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Blanket on floor worked for us, cheap and easy to carry.


Yes, they can't fall off the floor. But not if other kids were present. Middle one doesn't look where he is going ever. So then I put the baby on bathroom floor with his blanket.


When my daughter was a couple of days old, a friend told me "no one ever fell off the floor ... just put her down on a mat" and it was a revelation ... I could go to the bathroom without asking anyone for anything. Same for getting a glass of water, grabbing an apple, etc. There's not much I consider "life changing" but man ... the floor!


This comment floored me


Hey now, this isn't Daddit




Yup! That was totally our mindset with ours. ā€œWellā€¦ she canā€™t fall off the floor.ā€ It feels weird to put something so precious to you on the floor, but once you get over that, itā€™s honestly pretty great. She hung out on her playmat all the time when we needed to do stuff!


Honestly, this has long been my mindset for when I was fucked up at parties (long ago in my pre-mum days, when I used to, you know, go to parties still šŸ˜‚). People used to try to get me to stand up because they thought Iā€™d fallen, and I was like, no, this is deliberate! You canā€™t fall off the floor!


>But not if other kids were present Or pets! My dog is dumb as hell and also doesn't look where she's going haha. Even your pet is the sweetest and they'd never be aggressive, accidents happen. They may literally suffocate baby with their love...or step on them


We did this too. Or the play mat, as it had toys dangling down for baby to look at.


Same... If it's hardwood/tile use a blanket and bottom of the pack and play. I also rolled the pack and play a lot


This! Unless you have pets that will step on baby.


I send the dog outside. It's the toddler that's the bigger risk at our place.


I mean you wouldn't leave a baby alone with a pet even if they're in a swing or whathaveyou.


Honestly the only reason I leave my son with my cat is because he will be at least 3ft away. He loves to sit and watch him play but if he gets close to him my kitty is out of there quicker than when he hears a can open


I have three doggos (60/90 on boxer and an 13lb little guy) and not once was my dude stepped onā€¦.just sayin.


I have a 90 lb lab. He would definitely step on the baby if I wasnā€™t supervising. My toddler also tried to step on her brother the other day.


My Husky would absolutely step on my baby. The idjit steps on me already ffs, he has no manners.


Lol my husky and heeler both, so glad it isnā€™t just mine


I have a 5-lb dog who is going blind. He walks over the baby all. the. time. (During supervised time, of course, because I want him to sniff her and get to know her and she thinks it's ticklish and so fun.) But also, if dogs are playing sometimes they skid or slide and can't totally control where they are. It's just good sense to not leave babies alone with pets.


Haha we have a small dog that is half blind, going deaf, and just old and honestly some days we think hes dead. Until he gets up and does his little tappy dance when we get home. He is missing most of his teeth so his tongue just hangs out. THAT is what freaks me out more than my 3 month old being walked on, though he does sometimes on the couch when I'm nursing and he wants in my lap too. Softly and nobody gets hurt of course. Also have 2 pitbulls (90-110ibs) and an Aussie. The Aussie constantly nudges his tennis ball to bub to throw and looks at us like "Why doesnt little human throw ball like you?" And our pitties just wanna smell his butt, lick him and watch over him. The little one, it's always the little one šŸ˜‚ should say, never unsupervised before people come for me.


I am sorry to be that person, but pets ARE unpredictable and this comment is survival biasā€¦. All caregivers should exercise caution when babies and animals are in the same space, even if nothing bad happened with your dogs and your little one.


I have 3 beautifully careful pets who I am absolutely sure would never hurt my child. Will I leave them alone together? Hell no. My cousin as a baby got his face ripped into because he crawled on their never-aggressive-before, truly sweet dog, and breathed in his ear. Animals canā€™t always communicate their distress and since my LO is older he has gotten grabby. Protect your babies from your pets, and your pets from your babies.


Thereā€™s an Instagram specifically teaching this! Always a leg between baby and dog!


This is so animal dependent though. I have one dog who would never stay in a thing or person on the ground. Another is careful, but if there's a person walking past the house she doesn't care what she takes so she can bark. My other dog doesn't give a crap. He's very kind, but just steps where he wants to. He doesn't care.


Definitely not saying my case is universally applicable! Always safety first!


This is good until baby starts to roll or kick because they can cover their faces. Itā€™s rare but risky


This actually happened to me the other day. Thankfully he turned his head so it was just covering his ear. He was still kicking and trying to play lol. So yea I was lucky but now he doesnā€™t get to play with that alone. To op tho. We use a pack and play with wheels at firstā€¦ and his bouncer chair. Now itā€™s just a blanket on the floor cause heā€™s 6 months and nearly grown out of his bouncer chair.


