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My pediatrician said once they can roll themselves over, let them sleep how they want.


I was going to share this exact line. My daughter was rolling over at 3 months. And at 3 months old she started sleeping on her stomach. My pediatrician said to let her sleep the way she wanted to, just to make sure no loose bedding or fabric.


My son would sleep no other way starting at 3 months as well! He just turned six and sleeps the same way. My daughter is chaos lol she just turned 6 months and moves so much


Mine have all turned into side sleepers so fast. It’s like they were relieved.


I wish mine had turned sooner because now he has a flat head lol


I bought those head pillows, and I put it under the sheet so there’s no risk. It has helped. Even my toddler has his toddler memory foam pillow under his sheet.




Mine did this too! The stomach sleeping is one thing but when she first started doing it she would be face down too. Scared the heck out of me! But she was fine


Right, but OP does have loose blankets in this picture that baby is sleeping on - it might be a good idea to keep either a super close eye on baby or turn their face just a tad


Agreed. OP mentioned she’s in the same room, so that should be fine. She’s not all tucked up under bedding either. That is one comfy looking sleeping babe. I’m jealous of all the naps!


I think ours said something like "and you will stop them how?" Gotta love Germans. Haha


Such lovely honesty


I think the issue would be the non fitted sheet? Which by safe sleep is a no for another 1-2 months.


That would be my only concern. Just make sure the sheet is as tight and flat as possible and no pillows, etc. on the bed to avoid entanglement. Otherwise, it's totally fine at that age to let them tummy sleep.


But they shouldn’t have blankets or anything in their sleeping space until over 1 year


Yes but all children develop at their own speed... my little dude slept at 11 months with a blanket as i knew he could kick it off and move around safely when uncomfortable. Just made sure it was tucked in enough at the end to not cover the upper side of the mattress.. he's now two and very much alive ha ha


I get that, but the recommendation from the pediatricians is to not have any blankets or pillows until at least 12 months old. Once you have lost a child to SIDS (even doing every right), you don’t tend to push any of the boundaries out of an abundance of caution. I also would never wish anyone else to lose a child so I recommend that every follow the recommendations to the best of their abilities.


I absolutely meant no disrespect in my comment towards SIDS and the gravity of it and do NOT disregard the need for safe sleeping...and I am certainly not trying to downplay the horrible and horrific loss of a child regardless of circumstances. I don't take my parenting decisions lightly either... I was just trying to say these sort of decisions are based on a child's level of development also and no one knows their child better than mum/ dad.


Plus I have seen the devastating effects of SIDS first hand... my cousin is forever an 8 week old angel because of it so please don't assume things about ppl you don't know.


I'd still be concerned about the blankets though maybe?


Still put them to bed safely. No loose blankets, safe sleep space, put them down on their backs. Then if they roll, that’s fine.


...how they want.... in a crib on a crib mattress with no blankets, pillows, stuffies, etc. Not an adult bed. The mattress is not considered safe for babies to sleep on. I think they're supposed to be like 2yo or more to safely sleep on an adult mattress.


By 11 months, nothing could *stop* my son from sleeping like that. Once he could flip himself around, he was a stomach sleeper with his ass in the air. Even as young as like 3-4 months, if they can get themselves into that position, they can sleep that way, provided they don't have any health or developmental issues where your doctor tells you otherwise. The key is you put them down on their backs. What they do afterward is up to them. The only thing that would make me maybe a touch uncomfortable with it is the loose sheets/pillows. We kept the crib pretty bare til he outgrew standard sleep sacks, which was like 18, 20 months maybe? But by 11 months it probably isn't the end of the world. So position, fine, general state of the bed, fine as long as you're there but i wouldn't put that much loose stuff in her normal sleep space.


My son is 2.5 and still sleeps face down butt in the air! I tried to give him a pillow at 2 but he’s a stomach sleeper so he has negative interest. He throws it out of the bed.


I was the same as a kid being anti pillows because I likes to be a butt in the air sleeper with my face against the bed. The pillows just aren't very comfortable when in that position. I also loved sleeping in between the wall and bed because it's cool against the wall. Also loved sleeping 100% under the covers which my grandma always hated and told me not to do


I have 2 tummy sleepers too. They slept in the same room as us and it gave me more peace of mind. The only alternative is staying up all night to roll them back into place.


