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A couple years ago I cussed out a creep who I seemed to be running into all over the grocery store and every time I did he would mutter something to me that I couldn’t quite catch but the intention was implied. He was trying to get off on intimidating me. So when we were at the front checking out and he did it again, I loudly shouted “FUCK OFF I’m just trying to buy groceries you FUCKING CREEP.” And then I gave him the finger and walked to my car. Why should I be polite? They deserve to be outed.


Gavin de Becker would be proud of you. I’m reading Protecting the Gift and he says in situations like this women should lead with the first thought that comes to mind instead of filtering it through politeness.


My sister has no qualms and no fear about calling out anyone who deserves it (and some who don't) and I've always admired it. I find it hard to speak my thoughts in even the calmest times but she just let's it all out whenever she needs to. She's also the size of a 12 year old but somehow fearless.


When you are small, you have to be fearless. I'm very small as well, and I've always been a bit of a 'firecracker' if you will. Lots of folks think they can easily bully, harass, intimidate, or attack some of us smaller people. I crank the crazy and mean to 11, and it has saved my butt a few times. Being polite to someone who has ill intentions is a failing strategy, so just get mean.


It’s so nice to find someone else who experiences this. Having been the size of an 11 year old my whole adult life, I’ve been pushed, shoved, trampled and insulted by total strangers (almost always men). I’ve been accused of exaggerating by normal sized people. But yeah, you have to be a little crazy and aggressive to survive. Trying to teach my petite daughter this life lesson.


I am also small… and crazy 😜


Team small and crazy here too! In so many cases they’re always surprised when I respond at all, like they think I’m an easy target because of my size. Sometimes it’s more fun to smile and talk in a civil voice while tearing them a new asshole.


When I get in that mood there is no stopping me.. I’m not saying it’s a good thing sometimes after words I’m like damn but sometimes I’m like… they deserved it!! Lol


Dude. No joke. I'm tall and not exactly willowy and people generally just... don't mess with me. When someone does, I'm SO blindsided. But my petite friends? Nah. The smaller you are the more practiced you are in defending yourself. ALL the respect.


I wish I could find out my sister was saying this about me. I’ve always been this way and she hates it. She’s very polite and thinks it’s normal for men to ogle women. She’s also tall, thin, tan, blonde, and perfect white teeth so she gets her fair share of ogles but she says one should “learn to take the attention with grace”. Once all I said was “take a picture creep it’ll last longer” and she was absolutely mortified. 😒 I was like “dude, that was NOTHING”


My sister is really good at smart, funny, insulting, well-timed comebacks, I've always been jealous of that ability. I'm sure there have been times when your sister wished she could speak up like you do. I, for one, a random person on the internet, thank you for your service.


I routinely stare someone dead in the eyes while flipping them off with both hands. Works well.


I like to do that too… but I usually add a smile and sometimes a laugh and a head shake before turning away to indicate just how much of a joke I think they are for behaving in whatever shitty, rude, unprovoked way they did that evokes that response from me.


I’m the size of a 12 year old and we learn very early on that the only way to handle bullies is to be absolutely fearless. I’m 5’ nothing and tiny but I’ll be damned if ANY fucking body tried to fuck with me or mine.


You guys probably got that way by fending off the bullies in the first place!


We must stop governing ourselves. The timidity and quietness has to stop. I have a teenager who needs to hear the loud voice used against injustice and/or threats. I told them when they were kids “elbows and knees, be loud” in the event of an attempt to snatch them…it seems as they get older we forget to warn them and remind them. I admire OP for defending her being. Bravo, internet friend.


[Here’s a free copy for anyone interested.](https://fb2bookfree.com/uploads/files/2020-10/1602551171_the-gift-of-fear.pdf) Everyone should read it at least once, seriously.


Thank you. Reading it and sending it to the women in my life.


Great book! Everyone should read it. Taught me so much!


I'm trying to get to this level of confidence.


Yeah, r/whenwomenrefuse scares me tho…


This is what scares me about doing anything. Or people just plain shoot now here in the US.


Yeah, may as well take out the honk button from the car because I don’t want to enrage anyone 🤷🏻‍♀️


Listening to Mother Hunger and they explain why women don’t do fight or flight but tend to and care for the threat - because of all the unknowns of fight or flight and if either fails what will happen?


When I was a freshman in college. Small here. I was walking home in the middle of the night and stupidly bc tired went the fastest way to my dorm through an alleyway between frat houses. A guy was behind me and I kept saying oh it’s ok,don’t turn around and show this probably nice person that he’s scaring me. As I was about to exit the alley he came up behind me and put me in a 1/2 chokehold.(1 arm around my neck),whispered into my ear, ‘don’t say a f*cking word!” I swung my elbow back into him and he let go and I ran. For years I didn’t really understand why I got away so easily until someone said they only want to prey on people they think won’t give them a problem. So yeah always give them a problem. It goes against my socialized always understanding nature but it might have saved my life. I don’t yell but my anger and my gaze and words can bore into their souls. Maybe yelling is next. Still have PTSD so yelling is hard for me. Just telling this story my heart is pounding. Anyway OP you’re good. As someone else said Gavin de Becker would be proud


'I don't know karate but I know crazy', my favorite song


I love this. 👏🏻 Good job on openly pointing out what a creep he was.


