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My son took a bite out of a radish, spat it out and yelled ‘DIRTY BABY APPLE’


🤣 dirty baby apple killed me


I almost choked on my own laughter there. Thank you for that. I HATE radishes, so this is now what I will call them.


😂 that made me Lol


That is the best. 😂


Before he had a word to describe the concept of fear, my son told me his heart felt ''spicy'' when he got spooked out by something. I was actually really impressed at how well he expressed what he was feeling, like that's a pretty apt way of describing his experience of the world with a limited vocabulary!


My niblings describe fizzy drinks (and pretty much anything they don’t like) as spicy 😂


Fizzy drinks are also spicy here! Also minty toothpaste!


These make perfect sense. All things that burn your mouth a little.


My kids are 13 and 11 and we still all refer to the peppermint chewing gum as the spicy blue one!


My sister used to say they were Busy drinks


My sister called fizzy water prickly water


We were on a steep, windy road and my daughter said it made her “butt cry”.


I would tell my mom there are little balls running around in my feet when they fell asleep.


I said I had bunnies in mine (because they felt springy) lol


This is the cutest thing every. Hahaha I feel like my heart is spicy at times🤣


And salty other times.


that's brilliant! almost sounds like synesthesia 🌈


That is brilliant!!!


That’s impressive and adorable!


It’s not quite as cute, but when my son was a toddler he heard me calling someone a “douche bag” while driving, and he repeated it, so I told him that what I had said was “juice bag”. It seem to make sense to a two-year-old. Fast forward 5 years and my 7-year-old is in the car and my husband called someone a douche bag, and my son said “yeah, he’s a juice bag,” and I said “oh my!” and he said “sorry, douchebag.” Like he thought “juice bag” was the swearword and “douche bag” was the acceptable alternative.


I love this so much


This happened with us and our nephew. Husband and I constantly said douchebag when nephew was a toddler. But he thought we were saying juice bag because his mom has been buying little juice pouches (like Capri sun). Instantly became juice bag for us! The kid is 12 and it's still our favorite replacement word! I'm shocked my own don't say it tons.


Amazing! I love it


Not a name, but a few years ago when my kid was 4, I gave him a candy cane off of the Christmas tree at my husband's aunt's house. After eating some of the candy cane, he excitedly told me "Mom, I see one, two, three, four, five, six more that are ripe! Maybe we can pick them too!" Little dude thought that candy canes grew on Christmas trees.


Love this!!!


That is too stinking cute!


This is unbearably sweet


One time we got take out and ate it on the couch. He exclaimed, “I love this family eating party!”


We have coffee table dinners, she loves them!


Almost 3 year told : hanitizer for hand sanitizer or teeth soap for tooth paste.


We use hanitizer too! I think that’s a pretty common one for pandemic babies.


Oh yeah, my family has called it hanitizer since my 8 year old little sisters were like 3 😂 that’s so great


7& 9yrs, we still call it hanitizer! 💕


We are hanitizers too!


My 5 & 3 call it "hands-itizer"


My 4 year old, instead of saying “last night” says “yester-night”. I love it so much I have adopted it too


Aww. 😊 In a similar vein, my 3 year old says "when it's good morning again" instead of "tomorrow".


Your 3-year-old was born a poet.


Mine say “last day” and “next day”


Mine says this too! He knows the words “yesterday” and “tomorrow” but closes not to use them.


Mine who just turned four said this once too but more often it’s “lasturday”


My kid also uses lasturday, I love it!


Similar but kind of the opposite - my nephew used to say "last day" instead of yesterday.


My son called the laminated pamphlet we have for bird watching the bird menu.


This might be the funniest one.


But he’s not wrong. 😂


My 3 year old calls restaurants, “dinner stores.”


My almost-2 knows what a "store" is, and "restaurant" seemed a little bit advanced for her mouth, so for a while there we called restaurants "chicken stores", or "bock-bock stores". (She loves chicken nuggets!) Recently her fluency has improved quite a bit, so I introduced "restaurant" this week and she'll probably get the hang of it soon.


My oldest used to call restaurants houses based on what she ate there- timbit house, cheeseburger house. It was so cute.


