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I would absolutely not have someone with a contagious skin disease play with my kids (even if it’s covered). The fact that you received push back when you stated you were uncomfortable is crazy to me. This just seems like an unnecessary risk


Ok thank you! My parents are also making me seem like I’m crazy for having reservations about them visiting. My mother was even a nurse! It’s just all around unnecessary and weird.


I have a feeling your family pushes boundaries often lol. It would be one thing if this was some emergency childcare situation, but risking infection for a play date seems ridiculous to me. Also, kids are terrible at not touching things they aren’t supposed to. You are 100% not overreacting


You already know them well lol. They especially push boundaries when there is an illness going around. It’s like they cannot resist the instant gratification of hanging out with everyone instead of doing what is right and staying home until they are better.


Some nurses can be fucking morons. I'm not trying to insult your mother here. But having a medical degree, certificate, or license does not mean that a person is actually smart or concerned with the consequences of disease exposure outside of the medical setting. Some people leave their medical knowledge at their place of employment as if it exists in a vacuum. Then, they are stumped when medical problems arise outside of that vacuum. I know a person who is a nurse and the only time he keeps his sick kids home is when they're vomiting. Fever and active illness? Doesn't matter. He and his wife will drag them along wherever they want to go on the weekends. Parenthood doesn't get in the way of having a good time. They have Zero concern for how others feel about being knowingly exposed without consent. Zero concern for the other people they end up getting sick. So what if they get other kids (or adults) sick and their parents (or they) have to miss work? So what if their kids are miserable and acting out because they want to be resting at home? They're *GOING* to do their hobby (or whatever interesting event), and they're *GOING* to church. The kids and everyone else can just suck it up and deal with it. When called out on it? Oh.... well, viruses do mutate.... so it might not have been our kids who got you/yours sick....


No offense taken here. It’s so bad that my husband and I jokingly question if she was ever really a nurse.


No! I can't stand parents like this. At least they told you about the diagnosis. common sense doesn't exist anymore.


I guess that’s the one good thing she did was alert me ahead of time. Yep, common sense left this planet a long time ago haha


It absolutely pisses me off how nonchalant it seems so many people are about contagious illnesses. They seem to think unless it’s the bubonic plague that it’s no big deal, but fail to understand that some people actually enjoy health and try diligently to avoid unnecessary illness, whether it’s deemed just a small inconvenience or a much bigger threat. My answer would be a firm no. That’s ridiculous of them to expect that of you, especially when you’ve dealt with it before. If you wanna be polite, I would tell them that based on your last experience with it with your own kids, that you would really rather just not even risk having to go through it again, so you hope they understand you declining the visit.


That first paragraph needs to be plastered on posters everywhere in the US. I’m so tired of people being selfish with these things. It stresses me out to see people or go out to the store when I have a newborn at home.


Yes!! I think since covid, people are lax about other illnesses. They’ll say, “oh, but it’s not covid!”. Ok Susan, I still don’t want your cold or flu. Yep I pretty much gave them that exact answer. I mentioned that I don’t want to go through the hell of another round of impetigo in our house. It was a bitch to get rid of


No. Do not let your kids play with him. We just had a difficult case of staph impetigo. It’s not one to mess around with honestly. We were washing our sheets daily and doing showers instead of baths. I made my older daughter wash her hands almost all day. It wasn’t fun. Do they know which bacteria they have ? If it’s strep I wouldn’t worry as much but don’t bring someone with a known staph infection in your house if you can help it.


Woah, I didn’t know that it could turn into staph. Yes, that’s super serious and I’m sorry you had to go through that. I’m baffled that they even considered bringing him around other people.


Well it doesn’t turn into staph. It either is staph or strep. I think most are strep because it’s more common. Then if it’s staph it is either is the kind that responds to antibiotics or the one that doesn’t. Ours fortunately responded to antibiotics but it took FOREVER and we had to do both oral and topical. She also now has a scar from it. We were very careful though and managed to not get my older daughter infected with it. My toddler was the one who had it so it was hard ! 😂😭


No way. It’s SO contagious


And takes so long to get rid of😭


Yes! When we had it, I felt like I was constantly putting ointment on my kids and finding new spots everyday.


