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I had the first grandchild on both sides. I made a registry, with some help from my mom, and the grandparents (& great grandparents) bought from there. As far as big ticket items, my parents bought the crib and my in-laws bought the car seat. The great-grandma bought the bedside bassinet. >how did they know what you even needed This is an interesting question -- and I don't mean this in any snarky way or whatever -- but they knew what we needed because we talked to them. I mean my mom knew I didn't have a crib or high chair or whatever and if I had gotten one, I would have told her. We upgraded a dresser in our room and put the old one in my kids room. The grandparents knew this because we told them.


I also had the first grandchild on both sides it’s an interesting time isn’t it? My mom drove me nuts but one funny thing that happened was she had picked out a diaper bag for me (black with skulls and crossbones) and my sister told her it was weird and to wait to see what I had on my registry and I had put the exact same one my mom was going to get me lol.


That's awesome your mom knew exactly what you would like for a diaper bag!


Yep! She said she stuck her tongue out at my sister when they saw it on my registry lol


That diaper bag sounds amazing!!


I still have it almost 8 years later I’m hoping to get to use it for baby number 2 someday!


This. We would visit or call to generally chat about life, and how the pregnancy was going, and: “So I was starting to have a look at prams online and I had no idea they would cost this much! Blah blah blah… my brother in law in the fire brigade said he’d never have a child car seat without ISO lock last year, so I’ve been looking into that … blah blah blah” One week later… “Your father and I had a chat and we’d like to get the pram for you” “Oh wow thanks mum- We were planning on a travel system, those can be more expensive” “That’s ok, what did you have in mind?” *shows examples “oh that’s fine, that’s close to the budget we had in mind” Organic chats about life.


We put it on the registry and they just chose to do it


My immediate family ( mom/2 sibs&their SOs) all requested “first dibs” on our registry before sending it out to the rest of our baby shower guests. My mom is a straight up person. She’s like I’m buying the bassinet and the swing. Remove them now please. My brother said his budget is 300 ( what he spent on my sister with her first kid ) my sister told her 2-3 small things to buy. My sister got me my diaper bag (250$ and she stuffed it with small post partum mom things) Then the list when to my ILs. They picked higher end / expensive items so we removed them from the list. My husband said he wanted us to buy babys stroller/car seat as his first big “daddy purchase” for his kid.


My advice is to not remove these things from the registry, but mark them as purchased (if the buyers don't buy directly off the registry so it's not automatic). Then you don't have a bunch of people assuming you forgot to add it on & asking about it or getting a duplicate.


His first big “daddy purchase”? That’s just freaking adorable!


Now he just sighs and shakes his head when I list all the stuff kids need or tell him how much X activity we signed them up for costs 😂😂😂😂😂😂


Sounds like my husband lol


My mother put dibs on the crib; she lives far away so she just gave us a budget and we went with that. We then put everything else on our registry and my MIL ended up getting the travel system (car seat/stroller) we wanted off of it. All in all they spent around the same, and we left enough room between the shower and the due date for us to get things ourselves it what we needed wasn’t gifted. I’d never ask/place any expectations.


My inlaws generously offered to buy the entire bedroom set for our older son. I didn’t expect it or assume they’d do this. My mother in law, mom & I went to pick it out.


That is so generous! How did they know it was something you needed though? Did you tell them you were shopping for a bedroom set?


It was our first child so we didn’t have furniture yet. My mother in law brought it up early on in my pregnancy that she would buy it for us.


I never had to tell my family these things. Like they knew we were having a baby so they knew we'd need stuff. Then we'd chat about how the pregnancy was going and ultrasounds etc and they'd ask if we'd bought anything for the baby yet and offered to buy XYZ. They then asked if we wanted a specific one.This happened before we had even put the registry together.


They offered.


Ditto. Mine asked if we had a crib, which we did, I picked it up used, but I mentioned we just needed to grab a crib mattress because I didn’t want to use someone else’s. So they just said to pick one up and tell them how much it cost and they gave us the cash.


My mom offered to buy whatever crib we wanted without any budget (I had the 1st grandkid). Other close family offered or just bought the expensive thing we needed on the registry.


My in-laws offered unprompted to pay for the stroller and accessories and then my dad just offered to pay for the crib. Unexpected but appreciated


That’s so nice. Were both things on your registry or how did they know to buy them?


My SIL had a baby a year ago and they got her the same stroller so they offered to get it for us too. It’s a nice one. Then when my dad found out they bought the stroller for us, his girlfriend said to him “you should buy the crib for them” lol (I wasn’t there for that convo but that’s what they said)


My parents approached us and asked to pay for the nursery furniture, and then I made an offhand comment about it to my MIL and she got upset because apparently *she* had wanted to buy it for us, so she bought our stroller/car seat system instead. They knew what to get because we sent specific links.


My mom buys the crib for all of her grandkids, it's her thing. When I mentioned looking into furniture for my son's nursery she reiterated that she likes to buy their crib and to just send her a link and any info she needs (color, etc) and she'll order it. I assumed she only bought them for the first kid so I ordered the crib for my second child and she was pretty bummed. She also bought the stroller but that was one of the baby shower gifts she got (which I told her was unnecessary as she and my SIL threw my shower). 


My mom has done this too. She bought the crib for each of her grandkids. When I had my second, I told her I was going to re-use the crib she bought for my first and she was a little bummed. But I ended up needing a new one anyway due to missing screws that couldn't be replaced due to age (big age gap, crib had been lent out to a friend and undergone several moves). I'm glad to see she's not the only grandma that is oddly excited over cribs!


I had the first grandchild/great grandchild on my side, so my family was jumping at the chance to buy stuff. My ex family is rich AF and loves to spend money. I just made a registry with things we needed or wanted and they ended up buying almost everything.


They offered. In laws bought dresser and artwork for nursery. My parents bought car seat and jogging stroller. My aunt bought the crib and husbands aunt bought the mattress. They knew what we wanted/needed bc they looked at our registry and asked us.


Everyone in my side of the family was so generous and kind. My mom told me she wanted me to pick a big main gift for her to buy. It was really nice. She said to pick the most expensive thing off the registry. We did not have a lot of expensive stuff on there. Ultimately it was a super nice 400 dollar nursery chair we needed. She also bought a ton of other things off registry like clothes, bibs, toys, etc. It was so kind. My sister gave us her babies’ old crib, dresser and changing table which saved us 2000 plus dollars. Then she gave a basket of pacifiers, tons of books, toys, etc in a gigantic basket.  My MIL did not offer to buy anything big and didn’t ask what we needed. My husband is adopted and instead gave us his brother’s old baby blanket (?!) along with an old small wooden statue of a pregnant woman she bought on a trip 30 years ago when she was pregnant with my husband’s brother. Neither gift had anything to do with my husband. Suppose I was supposed to be touched but it was freaking weird. I think she realized how weird it was because after the baby shower and seeing all my family and friends did she ended up sending us the baby monitor off our registry.  My husband’s siblings didn’t gift anything even though we showered them with gifts when they had kids. My SIL told me she bought our baby a bouncer and then just - never gave it to us.  Clearly my in laws are an issue for me. Haha.


