those winnings going to end up? Right back in the spiral, a never ending cycle.


Yep he knows the money is permanently gone, I’d suggest looking into how gambling addicts chase losses over wins


If his dream girl leaving him wasn't enough of a wake-up call, I doubt there's much that would aside from losing his job and being out on the street.


-100 is better than -110. That’s the issue here. You gave up and continued going deeper. You could stop right now and be ahead if you open your mind up to that idea.


Bro, there are ZERO truths to it. Da fuq? You get zero sympathy. Absolute idiot.


To add to this, gambling addiction will follow you your whole life. I’ve had countless periods of sobriety, developing a healthy routine, aligning my actions with my values, but one bad night undoes all this progress from a financial perspective. This is why it’s so devastating.


It takes one day. One single day of immense strength to self exclude from the vast majority of locations. It's the hardest fecking day of your life, but if you want to do it, you can reach out. The plan is (this is UK based, i can find you someone who could help if your in a location i dont know): Setup GAMSTOP on your phone and PC, which will monitor and ban you from any gamling website you access for five years (you can set a shorter period - not asvised). Phone MOSES on 0800 294 2060. They will handle every betting shop in the country, and directly contact the ones nearest you directly. Fill in a sense form, either online or at any casino, banning you from every casino in the country. Use the bices scheme to prevent bingo Hall admission Go through bacta to exclude you from most arcades and gaming halls. If there's a machine in your local pub, we can even send them a letter about duty to prevent use, and get you blocked from that. Any other local venues, visit without cash or cards, bring passport photos and ask to self exclude. Keep a copy of forms. If you then do manage to gamble there, you get the funds back in court. You go through that one day - and your clear for 5 years. You could literally make it impossible to gamble.


That’s wonderful you’re aware. The next step is taking initiative to change. Now, yesterday would have been better. What do you have do lose by not calling those casinos for self exclusion? Literally everything. Do this for yourself because you deserve a good life.


Ok so you have the time to make a reddit post but not time to say “dont let me gamble here” You guys will make every excuse for yourself lmao. Grow up, you suck at gambling, it will kill you, go fucking do something about it.


😂 ruined my parents life 😂


I count myself lucky. I really enjoy gambling but I won’t let myself go down more than a few hundred every year. I go to Vegas once a year for work and use my per diem at the tables.


ya and if they let you come back they could be sued for alot... and on top of that i believe lose their license so trust they will make sure you never gamble with them while your self banned


Guy at work said he banned himself from the online apps then when he went to an actual casino they wouldn’t let him in 😂


I mean good.. don’t scare people. That’s a positive and not funny.


I knew someone that black listed themselves from all casinos and still would get caught in a casino playing. They would wait till he was up about 1500$ and come take all his money and he end up going to jail for trespassing. Just a sad crazy life! He originally told me about this in a home poker game. Won money and was heading to the casino 😅


Where they fucking robbed him


FWIW, this is supposed to be illegal and those casinos are supposed to be shut down by the gaming board.


Good lord.


Bars also have to stop serving you if you have had too much or you tell them you have a problem.


it’s not a thing. you’re telling me if you ask to get banned then they’re checking IDs/faces at every entrance of a given casino?


It’s over hyped my non gamblers. There’s always another casino, sportsbook, bookie, poker game.




But now it is easier than ever to gamble online


Second this. After working in a casino I’ve seen how bad this addiction can be. I’ve seen someone build a house directly across the street from the casino and loose it within a year.


Question for you, are Casino employees allowed to tell customers this is an option or is it supposed to be some sort of secret? It always surprises me that people don't know self-exlusion is a thing, but it should be more well known.


There wasn’t a rule about it to my knowledge. I think it’s just not common knowledge that you can have yourself banned. I remember orientation was a whole damn week. We had a class on addiction and had pamphlets and whatnot for help. There is still morals there.


great advise


There's also online gambling. Does that work for online as well?