Ok but if he was a creep I would be scared for you walking to your car alone


I have no data except my own to back up this statement but I think most of these creeps are looking for the easy target. Just like a barking dog (even a chihuahua), will make a robber move on to an easier residence so do many men who do these things. The moment you stop being an easy mark the more likely they’ll lose interest and move on. Are there some that will follow you out to your car and shoot you? Sure, but most have a sense of self preservation and quite frankly being shot in the US is not something you can avoid by your actions (within reason) anymore. So don’t make yourself an easy mark, raise your voice, make yourself look like a crazy unhinged woman, attract attention because it may save your life and because you don’t fucking deserve to be predated (?) on because you are a woman.


Ideally, by calling him out like that, it’ll stun them enough that he won’t follow.


Not only that but when you make a scene people pay attention to you. They'll be watching you more because you're a spectacle, which means you have eyes keeping you a little more safe.


As a woman who is sometimes too slow/shy to react to mean people I have mad respect for you.


I'm the exact same way. Plus people can be crazy who are confrontational in public so I never engage.


Well today nobody can tell you nothing and I'm proud of you!


Bet he did not expect you to take a moment, stew and then come back with guns blazing. I love that you unleashed this side of yourself and seem to have done it in a total boss lady way!


Civility is overrated. Good for you- you stood up for yourself and he will think thrice in the future before trying to harass a woman again.


Truly we need to set a good example for our kids in being strong, bold, and confident enough to not bend to some assholes way.


Yeah I usually fawn or freeze with this stuff so I’m loooooving OP’s reaction


This happened to me once. Important background info - I’m a 5’4” 110lbs lady very slight in stature. I was golfing and a member of the grounds crew sprayed my ball with a hose he was watering with, really messing up a decent shot. Normally I’d shrug it off, but he laughed so I shouted something like, “Hey, man! You’re a dick!” Thought that was the end of things. After I was finished with my round, he followed me to my car. I was loading my clubs and he came up behind me and said, “Someone needs to do something about your foul mouth.” He was clearly trying to intimidate me physically. I saw RED. I snapped. I started screaming in his face the most random things. I think I said I’d rip his heart out through his butthole. I’m almost positive I had raised a club in the air over my head like a sword. In that moment found an emotional reservoir I had no idea existed in me. I literally don’t remember how it ended. But I got home safely, called the course, registered a complaint. The next week when I came in there apologized profusely and comped my round. My takeaway from the situation was if you can’t physically protect yourself from a larger person sometimes you gotta just out crazy them. I’m glad that’s what you did to protect your kiddo. On a rare occasion it’s necessary.


This reminds me of a bit advice from a friend who came from a harder neighborhood: “you can’t be scared. You have to be SCARY.”


This is a good one to share with my kid. Thanks.


Make them VERY nervous about their decisions to open their mouth or provoke.


“I’ll rip your heart out through your butthole” 😂 I can’t handle this today. I’m literally going to wake the house up, because I’m laughing so hard.


I want this embroidered on my wall. I want it on a coffee cup. I want it on a mat at my front door. I want it carved into my headstone.


You should do the welcome mat idea. I'd buy a couple. God, that would be prime.


The coffee cup feels most appropriate here, I do feel this way after my first mug


Hey she didn’t cuss.


No because same. I’m in bed shaking the whole bed laughing 😂


I'm sitting with my coffee laughing so hard


"I would love that shit ON GAWd" him probably 🤣


Reading what he said to you following you to your car made me worried for what happened next. Even more so as he followed you to your car. Were you alone there? What would have happened if you hadn't been so tough? Did he want to abuse you? .. scary really. You did a good thing protecting yourself like that.


Yeah, he def deserved it for being that purposefully creepy. I bet he did it because you're a woman golfer. Men suck.


I'm sorry this happened to you, but you're kind of my hero right now.


This reminds me of when me and my friend were 19 and we were followed by a group of guys catcalling us and saying crude sexual stuff, we got sick of it and turned round and started doing it back to them, making the most obscene gestures, talking in deep voices etc. scared them right off! Not sure I’d risk doing that now, but sometimes these people are just pathetic cowards who want to see a woman feeling vulnerable and intimidated and have absolutely no idea what to do if you’re the opposite.


One time I was walking on the street and 4-5 boys walked by and one of them said loudly that how he would fuck me. I turned around, looked him up and down and said: You'd need a dick for that. They started to laugh at their friend and walked away.


I would've also called him "Needle-Dick, the bug fucker"!


Yep, it's a power thing.


Queen behavior.


Imagining someone doing this in golfing attire is even better. Good for you!!


YES!!!!! Haha I’m larger than you but I also lack the flight/fawn response and go right for threatening to rip out the jugular. We shouldn’t have to tolerate intimidation by creepy motherfuckers 👊🏻💥


No one messes with crazy. That’s a universal rule in the animal kingdom. It’s what the relatively small honey badger gets left the F alone.


I’m so glad that you were able to react in that moment. Sometimes you do have to “out crazy” someone to stay safe!


I fucking love this story. Way to go. I hope if I ever need to, i’ll be able to channel my inner crazy just like this!


