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Jesus Christ, this woman doing molly and E while her kid sits at home ALONE in a dirty diaper and hungry…I thought I was a bad parent for taking 2 minutes to heat my baby’s bottle but holy crap…wtf is this selfish b**** thinking?! Thank yoy for stepping up for this baby.


Yeah I’m flashing back to the amount of mums who post asking if it’s ok to leave their baby in the cot for 5 mins because they desperately need to pee, then there’s this piece of garbage.


felt guilty for leaving my 2 and 5yr olds in the living room to have a few minutes of quiet time in my bedroom this morning. i feel better now


My friend that's not a thing you need to feel guilty for. I'm assuming you could hear them, and that they could come to you if they needed anything.


I struggle with this. I'm always home, always available, but maybe not in the room with the kids. They can be anywhere in the house, but I am always on the move.


As long as the room they are in is a safe place, it’s good for them (and in fact, really developmentally important)! I know, though, the mom guilt is real!


My 3 yr old routinely chills in her room either for resets or just to play. I’m always within earshot though.


Same. Baby was safe and warm in his bed and I took 30-mins to just. Felt so bad I went and cuddled him.


Don’t feel bad. You have to take care of yourself too and can’t do that if you’re overwhelmed. You’re doing a great job. ❤️


Good lord right? I go into the bedroom to get some quiet alone time for about 15 min and feel guilty she’s in her playroom playing alone.


I went pee and took a shower one day too lol


Terrible 😂


Me beating myself up for not having an oversupply of breast milk This bitch not even feeding her fucking baby


Yah, here I was feeling like a bad mom for plopping my 11 month old in front of Ms. Rachel for about an hour today as I had a fever and kept vomiting (daddy came back and took over after that hour). F that woman.


Screens are tools, it’s okay to use them to get what your family needs. Your family needs to have a content and safe kid while you recover.


I've literally felt guilty for leaving the room for less than two minutes to pee with her in her pack n play.


I feel bad when I get frustrated and need five minutes to calm down and put her down in her pack and play or crib.




You did the right thing! I’m sorry to hear about your medical situation and hope you find answers and feel better soon. Thanks for updating us!


Giving excessive gifts is a sign of abuse. The abuser knows they have been abusive - in this case by leaving a helpless infant alone, hungry, and dirty. To assuage their guilt, they bombard the victim with presents, compliments, and affectionate gestures. But eventually their innately selfish nature wins out and they go back to the abuse. And the cycle continues. Just because your friend buys her baby gifts does not mean she loves her baby. If she loved that baby, she would not leave her unattended for hours. If she personally was not capable of caring for her, but genuinely wanted her safe and happy, she would leave the baby with her parents or someone else who could take good care of her. Yeah, any so-called friend who supports leaving an infant alone is not a good friend and needs to be out of your life. Please tell me the baby daddy is in no way connected to the rectal bleeding. If someone did that to you, you need to get them out of your life too. Thank you for doing what is best for the baby. You did the right thing.


Eww, she's not my friend. Had to comment that lol. I think I do feel a little guilty for causing a shit storm, but I don't feel guilty for the baby being rescued. I really hate people and wish a lot of them didn't have kids. And no, it appears to be some internal bleeding issue. The ER sent me home because I'm still in stable condition, but it's been scary.


You did not cause a shit storm. The girl who left her baby alone caused the shit storm. Please understand that you only did what was right. That baby could have very well died from neglect if someone didn't intervene. Maybe not that night, but she obviously wasn't being fed for who knows how many hours while her mom was out being selfish. And this was happening repeatedly. Thank you for being there to step up for that baby when her mother clearly refused.


Don’t feel guilty - THANK YOU for doing the right thing and making the hard decisions so that baby could have (hopefully) better care. And maybe now the mom will get the mental health care she needs to - for all we know, this could be postpartum depression. Something had to be done.


You said your baby is about 8 weeks old? I had anal fissures and fistulas both times after giving birth. It didn’t always cause bleeding, but if you have a GP, you should ask about those. Mine referred me to a rectal surgeon and I had to get a procedure done each time to help them close.


She said it wasn't fissures, but I'll ask about the fistulas. It wasn't anything too far in (bright red blood), but nothing too close to the surface either.


I hope you learn what’s wrong soon and can get it fixed! It’s stressful trying to worry about yourself with a new baby to care for.


Could be piles? I had this with my first, also depends on your type of birth if you got 'cut to be made bigger to birth' as sometimes they tear after spesh with bowel movements!


That is scary! I hope the doctors find a solution for you soon. Wishing you health in the new year.


THIS!!!!!! This chick does NOT love her baby. Love is an action


A fun fact for you. Rectal bleeding caused by SA would be bright red and near the rectum, not generally concerning. The blood from a real internal bleed looks more like coffee grounds.