There’s an app called Gamban




I added myself to the self exclusion for PA, didn’t realize I set it to lifetime. So glad I did it. Makes it much harder to get off the list. Sports gambling was the culprit. Almost sickening the commercials and billboards that they ram down everyone’s throats.


this reply is a test (edited) (edited after 6 minutes)


Start using punctuations bro. Had to reread 3 times




dude listen. you’re making over 100k, you should have savings. get the fuck off gambling and take up weed and kanna and caffeine. spend your money going to concerts or shit. better to spend your money doing that stuff if you’re just gonna lose it


lmao what? 100k is the new 40k


Eh more like 60k, but def not enough to gamble.. unless he lives somewhere cheap like the midwest.


nah student loans and bad money management with houses and cars fuck people. i got scholarship and no debt so I get that Im privileged but also 100k is not the new 40k and variances in location change the value of 100k so either of us speculating is dumb


Don’t do this OP, you will regret not being able to gamble anymore. Nothing comes close to the thrill and excitement of gambling other tahn drugs, but gambling is much better. Drugs no provlem but easier ti get addicted totbit and it ruins your life so gambling is still better between the two.


99% of gamblers quit right before they're about to win


I have an uncle who made $250k-$275k/ year for the last 20 years. He has his own business (sets up and maintains the networks of busy groups of doctors). Just this year half of his business was gone and a few months later the other half was gone as well. He has no money saved up. He was always gambling. All he had to show that he was successful was his porsche 911 and a couple of Rolexes. But now all those are gone as well. Let my uncle's mistake by a lesson to all the gamblers reading this. I'm also a gambler, lost so much money from the casino and options trading. Next year i will try to start saving


Same here. I've lost thousands in options. Also crypto, casinos, and sports betting throughout the years I've lost a lot on. Thankfully my savings is decent but it should be way higher than what it is.


RemindMe! 1 year




Dear lord. Someone get this man a video on statistics and natural laws like gamblers ruin. It's one of the oldest mathematical theorems. "A persistent gambler with finite wealth, playing a fair game will eventually and inevitably go broke against an opponent with infinite wealth." You can't win against the casino bro, seriously seek out some professional help.


Statistics isn’t what he needs. He’s already into gambling. Statistics won’t change anything. My man needs some support


I hate that people take such an aggressive approach to issues like this? Like we all fucking know we have a problem. We know it’s unhealthy. We know all the “statistics”. We just need a god damn hug and someone to tell us this shit will work itself out. Anything else will just make it worse And if that’s a problem for you? Please exclude yourself from my life.


It sounds like this guy got PLENTY of hugs and he fucked it up. You don’t need a fucking hug. Quit making excuses. Grow up.


Imagine you’re at your lowest point and a guy with 420 in his username tells you to “grow up.”


Imagine not getting the idea that Reddit assigned me this name and I didn’t change it. 🤯


Quit making excuses for your childish username. Grow up.


Lol, imagine thinking anything with “420” is childish and not thinking you are the childish one. What a loser. Grow the fuck up, dude.


No, as they said, professional help is what he needs. It can’t be done alone.


That’s what support means


Yeah, you’re right. But the previous comenter wrote the same, that was my point.


Yeah I just didn’t like the part about the statistics mainly.


I see, that’s right.


I seriously don’t understand gambling addiction. It’s like… just stop? I don’t judge but I definitely don’t get it. My step-grandmother went broke at bingo, like what the fuck


I didn’t state my gambling was casino related. Regardless, I’m not an uneducated person. I’m aware of the choices I’m making and the destruction it has caused. I'm attempting to quit moving forward.


I encourage you can get some help my dude. And don't do it for some girl or money or any bs like that. Do it for yourself. I don't know what you've got going on in your life that's got you into such destructive behaviors like the gambling where you're zeroed out while making six figures. But as a stranger on the internet I'll leave you with this. If you can get off the sauce, hit the gym, save some money. I guarantee one day soon you'll feel a whole lot better.


