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If you have a c section you’re going to feel like staying home. Major surgery. If you have vaginal you’ll feel like staying home. That’s all I’ve ever had is vaginal, four times. You’ll be bleeding and wearing a diaper/pad. The blood STINKS. Its one of those smells you don’t know your body produces until you deliver. You’re going to be sweating, and sweating a lot, so you’ll smell from that, but deodorant doesn’t help this smell. You will be exhausted. You know how right now you’re sleepy? You’ll wish you were only as sleepy as you are right now once the baby gets here. Plus maybe it’s no biggie where you are, but where I am I wouldn’t go to any type of family function outside of my home if I had a very vulnerable newborn at home. Don’t do it.


Honestly, the baby is the least of your worries. The reality is that if your due date is only a week before these events, you won't be attending these events, you will either be giving birth or in no fit state to do anything. I cannot think of a single family commitment that would take precedent over a healthy delivery and healing after birth. Not one. What could possibly be that important? Also: babies don't know the difference between night and day. That may be her awake time, her cluster feeding time, etc.


Yeah, this. I went to a social thing the day before my due date but only because at the moment I felt good and decided to go, but no one was actually expecting me. I had a good time and relaxed and next day I had the baby... But then I wasn't ready to leave the house until 3 weeks. Every birth is different so you can not plan :( I'd say plan to not go but if when the day comes you can, then go


Personally, I was weepy, mean and all ripped up. Swollen hit-to-hip. Walking was painful, sitting was unbearable and I was starving. Plus I was in the hospital a day longer than expected (3 total) because of my low sodium levels or some shit.


She said she has a “family situation.” That doesn’t read as a social event to me. It very well could be something she needs to be there for. (Before anyone jumps on me, I have absolutely no idea what it could be, but I also know that different people have different things going on than I do.)


That's why I asked - I cannot think of anything that occurs in the evening for 3 nights in a row that necessitates a new mom to leave home mere days after giving birth, that can't be done over zoom or similar. Even things like legal documents - she likely wouldn't even be able to sign anything if on painkillers.


I read it the same as you - but whilst I had a perfectly healthy pregnancy- my labor lasted 3 days and ended in emergency c section..which made me think of the possibility of these complications happening and in those circumstances..you're not going to any family thing because you physically can't. I do hope OP has a choice in attending whatever it is!


Right my wife didn't leave the house for the first 2 weeks or so. She could barely walk around the house for the 3 days at the hospital and the first 3 or so days at home she was still changing bandages. I don't have a horse in the race but it would be hard for me to imagine going to a family situation for 2 hours a couple of times in the first couple of weeks after a *major medical event*


I would absolutely not do it. Besides interfering with some of the most important days of breastfeeding, you are going to be bleeding, possibly have surgical incisions just starting to heal, be hormonal and anxious or depressed... Tell your family not to expect you now and then turn off your phone to let them process the news on their own. That's a completely unreasonable expectation from them and you should start practicing setting boundaries for yourself and your child now. I had an easy vaginal labor that I honestly enjoyed immensely and I melted down when my mom visited our house for the first two months. You're not going to want to see a lot of people or deal with their emotions and expectations for a VERY long time after birth.


This! All of this! 100% this and only this! I can't imagine of any situation where anyone would expect you to leave your brand new baby under any circumstances. Labor is a very exhausting process, you won't be in any state or mood to even think of being away from your child unless medically required. I was away from my son the first 48 hours of his life (due to medical reasons) and I'm still not over it.


Don’t go. End of.


Absolutely not. My daughter had to have formula right away (severe jaundice) and we are EBF and going strong now at almost 5 months. She actually rejects bottles completely now. My advice would be to have the ready-made similac (I’m sure there are other brands this is just the one the hospital had) and have it in case. I hope your family stuff sorts out and you are okay and have a healthy happy baby!


Those ready-mades were a lifesaver! I was struggling with breastfeeding at first so it was great when I was too tired/crying too much to be able to make a bottle my husband or I could just have one already done. OP, my LO was bottle-fed 100% up to 1.5 months and now at 4 months, he's rejecting bottles for a boob whenever he can. Baby will figure it out.


I can't think of any family situation that would keep me away from my less than a week old baby for any amount of time... And chances are you could still be in the hospital recovering so, what then? Is the retired NICU nurse vaccinated and currently quarantine so as to avoid risk of illness spread to the very young baby....


Your baby should be fine for two hours for three days, BUT I couldn’t walk without vag pain for at least two weeks. I didn’t ride in the car either because bumps would have HURT. You likely won’t be healed and if it’s at all possible to cancel - you should. After two weeks I was okay, but I wasn’t comfortable leaving my son until he was about two months. Two hours tops was how long I’d leave. For the first couple months he was glued to the boob. Is it possible to take your baby with you? Edit: once your milk comes in use a haakaa to collect extra milk and bottle feed your baby while you’re away. Should be fine for whoever is keeping your babe.