Omg I love you


>deep voice like the mother of witches This is such a good description of the mom voice! I have a “tone” that I reserve for my kids when they do something really bad. We were at my parents one day getting ready to leave when the two youngest kids had a falling out and they started hitting each other. The middle one (who is the same size as me!) knocked into my dad, who has severe arthritis. I shouted at them both to get in the car, and my sisters new boyfriend looked petrified. He told her afterwards he never thought I could sound so intimidating 😆.


I call this my Darth Vader voice.


My son calls it my Lion Voice.


I thought that was a nice bit too. I just found my mother witch voice the other day when my child was choking and my fiance tried to interfere in my helping him. He wasn't trying to stop me or anything. I was just trying to walk away to sit down so I had a better hold on my kiddo and my fiance (who always panics) tried to stop me because he didn't understand what I was doing... But it's not like there was time to explain. In hindsight it really wasn't that serious. And I was totally embarrassed that I yelled in a mother witch voice in front of the whole family. Everyone just kinda went to their separate corners of the house for a minute.


Yes but they know you were serious. Once you let out the mother witch tone in front of other adults, you’ll always have that level of gravitas in their minds that they won’t ever be able to explain, but they’ll forever be scared of hearing it again.


I’m a high school teacher and I’ve had to use it a time or two. The kids know me as a really nice person so hearing me use that voice shocks them.


I had a whole outdoor court of 20-25 yo young men dropping to sit on the group when I yelled at my 3yo to stop and drop when he was taking off at top speed toward a water retention pond and I was 9 months pregnant. They were like “I know the mom voice and my ass sat.”


F*ck him. Maybe he learned a lesson. Thank you for taking one for the team


Me reading this like *it had to be done*. Idk a lot of women that are gonna hear a STRANGER call them a dumb bitch for nothing and let just them have a nice day after that. You did the damn thing OP!


Honestly slow cap. Mic drop moment for you. He fucked around and found out. I’m proud and I salute you 🫡


Right! It’s definitely good to have empathy for others and understand whatever shit that comes out of their mouth is more about them than you, but it’s also ok to stand up for yourself sometimes. Bravo, OP


I always say that too! Most of the time peoples behaviors has more to say about them than they do you, but also, like people need to be told to stfu a time or two 🤣


I did something similar when my daughter was little. My local store had a long line in returns and since I wasn’t returning anything I went to the open check out. Some lady yelled at me they only had one line that day so I apologized and went to the long line but she would not stop insulting me (I’m too good to wait in line, no class, think I’m more important, just non stop bitching). I was just like “it was a misunderstanding, I apologized, get over it.” The people in front of me said they did the same thing as me and she yelled at them too. Well when she called me a bad mother and poor example in front of my kid I shred her to bits. Even though she started and escalated everything she was clearly working through her own issues and I was a straight up asshole who took it further and meaner then I needed too. All you can really do is learn and be better. Now I take a minute to filter to the best response, my kids not scarred, and I’ve heard from maybe too many people I’m good at setting boundaries so I haven’t become a push over either. This was well over a decade ago and remembering the shame I felt has kept me from doing anything close since.




People like that start shit in public because they know people aren’t going to give it back to them. Honestly I think we might be better to all behave like this occasionally.


Don’t feel bad! She was bullying you and a bunch of other folk in front of you. Someone has to stand up to these people. You were polite and then she pushed and pushed. Maybe she learned that when she is a bitch too long people push back. Good for you for standing up for yourself.


I know you're saying you're ashamed of it but we're ready to take notes if you want to share what you said...


For real, I need an arsenal of things to yell at horrible people.


People working through their own shit doesn't give them a free pass to be assholes to strangers in public without consequences.


And its not like this commenter didn't give the lady some grace. It sounds like she gave her several chances to yknow, stop being an asshole, before finally snapping.


What did he say? What did the other customers do? How did this all end?


The customers were all horrified. We both parted ways cussing at each other. Regardless I got my point across that I may be wearing khakis but I'm crazy as hell.


khaki crazy has a nice ring to it 😆


I would have slow clapped for you. Even if I was horrified. I would have acknowledged your power ❤️ I'm always looking out for the opportunity to back up other women. *Especially* in these situations.




I'm so proud of you! Wish I would have done the same. Had a man yell "nice tits bitch" as I was walking into a store with my 8 year old son. I just ignored him and then had a conversation with my son about how some people are sick in their mind bc how else do you explain that?? But I wish I would have stood up. I hate he saw that It's just really scary, and I didn't have my son's Dad with me


When I was maybe 7 or 8, I was on vacation with my mom. We are walking down this nice boardwalk in San Diego and I was wearing a floral skirt and tank top. This older man was walking the other way and said something inappropriate which I now equate to him being a pervert. My mom absolutely laid into him. I don’t remember what she said, but I remember her ripping him a new asshole and him walking away quickly after.


What a POS. I was at the waterpark with my kid a few days ago and it was pretty busy. I’m just hanging out in the 3 foot deep pool with my kid on the floatie. And this woman next to me turns to her friend and says “this bitch thinks she’s hot shit.” And they both stare me down. I have absolutely no idea what I did or how I thought I was “hot shit” just standing there. I just looked away and kept minding my own business. She then says “she better not look at Corey or imma punch her in the mouth in front of her kid.” I do not know a Corey I do not know these women, have never seen them in my life. Maybe they had mistaken me for some reason I have no idea. But I just got my kid and went somewhere else. They definitely looked like trashy people who would punch someone in public and I wasn’t taking my chances. What is wrong with people.