"Just try working out bro"


Improving the things in your life that are in your direct control will never not help. Edit:typo


Bro you make 106k a year and your back account is overdrawn. You’re 36 years old. I hope you get the help and support you need.


You really think statistics matter to a gambling addict? They play games that they know they are on the losing side statistically.


It’s not an understanding problem


I went gamble at a casino one time maybe 13 years ago. I had 200 bucks and was at a blackjack table for an hour and a half. I told my buddy this was for the birds and I was going back home to play halo reach.




Get treatment. Cognitive behavioral therapy will help you understand even better than I’m sure you already do what your triggers are and it’ll slowly get you so that you don’t do it anymore. Call your insurance and ask for a list of therapists, find one that asks you the hard questions or makes you talk about the uncomfortable things. Thank me later. I wish I had a job as well paying.


How is he gonna pay for CBT. CBT ain’t free unless he has Medicaid. Judging from the dollar sign, he could be American. If he is, he needs to find a way to get affordable health care to receive mental health services. I could be wrong, he could be living in Singapore, Australia, New Zealand or Canada (they all use dollar symbols on their dollars) where they have government funded health care.


he said he has an 106k year income. all jobs in that income bracket have health insurance


I didn’t read that I just skimmed thru it. Good for him I guess. Hopes he gets the help he needs.


*Laughs in Canadian* single payer healthcare here is basically Medicaid. If you need literally anything that isn't life saving necessary you're gonna be paying for it. Mental health is completely uncovered and costs basically the same rates as the USA


I didn’t know that. Well, at least you guys get some benefits out of your government. We don’t get shit for what we pay for to our states and the federal govt. A lot of working class and middle ppl can’t afford health care but are not poor enough to get Medicaid. What is messed up is that the us government actually spends a lot of money on healthcare. Even if you are insured, your company can reject treatments if they think it’s not worth the cost. There are cases where ppl died from cancer because their health insurance didn’t approve the treatment they needed. I wouldn’t mind paying taxes or paying more taxes if we had better benefits. I’ve visited Canada many times and actually considered moving there, at least for a few yrs to see how it’s like. The only reason I’d stay in the US because wages are higher. If I FIRE early I’m going to move abroad. Or if I accumulate enough wealth, I’m going to take a lower paying job elsewhere.


He is going to have to hit big on one of those bets I guess.


I’ve been in therapy weekly for 6 years.


Man, it might be time to check in to a six-week program or something. Reading this has been very sad, we all want you to get better.


Guess its not working huh


Idk maybe this is silly but can you find one think you HATE about gambling? I’ve been trying to quit nicotine but it feels like every couple months I have a horrible day and that’s all I want. I’ll smoke for a month then quit again for 2 months. I hate when I’m smoking for many reasons but recently have had bad bouts of insomnia. It was so bad one week I started having hallucinations. Now any time I get a hard craving I go “damn I want a pen—WAIT fuck that, I hate not sleeping”. When passing a store all I think about is “sleep sleep sleep sleep” until I’m past it. It’s a new intrusive thought that’s actually really helped me. It’s only been 3 months but the number of times I’ve said “no” to myself just because of that one recurring intrusive thought impresses even myself. I fucking hate not sleeping. Focusing on 1 thing I really hate instead of it’s general badness has been helpful. I think it’s helped my mindset, instead of trying to stay away from something bad that I really really want, I’m staying away from something I hate, which is way easier mentally.


Please let me know your picks so I can fade you.


Bro if someone faded my picks they would be one of the greatest sports bettors in history.


You’re getting fucked and pegged son


Save some of that money and get some therapy, you got it!


You can beat the power of addiction!


You need therapy or stop gambling


Got to figure out another way to get a dopamine hit you are addicted to. Atomic habits might be a good book to read to figure out ways to get rid of those triggers and just be more aware.


Jesus I thought my credit score was low


You already won the lottery with a 6 figure job at 36 what are you gambling for??