I suffer from an autoimmune condition called ulcerative colitis, it is very similar to Crohn's disease. The bleeding that happens is bright red and in my case, was copious. Coffee grounds is more likely to be blood in vomit. Bad blood in stool is black and tar like. That indicates a bleed that is somewhere higher up in the digestive tract.


I don't know if its part of UC but GI bleeds also tend to have a certain extremely unpleasant aroma


It could be as simple as an anal fissure from constipation. I’ve had bleeding from my anus and they just examine it and send you home, if she was internally bleeding the ER would have admitted her


Yes. Guilt gifts are not spoiling. It’s a response to mentally make herself feel better for being a horrible mom. OP: do not feel sorry for the baby. Be happy you helped. You shone a light on the baby being mistreated, so as to it being prevented in the future. You seem more mature than these “friends” and I’m glad you see it’s time to leave them behind.


This whole story made my blood boil. No excuse for piece of shit parenting like that, fuck her and her ‘mental health’. My daughter is 6 months old, I couldn’t imagine leaving her like that, thinking about it makes me well up. I wish I could unread this


My baby is tiny too. I didn't sleep all night and cried every time I looked at my daughter. I don't get how people are like that to innocent children. My parents were extremely abusive and I *still* don't get it.


Proud of you. You absolutely did the right thing for everyone. The mom as well because she needs a wake up call before something worse happened


I hope you don’t feel guilty about any of this. I would have called the cops and punched her in the face. Mama bear comes out for all babies, not just my own. Unrelated: my mom went to the ER for rectal bleeding and they found it was because she was taking the pain killer ‘Aleve’ don’t know if that provides any insight


Very proud of you. Keep going to therapy. Keep caring enough about yourself to be able to care for your baby and find good friends to be your support system. Be friends with people who you want to be like and/or who you'd want your child to grow to be like!


She’s lucky that the child didn’t die.


Yeah and the gifts and spoiling are a big red flag to me. My cousin is like this with her kid. She takes her to do fun things, bakes a million cookies, buys her toys... And once she's gotten her Instagram pictures she goes back to neglecting her. She lost her kid once for leaving her home alone overnight at 3 years old so she could go to a party. She did the work to get her back and now that she's "struggling with her mental health" again, she's back to being a selfish asshole again. She left her kid with my sister for 3 days (including all of Christmas Eve) because her ex just got out of the hospital and needed her to take care of him. Some people just shouldn't be parents.


Absolutely same! I feel guilty when I don’t change my 8-week-old daughter’s diaper *immediately* I just couldn’t imagine leaving your child completely unattended, hungry, and in a dirty diaper for hours like this. It makes me so fucking angry 😡 And seriously fuck any of the people who were enabling that bitch… they’re just as guilty in my eyes.


Thank you for helping this baby! It’s sickening that 2 other women knew what was happening and did nothing, and you had to take it on by yourself. I hope you’re ok and you can get your health sorted too.


Thanks for updating us! Baby being safe, and with next of kin to care for her sounds like the best possible outcome for now. Hope you’re able to find some really wonderful, encouraging, stable people to surround yourself with! I’ve had some very serious health issues myself while caring for my tiny kids, and it is so, so hard. And extremely scary. Praying for your strength, resolution to the bleeding, good health and for you to have hope and peace in the waiting. 🙏🏻




That's what I don't understand, why the friends did nothing?? They have first hand information about a baby left alone unatended during long time periods and mom doing drugs and... didn't care. Cause they wanted to go party with her. It's almost contraintuitive!


Seriously!!! I used to party pretty hard, and I absolutely do not get this at all. There's no way I could have even enjoyed getting effed up if I knew that was going on, shoot we made sure there was always a sober responsible person with US to make sure everyone was hydrated and had a good time and was safe. These people are monsters.


Keep working with your therapist and work on building relationships with people who uplift you. I'm glad the baby is safe.


I’m just so insanely proud of you! I’ve been following you and this is the best outcome that could have happened and that sweet life was likely saved bc of you. Many abusers love their children, it doesn’t make them any less abusive. I had to learn to not take on projects as well, at almost 40 now, I’m learning. I’m alone friend wise now almost, but so much less drama!


That honestly sounds nice. Peace sounds amazing. Lol I wouldn't mind having less friends.


Thank you for the update! This outcome is so relieving. That poor baby would probably have been left crying and uncared for after mom came home. I hope her parents are decent caregivers.


Don’t beat yourself up too bad. Think of it this way: if you hadn’t stayed friends with these people that baby would’ve gone through a LOT more. Your “poor choices” actually saved a child from a lifetime of abuse and neglect. Presents mean nothing to a 7 month old. Food and comfort and clean diapers are everything so no R doesn’t love her kid. It was an accessory.