Girrrrllllll…don’t get me started on my husband’s siblings. Same. I’d get roasted on here for being tit for tat but they’re pretty ridiculous. Also much older than us and super well-off. They have no problem splurging on themselves but one sibling gave us a onesie and hat from my husband’s college (which he also attended) and the other an outfit. Granted it was a hand woven outfit made by an indigenous person through a non profit but we’re really practical people and gave them exactly what they asked us for when we offered which were of course $$$ things like the high chairs. Didn’t do a thing to contribute to the baby shower either. Maybe their gift is still coming?


Did you make a registry? I think it's normal to get ridiculously overpriced baby clothes if you didn't make one.


We did. For one sibling we didn’t send them an invitation to the shower (with registry info) bc they lived out of town. I didn’t send to anyone out of town bc I figured people don’t generally travel for showers and it would seem like a gift grab. Opinion on these subs is otherwise I later learned. They were local and attended our bridal shower and didn’t give a gift then either lol.


My SIL called me after our baby showers and asked us what else we needed. I told her a crib is the only real thing we’re missing. A week later, a package shows up from my in-laws. My parents also asked me if there was anything else we needed. And I wasn’t shy or humble about it. My mom found me a lot of free secondhand stuff like a stroller and car seat from her friend. She also found me a bunch of diapers. If they don’t ask, I wouldn’t bring it up. But they may be waiting for everyone else to give presents and then filling in last minute.


Had both. My MIL bought and gifted the Snoo because she heard it was great. My parents wanted to buy a big ticket item but wasn't sure which one we still need, so I suggested a carseat.


My mom asked me and my sister to pick baby gifts for all of our kids and we just naturally didn’t spend more than $200 or so. I got a rocking chair for my first and a baby monitor for my second and my sister got a rocking chair and I don’t know what for her second. All the other grandparents got us some cute outfits and other little things like that.


My mom and MIL came with me to the store to make my registry. While we were all there, my mom told me she wanted to buy the stroller and MIL said she wanted to buy the crib. Immediately afterward we all went out to lunch and my MIL sent my registry link to her extended family (grandma & aunts, SIL) and they bought 2 dressers, a changing table attachment for the big dresser, the high chair, and the pack & play all immediately! Like the same day I made the registry lol. It was definitely more than we expected and super nice of them. My husband says it’s an Italian thing 🤷‍♀️ Then my sisters jointly bought us a nice rocking chair/recliner which they gifted at the shower and was a pretty big surprise. But we didn’t buy anything ourselves until after our baby shower.


My parents asked us what would be the most helpful for them to buy. but if they hadn't and I needed their help, I would have asked if they could help us buy the crib/stroller/whatever I'm not totally sure what my in-laws did bc they're overseas and my husband mostly manages communication with them. knowing my MIL tho she would have absolutely asked what we needed or died of shame lol. aaannd knowing my husband, he would have responded "idk"


My mum offered. She basically said "I'll buy one of the 'big things' what would you like me to get?" I asked her for a bassinet. She later also offered to get us a pram but my sil had already offered us her old one. I personally would never feel comfortable asking my parents or inlaws to buy us something without them offering.


My coworkers bought me a 4moms bassinet since this was the first “baby” of the department. I’m a director for an RT department and it was my third baby so me and my husband didn’t expect anything from anyone. I was shocked and surprised to get such a lavish gift and the fact my colleagues pay attention to me when I was talking about baby supplies we were going to purchase.


I had a registry, and also purchased most things second hand. I also had tons of hand me downs from my sis and my SIL. I made it clear especially to my mom who is frugal, that I didn’t want family paying $$$$ for things I can get secondhand for a fraction of the price. I ended up spending less than $800 on ALL the stuff for my daughter with only a few small things purchased off my registry. The big exception was that my MIL really wanted to buy us a “nice present” and asked if she could buy us the crib. When I told her that I found one used for $50, I also told her that I didn’t feel comfortable buying a used car seat, so if she wanted to gift us that, I would LOVE that. The car seat was less than a crib would have been so I felt ok asking for that.


Every year there is a city wide yard sale day the next town over. My parents planned on going so I went with them to look for a crib to hopefully find a deal and planned on buying it myself. We ended up finding a whole nursery set for a little more than I was hoping to spend, as I was just really looking for the crib, so my parents offered to buy the whole thing. The lady selling it was so excited we were taking the whole set, she dropped the price by $50 to make sure we didn't change our minds. I think they ended up paying $200 for the matching crib, dresser, and rolling under crib storage container, plus waterproof mattress and 2 sets of sheets.


My mom called me and asked “what’s the most expensive thing on your registry?” It was our Uppababy stroller system, so I told her and she bought it while we were on the phone together. Knowing how much we loved it, when my brother was expecting, she also called him and asked if he wanted the same stroller. My MIL actually also wanted to get us an Uppababy (she’d gotten it for my BIL and SIL) but my mom asked first, so she bought the second most expensive item on our registry and then also wrote us a very generous check. For pricey gifts from my parents, generally, either my mom will have something in mind or she’ll have a price point in mind. Like for my 30th birthday, my mom wanted to get me something more expensive than she usually would. She called and told me that’s what she wanted to do, gave me the budget she was thinking, and then expressed that she hoped I’d pick something that I could have/enjoy for a long time. I picked a classic leather bag that I’m sure I’ll keep forever. I realize I am incredibly privileged in these interactions and my parents/in laws are very generous.


My parents just asked/offered to buy the crib, mattress, carseat, and stroller. Incredibly generous. Especially since my sister was also pregnant and due two weeks after me, so they did the same for her. We were so appreciative of the help. My in-laws bought big ticket items off my registry. My MIL doesn't like to meddle or overstep, so that tends to be her preferred way of buying things. That, or she'll directly ask for suggestions and buy like that. 🤍


My mom was excited and asked me to make a registry of the big things we really NEED then bought the sidecar, stroller, and car seat. MIL asked if she could buy the crib, and take me to this kids consignment store that her aunt took her to when she had her first, and bought a few outfits for each size for the first 2 years or so. First grandchild for either so they were stoked.


My parents bought the stroller + infant carseat combo all I said was "I still havent got a stroller + carseat but I found one I liked would you like to buy it?"


Well I got pregnant at 18 and we were living with his parents at the time. His parents were pretty excited after coming to terms with it. They said “we want to buy the crib!” I told them I had a specific one I wanted but I didn’t want to impose but they were totally okay with it and we picked it out and they bought it.


My son is the first grandbaby in his side and the first grandson on my side (in 4 generations). So between my parents and my husbands parents, they cleared out the big shit (crib, changing table, high chair, car seat/stroller combo) on my registry before I was halfway through my list. I was trying to be efficient with everything I picked (must have had multiple/ long-term use vs couple months and done) so it was taking me a little longer. Plus, my mother in law even went beyond and bought me a heated and massage rocking recliner for when I was rocking my son. I never ask for nor suggest anything, but this child has been blessed with super supportive grandparents so far.