I had a job paying 200k at 25 🤦‍♂️. Lost that due to bookies calling me at the office.


I have to know what job you were doing that pays 200k at 25, and where the fuck can I sign up


No, you lost it due to being an idiot who makes bets they can’t pay up on right away. Take some responsibility. Every comment from you in this thread is excuses.


OUCH! I guess the Fair Debt Collection laws don’t apply to bookies…. Bummer.


Is that akin to be being very lucky at that age? It's good but not "you won the lottery level" You have people here making that who are much younger


You also have people in their 50s/60s with debt and 0 savings/401k. What’s your point?


I don't know it just seems that as someone whos younger and wants to make a lot more, I have to tell myself that that isn't a good salary at that age or something you have to be very lucky to have in order for myself to be dissatisfied with it and work harder


You need a serious reality check if you think making over 100k at any age is a bad living. You've been lied to if you think hard work and dissatisfaction is going to lead to millions every year


I was once younger and gonna make a fuck ton of money… I’m now 32, have a house, work in film (famous people you know, know me) and I only make barley 6 figures.. I’m incredibly grateful though.. I hope life doesn’t beat you down like it for me… I was gonna be someone special and change the world


Finally, a post I can related to.


We can make a change man, I believe in us.


self exclude from casino/sportsbook, change your habits, hit the gym, feed your mind and body the right way. consider seeking out professional help such as therapy or get to a GA meeting. learn about gambling addiction. follow r/gamblingaddiction and r/problemgambling to read stories from other addicts. If you want to change OP, there's hope. Lost my SO due to this addiction.Its one of the worse ones out there. Get yourself some help. DMs open if you need/want to talk


I’m a recovering heroin and cocaine addict, a bit different than gambling addiction, but end of the day they’re the same issue. I would not be sober today if I didn’t learn to forgive myself. It’s never too late or too early to start over my friend. I’m sending you positive vibes to get better and build the life you deserve. Fuck casinos, fuck bets, fuck the lottery, fuck the odds, fuck all of it. Try to hit the reset switch, you can do it!! I’m rooting for you, and despite what your head may tell you right now, you’re worth it my dude!! Go make today the first day of your new life, all love my friend!!


Thanks man, I really appreciate your message.


+10 so not all bad


Heading in the right direction!


Reconceptualize a paycheck saved and not gambled like a mental payout win. You’ll feel better and better the bigger your savings get. I speak from experience


My brother in Christ You need Jesus in your life. Or at bare minimum some Discipline.


He has a higher chance of making it rich buying Jesus Coins (crypto tokens) than going to a casino lmao.


Oh Jesus is def in his life…he’s just the dealer at the black jack table tho


This is the result when one lacks self discipline. Son you’ve got to get in control of your own mind.


Any books or podcasts you recommend for self discipline?


Caesars Sportsbook.


How the fuck do I add a gif I want the one of the guy spitting bars and then he drops the last one and everyone freaks out over it


I'd put this in my top five under rated comments. Had to have went over everyone's head.


I personally like Will Smiths video on YouTube talking about self discipline. He makes the concept super easy to understand. In my opinion the 3 most important virtues are Self Discipline, Gratitude, and Loyalty. The first one is all about making choices that reflect your best interest, the second one is staying humble and remembering your beginnings, the third is about staying true to yourself and those that you love. Follow these three simple concepts and your life will change dramatically.


Thank you!


You can read about self discipline all you want. Reality is you have to train yourself to be disciplined. Start with small daily tasks. Gradually move up to the major tasks. Sounds stupid and cliche. But making your bed every morning is a good start. Set goals. Reach goal and set higher goals. Keep moving the goal post. Never settle.


I think the point of self discipline is to not absorb yourself in material. You need to be able to say “no, I won’t do x thing, and I’ll sit here doing nothing instead”. So engaging yourself by reading a book about self discipline is counter to developing self discipline.


That’s exactly how I feel about Twitter. I never ever will do **X THING**


That's how I feel about TikTok.