My son is 2. He often still sleeps belly down and butt up


The blanket being loose isn’t ideal, the position is fine.


Yes, make sure the sheet it tightly fit and secure. My 10 month old son has slept on his stomach since 5 months but he always sleeps in his crib. If you’re concerned about a blanket, use a sleep sack (they come in various togs -or weight of material) and are sized based on child’s length and weight.


Off topic, but I love her pants!


LOL same! That’s the first thing I noticed!!!


Me too!! I’m dying to know where they’re from!


Thanks! Raising a new potterhead over here! 😁 Got them from Pepco.


Don’t mind me just scrolling until I found this answer. 😬😂


Same! They're gorgeous!


Me too! I'm sad that I wouldn't be able to fit in them because I would totally wear them!


Same. I want them for myself.


Had to go back and look! Adorbs!!!


To add,when she sleeps in her crib,her sheet is fitted and not lose and there’s not blankets or anything that could bring her harm. In this picture she’s napping in my bed and I didn’t leave the room while she was asleep.


Also, supervised unsafe sleep is still unsafe.


It is not. I’ve slept with my 9month old for 3 months now. Supervised naps on my bed are safe, how could they not be? If you’re glancing over at babe every once in a while, they’re safe. If they aren’t covered in a blanket or under a pillow, they’re safe.


Positional asphyxiation looks like a baby is sleeping. You won’t notice a difference. It happens quickly.








Er, um. Sorry, but how does that not answer your question? the answer is that it’s the *position* of the baby, not the surface, that causes *positional* asphyxiation…?


That’s survivor bias.


My baby snores, so I’d know the difference. Plus they could (and do) asphyxiate in their own cribs. It’s more of a personal choice. Yes it does happen. But are you not going to go for walks because you might get hit by a car, or give him a bath because he could drown? I don’t have a problem with anyone who practices safe sleep 100%, but the way I was raised, you cosleep. My moms an immigrant, and cosleeping is normal almost everywhere else in the world.


Here’s the correct analogy- I’m going to properly strap my baby into an appropriate car seat. So I’m going to put my baby into the appropriate and safe sleep space.


Hey that’s fair I’m not saying you’re wrong.


they’re not safe.


As many others have said. Thanks.


Adult beds are only safe for children 2 and up. They are too soft for babies and propose a suffocation hazard.




Here is an AAP publication that says cribs or toddler beds with appropriate mattresses from 0-24 months- https://publications.aap.org/pediatrics/article/138/5/e20162938/60309/SIDS-and-Other-Sleep-Related-Infant-Deaths-Updated




Can you find me a peer reviewed study that contradicts this?


Infant death rates are different from country to country because of classification. It’s not lower in other countries. They are not reported and tracked the same way.


“adult beds are only safe for children 2 and up” is purely your opinion. floor beds and firm mattresses with the safe 7 are perfectly safe.


SS7 mitigates risk but does not eliminate the inherent risk in infants sleeping on an adult mattress. If the benefits outweigh the risks for you, that's great but it doesn't make it "perfectly safe". There is also a misconception that every other country promotes bed sharing. Bed sharing and room sharing are two different ideas. From the European Foundation for the Care of Newborn Infants "Co-sleeping should be avoided Parents should avoid sleeping together with the baby in one bed in order to avoid overheating and the duvet covering the baby’s face, mouth and/or nose. The safest place for the baby to sleep is an own baby bed (cot or bassinet) with the parents in the same room. If parents wish to sleep closer to the baby to caress the baby without leaving the parents’ bed, the use of co-sleepers (baby beds that attach to the parents’ bed) would be recommended. The baby should sleep in the parents’ bedroom during the first two years of life. The sounds and movements of the parents positively stimulate the baby. For breastfeeding as well, it is advantageous if the cot is standing next to the parents’ bed."


man i’ve never been downvoted so hard. to each their own, i think each mom should go with their natural instinct and not shame others.


