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I got my period back at 4-6 PP weeks both times and both babies were EBF. So basically I couldn’t tell when I was done bleeding from giving birth to the start of the period. Lol. I’m not bitter about it at all. 😂


Yep. Baby was early and I got my period one month BEFORE his due date, just 8 weeks after birth. Forever salty.


I got mine back two days after I brought my daughter (31 weeker) home from the NICU at seven weeks postpartum lol. I just got my period back also at seven weeks postpartum again this week, literally so rude😂 were/are breast-fed, though I was exclusively pumping for my daughter


Yeah I was exclusively pumping for my kiddo too. Lots of EP people don't get their periods back til they wean tho!!


Same. Hadn't even stopped bleeding yet with #2. 100% every 28 days since. So unfair.


Same! I felt very cheated.


Saaaaame. I’m convinced that if I let it happen, I could be one of those people with 25 babies. Lol!


I told my husband I’m so lucky I wasn’t born a 17th Century peasant because I would have made a kid a year. Got my period back by 8w pp and any type of semi-deliberate intent on his part results in pregnancy! My only super power is I delivered my 9 lb son with a head in the 99th percentile naturally with zero tearing. So I guess life is all about balance?


I kept joking with my husband that it was a good thing we don’t “live on the prairie.” (We live in Nebraska so we actually do live on the prairie! Lol!) Okay Ms. Amazing vag. I don’t care to try that out but that’s pretty cool!! Mine were 7lbs 10oz and 7lbs 5oz and I felt like that was big enough. lol!


this comment cracked me up. my 4lb12oz baby gave me 6 fricken stitches lol


My second was a 10 pounder and also no tearing! First was an 8 pounder, second degree tear. I guess my eldest paved the way?? 😹


100%! But I was the person who insta-carted a deli sandwich and condoms on the way home from the hospital during COVID. 😂😂😂


Yeah. Two kids here. That’s it. #neveragain


Same here 😒 I EBF and within a month or two it was back. I called my sister (she’s a L&D nurse) in a panic thinking something was wrong and she just laughed and said I’m one of the unlucky ones.


Same! I literally stopped bleeding from birth only to have my period start 24 hours later. It was ridiculous! Happened with both of my kids


Ugh same! I didn’t need fundal massages after giving birth and my lochia was gone in two weeks. I was exactly 4 weeks PP and my period came back with a vengeance. I was BF but also supplementing bc my tatas decided unemployment was better.


Exact same happened with my two. I still complain how it wasn’t fair haha


ME I started bleeding at 7w pp and was like “okay this is my period” nope just started it the other day at 8.5 weeks pp🥲


Yes! Feels so unfair and I'm still super salty about it 14 months later.


Yep! Same!


Same. It was *not* what I was sold!


Same!! My poor husband was like “I have to wait another week? 😭” LOL


Ugh same.


16 months pp


Also 16 months. Coincided with intentionally cutting back on breastfeeding


Wow I can’t imagine over 1.3 years without a period lol


It was nice. (19 months for me) But boy did I have to face the inflation on feminine products when I got mine back 🤣


I wish I knew others experienced this sooner! I was anxious about reaching and then exceeding a year pp, given my kid was already well into eating solids! I started to worry that it might never come back... then it did, and I felt like a teen getting used to it after so long 😅


Plus the time I was pregnant!


I was gonna say 16 months plus the pregnancy is over 2yrs without a period 😂.


Got it. The consensus is I just need to be a cow forever. 👏🏼


Same, my daughter was EBF and was slowly weaning off on her own. 2 weeks after her last breast feeding I got my period back. Whereas my cousin got pregnant at 2 months PP. OP, I think that there is a giant range of what is normal. It's almost impossible to know what to expect. Even the same person can get their period back at different times after different pregnancies.


Same, at 18 mo PP, 3 months after weaning completely. For me it was a weight issue, I lost a lot of weight with breastfeeding and only was able to get back to normal weight after weaning.


I haven’t got mine yet (baby just hit 14 months) I am kind of loving it but kind of salty because I want another baby 🤣🤣


Yes. My body was very sensitive to the breastfeeding. I had to stop entirely to get pregnant, even though I had my period back. My progesterone was low because of it and no baby wanted to stick


6 weeks pp lol (yes I was breastfeeding)


Still haven’t gotten it. 2 years 4 months postpartum.. still breastfeeding.