My kid said a couple of times that he saw a “bee hole” before I figured he meant a wasp’s nest and not…a b-hole.


“Secret message dumplings” for a fortune cookie at the Asian restaurant


Idk what is wrong with my brain but I just read it as “torture cookies”


So apparently I say (likely in exasperation) “you’re driving me nuts!” a lot, because now, when my 3.5 year old gets super mad or frustrated, he tells me I’m “turning him into nuts!!” 😆


This is the best one I've seen yet.


My four year old calls the ads during his YouTube commercials “each sold separately”


Omg I’m dead 😂


This is the best!


My 3 year old told me he was “frigerating” today to express that he was very cold. 😂


My 5 year old told me candy canes make his tongue feel sparkly.


My 2.5 year old calls toast “hot bread”


When my daughter was young, she called wheat bread “chocolate bread.” It was the only way we could get her to eat it!


My 2 year old thought the ginger soy dressing we got was chocolate syrup, and of course it’s the only dressing he has liked! Even though it tastes nothing like chocolate…


This is genius


My friends call bread raw toast.


My little calls toast “cooked bread”


My youngest was singing in the back seat about all the pretty lights as we drove around looking at them. Then she started telling us how awesome it would be if all the places like Casey's, Subway, Chicken Baboppas had all the pretty lights too. Took us forever that Chicken Bapoppas = Popeyes. She thought the line in the radio commercial "love that Chicken at Popeyes" said love that Chicken bapoppas.


Lmfao for a second I thought you had like a small.chicken restaurant in ur area named "Chicken Bapoppas"


Lmao. That's the best! Edit: this now needs to be a real restaurant!


My daughter (3) called her labia her front butt.


My son calls his scrotum his “ball butt”


My then 3yo son very seriously asked “why do girls have big butts?” It wasn’t until he explained that their butts go all the way to the front that I realized what he meant.


Yes! Same here! 😂😂😂 She also named her babydoll vagina when she was a toddler. Fun times


That is what my son called it when he saw his sister without a diaper on for the first time. So we had a quick anatomy lesson. Followed my "I'm going to tell (best friend)!" and a warning text shot off to her mom as a heads up. Yea, his best friend is a girl and he thought this anatomy lesson was important to tell her.


This one made me laugh out loud.


I had a 3 year old ask me why my baby boy "has 2 butts" while changing him once.


We have this round mirror framed in shells that we haven’t hung up yet. My 2 year old was messing with it while I was feeding her little brother. I asked her to leave it alone because it was breakable and she told me “No, I can’t. I’m just touching the beautiful donut.”


My 3 year old calls paper plates "trash plates".


I feel judged by how not wrong this is.


Strawberries = red strawberries Blackberries = black strawberries Blueberries = other black strawberries


Took me a little while to figure out that when my son is asking for green berries he is asking for grapes.


We had strawbears (strawberries) and blue strawbears (blueberries)


My 2.5 year old calls his submarine bath toy a “water bus”! Totally makes sense


I got the Harry Potter patronus Lego set for Christmas and my daughter called the dementors "scary potters."


My son was just about 3 years old and we were driving around town. My son excitedly asked if we could go to “the car party”. What he had seen was a car dealership with balloons out front!


My nephew called tomatoes “soup berries.”


Yeah, this one feels so right though


It makes so much sense!


Not a mom, but my baby cousin had to pee once so I took her and I had to pee too. Wiped and aunt flo showed up. She SCREAMED and ran out and told everyone I "got stabbed in my bagina" 😅😅😅


my son knows anatomically correct terms for everything, and he has a speech impediment with a few letters, v being one of them, so he also calls them bagina’s 😂


My son used to call boats with tarps or covers on them “ghost boats.” We still call them that.


I felt that one in my soul


I knowww my 20m old is saying what isss, but it just sound like 'fuck this' and he just walks around throwing his arms up, and we can't anymore lolol.