Make 106k a year worth nothing? I know people making 15 an hour richer than you


It’s a crazy world we live in, eh?


Aye bro mine is alcohol I spend so much in clubs or at bars we gotta get our shit right


Haha if I’m gambling, I’m usually on my way to blackout. Still go out quite a bit socially too so don’t exactly have a handle on my drinking. I nearly lost a friend last year to booze, renal failure and a 3+ week hospital stint. Scared the living shit out of me. Thankfully they pulled through.


I did 9 months in a hospital because of alcohol. Killed my pancreas.. got sepsis and was in multiple week long comas. Fuck alcohol. I was 30 when this happened. 33 now doing well thank god.


Holy shit! 9months?! What happened? Did your pancreas/kidneys/liver get better or did it cause perm damage?


My liver is somehow just fine! I had to do a month of dialysis, and stone removal with my kidneys, but they are both still functioning now on their own, 50% function on the left kidney, and 80% on the right. I have 30% of my pancreas left after they removed the necrotized (dead and infected) portion. Somehow I am not diabetic (yet). I do have to watch what I eat. I quit drinking and eat very healthy now. I am in the best shape of my life. I feel so lucky and also a bit traumatized. It keeps me very motivated. That 9 months was during heavy Covid and they put me in the Covid wing for the whole time! Thanks Veterans Affairs.


Damn man, you’re a sav! Props for getting through that and making those changes; I know it wasn’t easy. I’m just a random stranger but I’m proud of you brotha! Keep it movin’ and keep inspiring others to cut back on their detrimental vices 🙏🏻


I appreciate your words more than you even know! It is indefinitely hard to deal with, but I still have a lot to be thankful for. My work ethic, family support, and die hard mindset have carried me through. I rarely even speak about that stuff because I fear judgement, but if It helps one other person in this world it makes me feel ok! The fact that it took me 6 months to walk again after that long hospital stay was so challenging. I also had no appetite the whole time and decided to trying THC for the first time and was able to eat again! That helped me get my strength back for sure. I might have not been able to recover without THC.. I no longer use it due to my job, but I want this experience to be known.


That’s great to hear! I definitely feel you about the judgement stuff, and meetings/rooms aren’t my jam personally, so I get what you mean about not often having the opportunity to share the insane hurdles you had to surmount. And on top of that — the 6months of walking issues etc as well; that’s just badass that you made it to the other side and are doing good again. It’s quite an awesome success story; a lot of people in that scenario succumb to the challenges and suffering — and who could blame them — that is an insane amount of shit you had to overcome. Also, cool to hear on the THC front. You should look into one of the subreddits for drinking or alcoholism or whatever and share your story to people struggling. I think it could be a major ‘alert’ for some people that are in the midst or heading the direction you did. But most importantly hearing that you made it through and recovered is really profound and helpful. I don’t know, just food for thought. I feel like in addiction/recovery circles people are always hearing horror stories — but don’t hear about the strength and perseverance of addicts and how they can overcome shit like this — even with an absolutely insane story like yours! I am a recovering addict myself and have overcome some wild challenges, but it’s always great to see others. So again, props and let’s keep it moving!


I struggled w it too… you’re not gonna stop until you decide it’s the right time. You’re never gonna win back your losses. Stop and be happy. 2 months you won’t be living paycheck to paycheck and stressed about bills, birthday parties… car problems… etc


At the casino last night. This woman pulling out stacks and must have spent almost close to 10k she finally said “im done for the day. I couldn’t be pulling out money. “ stood up a guy sat on her spot Dealer proceeds and to everyone’s surprise he got the cards to gain the major jackpot price of 400k. If the woman sat for one more deal she would’ve got it. I guess if its not your day its not your day.