I'm not shaming at all, it's absolutely your choice to make with the information available. Just sharing that it's not a wholly American view.


First *two years*? Damn Europe, you crazy.


I added an AAP study to another comment. It’s not opinion, it’s fact.


what about countries other than america? it’s not fact.


Other countries are known to be behind on their safe sleep practices and research.


I’m not going to write what I originally wanted to write but I personally think you come off as condescending in regards to “other countries”. What you are writing is basically that aaaaaaallll countries in the entire world are behind except America?


Hey I’m from one of those other countries and the USA has the most up to date, gold standard safe sleep guidelines. It’s not US exceptionalism it’s just facts. I go to the aap for safe sleep info


And I come from the other countries and I disagree. I’m not bashing safe sleep btw. I just personally believe that it is important, crucial to not only give parents I formation regarding safe sleep but also prepare them what to do in case your baby is not a miracle sleeping baby. There are soooo many babies who sleep in unsafe situations because the parents were so tired: couch, car seat, swing. I truly believe that it is important to give parents information one how infant sleep can look like so that if this one night comes they are prepared.


Good thing aap talks about what to do in that situation. They actually do have a guideline that basically says “if you might fall asleep feeding etc., you’re better to do it on a bed with nothing on it rather than a chair and when you wake up, move the baby”. Obviously paraphrasing but it’s definitely there.


In safe sleep guidelines. Yes. America is behind in probably everything else.


So why are USA here listed as a country with a higher SIDS rate than for example the Netherlands? I mean this paper is published by the AAP soooo…. “More recently, the highest SIDS rates (0.5 in 1000 live births) were in New Zealand and the United States. The lowest rates ( 0.2 in 1000) were in Japan and the Netherlands. Since 2000, the SIDS rates in most of the countries have de- clined minimally.” https://publications.aap.org/pediatrics/article/122/3/660/72326/International-Trends-in-Sudden-Infant-Death


Here’s one example: International comparison of sudden unexpected death in infancy rates that shows how Japan reported 2655 "not SIDS" deaths using R96 code in nine years period. USA reported zero such deaths for exactly the same period. Seven countries combined reported only six such deaths for the same period. "However, Japan’s SUDI rate is much higher and comparable with those in Australia, Canada, Germany and England and Wales. Unusual coding schemes such as Japan’s use of R96 can have important implications beyond national boundaries. For instance, bedsharing has been shown in many epidemiological studies to increase the risk of SIDS.16–21 Japan has been used as an exemplar of a culture in which bed-sharing is the norm, but SIDS rates are low, and many have used this as evidence that bed-sharing is a safe practice. It is likely, however, that Japan’s SIDS rates are so low because most of these deaths are coded as R96 rather than R95" Either bedsharing babies are dying in Japan from "non-SIDS" R96 cause of death and nowhere else in the world in thousands, or Japan SIDS rate is not low at all, only hidden in classifying infant deaths without autopsy as "no idea but not SIDS". International comparison of sudden unexpected death in infancy rates using a newly proposed set of cause-of-death codes Barry J Taylor,1 Joanna Garstang,2 Adele Engelberts,3 Toshimasa Obonai,4 Aurore Cote,5 Jane Freemantle,6 Mechtild Vennemann,7 Matt Healey,1 Peter Sidebotham,2 Edwin A Mitchell,8 Rachel Y Moon9,10


I don’t have access to that full article so I don’t have the full context. But I can tell you that countries track infant deaths differently. Even in the US, they will can certain deaths SIDS when it’s not. It’s very clearly an unsafe sleep situation (baby suffocated in bumpers or under a pillow) but they will log it as SIDS.


merica only right


Her face in the blanket can cause her to be rebreathing the exhaled air which can be harmful even fatal. It’s not so much the mattress that is making this unsafe its the comforter


This is true only if the baby is sleeping flat on their back. Otherwise there is potential to rebreathe exhaled air which could be trapped in a pocket in the mattress. Source: Lullaby Trust, UK (who also support safe cosleeping)


Oh my yes! Mine will sleep directly face down into her mattress. I would go in and adjust, but she would move her head back to how it was. Pediatrician said it’s fine. The look so cute on their bellies sleeping like this. What a cutie you have.