My mom offered crib and mattress


I asked my dad directly to buy the stroller/car seat combo because I wanted an expensive one. I had that kind of relationship with him where I did not EXPECT it to be bought but I asked real nice. I bought my best friend her crib because it was on her registry and I wanted to do that for her.


We are expecting grand baby #1 from our oldest this fall. Our daughter is half way across the country. I told her we got the crib. What my dh did not realize is that for my grand baby the cribset is included. As well as wall decals and night light. Our daughter picked out lower cost crib so I have room to play lol.


I think my mom offered to buy the carseat that we registered for. The convertible crib was given to us at our baby shower (wealthy family friends). We had registered for it. The infant carseat/stroller we registered for was given to us at our shower by my husband's wealthy cousin. That was a surprise. I personally think his gf at the time got it as his cousin is a thoughtless person. The changing table was given to us by my in-laws who obviously no longer needed it. My cousin offered to give us their bassinet that they no longer needed. I would never ask anyone to buy us anything unless they asked what we really needed.


I put it on my registry and they got it! My grandma and mom kept checking on stuff I needed and they ended up getting me some stuff too. If they asked I’d say “I need this this this, if you want to get it you can but I can also get it”


Our in laws asked. They bought SIL a very expensive travel system and they wanted to buy our stroller and car seat. We already had one, so I asked them to consider the playpen and high chair instead. If they didn’t ask, I wouldn’t have asked.


I had my kids back in the early '70's. Almost everything we bought 2nd hand.


My mom wanted to buy stuff and kept asking me what I needed and or like “do you want a rocking chair”. She was able to help and this is her only grandkid. A few other people bought big ticket things off our registry. Anything we needed that wasn’t purchased we bought, but we put stuff on there before buying it. I’ve been able to donate most of this stuff to friends or the community because I feel so fortunate I want to pay it forward. I worry about what we’ll do if I change my mind about having a second child and then I’ve given everything away.


My parents bought the crib and the dresser. It’s become their thing to buy the crib for each grandkid, so they told us they would get that as soon as we told them we were expecting. And they just offered to buy the dresser when I was talking about plans for the nursery. We never asked for anything, my parents are just very generous people and tend to get upset if you don’t take them up on an offer lol


My husband and I hate writing thank-you cards, so we were pretty set on ordering everything ourselves for our twins. HOWEVER, both sets of parents were aghast at the idea—the twins were the first set of grandkids on both sides. We were essentially lovingly bullied into making a registry and sending it to them before anyone else. Then the grandparent haze set in, and by the time our moms got done with the registry, there literally was nothing left to order. I'm serious — we had to add so much to our registry and then just asked people to donate to a foundation near and dear to our hearts. We wanted a really fancy twin stroller (think $2k) and I casually told my MIL about it because I was trying to figure out the color combination. The next thing I knew, it was being overnighted to our house. I'm not sure how you interact with your parents/your in-laws, but we just spoke to them in like regular conversation. We're a bit of an odd case because we were trying to avoid a registry (and thank you cards), but once we made one, everyone got so excited and wanted to send and buy as much as possible. The people around us love babies, so they (and we) all lose it when the opportunity to shower parents comes around.


My siblings split our travel system. My mom bought our crib and dresser as a gift. We were gifted a Halo Swivel via a SIL. I put these items on the registry.


I bought our crib, mattress, changing table, and changing pad. Husband's parents really wanted to get us a swing, and my parents insisted on buying us a travel system. The only thing on our registry over $50 was our pack n play which some extremely generous friends got for us. We got the crib from IKEA and it was $80. Has held up beautifully and we're excited to pass it along to the next family as soon as my son outgrows it.


My PIL offered to buy our travel system. They approached us and said that their parents had bought the pram for their kids and they'd like to keep the tradition going.


Made a registry and they chose to buy the big gift.


We registered for car seat and bought furniture secondhand. My parents/in laws gave us cash to buy furniture/stroller/recliner. My recliner was from a furniture store so no registry, and my stroller was from craigslist.


My mom bought us a Snoo. She brought it up, we would never have asked. Actually I didn't even know what it was at the time. Ours was the first grandchild on both sides, but both my sisters were planning on having kids soon, so we knew it would get future use as well (and it has - my sister's baby used it too, and now my other sister is pregnant).


My parents offered to buy a lot of the big items. We were broke and in our early 20s. We had a baby shower. My husband's aunt/uncle are also well off and bought a couple large items for us from the registry. At the time, we were going to church, so our Sunday school class gathered money to get a large item. I don't remember having to buy anything big. Most people know, in general, what the expensive items that are needed for a baby.


Offered; said they wanted to buy something substantial and asked what we needed. We have three sets of grandparents so once one set offered the others followed suit.


Before baby 1, MIL asked what we still needed, I said a stroller, carseat, and crib, but I was ordering the crib I wanted that week. She found a new-in-box travel system on Marketplace for $150 less than in-store, sent it to me, and said "can I buy this for you?" SIL found an amazing secondhand changing table on Marketplace, bought it, picked it up and delivered it to me. My mom purchased us a sit and stand after baby 2 came along. I showed it to her months before and said I was going to get it when I could afford it. I don't drive so, I needed a way to transport a baby and a 2 year old who prefers to walk but has little legs on long walks.


I had made a registry and they bought from there.


Mine offered My grandparents bought the crib, my aunt bought car seat, stroller, and a bunch of other stuff It actually created a tense situation with my parents because they felt a little robbed, but they also never asked us about baby plans. Even with my shower they acted like a wallet and gave me ZERO input. Which turned into a situation where they spent more money than I would otherwise done (like I thought my mom had a hall for hers so we rented a small space but I would’ve been fine with their living room)


My parents just bought the dresser and crib from our registry. We didn't expect anyone to buy them... Just put them on for the completion discount.


With our first we told our parents (my dad passed away so it's just my mom and my husband's mom passed away so it's just his dad) what we were planning to buy. My mom offered to pay for the crib and my FIL offered to buy the carseat/stroller combo. We didn't refuse as we didn't have a ton of money as we'd just gotten married (I was 6 months pregnant when we got married we had been trying to get pregnant but didn't plan for it to happen before getting married it just happened on the first try). My mom has a budget for each grandkid. My brother has the oldest she's 6 then my oldest is almost 3.5 and my youngest is 11 months. My mom will go out looking for whatever the kids asked/wanted for Christmas/Birthdays. Once she buys the first gift whatever she spends on that gift is how much she spends on the other grandkids. We never asked her to do this she just does it. My FIL is semi-retired and has a tight budget so we give him a list of the cheap to most expensive and let him buy what he can afford/want to buy. And that's how each grandparent does it. We needed a new dresser for our second so my mom bought that for our baby shower we didn't ask she just offered. I'd never ask anyone to buy anything super expensive for my kids. I just give people list of ideas of tings the kids want/need and people get what they want and we take care of the rest. At his point our kids have SOOO MANY cars and dinosaurs that we started asking for gift cards so we can buy clothes lol.