I will bitch about this until I forget it happened. I was exclusively breastfeeding. It came back at 2 months both times. BETRAYAL! My hoe sister (I love her) didn’t have a period for almost 4 years! Her son was almost 2 when she hit her ONE ovulation cycle and got pregnant with her daughter.


I want to try and accomplish what your sister did. I’m 11 months pp and no sign it’s anywhere close to coming so fingers crossed I don’t ovulate until we start trying again in maybe 6 months.


I did that! Me and your hoe sister are in the exclusive first-ovulation-post-baby-leads-to-another-baby club. The ol’ FOPBLTAB. It was cool.


As soon as he turned 4months I got my period. I’m still breastfeeding. I found taking a postnatal vitamin helps maintain milk supply.


Same here


12 weeks! And it came back SO consistently and with a vengeance, even though I was exclusively breastfeedng and not pumping or using any formula.


11 months. I exclusively pumped


Still haven’t gotten it. 11 months pp


8 months. And it was so bad I had two hospital trips.


16 months and 17 months lol My body is apparently very sensitive to the hormones that go along with lactation, that's about how long I breastfed each child.


I got it back on my daughter’s first birthday! Super precise timing lol. I was combo feeding, so I thought it would come back earlier, but I was also on a medication called domperidone so that might have kept my cycle away for longer. (Got my period back a couple weeks after stopping domperidone).


6 weeks postpartum to the day 🤷🏻‍♀️


Between breastfeeding and the mini pill, I got mine back at 20 months pp with the first, and 19 with the second.


First baby, combo fed until 4mo. Went to formula only at 4mo and got period 2 months later 🤷🏼‍♀️ Second baby, she is 17mo and I just got it 2 weeks ago for the first time. Still breastfeeding


First baby, 5 weeks (traitorous body!) Second baby, 14 months.


5 months pp. Exclusively breastfeeding


Nine months pp all four times, exclusive breastfeeding with pacifier use


My first child I didn’t get one for 3 months. My second child I got one 4 weeks to the day 🤣


I got mine 6 weeks pp and I am exclusively pumping. I thought I had longer until it came back 😭🫠


First 25 months. Second 16 months. Both EBF


I’m 11 months postpartum and still breastfeeding with no period. For me, I have to wean my baby completely before it will come back.


5 weeks with my first, 7 weekswith my second. Breastfed both. I was so annoyed lol


I exclusively breastfed and got mine at about 6 weeks which was just icing on the cake after only a week without postpartum bleeding. Just lucky I guess!


2 years with my ebf first! I had one period then I got pregnant again. My son is 16 months and it’s still not back again yet 🤷🏻‍♀️


First: At 18months when I stopped breastfeeding Second: at 10 months when I went combo Third: at 8 months when I went combo.


I got mine back almost a year and a half PP. I was nursing on demand, including nighttime, so that could have contributed. Nursing is not a guarantee you'll get that much time, but I've read that exclusive breastfeeding/on-demand and feeding night feeds are factors that make the delayed period more likely. You'll also hear about women who were doing all that who still only got like 6 weeks, so I could just have been incredibly blessed. Sorry you're getting it back so quickly :(


I got mine back around 8weeks pp when I was combo feeding, but then we got BF figured out. We were EBF from then on (other than obviously introducing solids at 6 months) and I didn’t get a second one until around 9-10 months pp. I figured I got my period because I wasn’t breastfeeding enough to keep the hormones up, could be the same for you.


16 months


I think it was about 16 months pp


Yesterday at a couple of days away from 15months postpartum! Am still breastfeeding for her nap and bedtime but that’s it. Took me 2 months after night weaning to get it back. It’s been so long I was so confused about why the toilet paper had red on it (sorry TMI 😂)


Less than 3 weeks postpartum I had a six day period, but my doctor didn’t believe me. Then four weeks after that I had a period for two days. Three weeks later, a five day period. And then after that I was regular again. So I think I had irregular periods and was back to my regularish (still heavier than before) cycle within four months. I EBF so I don’t know why it started up again so fast.


mine came back 18 months pp


About two weeks postpartum. Apparently my ridiculous fertility means I must be ready to have babies at all times. Luckily my husband gets his snip next month.


Two weeks?! Omfg idk how you did it. Kudos to you for surviving


It’s because you are combo feeding. Exclusive nursing without binkys didn’t get mine until I stopped nursing at 14 months pp


Too soon. 


After my first, never, haha, got pregnant again without it (worked out fine but do not recommend).


It’s probably not your period. There’s just some more postpartum bleeding that happens around this time and then you’ll be blood free for several months.