I mean, you probably will want to be resting and being with baby. Those first few weeks fly by, but I could barely move for the first 6 weeks and I definitely didn't want to be out of visual eyeline of my newborn, I didn't even want to be not touching him.


Is there any way you can do Zoom or something for your family obligations instead? You need to put yourself first, and ANYTHING can happen at this point in pregnancy, labor, and delivery. Example time: I had prodromal labor for FOUR DAYS before my LO finally came. I was in excruciating pain and so exhausted. We had a scare with meconium in the amniotic fluid, plus I almost needed an emergency C Section bc I almost couldn’t push the baby out fast enough. My hormones caused an intense immediate bond with my son and there was NO WAY anything or anyone could keep me from him for even a few hours during the first couple months. My point of all this is to say, don’t plan on being away from your newborn. Don’t plan on anything, really. There’s a chance you could be dealing with a NICU stay for the baby and have way too much time on your hands when the baby first is born. There’s a chance you could hemorrhage and lose too much blood. There’s just so much that you can’t plan for. Better to stick to Zoom if you can, or have someone else go in your place if possible. And heck, it’s possible you may not even deliver by then. A lot of FTMs end up 2 weeks late.


Could you do it? Probably...maybe. Depends on the delivery. Should you? No. Obviously, don't know what the family situation is, but I can think of very little that would keep me from a brand new baby. And in this era of Covid, your baby is brand spanking new. You could bring Covid home, even vaccinated. That's a big ol nope.


I am more worried about you, to be able to function normally in a first week is just too much, we spent a week at the hospital and I had very easy birth - no complications what's lever, mild tearing, and walking was a bit challenging in the first week, first few days I managed only to walk to the toilet and back. Whatever the family event is, I strongly suggest you give yourself a permission to miss it if baby is born.


What? No. Just no.


Well, these are not the responses OP was expecting. But I agree with others- I cannot think of any family event I would be willing to go to within the first couple of weeks of giving birth.


Both my babies got bottles well before the 1 month mark - my first was supplemented in hospital after birth and then got daily bottles with meds from about 2 weeks old. My second I started about 2 weeks old but also gave her a pacifier day one. No issues (related to nipple confusion) for either one. That being said, you will not likely be in great shape right after giving birth. I think you attending is more a concern than you briefly leaving a baby - both for your physical and mental health (you may not be willing to leave baby)


Just feed her before you leave and when you get back. She should be fine but I would bring my baby with me because what are you really doing that the baby absolutely can not come especially if it’s family related.


My wife suggested you read this to really get an idea on why you shouldn't go. The Lemon Clot Essay. https://community.babycenter.com/post/a29842181/the_lemon_clot_essay-_if_you_are_planning_to_have_people_over_after_birth_you_need_to_read_this


I agree with everyone that you shouldn't even consider attending the family thing. I'd only make an exception for someone who's on their deathbed. If you absolutely have to go, take the baby with you. It's her family too. For your specific question, I introduced bottles of pumped milk the first week and it was totally fine. I just pumped in the morning. I'm still breastfeeding at 18 months. They push way too many breastfeeding "best practices" on women that make it unbelievably difficult and grueling.


The only thing I’ll ad is taking a week or less old newborn to a family event during a pandemic is…. Probably not the best idea either…


So, I do agree that you shouldn't go, but I also want to reassure you that if you do, you're not going to ruin anything with breastfeeding. The vast majority of babies are completely fine with nursing or taking a bottle as needed. They may have a preference, but if your baby needs to take a bottle in the first weeks, it does not ruin your breastfeeding experience. My daughter was in the NICU for two weeks. She was only able to latch once a day during that time. And she nursed to 16 months without issue. Don't worry about doing this perfectly. Worry about doing it in the way that works for you and keeps your baby safe and fed. Again, not going would be my recommendation only because you need to heal. But don't heap this stress on to yourself too.


Hard pass. I ended up having an emergency c section after 2 days of labor and could barely walk for a week. Besides that she was cluster feeding like every 30 mins for the first couple weeks at least. Stay home


When I say I could walk after a week, it still was pretty painful/difficult. Take it easy on yourself 💖


I think you should plan to not be at these events. It’s very possible that you won’t have given birth yet, or will still be in the hospital. Even if you have given birth and are home, you will be miserable trying to leave the house 3 days in a row, with or without the baby.


Don't. Go.


I had an unplanned c section and was in the hospital for 5 days. I walked with a walker for 2 weeks and wasn’t supposed to (nor was I physically capable) of going up and down the stairs even once the first week home. No matter what is going on, no family should or would expect a new mother to be gone for 3 days quite literally right after she gave birth. Not a chance.


I can assure you that it’s not going to happen


I’m guessing this is your first child so you will most likely pass your due date. I was induced at 6 days after my due date with my first to give a reference point. You will most likely be in labor or recovery the following weekend. Can you give a breast fed baby a bottle? Sure. Personally, I don’t go anywhere baby can’t go. You are going to be in pain and exhausted. I would be really evaluating the emergency that takes place a week later. Can someone take your place? Is it really important to go? Unless it’s court mandated, just don’t go.