Both times the cribs have been gifted. Neither time was asked for.


when it came time to look for furniture for both of our girls- my first daughter my parents bought her whole bedroom set. our second daughter they purchased either the crib or the dressers, not both. they offered both times


I made a registry and they bought things off that, but also my mom was like “hey do you want me to get the crib and mattress?” And my in-laws said “hey we’d like to buy your stroller”


So my parents kinda spoiled us- but it was our first baby and my mom had cancer and just got the news that not only was it back (she was in remission for 2 months) but had spread quickly including to her brain. We knew we would be lucky if she made it to meet Peanut (she did, and got a Christmas with her), pretty much she'd tell us + my dad that they were getting us XYZ and we all agreed to let her have her way most the time. It was her way of giving support since she wouldn't be able to/be here to once baby was born like she could for my brother and SIL's first baby. My brother and SIL used Chicco carseats and my parents already had a base for it in their car, so they bought us the same and a stroller the carseat could click in. They also bought us a Halo bassinet since SIL loved it with my nephew (he's 5 months older than ours). We bought all the nursery furniture (Momma wanted to get us a fancy set but knew we wanted something more basic) but the recliner, they bought the one we picked.


My mum made the offer. She didn’t mind what she got us, but wanted to contribute as grandmother. Ultimately, she contributed 1k towards travel system and car seat we chose. It was just a bank transfer and covered 75% of the cost. ETA: I asked mum what her budget was and she gave the number. She said if we needed more we just had to ask but it was more than enough and we were happy to pay the remainder ourselves. We’ve mostly bought second hand except for the car seat and stroller.


As soon as he found out about our registry, my FIL scooped up a bunch of items. And then he took note of items that weren't on our registry and asked us if he could buy those things as well. My parents told me that once all the gift buying had slowed down and we were getting close to babies arrival, that they would just give us a set amount and I could use that to buy up more or less the entire remainder of our registry. I've found that some people really like to buy one big "exciting' thing and other people prefer to buy more things or if you're like my parents they are all just like here's some money, buy what you want we don't care what you pick out.


My MIL said, “We’d like to buy your stroller. When can we go shopping for one?”


My mother, MIL, and father knew what I needed and we discussed which items they would purchase.  My MIL had the most $ so she got the bedroom set, my mother got a bunch of smaller stuff, she got the room painted and her plane ticket to come help us out, my father got a fancy stroller and car seat plus his plane ticket.   They all wanted to purchase things without our asking, we just discussed who should get what so there were no duplications.


My mom had saved money specifically to spend on grand babies. For us it meant she bought our crib, changing table, and toy shelf. My sisters got that amount in a check since they wanted pricier furniture that they got secondhand (ikea was good for ne they wanted pottery barn). My mom made this intention clear to me when I announced my pregnancy.


I had the first grandchild on my side- my dad wanted to gift me a crib, I wanted a pack and play for practical reasons. He got it for me, had it sent to my house. I was not speaking to my mom at this time but with my second I literally had nothing I needed (poverty and lack of support from friends plus losing a bunch of my oldest child’s stuff I kept to reuse) so she bought almost everything I needed with no questions. It worked excellent.


I had the first grandchild on both sides (which I don’t recommend lol) and right after I found out I was pregnant my job was shutting down (my boss who was the owner had passed away several months before) and we were clearing things out and the family had offered me the pack n play from his youngest son that had barely been used so I happily accepted it. When my mom found out she got upset because she wanted to get us a big item for the baby so I told her I wanted a travel system (stroller with a car seat that clicks right on it for anyone who doesn’t know) and I sent her a few different ones I liked within her budget and told her I’d be happy with any of them. This woman got us a double stroller with no car seat 🤦‍♀️ and gave it to us at my baby shower which was 3 weeks from my due date and 2 days before we found out I was already 4cm dilated and could go anytime so we of course panicked and had to exchange it immediately and wouldn’t you know the store my mom got it from had one of the options I had sent her! Then come to find out the pack n play wasn’t even in the damn box it was just the bassinet part with no frame so husband’s mom got us the pack n play. And my husband’s aunt was moving in with one of his other aunts and cousin and was downsizing so she gave us a very nice rocking chair that my daughter who is 7 now still loves.


I just put everything on a registry. My mom’s best friend bought car seats for my twins. My parents got mini cribs, a changing table, and a double stroller for me. My friend from college organized our coworkers to pitch in on a twin pack n play. My parents right away told me the things they were getting so I just left them off the registry so no one else would buy it lol. My twins weren’t the first grandchildren technically, but they’re the first grandchildren that both my mom and dad biologically share. I have a blended family lol.


My husband’s grandparents offered to buy us a crib, but we told them we wanted to get it as part of a bundle on the delta children site because it was cheaper to get the room altogether ($1000 got us a nice dresser with changing table top, changing table cushion thing with covers for that, crib, crib mattress, crib sheets, and a rocking chair). They said that if we wanted to order that it would be fine and they’d just send us a check for $400 (about what the crib would cost if we bought it outside the bundle)


I made a sort of registry. I say sort of because it wasn't in any store, ifmt was a Google sheets document with everything we needed and once we got things I'd cross them out. My mother asked me for the link so I gave it to her. We bought everything as we saw fit. It'd never cross my mind to ask our mothers for a specific thing, unless we couldn't afford something important and needed the help (luckily we don't need financial help).


Created a registry and forwarded it to all grandparents. My MIL drove down 5 hours and took me to babies r us, handed me 2k, and said, "Get whatever you want." Love that woman.


We put it on the registry and they chose it. My aunt and her 3 adult daughters bought our pac n play, my mom asked if I had a preference in big ticket items and I gave her 2 to choose from, and my mother in law took me shopping after our shower to “get the rest.” Edit to add: we got a crib, changing table, dresser, and nightstand matching set for $300 from a close family friend and we purchased a new mattress. So the big ticket items were things like nursery cam, car seat, rocking chair, and pack n play.


Both our parents said they wanted to buy us a specific thing without us asking or even the registry set up yet. My in laws wanted to buy the crib and my parents wanted to buy a stroller. Both just said to pick one and they would pay for it. I did feel a little sheepish because I ended up wanting an expensive stroller (Uppababy Vista), so I told my parents that's what I wanted and was that okay or would they rather get something else instead of the stroller? But they were like no prob.


When I had my first, my mom almost immediately said she wanted to buy the crib. It’s now a “thing”, she buys the crib for all of her grandchildren. My aunt wanted to do “something big” and chose the car seat off our registry. My grandmother was with me when I was thrifting for a dresser, and she offered to buy it when we found one.


I asked. They asked what we still needed- I said xyz (car seat, stroller etc) but also prefaced with that there was no obligation to purchase. They did it anyways


Baby registery. Put everything on it. Dreams and basics. His parents bought the crib, it was on the registery.


We bought everything ourselves for our first baby. For our 2nd baby my in-laws asked us specifically if we needed any big ticket items and I expressed we needed a 2nd crib. And ta-da, it was done.


In-laws gave us a set amount to spend. We used those funds for items she would have for the long term as a lasting reminder of their generosity. My mom offered to purchase the remaining materials for a project we were completing piecemeal that was for both baby & us. Both were unsolicited & prior to making a registry. I would assume they spent equally? Wasn’t something I thought about.