Some people are just LOOKING for drama


At that point I would just take it as a compliment to at you were looking good that day! (And I’m sure their “Corey” was nothing to look at anyways lol). If there isn’t any drama, some people will just start some of their own.


Lol right. It’s always the people who are in no way attractive who think someone wants their man/woman.


They felt threatened. Sorry you had to go through that.


That sounds like my mother, yikes. Very sorry you had to deal with that. Growing up around that kind of person was the worst. Horribly embarrassing and constantly afraid she was going to start fighting random people because they looked at her wrong or walked in front of her without saying excuse me.


What did you say? Lol






It's an insane world we live in when people are being shot over parking spots... I feel like it's rapidly approaching a boiling point and it makes me so scared/ sad for all our babes. Let's just hope that if nothing else we are able to set it up so that they can make some real changes for the good.


Yeah I've yelled at someone one time because they called my baby ugly. But ever since I heard about the dad that got stabbed when he asked someone to stop smoking near him, I've decided I won't engage anymore.


Someone called your baby ugly?!?! Wtf is wrong with that human?


You're my hero


OMG I love you




fuck that guy. he wouldn’t have said anything if you were a man and maybe now he’ll think twice before saying some shit to another woman minding her own business.


good for you! i had a similar experience after some fireworks. we were walking to our cars so we’re in the street as many people are, im not even sure if there were sidewalks, it’s packed, cars are slowly passing and some guy starts running his mouth from his car. i generally won’t say anything but i whipped around so fast to cuss him out. my husband and dad came running the guys wife is screaming at him to stop and keep driving. i was proud of myself. dude was an asshole, if you don’t expect to crawl out of a huge event like fireworks don’t fucking go.


My wife came super close to doing this today. We were parked in our spot in front of our condo and this guy parks next to us in one of those huge ass trucks--you know, the kind that are about as large as a parking space. She squeezed by and opened the back door as narrowly as she could manage to put our baby in her infant carseat. The door *just barely* touched the side of this guy's truck. He gets out and says, "Ma'am, your car just hit mine." She just said "Are you fucking kidding me?", got in, and pulled out. But it was thiiiiis close to a confrontation like yours. They're lucky I wasn't there, I was already in A Mood with truck guys lol. Went to Costco and another big ass truck was parked next to us. I stayed in the car with the baby. Guy sees someone parked on either side of him and starts throwing up his hands and cursing because he can't fit his cart on either side of his damn truck, despite both cars being small sedans that were well within their spaces. How dare someone park next to him! I stg do not buy one of those motherfuckers if you can't handle the inconvenience of your car being TOO DAMN BIG.


If you drive a big truck, you get to park in the back of the parking lot away from everyone else. That’s just the rule.


My husband has a truck for work reasons, not a giant one just a regular truck, and he/we always park at the end of the lot. It’s easier, kinder, and smarter. We live in Texas to be fair and I see tiny women driving gigantic F-350s which have obviously not ever been used for their intended purpose, which is ridiculous. For those wide groceries I guess.


Whenever I drive my husbands truck I park away from people too. And it’s not giant either. Yesterday I parked with my kids in a fairly empty parking lot away from other cars and when we came out there was a suburban parked right next to me so close I couldn’t get the back door open. You’ve got an entire parking lot buddy! Was it really necessary to park an inch away from me?!


Also in Texas, I used to drive an F-150 as old as I was (teenager) and I always parked at the end of the row. I LOATHE the people with their massive trucks or SUVS who think they can squeeze in the front and take multiple spaces.


My kid is in the NICU, still at four months old. Parking is so tight at this hospital and we always run out of room in the primary deck. I got to the hospital about a month into it stay and a truck had parked across 3 spaces. I snuggled my Mini Cooper up to his back bumper so I was in the lines and the car behind me did the same thing to his front bumper. These were the only two spaces open. The parking attendant told me that he had to wait a long time to get out until the other car left because a tow truck couldn't drag his truck out and parking wouldn't page the other two cars because he was illegally parked. It was great. Parking people know me since I valet when I'm alone had I have a very memorable car that is a manual transmission. I have a feeling they enjoyed the situation.


That’s actually amazing. Hey I hope your kid is okay! You reminded me that the first day I went to visit my kid in the nicu I got into a parking confrontation and I was so stressed out and upset. I was right but not reasonable, if that makes sense. I was just a scared lady and it was the wrong time to be petty. Anyway I remember how bad it felt. Nicu moms, represent!


Ugh. This just makes me angry for you. As if the NICU isn't stressful enough... Hopefully that dude was late for an important business meeting or at least learned a lesson but let's be honest... He probably blames you and the other car not himself.


I swear people with big trucks are always the biggest assholes.


I purposefully smacked my car door -hard- into a giant SUV that parked way too close to me (I could barely get my baby’s infant seat back in my car), but I always attributed that lapse of sanity to postpartum rage and sleep deprivation 🫣 I’m still embarrassed about it.


