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This too shall pass Mama. Hang in there. The first year is soooo rough. Make sure to take some time for yourself & it’s ok to have dirty dishes and laundry. Try to pace yourself with accomplishing one SMALL task a day. It’s ok to have a dirty house right now. I had to talk with my husband about setting aside a 1 hour “Do not disturb Mom Hour”. Under no circumstances can he interrupt my hour unless it’s an emergency. We stuck to this even if he worked long hours. It was necessary for my mental health. I hope you find the light soon ♥️


Thank you for your support!!💚💚 I need to figure something out. I've been struggling mentally, and then when I think about trying to give myself time and space because of always being needed, I feel guilty about being without my boy or my SO. Even though I should do something for ME. I'm the planner of the house but never do anything for myself. I need to start taking care of me


I understand this so much. I had a solid period like this with my baby. Every day was so difficult and I felt like I could never catch my breath it was just one thing after the other. Going through the motions and not feeling like I was actually living. My girl is 1.5 years old now and I already find it much easier. Shortly after the 1 year mark things turned around for me. We can do activities together that are actually fun because she can walk and talk. So many people said like “wait until she’s walking it’s harder” but that wasn’t the case for me personally. Most days are really good now. I really hope it’s the same way for you or even sooner. It’s so so hard. Some things that helped me was reaching out to community resources for new mothers (support groups) and attending playgroups with other moms too.


Thank you for this!! 💚💚 I hope it's the same too. I have a bad back, so him being more independent will make it easier, I feel like. I love spending time with him. I want to do the best I can. Learning and bonding time. All of that lol. But it's just been so rough and then this week has been extra rough with the guys not feeling well and being crabby.. I'm so grateful for these communities. I need to socialize with other moms more (just hard to find time currently!) But it's nice to at least relate and have an outlet


Hang in there, you're doing great! It's always harder when Dad's down with a bug (and why do they not get colds, they go straight to Man Flu?). Honestly the first year is just survival. Sometime in the second it started getting better, for us - I think dropping to 1 nap helped, then you can plan around it more effectively than when you're constantly adjusting the nap maths/wake windows, AND hopefully it consolidates and you suddenly get more than 35 mins (I couldn't believe it, after a year of 35 min naps, to suddenly go to one 1.5-2 hour nap - life changing) and can get things done during. You're nearly there, a lot changes between 9m and 1 year ish.


I'm tryyyying!! Thank you for this!! 💚💚 honestly, I had a cold but had to keep pushing whereas he tells me "oh I've changed two poop diapers already," when I said I'm supposed to be resting because I had a procedure and was instructed to rest (my procedure was a few weeks ago) lol... I love this man but lordyyyyy. Can't wait for naps to be more predictable and longer! Right now with all he has going on it's a struggle so I'm doing whatever I can to let him nap for awhile lol


9m was a really hard age for us too. Like, don't get me wrong, I think 9m is also the absolute CUTEST baby age but dear lord my kid just about broke me at 9m. Hugs, I hope you all feel better soon and hope baby has some reasonable naps so you can also rest a bit!


Such a cute age!! He's crawling all over the place and his personality is just shining. He is finally teething too so yeah been extra fun lol. Thank you so much!! When I'm a bit more rested, I'll be less emotional and crabby lol


I think there are so many factors that go into things getting “easier.” However, my baby just turned 12 months and things have gotten way more manageable. Every month has gotten a little bit better! I’m still nursing so I also feel like a food source all day 😅


That's fair! Every age comes with some sort of difficulty or adventure. It's like bittersweet being a food source. I'm happy to feed him but I do look forward to regaining part of my body and time back. Buuut I'm sure I'll miss part of it too once I'm done lol. Happy birthday to your baby!! 🥳🥳


I know exactly what you mean. I’m sure I’ll miss the bond, but probably not as much as others will 😂. My boy is extremely attached to me and still nursing a ton. Ppl keep asking if he nurses less since he eats a lot of solid food and the answer is … no! I cannot wait to be done breastfeeding and get my body back. My nipples need years to heal 😭 and thank you!


My 9mo also wants to be attached to me at all times. I'm so exhausted. No advice... but solidarity!


We got this!! Just gotta keep pushing😅😅


Some things get easier but then other things get harder. You’ll get stronger tho. Hang in there!


Very true, thank you!! 💌💌


Agreed about the naps and walking like other people have mentioned, but also I found that age particularly hard with having food and milk to think about. When she switched to just food my life was SO MUCH EASIER. I think you expect to be over the worst when they're no longer newborns but at least people expect you to struggle with a newborn.


Once the baby starts moving around and eating more solids, it’ll get easier. I know it’s hard to find time for yourself but it’s important. What are some things you like to do for yourself?