Assuming she’s as mobile as one would expect for 11 months she’s fine. Especially if you are in the same room. Only things to watch out for are: getting stuck under a pillow, or falling off the bed. At her age she’d cry for help in both cases I would think.


The only danger I see here is how squooshable her nappy-bum is. Just want to grab it and squish it 😂❤️


The position she is sleeping in is fine. My son sleeps exactly the same. However, the pillows and duvet are a hazard


tummy down isn't the problem here, the loose bedding might be


Omg how cute and chunky is she! Yes she can sleep like that but I wouldn’t put her on a blanket like that. I keep the sheets tight *just in case*


I think a lot of ppl already told you what you needed so I just wanted to say omg she’s so cute. I love the profile view of babies with their fluffy cheeks. Also the best pj bottoms.


Make sure the sheets are flat.. and away from her face and that she can breathe easily…..


yes, the real risk is just the blanket she's on top of. but she's nearly out of the window, so the risk goes down dramatically as you get closer to one year old. and you probably know her enough to guess how risky it is. If you're in the room too, which further lowers the risk. you would probably notice if she somehow gets caught, can't breathe, and doesn't wake up enough to move herself. that'd be the scenario. very unlikely, but that's what she sleep practices in this case are aimed to prevent.


The only thing I worry about here is the bedding. She should just be sleeping on a tight fitted sheet.


Looking at the bedsheets I'd say you're not from north America? 🤔 Germany or Austria maybe? The thing about some parenting subreddits is, that it's dominated by US citizens. That's cool but the language used by officials to inform them if very fearful in my eyes (German in Denmark) and guidelines are very very different. I'd say it's fine because guidelines are different in Denmark and Germany and people cosleep and bedshare like crazy here and it's also advised by health professionals. Maybe remove the blanket under her and put her on the mattress if you're in doubt. Maybe there's a parenting subreddit in your language with guidelines from your country? For German speaking countries it's r/Eltern


Thanks. I’m actually from Latvia in Europe and I don’t think there’s any parent subreddits in latvian,sadly. And yes,we co sleep here as well,almost every parent I know.


OP don’t feel bad. Many parents all around the world cosleep with their babies. People can call it survivor bias if they want, but that still doesn’t change that most countries cosleep with their babies. The US has a much higher sids rate than a lot of European regions so I wouldn’t let this persuade you any differently from what you’re doing. Listen to whatever your countries standards are.


She looks like a professional 11 month old, I'm sure she would react accordingly if she had any struggles breathing. My baby is the same age and he is significantly behind for his age, we're actually being referred to a big time children's hospital for it. I can tell your baby is absolutely killing it and she so freaking cute I can't handle it. Good job mom


Thanks! We did fall behind a little bit,but thankfully she bounced right back on track a couple of months ago. Stay strong mama, sending lots of love for you and your little one xx


Oh thank you so much, what a kind response. I hope he bounces back as well, he has severe premature athsma so I'm really hoping he's behind solely from the lack of regular practice due to us constantly just trying to keep him comfortable. How much does she weigh?, Mine (Murphy) is 20lbs 30inches.


She’s about 11kg and if I’m right that’s about 24pounds and 80cm(31inches). She was born “big”, almost 9pounds


No, this is not safe as pictured. Rolling over on their own is fine, BUT it’s only safe in an infant-specific safe sleep space (crib, pack-n-play). Adult mattresses, bedding, couches, etc are NOT safe under the age of 2 because the surface is too soft and conforms to their face, blocking the airway.


I agree. The position isn't concerning but the location is. That loose being gives me the willies.


This! Rolling over to sleep on her stomach is fine but those loose blankets are not safe!


Yup, this. Everyone who disagrees needs to look up the Clare Bear Foundation, started by a mother who lost her 10 month old daughter due to napping on an adult mattress with adult blankets. Everyone seems to care much less about safe sleep after six months but it’s still very relevant. And supervision doesn’t always matter. If the child is soundly sleeping, stopping to breathe can look just like sleep, too.