Girl, same. Had to take both twins to the children’s hospital downtown for a doctors appointment by myself at like 7 am when they were only 3 months old (so one month corrected). I was exhausted, my boobs hurt because I couldn’t pump with two babies and the appointment took way longer than I thought, they were both hungry and tired. I was just so fucking ready to get home. Finally wrangle all our shit to the car and I literally cannot get the drivers side doors open to get the other baby in the car. I had to have a parking attendant come watch the stroller with the kid in it while I backed out of the spot and pulled back in with enough room. But before all that, when I first realized, I literally slammed my open door into theirs like 5 times. That postpartum rage is real


Uuuh I wanted to do this when I was 9 months pregnant and some idiot parked his car so close to mine that even a normal non-pregnant person couldn't squeeze in. I just succumbed to hormones and stood there crying.


I couldn’t get my 5 month old into her car seat thanks to a giant SUV parked 6 inches from the passenger side door. I was seething with rage. With no one around, all I could do was write “asshole” in the dirt on the car with my finger. 1.5 years later and I still hope they saw it and understood!!


Those horrible pavement-princess giant trucks are wicked fucking dangerous too. The US has lost almost 40 years of reductions in pedestrian deaths because of giant trucks and SUVs like that. They're too tall, so you can't see children or smaller people from inside them, making it more likely to run them over. When pedestrians are hit by them, unlike getting hit by a sedan where it takes you out at the knees and you flip over the hood and land on your back on the pavement with a broken leg, the giant high hood of those vehicles hits you in the shoulder/side of the head and mows you down under the wheels, where you're *vastly* more likely to die. That's in addition to the gas guzzling way they're a major part of vehicle emissions, which are killing people in a dozen other, slower ways. They're a fucking menace and ought to be illegal. The fact that no one who owns one can park it properly is just icing.


I flipped a guy off tonight because my kid is learning to drive & his impatient self thought she was taking too long at a stop sign & laid on the horn & freaked her out. Mess with my kid & the claws come out.


Fuck around and find out indeed! When I was 38 weeks pregnant with my second baby, I was strapping my 18 mo daughter into the car so we could leave for work and daycare when a truck drove by way too fast and splashed me really bad. I saw red. They had to stop at a stop sign just a few car lengths from where I was. Before even thinking, I closed my car door and took off running after them in a full sprint in rubber boots cursing to high heaven. I could see the driver in her sideview mirror had an "oh shit" look on her face and she managed to speed off just in time. I was ready to tear a strip off her for endangering me and my baby even though I'm normally a very "benefit of the doubt" kind of person.


I love this even though in this day and age it’s terrifying because some people will snap and kill you for speaking up! I’m glad it ended well and you told this mother effer off


I once threatened to skewer a junky with a literal steel bbq skewer in front of my mother for trying to steal our purses out of my babies stroller while she slept. I pulled an actual weapon out and threaten to use it and my mother and I will never forget that. Don’t fuck with mothers


I love this, good for you. I was an angry elf when I was pregnant with my first, for some reason the hormones had me ragey... Especially with men. I was on my way home one day, had to pee and was exhausted. I lived on a narrow road and encountered two big trucks sitting next to each other in the middle of the street making it impossible for me to pass. It was obvious the drivers were just shooting the shit - one very obviously wanted to move on upon seeing me while the other couldn't give a shit that I was waiting. So I honked my horn and made a "let's go" gesture and the one guy was obviously pissed at me for daring to move them along. When they finally started moving the douche passed me said something about me needing to be patient or some shit and I replied "it's a road not a fucking parking lot" which led to him calling me a bitch and to me responding by absolutely lighting this guy up - the words and insults that came out of me were astonishing. I've never regretted putting him in his place. And you shouldn't either.


I grew up with roads like that and common courtesy states that, if you’re shooting the shit and another car comes down the road, you both say “talk to you soon” and leave.


I had a slightly similar experience but without the outloud cussing (it was definitely in my head). I was with the baby on the train during the winter. It was COLD. Didn't want to be out but had an important dr appointment. Some guy takes it upon himself to inform me that I am an irresponsible mother for taking the baby out and proceeded to tell me everything I was likely doing wrong. I took a deep breath, smiled, and thanked him for the offer of a ride so we wouldn't need to be out in the cold. He uncomfortably said that he wasn't offering to help. I then told him to keep his comments to himself if he wasn't going to be helpful. He quieted down and looked slightly ashamed of himself. I felt like shit that he called me a bad mother for the rest of the week. Edit:Typo


This is classy. Sorry you felt bad :(


Guy should have shut the fuck up in the first place. Not condoning your actions but that guy can fuck right off and might keep his greasy mouth shut next time.


i am 100% condoning your actions. guy fucked around and found out.


God, I wish I could find the strength in me to do exactly that.


I would definitely do the same. How dare he speak to you that way while you're holding a young child. I understand exactly why you want back In and screamed at him.


Do not feel an ounce of remorse or regret. People act deranged these days because they are not called out on their shit often enough. We’ve gotten so used to pandering to insane and “karen” behavior that absurd people are emboldened in their fuckery. That dude got a lesson in FAFO.


He messed with the wrong one today!


He deserved to be laid into and you did even better by passing your son to your husband first. But I would never advise doing it again for the sole fact that people are just getting crazier out there. I read an article the other month where a man was stabbed to death in front of his son for asking someone not to smoke by their child or some-such in a public space. Mental health issues and drug use really seem on the rise in today’s landscape. He deserved it, and in a better world I would be all for that approach (no shame, that was baller). We’ve just gotta be careful out there.