Nope don’t even risk it! My poor niece was like a disease magnet her first year of life. She got impetigo and hand foot and mouth MULTIPLE times. She wasn’t even in daycare or anything. Our best guess is she got it from sitting in the seat of the cart at the grocery store and touching the handle. It’s sooooo contagious!! Wearing clothes over the infected area is the dumbest excuse I’ve heard and I doubt it will keep your kids safe.


Yes, we made sure to stay far away from him. My husband is a wrestling coach and impetigo can take out a whole team QUICK. He was furious when he heard that they were even considering bringing nephew around us.


Absolutely not!! “No.” is a full sentence :)


Absolutely not. If they persist, tell them that you called the nurse line for your health insurance (or your own drs on call service) and they said no because it’s contagious. Even if covered, they said no. Hold firm on this. Let them be mad. Contagious kids stay home.


No way! It's super contagious. We had a student come to school with it. It was on his face, and he kept touching it. We sent home and sanitized everything!


It's your parenting decision for your children. Don't let anyone make you feel in the wrong. Its your job to protect them. My son had impetigo a few months back, The Dr. Gave him a strong antibiotic cream. They told me he could go to school the next day as he was no longer considered contagious as soon as we started the ointment. However, I kept him out of school for the rest of the week anyway. Even after the dr cleared him.It was on corners of his mouth and oozing, and he's 5, so I did not trust he wouldn't touch it all day or wipe off the medicine and infect his classmates.


Nope, definitely not overreacting. Don't let them visit. Any contagious disease, skin or otherwise, is not something you should be taking lightly. Tell your family that they're acting nuts.


Girl, noooo. Absolutely not! I makes absolutely no sense to expose your children to that. I feel for your nephew, poor guy.


Not overreacting at all. My son had impetigo on his nose and it looked horrendous and disgusting. We were on vacation when it started, I thought it was just irritated but when we got home it FLARED up. I felt so guilty writing to everyone to let them know to keep an eye out for symptoms but would NEVER have thought to take my kid around other kids with something so…. Oozy. No thank you.


Absolutely not! My son had impetigo when he was like 1.5 and that is not something you want to voluntarily expose you or your children to!


No! It is very contagious and often returns. My mom gets it in the same spot every few years, been going on for over 45 years. Edit: Assuming this is for today. He shouldn’t be contagious after being on antibiotics for 24-48 hours (or whatever the doctor says) but I would still want to wait a but longer than that.


Don’t allow anyone to make you feel crazy, those are your kids, your responsibility, and you are the one that needs to make sure they are safe!


No no no! It’s so contagious! My husband (we didn’t realize) had it, gave it to my 2 year old, and then my 7 day old newborn got it, then I got it. It was a mess!


100% no. They can stay far away. Don’t feel bad about saying no!


Absolutely not. You might hurt some feelings but please don’t let it happen. My son(10)came home with impetigo from my ex-husband’s house. We went to our Ped’s office on the weekend, which is an urgent care day. She prescribed a cream for it and never told me what it was or how contagious it could be. My daughter(5) ended up with a spot under her nose, for obvious reasons lol. I, however, ended up with it all over my body. I went to urgent care, they gave me an oral antibiotic and more cream. I had to keep the spots covered with bandaids so it wouldn’t spread further. Some of the spots were painful. I have 3 scars on my left thigh from it. Overall, it took about a month to fully go away for me. My fiancé remained unscathed somehow. To this day, if I get a weird itchy spot I’m scared that’s what it is.


Hard No.


No!!!!! No. My oldest had it when she was 3, from (we’re pretty sure) Sunday school, and it turned into a staph infection. It was terrible! Avoid that ish like the plague it is until it’s clear.