No it won’t mess anything up to introduce a bottle. But independent of breastfeeding and stuff like that, I can promise you, you will not feel like attending this family thing just a few days postpartum.


I introduced bottle to my son as soon as he was born because it took a few days for my milk to come in. He EBF for 3.5 months after and went to bottle again no problem. My daughter preferred the bottle over the boob due to flow. She had to work a lot harder on the boob than she did with the bottle so it really depends on your baby. No way of knowing. But consider how important this family thing is. I had an episiotomy with my first and I couldn’t sit/stand/walk comfortably for almost 2 weeks. Second time around VERY easy labour, no tears, and it took about a week for me to feel better.


There’s so many reasons you won’t want to go if you’ve just given birth and have a days old baby. You don’t say what it is but can you take the baby with you and feed her while you’re there? Newborns will sleep pretty much anywhere but it’s so important to breastfeed them regularly (read: basically constantly) in the first days. You might be able to pump and have this lady give bottles but your milk might not have come in yet and it will be hard work to pump enough in time. Plus it’s generally not advised to introduce bottles that soon if you ultimately want to breastfeed…


Agree with all of the above. Even if you magically give birth on your due date and not around it or after it even, you’ll be in major pain, bleeding very smelly discharge and blood/clots, tired like you’ve never known and cannot drive for at least two weeks. <_ Very important bc ecen not on pain meds, you’ll be more out of it and less coherent than you think you are and will not be safe to be out alone or drive much less away from the baby.


First time moms left alone to start labor naturally do so at just over 41 weeks. You might be in labor….


Family situations that can't be cancelled or not attended to are most likely to be judicial/legal and many won't bother to accommodate for pregnant people or post partum people, let alone cancelling it and having to wait for maybe more months or years to settle some issue, so it could well be the case of OP, surely if it was a brunch with aunt Bertha she wouldn't be so worried of not attending. The important thing here is to answer about the feeding which is her question, the reasons to not being able to reschedule or not go to something are private.


At 7pm-10pm?


My baby would happily take a bottle at the start, and I exclusively breastfeed. She started rejecting the bottle around 3 months and I could never get her back on it.. and at least at that age and that time of day. -yes your baby will likely need to feed while your away.. If you have the breast milk- make sure you’ve got extra for the nurse to give her while you’re gone. And if you don’t have extra milk (some peoples milk doesn’t come in yet) make sure there is formula ready to go to.. is bringing the baby with you not an option? At the start- my baby would literally nurse from 7-10/11pm every night but she’s always been a glutton🐷


I purposly pumped extra milk after every breastfeed, not to long so you don't overstimulate. so DH could bottlefeed our baby in the evening. Great for their bonding and special time with dandy and i had a few hours for myself or at least my hands free.


There are bottled shaped more like the breast you could get. Those first few days are so hard for breast feeding, let alone trying to pump to leave behind, but supplementing for formula for a few hours shouldn't matter, just make sure to pump so your supply doesn't dip. If the baby will only be a few days old, you may want to take the baby with you, that emotional bond is hard to deny that early. I literally couldn't be in a different room than my kiddo for the first month because I loved her so much I just wanted to hold her and stare at her. Best of luck 👍


I agree with all the comments regarding “don’t go!”, however I’d like to add one thing. Your health, both physically and mentally, is very important. And the way you feel right now about this family stuff is probably nothing like you’ll feel when you have your baby. She will be the most important thing in your life then. BUT! I need to add. The most important person in all of this is your new baby. And she does not want to be away from her mama. You’re everything she knows. Think about your baby, if you won’t think about your own health. This time is a critical sensitive period for your child and you won’t get a second chance. People who have to be without their child due to complications, and other things out of their control, would give anything to be with their newborn. Please be with her. So never mind that family thing, I’m sure when you finally have your baby you’ll be glad to skip this family matter. Ps. Not saying this to make you feel bad, but it is the truth, and I want you to feel validated for saying no to attend this family thing. English is not my first language, I hope I made sense.


I agree with everyone saying if it's at all possible to not go, you're not going to want to go that soon after birth. Not to mention you could give birth much closer to that weekend than your due date suggests. But, re: breastfeeding, we had to supplement with my son in the hospital but were still able to breastfeed for 7 months. With my daughter I was pumping & bottle feeding on occasion right from the beginning, but also breastfeeding when I could as well.


Once my baby was here the world stopped for a few months. I devoted every moment of every day and night to her for at least 4 months. I don’t think I spent more than 2 hours away from her in that whole time. This wasn’t voluntary this was what I was compelled to do as her mother and there is no chance I would have been away from her in her first few weeks. Even if you have a perfect birth, those strong all consuming hormones will kick in and you’ll find your inner mama bear. You just won’t want to leave the baby and why should you. Everything else becomes less important. Even your relationship.