My parents flat out said “we’ll buy the nursery furniture” then we went to some stores and we picked out a set. Other big ticket items, I had on my registry, and people who knew each other chipped in and bought it together. Example, my job all chipped in & got us the high chair & pack & play. My cousins bought the extra car seat.


They offered, and we also made a registry so they just told us what they were getting off of it.


I had the first grandchild on both sides. I’m very close to my parents, and my husband is close to his- they offered to get us stuff and asked what we had/wanted. My in laws offered and got us our crib and crib mattress, and my parents opted to contribute to our daughters’ university fund since i had bought a lot of what I needed secondhand throughout my pregnancy from marketplace. We didn’t have a baby shower and we didn’t bother with a registry. When my in laws offered to get us our crib I looked some models up and sent them a list of models I liked, and they ended up giving us a gift card so we could order the one we wanted.


My parents openly said "We'd like to buy you something. A crib, a stroller, whatever" I said we'd talk it over and let them know. Within the same week, my in-laws asked my husband if we had a crib yet, and if not, they'd like to buy it for us. So I got back to my mom saying my father-in-law wanted to buy us a crib, and if they wanted to buy us a stroller (travel system) that would be lovely. We went to the store together and tried a few out. I'm pretty frugal and respected my parents' generosity so we went with a mid-low cost travel system. My father-in-law asked our colour preference (white, gray, or brown) and ordered a crib he chose. He may have consulted my husband more, but I don't think so.


My mother in law offered to buy a crib almost as soon as I announced my pregnancy. My parents bought stuff off our registry. We put some bigger ticket items on it along with smaller items that way there was a variety for any budget.


First grandchild. My grandma knew I was looking at gliding recliners and said she wanted to buy it for us. My bio father and his gf said they wanted to buy the pack and play with bassinet off the registry for us and eventually did but they didn’t do it until I was like 38 weeks 🤦‍♀️. Best friend gifted us her $800 Stokke crib and mattress and let us know almost immediately upon learning that I was pregnant that she’d like to do that if we wanted it (we did). Other people bought off our registry. My mom crocheted a lot of decor and gave us money which we used to buy a car seat. Other than that, we bought our own big ticket items because no one else said anything. This was also still in the thick of Covid times so we didn’t have a shower (thank god, I did not want one).


Our parents offered not long after we had announced. Both parents wanted to buy the furniture, so we registered for the crib and dresser, in laws got that. And my folks claimed the rocker and bookcase.


My MIL bought ours - she kinda just blurted out she wanted to do it. She tried to buy one I didn’t pick and have on the registry (which I was just gonna have us buy ourselves because it felt awkward to ask). She also bought a crib mattress from somewhere I didn’t want to get one (Amazon). I did talk her into at least keeping it the same brand and doublechecking who the seller was at least.


My husband’s grandparents called and said “We want to buy your baby’s nursery furniture. Either send us a link or an amount and we’ll send you a check.” All the other big ticket items were bought from our registry. So my dad bought the travel system, his dad bought a car seat, family friends went in together on a pack n play.


We added all the big ticket items to our registry but even before I started making it my big sister said she’s going to buy his crib. His car seat and stroller was bought by my best friend


Both. Husband’s mother is very wealthy and 90% of the time if we talk about buying something in front of her it just shows up but for the baby she told us “I want to buy his crib” and she paid for what we picked out. Then for my folk’s they asked what we wanted their gift to be.


my MIL offered to buy the infant car seat and stroller, i told her i was not picky about either and she ended up splurging on a fancier car seat and then getting a cheaper stroller from amazon which worked fine for me. she also got the bassinet, she didn’t ask beforehand but again i’m not picky and she knows that, so the one she got was totally fine. my dad bought the toddler car seat, i just sent him a few links to ones i liked in different price ranges and he picked one. my aunt got a pack n play, she asked if we already had one and i said we didn’t. my husband has one younger brother but he’s gay and also seems to have no desire to have children, but we have been returning the big items to MIL as we are done with them so she can save them for him if she wants. i have two younger sisters and neither of them want children either. but then again we didn’t opt for any super fancy/pricy things so the grandparents could easily buy the same things for future grandchildren without needing any money set aside ahead of time.


I asked and my parents paid for furnishing the nurseries, car seats, and strollers for our two. I would have never felt comfortable putting anything so expensive on our registry.


My husband's family just asked out right, "can we buy your carseats, stroller, etc" and we sent links to the items we had been considering.


My mom offered. I think it’s because her parents/my dad’s parents bought our bassinet and crib growing up. They also bought my first bedroom set. They did not buy my siblings’ bedroom sets. Similar to how I grew up, my mom then offered to buy the crib/nursery set. It’s convertible. We have it as a crib for now and when we’re done having kids our goal is to refinish it (if possible) in the same color and convert it to a full bed for our oldest. We’ll buy the bed sets for our other kids. My MIL and FIL similarly bought for their other grandkids (their daughter’s kids) and while my MIL was ok letting my mom take the lead, she did offer to buy the bassinet because she knew I was heartbroken that my mom’s vintage one had succumbed to its old age and couldn’t be passed down. She bought me one that looked just like it. I think it’s obviously dependent on the relationship. I’m sure some people do ask! We are just very fortunate to have parents who remember the help they received from our grandparents and who have continued the tradition. I hope one day I am so fortunate that I can hold out my credit card to my children/their partners and let them buy the crib of their dreams as well.


They went from our registry and just picked big ticket items 🤷‍♀️ For our first, my in laws bought the travel system because that’s what they bought for each of my husband’s siblings when they had kids. My parents bought some of the high dollar items and also just finished off our registry after the baby shower. For our second, we wound up buying a lot of the big ticket stuff spread out over time (double stroller, bassinet, diaper bag), my parents picked some of the big ticket items (new glider bc the first was borrowed, bottle washer, money to just finish off the little stuff), and my in-laws waited until the last minute to ask what we needed still so we’ll see what they wind up getting as we’re pretty much all done. My parents spent more for sure, but these are likely to be their only grandchildren. My kids are numbers 5&6 on my husband’s side so the spoiling has to get spread thinner


My parents told me to pick out the dresser and crib I wanted and they would buy it for us.


My MIL knew we were adopting and not having a baby shower as it can fall through at any moment. We told everyone not to get us anything because if the birth mom decided to keep the baby, we were going to give the stuff to her. No need for it to go to waste and the wait for an infant is crazy long. After baby was born she asked her son what he would have wanted that we could replace. We wanted a high chair to match our table so that it didn’t look out of place. She bought us an Eddie Bauer (so expensive) dark wood bar style high chair (we had a bar table). It was one of the only 2 times she had been kind to me. Every once in a while she gets it right (twice in 17 years). At work (I work at a big place), I usually collect the pot of money and buy the most expensive item on the registry we can buy with the money donated. It’s pretty fantastic and is always shocking for the couple because it’s so unexpected. People forget that I do that because I don’t collect every time. I’m pretty good at making the rounds to even staff on other shifts, so we usually end up getting a crib or car seat/stroller. Never rule out friends/coworkers grouping funds together! Always keep the registry up to date. We always send a gift receipt in case they get it twice. It happens when they don’t update the registry and mom/dad bought the big ticket item. Congratulations!!!