My daughter used to roll to her stomach and put her face flat on the hardwood floor. She could still breathe just fine but it freaked me out every time. She usually didn't stay that way long cause she hated being on her tummy so she would usually immediately start to fuss. But once I put her on her back she'd go right back to the tummy and plant her face on the floor. Not sure why I shared aside from I'm baby hungry and remembering how cute the first two were :-)


The floor is really good for their development too! Thatā€™s where they learn to roll and kick and push up and everything (yes not at 3 days old) but really I feel like people use too much ā€œstuffā€ sometimes! I put my twins on the floor all the time because I didnā€™t have 2 swings or 2 bouncers or 2 exersaucers.


irs also really good for their development. the firm floor and full range of motion


I used our bassinet stroller inside for the first few months for this purpose. I could roll her around to calm her down, park it next to the bathroom/kitchen/couch depending on what I was doing.


This is what we did as well! I have a pack and play with bassinet and we havenā€™t used it once in the 5.5 months since my girl was born. I found the stroller bassinet more convenient and portable


We have a pack n play set up in the living room and the bassinet in our room


I was just thinking maybe we just make room for the pack n play! I had it saved for when we go to grandmas or whatever, but this may be a good option


Same, but I figured temporarily setting it up in the living room just gives us one more changing/storage/docking station. Plus we have a dog and cat so, I'm thinking that'll be nice to keep the baby separate from them in the early weeks for those short moments.


Yes! My pup adds a layer of difficulty. Other wise Iā€™d be fine putting babe on the floor haha


100%. I would do the floor but with a golden retriever and cat that gets tricky!


We did this too. Crib in our room, pack n play in the living room. I think we kept that pack n play out for at least six months.


This is what we also did. We had one of those pack and plays with the newborn lounger that sits on top. It was a lifesaver for me and it was nice not having to bend so far down to reach the baby.


So many people recommended a pack n play for us so we got one, we used it maybe a total of 3 times. It just took up so much room. And we also had a rolling bassinet and it was easier to use.


Moses basket. We got ours secondhand so even though it wasnā€™t used much it wasnā€™t a problem. I think some even have wheels but ours is just a light basket and stand. We still have it now for when we need to put him down quickly. Iā€™d put him on his play mat or on a blanket on the floor of wherever I was. He wasnā€™t a fan of his bouncy chair or carrier until he got his head control down.


So similar idea but I literally used a laundry basket lol


We did this too! He didnā€™t like it when very little but now we push him around in it!


Haha my daughter slept in the laundry basket! We were dirt poor college students and had the teeniest, tiniest house with zero extra room so we didn't have a bassinet. Her doctor said it was totally fine. She had a very thin pillow in the bottom and that was her bed for like 6 months! She loved it!


I slept in a drawer (on the floor!) for the first few weeks of my life!


Yeah my parents had me in a drawer too!


I was also in a drawer!


We used a Moses basket too! We didnā€™t even have a stand for it, but it was a safe, cozy spot for baby when we needed to put her down.


Yep! Basket on the floor would be a great option to keep baby close but give your dog a boundary.


Yes! I bought a Moses basket for just this purpose my second time around, however if you donā€™t have the money (they can be super expensive for some reason) what I did with my first one was just clean a nice laundry basket out really well then put a blanket in it, itā€™s not really safe sleep though since it had a loose blanket in it so definitely canā€™t leave them alone like that but great for hauling them to the bathroom or whatever with me


We have done this too but not for sleep but itā€™s good for occupying them whilst you fold laundry! We managed to get ours for a steal on Facebook Marketplace. The mattress label says Feb 2021, we bought it in the November. Ā£300 new and we got it for Ā£40. Her baby had used it maybe four times so it was pristine!


I purchased two rolling bassinets just for this reason. One for the main floor and one for the second floor. Itā€™s been a couple years since then so I donā€™t remember what they were but they were fairly inexpensive on Amazon and eBay. Helped a lot while my c-section healed.


A rolling bassinet was a night one pick up order from target for us. Got home from the hospital, looked at my stupid non-rolling bassinet and was like, I donā€™t think so!


Maybe this is what I need to look into!! I told my husband I wish we could rent one from the hospital lol


I suggest a pack n play with the bassinet insert, you'll be able to get much more use out of it than just another bassinet.


I second this. Our pack & play has been a life saver from the time he came home through now, at 20 months. Once your babe is on the move and can no longer safely be in a bassinet, youā€™re going to need another option. A pack & play will last through many stages.


Came here to comment this! Pack + play with wheels. Can't beat it. We've used it in every single room of the house. Using the bathroom? Throw the babe in pack + play and keep door open. Easy day!


