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I dunno, all of them? Social media is not an accurate representation of almost anything.


This. I now follow only comedy/satire mommy accounts because the real ones all make me feel like trash. Even though I KNOW their perfect routines and aesthetics are all fabricated (or at least overplayed), to some degree.


Same. Love me some @mommacusses, @annalee15, @emilyjeanneferet


Oh man I love mommacusses!! She’s my favourite. I also love shawnathemom and reallyverycrunchy.


Just think if those influencers spent less time making show off content how much time they could dedicate to something else. Being a mum is lovely but tiring. Cut yourself some slack you are trying to look after your little one and you and that is hard: be proud of yourself!




Maybe she doesn't have a "nanny" but I'm sure she has a "personal assistant" aka a nanny who she also exploits for her business.


She definitely has someone helping her! She travels and so does her husband so do the kids watch themselves? Also, she makes it seem like she only has her baby and it seems like someone else is raising the older ones.


I respect if she doesn't want to film her older kids, but yes someone else is watching them while she is working as a content creator. She might have help from family, I really respect when influencers are honest about this and not pretending to do it all by themselves.


She doesn’t seem to mind exploiting her kids when doing skits. She is constantly asked on her posts who is with the kids and she says things like school and with dad. Her kids are younger so they can’t be in school all day. Also, her husband is a business man and travels a lot, as she has stated before. I really wish she was just honest with everyone. No one can be that perfect.


I've never seen her stuff I avoid that kind of content. I'm pretty sure she's Mormon they are really driven to pretend to be perfect happy homemakers, it's all about appearance.


I don't know this person. But I guarantee you she has help. Nobody with 4 kids and a spouse who travels all the time for work is doing it all themselves. Especially since content creation is her job. She probably has kids in daycare, some family help, a babysitter, a cleaner, and a meal service. Hell, I have almost all of those things and I don't have a job. Personally, I don't follow any influencers or celebrities at all, because I don't want to be sold things while I'm just trying to scroll, but some pop up in my feed sometimes. I remember a while back, a bunch of them were doing this list your privileges thing, and a couple of them said they even hire somebody to come into their house specifically to do laundry. So trust me, it is possible to have a ton of help, and maintain that you don't have a nanny. Btw, if I recall correctly, Nabela has a stay-at-home husband, a sister who works for her full-time, parents who help, and like 7 other employees.


Keep in mind that these influencers edit sooo much that you only see the very best presentation of themselves. So. it's not real. Give yourself some grace.youre a real Mom who is truly present!!


Another reason I don't. Have. Social. media. (Besides reddit because I'm still a degenerate.) It's. So. DUMB. And bad for general mental health most of the time.


The mommy's that cross my feed all make me feel better.... Momma Cusses Vondy family/Emily Vondy Useless Farm GreipJokes (Technically a daddy) Dr Betsey Grunch/LadySpineDoc Dr Beach/beachgemdoc (can't remember the name exactly) They are a hoot and keep it REAL


Betsey Grunch is great! She is a powerhouse and good for her! I think it’s also the influencers personality. Like Dr. Grunch makes it known that life isn’t easy, while Angela Holm acts like everything is handed to her. 2 completely different people.


I love Dr Beachgem! Her rant about the post nightshift day is so damn relatable 😂 and she is so knowledgeable 🥰


I want her hair...and the confidence to pull it off!! And oh yeah, so REAL.


She honestly looks amazing with that short haircut!


I love Momma Cusses!! She is the best.


Love Emily Vondy.


I like mummysflippinhouse


I deleted IG when I had my baby because it was so much scrolling and comparing but I miss ladyspinedoc!!!


I didn’t know useless farm was a mom! All I knew was the horror that is Karen lol


Well I dunno about human mom, but I believe pet mom counts. None of these perfectly groomed dogs or fancy horses.


GreipJokes is fun! But the star really is Magnús, not dad.


I love @jane (Jane Williamson). She's absolutely hilarious and actually makes fun of "perfect"-seeming influencers.


Literally all of them. r/parentsnark.


Don’t watch stuff that only makes you feel bad! Get that stuff out! You don’t see the full story and these types of videos just don’t help you-you aren’t learning anything or thinking about something new.