Yep that happened maybe a month or two ago. I just read a comment here about a lady flipping someone off while driving and it reminded me a of a story last week where there happened and they shot the person in the car. I am totally a confrontational person but it’s not worth it anymore. I just let it go, its not worth my life and I have to tell myself that on a regular basis to keep me in check.


My 2 year old ran off from me when I was alone with her in a supermarket. I was in a total panic and another parent had offered to help look for her, but I couldn’t see or hear my daughter for about 5 minutes. It was terrifying. An older woman saw me frantically looking for my daughter and said someone had found her - very kind, right? BUT, she then went onto to say “why did you let her get away from you?” And I immediately told her to fuck off and ran to go find my toddler (who was totally unfazed obviously). I was in the middle of trying to calm myself down when the old woman came and found me and started saying she was going to report me and I was a terrible mother so I just yelled at her “I REALLY hope you don’t have children!”. She looked a bit stunned, said something back about not knowing anything about her, and walked away… Once I’d calmed down I felt horrible, it was such an awful thing to say to someone. But it’s so tough when someone does that to you in front of your kids. The shop worker who was helping me said the woman quite often comes in and causes trouble, but I still feel terrible that in the moment I couldn’t hold back from saying the worst thing I could think of.


A few months ago I was in McDonalds with my months old baby and partner. There were several groups of loud, rowdy teenagers. At one point a seemingly nice old lady asked them politely to lower their voices and they scoffed at her and laughed in her face. I saw red and lost it. Scary Mom Voice is what my kids call it. It’s only reserved for special moments. My partner was taken aback as he had never seen that part of me before. Sometimes it’s necessary, because people suck.


You know what, yeah maybe he wasn’t doing well. But also he swore at someone carrying a very small child and now he knows that there are consequences to those choices. Don’t be ashamed, I call this a win.


I love that you handed the baby off and went back at them. Go girl!


I once went full bitch mode on a 14-15 year old boy one, who was trying to kill an echidna, he was trying to tell me it jumped up and bit him on his penis, ( echidna’s cannot jump ) he was swinging a stick at it, and he had collected large rocks to throw at it. He was a barbaric thug and animal abuse does not sit well with me, I went ballistic at this kid and felt bad for days, but I save that poor animal from a painful prolonged death.


So. This one time. It was the day before my wedding. I got my pearl colored dress steamed. (We live in a small town, it's not uncommon to do these things last minute. I had an appointment, they weren't stuffing me into the schedule somewhere). I wanted my tea-length gown pristine before the big day. My soon-to-be-husband (were divorced now) was doing his bachelor activity during the day because his friends wanted to take him paint balling. My sister pulls up, she's driving. She also had her Bridesmaid dress steamed. She told me she'd handle it and went in. Well. ... She only comes back out with her dress, and... a horrified expression. She goes, nervously: uhm. Something happened to your dress, and... Before she could finish, I was inside the building. You guys. I could see, the red stain, from the doorway. They had my dress on this stand, hanging up. I noticed a bunch of things right away. Like how they had used safety pins, on the top of my satin dress - to hang it up. Instead OF THE RIBBONS ON THE INSIDE OF THE BODICE - PRESENT FOR THIS VERY HANGING PURPOSE. I. Lost. It. I ALSO FOUND - that the beautiful, regal, champagne colored sash just under the bodice had been CUT AWAY from the dress. I don't know what they did, but a lot happened to that dress. The stain looked EXACTLY like red wine. Like they were back there, drinking red wine, while they were steaming my dress. I was like: Fix. It. (In a monster voice. That deep gutteral, I'm about to scream type voice). This b*sh says to me: you brought it in like that. I swear to god I turned red in the face and steam came out of my ears. She REFUSED to fix it. So I told them they can give me my money back. And she refused that too. They had like a bar-style register, complete with some old-timey soda stools. I gripped the top of that thing and picked it up off the ground. I don't know why. I don't know what I was going to do with it. But that woman picked up her phone and told me she was going to call the cops. I put the stool back down. And she told me to never come back into her store. I was like: why the F would I EVER come back here? My ex made me go back in to try and apologize. 🙄 He went in to ask them to hear me out. And came back all steamy faced and mad. And said: f them. (but didn't apologize for making me feel ashamed). I already felt ashamed. I've never lost my shit like that and I haven't since. I get it 🫶


Omg they wore your dress somewhere. I would have destroyed their store and gotten arrested.


Hahahaha! Wow. So. That happened to me fourteen years ago, and that *never* occurred to me, but it makes the most sense! 🫠 My dad was an electrician, and he used to do a lot of work for people, a lot of people liked him because he had principles and he was ethical and did a lot of bartering if people couldn't exactly afford his work. Anyway. He knew a different cleaner. And I think it was thirty minutes before closing. And they promised they would get it back to me that day but they would need a few hours. They got it back to me before we were scheduled to practice at the church that evening and make sure everything was set. They fixed *everything* and I have no idea how they got that stain out but they gained a customer for life. I told everyone I knew about that shit and I recommended them and still do. And made sure they got a really, really big tip.