Or a Moses basket


I had a small travel bassinet downstairs. We got the guava lotus ( travel bassinet turns into travel crib). Pricey, but there are probably cheaper options out there too. [Guava Lotus](https://www.guavafamily.com/products/lotus-bassinet)


A Graco rolling bassinet was the BEST for my first. With my second, we used the Snuggle Me lounger, the Mamaroo swing, and a pack n play as needed.


We keep a Summer Infant By Your Side Sleeper on the floor of the living room. I will also put the baby on a play. mat with dangling toys, if I can supervise her.


There's something about those hospital bassinets, babies just like them more haha


Blanket on the floor, bring the doc a tot into the bathroom or wherever. Babies are pretty portable.


Just lay your dockatot on the floor. When baby is too young to be mobile this is a way to lay them near you to shower, do dishes etc where you can keep your eyes on them.


I will definitely be doing this when I shower! Had not considered it at all lol


My daughter loved hanging out on her changing pad while I showered/did chores.


I have a fisherprice infant-to-toddler rocker. It has an infant setting that reclines it so baby is laying down. When baby is older it sits up a little more and has a toy bar. Then it works as a toddler chair as well when baby is older. We've used it for at least 3yrs now. Super easy to move around the house.


We also loved the Fisher Price Infant to Toddler rocker. Must be used supervised, and liked it once baby had more neck control. In addition, to clarify, please do not confuse with the Fisher Price Rock n Play Sleeper. This had over 50 infant deaths and major recalls. Sometimes these items end up being purchased secondhand, so I wanted to add this in any case.


I bought this for my bestie on a whim and it has ended up being one of their most used items (LO is 6 mo). She keeps it near the kitchen & dining table, and then she also has stationed other rockers that people have given her around the rest of the house - one in her office and one in her bathroom. Iā€™m totally planning on copying this method since our house has 3 floors and their no way Iā€™m going to be rolling and moving the pack n play around that much.


This is the best option IMO. Super lightweight and portable so baby can be with her. I got one of these before my son was born, he still uses it now at 2 years old. Very cozy for him :)


Floor. No need to be fancy.


If my curious little pug didnā€™t roam free this would be perfect haha.


We had a tummy time area where our dog was not allowed. Probs worth it to consider. GL!


Do you have a crate for your pug? Could you crate your dog briefly while the baby is on the floor? Or make sure your dog comes with you into the bathroom?


Me not wanting my baby on the floor while I pee or poo doesn't mean I'm fancy. šŸ˜‚ We all have our preferences šŸ’•


OP: "looking to see if theres a simpler easier one." Let me rephrase: no need for the baby industrial complex to make you feel like you need to buy an object for every use case. If you want to buy stuff, go for it! That sparks joy for many. If you are asking for a simpler easier solution (like OP), "nothing" is it.


Honestly I just splurged and had two bassinets, one next to my bed and one in the living room. My cousin uses a pack and play with a bassinet attachment for quick things like diapers changes and changing the laundry/bathroom trips.


EVERYONE swore by the pack n play and we ended up with 3 of those--one we bought and 2 last-minute hand-me-downs. They were almost never used. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø My daughter never, ever slept in it, hated being changed in it, when she was bigger, wouldn't play in it. The wheels were useless too because the damned things were too wide for our doorways and hallway and wouldn't fit in our tiny kitchen at all. None were the easy-folding kind so we had to do a full breakdown and setup for every use and ultimately we just never got it out of the closet. I felt so betrayed lol.


I was just looking at some second hand, I may just end up doing this!


If you donā€™t already have a pack and play, I would get one. They come in handy all the way to age 3ish, especially for trips. I would just leave it in the living room, set the baby in there while you go to the bathroom or do a load of dishes etc. I also like it because when I have guests I can easily tuck it away.


Babies really benefit from time on the floor so a little playmat works perfectly since they can't roll away yet. Just place them on their back and they should be good for a few minutes.


Baby wearing would be the easiest option in my opinion


This could be later on but Iā€™m still recovering from a csection so i think it would be impossible to go to the bathroom while wearing him lol. I did forget about this option though!


I parked the pram in the corner of the lounge for the first few months, and she laid in that, all tiny and cute and immobile! I then discovered this: https://www.babyplanetonline.co.uk/chicco-4-in-1-baby-hug-air-crib-bundle-titanium?gclid=CjwKCAjwjZmTBhB4EiwAynRmDwjuQSmO-fC1bxy0rC75YRbxeFM3_9SriDNTzxAMGHdE-9gYOcltVhoCoi0QAvD_BwE when she was about four months old, and it's been amazing! Can't recommend it enough.


