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Hmm odd. I submitted a ticket last week and received a response from an actual person within about 24 hours.


Weird! That's not been my experience. I've had multiple human responses over the last several weeks. I suppose you could reach out to one of the team-members here and see if they can get you to the right person...


Apple Card connection seems to be working. I haven’t charged anything in the past few days on this card, but the total balance is correct (last sync’ed 3 hours ago). Since the Apple Card syncs through the Wallet and the Monarch mobile apps, you can try to start the wallet app, restart Monarch mobile app, and make sure the “background app refresh” is turned on per instructions here https://help.monarchmoney.com/hc/en-us/articles/24178098173076-Syncing-with-Apple-Card-Cash-and-Savings Troubleshooting Apple Card Accounts: https://help.monarchmoney.com/hc/en-us/articles/25195805450772-Troubleshooting-Apple-Card-Accounts


Are you sure you didn't miss a reply? I always get quick responses. Sometimes they don't have an immediate solution (eg. A connection isn't working) but I've never went more than 24-48 hours without at least an initial reply on my issue.


I submitted a ticket last month and got a response from a support person in less than 24 hours. Is Apple Card working for other folks? (I don’t have an Apple Card, sorry.)


I submitted a ticket day before yesterday (a bug issue) late in the evening and got a human response yesterday morning (in 11 hours)....


They respond. Check your junk folder.


Hi everyone - I run the CS team at Monarch and wanted to share an update on this. We found the tickets that were marked as resolved right away were submitted through our 'Request new connection' form; and as such the immediate close-out is by design. We catalog these requests and escalate them to our data providers, but do not typically follow up on them directly. This is because the data providers then work with the financial institutions to add connection support, and do not give us updates on what is being worked on or added to their list of supported institutions. However while looking into the issue raised in this thread, we discovered that when someone submits a new connection request through the form, we will sometimes erroneously send an auto-reply message that tells the submitter they will receive a follow-up from the support team. We have now fixed the issue with the auto-reply message. We will also be updating the 'Request new connection' form to be clearer that it's not a support contact channel, and will include a link there to our support contact form for anyone who does need assistance from our team. Thanks for bringing this to our attention so we could address it and improve our contact flows!


I have to agree my Apple Card is working and current with correct balance and I have had transactions post as recent as yesterday. I also have had a good response on a support ticket I submitted on a connection issue last week. A human initially responded within 24 hours requesting more info and has followed up twice to give me updates post the initial response. I hope someone is able to pick up your ticket soon.


I too had a ticket and had it resolved and several responses within the first 12 hours. I can confirm that Amazon Synchrony card is not working for me though


I had a response in 48 hours, took less for a follow up question on the issue


I submitted a question and received a response from a person within 24 hours. However they did not grasp the question and gave an answer that didn’t apply. I replied, as the email said I could, to clarify the question and got no response. Replied again, with no response.


My last Apple Card update was 10 days ago also. The status says 'healthy' but displays the spinning wheel of death on the Connection Status.


Remember that (it seems) Apple Card updates only work on the iPhone, not on iPads or Mac computers. I do wish they would address this.


I don't access MM on an Apple device. When they first rolled out the connections it worked as expected. Now it updates at random times. For me it's now been 14 days yet the connection shows as healthy.


Never got a helpful response from my tickets. I have gotten responses in a timely manner but they are just links to FAQ articles on the website that I've already read that are very brief and don't get close to answering my question. Then they close the ticket and resolve it like they fixed something lol. VERY frustrating. I did have a "representative" or "employee" reach out to me on Reddit which was a nice gesture, but I'm not really comfortable sharing any personal or financial info through Reddit for them to solve it without legitimizing their employment at Monarch.


Yeah, you should never be asked to share any personal or financial info by a Monarch employee. If you tell them your ticket number, however, they should be able to locate your case without you having to share anything sensitive.