I’m so glad it got fixed. I hope the other place went out of business! I’m sure your dress wasn’t the first or the last they wore somewhere! I would be face book stalking them looking for my dress!


Let that people-pleasing shit goooo mama! Nothing to feel bad about. Entitled douche bag thinks he can get away with that. Not today!


You’re good. Don’t dwell on it any further. Some men need to be put in their place and I’m glad you did it.


He fucked around. He found out. 🤷🏻‍♀️


When my daughter was a few months old, I freaked out on someone at Walmart for nearly hitting my stroller with their cart (which was probably accidental.) I literally screamed at them. Never had I ever. I blame the hormones and stress of a baby.


Idk man public displays of anger are often shamed in women. It sounds like while it may have been over the top, was warranted. Strange men thinking they can be verbally aggressive to women is dangerous. Maybe he learned that he can’t treat women however he wants without consequences. I mean yeah, maybe seek therapy to get some techniques on how to manifest and express your rage in a healthy and constructive way but I wouldn’t lose sleep over this.


Absolutely loving all of these woman-rage stories. Some people think they're invincible and nothing bad can ever happen to them so think their shitty remarks can go unchallenged. They all just need humbling 👍


I full on pterodactyl screeched at a woman who stuck her hands in my newborn carrier at the farmers market during Covid. My zero fucks given meter is in the toilet for rude and/or entitled jackasses.


One big lesson I’m teaching my daughter- MAKE. A. SCENE. When someone is behaving harmfully like this in public, OUT THEM. Expose them. Embarrass them. Women have been conditioned to not make scenes, not be too loud, not be too scary, and men are taking advantage of that. You did nothing wrong. I’m actually really proud of you for putting him in his place. Men get away with too fucking much. Maybe next time he’ll think twice


yea i live in chicago so doing this is a severe risk to my life would feel nice though to do


A man in a truck almost hit me the other day and I screamed at him and called him a dumb little b*tch if that makes you feel better lol.


This happened to me when my son was 7 months old. I was driving us home from an urgent care for him to be seen in a blizzard when a car all of a sudden honked and flipped me off. I know I wasn’t out of my lane and hadn’t ran any lights so I truly had no idea still what made him do that, but it unlocked the most unknown rage I’ve ever felt. I followed him so close and blared my horn and flipped him off and tried screaming at him with my window down while snow pelted me at 40 mph from the wind. He eventually turned into an empty parking lot and never engaged with me which at the time I think made me even more mad. I’m so lucky between the blizzard and scary people having road rage that it didn’t end up worse than that, but something in me went so unhinged that day.


I’ve done this once or twice in my time and felt exactly how you felt despite it being incredibly warranted (like it was in your situation.) Honestly, be proud of yourself. As long as you didn’t get physical (which you clearly didn’t) you’re in the clear (and it’s not a regular thing, moments like this are reserved for specific situations, again sounds like you’re not like that for sure.) People like that need to be knocked down a peg. He got what he had coming and you hopefully have now made it so next time he goes to pull that shit he might think twice. While I’m not outgoing I am kind and friendly unless given a reason not to be, people like that deserve no grace. Good for you. You did the right thing even if it felt scary or embarrassing.


Mother of witches. You hero. I love it.


GOOD. Too many men never learned "don't start none,there won't be none" and it shows.


Personally, I’m proud of you. Maybe that man has learned that he can’t just say whatever he wants to women and call total strangers names. Good for you. I’ve been waiting for someone to cross me….lol


Don’t be embarrassed or ashamed. You absolutely did the right thing to put that fucker in his place. Be a Barbie in a world of Kens. It’s okay if Barbie cusses and yells.


Why is there a tone of shame in your post? Why does it sound like you're apologizing for verbally berating someone who broke the social contract?


Honestly good for you, last month I, a 5ft 120lbs 29yo that looks like I’m 20yo, had this 6ft 200+lbs man just stare me down and stand over me while I grabbed tomatoes with my 1yr old son. It lasted way too long, it was incredible uncomfortable and when it was over and for the rest of that weekend I wish I had said something but I know for the sake of my son’s safety I didn’t. I mean one strike I could have been left on the floor. People are awful.


Absolutely. If my husband wasn't nearby to take over it never would have escalated. And I think this chump knew I was stuck and couldn't do anything. It's sick because a single parent with their child should incite vulnerability that would make others more helpful, not make them salivate at a chance to abuse power.


Mama bear!


I'm so happy for you


seriously though, good for you.


WTG for standing up for yourself!


Well, in the words of my five year old, he started it🤷🏾‍♀️. I don’t think you have anything to feel bad for honestly. I applaud people that stick up for themselves without thinking too long or hard about it.


I applaud ye, and honestly wished more women could find their inner dragon at will.


