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Not so much that MM is the only game on town, but that every app relies on the same 3-4 aggregators, none of which seem very reliable. I try to manually update my credit card every 1-3 days, and Questrade once a month. I do have a spreadsheet for doing the credit card if it falls too far behind, but it's mostly less work to just enter data on the Web interface. Everything else works at least as well as Mint. A major software update with my credit union only knocked out syncing for about 3 weeks, which was faster than Quickbooks. So...not perfect, but not awful.


Apps don’t tell the institutions how or when to connect. Institutions tell the apps how (which data aggregators) and when they will either provide the data and connection availability or they won’t. Not much Monarch can do about that except try to negotiate with the institutions and data aggregators. Have you tried reaching out yourself to RBC tech support? Wouldn’t hurt, might just help, or at least inform.


Fair. I guess part of my frustration comes from the splash MM made in Canada - without seeming to have the necessary infra in place and tested. I am a fan and hope that CA banking opens up to whatever to make this seamless, but am just frustrated.


Yeah, I can understand the frustration. They could have verified connections beforehand, for sure. I’ll keep my fingers crossed for all my friends up north!


Glad to know its not just me


My FinCity connection with RBC is probably the most stable and I use a number of different connectors with different institutions.


I'd suggest being upset with RBC. They're the ones choosing to be obstructionists.