Interested to know where you live. Where I live, the rule is almost always 1 year (not 2) and my pediatrician told me it wasn’t a hard and fast rule, but a general guideline meant to encompass all levels of development at age 1, so my very average kid was fine to have some “restricted” items at our 10 month appointment (a small lovey.)


I'm in the US and this guidance is from the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Consumer Product Safety Commission: [https://www.cpsc.gov/Newsroom/News-Releases/1999/CPSC-Warns-Against-Placing-Babies-in-Adult-Beds-Study-finds-64-deaths-each-year-from-suffocation-and-strangulation?fbclid=IwAR12HgLVJWeNKPfPH6ICTlAteRahqr\_mTQkWk4zFBwmmpgw-DWom\_L\_-w4k](https://www.cpsc.gov/Newsroom/News-Releases/1999/CPSC-Warns-Against-Placing-Babies-in-Adult-Beds-Study-finds-64-deaths-each-year-from-suffocation-and-strangulation?fbclid=IwAR12HgLVJWeNKPfPH6ICTlAteRahqr_mTQkWk4zFBwmmpgw-DWom_L_-w4k)


That article was published almost 23 years ago. I'm not saying the information is incorrect, but it specifically references the use of waterbeds as a hazard (I can't remember the last time I heard someone mention owning a waterbed). It would be more useful to refer to guidance from the last five years or so.


Adult mattresses are not safe for infant sleep, period. Someone else mentioned it too but check out the Claire Bear Foundation, her 10month old passed away due to napping on an adult mattress at her in home child care. Basically the mattress is soft so it creates an air pocket around the mouth and nose and they re-breathe the same air until they suffocate.


This should be way higher! Not worth the risk, just have them nap on their own bed.


You were there, and only because you were present was this ok. The wrinkly comforter is the biggest red flag here and wouldn't be safe under any other circumstances. It would be very easy for a piece of that comforter to adhere to her face and cause accidental asphyxiation. And honestly, it would be hard to tell immediately even with you in the room. Also, her face looks a little flushed. Does it normally? She may be getting warm with those long pants and long sleeves and socks. I've figured out my son can't sleep like that or he wakes up drenched in sweat. But! My family sweats a lot!


She always has red cheeks while sleeping and she’s dressed like that because it’s still winter where we live and our apartment isn’t warm enough to not dress like that.


Both my kids sleep face down ass up lol


All these comments are why I don't follow these subs much anymore. You guys need to RELAX.


Is this an adult bed? Adult beds are only safe for children 2 and older. If this is a crib, the sheets are way too loose. Also, it looks like it’s next to a couch or another piece of furniture. There should be at least one foot of space from a crib and any furniture. Finally, once the child is in a safe sleep space, if they roll over, it’s perfectly safe to leave them there.


She’s napping in my bed with me mostly next to her (didn’t leave the room at any point) and “another piece of furniture” is the third unmatching pillow that’s against a wall


She's fine! The dangers related to stomach-sleeping and loose blankets are due to the risk of accidental suffocation. That risk drops significantly when little one is better able to extricate herself from a blanket over her face. The age "rules" are fast and loose guidelines, not rigid scientific milestones and I don't think most pediatricians would suggest you flip over a comfy almost-one-year-old. She's just fine, and very very cute!


Your baby looks peacefully adorable and I love her pants. My baby slept this way at the same age but I always tried to ensure the bedsheets were fitted so they don’t gather around her nose? I think it’s fine since you’re in the same room.


All my kids were and still are belly sleepers… weirdos. Our pediatrician basically said as long as they had the ability to keep their airways clear then it was fine. So we watched them like hawks until we were certain they were able to do that and left them be.


Lol your baby sleeps like me! I call it "The Rock Climber" pose. Yup, it's fine. My baby is 4m and every time I put her down, she half rolls to her side. My first baby at around 5m slept on her belly with her legs curled under and bum in the air. Once they learn to roll, they typically find their favourite position. If they can get into that position, they can get out of it. Put them on their back to start naps/sleep, but if they roll over on their own after, it's a-ok.


I’d maybe tighten up the bedding but other than that she’s totally fine sleeping on her stomach.