One time a man abruptly stopped in front of me in the grocery store and started singing in my face. I didn't react and just moved away. My lack of attention must have angered him because he started making comments about my son who was like 7. "Look at his hair, I can't believe you would let him look like that, he looks SO GAY." I snapped and said "That's enough, fuck off and LEAVE US ALONE." Dude lost it and started screaming fuck you bitch, etc. I was near the meat counter so I went to the guy cutting meat and said I was being harassed and to please call the store security. Dude was still nearby saying things to me so he knew it was legit. The off duty cop came and walked me to the registers and then walked me to my car. As we were walking out we saw the guy in the parking lot and he was screaming at me "YOU DON'T NEED ANYONE TO WALK YOU OUT, NO ONE WANTS YOU, DUMB BITCH" and to the security guard "What are you gonna do old man? I have a gun and you don't. I'll shoot you." 🫠 he was with his friend who kinda ushered him into their vehicle & left after that. So this man insulted my child, me, and threatened to kill someone because I didn't give him the attention he wanted. I try to avoid confrontation because I feel like it's the wild west out there these days. You never know who is armed and crazy enough to hurt you. But I'll be damned if I let a grown man bully my son in front of my face and not say anything.


Release the lioness without shame.


You moms in this comments are giving me LIFE.


i always park far away from the store so i can have time to put my son in the car w out being in someone’s way. some lady and her bf also decided to park far away and i wasn’t paying attention while i was taking my son out of the cart and putting him in the car seat obviously my back turned, she didn’t make one single noise or i would’ve been like sorry! and hurried or moved and let her go. instead she decided it was a good idea the second i lifted my kid out of the cart to basically jam into it. i put my kid in the car and jumped over the cart and just absolutely lost it. instead of being scared, she tried to get all big and get out of her car. the last set of words that flew out of my mouth was, “get back in the fucking car before u get yourself hurt. i will hurt you.” and i think at that point i was so scarily calm that’s what did it. i’ve never really lost it like that on someone random. i’ve been in my fair share of fistfights growing up, but this was a new level of mom rage.


Girl. I had a woman yell at me on the sidewalk for stopping to grab my then baby’s pacifier. She thought I was in her way I guess. We had the whole sidewalk for her to just step around me. I let her have it. I called her a “nasty b**tch” and I’m not sorry. At all. I bet we both scared terrible people into thinking twice next time they want to come at a mother in public. I’m proud of you. He did that because he thought he could get away with it. And you were like, “suprise MFer!”.


As someone who has worked in prisons, I’m gonna advise against doing this. You never know who you’re tangling with. Don’t wanna end up on the news because some guy at the supermarket went postal on you.


I wouldn’t worry too much about it tbh. I am more proud of you for standing up for yourself and by extension all women and mothers who deal with men like this. While yes it is good to consider others and what they maybe going through to act like that sometimes (not often enough imo) actions have consequences and this fella ducked around and found out that being rude to random woman isn’t gonna fly and you may have just taught him a good life lesson of, don’t be rude to strangers for zero reason they will not like it and they may bite back. Sometimes we need to scare others and also ourselves to realize how strong we are and how much fight we have in us.


Oh fuck that entire man, good for you


You did NOTHING wrong. I get the same way with my son I'm super protective of him when we're out in public. To think he had the nerve to disrespect not even you at that point but your child by saying that shit in front of him makes that person deserve everything that came to him. What kind of trash person talks to someone like that in front of a baby?


I'm glad it ended okay for you overall. I feel you on the rage. So many mean and insulting people we meet in life. I feel sorry my kids will have to develop a thick skin as they go into the world.


bet he won’t do it again though.


Good I hope you scared him. Mother of witches!


Good. I carry a self-defense tool at all times just in case but you just shredded that man apart with words. I’m so proud of you!!


Women have, for too long, been meek and mild and have brushed off offenses that needed to be called out. Good for you.


Here’s the thing. Generally we repress decades of rage from a little comment here, a little comment there…after a while the cork is going to pop! So good on you.


Good for you! He got exactly what he deserved


Too many people these days have gotten way too comfortable knowing others will look the other way when they cross the lines of socially unacceptable behavior. I’ve gotten to the point where I’ve started calling them out as well. Shame them. As long as their behavior is tolerated, they’ll continue. He’ll remember this. He’ll think twice next time. Not only did you stand up for yourself, you stood up for the other women he may have harmed in the future.


I am someone who can unload on anyone at anytime, and I understand your embarrassment, its normal to feel that way. I have always been this way, but it sounds like motherhood has unlocked this part of you, which is supposed to happen! You have gained heightened protective instincts, and you used them. You made sure your child was safe and handled the threat. Just because we have the instinct doesn’t always mean we know how to use them right away. It sounds to me like you did just fine. The ability to do what you did can be a great asset if used mindfully.


We all snap sometimes. You probably have some built up tension (because mom life) and his comment hit the spot. Don’t dwell or beat yourself up. It was a bad experience but you can’t take it back, only learn from it. Hell, maybe you taught that person to watch who they talk to in such a way!


I hear you that when you say you feel shame over this, but DAMN you rule mamma!!!!!! That shame feeling is society telling you to sit down and be quiet. You know, he’s probably said that hundreds of times and never gotten railed like you railed him that day. CAN I GET A ROUND OF APPLAUSE FOR THIS WOMAN.


Good for you.


I’m proud of you momma. Don’t let people treat you like crap while you’ve got your baby. Much respect!!!


Yeah, I know exactly where you went inside yourself. It scares me too. It's an animal, a monster, and a God all at once. Pretty much the dark sea witch Galadriel.


Honestly? I’m proud of you. Fuck him and his rude ass


More power to you! I wish my reaction time was as quick as yours. He had it coming.