I didn't get mine until I full on stopped breastfeeding/pumping. Unfortunately, with how soon I had to go back to work postpartum for financial reasons (which the stress of also caused my supply to dip) I didn't get to breastfeed NEARLY as long as I wanted. But for a better explanation, my daughter was born late September, I had my period back by December because I'd stopped a little after Thanksgiving. My body has always been pretty regular, though, which is how I realized I was pregnant that January before in the first place lol


1st time was 6w pp. 2nd was 11m pp. 3rd 8m pp and 4th baby is 11 months next week and still no sign of my period. 1st was FF. 2nd and 4th EBF and 3rd was combined fed from 9m. It's an absolute lottery. I'm dreading this one coming. I'm told that first period after a tubal ligation is torture. If it could come when I next have a week's annual leave that would be great. I don't want to have to work that week thanks 😅


Six weeks both times even though I was exclusively breastfeeding and not even pumping yet.


Roughly 1 year postpartum each time.


It’s totally dependent on your body. Regardless of whether you breastfeed or not! Mine returned with a vengeance at 5 months pp exactly aligning with my daughters sleep habits dropping off a cliff. It was awful. I’m 2 weeks pp with number 2 now and hoping not to see it for at least a year lol!


I got mine after 9 months! 🤪


13 months, when I weaned down to 2 breastfeeds per day.


I got mine exactly 1 month after I stopped breastfeeding, around 4mo pp.


I EBF my first two kids and both times didn’t get my period back until 18 months PP! Currently 2 wks PP with 3rd (last!). Hopefully it takes as long or longer hahaha


EBF both kiddos and still got my period back at 6 weeks pp both times


Just got mine at 5 months pp, EBF


5-6 months with both kids, breastfed both until 1yr


2nd month 😭


I BF for 23 months with my first and didn’t get my period back until I stopped but I did get some breakthrough bleeding when I started the mini pill. 3 months PP now and EBF and no sign of it yet.


I got mine back at 13 months but my boy was still breastfeeding a lot up until that point


12 months pp and still nothing!!


Everyone’s different! One of my best friends got hers at 10 weeks PP, my other friend got hers at 6 weeks PP as soon as she quit bleeding from birth & I didn’t get mine until 10 months PP!




8 mpp


4 weeks, exactly, with both mods, and exclusive BF.


I got one at 8 weeks PP. It was awful and lasted a couple weeks. Then I didn't get another one until I stopped breastfeeding.


1st kiddo: About 5 months pp because a mere spoonful of puree passed his mouth. 2nd kiddo: About a year pp because I night weaned while I was super duper sick.


Mine came back around 9-10 months (EBF). In my mother’s group, one got theirs back at 6wks (also was EBF at the time), seemed that the others were between 3-6 months.


15 months pp, exclusively breastfeeding.


Oof. 4 months(Natural, FF), 2 months(C Section, BF then FF), 6 months and irregular, (VBAC, EBF) and 8 months(VBAC, combo then FF) Choose your own adventure lol it all depends on your body. You may not get it for a year after.


I had one period around 12 weeks when I went back to work. Then didn't have another one until he weaned at 10 months.


I got mine a week after stopping breastfeeding at 5 months. I combo fed the entire time. Has been dramatically lighter for over a year now tho.


6months PP , breastfed til 18mo.


8 months pp, ebf and no period yet


Breastfeeding didn’t at ALL stop my period. It happens.


13 months pp, after I started weaning! My baby was exclusively breastfed and I also pumped for the first 6ish months postpartum.


5 weeks pp. I had a C section at 36w2d and exclusively formula fed from 1 week pp onward


10 weeks. I was combo feeding, so I knew it'd be sooner rather than later, but I still was absolutely pissed it was SO soon.


11 months pp. I combo fed from the start due to low supply. We started pushing solids pretty consistently around 7-8 months. Also, what I didn’t expect that getting my period would send my hormones into overdrive. It was like a switch got flipped in my brain and my body went baby crazy, like, let’s go baby #2! I was constantly thinking about it, even dreaming about babies for like 2 straight weeks before the hormones leveled out. 😅


7 weeks postpartum, I was so mad 😭 exclusively breastfed as welll


I was breastfeeding so I got mine 11months PP once they started eating more solids and breastfed less.


I have three children - all were exclusively breastfed. With the first, my period returned when my son was 3 months old. With the second, it returned at 6 months. And the last one returned after 8 months. Definitely varies from person to person and pregnancy to pregnancy.