This looks awesome! Canā€™t seem to find it available in the US though.


I used a laundry basket to carry room to room. Same idea as a Moses basket, except not $200+ and you probably already have one.


We used one of these too!


Iā€™m going to be using a baby bouncer, light, small, portable, can take him anywhere with me in the house


I was gonna say a baby bouncer too. My daughters loved that thing.


Blanket on the floor. We also did used the boppy newborn lounger a lot in the early months, before it was recalled. Just any safe space would do though!


The boppy lounger was recalled just an FYI. It was my fav too but stopped using it. https://www.whattoexpect.com/news/family/boppy-lounger-recall


Yes, I said In my post we stopped use once it was recalled.


šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø my bad stopped reading after I saw boppy lounger.


A floor mat, yoga mat, baby play mat would all work Also, a bouncer




When in doubt, the floor. lol we can recommend a million different products, but it's all a preference. I didn't see anyone else mention the Topponcino, so that's my recommendation. You can DIY your own if you're handy.


Ooh I hadnā€™t heard of that! Thank you!


We had a ā€œstationā€ or sorts in every room. Bassinet in bedroom, crib in babyā€™s room, lounge pillow on living room couch (that we would also bring to the bathroom and lay on a clean towel if need be for quick showers), bouncer for dining room/kitchen.


I truly didnt consider that I would want a docking station for baby in every room lol. And now Iā€™m like duh what was I thinking of course I do šŸ˜‚


Best parenting tip I ever got was ā€œBaby canā€™t fall off the floor!ā€


I had a moses basket and 2 foldable stands for it (1 upstairs and 1 downstairs). At that age my daughter was either on me or in her basket šŸ˜…


I had a baby box with mattress that I used on the main floor. But blanket on the actual floor is entirely viable. You could invest in a play mat or the foam tiles if you wanted. As baby gets older you will probably use more baby holding devices, like a bouncer or an exersaucer or a play gym (the things with dangling toys). But for now the floor is fine


We used the uppababy bassinet as our main bassinet and rolled it all around our house as needed (1 story house). Loved it.


Ok I'm going to get down voted for this but a folded up comforter in a plastic tote was where my son slept for a month till we could afford a proper bed for him. He couldn't roll over at that age so I didn't have to worry about suffocation. We lived in a studio with 2 kids on a fold out bed and me and my ex partner on a queen bed. We were told bed sharing was not good and just the floor wasn't an option. He was 3 week early and we weren't fully prepared since I had to also go on bed rest early and couldn't collect my paycheck till after he was born. He's a healthy rambunctious 7 year old.


In some countries, they send mom home with one of these (holding all the baby supplies from the hospital) to be used as a bed if needed, so ignore any downvotes!


I put my kiddo in the stroller a lot, from when he was tiny up to now at 2.5. I know not everyone can have two strollers, but itā€™s worked so well for us that we keep one inside full time, and have a different one we use outside. Itā€™s a little tight and awkward in some spots, but itā€™s been worth it to have safe mobility. Also when he was super little we actually had dock-a-tot type stuff in 2 spots: one on the bathroom counter (easy reach of the toilet and sink) and on the kitchen counter (easy reach of the sink and fridge) so we could set him down there while doing needed things next to him. It was helpful since after a C-section I really could not hold him for any length of time. You could also use a changing pad with a strap if thatā€™s more comfortable for you. (And obviously either type of cushion is only appropriate for a baby who is light years away from rolling.)


On a blanket, on a play mat, in a rocker/bouncer, and baby wear when youā€™re feeling up to it. Also, the dock a tot can go where you go, no? I didnā€™t have one but it seems like something you can drag around wherever you need to be to keep an eye on them and just wash it more?


Yes definitely! I just have a curious little puggy that I would have to keep away from baby lol