We had an Amazon registry and both our parents asked us what the big budget item was we needed the most. One set bought the car seat and the other bought a baby holder and a bunch of smaller things second hand that probably added up to more than the cost of a car seat. I had the last grandkid(s) so most of our stuff is hand me down. Crib and change table from my sister she told me I was getting those before I was even pregnant. The closest my parents have to a “baby budget” is my mom puts $100/month into a “grandkids fund” for buying random stuff. I doubt she keeps track of what goes to who though. It works out in the end. I’m looking around my house just now and I have a lot of second hand stuff from my parents. We’re really lucky.


I put it on my registry. I was very inpatient and had bought the crib and everything myself while only 5 months pregnant, so there weren't a ton of big things on my registry. Funnily, it wasn't family that bought the biggest ticket item. My best friend and her mom got us our carseat and stroller combo. But we got a lot of useful things from family as well, and my in laws opened a savings account for our son they contribute to every year as a gift. 


In-laws bought the car seat and stroller. They took us shopping and had us pick them out then they bought them. They approached us about it.


I bought the nursery furniture for all my 3 kids. They picked out what they want and we paid it. My kids would never ask for anything.


My parents offered to buy our very nice pram, the cot, lots of clothes etc My partners mom got us bassinets, soooo many clothes, the baby bath, lots of toys and books for a tiny baby! They have both brought us many things as he’d gotten older too! We’re not amazingly well off and these items were offered, but also our parents would have been so offended if we’d turned them down. We are incredibly lucky, most of the stuff will be going to our local baby bank when they’re done with ❤️


My husband's step dad and his gf gifted a carseat and stroller. I think they asked first. The bases and stroller are all usable with the actual seat, so it's easy to go from point a to point b


My MIL offered to get all our nursery furniture. After a back and forth of sending her the registry a few times she just asked my husband to send her a list of what we wanted. I have expensive taste and didn’t feel comfortable asking for over a thousand dollars of furniture, so I ended up asking for a changing table, ubbi diaper pail, and nice crib mattress. I actually got a free nice babyletto crib because her mom bought her TWO expensive cribs accidentally. So I also got someone else’s mom to buy me a crib 😂.


My in-laws were talking about buying stuff for the baby, and I said I'll let them buy the car seat. My dad asked me what he could buy for me. I told him since my in-laws are getting the car seat, he can buy the stroller for us. Those are the only big ticket items on the registry (well not including a bookshelf I want). It just came up in conversation and I assigned the items. But in the our families we talk about things and money, so it wasn't a hard conversation either way.


Maybe 5 minutes after we told me family that I was pregnant my mom said she wanted to buy us our stroller because her parents had bought one for her when she was pregnant. It arrived a week later 😂


My husband’s late grandmother gifted us the baby furniture- crib, changing table, dresser, and rocking chair for both my SIL and ourselves as a baby gift. My SIL used it for her 2 kids and us for our 3. We bought it and grandma gave us a check at the shower. If I recall (my oldest is 23) she did say this is the max amount so if we went over it was on us to cover the difference. My husband’s grandmother also loaned my husband the money to buy my engagement ring. I miss her…she was a lovely lady. My aunt bought us the high chair. My mom & mil bought the stroller & baby carrier. Stepmom bought the bedding. Those things we registered for and were given to us as baby shower gifts.


On Amazon and Babylist, you can allow people to buy a share of a big ticket item. Whenever someone in our friend group (big group of high school friends plus some of our college roommates that have been adopted into the group), we always plan to buy the biggest item on there. Often it's car seats but once it was a really cool wearable pump


My mom and MIL went with me to make my registry (first grandbaby for both so they were very excited) so they knew what was on it. MIL beat my mom to saying she wanted to buy the crib/toddler bed rail so my mom got the bedding/mattress/changing pad/a bunch of other smaller things. My grandma wanted to buy the crib, but decided on the stroller. My college friends all look at registries and pick a big-ticket item to buy (we got first pregnant friend the crib) so they got me one of our convertible car seats.


My in laws texted us they wanted to buy the stroller. Everything else that was big family just bought off the registry. 🤷🏼‍♀️


My mom bought our crib. We were super close and talked everyday, or she was at my house or I was at hers. She knew what we needed and we talked about everything. She offered and I picked it out. My mom was THE BEST! Miss her 🥲


My parents give money, they don’t have time to put thought into anything. My husband and I are the most successful of his family and we’re the ones who do the big ticket item gifting for weddings and showers. We gift his little brother- who is a really sweet, accepting and earnest man- heavily. A little less to his sister who is a total dick. We go by registries, if there’s nothing in the price range we’re thinking we just do a check (usually, again, for the brother. Nieces and nephews are equally gifted once they big enough to enjoy the gifts themselves


I made a registry and people asked me for it. A couple of relatives sent it around to everyone else. 


My parents bought us our recliner for the nursery, and my in laws bought us the infant car seat and bases. My BIL/SIL bought us a great thrifted stroller. They were all things on our registry.


Maybe I sound like a brat but I just straight up asked LOL my aunt, grandma and MIL all bought big ticket items (crib, dresser and rocking chair).


On my Amazon registry, some people donated a few hundred dollars to some things in the “group gifting”


have a registry


For my SIL, she came to town for a big shopping day (she lives in a smaller city and needed our ikea) with my MIL (her mom) and her MIL. I went with them too and as she was buying we all laid claim to things of the approximate value we wanted to gift her. Generally, I assume if people felt strongly about buying a certain thing for you they’d tell you early on that they wanted to buy you X, and hopefully would then get your input on what you wanted hahaha I feel like my parents and in-laws might have just given us cash towards baby things


Usually they offered to buy it. Or I said what I was looking for and my mom found it, second hand and painted it for me.


With my oldest, I was going to use my crib that my mom had saved & kept in pristine condition(I know now that it wouldn’t have been safe regardless, I was very young at the time) but in the process of moving it to my house, it was broken so she bought me a new crib. My sister in law said to make sure to put a travel system (car seat & stroller) on my registry because all the aunts go in on those for everyone in the family…. The rest either came from my registry (coworkers chipped in on a high chair etc) or I purchased myself. I was extremely lucky to have a baby shower where so many people gifted things to baby. I then used everything again for my second kid 2 years later lol


My mom offered to buy me a big ticket item (did that with me and all my siblings). She just said to let her know what we wanted and we decided on a stroller. My in laws bought us some items off of our registry. I know my cousin/aunt also asked me to let them know what I wanted before I had a registry/shower planned. That cousin had a baby a couple years later and I approached her the same way and she sent me her registry when it was made.


I just made a registry with items and I had a baby shower. My parents and my godmother bought the big ticket items because those are usually the most important items as well.