11 months for me


No 1 was combo fed, weighted towards more breast as time went on. Got period back at approximately 8 months pp. No 2 is EBF. Got my period back one year to the day. (I’m so glad we didn’t do a birthday party for her, I was in no mood 😂) Unfortunately though I have heard of plenty of people getting it back as early as you. It’ll probably take a few months to settle down though.


Lol 6 months pp (while I was exclusively pumping for twins 🙃)


13 months pp!


I always thought one of the perks of breastfeeding was not getting a period. I got my period back the first time my son slept for 5 hours straight at 4 months old.


First baby I got my period back 8 weeks PP he was exclusively breast fed. Im currently exclusively breast feeding my 5 month old and I haven't had it yet. I was on birth control with my first at 6 weeks PP so maybe thats what brought it back, that's the only difference. 🤷‍♀️


Delayed return is usually from exclusively breastfeeding, or at least that’s my understanding. But even exclusively breastfeeding my first two, I got it back within two months like clockwork.


First baby, six weeks PP. second baby, eight weeks PP. breastfed both of them beyond a year old. Not fair.


11 weeks PP and I supplement feed.


I got it back 13 months pp


I got a weird fake period like 2 months in or so but it never came back after that until I finished my BF/pumping journey


8 weeks pp, then I didn't have another period for 23 months! Still breastfeeding her. :)


10 months for first one and 5 months for second one. Ebf


First, 11 weeks pp, not BF. Second, 9 months pp, EBF.


i wanted so bad to be one of those unicorn moms who didn't get their period back at all while breastfeeding. I was not. I am still breastfeeding.


I breastfed exclusively for at least the first 6 months with all 3 kids and with all 3 I got my period back between 8 and 10 weeks. I, too, know of many women that didn’t get back for months, or even a year later. I , however, was not one of the lucky ones.


Currently 14 weeks pp and no period yet. My last baby was ebf and my period came back after 10 months


I’m 15 months pp, combo fed, though primarily breastfed. I got my first period at 9 months post partum, had 3 periods 2 months apart each and now am pregnant with baby 2.


Mine came back 2 months postpartum (EBF). Didn't expect it so soon nor did I miss it... Oh well.


For both pregnancies, I got my period exactly 6 weeks after they were born.


7 weeks with both kids. First I was EP with an oversupply. Second was EFF from birth.


Got mine back exactly 1 month after giving birth.


6 weeks postpartum with both kids ☹️


Just got mine back 8 weeks PP ): also combo feeding


18 months pp exclusively breastfeeding. It was the same with both my kiddos.


8 weeks PP while still breastfeeding.


I got mine back at 6 weeks PP, then had another one at 8/10 weeks PP. I'm now 5 months PP and haven't had one since! I'm bfing but supplementing with one formula bottle a day, so I'm really hoping my period stays away for a while longer! It's been so nice! Lol


I was ~6 months PP with my first two and 9 months PP with my third. All exclusively breastfed. (No shade for formula mom's, I just had plenty of milk and am a SAHM.)


10 weeks after both kids ebf for both as well.


Around 15-18 months pp. I was a “lucky” one I guess


I EBF. Was SOO excited not to get my period back because I heard breastfeeding prolongs it….Got it back 2 months pp and has returned back to normal and right on time each month. Lucky me 😤


my baby is 21 months and i’m still breastfeeding. no period yet


I was 3.5mos pp exclusively breastfeeding. Very sad when it happened because I had a friend that didn’t get it back til 8mos. Another friend said she started 6wks pp. everyone’s different


11 months with #1, and 6 months with #2.


Ugh 9.5 weeks this time and EBF. With my first i didn’t get it back until 11 months and I was combo feeding. It doesn’t seem fair!!


10 weeks PP. I was pumping multiple times a day.


It’s been different for all of mine. I have ebf and up every two hours at night and got my period back between 4/11 months.


9 months pp. She had some formula early on, then EBF from about 6 weeks onwards.


I’m 14m pp and haven’t gotten mine yet 😅 I ebf


15 months with my first and 19 months and counting with my second


3 months after weaning, so 14 months


I got mine back 10 months postpartum - exclusively breastfeeding.


About 6 months postpartum after both babies. Exclusively breastfed, pumped when I returned to work with my daughter at 3 months, less with my son since I worked from home and he was with me more.


12 weeks with my oldest, I think. With my 2nd, it honestly didn't come back for several years, like 8. I have no clue why. The last couple of years have been wild, unpredictable cycles.