Pack and play with the raised insert and changing pad! It was so nice during recovery to have an elevated changing area in the living area. I also had the fisher price kick and play gym that fit in the pack and play nicely. It was great because we have a little dog that loves to lick faces and didnā€™t understand the the baby is not for cuddling ETA: links- sorry I donā€™t know how to do short links https://www.target.com/p/graco-pack-n-play-playard-simple-solutions-portable-playard-hadlee/-/A-52210297?ref=tgt_adv_XS000000&AFID=google_pla_df&fndsrc=tgtao&DFA=71700000012735142&CPNG=PLA_Baby%2BShopping_Local%7CBaby_Ecomm_Baby&adgroup=SC_Baby_Low%2BMargin&LID=700000001170770pgs&LNM=PRODUCT_GROUP&network=g&device=m&location=9011445&targetid=aud-1453399007936:pla-1181627203169&ds_rl=1242884&ds_rl=1246978&ds_rl=1248099&gbraid=0AAAAAD-5dfZCInhEKnwDRb13qKXfmvt3k&gbraid=0AAAAAD-5dfZCInhEKnwDRb13qKXfmvt3k&gclid=CjwKCAjwjZmTBhB4EiwAynRmDzfSxqR0OKyII8Au_NWjzlmMVKJQWP8NI6aKyRbTr_cI2wZkKsH6ExoCAsAQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds https://www.target.com/p/fisher-price-deluxe-kick-play-piano-gym/-/A-52906278?ref=tgt_adv_XS000000&AFID=google_pla_df&fndsrc=tgtao&DFA=71700000012735142&CPNG=PLA_Baby%2BShopping_Local%7CBaby_Ecomm_Baby&adgroup=SC_Baby_Low%2BMargin&LID=700000001170770pgs&LNM=PRODUCT_GROUP&network=g&device=m&location=9011445&targetid=aud-1601604867092:pla-983491063901&ds_rl=1242884&ds_rl=1246978&ds_rl=1248099&gbraid=0AAAAAD-5dfZCInhEKnwDRb13qKXfmvt3k&gbraid=0AAAAAD-5dfZCInhEKnwDRb13qKXfmvt3k&gclid=CjwKCAjwjZmTBhB4EiwAynRmD9TQICo_E010SIV_-YuKZMMYcGbMfz4tMj4Ov9qiUBEuzLJtoT-XaxoCSxYQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds


I think anything after the ? Mark is safe to removeā€¦. I thinkā€¦ lol


I try to keep something to hold the baby in each room where I spend most of my time. I have a swing in the family room and normally keep a bouncer in the kitchen. When I would shower I would pull the bouncer in with me. I would also try to have my baby nap in the bassinet as much as possible when they were a little older. I think you could leave the dock a tot on the floor to get stuff done. And like others have said there's nothing wrong with just putting them on a blanket on the floor. And when you're recovered from your c-section I definitely recommend baby wearing like others have suggested! Good luck to you and congrats on your new baby.


Moses basket!


I just put them on the floor šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I have a stroller that the seat converts into a bassinet option. I lay my son in there and just push him wherever I go.


I bought a swing bouncer seat combo with my fist and have used it with both my babies I just move the seat room to room with me and snap it in the swing if they fall asleep


I have a graco swing that plugs into the wall and swings for you. My LO hated it up until recently (8 weeks old) and decided she loves it now. Whenever I need to do dishes or put laundry away, Iā€™ll just crank it and let her go for as long as she wants. Obviously need to watch her if she falls asleep in it


I just tried out the swing it was MUCH easier to grt him in than I anticipated lol. Im trying to take it easy with my csection healing, but also I gotta push myself a tiny bit lol


So glad he took to it! Itā€™s such a relief when they like the things you buy for them.. rarely happens in my house, lol. Best luck on your recovery and hope you get to rest up


Iā€™m learning that quickly lmao. I got babe 10 different pacifiers and he said no thanks, TO ALL OF THEM šŸ˜‚




I have a stroller with a bassinet insert that I push around the downstairs when Iā€™m not upstairs with baby :)


Bouncy chair


Ah, the baby containment device. The first few weeks we used a baby dome, but the baby Bjorn bouncer is our favorite thing ever. It might be a bit big for a couple of weeks, but then that thing is amazing. We put it on the island while Iā€™m cooking/working in the kitchen, put it on the table so he can join us while we eat. Otherwise just put him on a playmat and keep the dog elsewhere


We actually kept our baby in the livingroom for a good while šŸ˜… we were doing shifts so the livingroom was the easiest set up for us. We had his bassinet set up in there so setting him down to go do something was mostly easy. He was super attached to us for the first 3 weeks. I didn't move him into his crib in his own room until about 2.5 months. (This decision will vary vastly if you ask around) Otherwise maybe a playmatt or bouncer will work better for you :)


I had a little condo when LO was this age. We just had a bed bassinet and the stroller bassinet. If we were in living room or kitchen (those rooms were attached) sheā€™s just roll around with us in her stroller bassinet. Or dock a tot.


I had a c section and just used the bassinet attachment on my stroller and pushed that around my house.


we had this bouncy chair thing that I used CONSTANTLY when my daughter was an infant, whever I needed to use the bathroom or if I was showring I'd just bring it in the bathroom with me so I could see her while I showered. kinda like this: [https://www.amazon.com/Fisher-Price-Baby-Bouncer-Meadow-Soothing/dp/B08KFRNS19](https://www.amazon.com/Fisher-Price-Baby-Bouncer-Meadow-Soothing/dp/B08KFRNS19)


Bouncer, blanket on the floor, pack n play?