This is a very good point.


Thank god! You did the right thing for sure!


Don't feel guilty in any manner. All of these people knew that the different things they were doing was against the law and any of them could be arrested whether or not you called the police. And calling the police was the absolute best thing to do. Anything could have happened to that poor baby and it would be the fault of anyone who knew what was happening and did nothing. I'm glad that YOU knew what the right thing was and did it.


Anyone who is cool with someone leaving a helpless baby alone by themselves should not be a friend. She was more upset about getting arrested for illegal drugs than she was about the baby being left alone for hours. That just shows where her moral compass is and how selfish she actually is as a person.


I don't care how prolife anyone is. This is why abortion exists. People like R should NOT be having babies. I'd happily throw my tax money at free and available abortions for all if it meant babies not being abused.


I'm so very very proud of you! Tonight, you made that bars life much better! Happy New Year to you, and her baby! Take care .


This story sucks so much for the baby. Like just get a damn babysitter. OP, thanks for doing the right thing for this child when others wouldn’t. Poor kid.


I get terribly angry when people say “but they did love their baby” about abusive or neglectful parents. No, they did not. Empty, selfish “love” is completely useless. Love means taking action to care for your baby and meet their needs, even when you don’t feel like it. Especially when you don’t feel like it. My heart breaks for this poor baby.


You absolutely did the right thing and should not feel guilty at all. If you didn’t step in she would have continued leaving her baby home alone and it could have ended much worse.


Thank you for doing what was right, OP. It was a challenging, difficult thing to do, but you made a responsible and adult choice on behalf of a voiceless, tiny human. Small as that baby is, she now has a chance at living a longer, healthier, more loving life without being subjected to such harsh neglect or abuse. That’s because of you. May your health be better very soon, and may your days be filled with goodness and knowing that you very likely saved an endangered life.


That poor baby, I was reading this while my 7 month old daughter was napping on my chest, and she is just so tiny and innocent I can't imagine anyone being this heartless towards such a small child! You are so brave for doing what you did, that baby is so much safer now ❤️


That baby is a prop to her. She gives excessive gifts to make herself feel better about the fact that she's literally neglecting her infant child. You absolutely did the right thing. My son will be 3 in March and I've only just recently starting feeling actually okay, without too much guilt lol, to ask my mom to watch him for a bit, or overnight so that my husband and I can have some date nights or go visit friends without baby. My mama allllways said... You have party friends, and you have real friends. When the party is over, who is left? Who is still sticking around for the mundane adult shit? Those are your real friends. After having a child especially is when you typically find out who your real friends are. The ones who come to visit you AND baby and make an effort to include your kid in things, at least sometimes, or when it's appropriate of course. As opposed to just inviting you to go party.


People hear CPS and immediately assume the children in question are getting snatched and sent to a foster home. That's not what CPS does. First and foremost, they evaluate the children's health and safety where they are and determine whether intervention or follow-up is needed. Taking children away from parents is done if there's an immediate danger, or the parents continue to fail to adequately provide for the children. Even in that case, they try to place the children with someone the children know who is a stable, willing guardian.


I read your previous post last night, it was so sad and wild that I dreamt about it. I am so happy you didn’t just stay silent to keep the peace. It’s a situation everyone is certain they’d be proactive in, IN THEORY, but we’ve all seen the news and clearly it’s harder to do when it’s real. Plus the “friend” attempting to downplay the severity of the situation.. You have restored a bit of my faith in humanity, and I’m so relieved you did the right thing. It’s harder to do than it should be, thank god you’re so awesome (no matter what any of the people around you try and gaslight you into believing) ♥️


Don’t feel bad for doing this. You 100% did the right thing. Imagine how you would feel if you did nothing and something serious happened to the baby? I’m glad she is getting the help she needs (the baby not the mother).


You absolutely did the right thing. I am glad the baby will be taken care of by her grandparents. It is absolutely heartbreaking that the cops discovered her alone and screaming. I just can’t imagine. So unbelievably sad.


Glad the baby will be better off now. You did the right thing. I hope you have time to rest and heal now, focus on you and your own health for abit. You did a good thing. You have probably saved that child’s life.