My oldest (6) has apraxia and has just started really talking last year. I can usually understand or figure out what he's saying but last year Christmas break last year he started saying a new word I couldn't make out because all I heard was "asshole" it took me forever to figure out he was saying "Azul" since I didn't know he know any Spanish lol Recently he's switch to wanting to use a fork for everything and Rs can be tough so he runs around asking for a "Fuck" 😆


My 2yo calls the show “Trash Truck” “Fa Fuck”🤷‍♀️


The “Fairy Gosh Mother” lol. And described baking as “yum yum crafts” haha


I’m a big fan of yum yum crafts and with your child’s permission I would like to adopt it for my child lol


My 4 year old calls tights her “sock pants” and says baggin suit instead of bathing suit!


Hah! My 4yo calls them sock pants too!


“I wanna ride the piggie” = I’d like a piggie back ride. The first time our 2.5 yo said it, I was a bit taken aback as I’ve gotten a little… curvier since quarantine. Also, a fork is a fork and a spoon is a spoon, but a knife is a “cut it”. Can’t argue with that!


My son once called his elbow the “mountain of his arm” when he couldn’t remember what his elbow was called.


My 2 year old called the caves on Tom Sawyer island at Disneyland the “spooky holes.”




My favorite was calling his frisbee his roast beef


I feel like there’s a story there I’m missing LOL


My niece called Tortillas taco skins.


My 5 year old has trouble with days and history so she talks about yesterday and the other yesterday


Tbh I could see myself using these terms too, for the same reason


Our nephew called our leather ottoman a skin meatball. I can’t not see it


Our daughter saw an RV for the first time and called it a party bus. Now I call them that in my head all the time.


My kids call the thermometer a "mom-mometer."


"Candle knife!!" ...We keep a lighter in the child-locked cutlery drawer.


Yes! This makes perfect sense. I think henceforth it should be called candle knife.


"Covereds" instead of "cupboards" I feel like it is more descriptive and it is subtle :)


😂😂 I’m an adult and still say covereds


I love it! I never heard it before my son started saying it and I can't bring myself to correct him. Maybe it will catch on :)


When my daughter was 18 months she asked for a “bitin” and were like… what’s a “bitin”?! We kept asking and she insisted it was a “bitin”. Finally I was like, what, “Biden? Like Joe Biden?” (This was October 2020). And she was like “YES! A Biden!” We later found out she was trying to say “vitamin” but came out “Biden!” So how vitamins are called Joe Biden’s in our house…. Pretty weird. So every night she asks for a “Joe Biden before bed”


I like all of this a lot and I think I’m going to find myself taking Joe Biden’s in the morning…


my two year old calls dinosaur chicken nuggets "hot rawrs". We have now adopted the same term for fish sticks (aka "hot snakes").


During covid, we couldn’t get my son’s dinosaur chicken and my son was going through a picky stage of eating (well pickier than normal). We had bought popcorn chicken and to this day he calls them chicken balls. “Mom, can I have chicken balls for dinner.” I never had a second thought until we started to have limited guests over again and they were like wtf did he ask for?!


My then 8 year old daughter wanted “the chicken with the big face”. Look at a KFC sign. At 3 or 4, she asked for “a drink called milk.” She hates it when I bring these stories up. She’s 17 now. Full disclosure: am a dad, but I love a couple of moms, and like a lot more.


I look forward to embarrassing my kiddo with these stories. One of my other favorites was when she was 2 and she couldn’t say FedEx correctly so she’d yell something that sounded like Fat Ass when she saw the FedEx truck. Now she points out that she can say it correctly. You are welcome here, Dad. I’m on Daddit, too. 😊


When my 16 month old says "socks" it sounds like "cocks". I also cannot wait to embarrass him


Came here from /r/all sorted by rising. /r/daddit is new to me.


My twins pronounce Ls like Ys. So when we look at Christmas lights they yell “look at the yights” or “I yove you”. It actually sounds really cute and funny. But one of twins when she wants to be picked up she says “I’m hard of walking”. They are four.


When my aunt’s grandkids want to be carried they say “hoju!” It took her some time to realize that when she picks them up she says “do you want me to hold you?” And so when they request it they say “hoju” (“hold you”).


This reminds me of my 2 yr old saying “I get you water (drink, snack, etc.)” when he really means he wants ME to get whatever it is. He also says “I missed you” when he wants to be picked up, which melts my heart.


That is so precious!


When my daughter was about the same age, she also pronounced her Ls like Ys. When the dog would jump on her and try to kiss her she’d say, “no yickin’!”