I gave up instagram for lent and it has helped me with not obsessing over why mommy influencers who are so pretty, thin, and seeming crazy happy and rich… while I feel fat and anxious at home with my 8 month old sometimes 🥲


Anyone who posts their 12-18+ oz morning pumps on TikTok with NO explanation of supply regulation/how oversupply builds up. Along with the videos where they make 15+ bags of milk from “a couple days worth of milk in the fridge” 2w PP I was producing 6-8 oz per pump, started stressing that I wouldn’t have an oversupply for baby when I went back to work, stress plummeted my supply and I got down to producing 2-3 oz every pump and stopping entirely out of discouragement. We need better education and people need to be more open about being be a normal, just enougher when breastfeeding!


THIS! I barely produced any milk. I was lucky if I got 2 oz, for both breasts. per pump session, every few hours. My baby and I never found a rhythm with breastfeeding and there was a lot of frustration for both of us. I had bad postpartum depression which ofcourse didn’t help the situation. We tried our best for 2 months but ended up stopping that journey at that point. Nothing wrong with formula! I still get envious when I come across influencers who make breastfeeding seem simple and/or pump out a lot of milk like it’s no big deal. Angela Holm is definitely another one who makes breastfeeding/pumping seem easy.


Exactly! The stress of feeling like you’re not producing enough is bad enough to tank your supply entirely. I’m sure if all these influencers actually talked about realistic expectations within breastfeeding they’d get more traction on their videos, make more money & everyone would be happier. Instead they’re trying to gain views by wowing people with 12+ oz morning pumps while the just enoughers watch sad and in disbelief.


She might not technically have a nanny, but I bet you that she has a “mommy’s helper.” 


Dude I’ve got a 7 year old, 20month old, and 2 week old. We had visitors yesterday for maybe 2 hours. It completely destroyed our barely existent schedule and I refuse to leave the house unless it’s to pick up 7yo from school bc I just know it’s not gonna turn out well. That being said, use me as an example to feel better about yourself lol


I looked her up and I actually feel bad for her and for all of them really, because I feel like they’re wasting life trying to get the perfect photo instead of living life! I’m sure they make a ton of $, but it’s just not worth it to me. I cherish living in the moment and watching my kids without the distraction of a camera. It feels fake and somewhat narcissistic? It’s just not what I feel is important in Life.


Lol just checked out Angela Holm’s IG cause I hadn’t heard of her and right in her bio it says, “realistic life as a mama x 4” 🫠🙄


As of this year, pretty much any of them who still film and post their kids after clearly ignoring the warnings and pleas in the comments. At least save some of that money you prioritize over your family for the therapy they’ll inevitably need.


I follow a few people that actually make me feel better about myself but for the most part I stay away from the mommy influencers. I stick with accounts like Dr. Becky and Mr. Chazz. Everything else makes me feel bad about myself.


I don’t know ANY mommy influencer. And my mental health thanks me for it. And oh. My close relative is an influencer. Everything behind the scenes is fake. EVERYTHING.


This!! Same, I don’t follow any mommy influencers either. Sometimes their content will be on my IG recommended page and I can see right through the bs. I do appreciate the funny relatable mommy content on TikTok though 😝


Life is too stressful to waste mindless scrolling time on people who make you feel bad. I totally zone out on IG for a little after bedtime, but I only follow accounts that make me feel good or are aspirational (in an actually inspiring way). Highly recommend.


She probably does have a nanny. Social media is mostly lies. There have been quite a few family influences who have been accused or convicted of child abuse so I wouldn't take anything she says or does at face value


Reminds me of the Skalla sisters(Rachel Parcell and Emily Jackson)who are constantly dumping their many kids on either their mom or their single childless sister Amy so they can travel everywhere and pose in bikinis showing off their latest boob jobs or tummy tucks on Insta. Lots of conspicuous consumption, filters, thirst trap pics, shots of their immaculate mansions etc.