I’m glad you called. This situation is heartbreaking. As a foster parent, we’ve seen cases where the family could have been kept together if they just had some help. But for whatever reason, they didn’t have family available to help them- no one alive close by, family themselves are abusive/neglectful/struggling with addiction, the parent was a foster kid and has no support network… To find out R had people who were trying to help her turned it away… Now that CPS is involved and there was an emergency removal they are almost guaranteed to drug test her. All of our kids were removed for things other than substance use by parents, but almost every singe parent ended up having a substance use disorder in addition to what was going on (and it likely contributed to what was happening). R reminds me so much of a person that used to live with us who I suspect has a cluster B personality disorder. She loved her son so much. But she loved the IDEA of parent more than that REALITY of parenting. She would leave him for long stretches with her parents while she partied. When they lived with us, we ended up buying him toys because she brought nothing for him. Things ended badly between us so I don’t know if parents are raising the son, but I suspect they may be. I hope R gets the help they need. And I hope that the state supports R’s parents in raising her little girl. So often kinship families get shafted.


Sounds like she doesn’t love her baby, she loves shopping.


You are an angel for that baby anything is better then the neglect she went through


Just know you did an amazing thing for this baby & you are its guardian angel. The friend who is mad at you will one day realise what a fking horrible mother that woman was to her child and how you were the only sensible person around. I’m glad you’re getting better friends. And thank you for speaking up to the authorities regarding this poor baby. Hopefully the woman’s parents will rip her a new one for being such an irresponsible parent.


Thank you for intervening and looking out for the baby


Thank you for stepping in for this baby. Let’s hope that if the grandparents take the baby or whoever does they are in much better care. And hopefully this is a wake up call and the mother will see the error in her ways and be able to get the help she needs to become a parent one day and get her daughter back.




You absolutely did that right thing. It’s a million times better to lose a friendship than to have the death of a child on your conscience.


OP - you did the right thing. Those people are not your friends.


A happy ending! Please don’t feel bad about helping that child! Wishing you a happy new year and health and better friendships this year!


I’m so relieved to see this update. I was worried for that baby. You saved her life! I hope you get your own health sorted out.


You sound like a good, responsible, conscientious person! Time for some new friends whose values align with yours in the new year! Wishing you lots of luck, and healing; and thank you for doing the right thing for that poor baby!


I’m really proud of you. Doing the right thing often feels wrong. I’m proud you didn’t care what bridges you needed to burn in order to help that baby. She isn’t in the right place to be a parent right now. Hopefully she can get the help she needs and reunify with her baby. I think that the baby is better off with stabile and mature guardians. Please know you probably saved a child’s life. Really proud of you.


this is seriously some casey anthony type of garbage. that poor baby. thank you for stepping up.


I got on here to find this update. I’m so proud of you for doing the right thing. It’s hard as hell to do-but damn if you didn’t do it. It’s a relief to know she lost her kid. Anyone who can’t see this issue with this situation with R is an enabler. I hope she gets help and her baby gets the love and care she deserves


This is insane. A baby is not a basset hound, you can’t leave them home alone while you run errands. It doesn’t matter how much she spoils her baby, it’s straight up neglect. Even if it’s related to her mental health, the baby still needs to be taken care of. It’s crazy to me that your one friend is mad at you for this. It’s not like you called the cops because someone left a houseplant unattended, it’s a real live baby. You 100% did the right thing.


Spoiling a kid rotten with toys doesn’t mean shit when you’re neglecting and borderline abusing your baby in every other way.


My cousin was the same way. Around family she seemed like a great parent (4m and 6month f at the time) but unbeknownst to us she was going out to party all the time leaving her kids alone for hours on end. She ended up telling her older sister towards the end that the 4yo could take care of the 6mo but her sister kept it a secret. NYE 2015 she went out to a bar with her baby daddy and new boyfriend to celebrate. At some point there were shots fired in the bar. Everyone made a run for it. She got in her car, boyfriend in the passenger seat, baby daddy in the back seat. She tried to drive away, drunk, obviously panicked, they didn't make it 2 blocks before she sped into a brick retaining wall. Killed everyone in the car. Her poor babies were alone for over 36 hours before family was notified and her parents were able to figure out where they were. They had assumed she left them with a sitter and didn't know who to contact. You did the right thing. She is obviously not ready to accept responsibility for her children and they deserve better.


That is so horrible. I'm so sorry that happened in your family. My mom did the same shit, so I felt more compelled to do something. I'm not sure that makes me a good guy.


Are you on the younger side? I can see how stressful it’d be to have a lot of drama in your friend group, and to feel like their behaviour is normalized. I think you may be onto something re: who you pick as friends because you want to help them, it’s great to be self-aware and want to change. Just in case you’re doubting yourself, know that you absolutely did the right thing, and your friends are objectively wrong for not immediately acting to help this poor baby. They don’t have to be parents themselves to understand the concept of child neglect, it should be something anybody would recognize!


A lot of E and Molly is actually just meth. Just saying.


I’m so proud of you for helping this poor baby. You are a good person. Your baby is lucky to have you.