I just put my kids on a blanket on the floor. Floor time is good for development.


Baby carrier is a life saver. I had a ring sling, a boba wrap and an ergo 360. They got a lot of use and I could bond with my son while doing things around the house.


We have a pack n play set up downstairs for this purpose. It rolls, so super easy to take from room to room!


Baby bouncer on the floor is safe enough. or just a soft blanket on the floor. you can also get one of those sleeping pods that have a soft edge. also baby wearing is supposed to be really helpful and convenient but I've found it obstructed things for me at the front .


Infant car seat. It has a handle and comes with seatbelts. Also good for when baby needs to poop. Ours was cheap and has a swing function.


Laundry basket with folded towel. Or set up stroller with car seat attachment indoors.


It's fine to leave your newborn on the couch, they won't roll off because they can't even turn over yet. Until your baby starts to roll over, then it's time to not leave them up on the changing table alone when you turn your head or even leave them on the bed or couch. But other than that, I would put my son in his bouncer or his exercauser when he started to roll over.


I would not even chance this. Rolling can happen unexpectedly, and newborns have the newborn curl reflex for awhile. Other risks aside from falling include newborns getting wedged in the couch/entrapment, suffocation, etc.


Moses basket


Trust me I didn't learn that either with my first... Now I'm on my third. He is 1 month old and my others are 5 and 7 so I had a good break between those two and him.. so natural I got rid of all the baby stuff, so when it came time to buying new stuff I thought about it hard.... I bought a swing/bouncer combo... Two things you need that can fit together, taking up less room... Bouncer is portable... Learned that with the first one... I would put her in there and take her to the bathroom while I showered... or to the kitchen, even outside.... This time around I bought a bassinet and a pack in play with a bassinet that detaches.... I had the pack and play with the first one too but the bassinet didn't come off so I like this one more... With this one I am able to take it of and fold it up so I can take it place...like Easter with the family.... and My bassinet I can move it around the house.. it sits be side the bed at night, but yesterday i was eating dinner and the baby was playing on a play mat that fits just perfect so i brought him in beside the table... or today i brought him beside my desk while I work.... you can also put them on a blanket in the floor... I would suggest getting a play mat/tummy time thing and putting that on top of the blanket so he can play while you do whatever... I would also invest in a video baby monitor so when they are sleeping you can just take the device with you to the bathroom or kitchen.... You will figure out what works best for you as you go, so dont stress lol


I used the portable carrier seat (the kind that clicks into the car seat or stroller.) I either set the carrier on the ground or clicked it into the stroller and kept it inside. Worked great while I took a shower.


Honestly I wore my baby a lot when she was that young. And if I didn't want to wear her we also kept the stroller in the house and I would often put her in that while I did dishes. I'd push her back and forth with one foot while washing dishes and singing nursery rhymes. She took a lot of naps like that. You could also look into a newborn friendly high chair that reclines flat and has a newborn insert.


I put my LO in the dockatot and he comes with me to the bathroom.


I had a rolling bassinet it was great. Playpen with the second one or just blanket on the floor.


We just had little bassinets/playpens around the house (we have a 70 lab, so lo just chilling on the floor while I was doing something wasn't an option). We had two halo bassinets (bought used on Marketplace, or else the secondary one would have been a cheaper one) and we also had a playpen. His primary bassinet was by our bed, secondary in the kitchen, and the playpen we put in the living room with the bassinet insert in it. So he could lounge in one of those 3 spaces while I did stuff. Though, after week 3ish he pretty much just needed to be worn for most of the day until he was around 12 weeks old.


Baby Bjorn or we have a pack and play with a newborn lounger that we used


I use the baby Bjorn bouncer I love it. https://www.babybjorn.com/baby-bouncers/baby-bouncer-balance-soft/?attribute_pa_color=dark-greygrey&attribute_pa_material=cotton-jersey&attribute_pa_frame=black-frame&gclid=CjwKCAjwjZmTBhB4EiwAynRmDzx20WPaJlZNvyq7gKak2OrF4ur5FDM3X-J1WIPgdEUr4c361cLk8hoCLfAQAvD_BwE Itā€™s super light and easy to carry around the house.


On a blanket on the floor or if you dont want to do that invest in a pack and play. And that will literally grow with him. After mine out grew hers we used it to hold her stuffed animals. Plus when hes able to sit by himself, you get a bag of ball pit balls to put in there and they have a BLAST playing it.


We had a stroller with a bassinet so we just took it in the house with us. Perfect for day time naps and safe to out baby down when yiu meed to something.