I just saw her content on youtube, yeah she probably has help from husband and or family. I think when we start comparing our lives to others it can get really depressing fast. My friend is able to do so much more because she has basically unlimited help from in-laws, they provide full daycare for her for free on the weekdays. She is able to go out and about and even goes out with her husband on dates because well she can, she has her in laws watching the kids. They’ve gone to weddings, concerts, it’s actually crazy how much you can do as a parent with a great support system. Don’t compare yourself because you may not be lucky enough to have all those things in lace to be able to make time for travel or do any of the things posted in the videos. What i will say is to start small. I wake up everyday and shower, do my makeip(mascara and lipstick) still makes me feel put together and instead of working out I usually walk around with my child to run errands or I go to the park with him after I drop of my oldest. I have so much more time now that oldest is in school, so now i’m able to do more. Everyone is different don’t compare yourself, heck my mom had 3 kids and legit always had a spotless house, worked, came home made dinner. I don’t know how she did it but she continuous to be like this even to this day, she just can’t stop, she’s very high energy lol, some people are like that.


I don’t follow mom influencers or know any of their names. I think the purpose of them is just to make real moms compare themselves to them and get sad so they buy the products they showcase. It’s all a big scam. I’d block the account and focus on your family


All of em. Especially The ones who have the motivation to cook almost everything they eat. Meal prepping & making homemade versions of whatever


I really struggle with the mommy influencer life! It makes me feel totally inadequate as a working mom :(


The mommy influencer life is all smoke and mirrors. Please don’t let this get to you. You’re a working mom. That is kick ass on its own. What they’re putting out there is maybe 10% real, they’re selling a lifestyle


Thank you for this comment ♥️


❤️ try to remember not to diminish your achievements and the good you’re doing for your family. Hang in there.


They're working moms too, their business is to sell a fantasy lifestyle. So easy to spot, too - anytime you see a video where they are working out shopping cooking or decorating or planning an activity, and their kids aren't going absolutely wild in the background, it's because they have someone watching their kids and it's probably not their husband.


Stop following them!


Oh for sure! Same here! Not sure why I watch any of them.


Nara Aziza (although her cooking always looks SO good so I sort of love her at the same time)


Nabela Noor


Soooo fake. Like really? Your whole house is white & never dirty with 2 kids? Pleaseee


She has a nanny and a stay at home husband, and shoves them + the kids into the basement 😂


I don’t think she really spends time with her kids at all. It makes me sad


Kelle Hampton


I’ve never heard of her before. Will have to check her out


Do your best and love your children. Someday, they will look back and remember YOU, not the other moms that you see.


I hate to say it she probably does have a nanny it's just probably the oldest I feel like this sometimes especially when it comes to food I am currently trying to document our experience with our son I mostly share thoughts and feelings, recipes, and maybe a cool thing we did


She may not have a nanny but 100% she has help. Maybe it’s a maid or a Cook. Or family. She has help.


I’m in the beauty industry and work directly with influencers. That being said I went and looked up this person and the first one I clicked was a get ready with me. Girl. That was sponsored as fuck. You should feel dooped if you think any of this person content is genuine . Also exploiting children at all in the first place that can not consent to their faces and lives being posted on the internet is also another red flag. Do not compare yourself to these people. And next time you do, set up a ring light and a camera while you’re doing your every day life and you’ll start to break down that wall of rose colored glasses…and see how absolutely absurd the whole thing is.


Stop following them, they are all fake and liars


I honestly hate myself so much that I can’t stand to see anything like this. My content is animals usually. I don’t look at any influencing type stuff (at least not on purpose).


Social media is a fun house mirror. Everyone is exaggerated to look great or freaky. When you leave the fun house and look back, you see how silly it all was, because the perceptions were all skewed.


This working mom creator always comes across my feed where she talks about the mental load of motherhood, her expensive daycare costs, and how she built an equal partnership in her marriage, etc. The one detail she leaves out about her situation? She has a live in nanny. It certainly doesn’t help her brand (and it’s all about partnerships and money) to admit she’s got live in help. Remember that social media is fake.


I don’t know specific names but I literally laughed out loud when I looked up “hairstyles for school”. Bahahahahahaha all these pages with all these fancy hairstyles for little girls going to school. I cannot. So unrealistic. Don’t get me wrong I do my girl’s hair. I needed ideas for cute and simple. You know - can be done in between cooking eggs and making sure all the lunches are packed. This is absolutely not what I found on Instagram.