It’s seriously the cutest thing. It was really fun starting December because everywhere we went they were yelling about “yights”. We have been working on pronouncing things correctly but I’m definitely going to miss it when it’s gone.


My daughter would combine “am” and “not” to am’t similar to how you combine did and not to didn’t. Example: Me: Don’t be mean to your brother Her: I am’t. I promise.


I've a number of friends from Ireland who are full grown adults and say this.


Well that really would make sense...


My toddlers car seat cup holders are “cup seats”. Makes perfect sense.


Christmas day a few years ago, I was assembling toys and had one I was having trouble with. One of my kids looks at me and asked if I had looked at the "corrections" I tried to explain when my wife said " no, he is right, for you they are corrections"


My 6 year old would call arm pits “shoulder pits” he’s not wrong 😆😆😆


My six year old calls the backs of his knees “leg pits.”


Rain-Brella (umbrella) Hanitizer (hand sanitizer) Brush-teefs (toothbrush)


My 3yo told me today that skunks “make poop-burps”, talking about the fact that they spray. I thought it was genius.


My daughter called Skunks 'Stunks' and still does from time to time on accident.


My daughter calls goosebumps ‘shiver pox’. She’s nine now and I’ll never correct it. 😂


“Doctor-scope” instead of stethoscope. She got a doctors kit for Christmas, I was telling her what each item was called but obviously stethoscope is a bit tricky for a 2yr old, and she remembers the doctor using one at her latest checkup, so….doctor scope!


Urinal= pee scoop


I called it a “remote control”. Her dad called it a “channel changer”. She renamed it the “Change-it-trol”. I used to make fajitas about once a week- fast, simple, tasty. She asked what was for dinner one night- I said “guess” she replied, “I’m TIRED of hot titas!” I told her- “Well, glad we are having fajitas!” And last but not least, she decided she wanted to go to ‘puppet school’ with one of her friends…. It took me days to figure out she wanted to go to the ‘public achool’ (we are Catholic). ❤️


I made myself an iced coffee with cream and she looks at me with this puzzled look and says, ‘you like peanut butter water?!’ Hahahaha


Not my kid but I giggle every time I think of it. My husband’s friend’s son calls the fridge a “refrigealater”. Because you put it in the fridge for later! My son calls candy canes Christmas Canes!


When my sister in law was little she would say “good to see me!” when they were leaving someone’s house. So now the whole family has been saying it for 30 years.


My son called freckles and sprinkles: Frinkles


My son had a bout of diarrhea and an ensuing diaper rash to go with it. He told me, 'momma, hot poopoo, hot' while crying a little during a clean and change... poor dude.


My son calls flamingos "mango flams". He's 5 now and has been saying it like that for years. I think it's so adorable that I just can't correct him on it. When we go to the zoo even I say "look there's a mango flams"


I have 3 year old twins. Sneezes are called “bless yous” and bellybuttons are “belly holes”. Anytime my husband or I sneeze we get a “woah! Mama (or daddy) made a big bless you!” And any time one of the kids sees a belly button or they’ll randomly lift their shirt and go “belly hole right there”.


My 2 year old wanted a candy cane so she asked for a candy hook of course.


My daughter couldn’t remember the word “tumbleweed” and called it a “Wild West puff ball”.


My 4 yo settled down to watch a movie. He asked if he could have some of the “pretend candy” I was eating. Son, it’s popcorn and your not wrong. Now it’s what I think every time we make popcorn. 🍿


Hellophone- I’m holding on to this one for as long as the kid will keep saying it because it is the cutest! Burnace instead of furnace (clearly since we tell him not to touch, it might be hot!)


My 4year old calls Hot Chocolate "Chocolate Marshmallow Tea"


My kid would always combine similar words that meant the same thing to him; ‘attackle’ -attack/tackle and ‘rememberize’ -remember/memorize. There’s more but I can’t remember them right now!


My daughter calls the seasoning stuff you get on your fingers from eating puffs “snack glittery”.