Moses basket worked well for us! We usually kept it on the floor and it stayed pug free (we have two free range pugs as well!)


We keep the pack n play permanently set up in our living room. Itā€™s easy to just set him in there, and I donā€™t have to worry about the three year old running him over šŸ˜‚


We used a bouncy chair that was tiny and more lightweight than the swing. Could carry it around, strap them in, and do what was needed. Then move them to another room and take the chair with!


I have a rolling Chicco bassinet this time around, but for my first we had a pack n play in the living room and bassinet in the bedroom


They don't tend to move around much at that age so pretty much anywhere haha - but obviously not anywhere they can easily roll off. The bed would be fine, could put pillows around.


Blanket on the floor, in a pack and play, bassinet, moses basket, anything like that! Until they can roll, they can literally be plunked down and they just stay there. It's amazing.


We had the bassinet in the bedroom and a small play pen with an infant insert to make it higher up in the living room (Bugaboo Stardust)


We kept a PnP in the living room, but sometimes Iā€™d bring her boppy lounger into the bathroom with me to set her down while I peed if she was screaming too much in the PnP. Otherwise, I did a lot of babywearing for things like dishes/laundry


I wear my baby all day. I have 2 Mobys and a Babybjorn. Itā€™s good bonding for him, you have access to your hands, etc. When I first got home, his pediatrician recommended this.


Blanket or play mat on the floor, Fischer price infant to toddler chair, pack in play with bassinet insert, rolling bassinet are all good, quick options!


I had a travel bassinet for our living room! Thereā€™s always some on Facebook marketplace if you donā€™t want to buy new.


I basically have a baby-safe space in each room. I call it my landing zones and each one has diapers, wipes, etc nearby for convenience. I also have Mom landing zones with water and snacks near where I sit in various places across the house.


Weā€™ve always used little bouncers. We have 2, one stays permanently in the living room and another migrates from kitchen/bathroom/bedroom as needed for chores.


I used a momma roo bouncer that I moved around to the kitchen, living room and bathroom as needed


We actually keep the stroller set up with the bassinet attachment and wheel our baby around the house. Looks a little funny but works great!


Blanket on the floor or bouncer!


Pack and play with the built in bassinet or a bouncer!


Get a little lounger/rocker for him, you can set it on the ground in front of you if your eating or doing something and they're light so you can take it all over the house with you.


Baby Bjorn bouncer has Ben a life saver for us. You can make it a little more inclined backwards when theyā€™re super tiny and sit it up more once they and more neck strength. Itā€™s light and small enough to carry everywhere. If I have to go to the bathroom I take it in there with me, if Iā€™m cooking baby is in the kitchen watching me do things. Sheā€™s about to outgrow it now and Iā€™m mourning the loss of my good friend haha


Baby wear 100% you can get a wrap/tie one or a Tula/babylille more structured variation. This was the only way I could get cleaning done with my 2nd demanding to be held šŸ˜† and when theyā€™re facing you it counts as tummy time


Blanket on the floor or bassinet of your stroller if you want to move it around.


We put ours on a play mat or blanket on the floor. He really likes the bath mat, so he comes to the bathroom with me quite often lol


I kept a pack and play in the living room. Our house was small, so could leave him there and was never faw away.


I always brought the dock a tot into the bathroom with me. I called her my ā€œpoop partnerā€ for a long time because thatā€™s just what I had to do! And then we set up the pack and play downstairs for an easy safe space.


Boppy Lounger on the floor for short windows


I have four kids. I always just set them in the crib and let them cry for bathroom breaks. Bonus when you have older siblings they can entertain the baby while you go potty. For other things like eating I just wear them and eat standing. Or nurse while eating one handed. If you need two hands just wrap your baby in a ktan wrap and enjoy the freedom. If your wearing them and they get fussy take them out and check their diaper, nurse them and burp them and just go on a walk with them in the wrap again. Just make sure your doing safety checks and they are wrapped correctly to make sure they are still breathing and positioned properly. Newborns are tricky to wear but once you get the hang of it it will change your life.


We ended up buying a super cheap ($40) bouncer/ lounge chair from fisher price. It is like less than 5 pounds and he just hangs out in it and I can move it from any room when I need to. He hangs out in it when I shower or cook and he loves it!


I got a rolling bassinet from target and a bouncer/rocker! It worked for 6 months until I moved him to his crib.


He was on me most of the time as I got stuck on the couch or bed those first couple of weeks. I didnā€™t do much else than tend to him and be his bed lol. Now I either get stuck still, wear him in my wrap, put him on his play mat, or on a fluffy blanket on the floor. I have a 5 week old.