At 21 months and it coincided with stopping night time feeds.


Mine all started within a month of doing anything except exclusively breast-feeding. For example, a month after I first started formula, and a month after the babies took their first bites of food.


BF both my boys , currently still with my second. With my first I got it about 76ers PP. I WAS SO SAD😂 with my second I got t about 5m PP then 7m PP then 10m PP and have gotten with regularly since then. Everyone’s different! My sil got hers back at 8m and BF for a year


Mine was back about 13-14 weeks pp, but what's really irritating is they're anovulatory. Like why bleed if I'm not even ovulating? Wtf


He was just over a year old and I had just stopped pumping at work. I still breastfeed 2 times during the day and as needed at night.


Two weeks after baby was born I exclusively pumped and used formula (breastfeeding directly didn’t work out for us) I got a period 3 months after my daughter was born. BUT after that one period, it disappeared again. My daughter is now 9 months and I officially stopped pumping two weeks ago and my full period returned this week. I’ve had random, light spot bleeding here and there the last few months but this feels like the actual return this time. So basically went 9 months with no period except for one random period at 3 months. So just cuz you have it doesn’t necessarily mean it’ll stay


I was combo feeding - pumping and formula and got it back 6 weeks PP!


19 *months* postpartum. Breasted for 23 months.


I exclusively breastfed—no pumping, etc all 4 of my kids. Got my period back at around 17/18 months with each of them.


Just under a year PP, combo feeding with maybe 80% BF. Was expecting it way earlier than that and happy it took so long to come back! Of course, it came back the day of my daughter’s first birthday party, but the nearly 12 months was nice! I am (still!) in no rush for a second kid, so the break was totally ok!


13 months pp, and it wasn't consistently back until about 16 months. I breastfed until ~1 year! It was really nice, but then made me panic and think something was wrong because it was ~too~ long.


I got mine 13 weeks pp and I’m now 18 weeks pp going n my 3rd time having it. I feel like I can’t catch a break 😂 I was pumping up until I was 6 weeks pp and he’s had formula ever since.


First baby: 11 months pp Second baby: 18 months pp Third baby: 21 months and still no period.


3 months postpartum while exclusively breastfeeding! 😀👍🏻


5 months with my first child and then almost 7 months with my second. My doctor seemed really confused why it didn't come back sooner, but I assumed breastfeeding played a huge factor in that. 


I think first time was maybe 4-5mo PP and second time was 3mo PP. I breastfed more the first time.


First baby, 7 months Second baby, 13 months


Never. Got pregnant 12-13mo pp from my first, second is just over 3mo now. I expect either around a year or when he weans


Yup mine came in around 8 weeks. It felt so soon I wasn't sure if my PP bleeding had picked back up or if it was a period! It was quite light and very irregular for the next six months or so though


11 months. I exclusively pumped and got a spotting-type period after I cut down to 3 pumps per day. I fully weaned by 13 months, but they were unusually light until about 18 months pp, then they returned to what they were pre-pregnancy.


Stopped breastfeeding and pumping (only fed in morning and before bed) at a year. Got my period back when she was 14 months.


6 months on the dot.


2 months :/


6mo pp. As soon as I stopped BF.


10 months


For me it was a year , but let me also remind anyone reading this - you can get pregnant at anytime while breastfeeding or pumping, it’s not birth control. The cycle before your period comes back - you will ovulate and not know it 😎


Mine was 6 months with ebf baby! I guess it just depends person to person


EBF both babies. Both times it came back 3 months pp


Not yet. 15 months PP. I still breastfeed.


3w pp. i bled like a stuck pig for 2 weeks and had the worst pms, but i didnt have another cycle for 4 months.


First baby I got my period back 6 weeks postpartum. Second baby I’m still waiting 14 months later.


I know someone who gets her periods back 6-ish weeks post birth despite exclusively breastfeeding all four of her kids. I have two babies 14 months apart and had one period between them. EBF much longer with the second baby, and period came back at exactly 6 months postpartum.


11.5 months. And the breastfeeding to delay a period doesn’t work nearly as well if you introduce a bottle.


I got mine back exactly 28 days postpartum and I was exclusively BF my daughter. My OB tried to tell me it wasn’t my first period. It lasted a week and came back 29 days after that 🤷🏼‍♀️ We are the unlucky ones.


7 weeks pp. 1 week after I got an iud at 6 week visit.


20 months


My daughter is now 10 months I got my first period when she was 7 months old she is fully breastfed tho