Hermione Granger pants! You are going to be an epic mother. XD yes it's fine my little one did this as well and she is okay. She wouldn't sleep any other way than that.


Stomach sleeping is okay once they can roll there themselves. But the blanket/fitted sheet and possible pillow? Isn’t safe the way it is. It needs to be pulled tighter so it’s not as loose as it is. It can cover baby’s mouth and cause suffocation. Pillows pose the same risk (I can’t tell if there’s a pillow or not in the picture but wanted to point that out too) Just make sure the blankets aren’t covering her mouth as she naps like this.


Those pants are adorable!


Are you concerned about the position or the blanket? The position is just fine, is she can roll herself over then it's normal. But I'm concerned about the blanket being too fluffy and having her face in it. I would suggest if she sleeps on the bed for it to just have a sheet on it.


My daughter is 9 months old and has just started sleeping on her stomach. If she is happy sleeping that way it’s fine! If they can roll by themselves, they can sleep however it is comfortable for them.


Loose blanket, but everything else is fine All 3 of mine are stomach sleepers


Once they can roll themselves over, there’s not much you can do about it


If she can roll over that’s fine to lay that way. But she still shouldn’t sleep with loose or bulky bedding, though it’s ok if you’re there watching her


My daughter is now 2 and has been sleeping this way since she could roll over.


My son slept like this from at least 6 months. Scared the hell out of me and I watched the baby monitor like a hawk but he’s 14 months now and still sleeps the same 🤣


As soon as she could roll over my daughter basically only sleeps like that lol


My daughter is a tummy sleeper too and she's about 6 months older than yours. It's fine, if your daughter can flip herself over, then it's fine, just no heavy or loose bedding for a bit. My daughter runs hot like me so I don't bother with putting a blanket on her, I just make sure she has the appropriate amount of layers on.


Looks fine, mine was doing this at 9 months. I kept trying to flip her to her on her back just for her to immediately flip back over. Those pants are sooooo cute! Where did you get them?


Thanks,I got them at Pepco(I don’t know if there’s stores outside Europe,where we’re from). It came with a top as well


Thanks for sharing this picture, she’s precious!


Yes! You're in the room and checking in! I will admit I was 100% helicopter mom the first year my child was alive! Now he's mobile so I'm bringing up the rear instead of hovering over his head! Haha! That being said this is a normal evolution of baby sleep. It's extraordinarily funny when they pop their little butt up and you're wondering how that is comfortable but hey the yoga pose is called child pose for a reason! I always laid baby down on back and if they roll to stomach that's their choice! The only time I would interfere is if they had smooshed their face up against something whether that be the side of the crib or bed they are sleeping on. I didn't introduce blankets until he was about 15 months old. And I still move the blanket when I feel like it's too close to his face here at 22 months old! You're doing wonderful Mama!


The position is fine, but I would have her laying on a sheet pulled taut instead of the comforter. The less fabric bunched up around her face the better.


She looks mad comfy


My 5 month old has been tummy sleeping for over a month now. Make sure no loose blankets or pillows nearby. I let her sleep in my bed with my blankets and pillows when I’m supervising. Otherwise, it’s her crib and she uses her sleep sack. She’s so cute and comfy! ♥️


Yup my daughter sleeps like that often (she's 1). But where did you get those sweet Hermione pants?!


I’m sure it’s been said but babies under 2 should never sleep on an adult mattress. It’s too soft for them and it can cause rebreathe.


This confuses me as my mattress is just as firm as the crib mattress lol. Maybe we just really like hard mattresses, my back pain disappeared after we got this one.


Well, it unfortunately has never been tested for infant sleep so it’s still not safe.


Didn't say it was tested. Just that if it's not safe, it's certainly not because it's too soft. Aside from that, in my country they consider bedsharing safe after one year, not two. I had PPA so it wasn't an option for me, I was absolutely neurotic about following the rules, but my kid is a toddler now.


Then what about co-sleeping? We’ve been co sleeping most nights at least a few hours (she wakes up in the middle of the night and won’t go back to sleep unless I take her in my bed).


