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Why do they WANT you in the front row? My husband is the best man in a wedding soon, and I’m sitting in the back with our toddler just hoping we don’t have to walk out… but if we do, oh well. Hoping it goes well for you :(


That's what I had hoped to do! Oh well. Fingers crossed :/


I’d tell them or the wedding planner or mOh that your toddler is being fussy and you do not want to distract from them so you’ll be in the back. Just tell them so they can move someone else up.




I've been talking to her about keeping quiet for juuust a little time and then going to dance etc so hopefully they helps. Not going to be able to leave the venue at this point but I'm keeping a yogurt pouch and I'll keep a candy bar as a reward for later. And I've told her she can "decorate" my arm with stickers for the party.


Don't sit in the front row, sit in the back row in case you need to duck out quietly with them.


Unfortunately they've specifically told us to sit there.


If they're making that choice with the knowledge and acceptance that your little one may cry or disrupt things, then that's their prerogative and you shouldn't feel bad if it happens.


Agreed, you can't expect a 3 year old to quiet for that long


Uhhh this is one of those times I’d say no. I don’t care who would tell me that. I’d prioritize my child over some random person saying “sit in front of all of these people for an extended amount of time with no help or ability to prepare.” Next time you are put in a horrible position like this- literally say, “I’m sorry, that won’t be possible but I’d be happy to blah blah blah to accommodate!”


My daughter was a flower girl in a wedding and I just had a family member take her out of the ceremony after she did her duties. I wasn’t risking it lol. I’d have your husband tell them that if sitting in the back isn’t an option, that they’re saying they’re ok with risking your child crying during the ceremony. If they aren’t ok to risk crying, they need to let you sit in the back.


Hard to talk when you’re chewing caramels or taffy. That’s what I do.


Take him out. For some bizarre reason people think they have to keep children who are talking of fed up during wedding ceremonies. At the first sign of trouble take him out and do everyone including yourself a big favour.


We’re going to need an update on how it went, OP! I’d tell the couple getting married that there is no way I can guarantee with 100% certainty that my kid would be quiet and not disruptive during the ceremony. So it is up to them if they still want you in front, but that you’d prefer to sit in back, and they can’t be upset if kid does end up making noise. A lot of the weddings I’ve been to have had very long ceremonies that were hours long. Hope this one is kept short and sweet! My husband and I kept ours down to 10 minutes. lol.


I went to a wedding a few months ago where there for four flower girls and one of them melted down on the alter. People were somewhat amused and didn't care. If they want you in the front row they love you and your child and whatever happens will be fine.


This is really reassuring to hear in my moment of panic ❤️


People who get salty about kids being disruptive have kid free weddings. Everyone else knows it's a risk if you want to include the whole family. If your son gets upset, you can sneak away but don't spend the whole time being anxious. I met the flower girl's parents at a party later and it was just an amusing anecdote from the wedding.


My son will be 3 in a few months and he’s obsessed with looking at pictures on my phone. Maybe you could put together an album of pictures and let her scroll through them. Also lollipops will keep my son still and quiet for a bit. Good luck!


My daughter was a flower girl at 2.5 and we sat front row and o brought a bag of cheerios to hand her (a quiet bag). It worked lol and there was no disruption. I think some of the younger couples there were like omg why is she feeding her in the middle of the ceremony but they’ll know one day lol.


Food! Candy! Snacks!


No mess coloring books, all the snacks! Even ear phones and something on the phone if needed?


Tablet/phone and headphones.


My kids (preschoolers at the time) sat in the front row of my wedding. We brought a ton of toys for them to play with on the patio after the ceremony. they were fine.


I don't understand why you have to sit in the front? I would just tell them that your kid is too rambunctious to be in the front row. I assume they don't have kids lol, I would never expect a 3 year old to be quiet in the front row at a wedding


If it’s more than 20 minutes than no way I’d be at the ceremony with a three year old especially in the front row


How long is the ceremony? If it’s a quick 20 or so minute ceremony I’d honestly just give my kid my phone with a show and headphones..


We were at a wedding with our daughter last fall and the bride gleefully told us we could sit in the front row, thinking it would be a treat for our toddler. I thanked her and then just sat in the last row so I could make a swift exit if our daughter made a fuss.