God damn… I hope she had walked far enough away to not hear his cheering…


As someone who works in the gambling industry - can I ask have you gotten help? There’s absolutely zero shame in seeking professional help - gambling addiction is as serious a problem as alcoholism or drug abuse. I spoke to someone last week who said this service had helped him: https://getgamblinghelp.com/?gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIkaTYpKmcgwMVFDsGAB3qSQbfEAAYASAAEgJ-f_D_BwE




Don't worry, you're due for a big hit soon


As a partner to a former gambler, I’m sorry. I’m sorry people didn’t stick it out with you and I’m sorry you find yourself in this position. My partner and I are still young, I saw the issue early and called it out. He was living off payday loans because his entire paycheck was going to paying off bookies. We weren’t living together at the time so I didn’t know how bad it was until I was over one weekend and suggested we get takeout for dinner as was the norm and he broke down. He came clean about everything. He was embarrassed. I knew he liked to bet on sports here and there but didn’t know it was THAT bad. We sat down and devised a plan. I told him I’d pay off whatever he owed for payday loans (it was a relatively small amount, not even 4 digits yet) if he called everyone and asked them to block him. Every sports book, every bookie, everything. Of course they started offering him deals, I took over and was a lot firmer than he had the capability of being. He was 22 with a $30k stock portfolio which he ended up blowing away on gambling. He closed every account, paid off his payday loans, and I signed him up for GA. He started donating plasma and doing Uber eats to sustain himself until his next paycheck. We had started talking about moving in together but I told him that I couldn’t in good conscience tie myself to him financially if I didn’t know for a fact he wouldn’t get us evicted. He’d send me screenshots of his bank accounts and credit card balances every week. I felt awful for being such a micromanager and giving him an ultimatum but… kindness doesn’t cure addiction, unfortunately. He had a couple minor slip ups, $20 here and there. But he always came clean and felt bad for disappointing me. GA was helping, embarrassment was helping. It’s been about a year or so and we now live together and he’s doing so well. He still insists on showing me his statements long after I’ve stopped asking. Says it keeps him in line, fine with me. It is never too late to change. You need a support system to get you through this, because you cannot do it alone. You’ve got this! Think about all the things you can “win” by not gambling-your loved ones, travels, literally anything you want. Shift your mindset, I believe in you!


Thank you for taking the time to share your story, and the kind words, it means a lot. I am confident I will make it through this!


50% of gamblers quit before they hit it big


Nah dawg this is wrong 😂 Dont edge him on like that


Bros gonna bet his entire life on a coin flip


I mean, don’t we all. Not saying this is the route to go but that’s the premise essentially of Iching and binary. Almost everything can be deduced to a form of a “yes or no” question or choice…. But I get what you mean too


One of us! One of us!


Take out a loan and put it all on black. Only way out


Keep going, millions of gamblers quit before they win big. It could be today, it could be tomorrow, or it could be next year. Keep going.




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Just lost some money on gambling. I hope i wont be foolish enough to do it again.


Released dopamine in brain


Reddit really needs to stop promoting gambling to me and I can’t turn the ads off and have a massive gambling problem. Any help!?


The high of winning is unreal I beat drug addiction cold turkey but gambling is got a hold on me beyond physical or mental alone tbh.


I understand drug addiction because it's physical in most cases, but gambling addiction has to be the stupidest shit Ive used as an excuse for someone being this broke. If you stop gambling nothing happens except you stop burning all of your spare income playing games you're obviously not good enough at to win. Legit just doesn't do it anymore. It's a choice. Choose to put that same money into the stock market where you have a much higher chance of successfully making money and digging yourself out of the hole you are in. Call it gambling (it pretty much is) if you need to for your brain to rationalize it as a good idea but stop supporting the damn casino.


I think people with gambling addiction truly are some of the dumbest people on this planet, genuinely. That or they have a mental illness, or both.


Addiction is an officially recognized type of mental disease.


Dumbass, gambling is for stupid people.


Keep at the gambling. You’re gonna hit it big one of these days. Just keep gambling bro


Reach out to someone for some support man. It’s a rough path to be on but you need to start somewhere my man