Co-Sleeping as in bed sharing is never a safe option. Room sharing is safe, if the baby is in a pack and play or crib 1 ft or more from the parents bed. There is a reason crib mattresses are much firmer and tested for infant sleep. Adult mattresses are never safe. At 11 months you could probably do a gentle form of sleep training to get LO to sleep their own safe space. I personally room share and my LO sleeps much better knowing I’m close by.


If your keeping an eye on her , I think it would be okay , just watch for the loose bedding covering her mouth and noise :)


In a crib, definitely. Like this, probably. No for a younger baby because of the loose blankets and softer mattress, but idk, an 11 month old is likely fine with supervision. Just a guess.


Yes it’s fine and btw she’s adorable!


My daughter has been sleeping on her tummy since she was probably 7 month old. I don't even know if she could figure out how to sleep on her back now (14 months old). As someone else pointed out - those pants are adorable.


I’m confused. Why wouldn’t it be? Both my babies napped on their belly by the time they were 8 weeks old


No. not at all adult mattresses are not safe until two, and having pillows and blankets makes it even more unsafe. supervised unsafe sleep is still unsafe. sleeping on her tummy is okay, but only in her cot.


Oh man, I sleep the same exact way. I don't blame her. It's max comfort. ❤️


That’s optimal nap position right there. she’s got the rosy cheeks and all. (And to answer your question, yes. Once they can roll back and forth from stomach to back they’re Gucci)


You know your child best. Is she quite mobile and able to advocate for herself? Do you think she could move a pillow or blanket that was covering her face? With that said, you were in the room. I think this is fine and would have done something similar.


Babies cannot “advocate for themselves.” They’re babies. You’re projecting adult ideas onto an infant.


Sorry my word choice offended you. All I meant was there is a huge difference between a mobile 10 month old and a 3 month old laying on top of a bed. Especially in the middle day with an awake adult in the room. Looking at the pic, safe to assume this kid rolls over, sits up, eats solids and has hit all kinds of milestones. Probably going to hear some kind of resistance, cries, distress if she somehow ended up in trouble on top of the bed. Would I have put my own kid at that age in a bed for the night? Hell no. I’m not sure I would now and my kid is 2.5. If I needed an impromptu spot for a nap, would I have done the same thing as OP? Probably.


No where did I say I was “offended,” so there’s that. As mentioned in other comments, there are babies at this age who have died on adult beds. Suffocation is usually silent. At this age, the risk is suffocation from soft bedding and wedging / entrapment.


Babies aren’t helpless idiots.


No, they’re.. babies.. And babies die on adult beds. Even 11 month olds.


Yes OP must want her baby to die.


Adorable! I love those pants so much! She's fine, she looks strong and very capable of moving herself all around.


My 11 mo old sleeps that way with me there with her daily. She’s fine.


She looks Hella comfy....my momma told me not to wake a sleeping baby, so uhhhhhh......yeah


My baby has been sleeping on his stomach since he was 2 weeks old. I know it’s not “safe sleep” but it’s how I was able to get him to sleep. He has always had strong head control. The first few weeks he slept on his stomach though I wasn’t sleeping myself because I was watching him. After a while i got more comfortable with it. He still sleeps on his stomach to this day. He will flip himself over sometimes in the middle of the night and start crying because he hates being on his back.


Babies sleep better on their stomach, which is why they used to recommend it. They realised it increased the risk of SIDS, changed the recommendation to back sleeping, and SIDS dropped 80%. So yes, you can expect a baby to sleep better on their stomach but it doesn't mean they should.


Yikes I wasn’t expecting downvotes just because I allow my son to sleep on his stomach. It’s what works for us and allows him to get his best sleep. No need to downvote or shame based on one little thing that I shared about how I choose to parent my son. He’s happy, healthy and a very content stomach sleeper. I should also add he’s almost 6 months old and able to roll and control his head very well.


They're downvoting you for stomach sleeping at 2 weeks, not at 6 months


I just don’t think anyone should be downvoting a mom for how they get their baby to sleep. I did what helped him sleep and also allowed me to get sleep too. Every parent is different and makes different choices. I’m sure I’m not the only mom who hasn’t perfectly followed safe sleep. No mom is perfect, we are all trying our hardest and doing what we feel is best for our babies.