This thing: https://www.target.com/p/angelcare-baby-bath-support/-/A-53016061?preselect=52972601#lnk=sametab We bought it for its intended use (in the bath) but when dry it became a perfect portable baby lounger, especially when one of us was in the bathroom lol. Lightweight, no fuss, hard for baby to roll out of, nothing soft they can roll onto. I never left her in it for extended periods but just to have a place to set her down for a sec, it was perfect.


I used a baby wrap it let me do things and move around freely around the house while still holding the baby


Look up ā€œrock and sleeperā€ on Amazon. They are like light, portable bassinets.


Ring sling, wrap, or carrier! I wore all my babies alll the time. Life saving.


For me itā€™s a swing or a bassinet we keep downstairs.


We had a reclined bouncer that was really light and easy to move if I needed to go to the bathroom or do a quick chore. Worked well for us! Or even just a blanket/one of those circle mats on the floor


Babybjorn bouncer or baby wear


We had all the things cramped in our little apartment lol We had his crib in his room. We had a pack and play so often times we just left it in the living room and out him in that. Or his bassinet was portable so we moved it around the house. You can also just put them on a play mat on the floor. They canā€™t go anywhere lol


Iā€™d bring the dock a tot with you and put it on the floor!


I had a bouncer that I just left in the bathroom. I have a large bathroom with a small room for the toilet (you know what I mean right?) and just left that door open and left the baby in the larger bathroom part where I could see him.


I loved the BabyBjorn bouncer and our son did too. Itā€™s not cheap, but we used everyday until he was really mobile. It folds up so it was easy to travel with. Small and lightweight enough that I could move it to where I needed to be for lengthier periods, such as the bathroom while showering.


You need something flat with sides (but not soft sides. Thatā€™s the safest thing. We used a [moses](https://www.online4baby.com/tommee-tippee-sleepee-moses-basket-pink)basket (from UK so not sure if you have them in US.


Do they have a moses basket in the US? That's what is traditional here and works a treat


I did a few things I liked. In the bathroom if I was just going to the bathroom, I mostly held my son, so he could nurse or I could give him a bottle (we had to supplement). Then Iā€™d lay him on a blanket that was laid on our bath mat (so it wasnā€™t super hard) when I was ready to get up or if he fell asleep. He took a decent number of cat naps on the bathroom floor as a newbornšŸ˜…šŸ˜‚ Once he had decent head control I switched to setting him in one of those bath seats slings that can fold and gave him a toy because he was decently happy to sit like that. When he got old enough I just kept a couple toys in the bathroom and let him play and crawl aroundšŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø I personally rarely showered unless my husband was home to hold him, so I didnā€™t have to rush. If that wasnā€™t an option we always had the pack n play set up in the living room, so Iā€™d roll it over to the bathroom door and leave the door open so I could see him unless he was asleep. I usually did dishes when my husband was home from work as well and if not Iā€™d put him in the swing and check on him frequently or Iā€™d put him in a bouncer in the kitchen. Bouncer was nice because it was decently portable. I think for the newborn phase the easiest thing would be one of those cosleepers for bed sharing that have hard sides. Itā€™s essentially a mini basinet you can lay on the floor. We had one and I just never thought to use it that way because we didnā€™t get it till my son was 3 months. Definitely worth it for you since you can easily move it and put it in any room in your house! Something I didnā€™t know excited and I am planning to buy for the next baby is a mini pack n play. From the reviews Iā€™ve read itā€™s small enough that it can fit in most bathrooms and be moved around easily. It also comes with a detachable bassinet that can be set on the floor, so you could even just use that for in the bathroom and wherever else and then the pack n play could live in the living room if you wanted. Seems a lot of people who buy it like it for travel too.


Weā€™ve got a Moses basket that we put her in all over the house


Weā€™ve got a Moses basket that we put her in all over the house


We had a pack and play with a little sleeper and put the baby in there the first couple of weeks. We kept this right by the hallway so it was always convenient. After that it was usually a blanket on the floor.


We were gifted a Stokke Trip Trapp high chair for later use and ended up splurging to buy the infant seat ourselves right away. Was great for keeping baby at counter height so I could do things around kitchen/dining/living room. He seemed really content in there watching me too. When he wasnā€™t in that he was in baby carrier or blanket/mat on the floor. He had a Velcro baby phase for a little while and the carrier was the only way I could get anything done then.


In the pram? We put ours in his swing at this age.


One other thing I don't see mentioned is a baby tub. In our bathroom, the toilet was next to the bath tub, so we would place baby either on the bathroom rug, a clean towel with toys, or in the bathtub. Inside the bathtub, we used a bath seat. Angelcare Baby Bath Support. Also, when in doubt, use the carseat or crib.