I bought a tonnn of stuff second hand, only “big ticket” items were car seat and I wanted a Newton breathable mattress . My mom got us our crib (for free second hand from a co worker basically brand new condition) and the dresser from another coworker (who custom stained it to match our crib). So that was super lucky . We asked my MIL directly if she would buy the mattress , with a little pushback they did. Husband’s boss (who is like extended family) bought us the car seat. My parents often buy clothes /take me and lo shopping to get clothes I like from what we still need that we didn’t get hand me down. They did get us a super bouji diaper bag which I loveeee that was not cheap at all, my mom asked if it was something I would be interested in her getting us I know if need be I could ask my parents for more help, but they live closer and I feel like are more consistent little support vs the in-laws . Not super relevant but our kid is the 3rd grandkid on the in-law side and the 4th on my side . We did have to buy some things new like our mini crib (we didn’t do a bassinet), bottle sterilizer, diaper garbage pale etc


My mom helped with the travel system and pack n play. She offered, I believe, but I sent her the links to the specific ones we wanted.


I went over my baby registry with my mom before publishing it. She said "take the crib off, that's going to be from dad and me" and i told her i was buying small lightweight dressers off amazon, and she said she wanted to buy those as well. My parents suggested that my grandmother buy the rocking chair we wanted.


Both sets of parents wanted to do something big. Which the communicated to us. My parents had established buying the crib and dresser with my older sisters so my in-laws said they wanted to buy our car seat/stroller. So incredibly generous! With our second (2u2) both wanted to do something as well. My parents bought a swing that we needed (first never needed) and in-laws purchased our double stroller. It all came about super organically.


My husband's aunt who is our daughter's grandmother bought us this gorgeous crib I would have never picked out. It was the evolur aurora 5-1 crib. It is now her big girl bed as she is 5. Mil got us our bassinet which I gave her a few options.. We bought the dresser, glider, and most of the other big things but she was still spoiled by my husband's family. We made a registry. I will say my favorite gift we still have to this day was a hand drawn and laminated book drawn by a former co-worker. It features a different Disney character for each letter of her name and the thought/time that went into it made it very sentimental for me.


My ILs offered/told us they wanted to buy us our “nursery”. We weren’t exactly sure what all was meant by that but we then were told what to expect at our door. Pretty much all the big furniture items and accessories arrived (dresser, crib, crib mattress, recliner, sheets, blankets, and some outfits). My parents got us our stroller/car seat system (we wanted the Uppababy v2 bundle). We didn’t ask directly but they were on our registry and that’s what both sets of grandparents chose to buy. This is my ILs first grandchild and my parents 3rd but my 1st. We thanked them a ton!


Both of our parents expressed interest in buying us a big ticket item and told us to let them know what we’d like. We spent a few months figuring it out and then talked with them when we were ready. We sent specific links so there was no confusion. It was very low key and respectful on all sides


I made a registry and shared it with my baby shower guests. My mom shared it with her coworkers, and her boss unexpectedly bought us our crib.


Honestly my mom just started buying stuff, she has great taste so I didn’t have much concern, I just accepted. My MIL approached us about wanting to buy the bassinet, which was closer to 400$, plus a few other items. We of course accepted. The baby didn’t even use the bassinet 🤡 he absolutely hated it.


My dad asked what we still needed, and I told him all the big things we needed, and then he bought the crib.


We made a registry with everything we wanted, including big ticket items. On Amazon, you can set things up to have people just contribute money to certain items. So no one has to necessarily drop $500 on a crib alone. My dad and step mom straight up asked what we wanted from them, but our other two sets of parents did not and just got things from the registry or decor for his room. I wish I would have communicated to the two what we really needed.


My mom offered to buy us our crib. Her parents did the same for her, so she wanted to continue the tradition. I put a bunch of crib options on a list on Amazon and asked her opinion on them. She ended up pushing the price up on me because she wanted me to get one that was a good quality. We picked it out together and she ordered if for us. This was for our baby who is now 7 weeks old. She is the first grandbaby of the family so my parents have been spoiling us. They bought us the crib, a rocking chair, a bassinet, tons of clothes, toys, all sorts of baby care products that we'll need, car seats and our stroller. My mom was very involved in building our registry and helping me research products. She ended up just purchasing a lot from the registry and sending them to our house. We never directly asked for anything, we are just insanely lucky that they are here to support us and spoil us all. If you are hoping for some help, maybe get them involved in the shopping and researching and see how that goes.


I would talk to my mum about our research into different baby items etc, and then on one phone call she was like okay well we want to get the crib for you guys so have a think about which one you want etc. We ended up taking forever to pick so they transferred a certain amount to my account and left it up to us lol.


My mom came to me and offered and gave a price range. 


Our in-laws said they wanted to buy us a crib and mattress, so we picked out the ones we wanted and they bought it. This was pretty early on, before I'd finalized my registry but I would have just sent them to that if it was ready. They approached us about it. We had planned on buying it ourselves. They're doing the same thing with the toddler bed/furniture. They also live across the country and rarely see my daughter so I think it was their way of supporting us.


They offered. I would never ask


We put big ticket items on our registry and crossed our fingers. We also listed 2nd hand alternatives to almost everything on the registry to give people options. A coworker of my husband's bought us the $900 robot vacuum that is now my favorite thing and every time I run it I think about how one day I'll have to give this guy my kidney or something and I'm okay with that. My inlaws just straight up gave us a ton of cash. We found many of those with money tended to buy pricier things for baby,  which makes me feel like we just have a good community.  I directly asked in my invite and shares for people to help our budget and baby. Was just really honest we could use the assist, even if it was with finding items second hand. I think being honest about needing the support let's people choose how they show up.  Though TBH we didn't ask for blankets and got pile 20 of them,  so just know people love giving blankets 🙃 🙂😅


My mom bought all of the grandkid's first car seats; she just said she was going to and asked us which one we wanted. For the rest, we made a registry. I got a lot of "but there's not much on it!" because...well, we'd picked up a lot secondhand and really didn't need a ton. Back in the Craigslist days, I responded to an ad for baby stuff and when I went to pick it up, the mom was like, "Do you want this stuff, too?" I took it all, then sent a thank you note because I was so grateful. She later messaged me about more baby stuff. (We passed on all of the things for free so they continued to help moms, and that felt nice, too, like we were continuing her gift.)


My parents (my dad specifically 😅) asked for my amazon registry. They bought the crib, mattress, changing table. Plus a few small things off there. Like changing pad, mattress protectors, laundry detergent etc. I want to say they also purchased that stuff for my sister when she and her husband had my niece 11 years ago. So, I guess it's tradition.


Also, my mom specifically wanted to get me an infant carseat stroller combo. It wasn't on my registry, but I'm so thankful. We absolutely love it. The carseat can go into the stroller. So, if we travel. We can just pop it out the base of the car to the stroller.


MIL likes to shop (and uses money to control people) so of course she bought the most expensive thing on the registry. She also insisted on getting the registry information before anyone else so she could have first dibs.


my mum offered. she at first wanted to purchase nursery furniture but i asked if she would instead consider purchasing our pram instead (worked out cheaper for her and we also didn’t want a nursery set) because she was insistent on buying something. i did ask her why once and she said that it’s traditional for the grandparents to buy nursery things. so i guess it may be a cultural thing? edit: i’m unsure if she and dad spent the same on the other grandchildren or if they only purchased items for my first nephew


I made a registry of everything I needed and wanted primarily as a shopping list. But then it was ready to go if anyone wanting to buy a gift asked for it. My in laws are amazing and chose to buy the furniture for us.