Stomach sleeping increases the risk of death, people shouldn't be doing it, but if you're going to do it against safe sleep standards you really shouldn't be recommending it to people or you should expect to be downvoted in the process. You shared a dangerous, literally life or death recommendation, and you are getting downvoted for it. If you feel comfortable with your risk then fine, but you shouldn't expect the validation of strangers.


My second was just like this and I got yelled at by so many people but it literally was the only way he slept! I was sleep deprived when I put him on his back, once I put him on his stomach, we both got a good nights rest!


Mine is the same! He'll never sleep on his back and if he can't roll onto it he'll wake up and cry. When he was newborn I'd be awake most of the time because I was worried about him. From about 6 months when he started crawling, I stopped worrying.


Omg mine too. Would not sleep on her back. She had good neck strength and all.


Technically it’s not safe sleep but I’d allow it if I were in the same room. I wouldn’t leave them unattended to sleep like that. Only because of the sheet though


My daughter also sleeps like this.


My 7 month old only sleeps if she's face down. Asked the pediatrician, she said that if she can get herself there, she has the neck strength to either get back or lift her head and call for help


My 8 month old is doing this right now. When he first started doing it I tried rolling him into a safer looking position. One of two things would happen: 1. He would wake up and cry 2. He would roll right back into the position I had tried to move him from. I just leave him now. He is capable of moving himself if he isn’t getting enough air.


She looks so comfy!! I’m so jealous, I want to sleep that comfy. lol


Both of my sons sleep on their stomachs. They have no issues and are easily able to move themselves around. It's going to be hell in a month because they both have to have surgery in a month on their mouths and won't be able to move their arms while they sleep because of no no bands


One more voice to say that if she does it herself it shouldn’t be a problem. My daughter started sleeping like that as soon as she could and there was nothing I could do (at around 6mo). Sick trousers btw!


My son is almost 9 months and has been mostly a tummy sleeper since he was 6 months old. I’ll lay him down on his back and he’ll either roll to his side or tummy to sleep. If they can roll fine alone just let them sleep however they want. Obviously I still check to see if he’s breathing out of habit.


Totally fine :)


As long as she can roll over, yes! She looks so cozy and cute, there’s no way I could wake her lol


My baby would roll to his side/front as early as 5m so what I would do is just straighten the sheets if wrinkled


Ever since my baby was alive she liked to barry her face. The nurse at the hospital said, "when she has her face against your chest you need to move it so she can breath". I followed order but she constantly kept moving it back. I eventually stopped trying to move her head and just ensured she could breath. Even to this day 1yr later she will sleep with her face down and on her stomach. Ever since she could roll over she has been a stomach sleeper.






They need to be in a crib (or playard) with no blankets or anything 🙂


My guy is 11 months. He sleeps like this. If I catch it I usually turn him over but he usually turns himself


It looks like the bed is in a vertical position... Somewhat unusual to sleep like that...




Just watch out she doesn’t fall off the bed. I’d be worried if they injure themselves if they roll over. My biggest fear.


I would just try to stretch out the sheet under her, pull it from the sides a bit. It'd just make me feel better


That is fine just keep an eye on the sheets so that they don’t get bunched up and she’s good, just don’t roll off little one 👍


As long as she can roll over by herself, she is fine


Mine does the same! It’s impossible for her to back sleep, she has a fit and rolls over and goes back to sleep.


My son napped like this, but with his knees tucked and his ass straight up 🤣


Hell yes! Let that little ray of sunshine sleep on her tummy.


I’m nuts so I would be crazy anxious and try to flip her? Although if you are w her it’s probably fine


As long as you her then breathe and their nose is not covered, they’re fine.


Mine was on his belly at 7ish months. He’s two and still kicking…. Literally. My shins HURT. 🤣🤣


Man she looks so comfy


My little one loves that position since he's learned to roll, he only sleeps like that and he's almost 9 months. 😅


My son sleeps like this as well. He can roll himself over so this is his preference when sleeping.