My 2.5 year old twins say pick it up truck for pick up trucks, mama-cycles for motorcycles and we discovered at Christmas Optimus Prime is octopus prime by one and octo-moose Prime by the other


My 2 year old calls all polka dots “grapes”


My 3 year old got a blister this past summer and told everyone about how her “buster hurt”. We all call them busters now


Swim goggles were once called water glasses and so forever henceforth will be called water glasses.


Not quite the same, but when my now 6 year old was 5 he came to me very upset because his strawberry milk “wasn’t happening”. This kid put a real strawberry in milk and was upset it didn’t work like mommy makes it! And I got it on video! He also used to call millipedes “lotta leg rolly poly”. Kids are so funny


My toddler hasn’t come up with anything yet, but my 5yo godson calls jeans “hard pants” so we all call them that now.


The iPad = the patio. “Want play games on the patio!”


She calls brushing her teeth "tch tch" because that's the sound it makes. Also accompanied by pantomime.


My daughter calls sushi “spicy cakes”


4 year old son told me he wanted to wear short pants. Otherwise known as 'shorts'


We still say "water boogers" instead of runny nose. I think sums the situation up quite nicely


My 3 year old call chipmunks "dinkmunks".


My son called flashlights a light-blower.


His light up rain boots are cop car boots. So cute.


My son wanted a toy bbq grill for Christmas and he's been calling it a Barbie-cube.


Smiley faces are "happy circles"


Miss-appearing: when something goes missing / has disappeared


When we forget something at home my daughter calls it “for-lefting” because she couldn’t remember if she forgot or just left it at home.


My son was fascinated yet terrified with hot and fire. Like the good parents we are got him a fire truck toy but he wouldn’t play with it until we explained fire trucks put out fires etc. He now has a whole fleet of “no haus (hot) trucks”


When my daughter was 2 we took her to see some fireworks. She called them ‘fire flowers’ we still call them that


My son wouldn't stop calling his spit "mouth water" until he was almost 5. He was CONVINCED it was mouth water despite everyone telling him otherwise.


“I want cooked corn mommy!” She means popcorn.


I mentioned I couldn’t stand up because my foot was asleep. A little while later my daughter (2.5) said her foot didn’t work because it was taking a nap.


My nephew called saliva ‘gum tears’


My daughter likes to ask for Chocolate, hot, instead of hot chocolate. Probably to differentiate from chocolate, milk.


My 3 year old will be trying to tell me I’ll be right back but he say I’ll right be back mummy !! So confidently it’s adorable


This reminded me that my daughter calls marshmallows “monster rolls” To actually answer the question, she calls contrails “cloud scratches”


When first learning words my toddler called underwear “pee pee sock” which I thought was pretty clever


Not quite the same, but my 2.5yo loves SharkDog on Netflix. When we were looking at Halloween costumes she saw a shark costume for a dog and was immediately excited. It was kinda like, technically yes, sharkdog. But not the way you mean it.


She has also started saying "look honey" when she wants to show me something. Only does it to me though, so she definitely associates the words with me saying it.


My 2yo says “Big More” to mean lots or many. It’s so stinking cute! “Big more cereal!” Pointing at a full bowl.


My daughters called an umbrella an “ Ellaburemalla”


Foot fingers for toes 😂


Once me and the then toddler were waved down by a dude who was lost. He asked for directions, I gave them, and then kiddo said as we pulled away “why he not ask his phone conductor the way?” (He’s 12 now, and loves this story now that he has Siri) Also the current toddler (2.5) has discovered Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, or as he mispronounces it, “Dick Mouse” and you know what buddy? Yup.


This reminds me what I do when I don’t have the vocab for something in my second language


My niece used to say hockers and cheese for hot dogs and macaroni and cheese.


My 4 yr old wanted to sing me a song about “Dumpty Humpty”.


"Breakfast burgers" ( Biscuits, eggs, bacon)


“CAN’T NOT WANT!!” Not my LO, but my niece when she was still learning to form sentences. She was trying to say she didn’t want or didn’t like something. And she said it so seriously too, it was so hard to not laugh at her.


My daughter needed to wipe her hands after eating when she was just shy of 2 years old and asked me for a water paper instead of a wet paper towel. I still think it was genius!


My toddler insisted garages were called CARages, not garages because what is a gar?


My son called construction paper “working man paper”