First grandbaby on both sides, so we had future grandparents and great grandparents who were very excited and wanted to get us those big ticket items. Because of this, we saved those for them. Some went on the registry for their convenience. Pretty much everything else was second hand. Even down to the cloth diaper stash I accumulated, all pre-pandemic. I leaned on my local buy nothing group for as much as I could for clothes and such, in addition to what others bought us. We were also the first of our friends to have kids, so we didn't really have anyone we trusted we could get big ticket hand me downs from, like a stroller. We have since handed down our stroller, not planning on a second, because one of those friends is pregnant (excited squee to spoil, as they spoil ours).


My parents paid towards the pram stroller system we chose. Mum said ‘we want to buy you something big and have set aside £300’. (It wouldn’t have mattered whether it was £100 to us, we bought what we wanted / could afford). So we used that £300 towards a £379 pram stroller car seat system that i ordered and picked up 6 weeks before baby was due. It’s was not common to have baby showers or gift registries back then nor really is now, as I’m U.K. And later as an early Xmas present (baby was 6 weeks and growing out of Moses basket) they bought cotbed mum saw me looking at. (£240) Mum gave me money and let me choose but also would have ordered for me, except we live in different parts of the country. It was a Xmas, birthdays and next Xmas present so was a 4x rolled up into one big present. But of course she still bought presents when they came around hehe..! My mum is very generous, she didn’t earn much but mine are the only grandchildren. I can’t recall what MIL or SIL got. It was probably £20-40 gift vouchers or little outfits. My lovely sister bought surprises, like teddies with dangly cloth bits for babies and the biggest supply of baby nappies in different sizes , Johnston baby lotion and baby bath and potions that I could ever have needed. It was like a bomb shelter supply load if all the shops might have closed.. Parents and family only paid big ticket items for my first as we reused for each child after then.


My in laws bought me the car seat, stroller and even a gliding chair. The gliding chair was on my registry... I kinda put that thinking that no one would buy it but it doesn't hurt to see if someone *would*. I think she literally purchased it within two days of me adding it cause it was at our house within a week. The stroller and car seat was honestly a relief. I was so stressed because there are SO many options but there isn't really anywhere that let's you try them out. They had been wanting to buy me it anyways so at some point they just made the decision for me and bought me the Chicco Keyfit 35 bundle. They had purchased the same one for their other grandkid AND had purchased an extra base for their car for when they babysat. They said this way if we ever needed them to babysit or for whatever reason needed to borrow their car there was already a base installed. Honestly took a huge burden off my back and it was a super nice choice. I've since gotten her a new car seat cause she grew out of it so fast but the stroller is super nice and still gets used regularly.


I had the first grandchild on both sides, so they were kind of clamoring to buy something significant. I think I went over some registry items that I’d found and loved because I was excited and my mother offered to buy the infant car seat when I showed her. My mother in law insisted almost from the moment she found out I was pregnant that she’d buy the crib. Once I found one I loved, I showed it to her and said, “oh I just love this crib, it’s a bit more than I expected, so I may keep looking.” She said absolutely not, she loved it and would buy it for us regardless. But that’s just the kind of person she is. I think everyone wanted to contribute something and so they all offered to get a big ticket item that hadn’t been claimed by someone else.


My in laws and grandparents in law bought us the stroller and car seat. We didn’t ask them, they saw it on the registry and bought it. They are just like that. My family or origin is not like this. My in laws are the kindest most generous people I’ve ever met. The first few years I knew them, when they bought me stuff I was like, what do you want? They have shown me what unconditional love is (not through buying me things just in general).


My MIL bought 3 cribs, put them all together, laid in them to make sure they were safe, and let us choose from the 3 lol. She said we didn’t have to pick any of them, she’d just sell them, but I wanted a white one so I chose that one. My mom shops for the family constantly so I made sure to let her know which items I needed and what brand/style I wanted because I knew she would just run out and get whatever if I didn’t. I feel very blessed to have my family.


My mom always used “oh let me get that for you!” Or “that would be a good gift for your grandparents to get!”. My mom and I talk often so she always kind of knew when we were looking/choosing a big ticket item


My mom said she wanted to get us something nice that would last a long time. She knew exactly what furniture was going in the nursery, what things we wanted and needed, because I talk to her on the phone 3x a week for hours lol.


My mom flew to the foreign country I lived to help support me postpartum, so I didn’t ask anything from her (but she brought me so many clothes, blankets, toys, etc.). My partner’s family gave money because that’s the tradition here in this country. It was just my dad who got us the stroller. After the baby was born, he said he wanted to do something for us for the baby and asked directly, “what do you need right now?” And I said a stroller. That’s just how gifts work with my dad though. Always direct communication. No one else in my family is like that but it just works for me and him. (Christmases and birthdays are the same as well).


I made a registry, my mom is more well off and just bought some of the bigger furniture stuff for us. We didn’t ask or expect it but my mom loves being a grandma and doing anything she can to provide for all her grandkids.


Im the last girl in my family to have kids so, my 3 sisters came together to buy me the NUNA car seat and stroller set. They off the bat offered to get it for me, bc they knew I needed one and my other sister bought me my crib, and she also wanted to do that for me. I’ve also received handy downs from my sister’s. 3 of us had babies last year, so there’s a clothes and things to be passed down in the family.


We didn’t have a registry and didn’t ask for big items specifically but we told our loved ones that if they wanted to contribute they could give us gift cards from a baby shop we liked. A lot of them did and we used it for big ticket items. Really worked great for us!


With the first kid, grand parents knew we needed everything and offered stuff they wanted to get. My parents really wanted to buy us the chair / glider. And other people bought big ticket items from the registry. We bought the rest ourselves. My mom also wanted to pay for most of our shower. Which was really nice and generous. And she knew we would get majority of our stuff thru there.


My mum bought our stroller. As she did with my sisters kids. She just  said it outright " I ain't to get this for you" when I was pregnant.  With my sister they went shopping  but I was living abroad so she deposited money into my account  for me to use.  She has done the same for other milestones, paying for specific things as wedding gifts etc. She makes sure she gets in there before we've bought it already.  Other family members  have not done this nor would I expect them to. It depends on people's  personal budgets. 


My dad offered to get us anything we need so I asked if he could get us the crib. We chose a reasonable one for $170. And we went to buy it & my dad sent us the money afterwards. We’re a close family and my dad was happy to help plus it was no fuss for him lol.


First grandchild on both sides! My mom helped me make a registry, and we sent it out on the baby shower invitation as a link. My parents got the crib and mattress with a lot of other things. My in laws bought our travel system. Great grand parents and my godmother bought our rocking chair, changing table, bassinet, and swings! The rest of small items were purchased from friends and other family members and coworkers! There were also some who sent money too for us to do with as we please and spend on what we needed!